Jones, E.B.D. III, G.S. Helfman, J.O. Harper, and P.V. Bolstad. 1999 ...

Effects of Riparian Forest Removal on Fish Assemblages in Southern Appalachian Streams E. B. DALE JONES III,* GENE S. HELFMAN,*t JOSHUA O. HARPER,* AND PAUL V. BOLSTADt •Institute of Ecology and Program in Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, U.S.A. tDepartment of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108-1027, U.S.A. Abstract: Deforestation of riparian zones is known to influence the numbers and kinds of organisms that inhabit adjoining streatns, but little quantitative information is available on how much deforestation must occur before the biota isaffected. We sampled fishes and stream habitats in 12 stream segments downstream from deforested but vegetated riparian patches 0-5.3 km long, all downslope from watersheds with at least 95% forest cover. We found an overall decrease in fish abundance with increasing length of nonforested ri- parian patch; sculpins, benthic minnows, and darters decreased, and sunfishes and water-column minnows increased in numbers. Introduced species were more common doivnstream from longer riparian patches. Habitat diversity decreased and riffles became filled with fine sediments as upstream patch length increased. Length of upstream nonforested patch and substrate particle size were much stronger predictors offish occur- rence than riparian patch width. Fauna! characteristics and physical features of the stream changed in direct proportion to the gradient of riparian disturbance, but the abundance of several species underwent pro- nounced change at particular threshold patch lengths. These results suggest that riparian forest removal leads to shifts in the structure of stream fish assemblages due to (1) decreases in fish species that do not guard hid- den eggs or that are dependent on swift, shallow water that flows over relatively sediment-free substrates, or (2) increases in fishes that guard their young in pebble or pit nests or that live in slower, deeper water. When watershed development is anticipated or planned, limited clearing of riparian trees may cause minor distur- bance to the fish assemblage, but streams in even a heavily forested watershed with vegetated riparian buff- ers cannot tolerate disruption of riparian-zone trees over much more than 1 km in length. Riparian buffer length and area should be given stronger consideration in stream protection and restoration plans. Efectos de la Remocion del Bosque Ripario en Ensamblajes de Peces en Arroyos de los Apalaches del Sur Resumen: Es conocido que la deforestation de zonas riparias influencia el numero y tipo de organismos que habita los arrayos adyacentes, sin embargo, existe poca information cuantitativa sobre cuanta defores- tacion puede ocurrir antes de que la biota sea afectada. Muestreamos peces y habitats de arroyo en 12 seg- mentos de arroyo hacia abajo de parches riparios deforestados pero con vegetation de 0-5.3 km de longitud, todos pendiente abajo de cuencas con al menos 95% de cobertura forestal. Encontramos una disminuci6n general en la abundancia de peces al incrementar la longitud del parche ripario no forestado; cotidos, ciprinidos benticos, y percidos disminuyeron, y los centrdrquidos y ciprinidos de la columna de agua incre- mentaron en numero. Las especies introducidas fueron mas comunes arroyo abajo de los parches riparios grandes. La diversidad del habitat disminuyo y los rdpidos estuvieron mas llenos de sedimento fino cuando la longitud del parche arroyo arriba incrementaba. La longitud de parches no arbolados arroyo arriba y el tamano de la pdrticula del substrata fueron pronosticadores mucho mas fuertes de la ocurrencia de peces que la amplitud del parche ripario. Las caracteristicas de la fauna y las caracteristicas fisicas del arroyo cam- \Address correspondence to G. S. Helfman, email [email protected] Paper submitted April 6, 1998; revised manuscript accepted April 21, 1999- 1454 Conservation Biology, Pages 1454-1465 Volume 13, No. 6, December 1999

Transcript of Jones, E.B.D. III, G.S. Helfman, J.O. Harper, and P.V. Bolstad. 1999 ...

Effects of Riparian Forest Removal on Fish

Assemblages in Southern Appalachian Streams


•Institute of Ecology and Program in Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development, University of Georgia,Athens, GA 30602, U.S.A.tDepartment of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108-1027, U.S.A.

Abstract: Deforestation of riparian zones is known to influence the numbers and kinds of organisms thatinhabit adjoining streatns, but little quantitative information is available on how much deforestation mustoccur before the biota isaffected. We sampled fishes and stream habitats in 12 stream segments downstreamfrom deforested but vegetated riparian patches 0-5.3 km long, all downslope from watersheds with at least95% forest cover. We found an overall decrease in fish abundance with increasing length of nonforested ri-parian patch; sculpins, benthic minnows, and darters decreased, and sunfishes and water-column minnowsincreased in numbers. Introduced species were more common doivnstream from longer riparian patches.Habitat diversity decreased and riffles became filled with fine sediments as upstream patch length increased.Length of upstream nonforested patch and substrate particle size were much stronger predictors offish occur-rence than riparian patch width. Fauna! characteristics and physical features of the stream changed in directproportion to the gradient of riparian disturbance, but the abundance of several species underwent pro-nounced change at particular threshold patch lengths. These results suggest that riparian forest removal leadsto shifts in the structure of stream fish assemblages due to (1) decreases in fish species that do not guard hid-den eggs or that are dependent on swift, shallow water that flows over relatively sediment-free substrates, or(2) increases in fishes that guard their young in pebble or pit nests or that live in slower, deeper water. Whenwatershed development is anticipated or planned, limited clearing of riparian trees may cause minor distur-bance to the fish assemblage, but streams in even a heavily forested watershed with vegetated riparian buff-ers cannot tolerate disruption of riparian-zone trees over much more than 1 km in length. Riparian bufferlength and area should be given stronger consideration in stream protection and restoration plans.

