John Week 17 - Chapter 17 - 4 - Amazon Web...

Week 17 – John chapter 17 Jesus Prays for His People of Faith 1. Read John 17:1-5 Jesus prays that God will be glorified in His death a. As you read this paragraph, you will notice the emphasis on variations of the word glory. To glorify God is to reveal God’s magnificence. It is to display the incomparable splendor of God. It is to declare and to prove the goodness of God. How has Jesus glorified God in His life on earth? (John 17:4) b. What is the assignment that Jesus is now bringing to completion? (John 17:2) c. What is the foundation and the essence of the life Jesus gives? (John 17:3) d. For personal reflection: Just as our relationships with family and friends require an ongoing investment of our time and attention; even so, our relationship with God requires an ongoing investment of our time. Consider your own busy life. What are some practical ways that you can adjust your priorities in order to have more time to invest in your relationship with God? Jesus’ prayer in chapter 17 is the conclusion of His Farewell Discourse—His final words before His arrest and crucifixion. Jesus has focused His entire earthly life on revealing the glory of the Father and on fulfilling the Father’s purpose in salvation. Jesus is the Son of God who will be returning to the Father by means of a painful and shameful death. As Jesus endures His sacrificial death on the cross, the Father is glorified in the Son. We have many acquaintances in our lives—classmates, colleagues, running buddies— but there are only a handful people of whom we may confidently say, “I know him.” You know your children. You know your husband. When Jesus speaks of the blessing of knowing God, and knowing Jesus Christ whom God has sent, Jesus is speaking of a deep, comfortable, relational knowledge of God, not simply a fond acquaintance.

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Page 1: John Week 17 - Chapter 17 - 4 - Amazon Web · 2019-01-03 · Week 17 – John chapter 17 Jesus Prays for His People

Week 17 – John chapter 17 Jesus Prays for His People of Faith 1. Read John 17:1-5 Jesus prays that God will be glorified in His death

a. As you read this paragraph, you will notice the emphasis on variations of the word glory. To glorify God is to reveal God’s magnificence. It is to display the incomparable splendor of God. It is to declare and to prove the goodness of God. How has Jesus glorified God in His life on earth? (John 17:4)

b. What is the assignment that Jesus is now bringing to completion? (John 17:2)

c. What is the foundation and the essence of the life Jesus gives? (John 17:3)

d. For personal reflection: Just as our relationships with family and friends require an ongoing investment of our time and attention; even so, our relationship with God requires an ongoing investment of our time. Consider your own busy life. What are some practical ways that you can adjust your priorities in order to have more time to invest in your relationship with God?

Jesus’ prayer in chapter 17 is the conclusion of His Farewell Discourse—His final words before His arrest and crucifixion. Jesus has focused His entire earthly life on revealing the glory of the Father and on fulfilling the Father’s purpose in salvation. Jesus is the Son of God who will be returning to the Father by means of a painful and shameful death. As Jesus endures His sacrificial death on the cross, the Father is glorified in the Son.

We have many acquaintances in our lives—classmates, colleagues, running buddies—but there are only a handful people of whom we may confidently say, “I know him.” You know your children. You know your husband. When Jesus speaks of the blessing of knowing God, and knowing Jesus Christ whom God has sent, Jesus is speaking of a deep, comfortable, relational knowledge of God, not simply a fond acquaintance.

Page 2: John Week 17 - Chapter 17 - 4 - Amazon Web · 2019-01-03 · Week 17 – John chapter 17 Jesus Prays for His People

e. Jesus has come to offer eternal life, but this comes at great cost to Him. What is the consummation of Jesus’ work on our behalf? What ultimate act of obedience will glorify Jesus as He glorifies God? (Go back and read John 12:23 and John 12:27-33)

