Journey of Water Drop on Earth

1 13-CE-15 It is the origin of all life on earth, the substance from which Allah created man.(Al-Furqan 25:54) Journey of Water Drop Hi I am water drop and I am going to Share my Journey on Earth…

Transcript of Journey of Water Drop on Earth

Page 1: Journey of Water Drop on Earth

1 13-CE-15

“It is the origin of all life on earth,

the substance from which Allah

created man.”

(Al-Furqan 25:54)

Journey of Water Drop

Hi I am water drop and I am going

to Share my Journey on Earth…

Page 2: Journey of Water Drop on Earth

2 13-CE-15

A water drop journey never ends… It begins in rivers, lakes, and oceans and keeps

on moving in circles which is a process we called as “WATER CYCLE”. So the water on

the Earth a long time ago is the same water we have now.

Water can take many forms. It can be a liquid, a solid, or a gas. Think about when

ice cubes melt in your glass, that's an example of water in a solid form changing into a

liquid form.

I could really begin this story anywhere along the cycle, but I think the ocean is the

best place to start, since that is where most of Earth's water is… If the drop wanted to

stay in the ocean then it shouldn't have been sunbathing on the surface of the sea. The

heat from the sun found the drop, warmed it, and evaporated it into water vapor. So

water goes through something called “EVAPORATION”… Think of it as a stream coming

from a pan when you are boiling eggs or spaghetti.

It rise as tiny "droplets" into the air and continue rising until strong winds aloft

grab it and take it hundreds of miles until it is over land. There, warm updrafts coming

from the heated land surface take the droplets (now water vapor) up even higher, where

the air is quite cold.


Each day the sun evaporates a trillion tons of water.

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When the vapor gets cool it change back into a liquid. If it was cold enough, it

would have turned into tiny ice crystals, such as those that make up cirrus clouds. The

vapor condenses on tiny particles of dust, smoke, and salt crystals to become part of a

cloud. This process is called “CONDENSATION”… It is also the reason water droplets

form on the outer surface of cold water.

Once a cloud is filled with many water droplets the droplets fall to earth. This is

the process of “PRECIPITATION”. Water can fall in the form of snow, rain, sleet or hail.

Earth's gravity helps to pull them down to the surface. Once they start falling there are

many places for water drops to go. Maybe they would land on a leaf in a tree, in which

case it would probably evaporate and begin its process of heading for the clouds again. If

it misses a leaf there are still plenty of places to go…


The earth's total amount of water has a volume of about 344 million cubic miles.

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When water reaches the ground, it travels back to the ocean through streams and

rivers. This is called “Runoff”. Not all water runs off, it can be absorbed by plants or soil.

In this case it might sink into the ground to begin its journey down into an underground

aquifer as groundwater. The drop will continue moving downhill as groundwater, but the

journey might end up taking tens of thousands of years until it finds its way back out of

the ground. Water can also runoff to sewers as well. It leaves the ground through a plant

by the process of “TRANSPIRATION”… From these places, it is back again either into the

air, down sewers into rivers and eventually into the ocean, or back into the ground

restarting the steps of water cycle.

A lot of surface water is used for irrigation. Even more is used by power production

facilities to cool their electrical equipment. From there it might go into the cooling

tower to be reused for cooling or evaporated. Maybe a town pumps the drop out of the

river and into a water tank. From here the drop could go on to help wash your dishes,

fight a fire, water the tomatoes, or flush your toilet… Maybe the local steel mill will grab

the drop, or it might end up at a fancy restaurant mopping the floor. The possibilities are

endless. But it doesn't matter to the drop, because eventually it will get back into the

environment. From there it will again continue its cycle into and then out of the clouds,

this time maybe to end up in the water glass of the Prime Minister of Pakistan… Hence

the life of water drop is never ending.

Water Irrigation System

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Let’s have a look at quick trip back into the atmosphere as water vapor …this is it.


It is important because every animal and plant must have water to live. Two-thirds of your body is made up

of water. But most of the world's water is not available for drinking. Ninety-seven percent of Earth's water is salt

water. The rest of the water is frozen in glaciers and some is polluted. Clean, fresh water is important.

Each day almost 10,000 children under the age of 5 in Third-World countries die as a result of illnesses

contracted by use of impure water. If all new sources of contamination could be eliminated, in 10 years, 98% of all

available groundwater would then be free of pollution.

Journey of Water Drop (Water Cycle)