JOURNEYS - Birthright Israel Foundation · Israel trip concludes after 10 days but the journey this...


Transcript of JOURNEYS - Birthright Israel Foundation · Israel trip concludes after 10 days but the journey this...

Page 1: JOURNEYS - Birthright Israel Foundation · Israel trip concludes after 10 days but the journey this trip ignites lasts a lifetime. Here is a look at how Birthright Israel alumni continue






Page 2: JOURNEYS - Birthright Israel Foundation · Israel trip concludes after 10 days but the journey this trip ignites lasts a lifetime. Here is a look at how Birthright Israel alumni continue



2016 is shaping up to be a monumental year here at Birthright

Israel Foundation. Coming off last year’s incredible milestone

of sending the 500,000th Birthright Israel participant, we are

focusing our attention on how to raise the necessary funds

to reach the next half a million young Jewish adults eager to

connect with our people, our homeland and our community.

Board Retreat in Israel

There is no better way to truly understand the power of

Birthright Israel than experiencing it yourself, but unfortunately

for most of us, we are slightly older than 26 and are not able to

participate on a Birthright Israel trip. For us, the next best thing

is to visit with participants while they are in Israel to experience

the magic of Birthright Israel through their eyes.

This June our Board of Directors traveled to Israel for our very

first Board meeting in Israel where we were fortunate enough

to spend three days together as a group. Highlights of our time

together included exploration of the brand new Innovation

Center in Tel Aviv, meetings and in depth conversations with

senior members of the Birthright Israel staff and a memorable

meeting with members of the Prime Minister's Office including:

Director-General Eli Groner, Foreign Media Advisor and

Spokesman David Keyes and Senior Advisor Dr. Jonathan Shachter.

Our three days were action packed, full of reminders as to

why we believe so strongly in Birthright Israel and why it is

so important for the entire Jewish community to support this

transformative experience. A special thank you to Board

members, Sara Aronson and Rachel Cohen Gerrol, for their

leadership in shaping this exciting experience.

Continuing our Momentum

This summer 30,000 young Jewish adults will get to experience

the gift of Birthright Israel thanks to each and every one of you.

Our social media feeds will be flooded with photos and stories

of our children and grandchildren as they explore their place

in our collective Jewish present and future. To date we have

raised more than $26 million from 11,000* donors excluding the

generous support of the Adelson Family Foundation towards our

annual campaign goal of $50 million. It is imperative that we come

together to continue to provide the gift of Birthright Israel to our

children and grandchildren.

This fall we will gather in communities across the country to

celebrate Birthright Israel and engage both current and new

supporters with Birthright Israel Foundation. In September we

will celebrate in Los Angeles for a special evening at the Petersen

Automotive Museum with guest speaker, Ambassador Dennis Ross.

November will bring our most generous supporters together in

New York for our Birthright Israel Foundation Gala at Cipriani 25.

To date, the Gala has already raised nearly $2 million*. We hope to

see many of you this fall.

We hope you enjoy this issue of Journeys which brings to life the

important work of Birthright Israel Foundation and its mission to

ensure that the gift of Birthright Israel is sustained for generations

to come.

Sincerely,JOSHUA NASH Chairman of the Board


*As of June, 2016

02 A letter from our Board Chair and President

03 Summer 2016:The place to be is Tel Aviv

05 The Birthright Israel Journey

07 Funding Opportunities and BICEP

09 Donor Spotlight:From Coast to Coast

11 Events and Celebrations

13 Federations Spotlight: Washington, DC


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MAY 23-26More than 5,000 participants arrived

in Tel Aviv for Taglit Week, giving participants an up close and personal

taste of the energetic and modern city’s culinary, art and technology scene

while enjoying the spectacular weather and views from the shore line.

Birthright Israel opened “State of Mind,” a center for

entrepreneurship and innovation in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange building. The state-of-the-art

facility highlights Israeli achievements in a variety of

fields and connects participants to Israeli entrepreneurs, in

partnership with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Over the

summer nearly 13,000 participants will be able to

touch, feel and learn all about the incredible innovation

coming out of Israel.