2. Read John 17:6-19 Jesus prays for His disciples

a. What has been the primary assignment of Jesus’ earthly life until this point in time? (John 17:6)

b. What do Jesus’ disciples now know to be true about Jesus? (John 17:7-8)

c. The subject of Jesus’ prayer is not about the agony He is about to suffer; rather, it is a prayer for His disciples as they continue His mission. Jesus tenderly commits His disciples to the care of the heavenly Father. What is the focus of Jesus’ prayer for protection for them? What is the emphasis of His concern for them? (John 17:11b)

d. Jesus asks the Father to sanctify the disciples. To sanctify means “to set apart, to dedicate, or to consecrate”—especially to be set apart for a special purpose. The disciples are not to be worldly men; they are to be set apart from the world in order to bring the gospel to the world. By what means are the disciples to be sanctified? (John 17:17) How does God’s truth shape our lives? (See Psalm 1:1-3 and John 15:4)

e. Jesus has sanctified Himself—set Himself apart—unto death on the cross. What is His purpose in this holy service to God? (John 17:19) How does Romans 12:1-2 add to your understanding of how this sanctification applies to us?

Jesus came with a mission to the world. Jesus is leaving, but the disciples will remain. They will carry on Jesus’ mission to reach the world with the good news of salvation. Through the work and the witness of the disciples, the gospel will be proclaimed and the worldwide church—the community of the people of faith—will be established.

Page 3: John Week 17 - Chapter 17 - 4 - Amazon Web · 2019-01-03 · Week 17 – John chapter 17 Jesus Prays for His People

f. For personal reflection: We are in the world for a God-given purpose. We are to proclaim Christ to the world; nevertheless, we must be careful that we do not embrace the philosophy of the world. What specific practices and resources may help us to remain grounded in God’s perspective and in God’s Word? (See John 15:5)

3. Read John 17:20-26 Jesus prays for all believers, present and future

a. Jesus expands His prayer to include all of those who will believe in Him through the message the apostles will proclaim—and that includes us. What is the main request Jesus asks of the Father on our behalf? (John 17:20-21)

b. Although the community of faith has been built of men and women from different periods of history, different cultures, different ethnic backgrounds, different languages, and different value systems, our faith in Jesus provides a basis for unity. Jesus’ ultimate purpose is that we will be one just as God the Father and the Son are one.

i. How are all believers united in purpose? (John 17:16-18; Acts 1:8)

ii. How are all believers united in faith? (John 17:8; Ephesians 4:4-6)

iii. How are all believers united in Christ’s love? (Galatians 3:26-28)

iv. How are all believers united in the Spirit? (Romans 8:9,15-16)

v. What organic connection establishes and anchors our unity? (John 17:23, 26)

vi. How are all believers united in a common eternal destiny? (John 17:24)

Page 4: John Week 17 - Chapter 17 - 4 - Amazon Web · 2019-01-03 · Week 17 – John chapter 17 Jesus Prays for His People

c. For personal and private reflection: Although every believer is a dearly loved child of God, we sometimes fail to honor and respect one another as Jesus has called us to do. This grieves our Lord, just as we are grieved when our children treat one another badly. Perhaps there are strained relationships in your life that need to be mended. Take this to God in prayer, and ask Him to enable you to be an agent of reconciliation. Consider what steps you can take to restore these relationships.

Jesus makes a stunning statement in John 17:23. Jesus says that our unity of purpose will be a testimony to the world of two things: that the Father sent the Son, and that the Father loves the people of faith even as He loves the Son. God loves us even as He loves Jesus! How can that be?

• Jesus is perfect; we are imperfect • Jesus is pure in heart; our hearts are corrupted by sin • Jesus is perfectly obedient to God; we are rebellious by nature

Nevertheless, Jesus says that God loves us even as He loves Jesus. We must understand:

• God’s love for us is steadfast • God’s love for us is undiminished by our failures • God’s love for us is clothed in wisdom and established in power

Have you ever known a love like this? Take a moment to come before Him and receive His embrace. He is your Holy Father.

Jesus’ death has a purpose-- that we will see God’s glory

and know His love