Journal Week 12 to 15

Journals review from week 12 -15 We started the class with the Halloween and the day of the dead’s presentations. tradition is to build altars were they put the picture of the deceased and they decorate with flowers, with papers with different color, candles, etc. they also add some favorite food and beverages of the departed. This day people bakes bread called “Pan de Muerto” which is sweetened soft bread, often decorated with bone-shaped phalanges pieces. People usually go to the cemetery to visit the graves and the visitors also leave possessions of the deceased at the graves. There was another presentation about the day of the dead also, which was almost the same information and three presentations were about the origins of Halloween. We finished the class with a presentation that talked aboutChristian Halloween, she is Christian so she talked about her point of view and believes about Halloween and why she doesn’t celebrate it. I learn more about this traditions and also that every person has different believes and shouldn’t judge them. Journal


end of semester

Transcript of Journal Week 12 to 15

Journals review from week 12 -15

We started the class with the Halloween and the day of the deads presentations. tradition is to build altars were they put the picture of the deceased and they decorate with flowers, with papers with different color, candles, etc. they also add some favorite food and beverages of the departed. This day people bakes bread called Pan de Muerto which is sweetened soft bread, often decorated with bone-shaped phalanges pieces. People usually go to the cemetery to visit the graves and the visitors also leave possessions of the deceased at the graves.There was another presentation about the day of the dead also, which was almost the same information and three presentations were about the origins of Halloween.We finished the class with a presentation that talked aboutChristian Halloween, she is Christian so she talked about her point of view and believes about Halloween and why she doesnt celebrate it.I learn more about this traditions and also that every person has different believes and shouldnt judge them.

Journal week 13.

We started the class with the words and the Quotes of the week we hadnt mention. Our word of this week was Recondite which means relating to or dealing with very deep, difficult, obscure, or abstract subject matter:a recondite treatise. An example with this word is: Like all casuists, he took for granted that morality was areconditescience, beyond" the reach of all but the learned. And our quote of the week was: Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get Benjamin Franklin After every team said their quotes and their words we started with the next topic which was How to answer in exams specially in testingWe saw a PowerPoint presentation about El marconacional de referencia from 2008, they were in Spanish and the teacher talked about Reuninnacional escolar and Direccin general de acreditacin, incorporacin y revalidacin.Also we saw the competencias which were: Oral y auditiva Escrita o de lectura Expresin o produccin oral Interaccin oral Expresin o produccin escritaWe just finished the class with this same topic.

Journal week #14

We started the class with a question that was How to deal with frustration in class (as B.A. students? We had to make a writing answering the question; we had around 20 to 30 minutes to do it. First of all we need to be organized with ourselves and with our stuff so we could have everything in its place. When the teacher assigns a task or assignment we have to stop and start to think of any ideas to complete the task, like a brain storm before starting, then we have to start the task by developing each idea to have them clearer and finally we have to be sure that we reach our goal for this assignment.After we finished with this task everyone share their answer to this question, there were lots of points of view but most had the same idea.This is how we finished the class and I learn different strategies to deal with frustration in class.

JOURNAL WEEK 15We started the class with the words of the weeks, every group mentioned their word.Then we saw a video about Trying when its hard in the classroom, this video took place in a classroom were the teacher was trying to make a student participate but that student had a bad attitude and he didnt wanted to participate. But the teacher made a solution for 4 steps to solve this problem which were:1. Ask for watch2. Ask for help3. Ask for a break4. Review skill stepsAfter that the teacher divided the group into two parts so we could discuss about this video with questions like What would you to?, how would you react?, Do you agree with the teacher? after discussing everyone gave their opinion. In my point of view I agree with the teacher but until certain point because maybe his steps were really good but not for the age of this student, he was like 19 or 20, and the teacher was doing examples for the student and helping him to write the answers, also the teacher said that we are in the classroom to learn because we dont know everything and thats why we go to school, I do agree with this but I think that at this age we are able to do things by ourselves and we need to try things before in order to get them right.We finished the class with two more videos strategies for students-centered discussion and New teacher survival guide-classroom management in the second one was mention three steps for teachers which were teaching ask and assess.