“After bringing more than half a million participants to Israel, we continue to implement new

programming and partnerships in order to cater to the increasingly diverse needs of our participants

so that they form long-lasting connections to the country of

Israel and its people and further explore their heritage. We are

particularly proud of the strides we will make to connect young

Jewish adults with the flourishing high-tech and innovation

community in Israel, inspiring them to contribute to the Israeli economy and business sector

throughout their present and future careers.”


The first groups of Birthright Israel participants arrived in Israel, kicking off our 16th summer. With 30,000 participants expected from 36 countries, the cities and streets are filled with young Jewish adults exploring our history, people and homeland and this summer, Tel Aviv is at the center.


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Page 4: JOURNEYS - Birthright Israel Foundation · Israel trip concludes after 10 days but the journey this trip ignites lasts a lifetime. Here is a look at how Birthright Israel alumni continue



the birthright israel

j o u r n e yFor 10 days, Birthright Israel participants step into a new world. For many, this will be the first

independent Jewish decision they make in their young adult lives. They travel the country of our

ancestors learning of the deep-rooted history and heritage of the Jewish people. The Birthright

Israel trip concludes after 10 days but the journey this trip ignites lasts a lifetime. Here is a look

at how Birthright Israel alumni continue to write their Jewish stories long after their trips end.

“I believe Birthright Israel gave me the chance to form an

opinion on the Land of Israel based off a firsthand account

experience. I think it’s so important to have opinions and

gather perspectives of the world around you, and there is

no better way of gathering those understandings than

being immersed in the culture, land, stories, and histories

that you are interested in learning about.

There is a connectedness I feel after doing my Birthright Israel

trip. Whether I engage with my identity as a Jew or my

views of Israel, I do feel I have a relationship there. I have

a conceptualized stake in my views with Judaism and Israel.

It has exposed me to the rarity and rather special bond

Jews have with each other.

"Since returning from Birthright Israel, I became aware of how

interconnected much of our community was. Birthright Israel

was a bridge to Israel that was far shorter than I imagined

countries so far apart could be and that has allowed me to

travel this bridge both physically, culturally, symbolically and

in my work many times.

Birthright Israel has certainly been one of the main engines

in helping me create and succeed so dramatically with Artists

4 Israel. Artists 4 Israel is the only arts organization fully

committed to both ideals of materially benefitting Israel

through direct social service and humanitarian projects,

and promoting Israel’s image through advocacy initiatives.

We have worked with over 10,000 artists creating pro-Israel

events and continuous, proactive support for the nation.

At the same time, our over 1,000 murals painted in needy

parts of Israel, our high-end street wear clothing and our

Healing Arts Kits, which prevent PTSD, are offering direct

services to the people and land we love.

There are so many passionate Birthright Israel participants who

wish to benefit the land they just learned to love and don’t know

how. My personal story and the history of Artists 4 Israel is an

empowering road map, a model on which we hope others can

create their own success.

Birthright Israel clearly and without apology states that Israel is

the permanent and forever home of the Jewish people. I don’t

just look at the wonderful experiences and connections that

people make with Israel as what recommends Birthright Israel,

I am inspired by the overall concept - that there is a home for us

in this world and we have the courage to declare it so.”


"After my Birthright Israel trip I went home and started working in my studio. All of the work I started to make was Judaica. I couldn’t make anything else. Because of this trip I found my calling. I found a deeper sense of connectedness and spirituality. I found myself keeping Shabbat, learning to bake challah and becoming more interested in the role of women in Judaism throughout history.

I took the 5 pieces of Judaica that I made and applied for several different juried shows. I got into all of them including the Smithsonian Craft show and took this as a sign. I knew that life is too short not to follow your dreams. I felt compelled. I had a calling. I quit my job as custom picture framer and opened my studio. My work is now part of the legacy of thousands of families and through it, I honor those that came before me, my ancestors, my heritage and my family.

