JJ Dewey - The Literal Gathering of Israel

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    The Literal Gathering of Israel


    J. J. DEWEY

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    I wrote this treatise back in 1979 when I was still strongly influenced by the mindset of the LDS

    church and its various writings. Since then many of my views have changed and my perspective

    broadened. My later bookThe Gathering of Lights more correctly reflects my current thinking

    and presentation and is written for the general populace.

    This treatise has some excellent material and lots of good quotes for the LDS people. It was

    written to speak to the LDS using their language and contains many wake up calls and

    provocative thinking for them to consider. Most important is it does present the true principle of

    the gathering using their own teachings.

    Frequently Cited Publications

    DHC =Documentary History of the Church (officially titledHistory of the Church of Jesus

    Christ of Latter-day Saints; edited by B. H. Roberts; 7 volumes published between 1902 and


    TPJS = Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith (edited by Joseph Fielding Smith; published in


    JD =Journal of Discourses (26 volumes of public sermons published between 1854 and 1886)

    Millennial Star = The Latter-day Saints Millennial Star(an official Church periodical printed

    from 1840 to 1970)

    Most other abbreviations refer to books of the LDS Churchs canonized scriptures, or Standard

    Works: TheHoly Bible (Old and New TestamentKing James Version), TheBook of

    Mormon, TheDoctrine and Covenants (D&C), and ThePearl of Great Price.

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    The Literal and Figurative Gathering

    The tenth article of faith reads: We believe in the LITERAL gathering of Israel, and in the

    restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built on this (the American) continent

    Does the Church still believe in this literal gathering of Israel? Is there a literal gathering in the

    Mormon church today, or is it a figurative gathering?

    If there is a literal gathering in the church today then that would have to mean that all there is to

    the gathering of Israel is the gathering together in meetings and occasional conferences. But if

    this is so then how are the LDS gathering together any more than the Methodists or the Baptists?

    If The LDS believe in the literal gathering of Israel today then so also do all the other churches

    in Christendom. If Mormon belief on the gathering is the same as the other churches then why do

    they pretend that this belief sets them apart?

    Actually, until the turn of the twentieth century, the Latter-day Saints did believe in the literal

    gathering of Israel, but after a number of compromises, the church decided to cease and desist in

    its efforts to gather out of Babylon. From that point in time to the present the Saints have become

    like unto the world and most of the members of the church have become part of Babylon itself.

    In speaking of Jesus in his day Joseph Smith said: Jesus did everything to gather the people,

    and they would not be gathered, and he therefore poured out curses upon them. DHC

    5:423 Joseph also said: The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is a gathering Spirit. Its

    tendency is to gather the virtuous and good, the honest and the meek of the earth, and in

    fine, the Saints of God. (DHC 6:12)

    Yes, many are not aware that Jesus did everything possible to literally gather out the pure in

    heart in his day, but he had such little success that there is nothing recorded in the New

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    Testament of any gathering at all except into meetings. Near the end of his life when he saw that

    his efforts were futile Jesus painfully declared: O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the

    prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often WOULD I HAVE

    GATHERED thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,

    and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. (Matt 23:37-38)

    Jesus talks about the same principle in our day and he even calls it a mystery which implies that

    the principle is not understood by the average member: Therefore I will unfold unto them this

    great mystery; For behold I will gather them as a hen gathereth her chickens under her


    It looks as if the saints must have hardened their hearts for there is no gathering of the righteous

    at all today. Jesus tried to gather the saints in Jerusalem and they would not, and he again tried

    to gather them in our dispensation and again they would not.

    Concerning this mystery the Lord continues: Behold this is my doctrine, whosoever

    repenteth and cometh (gathereth) unto me, the same is my church. Whosoever declareth

    more or less than this, the same is not of me, but is against me; therefore HE IS NOT OF

    MY CHURCH. (D&C 10:67-68) Thus even though a person may have a membership in the

    Church on the earth it is not written in heaven unless he possesses the spirit of gathering.

    This is why the Lord calls those who do not possess this desire to gather non-members. This is

    also verified in the Book of Mormon: Wherefore, he that fighteth against Zion (The

    gathering of Israel) both Jew, and Gentile, both bond and free, both male and female, shall


    Nephi 10:16) Many members of the church will fight against the establishment of Zion through

    the gathering of Israel and thus belong to that great and Abominable Church of the Devil for the

    Adversary desires the dispersion of Israel so that the wheat will be burned along with the tares.

    We are told that Satan through his secret combinations seeks the destruction of ALL people.

    (Ether 8:25) Since the Gathering of Israel will provide a place of refuge which would thwart

    the Adversarys plan of destruction he, of course, wants to fight against this principle with all of

    his power.

