Journal #1 Write, draw or do a little of both to describe what you are feeling today.

Journal #1 Write, draw or do a little of both to describe what you are feeling today.

Transcript of Journal #1 Write, draw or do a little of both to describe what you are feeling today.

Journal #1Write, draw or do a little of both to describe what you are feeling today.

Journal #2How is Hamilton High School similar or different from your last school? Describe!

Journal #3- What does this quote mean to you?

Journal #4 (Song Journal)“Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor (1982)1. What do you think the title means?2. What do you think the song is about?3. Can you relate any message or lyric in the song to your life?

Journal #5

Remember a past birthday celebration. Why do you remember it so well? What was memorable about it?

Journal #6

Describe something that always makes you laugh.

Journal #7

What is a stereotype? Do you think they are negative, positive or both? Why?

Journal #8 Idioms

Journal #9 (song journal)

"Wind of Change" - The Scorpions, 1989 (music genre- rock)

1. What does the title symbolize?2. How can you interpret the song, lines or lyrics? (highlight them)3. What current events can you relate to this song?

Journal #10What does it mean to be honest? Who is an honest person? How do they live their lives? Should you always be honest?

Journal #11What type of values and characteristics do you look for in a friend or relationship? Do all of your friends have these?

Journal #12

What would your dream vacation be? Why?

Journal #13 Idiom

Journal #14 (song journal)

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”- Rolling Stones, 1969(music genre- rock)

1. Do you think the title is true to life?2. How can you interpret the song, lines or lyrics? (highlight them)3. Can you relate to the chorus? Explain!

Journal #15

If you could design your favorite room in your dream house, what would it look like? Draw a picture, also.

Journal #16

Would you want to wear a uniform to school? Why or why not?

Journal #17

If you had to choose a food you had to eat for a week (all meals), what would you choose?

Journal #18 Idiom

Journal #19 (song journal)“Just Breathe”- Pearl Jam, 2009

(music genre- rock)

1. What do you think the title symbolizes?2. How can you interpret the song, lines or lyrics? (highlight them)3. When should you ‘just breathe’?

Journal #20Imagine you came to school today and nobody was here. What would you do?

Journal #21

Describe what makes you feel safe and unsafe. Is it a person or place?

Journal #22While walking home from school you notice an older man waiting for the bus. He is dressed nicely, but looks very worried and nervous and is carrying a package. What is his story?

Journal #23 Idiom:To bring home the bacon

Def.-to earn a living

Example sentence: “Anna took another job so she could bring home the bacon.”

“Beautiful”- Christina Aguilera, 2004

1. What is your definition of ‘beautiful’?2. What do you feel is America’s definition? Does it differ from your culture?3. How does the use of different pronouns in the song affect the point of view. Why would the songwriter do this?

Journal #24 (song journal)

Write out the best or the worst day of your life. From the start to the finish!

Journal #25

Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)

Journal #26

What would you do if 300 mice had just gotten out of their cages in a pet shop where you worked?

Journal #27

Journal #28 Idiom: A whole new ball game- completely different situationExample:He has written so many short stories but writing a novel is a whole new ball game.

Journal #29 (song journal)“Landslide” -Fleetwood Mac 1975

1. What is a landslide? What are the effects of a landslide?2. What do you think is the figurative meaning of a landslide? What would be an example of this in a person’s life?3. Identify a word or phrase that creates imagery. Explain its importance to hte song.

Journal #30

What would you do if you could travel into the past?

Journal #31

What would you do if you could travel into the future?

Journal #32 (Idiom) green-eyed monster: envy, jealousy, covetousness


1. "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;

It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock

The meat it feeds on."

William Shakespeare

2. His success aroused the green-eyed monster in

his friend.

Journal #33 (song journal)

“You Talk too Much”- Run DMC 19851. Do you know someone who talks too much? Describe this person? How do you feel about them?2. Identify and highlight 2 allusions in the song, and one idiom.3. A hyperbole is an exaggeration. Find an example of a hyperbole in the lyrics.What is it exaggerating?

Journal #34

Tell five things you'd like to do on your next birthday. Use chronological adverbs: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, next...

Journal #35

Imagine a friend of yours is considering whether to take steroids. What would you tell that friend to persuade him or her not to do that?

Journal #36

In 20 years, I will be...

Journal #37


Journal #38 Song“Pressure”- David Bowie & Queen 1981

1. When is a time you felt a lot of pressure to do something?2. How do you react to the pressure in your life?3. Personification is giving human qualities to nonhuman things: crying, loving, thinking…Find and highlight one example of personification in the song.

Journal #39

Tell about an event in your life that has caused a change in you.

Journal #40

I was most angry when...

Journal #41

My worst mistake was...

Journal #42


Journal #43 Song

“Save the World”- Swedish House Mafia 2011

1. What do you think is the theme of the song?2. What can you do to ‘save the world’? 3. What do you think the lyric “Turn up the love now” means?

Journal #44

You have an extra $100,000 to give away; you cannot spend it on yourself. What would you do with the money?

Journal #45

If you were an insect, what kind would you be and why?

Journal #46

What is something you are optimistic about?What is something you are pessimistic about?

Journal #47