I have become more inspired and passionate about Judaism and Israel since my trip. It is important for all young Jewish people to understand where they come from, it's not just a free trip to Israel, It's a gift, an opportunity to explore a country that is beautiful and so full of history."


“Birthright Israel transformed and inspired my connection

to Israel while enhancing my relationship with Judaism. As

a child, I heard the stories about Israel both from the Torah

and friends, but having the opportunity to be a part of the

narrative has really stuck with me. Since my Birthright trip,

I have dedicated much of my time to challenging the negative

media bias toward Israel through my role as President of the

non-profit, Fuel for Truth.

Fuel for Truth is a non-partisan organization that aims to

strengthen Israel’s image in the U.S. by empowering young

social leaders with the basic facts about the Middle East and

the skills necessary to advocate for Israel. The program is

comprised of an 11-week class, targeted at young adults

aged 22-32 with up to 30 students per session. FFT was

founded in 2001, has grown to over 400 members and

operates in New York City and Washington, DC.

My motivation for being so involved in the Jewish and

Pro-Israel community was largely inspired by my experience

with Birthright Israel. First hand education of my heritage,

speaking to soldiers of the IDF, and touring the country that

was only a story throughout my young adult life, forever

altered the way I will look at the Jewish state, the Jewish

people and myself. Knowing that no matter what, we have

a home in Israel is incredibly valuable and I will continue to

share that thanks to my experience with Birthright Israel.”


When I came back from my Birthright Israel trip, a week

later was my audition for Fiddler on the Roof. Judaism is

a religion of remembrance. Based on our history as Jewish

people and our suffering it’s become more important than

ever to have a reflection upon who we are and where we

came from. It’s a religion of stories so I believe that

Fiddler on the Roof is a story that should be told. It’s a

story that we are recreating to show what has happened.

It’s a chance for myself as a Jew to tell another story

that is important for those who are brought up Jewish.”


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Accessibility/Special Needs TripsIt is our belief that all eligible young adults should be able to visit Israel to experience

their birthright. Birthright Israel is pleased to offer approximately ten Accessibility/Special Needs

trips annually for participants with a variety of developmental and physical disabilities.

Birthright Israel FellowsAn intensive educational training program for North American Madrichim (trip leaders)

who increase the quality of Birthright Israel trips and play a significant role in the ongoing

Jewish journey of alumni at home.

Birthright Israel Institute for Tour EducatorsAn intensive professional development platform for Birthright Israel tour educators

to elevate their skills and abilities as effective Jewish educators.

Mifgash (Encounter)A unique element of the Birthright Israel experience in which Diaspora and Israeli

participants spend quality time together as peers.

The Max Steinberg Memorial FundWe seek to raise funds to honor and celebrate the legacy of Max Steinberg (z”l),

through the establishment of The Max Steinberg Memorial Fund which will support

participation of Lone Soldiers on Birthright Israel as well as the creation of

The Max Steinberg Memorial Site.

Geopolitics ModuleBirthright Israel recently modified its educational requirements to include a four-hour

module focusing on geopolitics in Israel to deepen the presentation of Israel’s complex,

sensitive geopolitical reality for all Birthright Israel participants.

Birthright Israel AcademicA new 13-day trip model, leveraging the impact of a traditional Birthright Israel

trip with three academic credits from an Israeli university.

Participants from FranceOver the last few years, Birthright Israel has dramatically increased the number of

participants from France to empower these young adults to forge personal relationships

with Israel, with the Jewish people, and with their own Jewish identity.

Birthright Israel Foundation’s Funding Opportunities

offer supporters a way to connect with their

contribution in a more specific and more personal

way. Among these supporters are Marcy Gringlas

and Joel Greenberg, Founders of Seed the Dream

Foundation and parents of Birthright Israel alumni,

who worked with Birthright Israel Foundation to

establish BICEP, Birthright Israel Collaborative

Enhancement Project.

After their children’s experiences on Birthright Israel,

Marcy and Joel began to explore ways to harness

the energy of Birthright Israel participants once they

returned to campus.

"We believed in the power of the Birthright Israel

experience and were determined to find an

effective way to create both meaningful and

lasting connections to Israel," they said.

