Journal Ilmiah Service Marketing

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND FRAMEWORK 1.1 INTRODUCTION The competition in the business world increasingly tight especially in the service sector and services products, this can be seen in terms of the emergence of a business engaged in the service sector, along with the many service companies particularly in car rental that has been popping up in Yogyakarta and its surrounding areas that make competition is getting tighter. Sometimes a lot of companies engaged in the field of services by giving less attention to customer satisfaction. A company engaged in the field of services should give priority to the customer satisfaction scores that have their services they provide. Customer satisfaction is very influential on the progress of the company itself. Because if there's one customer who does not feel satisfied then he can influence other potential customers, therefore a company engaged in the service sector and in particular the service Car Rental should prefer the good service, both in terms of security, comfort and facilities provided by the company itself that can make customers feel very satisfied. Some investors are already aware of this opportunity, and then the investor try to do a good cooperation with the Car Rent firm with the business owners to invest in the company. And also on the side because the car rental company was tempting to create this business, then not a few people who have the capital plans to open their own car rental company. For example, we see the city, especially in Wonosari at KM 5.6 Jogja stand a Car Rental named CV BERLIAN TRANSPORT. At the beginning of the company's standing is not so obvious, but after a next few months, CV. Berlian Rent a Car Transport is able to absorb a lot of customers. Therefore CV. Berlian Transport tries to retain these new customers by providing good service. Page | 1


Scientific Journal of Service Marketing

Transcript of Journal Ilmiah Service Marketing

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The competition in the business world increasingly tight especially in the service sector and services products, this can be seen in terms of the emergence of a business engaged in the service sector, along with the many service companies particularly in car rental that has been popping up in Yogyakarta and its surrounding areas that make competition is getting tighter. Sometimes a lot of companies engaged in the field of services by giving less attention to customer satisfaction. A company engaged in the field of services should give priority to the customer satisfaction scores that have their services they provide. Customer satisfaction is very influential on the progress of the company itself. Because if there's one customer who does not feel satisfied then he can influence other potential customers, therefore a company engaged in the service sector and in particular the service Car Rental should prefer the good service, both in terms of security, comfort and facilities provided by the company itself that can make customers feel very satisfied.

Some investors are already aware of this opportunity, and then the investor try to do a good cooperation with the Car Rent firm with the business owners to invest in the company. And also on the side because the car rental company was tempting to create this business, then not a few people who have the capital plans to open their own car rental company. For example, we see the city, especially in Wonosari at KM 5.6 Jogja stand a Car Rental named CV BERLIAN TRANSPORT. At the beginning of the company's standing is not so obvious, but after a next few months, CV. Berlian Rent a Car Transport is able to absorb a lot of customers. Therefore CV. Berlian Transport tries to retain these new customers by providing good service.

Development, the increase of customer and the efforts of CV Berlian Transport to retain customers is what makes the writer interested in conducting research on customer satisfaction for deep further information. With the ease that has been achieved at the beginning of writing, the author decided to give the title "ANALYSIS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON CV BERLIAN TRANSPORT CAR RENTAL"

We conducted research with the title above is to determine the quality of service to customer satisfaction. Populations studied are all consumers of car rental services that are conducting transactions at Berlian Transport car rental. Number of samples is as much as 96 respondents. Used for convenience sampling technique, where the sample is every consumer who is doing a car rental transactions in Berlian Transport Car Rental. Data was collected through questionnaires, interview, and spread way observation. Attribute being measured is customer satisfaction, as well as the independent variable (the independent variable) consisting of Reliability, Responsiveness, guarantee (assurance) and Empathy. The initial assumption in this study is that: “there is a positive relationship between service qualities on customer satisfaction in Berlian Transport Car Rental.”

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The better the quality of services provided the higher level of customer satisfaction. Conversely, if the quality of services provided are not good, the lower the level of customer satisfaction. The problems identified in this study whether there is a significant relationship between the dimensions of service quality on customer satisfaction in Berlian Transport Car Rental. Which are among the five dimensions of service quality which is the most dominant?

Measurement in this study is based on consumer ratings obtained from the questionnaire and analyzed by analysis. From the analysis showed a significant difference between the variables Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy to customer satisfaction at Berlian Transport Car Rental. Responsiveness variables have a dominant influence on customer satisfaction in Berlian Transport Car Rental.