Efectos de la Remocion del Bosque Ripario en Ensamblajes de Peces en Arroyos de los Apalaches del Sur

Resumen: Es conocido que la deforestation de zonas riparias influencia el numero y tipo de organismosque habita los arrayos adyacentes, sin embargo, existe poca information cuantitativa sobre cuanta defores-tacion puede ocurrir antes de que la biota sea afectada. Muestreamos peces y habitats de arroyo en 12 seg-mentos de arroyo hacia abajo de parches riparios deforestados pero con vegetation de 0-5.3 km de longitud,todos pendiente abajo de cuencas con al menos 95% de cobertura forestal. Encontramos una disminuci6ngeneral en la abundancia de peces al incrementar la longitud del parche ripario no forestado; cotidos,ciprinidos benticos, y percidos disminuyeron, y los centrdrquidos y ciprinidos de la columna de agua incre-mentaron en numero. Las especies introducidas fueron mas comunes arroyo abajo de los parches ripariosgrandes. La diversidad del habitat disminuyo y los rdpidos estuvieron mas llenos de sedimento fino cuandola longitud del parche arroyo arriba incrementaba. La longitud de parches no arbolados arroyo arriba y eltamano de la pdrticula del substrata fueron pronosticadores mucho mas fuertes de la ocurrencia de pecesque la amplitud del parche ripario. Las caracteristicas de la fauna y las caracteristicas fisicas del arroyo cam-

\Address correspondence to G. S. Helfman, email [email protected] submitted April 6, 1998; revised manuscript accepted April 21, 1999-


Conservation Biology, Pages 1454-1465Volume 13, No. 6, December 1999

Jones el al. Riparian Deforestation and Fishes 1455

biaron en proportion directa algradinete de perturbation riparia, pero la abundancia de varias especies su-frieron catnbios pronunciados a particulares longitudes del parche. Estos resultados sugieren que laremocion de bosque ripario conduce a desplazamientos en la estructura de los ensamblajes de peces del ar-royo debido a: (1) disminuciones en especies de peces que no custodian huevos escondidos o que dependende aguas rdpidtisy sotneras quefluyen sobre substratos relativamente libres de sedimentos o (2) incremen-tos en peces que custodian sus crias en nidos de grava o roca o que viven en aguas mas lentas y profundas.Cuando se anticipa o se planea el desarrollo de cuencas, el clareo limitado de arboles riparios puede causarperturbaciones minimas a los ensamblajes de peces, sin embargo, aun los arroyos que se encuentran encuencas altamente deforestadas con zonas amortiguadoras riparias vegetadas no pueden tolerar perturba-ciones en la zona de arboles riparios de mas de 1 km de longitud. La longitudy area de zonas riparias amor-tiguadoras deberdn ser consideradas mucho mas en los planes de protection y restauracidn de arroyos.


Throughout most of the Cenozoic, North America was aforested continent (Williams 1989). Even in relativelytreeless areas, such as the arid desert Southwest or theGreat Plains, streams were usually lined with a corridorof riparian trees. Consequently, North American streamfishes evolved in a forested landscape.

That landscape changed with the relatively recent in-trusion of humans. Humans settled along water coursesand typically cut down trees where they settled (e.g.,Bartram 1794; Hudson 1976). As a result, stream fishestoday live in a mosaic of forested and deforested habi-tats. Even in the southern Appalachians, where uplandareas of most watersheds are presently covered in for-ests that have not been logged since the beginning ofthe twentieth century, riparian zones were long agoconverted to agriculture (Bolstad et al. 1998). Such con-version causes numerous changes in stream habitats, in-cluding destabilization of stream banks, increased sedi-mentation from eroding fields, chemical changes fromfertilizers and biocides, and alteration of light and ther-mal regimes and hydrologic flows. Such modifications tothe stream and its surrounding landscape can be ex-pected to affect stream fishes.

In the course of studying fish and invertebrate assem-blages in forested and agricultural streams in the south-ern Appalachians, we found that a major correlate of fau-nal distribution was land use in the riparian buffer zone1-2 km upstream of a sampling reach (Harding et al.1998). Sites downstream from nonforested riparianpatches differed in many characteristics from streamsflowing through forested lands, regardless of land coverupland in the watershed (upland land cover was usually85% or more forested). The importance of intact riparianvegetation to normal stream function is widely recog-nized (Waters 1995), but the literature on riparian bufferzones has emphasized riparian width, almost to the ex-clusion of consideration of how the length and area ofthe zone might affect downstream receiving systems(e.g., Castelle et al. 1994).

These observations led us to test for the possiblecauses of change in fish assemblage characteristics as afunction of length of deforested riparian patches. Wewanted to determine if alterations to the riparian zonewere predictive of changes in the fish assemblage. Wechose a series of sampling sites that were similar in up-land land cover but that differed in degree of riparian de-forestation. We sought a gradient of riparian clearing,from entirely forested to 5.6 km of deforested ripariancorridor above the sampling site. We tested for relation-ships between this gradient of tree clearing and (1) thedistribution and diversity of habitat types, (2) fine-sedi-ment deposition, and (3) fish density, diversity, and as-semblage structure.


