Joshua Houk Marketing Portfolio

Joshua Houk the portfolio


The marketing portfolio for Joshua Houk. Video production, graphic design, photography, and creative direction are all in my arsenal to deliver the best creative materials for your needs.

Transcript of Joshua Houk Marketing Portfolio

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Jo s h ua Ho u kthe portfolio

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it’s notwhat youlook at thatmatters ,

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what youit’s


/ / h e n r y d a v i d t h o r e a u

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D e s i g n i s m o r ethan a career for me. it’s more than a hobby. it’s nothing short of a passion. The passion to constantly learn and grow. The passion to help people do something they can’t do on their own. it’s a drive to surround myself with people doing it bigger and better

thanhow i’m doing it right now. it’s the balance of never being satisfied, and knowing when a project is done. Design, at some point or another, is the realization that all my planning, sketches, drafts

and research, has produced nothing more than a bunch of

pretty pictures,

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and i’m okay with that.

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Various stills from video production and animation portfolio.

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g r a p h i c D e s i g nwasn’t even on my radar when i went in to college. While i can’t remember who initially asked if i knew photoshop, i can remember saying yes, and then scrambling around online finding tutorials to

learn the program. a couple years later i helped with a

ViDeo proDuctionon campus and found i had a natural eye for composition and lighting. The next few years were spent developing both talents any way i could. it wasn’t until i was almost burnt out with both

of them that i picked up a camera and fell in love with


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graphic design

Whether it’s a website, marketing campaign, wedding invitation, or a design consultation, i approach every project with extreme detail and dedication. i am honored that many small businesses have trusted me with their corporate identity, and that many of my clients are now dear friends. it’s from those relationships that i got into this industry, and it’s through those relationships that i’m successful in it. this spreaD:

promotional posters for mosaic ministries.

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this page:save the date and wedding invitation concept with cD-rom.

opposite:custom invitation for themed

christmas party.

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opposite:brand identity proof for gsa interactive.

this page:various other logo designs.

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inset:final marketing template.

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Brady Corporation A n n u a l S h a r e h o l d e r s

m e e t ing

opposite:product photography for Brady corporation.

this page:trade show welcome signs and financial

layouts for annual shareholders meeting.

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this spreaD:product and marketing boards for

annual shareholders meeting.

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“When you photographpeople in colour you

photograph their clothes.But when you photograph

people in black and white, you photograph their souls.”

// teD grant

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photography began as a hobby of mine while i was in college. When i sharted taking formal portraits a couple years ago (1) i began mastering the re-touch-ing process, as the desired image is often different than the original (2). it wasn't until one of my shots was picked up by Destination D.c. (3) that i began marketing my skills, and opened my door to wed-dings (4). since then, i have been hired through-out milwaukee to cover a variety of events (5), and studio sessions for local actors (6). regardless of where i'm shooting, it never feels like work when i'm behind the camera.

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t o o l s

of the

t r a D e

adobe after effectsadobe DreamWeaveradobe flashadobe illustrator

apple DVD studio proapple motionavid editing systemscanon photo/Video

adobe inDesignadobe photoshopadobe photoshop: lightroomapple final cut pro

certified final cut expertcertified photoshop expertmicrosoft office programs(including powerpoint)

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Tha n k Yo u

Joshua Houk


[email protected]