Problem formulation:

BERLIAN TRANSPORT CV is a business engaged in the service, then customer satisfaction will affect and be able to determine the development of this company in the future. Given these problems, the authors formulate the problem as follows:

From the description that has been said before, the authors would like to raise the issue about, whether customers are satisfied with the service CV Berlian Transport or not?


In this paper the authors limit the issues on analysis of customer satisfaction with the service at CV Berlian Transport through pacification questionnaire conducted on 96 respondents with based on 5 dimensions namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible.


The purpose of the scientific writing is:

To determine the level of consumer satisfaction with services provided by CV Berlian Transport, by looking at the 5 dimensions namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible.


Benefits of the study include two benefits, namely

a. Academic benefits

Can provide knowledge to faculty, students, and other colleagues about the level of customer satisfaction on CV Berlian Transport.

Provide information to all colleagues regarding the level of customer satisfaction with CV Berlian Transport.

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b. Practical benefits

From the questionnaires that have been distributed and filled out by the respondents expected to provide practical benefits to the object under study is CV Berlian Transport services in order to determine the level of customer satisfaction in order to improve the quality of care.

Provide input to be useful for the management of CV Berlian Transport.


1.5.1 Research Object

This research was conducted at the customer, who was in the area CV Berlian Transport, located on Jl. Wonosari km 6.5 Gg. Nakula 10 Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

1.5.2 Data / Variable

To produce this research, author’s retrieved data is the primary data, data obtained directly from the object under study; in this case the data obtained from the results of the questionnaire (questionnaire) to the concerned subjects in the study, the study subjects are customers who encountered at the study site.

Variable in this study is seen from the 5 dimensions consisting of:

1. Reliability, Ability to carry out any service that has been promised for sure and reliable.

2. Responsiveness, Rapid reaction response in providing assistance to consumers appropriately.

3. Certainty, Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to give rise to confidence.

4. Empathy, Willingness to care, provide personal attention for customers.5. Tangible, Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel communication


1.5.3 Data Collection Method / Variable

Data collection on the way writers use to get the data / variables in this writer among other

a. Field Research Questionnaire and Observation

To obtain the primary data collection, the method used was a questionnaire data, data collection by compiling a list of written questions which the questions will be distributed to the respondents to perform data and responses faced phenomenon.


Data collection to ask questions directly to the owner of CV Berlian Transport and certain parties related directly to the data collection in this study.

b. Literature Research

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By digging the theories that have been developed in the field of science concerned, relevant to the topic of research. In this literature study authors look for the methods and techniques of research, both in collecting data or analyzing the data to be used as a starting point of discussion on this study.

1.5.4 Hypothesis

The hypothesis in this paper is:

Consumers are satisfied with the service at CV Berlian Transport

1.5.5 Analysis Tools Used

In order to achieve the research objectives are applied before the author tries to apply the analysis in the form of:

1) Interviews held against the owner of CV Berlian Transport2) Questionnaires spread to visitors CV Berlian Transport3) Analyze the level of customer satisfaction with service CV Berlian Transport

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2. 1 Theoritical Study

II.I Service Definition

A service is a non-material equivalent of goods. A service provision is an economic activity that does not result in ownership and this is what differentiates it from providing physical goods. It is claimed to be a process that creates benefits by facilitating a change in customers, a change in their physical possessions, or a change in their intangible assets.

Philip Kotler : “ A service is an act of performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product.”

II.II Service Quality

starts from customers, as quality is all that it implies for consumers, and the basis of their perceptions. This results in the fact that service quality is achieved if customer expectations are satisfied, or exceeded. Service quality is undoubtedly a significant element of service product design process, as it influences the volume of demand for a given service product, as well as customer profile of this service product. Is believed that service quality represents the most significant positioning tool of service providers and their offer on the contemporary service market.

It is very important in to understand the impact of quality service on profit and financial indicators of business performance. Service quality viewed as a strategic force, but also as the key problem of service marketing management. One must bear in mind that service quality is a significant source of sustainable competitive advantage, as it affects the constant improvement of service performance by increasing market share and profit growth. Such a view of service quality yields an increase in financial results and achieving sustainable competitive advantage.

Quality-based service marketing strategy is sustainable, as practice has shown that not all competitors can achieve the expected service quality.