Site Selection

Twelve sites in the Little Tennessee River drainage inMacon County, North Carolina, and Rabun County,Georgia, were chosen from maps produced by a geo-graphic information system (GIS), using Arc/Info (Envi-ronmental Systems Research Institute 1997) (Table 1;Fig. 1). Land cover, interpreted from aerial photographsand satellite images from 1990 (Hermann 1996), wasclassified as forest or nonforest. Nonforested land covervaried among sites but was mostly a mixture of low-in-tensity cattle pasture and row-crop agriculture with oc-casional trees and shrubs; few of these sites were ac-tively tilled to the point that soil was exposed. Landcover was roughly similar among sites and was typicalfor this region. Streams were digitized from U. S. Geolog-ical Survey topographic maps at 1:24,000 scale. Siteswere chosen based on three criteria: (1) with the excep-tion of two reference sites downstream from intact ri-parian zones, all sites had one continuous patch of non-forested land immediately upstream of the study site onboth sides of the stream; (2) sites were distributed alonga continuum of upstream riparian patch lengths; and (3)

Conservation BiologyVolume 13, No. 6, December 1999

1456 Riparian Deforestation and Fishes Jones et al.

Table 1. Study site characteristics, Little Tennessee River drainage.

Stream siteUpstream nonforested

patch Watershed

Sites (lat/long)"area width gradient discharge length area width area nonforest

order1* (m2) (m) (m/km) (m3/sec) (km)0 (ha) (m)d (km2) (%f

Short patch1




. Tellico(35°17'31"N/83°29'40"W)

. Lowery(35°06'56"/83°29'12")

, Poplar Cove(35°07'32"/83°29"36")

. Betty(34°58'20"/83°24'18")








































0.6Medium patch









. Burningtown(35°13'50"/83°28'21")

. Cowee(35°16'24"/83°23'12")Watauga(35°13'54"/83°21'00")Jones(35°05'56"/83°27'12")

patchAllison(35°06'32"/83°28'12")Rabbit(35°12'48"/83°21'19")Up Little Term(34°56'10"/83°24'22")lotla(35°l4'13"/83°23'46")

















































































"Sites are ordered by increasing straight-line length of the upstream nonforested patch. The first four locales were arbitrarily designated "short-patch" sites, the second four "medium-patch" sites, and the final four were "long-patch" sites, based on nonforested patch length. All stream seg-ments were 50 m long. Site identification numbers correspond to locales on Fig. 1; sites are called "creeks" on most maps.bStrahler method (Stanford 1996).cNonforested riparian patch length was correlated with patch area (p = 0.02) but with no other patch, stream, or watershed dimension (p »0.05).aPatch width was maximum width for patches of roughly uniform, rectangular shape. For irregularly shaped patches, the widest point andtwo to three other points were used to calculate an average width."Watershed nonforest refers to the region upland and upstream from the sampled patch, not including the sampled patch.

sites drained moderate-sized watersheds that were for-ested except for the riparian patch. No sites were in thesame stream. Most sites had nonforested patches androad crossings in close proximity downstream, whichwere logistically unavoidable but potentially complicat-ing factors. Our level of resolution of cleared riparianpatches was constrained by our imagery, mapping, andspatial analysis methods, making corridors narrowerthan 30 m wide unresolvable (Avery & Berlin 1992). Ournonforested patches also varied greatly in shape andwere 175-1630 m wide (average width, 503 m; Table 1);all land contained in these continuous patches was con-sidered part of the riparian zone. We sought streams thatwere as similar as possible in width, gradient, and dis-charge. Sites were selected on the basis of their accessi-bility and whether or not they fell along the continuumof nonforested upstream patch sizes. Nonforested patchsize was not significantly correlated with any other site

selection characteristics (e.g., sampling reach area,stream order, water temperature, discharge, gradient,conductivity, elevation, or watershed area).

Fish Sampling

Fishes were sampled during August 1996 by means ofbackpack electroshockers, dipnets, and a 3 X 2 m seine.A 50-m section of stream (reach) was chosen at each siteand was electroshocked and seined thoroughly duringone upstream pass. Sampling required an average of 38minutes (range 30-50 minutes), depending on reacharea and complexity. Among reaches, we found no mea-sures of fish abundance that were correlated with sample-site width or area, or with sampling effort. We choserepresentative stream reaches that contained two occur-rences of major habitat types (i.e., two riffles, runs, andpools). We established 50 meters as an appropriate sam-

Conservation BiologyVolume 13, No. 6, December 1999

Jones et al. Riparian Deforestation and Fishes 1457

Sampling •Sites

Franklin, N.C.

0 10 20km

Figure 1. Locales of 12 samplingsites, Little Tennessee River basin,North Carolina and Georgia. Sitenumbers correspond to numbers inTable 1. All streams of approxi-mately third order and higher areshown. Inset shows location of thestudy area in the southeasternUnited States.

pling length after initially sampling 200-m sections atthree sites. An asymptote in number of species capturedwas reached after about 50 m, indicating that a longerreach would not yield more than one or two additionalspecies. All fishes were identified in the field and re-leased at the capture site. Young-of-the-year were not in-cluded in the analysis.

Because fishes are particularly sensitive to alterationsin breeding and spawning conditions (Muncy et al.1979; Berkman & Rabeni 1987), for some analyses weplaced fishes in one of six reproductive guilds, based onwhether or not parental care was given and the sub-strates over which eggs were deposited (Appendix 1,guilds from Helfman et al. 1997 after Balon 1975). Theseguilds included fishes that (1) broadcast their eggs overthe bottom and abandon them (open-substrate benthicspawners, e.g., blacknose and longnose dace, suckers,greenside and banded darters); (2) hide their eggs in un-modified bottom (brood-hiding benthic spawners, e.g.,greenfin and gilt darters); (3) modify the bottom slightlyprior to hiding eggs (brood-hiding benthic modifiers,e.g., lampreys, some minnows, trouts); (4) guard eggsspawned on rock undersurfaces (substrate choosers,e.g., sculpins, catfishes); (5) construct pebble piles andcare for their eggs and the eggs of associate species thatuse the same pile (pebble-pile builders, e.g., river chub,warpaint shiner); and (6) construct pit nests in soft bot-tom areas (pit spawners, e.g., sunfishes).

