Job interviews

JOB INTERVIEWS Make the right impression Presented by Jenni Proctor CAREER CLARITY
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description Jenni Proctor, Career Clarity Brisbane Career Counsellor and Career Coach, shares tips for a successful job interview.

Transcript of Job interviews

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JOB INTERVIEWS Make the right impression

Presented by Jenni Proctor


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You are over the first hurdle…

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But that’s just the start!

Before you can start celebrating there is still a lot you need to do.

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Breaking through your fears

Being well preparedHave answers preparedConsider your imageDo you have any funny habits you need to

curtailHow will you greet them? How will you

behave?Yes, we all get nervous! It’s what you do with

the nerves that counts

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Research Selection process at that organisationThe company, the teamThe job – What are they REALLY looking for?Image and dress code

Are there any red flags?

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Your brand, your mindsetBrand YOU

What they observe vs what they hear

Your MindsetWho do you think you are?Is that the person that they are looking for?How would that person think, act, speak,


What if you don’t believe in yourself?

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PreparationBe clear about why you are thereWIIFM – They don’t care much really Be clear about what you can offer THEM!Focus on your achievementsAny patterns of success eg in how you deal

with people, communication etcConsider examples you can use that indicate

personal qualities as well as achievements.

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Preparation – Be a STAR!Be prepared to give examples

Situation TaskAction Result

S - When I was working at ……………………….T - I accepted a challenging temporary role doing

……………A - I organised/planned/created/developed

…………………….R - As a result the company


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Communication is the keyProduct YOU – That’s the person they want!

Keep that person uppermost in your mind. Like that person.

Listen to their questions, information and clues.

Clarify anything you don’t understand.You can take time to think.Ask if you are worried about something.Be observant. If something is obviously not

working, adapt a little.

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End on a strong noteQuestions preparedHave you identified any “red flags”? If so,

address them now. Thank the interviewers. They have taken

time to talk to you and give you an opportunity. Appreciate this.

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Needing help?DIRECTION

Career Counsellor

DOCUMENTSRésumé writer Career Practitioner


DO THE JOB WELLCareer CounsellorCareer CoachCareer ConsultantExecutive Coach

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Jenni Proctor


[email protected]