Service quality is defined and attained by the service providers, while consumers perceive quality during the service delivery process. Quality-based service company management should especially focus on four key areas important for achieving quality:

service encounters (moments of truth);

service design;

service productivity; and

Service provider's corporate culture.

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The way consumers perceive moments of truth is directly reflected on the evaluation of total quality service, especially in services whose deliveries are repeated, which implies highly professional approach to moments of truth, aimed at building and maintaining long-term consumer relations

Service productivity implies a relationship between the quality and quality of service delivery, and the amount of engaged resources in the service delivery process. Productivity is much harder to achieve in service economy, bearing in mind the labour intensity of services and their general characteristics. As consumers are active participants in the service delivery process, it is possible to develop consumer participation strategies aimed at increasing service productivity.

II.III satisfiers and dissatisfies

There has been some recent research which has sought to identify some of the determinants of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The earliest work is to be found in the consumer behaviour literature.

Swan and Combs (1976) postulated that:

Consumers judge products on a limited set of attributes, some of which are relatively important in determining satisfaction, while others are not critical to consumer satisfaction But are related to dissatisfaction when performance on them is unsatisfactory.

Their hypothesis was that there are two types of determinants – instrumental (the performance of the physical product) and expressive (the psychological performance of the product) – and that both have to be achieved to satisfy the consumer. They postulated that satisfaction will tend to be associated with expressive outcomes above or equal to expectations and dissatisfaction will tend to be related to performance below expectations for instrumental outcomes. Also, to be satisfactory the product must meet expectations on both instrumental and expressive outcomes. They suggested that dissatisfaction may occur from either type of performance. To test their ideas they applied and modified version of the critical incident technique (CIT) and asked 60 graduate students to “think about an item of clothing that has been especially satisfactory and an item that has been especially dissatisfactory”. The students were interviewed about their reasons. Swan and Combs stated that this was very much an exploratory study and that its findings were not necessarily generalizable. They found some problems in the classification of their data: for example, comfort could be instrumental or expressive, and its categorization as one or the other significantly affected the results. They also found that both instrumental and expressive factors led to both satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

By analyzing compliments and complaints it is possible that only the very extremes of satisfactory and dissatisfactory experiences were considered. Furthermore, and importantly, service quality was a single variable, yet other variables included service quality characteristics Some of the studies were exploratory in nature.

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2.2 Field Research Analysis

The research results are obtained by dividing the questionnaire sheet (questionnaire) to 30 respondents to determine the level of customer satisfaction with the CV.Berlian Car Rental; the results of the study were divided into five dimensions of service quality, such as:

1. Physical evidence / tangible2. Reliability3. Responsiveness4. Assurance5. Empathy

1. Physical evidence

According to Parasuraman (1988) in Lupiyoadi (2001:148), namely Tangibles or Physical Evidence: The ability of a company to demonstrate its existence to external parties. Appearance and capabilities of the company's physical infrastructure. Such as physical facilities (buildings, warehouses, etc.), equipment, personnel, and means of communication. Physical Evidence variables measured include physical facilities (toilets, places of worship) should be treated at all times, equipment (condition-date equipment / latest), and employees wear uniforms neatly, means of communication (phone home, a simple phone call).

Based on obtained results from the analysis of physical evidence, apparently this variable has significant effect on customer satisfaction. That customers are satisfied with the service provided especially on variables such as the physical evidence of the need for the addition of modern equipment to support the company's activities, means of communication which is very helpful in relationships with customers, and the need for improvement in the physical facilities such as comfortable waiting area, restrooms, as well as places of worship, all of it should be increased by the company. Because customers are sure to increase the dimensions of service quality will increase the satisfaction of their customers for a customer of CV Berlian Transport Car Rental.

2. Reliability

Reliability is the ability of a company to provide services as promised are accurate and reliable. According to Parasuraman (1988) in Lupiyoadi (2001:148), reliability is the ability of a company to provide services as promised is accurate and reliable. Reliability of the measured variables, namely Accuracy / thoroughness employees in the car examinations before and after borrowing, speed of service, and timeliness come.

From the analysis conducted on the dimensions of Reliability did not significantly affect customer satisfaction. Therefore CV Berlian Transport Jogjakarta need to increase the dimensions of reliability (Reliability) such as by providing training and education will discipline the use of a car and how the car routine maintenance on employees. And employees are given training on how to respond to customer complaints complain to the company so that the company can provide services to the customer as possible.