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    When Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith he said: Behold, I will reveal unto you the

    Priesthood, by the hand of Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful

    day of the Lord. And he shall plant in the hearts of the children THE PROMISES MADE

    TO THE FATHERS, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers. If it were not



    Notice that Moroni said that the promises (plural) that were made to the fathers must be planted

    in the hearts of the children or the earth would be utterly wasted.

    What are the promises made to the Fathers???

    The church is, of course, aware of one of the promises, and that is the sealing powers, but a

    full concept of this is not taught. Joseph Smith said: This is the spirit of Elijah, that we

    redeem our dead, and connect ourselves with our fathers which are in heaven We cannot

    be perfect without our fathers. WE MUST HAVE REVELATION FROM THEM.

    (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 338)

    Thus we see that the redemption of the dead is only part of the spirit of Elijah. In addition to this

    we must be connected with them to the extent that we can receive revelation from them. Part of

    the redemption of the dead involves freeing our fathers in the Spirit World so they can

    communicate with us as promised.

    Why do we need revelation from our Fathers? Because all of the Fathers in Israel who we read of

    in the scriptures sought the gathering of Israel and the redemption of Zion and found it not,

    therefore they are very interested in our accomplishing this today for they do not want to be

    resurrected on a planet that is utterly wasted.

    Indeed the literal gathering of Israel is one of the promises made to the fathers and it must be

    planted in the hearts of the children by revelation or the earth could be wasted at the coming of

    Christ. Why will the earth be wasted if there is no gathering? Because the Lord said that the

    gathering was for a defense and for a refuge from the storm. D&C 115:6 For this reason he

    commanded the Saints: Go ye out of Babylon, gather ye out from among the nations, from

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    the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other Let them, therefore, who are among

    the Gentiles flee unto Zion (D&C 133:7&12) Declare both by word and by FLIGHT

    that desolation shall come upon the wicked. (D&C 63:37) I WILL NOT SPARE ANY


    If God will not spare ANY that remain in Babylon and all the saints remain there and not

    gather to form Zion then obviously the earth will be utterly wasted at his coming for there

    would be no men left. Indeed the Lord has warned us: For a desolating scourge shall go forth

    among the inhabitants of the earth, and shall continue to be poured out from time to time,

    if they repent not (for not establishing Zion by gathering), UNTIL THE EARTH IS

    EMPTY and the inhabitants thereof are CONSUMED AWAY AND UTTERLY

    DESTROYED (or wasted) by the brightness of my coming. (D&C 5:19)

    Joseph Smith illustrates clearly that the sealing powers restored by Elijah and the gathering go

    hand in hand: The keys are to be delivered, the Spirit of Elijah is to come, the Gospel to be

    established, the Saints of God GATHERED, ZION BUILT UP, and the Saints to come up

    as saviors on Mount Zion The Saints have not too much time to save and redeem their dead

    and GATHER TOGETHER THEIR LIVING RELATIVES, that they may be saved also,

    before the earth will be smitten, and the consumption decreed falls upon the world If the

    Church should go to with their might to save their dead, seal their posterity and GATHER

    THEIR LIVING FRIENDS, and spend none of their time in behalf of the world, they

    would hardly get through before the night would come, when no man could work; and my

    only trouble at the present time is CONCERNING OURSELVES,THAT THE SAINTS


    SALVATION SECURE; for there are so many fools in the world for the devil to operate

    on. (TPJS pp. 330-331)

    We see here that the gathering is necessary to secure our salvation. This is understandable when

    we consider that Joseph Smith said that Salvation is nothing more nor less than to triumph

    over all our enemies and put them under our feet. These enemies he said referred to this

    world. (TPJS p. 297) In other words it is impossible for the kingdom of God to triumph over its

    enemies in this world without the gathering of Israel and the establishment of Zion. Without a

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    knowledge of this mystery the kingdom of God cannot set up an ensign to the nations which

    will bring peace on the earth.

    Before we continue we must successfully define what is meant by the Literal gathering of

    Israel even though the meaning should be as clear as crystal to anyone who has read the

    Doctrine and Covenants even once.

    Unfortunately many Latter-day Saints actually believe that the missionaries of today are

    participating in the gathering of Israel. Many members also believe that they are gathering by

    simply meeting in wards and stakes. Others who understand what is meant by the literal

    gathering of Israel believe that the gathering was suspended for a time and is to be resumed

    when they go to Jackson County and that there we will have a literal gathering.