Habitat Characterization

Instream habitat was quantified along the 50-m studyreach at each site. Twenty-five cross-stream transectswere set up at 2-m intervals in each study reach. Veloc-ity and depth were measured at sampling points spacedat 0.5-m intervals along each transect. Velocity was mea-sured with a digital velocity meter placed at 0.4 of the

water depth above the stream bottom (Gordon et al.1992). To quantify percent fine sediment (particles <2mm diameter), four transects were chosen at random,and a 0.5 X 0.5 m grid was placed on the substrate atthree different locations (left, center, and right) alongeach transect. Two independent visual estimates of thepercent coverage of fine sediments in the grid were madeat each location; sandy and silty sediments were classifiedtogether (Gordon et al. 1992). To quantify coarse sub-strate, two people walked longitudinal transects thelength of the study reach, randomly measuring the inter-mediate axis of 150 substrate particles; nine differentparticle-size categories were recognized, ranging from<2 mm to >256 mm (Gordon et al. 1992). We also re-corded conductivity, water temperature, bank cross-sec-tion (triangulation of bankfull width minus wettedstream width), and we estimated bank stability based onoccurrence of vegetative cover.

Eight different mesohabitat categories were erectedbased on depth and current speed, following Gormanand Karr (1978) and Aadland (1993). Each samplingpoint described above was assigned to one of the eightcategories: shallow pool, moderate pool, deep pool,slow shallow riffle, moderate riffle, fast shallow riffle,raceway, torrent. The proportion of sampling points at asite in each mesohabitat category was used to character-ize habitat distribution and diversity in each study reach;habitat diversity was calculated with a Shannon Index(Zar 1974).

Statistical Analysis

Fish assemblage and habitat data were analyzed by re-gression and correlation methods and analysis of vari-ance (ANOVA). Regression methods were used to testfor gradient effects; assemblage characteristics (density,frequency, Margalef s diversity index, number of spe-

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1458 Riparian Deforestation and Fishes Jones el al.

cies) and habitat characteristics (percent fine sediment,diversity, and percent occurrence of mesohabitats) wereregressed against patch length. For some analyses, non-forested patch length was arbitrarily grouped into threelength classes (short, <1.1 km; medium, 1.1-2.2 km;long, 2.9-5.3 km), with four sites in each class, and theeffects of grouped patch length were tested withANOVA. Percentage data (i.e., representation of repro-ductive guilds and mesohabitats) were arcsine-square-root-transformed before analyses were run. Data re-ported are nontransformed values.

We also tested for the influence of environmental vari-ables on assemblage characteristics, species densitieswithin families, and species densities within reproduc-tive guilds. Fifteen fish occurrence classes (five repro-ductive guilds, two assemblage-level characteristics mea-suring diversity and abundance, eight families) werecompared with 37 environmental variables representinglandscape-level traits (e.g., watershed area, nonforestedpatch length) and instream habitat variables (physico-chemical measurements, stream order, habitat types,sediments) by means of Pearson correlation coefficients.


Density Trends in Relation to Patch Length

Eight fish families, 29 species, and 2592 individuals werecollected at the 12 study sites (Appendix 1). Overall fishdensity declined with increasing patch length (r2 =0.458,p < 0.02). No relationship was found between spe-cies diversity or richness and upstream patch length. Theinfluence of patch length on density or frequency of spe-cies, families, and reproductive guilds differed amonggroups (Table 2). When divided into reproductive guilds,the density of nonguarding-benthic-modifying species

and of species that do not clean silt from their nests de-creased with increasing patch length, whereas the fourpit-spawning sunfishes increased in density with increas-ing patch length. Relative frequencies showed relatedtrends (Table 2). Nonguarding-benthic-modifying spe-cies and perhaps noncleaning species decreased in rela-tive abundance, whereas nest-cleaning species (pebble-pile builders and pit spawners) increased in relativeabundance with increasing patch length. No familiesand only four of 29 species showed definitive trends indensity or frequency change. Creek chub, rock bass, andredbreast sunfish increased in density, whereas long-nose dace decreased in density with increasing patchlength (creek chub, r2 = 0.533,p < 0.01; rock bass, r2 =0.436, p < 0.05; redbreast, r2 = 0.423, p < 0.05; long-nose dace, r2 = 0.36, p < 0.05).

When densities are graphed relative to patch length, itappears that some species decreased or increased mark-edly at distinct points along the patch-length continuum(Fig. 2). The apparent threshold for declining densitywas shortest in rosyside dace, which was absent fromfive of the six sites downstream from patches longerthan 1 km (Fig. 2a); 74% of 105 rosyside dace capturedoccurred below patches that were 1 km or less inlength. Rosyside dace is the only species in our collec-tions that appears on lists of sensitive fishes of the re-gion (listed by North Carolina as "of special concern").The four darter species and the two benthic-dwellingminnows (longnose dace and stoneroller minnows)showed apparent declines in density below patchlengths >2 km (Fig. 2b & 2c). Mottled sculpin and thetwo trout species dropped off markedly in density at athreshold patch length of about 3 km (Fig. 2d). Speciesthat showed an apparent threshold response but that in-creased in numbers included the four sunfishes and agroup of three water column-dwelling minnows (war-paint shiner, river chub, creek chub), which increased

Table 2. Occurrence of reproductive guilds as a function of upstream riparian deforestation, Little Tennessee River drainage, North Carolinaand Georgia.