"And so, in 2012, the Birthright Israel Collaborative

Enhancement Project (BICEP) was born —out of

a need for campus based educated cohort

building, came this special initiative that truly is

a comprehensive approach to Israel education

and engagement."

“I'm very grateful to have been on a BICEP trip. The enhanced version of the trip gave us even more than we expected from the amazing gift that is Birthright [Israel]. I was especially impressed with the ability of the staff to enhance each experience and turn our trip into a unique memory to stand out against the rest.” – Kenny Rosenberg, University of Delaware

We are pleased

to provide

the following




to current and



Supporters are

invited to

designate gifts

to the annual

campaign in

increments of

$60,000 or


a Planned

Gift through


Futures for

these projects.


Featured Funding Opportunity BICEP

With the support of Seed the Dream Foundation

and 7 Friends of BICEP focused on enriching

trip preparation, enhancing the participant

experience in Israel, and facilitating post-trip

engagement, BICEP offers its college-based

participants deep and lasting connections

with Israel.

"During this critical time on campus and in the

community, it is essential that we continue to

find positive ways to connect young people to

Israel. It has been proven that the most effective

tool of engagement is the first-hand experience

in Israel," Marcy and Joel said.

Throughout the BICEP programming year,

Campus Partners (Chabads and Hillels) connect

with an Israel Engagement Organization to

develop and implement a comprehensive Israel

strategy for each unique campus environment.

For more information, please contact Liz Klein,

Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives, at

[email protected] or 646-833-1334.

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Gila and Adam MilsteinSouthern California Leadership Council MembersLos Angeles, California

What is your personal connection to Birthright Israel?Gila and I grew up in Israel and came to the U.S. about 35 years

ago. We are very connected to and focused on the Jewish

People and their homeland, the State of Israel. Our Foundation,

The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation, works to build

strong Jewish communities, invests in our young leadership,

and connects the Jewish People here and in Israel. We have

seen firsthand how Birthright Israel accomplishes all of these

goals by investing in our next generation and build their

relationship with the Jewish state.

What do you see as Birthright Israel’s greatest success? Birthright Israel alumni are among our best Israel advocates.

They are passionate, dedicated, and talented, serving as critical

assets in our fight against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions

Movement (BDS). Also, while empowering our young people,

Birthright Israel trips have provided steady support for the Israeli

economy. Through wars, terrorist attacks, and an intifada, the

Birthright Israel buses have continued to come to Israel.

Why do you support Birthright Israel Foundation? We support Birthright Israel Foundation because the

program connects our young generation to the Jewish

People and most importantly – to Israel. Furthermore,

because of the Mifgash, it also connects the youth of

the Jewish People here and in Israel.

Why do you think it is important for the Jewish community to support Birthright Israel Foundation? We can all agree that it is essential for young Jews to see Israel

with their own eyes. There is simply no better way to convey to

them the incredible spirit of the Israeli people, the vibrant energy

of the Startup Nation, or the spiritual significance of being in the

Land of the Bible. There is no better way to connect our next

generation to our people’s rich past – and instill their sense of

responsibility for our common future. The words “Am Israel Chai”

– the people of Israel live – take on new meaning when you are

put face-to-face with a living and breathing Jewish State.

Allison and Jonathan Kasirer Birthright Israel AlumniYoung Leadership Council MembersNew York, New York

What is your personal connection to Birthright Israel?We had an amazing experience on a Birthright Israel trip in 2009.

We applied to Birthright Israel with a group of close friends from

college. By the time we graduated and the trip commenced,

we had been dating just a few weeks. Our time in Israel together

solidified our relationship and gave it new meaning. While we

didn't meet on the trip, we believe we fell in love during those

10 days. Since then, we've become donors to the organization

and have now joined the Young Leadership Council.

What do you see as Birthright Israel’s greatest success? The astounding number of participants since inception

and the incredible contribution to Israel's economy.