    Have you ever wondered why missionaries such as Wilford Woodruff were able to convert over

    three thousand people in several years of labor? Why is there not a missionary in the church

    today with the persuasive power of any of the early brethren? Is it because the missionaries of

    today lack charisma, or perhaps use the wrong brand of mouthwash? No. The reason is simply

    that today there is a different message with the most vital element deleted. That missing

    ingredient is the warning voice to all people to gather out from among the nations and come to

    Zion. Let the wheat be separated from the tares so the tares can be bound in bundles to be

    burned. Parley P. Pratt wrote his VOICE OF WARNING for this purpose. Also the Lord told us:

    Behold, I sent you out to testify and to WARN this people (D&C 88:81)

    Why were they to be warned? We are told a few verses later: That their souls may escape the

    wrath of God, the desolation of abomination which awaits the wicked. (D&C 88:85)

    To Sidney Rigdon the Lord commanded: Let him lift up his voice with the sound of a trump,

    and WARN the inhabitants of the earth to FLEE THE WRATH TO COME. D&C

    124:106 Let your preaching be a warning voice. (D&C 38:41)Lift a WARNING voice to

    the inhabitants of the earth; and declare both by word and by FLIGHT that desolation

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    shall come upon the wicked. (D&C 63:37) This is a day of WARNING (D&C 63:58)

    Let thy warning voice go forth; and when the night cometh let not the inhabitants of the

    earth slumber because of thy speech. (D&C 112:5) We are told that the main purpose of the

    Doctrine and Covenants is to be a Voice of warning unto all people. (D&C 1:4)

    Where is the Warning voice today?

    I am familiar with the last two editions of the missionary lessons and there is not one warning in

    either of them. The main theme of the current set is to testify of living prophets. However, the

    scriptures plainly tell us that any recognized prophet will warn the people of the wrath to come.

    Why are those proclaiming to be special witnesses not doing this? Why O why are the

    missionaries not sounding the warning voice when sudden destruction awaits us and the time is

    coming that even with a gathering the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and FEW MEN

    LEFT. (Isa 24:6) thus making a man more precious than fine gold. (Isa 13:12)

    In an interesting vision attributed to John Taylor on December 16, 1877 we find a description of

    some of the desolation we are to warn against:

    I went to bed as usual about 9:30 P.M. The next I knew I was just this side of Omaha. It

    seemed as though I was above the earth, and looking down upon it. As I passed along upon my

    way east, I saw the road full of people, mostly women, with just what they could carry in bundles

    on their backs traveling to the mountains on foot.

    I wondered how they could get through with such a small pack on their back. It was remarkable

    to me that there were so FEW MEN AMONG THEM It did not seem as though the cars were

    running. The rails looked rusty and abandoned and I have no conception of how I traveled as I

    looked down upon the people. I continued east by way of Omaha and Council Bluffs which were

    full of disease. The states of Illinois and Missouri were in tumult. Men were killing one another

    and women joined in the fighting. Family were against family in the most horrid manner. I

    imagined next that I was in Washington and I found desolation there. The whole House was

    empty and the Halls of Congress the same and everything in ruins. The people seemed to have

    fled the city and left it to take care of itself. (This would undoubtedly include the Washington

    temple). I was next in Baltimore in the square where the monument of 1812 stands in front of the

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    Charles Hotel. I saw dead piled up so as to fill the squares. I saw mothers cutting the throats of

    their own children for their blood. I saw them suck it from their throats to quench their own

    thirst, and then lie down and die. The waters of the Chesapeake Bay were so stagnant and the

    stench arising from it on account of their throwing dead bodies in it, so terrible that the very

    smell carried death with it. I saw no men except they were dead or dying on the streets and very

    few women. And those I saw were crazy and in an ugly condition.

    Everywhere I went I beheld the same sight all over the city, it was terrible beyond description to

    look upon. I thought this must be the end, but no, I was seemingly in an instant in the city of

    Philadelphia. There everything was still. No living soul was there to greet me. It seemed the

    whole city was without any inhabitants. In the south of Chestnut street and in fact everywhere I

    went the putrefaction of the dead caused such a stench that it was impossible for any living thingto breathe, nor did I see any living thing in the city.

    Next I found myself in Broadway in New York, and there it seemed the people had done the

    best they could to overcome the disease, but in wandering down Broadway, I saw the bodies of

    beautiful women, some dead and others in a dying condition on the sidewalk. I saw men come

    out of cellars and ravish the persons of some that were yet alive, and then kill them and rob their

    bodies of all the valuables they had upon them and they would roll over a time or two and die in

    agony. In some of the back streets I saw them kill some of their own offspring and eat their raw

    flesh and in a few minutes die themselves.