Regressions of density and frequency11

Guild" r2 of density as function of patch length r2 of frequency as function of patch length

Nonguarders9 open-substrate brood hiders2 benthic spawners6 benthic modifiers

Guarders2 substrate choosers5 pebble-pile builders4 pit spawners

Noncleaners (19 spp)c

Nest cleaners (9 spp)d


0.268 (p = 0.085), negative0.1580.587,** positive0.530,** negative0.230

0.1750.1380.477,** negative

0.0950.461,* positive0.688,** positive0.318 (p = 0.056), negative0.545,** positive

"Guilds are defined in Appendix 1.b Direction of significant relationship is indicated as positive or negative ("*p < 0.05; "p < 0.01).'Noncleaners, all nonguarders + guarding substrate choosers.''Cleaners, pebble-pile builders and associates and pit-nest spawners.

Conservation BiologyVolume 13, No. 6, December 1999

Jones et al. Riparian Deforestation and Fishes 1459

in density below patches more than about 2 km long(Fig. 2e). All 21 individuals of the three Lepomis sun-fishes and 9 of 11 rock bass individuals occurred onlybelow longer patches. Five of the 29 species collectedare introduced to this region (yellowfin shiner, flat bull-head, rainbow and brown trout, and redbreast sunfish;Menhinick 1991). With the exception of the two troutspecies, which were rare everywhere and essentially ab-sent downstream from longer patches, 54 of the 57 indi-viduals of the other three introduced species occurredonly downstream from patches longer than 3 km.

Habitat Diversity and Sediment Distribution

Overall, habitat diversity (//') decreased with increasingriparian patch length, but the regression was marginally

nonsignificant (r2 = 0.301, p = 0.065, n = 12). How-ever, one of the completely forested sites, LoweryCreek, had the third lowest habitat diversity value. Low-ery was the smallest, narrowest stream in our samples,and its small size may also have affected habitat diver-sity. When Lowery Creek was removed from the analy-sis, the inverse relationship between habitat diversityand patch length became highly significant, despite thereduced sample size (r2 = 0.493, p = 0.016, n = 11).

Sediment distribution varied as a function of riparianpatch length and also among stream habitat types. Fine-sediment coverage increased with increasing upstreampatch length in both pools and riffles (pools, r2 = 0.476,p = 0.01; riffles, r2 = 0.361, p = 0.04; n = 12 in bothcomparisons). When stream sites were grouped asdownstream from short (<1.1 km), medium (1.1-2.2


0.2'jE•3 0.15-c










m o.i-

• 0.05 -" 1

I — ali M — • — m ,-• — , n




fi u k •

. * , m^m — r-m — i



^ '^ 0.75-

••= 05-c(DQ







i .+ ++ + m m •

4 5 6 0 1 2 - 3 4 5 6 0


2= 3 4 5 6






Patch length (km)2: 3 4

Patch length (km)

Figure 2. Possible threshold effects of deforested patch length on fish abundance. Densities of some species and eco-logical groups fell or rose noticeably at different thresholds of nonforestedpatch lengths. Data shown are densitiesat each site. Dashed vertical line indicates possible threshold patch length at which density showed a marked fall orrise: (a) rosy side dace; (b) four darters; (c) two benthic minnows; (d) mottled sculpin (squares) and two trout spe-cies (diamonds); (e) four sunfishes (squares) and three water-column-dwelling minnows (diamonds).

Conservation BiologyVolume 13, No. 6, December 1999

1460 Riparian Deforestation and Fishes Jones et al.

km), and long (2.9-5.3 km) patches and analyzed byANOVA, fine sediments in pools did not differ as a func-tion of grouped patch length, but riffles downstreamfrom long patches contained significantly more fine sed-iments than did riffles below medium and short patches(Fig. 3). Riffles below long patches contained as muchsediment as pools, whereas riffles below short and me-dium patches contained less sediment than pools.

Effects of Patch Dimensions, Instream Habitat, and UplandForest Cover

Factors at both the landscape level (iionforested patchmeasures, elevation) and instream habitat level (sedi-ment abundance and size, conductivity) influenced fishoccurrence (Table 3). Patch length, width, and area dif-fered in their apparent influence on assemblage charac-teristics. Patch length (measured as a straight-line dis-tance) was significantly correlated with 4 of our 15 fishoccurrence measures. It was positively correlated withabundance of sunfishes and of pebble-pile builders andwas negatively correlated with total fish density and den-sity of nonguarding benthic modifiers. Patch width



0)c 25-

short I mediumPatch length (km)


Figure 3- Distribution of fine sediments (<2 mm) inpools and riffles as a function of length of upstreamnonforestedpatch. Solid bars are pools; open bars areriffles. Bars with the same letter are not significantlydifferent. Below short and medium patches, riffles con-tained less fine sediment than corresponding pools (Avs. B, paired t tests, p < 0.001), whereas riffles andpools below long patches were not different with re-spect to sediment load (A vs. A'). Riffles downstreamfrom long nonforested patches contained significantlymore fine sediments than riffles downstream fromshort and medium patches (B vs. A', analysis of vari-ance, p < 0.01; Tukey HSD, p < 0.01). Samples sizesfor pools below short, medium, and long patches were12, 13, and 15; for riffles, 38, 22, and 16. Values pre-sented are means; vertical lines are standard errors.

showed a significant correlation with only two mea-sures, one of which (minnow density) was not signifi-cantly correlated with patch length. Area was actuallythe best patch measure correlate (six correlations), add-ing sculpin and minnow density and rock undersurfacespawners (of which sculpins are a major constituent) tothe list of significantly correlated measures. Total per-centage of the watershed not in forest accounted forseven significant correlations, but when the upstreamand upland patch data were removed from this category,all correlations became nonsignificant. This result indi-cates that the statistical effect of the nonforest categorywas actually caused by what was happening in the non-forested riparian zone and by the few nonforested areasupstream and upland from the riparian patch (basically,the effects of riparian patch area and of total percentnonforest were identical).