3. Responsiveness

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According to Parasuraman (1988) in Lupiyoadi (2001:148), or Responsiveness is the willingness to help and provide prompt service (responsive) and the right to the customer, with a clear explanation. Responsiveness variables measured by six items, namely: Willingness to help customers, employees responsiveness in serving customers, rapid response to customer complaints, and perform services immediately.

From the analysis conducted on the dimensions of responsiveness did not significantly affect customer satisfaction. Enterprises therefore need to make improvements in this dimension, such as the timeliness of customer's employees came to the place so that customers do not wait long, and the willingness of employees in response to customer complaints that complaints over the lack of satisfactory service, and provide services to the immediate and not long-winded. All that must be done by the company with the training and education to drivers and employees in terms of providing good service to the customers and excellent. As more and more customers are satisfied, the greater profits will be earned by the company.

4. Assurance

According to Parasuraman (1988) in Lupiyoadi (2001:148), assurance or guarantee that knowledge, affability and ability of the company employees to foster a sense of trust in customers to the company. This warranty variable measured with five items namely: Courtesy, skills and knowledge engineers, the ability to bear risk, skills in work, feeling safe in the work. From the analysis conducted on the dimensions Assurance (Assurance) did not significantly influence customer satisfaction. Therefore CV Berlian Transport Jogjakartamust have further increased the dimensions of service quality assurance (Assurance) although no effect on customer satisfaction.

Increased security dimensions that can be done by the company to improve the knowledge, abilities and skills of employee in serving the wants and needs of customers who have rented a car so that it will not be damaged in the future. Assurance is indispensable for companies engaged in the rental car, since the risk of damage to the car is very large, it is necessary to guarantee that must be done by the company. For example, if the damaged car that had been rented in the future, then the replacement rental car, but in accordance with the agreements.

5. Empathy

According to Parasuraman (1988) in Lupiyoadi (2001: 148), Empathy or concern that is providing genuine concern and a private individual or given to customers by trying to understand the customer desires. This variable was measured with five items namely: customer interest, customer care, customer name to remember, easy to meet staff, understanding of customer needs.

From the analysis conducted on the dimensions of Empathy significantly influence customer satisfaction. This means that customers are sure to increase the dimensions of service quality will increase the satisfaction of their customers for a CV customer CV Berlian Transport Car Rental. So that customer satisfaction continues to grow, the company must continue to improve its variables such as empathy can understand customer needs, provide

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services well, can be given directly behalf of its customers and the usual type of car loan. All that must be done by the company that the customer is satisfied with the service provided

2.3 Interviews Results with the Employee

The top priority for the company is the provision of responsive in dealing with problems, knowledge, and skills of employees because these two factors are not in accordance with customer expectations.

Question Answer When this company established? Who are the owners of this company?

This company was established by Mutya Hasnan in 2006

What is the major engaged in this business ? Engaged in the field of vehicle rental services in Yogyakarta to capitalize 2 units of vehicles, from the years of experience make us a lot to learn to always try to make improvements to the performance of the company and provide excellent service to our customers.

What are the rental cars? Units of rental vehicles including cars Avanza, Innova, Civic, Corolla and Fortuner.

What about the company's marketing system? And whoose the target marketing ?

Business marketing system is the transportation services we provide services monthly and yearly lease contract for government agencies and private companies in yogyakarta and we focus mostly on the wedding car service, tour events and domestic and international travel services are visiting in yogyakarta.

Could you please tell what is the vision and mission of cv. Berlian?

Vision of the company:

Vision of cv. Berlian are a Best Company and Reliable Transportation Services with Priority to Quality Service

The company's mission:

The mission of the cv. Berlian are Providing

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Services Transportation Services with Best Quality and Building Services Transport Services Safe, Convenient and Satisfying Customers.

What are the advantages and tips to attract customers into the arms company?