    Everywhere I went I saw the same scenes of horror and destruction and death. No vehicles or

    cars were running, but death and destruction was everywhere. Then I saw a fire start, and just at

    that moment a mighty East wind sprang up and carried the flames over the city and it burned

    until there was not a single building left standing there. Even down to the waters edge. Wharves

    and shipping all seemed to burn and follow in common destruction where the great city was a

    short time ago. The stench of the bodies that were burning was so great that it was carried a long

    distance across the Hudson Bay and carried death and destruction wherever it penetrated. I

    cannot paint in words the horrors that seemed to compass me about. It was beyond the

    description of men.

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    I supposed this was the end, but no, I was given to understand, that the same horrors were being

    enacted all over the countryEast, West, North, and South. FEW WERE LEFT ALIVE STILL

    THERE WERE SOME. Immediately after I seemed to be standing on the left bank of the

    Missouri and Illinois and all of Iowa were a complete desert with NO LIVING BEING THERE.

    A short distance from the river, however, I saw twelve men, dressed in temple robes, standing in

    a square or nearly so, and I understood it represented the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem.

    Their hands were uplifted consecrating the ground and laying the Corner Stone of the temple.

    (Wilford Woodruffs Journal, June 15, 1878, A Vision, Salt Lake City, Night of Dec 16, 1877)

    Is it not now obvious why the Lord said: Go ye out from among the nations, even from


    Let him not look back lest sudden destruction shall come upon him. (D&C 133:14-15)

    Here we see that one is in spiritual Babylon when he is in the midst of wickedness. We, of

    course, cannot be in physical Babylon today so it is obvious that the prophecies of Babylon in

    our day pertain to this spiritual Babylon as the scriptures have said.

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    Babylon Spiritual Wickedness

    Just why did God choose the name Babylon to describe spiritual wickedness in the last days?

    To find the answer to this question we must go back to the beginning of the original Babylon.

    We find that it was started by Nimrod, the mighty hunter and the great anti-Christ of his day.

    (See Gen 10:10.) The city of Babel, or Babylon was built in direct opposition to the will of the

    Lord for He wanted his people to scatter abroad all over the face of the earth and repopulate it

    after the flood, instead of congesting in one place. For one thing the Lord knew that a great

    congestion of the population always brings this spiritual wickedness. Because the people builtthe great city and the tower God had to confuse their language so they could be scattered all over

    the earth according to his will.

    Joseph Smith taught this important principle of limitation. He taught that the great city Zion

    would fill up the world, but that each community or stake in that city would be limited to

    fifteen to twenty thousand people. (DHC 1:358)

    It is obvious that cities below twenty thousand population have much less corruption than thelarge cities. All of the large cities today are filled with every kind of wickedness one can imagine

    thus the main concentration of spiritual wickedness in the world today is in the large cities. Thus

    when the Lord says: Come out of her (Babylon), my people, that ye be not partakers of her

    sins, and that ye receive not of her PLAGUES. (Rev 18:4) He is telling the people to come

    out of the cities of the world for all of these large concentrations of people are Babylon or

    confusion in the sight of God.

    Not only are the large cities a part of Babylon but so also are the smaller ones, to a lesser degree,

    according to the amount of spiritual wickedness therein. The only places that are not a part of

    Babylon are those places appointed by the Lord. Concerning these gathering places the scriptures

    commanded: Those who call themselves by my name and are essaying to be my saints, if

    they will do my will and keep my commandments concerning them, let them GATHER

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    THEMSELVES TOGETHER unto the places which I shall appoint unto them by my

    servant Joseph (or another servant), AND BUILD UP CITIES UNTO MY NAME, that

    they may be prepared for that which is in store for a time to come. (D&C 125:2)

    Thus those who come out of Babylon are those who gather together and build up cities or stakes

    of Zion unto the Lord not exceeding twenty thousand. Salt Lake was once a city of Zion, but is

    no longer because of the spiritual wickedness there. It is as much a part of Babylon as any other

    city and there is no safety there at present.

    Joseph Smith verified this doctrine. He said in speaking of Israel that the Lord would Gather

    them from the coasts of the earth and as John heard the voi ce saying Come Out Of her my

    people even so must all be fulfilled: that the PEOPLE OF THE LORD MAY LIVE when

    Babylon the great is fallen is fallen. There has been quite a number of families gathered up

    here already and we expect a continuance (DHC 4:8-9) In speaking of the destruction of

    Babylon we find: Therefore, shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and

    famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth

    her. And the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with

    her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

    Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, Alas, that great city Babylon,

    that mighty city! FOR IN ONE HOUR IS THY JUDGEMENT COME. And the merchants

    of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; FOR NO MAN BUYETH THEIR

    MERCHANDISE ANY MORE The merchants of these things WHICH WERE MADE

    RICH BY HER, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing In

    ONE HOUR so great riches is come to nought And they cried when they saw the smoke

    of her burning, saying what city is like unto this great city! In one hour is she made

    desolate. Rejoice over her, thou Heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for GOD