We also found six significant correlations when patchlength was measured along the streams' contours ratherthan linearly; this measure included the banks of tribu-tary streams within the riparian patch (Table 3). In addi-tion to the fish occurrence groups accounted for bystraight-line patch length, minnows and suckers werepositively correlated and sculpins were negatively corre-lated with this complex curvilinear measurement ofpatch length.

The strongest instream habitat predictors of fish abun-dance were percent fine sediments in riffles and abun-dance of small rocks 64-128 mm in diameter. These twovariables were complementary in that fish groups andcategories that were positively associated with abundantfine sediments (minnows, suckers, sunfishes, and peb-ble-pile nesters) were negatively associated with smallrocks. Particles in other size groups were also strongpredictors of fish abundance, with many taxonomicgroups showing particle size complementarity (i.e., pos-itive correlations with smaller particles and negative cor-relations with larger particles, or negative correlationswith smaller particles and positive correlations withlarger particles).


Numerous studies have shown a sensitivity of streamcommunities and fish assemblages to riparian deforesta-tion, attesting to the importance of intact riparian bor-ders along streams (Detenbeck et al. 1990; Armour et al.1991; Lowrance et al. 1991; Schlosser 1991; Waters1995; Burkhead et al. 1997). We found that longer defor-ested patches were associated with decreased abun-dance of benthic-dependent species, which were re-placed by sediment-tolerant and sometimes invasivespecies. Our findings indicate some of the possible pro-cesses and mechanisms by which fragmentation of theriparian zone leads to changes in the abundance and

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Jones el al. Riparian Deforestation and Fishes 1461

Table 3. Correlations of landscape and instream habitat variables with total fish density and density within families and reproductive guilds".

Substrate particles'1

Patch length _ , fmes

(kmf Total m

Conductivity Patch nonforest riffleabundance as function of size (mm)

Faunal measureb



open-substratebenthic modifiers

Guarderssubstrate chooserspebble-pile builders

(mMhos) Elevation straight




0.75** 0.69*


0.70*0.64* 0.72**
















(%) <2



0.65* 0.96**














"Pearson correlation coefficients are given for habitat variables that accounted for three or more significant values; 25 variables that producedless than three significant correlations were not tabulated fp < 0.05; **p < 0.01). Variables tested that showed only one significant correlation:temperature, study reach area, percent deep pools, percent fast shallow riffles, percent moderate riffles, habitat evenness, percent fines in pools,width:depth, number of 16-32 mm particles, >256 mm particles. Variables showing two significant correlations:patch width, percent torrents,habitat diversity, cross-sectional area, number of 2-4 mm particles, 4-8 mm particles. Variables showing no significant correlations: watershedarea, stream order, gradient, discharge, percent shallow pools, percent moderate pools, percent slow shallow riffles, percent raceways, 8-16 mmparticles. No correlations were found between habitat variables and number of species, or diversity (Margalefs), or density of darters, broodhiders, or nonguarding benthic spawners.bSee Appendix 1 for reproductive guild descriptions and species list.cPatch length, straight-line distance between upper and lower edges of patch (straight), or riverbank and embedded tributary length (curved;see text).''Total nonforest (%) represents all nonforested areas above and including the upstream patch. Wljen the upstream nonforestedpatch was sub-tracted from all nonforested coverage, no significant correlations were found."Substrate size represents the number of particles of that size sampled at a site.?All centrarchids were pit spawners, so the two categories are autocorrelated; "pit spawners" were dropped from the analysis.

ecological composition of fish assemblages in streams.Our findings also suggest that length and area as well aswidth of riparian buffer zones should be emphasized inmitigation and management applications.

Deforestation as Disturbance

Our results support the general observation that remov-ing trees from the area adjoining a stream has direct andindirect effects on fishes, mediated perhaps through in-stream habitat alteration. Of the 37 habitat variables wemeasured, one of the strongest predictors of differencesin the fish assemblage was length of the nonforested ri-parian patch upstream of a sample site: patch length wasdirectly associated with decreased fish abundance. Al-though numerous factors that could affect fishes are as-sociated with clearing of the riparian zone (Waters1995), one consequence of riparian clearing is increasedsediment inputs into streams (e.g., Castelle et al. 1994).Among the strongest predictors of faunal differences inour study were various measures of sediment load, withhigher quantities of fine particles associated with reduc-

tions in overall fish abundance as well as with changesin assemblage composition.

Changes in instream habitat characteristics were alsoassociated with increasing riparian disturbance. Overallhabitat diversity declined with increasing patch length,and riffles became filled with sediments. Although fishabundance decreased with increasing patch length, as-semblage diversity did not differ significantly across thegradient of riparian deforestation. These patterns indi-cate a general deterioration of appropriate habitat formany fishes as a result of riparian disturbance. However,numerical losses in some species were apparently offsetby increases in others. Similar responses of stream fishesand habitats to disturbance, particularly to increasedsediment loads, have been found in other fish assem-blages (Gorman & Karr 1978; Berkman & Rabeni 1987;Weaver & Garman 1994; Wood & Armitage 1997).

Changes in fish abundance were most obvious whenspecies were grouped into guilds according to reproduc-tive behavior (Table 2). The groups that appeared to beaffected negatively by increasing deforested patchlength were those that nest on the bottom and do not

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1462 Riparian Deforestation and Fishes Jones et al.

clean silt from their nests. Common species in thisgroup include stoneroller minnows, longnose dace,rosyside dace, the two species of trout, mottled sculpin,and all darters. Fishes that increased in both absoluteand relative abundance were those that keep their nestsfree of silt, such as the four species of sunfishes and themound-building river chub and its nest associates.Mound-building and mound-using minnows appear to berelatively tolerant to disturbance because they occur lessfrequently in lists of imperiled species than do minnowsthat use other reproductive modes (Berkman & Rabeni1987; Johnston 1999). Regardless, the factor moststrongly implicated in shifts in fish abundance was siltconcentration, which increased with increasing patchlength. Hence, the function that riparian vegetationserves in slowing the accumulation of fine sediments instreams may interact directly with riparian patch lengthand reproductive behavior to affect species compositionand assemblage structure in these small Appalachianstreams.