Tip of excellence and attract customers:1. vehicle performanceTo always maintain the condition of the vehicle to stay fit, we always make improvements fleet regularly and routinely on each authorized workshops - each product. We guarantee our vehicles occur when barriers to tenant needs, beyond the conditions of use.2. Vehicle accessoriesTo boost safety comfort, and confidence of tenants, we will continue to improve adding accessories in our fleet.3. After sales Services

To determine the level of satisfaction and suggestions from tenants, after using our services, we conduct direct surveys over the phone.4. Cleanliness of vehicleWe always keep each of our fleet in pristine condition prior to use by the tenant, as well as ensure the features - features that are functioning properly and are not damaged.5. with attractive discount terms - certain conditions.6. Shuttle service to the location of car renters.In order to reach the market with a broader target, we also took a few companies to our increasingly diverse fleet types. In order to reach a wider market without the need to outlay a lot. So with this partnership, almost all types of vehicles we can offer to consumers.

What distinguishes your company with another company?

We provide gas facility and driver free for 3 days if the tenant renting a car more than a week and we also rent a car with full special

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Any experienced Constraints for your efforts running this car rental services?

modifications for young children.

Car stolen in vacancies and the borrowed provide false identity.Should be to service the car regularly and routinely, and attention to detail the state of each car

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3.1 Conclusion

Based on the observations that have been done before, it can be concluded that the most dominant dimension in influencing customer satisfaction is inclined in empathy than the tangible, reliability, responsiveness, or assurance dimension. This is indicated by the coefficient of empathy greatest dimension compared with other regression coefficients quality of service, the amount of 0,559 or 55.9%. This means the customer perception of the dimensions of empathy / concern gives the most impact compared with the customers' perception of other service quality dimensions.

Dimension influences empathy towards customer satisfaction levels indicate that CV Berlian Transport gives greater attention to the empathy in expressing his satisfaction. This dimension was realized by capability to understand customer needs, providing services to both, can be given directly behalf of its customers and the condition of the vehicle that is always ready to use.

But to increase customer satisfaction, CV Berlian Transport should continue to improve the dimension of empathy / concern which has been becomes the competitive advantage to CV Berlian Transport Jogjakarta. Then the effect is variable after variable empathy is physical evidence (tangible) which has a beta value of 0.310 or 31%. This is a considerable concern on communication, strategic office locations, the latest equipment / new, adequate facilities. If the dimensions of the physical evidence that enhanced customer satisfaction will increase even more.

This study proves that the dimension of Empathy, Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness and Assurance is a sequence that has the dimensions of most influence on the variables of customer satisfaction. But the most dominant dimensions affect customer satisfaction is the dimension of empathy, because it has the highest coefficient of other dimensions of service quality that is equal to 0,559 or by 55.9%.

According Lupiyoadi (2001: 148), Empathy or concern that is providing genuine concern and a private individual or given to customers by trying to understand the customer desires. Companies should strive to provide sincere service (empathy), friendly, responsive, focused and realize that customer satisfaction is everything.

From the analysis conducted empathy turns variable is the variable most dominant among the other variables of service quality. Empathy variables were measured in this study includes five items namely: customer interest, customer care, customer name to remember, easy to meet staff, and understanding of customer needs. The results of the influence of these variables affecting 55.9% customer satisfaction. This means that customers are sure to increase the dimensions of service quality on customer satisfaction will also add to their customer for Berlian Transport.

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So that customer satisfaction continues to grow, the company must continue to improve its empathy variables by increasing the skills of its employee and provide training to employee who do not understand about the services that should be done because the customer is someone who continually and repeatedly come to the same place for satisfy his desire to have a product or a service and get paid products or services (Lupiyoadi, 2001: 143). The company should improve its services primarily empathy dimension to understanding customer needs and providing services as well as it can be given directly behalf of its customers and electronic equipment can be fixed directly on / properly. Given the name of its customers by contacting the customer or any store phone number, so when a customer calls, the employee has to know the name of its customers. This is all necessary to familiarize yourself to its customers. And employee also must understand the needs and wants of its customers, by asking questions directly to the customer, what is the customer really then can suggest whuch car is best for used, or even by more providing excellent service to customers. All that must be done by the company that the customer is satisfied with the service provided especially on the dimensions of empathy, because this dimension has the most dominant influence on customer satisfaction.

3.2 Advice

CV. Berlian Transport Car Rental should improve service to consumers, especially in terms of spitefulness in service, accuracy in accordance with the wishes of the customer service, friendliness and courtesy in serving customers and a good knowledge and insight those employees so as to provide maximum customer satisfaction and profit for CV. Berlian Transport Rent Car.

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