Why do you support Birthright Israel Foundation? Birthright Israel's mission resonates with us deeply and we

appreciate the organizations' transparency in terms of where

our money is going. Every $3,000 donation supports one

life-changing, 10-day trip to Israel. Not every organization

breaks down their numbers so clearly.

Why do you think it is important for the Jewish community to support Birthright Israel Foundation? It's important that this incredible work be supported by the

Jewish community at large so it may become sustainable for

future generations of young Jewish adults. These trips instill

Jewish identity and solidarity with Israel – two tenets that we

cannot afford to lose.





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COCKTAILS & CONVERSATION We kicked off our 2016 event season in March with a unique

evening in Palm Beach, Florida. Hosted by Sydell Miller, Palm Beach

County supporters joined with Canadian snowbirds at La Reverie

for an evening to support Birthright Israel Foundation and Birthright

Israel Foundation of Canada. Guests had the pleasure of hearing

from Birthright Israel Co-Founder, Charles Bronfman; Birthright Israel

Tour Educator, Rachel Smith-Savaya; and Birthright Israel

Accessibility/Special Needs trip alumnus, Josh Tober.

MARCHDR. ZOHAR RAVIV VISITS THE US! This spring, Dr. Zohar Raviv, Birthright Israel International VP of

Education, hit the road to bring the magic of Birthright Israel to

life for our supporters. In March, Dr. Raviv visited San Francisco

with Foundation CDO, Jonathan Boiskin, to speak with donors

at the AirBnB office in San Francisco about new initiatives of the

Birthright Israel educational platform.

Dr. Raviv then traveled to New York City in April where he spoke

with Tri-State area supporters about Birthright Israel’s new

geopolitical module. Finally, Dr. Raviv finished his trip with an

intimate evening in with our Board of Directors hosted by Denise

and Thomas Stern, Board Member, at their New York City home.

APRILBIRTHRIGHT ISRAEL FORUMIn April, we hosted our second Birthright Israel Forum immediately

following the JFN International Conference in La Jolla, CA.

The forum was open to foundation professionals from our current

Institutional donors and other professionals who were interested in

learning more about the Birthright Israel program from a more intimate

perspective. We were excited to have Birthright Israel staff including

International CEO, Gidi Mark; Dr. Zohar Raviv; and Executive

Director, Liz Sokolsky join us.

BIRTHRIGHT ISRAEL FOUNDATION HEADS TO THE LONE STAR STATE We gathered at the home of Laurie and Todd Platt in Austin, Texas.

Guests in attendance heard from Rachel Smith-Savaya about the

important distinction between tour educators and tour guides, and the

significance of the role of tour educators in enhancing the Birthright Israel

trip experience. Guests also had the privilege of listening to a two-time

Birthright Israel trip leader share his story.

In addition to our April event, we came together in Austin again in

May at the home of Valerie and Jeffrey Newberg. The evening was

opened with a dedication for Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day,

as host, Valerie, shared her personal story and lit a memorial candle.

Adam Stewart, Director of Education and Strategy at The iCenter, shared his

insights on Birthright Israel’s educational platform and approach, how to

engage young adults on the trip, and the success of Birthright Israel.

PARENTS AND ALUMNI GATHER IN BOSTONBirthright Israel parents and alumni joined Birthright Israel alumna

and Foundation Board of Directors Member, Rachel Cohen Gerrol,

in Boston this spring. Attendees heard the stories of four local

Birthright Israel alumni at the Villa Victoria Center for the Arts.

MAYHELLO OMAHA!Birthright Israel Foundation held its first event in Omaha at the home

of hosts, Sharee and Murray Newman. We were lucky to have Adam Stewart

join us again, as he shared his expertise on the Birthright Israel educational

platform. Guests also heard from a local Birthright Israel alumna.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN ACTIONIn 2016, we launched four Board of Directors task forces with Board

Members and Birthright Israel Foundation staff working together to

focus on different areas of the community that the Foundation reaches.

Our first task force event, hosted by Phil Rosen, lead Board Member

for the Modern Orthodox Task Force, brought together members of the

community for an in-depth discussion about Birthright Israel Foundation.