Other patterns in our data implicate forest clearingand related agricultural practices as serious disturbancesto the system. Several features characterize degraded ascompared with less disturbed aquatic systems, includinga reduction in rare and sensitive species and a higherproportion of introduced species (Hughes & Noss 1992;Moyle & Leidy 1992; Weaver & Carman 1994; Moyle &Light 1996). Notably, rosyside dace, the only native spe-cies that we encountered that is considered potentiallyimperiled, was absent from most sites downstream frompatches longer than 1 km. hi addition, most introducednonsalmonids at our sites (95% of the 60 individuals ofthree introduced species) occurred downstream of patcheslonger than about 3 km. A decrease in a sensitive speciesand increases in introduced species with increasingpatch length indicate that deforestation of the riparianzone disrupts fish assemblages, and that the scale of ef-fect increases with increasing alteration of the ripar-ian zone.

The abundance of several species and guilds reflecteda response to the gradient of riparian disturbance (Fig.2). Some species also underwent apparent numericalshifts at breaks along the patch-length continuum, sug-gesting that some species are more tolerant than othersof the effects of deforestation and that the response ofmany fishes may be to a threshold of disturbance (seealso Roth et al. 1996). Biological systems often show re-sistance to perturbation, followed by collapse or suddenchange at some critical value of an influential variable(e.g., Redfearn & Pimm 1987). The most sensitive spe-cies, those with the lowest apparent threshold to distur-bance, were the rosyside dace and some of the darters(Fig. 2a & 2b). The potentially imperiled rosyside dace isa benthic brood hider that does not provide parentalcare after spawning. Darters are classic riffle dwellersand spawners and make up a substantial fraction of the

fishes listed as imperiled throughout the southeast (e.g.,Etnier 1994; Warren & Burr 1994; Burkhead et al. 1997).

In sum, our results suggest that loss of riparian forestsleads to a decrease in species that are dependent on rap-idly flowing, shallow water in relatively sediment-freestream reaches, or that hide but do not guard their eggs.An absence of riparian trees may be less harmful or evenrelatively beneficial to fishes that live in slower, deeperwater or that protect their young from sediments, butdeforested riparian zones along low-order streams in thesouthern Appalachians are unquestionably a disturbedcondition. Slow, deep habitats and extensive nest guard-ing also characterize nonsalmonid exotic species at oursites. The presumed interactions among, and ecologicalresults of, habitat loss and alteration, breeding biology,and population change underscore the necessity of pro-tecting all adult habitats. (Comparatively little is knownabout nursery habitats of southeastern stream fishes.)

Riparian Conservation and Management

How can our results be applied to strategies of water-shed planning and development? If riparian deforesta-tion drives the changes in assemblage structure that weobserved, what measures of riparian clearing are mostuseful in making decisions about stream management?How much clearing can a riparian zone sustain beforethe assemblage changes. How does riparian vegetationinteract with vegetation higher in a watershed to influ-ence stream fishes?

Patch width receives the most attention in assess-ments of riparian function. Our findings suggest thatpatch length and area could also be important predic-tors of fish abundance. Patch area was actually the bestpredictor in our study, but area is difficult to interpretbecause it incorporates both length and width. Our find-ings indicate that, of the two axes of a patch that arelikely to be measured, length contributes more strongly,perhaps because erosion of stream banks along a stream'slength contributes more sediment than run-off from thewider riparian border (e.g., Lyons & Courtney 1990; Wa-ters 1995). We focused on deforested but otherwise veg-etated riparian zones in otherwise forested landscapes.Whether our observations apply to forested riparianbuffers in relatively deforested areas, or to riparian zonesnarrower than the 175-1600 m zones we analyzed, re-quires additional study. Regardless of the mechanisms af-fecting fish occurrence, our findings suggest that ripar-ian length and area deserve increased consideration indecisions about riparian disruption and stream bufferzones.

Our curvilinear measure of patch length, which in-cluded small tributaries within an upstream patch, wasan even stronger predictor of fish occurrence. Correla-tions with this variable were similar to those associatedwith patch area, which is logical given that tributary

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streams were embedded within the patch. Total curvi-linear stream length is probably a better measure of ac-tual stream length within an area, but it is logisticallycomplicated by the resolution capabilities of most map-ping programs. A measure of total curvilinear streamlength within a riparian patch has considerable potentialwhere reasonably exact determinations of total streamdensity and distance can be made; such determinationsshould become easier as mapping resolution and geo-graphic information system technology improve.

Our results also indicate that the riparian zone and itsfauna can sustain some disturbance, but regardless of de-gree of upland forest cover, removal of trees in the ripar-ian zone can have substantial effects on the habitats andfishes immediately downstream. Our findings suggestthat continuous disturbance of riparian forests restrictedto a kilometer or less may constitute a relatively minordisturbance to some fish assemblages, assuming that thewatershed upstream and upslope is still largely forestedand that the riparian zone is still vegetated. Although thethreshold level of deforestation differed among species,it was in all cases between 1 and 3 linear km of treeclearing. If an ecologically sensitive family such as thedarters is taken as an indicator group, our findings indi-cate that land planners should strongly discourage theclearing of trees from riparian strips longer than 1 km.Clearing in excess of 1-3 km will have substantial effectson fish assemblages. The literature on recovery ofstreams from logging disturbance suggests that forestedriparian areas upstream of a locale can serve as refugiaor sources for recolonization (Niemi et al. 1990). Ourfindings indicate that thresholds exist beyond which re-covery will be much less likely: upslope trees can miti-gate against riparian disturbance, but only to a point.

