Job Sheet 2 - Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi

Result:- Question/Discussion 1. How to create the table a. Open to Microsoft Excel to Folder Click to Microsoft Office



Transcript of Job Sheet 2 - Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi

Result:-Question/Discussion1. How to create the tablea. Open to Microsoft Excel to Foler!lic" to Microsoft O#ceb. $fter open Foler.!lic" to Microsoft Excel %&1& to start the 'or"sc. $fter open Microso(t Excel %&1&i. Hi)*tli)ht to box an clic" to botte+ ,oler.,ottel ,oler ha-e % .ep to +a"e table.First:-Click to all Borders and second clickto thick box borders.ii. /0pe .hip+ent of auio recorin)s /he /opic11. Hi)htli)ht to !olu+n $1 untill to 211-%-iii. Row A3&A4 we start to First table%. 2i-e Exa+ple for Mathe+atics for+ula usin) Excel:-a. !lic" /o 3o+ber Question an Hi)tli)ht Hol nu+ber 4 5f 0ou wanna 5ncreace the $+ount !oe it 6 4 - 4 / 4 7 .This is how we wanna fnd the QestionAnswer!5. Full Mathe+atics for+ula usin) Excel :8.How to insert .0+bol RM with % eci+al 9laces.a.!lic" to Ri)ht !lic" an )o to For+at !ells..i. ,efore clic" For+at cells...ii. $fter !lic" For+at cells..iii. 3u+ber / !ate)or0 / !urrenc0 an clic" to O".Full .0+bol RM :-!onclusion:-5 learn how to use Microsoft Excel .