CELEBRATIONS IN ATLANTA!Supporters in the Atlanta area came together in May at the home of

host, Lois Blonder, to celebrate Birthright Israel Foundation. Guests had

the pleasure of hearing from Mike Leven, Foundation Board Member,

and Ambassador Judith Varnai Shorer, Consul General of Israel to the

Southeastern United States.


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Birthright Israel Foundation and the Jewish Federations of

North America have built a strong partnership. Together they

educate the Jewish community about Birthright Israel, raise the

necessary funds to support the program, fund local buses and

create a welcoming environment for participants to embrace

upon their return.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington in Washington,

DC is an example of one important Federation partner that is

strengthening the post-trip experience for participants, inspiring

other communities to follow their lead. In 2004, the Jewish

Federation of Greater Washington became a trailblazer for

community support and involvement following a Birthright Israel

trip by being the first community to hire full-time staff to focus on

post-trip engagement.

“Our goals were to engage Birthright Israel alumni in the greater

Washington, DC area with positive Jewish experiences through

interactive programming, face to face activities and leadership

opportunities,” said Sarah Arenstein, Jewish Federation of

Greater Washington, Director of Young Leadership.

SPOTLIGHT The Jewish Federation of Greater WashingtonA year later, in 2005, they ran their first Birthright Israel

community trip, another important milestone for the Greater

Washington, DC area. As the popularity of Birthright Israel

continued to grow, so did the number of alumni looking to

further their connection to the Jewish community and to

Israel once they returned home. A few years later, a Birthright

Israel alumnus wanted to reconnect with her Israeli Mifgash

participants and show them what life was like in Washington,

DC. After approaching the Jewish Federation of Greater

Washington about how to make this happen, a challenge was

offered and accepted by the alumni community. If they could

raise money to bring their Israeli peers to Washington, DC,

the Federation would match their efforts dollar for dollar.

“DC’s Birthright Israel alumni raised the money needed

to make this Mifgash a reality. They learned the power of

collectivism by developing an idea, creating its structure and

raising the funds needed to make it happen” said Arenstein.

Alumni embraced this opportunity and the first Reverse

Mifgash was born. Since 2008, the Jewish Federation

of Greater Washington has hosted five Reverse Mifgash, each

organized and led by Birthright Israel alumni.

In DC, Birthright Israel alumni continue to stay engaged and

involved in the community through many activities in addition to

the Reverse Mifgash. As the first group came upon the five-year

anniversary of their Birthright Israel trip they wanted an even

bigger way to become active leaders in the community. Working

with the Federation, they created an Alumni Leadership Mission,

a partially subsidized trip back to Israel that provided the

opportunity to see Israel through a leadership lens, engage

with innovation, and tackle social and inclusion issues while

experiencing the Federation in action. Throughout the last six

years, 120 Birthright Israel alumni have participated in this mission

and upon their return have created impact projects on behalf

of the Jewish community in DC as part of their follow-up work.

While on this mission, they learn the importance of leading and

philanthropy. Many return home and make their first philanthropic

gift, join Federation committees or even join the Board of Directors,

which is made up of 25% Birthright Israel alumni. Involvement and

leadership from this cohort is a priority for the entire organization.

“What makes DC so special is the standout commitment from our

community to support young leadership programs so that we can

continue to create opportunities for Birthright Israel alumni

when they come,” said Rachel Barton, Jewish Federation of

Greater Washington NEXT DC Coordinator, “There is a general

sense in the community that this is important.”

This winter, Birthright Israel Foundation will be launching a

comprehensive electronic marketplace (a cutting edge, robust

smartphone app) to connect Birthright Israel alumni in the

United States with the vast array of organizations, projects,

and resources that can provide them with the opportunities

to further explore their connection to Israel and their Jewish

identity once they return home from Israel. This summer,

the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is partnering

with Birthright Israel Foundation as we begin to beta test

our new post-trip engagement app live in Israel during the

Birthright Israel experience. It is our hope to connect alumni

to communities and opportunities to continue their Jewish

journey in the same spirit as our partners in Washington, DC.