Our study was designed to establish the degree of ri-parian disturbance that would cause a change in thefishes living there, assuming an otherwise intact water-shed. Unanswered are questions of mitigation and ex-tent. For example, are streams flowing through alternat-ing patches of forest and pasture substantially differentfrom streams such as ours that are downstream from rel-atively isolated nonforested patches? How much ripar-ian forest must be restored upstream of a deforestedstrip to allow the stream to return to a more naturalstate? Does 2 km of riparian clearing require at least 2km of riparian reforestation upstream?

Finally, how is the balance struck between riparianfunction and upland deforestation? Stream and forestmanagement practices call for riparian protection andrestoration to mitigate against the effects of disturbancehigher in a watershed. Our findings suggest that, even inwatersheds that are over 95% forested, riparian distur-bance alone can affect the stream biota. Wang et al.(1997) found that Wisconsin watersheds that had beenextensively (>50%) converted to agriculture containedsignificantly altered streams regardless of riparian tree

cover. Analogously, Roth et al. (1996), also working in alargely deforested (<25% forest cover) midwestern agri-cultural watershed, found that extent of vegetated coverin riparian zones was a poorer predictor of fish occur-rence than were land-use measures at the catchmentlevel. Roth et al. (1996: 153) suggested that "Upstreamprocesses may overwhelm the ability of local, isolatedpatches of riparian vegetation to support stable instreamhabitat." Where, between our extensively forested up-land situation and the extensively deforested upland sit-uation studied by Wang et al. and Roth et al., does ripar-ian function collapse? At what point can riparian treesno longer counter the effects of upstream agriculture?Alternatively, how much deforestation can be allowed ina watershed before irreversible changes will occur inthe receiving lotic systems, regardless of riparian condi-tion? At what level of disturbance are stream fishes, withtheir evolutionary histories tied to forested watersheds,no longer able to tolerate the cumulative effects of cut-ting of the terrestrial landscape through which their hab-itats flow?

Our investigation 'was an initial attempt at understand-ing interactions between upstream nonforested patchesand stream fishes; many aspects of our design and sam-pling were far from ideal. A more definitive treatment ofthis issue would involve a greater number and range ofupstream patch sizes, including replication; better con-trol of patch shape (i.e., symmetrical on both sides ofthe stream); better control of possible downstream influ-ences such as downstream nonforested patches androad crossings; measurement of additional landscapevariables such as soil type; better accounting of actualland-use practices (vegetation type and density, farmingpractices, building density, site history); sampling over alonger reach than 50 m to include multiple occurrenceof representative habitat types; and sampling down-stream from narrower riparian patches, because ourpatches were much wider than the narrow corridorsthat are the focus of most management-oriented investi-gations. Ultimately, sampling downstream from forestedriparian patches embedded in a deforested watershedand comparative testing in different regions would de-termine the general applicability of our conclusions.


We thank F. Benfield, J. DeVivo, J. Meyer, M. Scott, C. Fris-sell, and two anonymous reviewers for insightful com-ments on an earlier draft of the paper. N. Gardiner pro-vided indispensable help with issues involving thegeographic information system. This research was sup-ported by National Science Foundation grant DEB-9632854to the University of Georgia Coweeta Long Term EcologicalResearch Program. We thank the many Coweeta personnelwho facilitated all aspects of this study.

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Appendix 1Reproductive guilds" and species of fishes sampled, little Tennessee River basin.Nonguarding species

Open substrate spawners:Benthic spawners (egg-broadcasters on substrate, eggs not hidden, no parental care)—mirror shiner (Notropis spectrunculus);

blacknose dace (Rhinichtbys atratulus); longnose dace (JR. cataractae)', white sucker (Catostomus commersoniy, northernhog sucker (Hypentelium nigricans); black redhorse (Moxostoma duquesneiy, golden redhorse (M. erythrurum); greensidedarter (Etheostoma blennioides); banded darter (E. zonale).

Brood hidersBenthic spawners (choose places to hide eggs in benthos): greenfin darter (Etheostoma chlorobranchium); gilt darter (Percina

evides).Benthic modifiers (modify substrate to hide eggs but no care given): mountain brook lamprey (Ichthyomyzon greeleyiy, central

stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum); rosyside dace (Clinostomus funduloides); whitetail shiner (Cyprinella galactura);rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykissy,h brown trout (Salmo trutta).b

GuardersSubstrate choosers:

Rock undersurface spawners (place eggs on undersurface of rocks, guard eggs): mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi); flat bullhead(Ameiurus platycepbalus).h

Nest spawnersPebble pile builders (build piles or use piles built and guarded by other species as "nest associates"): •warpaint shiner (Luxilus

coccogenis); river chub (Nocomis micropogori); Tennessee shiner (Notropis leuciodus); yellowfin shiner (TV. lutipinnis~)b

creek chub (Sernotilus atromaculatus).Pit spawners (excavate depression on soft bottom): rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris); redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus)? green

sunfish (L. cyanellus); bluegill sunfish (Z. macrochirus).UndeterminedFatlips minnow (Phenacobius crassilabrutri).

" Reproductive guilds from Helfman et al. (1997) after Balon (1975).bIntroduced species according to Menhinick (1991).

Conservation BiologyVolume 13, No. 6, December 1999