    HATH AVENGED YOU ON HER. And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great

    millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall the great city Babylon be

    thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. (Rev 18:8-11, 15, 17-21)

    In reading this chapter many people think that Babylon is only one city since it was called a

    great city but we know that this cannot be the case since we are told that in her was found

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    the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of ALL THAT WERE SLAIN UPON THE

    EARTH. (Rev 18:24) No one city has even been in existence long enough to slay all the saints

    that have been on the earth, but spiritual wickedness has indeed slain all the saints that have

    been on the earth and where ever this spiritual wickedness reigns there we have Babylon. The

    Lord calls Babylon a city just as he calls Zion a city that will fill the whole earth. Actually the

    city Zion which will fill the whole earth in the eyes of man will be composed of many smaller

    cities. The same is true of the great city Babylon. Yet even taking this into consideration within

    each prophecy we have many types or shadows of reality. For instance the city Zion is often

    referred to as the center stake in Jackson County. The central gathering place for Zion is

    prophesied to be in Missouri and the United States as a whole. Even so, with the city Babylon we

    have a city and nation today which typifies its existence. The City is New York City and the

    Nation is the United States.

    Just as in the days of Peter Rome was called Babylon (1 Peter 5:13) so also in our day is the

    great controlling city of New York is called Babylon. New York has several things in common

    with the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar. First it is the controlling financial city of the world.

    Second it is surrounded by water. Third, it is the melting pot of the nations. A conglomeration of

    all types of people always fills the city Babylon. In speaking of Babylon of our day Jeremiah

    exclaimed: opulent city, standing beside great waters! (Jer 51:13 New English)

    Concerning the city beside the great waters Ezekiel writes: How art thou destroyed, that wast

    inhabited of seafaring men, the renowned city, WHICH WAS STRONG IN THE SEA, she

    and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all that haunt it! Now shall the isles

    tremble in the day of thy fall; yea, the isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy

    departure. For thus saith the Lord God; when I shall make thee a desolate city, like the

    cities that are not inhabited, when I shall BRING UP THE DEEP UPON THEE, AND

    GREAT WATERS SHALL COVER THEE. (Ezekiel 26:17-19)

    This coincides with another prophecy of John Taylor when he said that the city of New York

    would someday be submerged under water.

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    Jeremiah also speaks of this event: The sea is come upon Babylon: she is covered with the

    multitude of the waves. (Jer 51:42)

    On the other hand, Jeremiah in the next verse indicates that there are other parts of Babylon that

    will not be covered with water: Her CITIES are a desolation, A DRY LAND, and a

    wilderness, a land where no man dwelleth. (Jer 51:43)

    This clearly indicates that the main city of Babylon will be sunken under the sea whereas its

    other cities will become a desolation just as John Taylor saw in his vision.

    In addition to the flooding Jeremiah gives us another cause of the desolation:And a great

    whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be

    at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be

    lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. Howl, ye

    SHEPHERDS, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye PRINCIPAL (From the

    Hebrew ADDIYR which means the greatest of or the leading men) OF THE FLOCK: for

    the days of your slaughter and your dispersions are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a

    pleasant vessel. And the shepherds (the General Authorities) shall have no way to flee, nor

    the principal (the First Presidency) of the flock, to escape. A voice of the cry of the

    shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock shall be heard: for the Lord hathspoiled their pasture. (The pasture is Salt Lake City and others where the church is joined

    with Babylon) And the peaceable habitations are cut down because of the fierce anger of

    the Lord. (Jer 25:32-37)

    We also have a strong indication that Babylon can refer to a certain country: in the last days:

    For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon as assembly of great nations

    from the north country: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she

    shall be taken. (Jer 50:9)

    Obviously the nations that come against Babylon here could not be a part of Babylon so Babylon

    here could only refer to a nation or set of nations in the last days.

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    Since Babylon refers to spiritual wickedness then that nation which possesses this type of

    wickedness in the world today would be the Babylon that is prophesied. All nations possess

    wickedness, but they do not all have a great deal of spiritualwickedness. The greater the

    spiritual leanings are in a nation the greater the chance there is for spiritual wickedness for the

    greater the light the greater is the darkness of those who go against the light.

    Not only is the United States the most religious nation on earth, as well as the headquarters of

    Mormonism but has a greater variety of spiritual teachers of every mold. It is indeed the prime

    candidate for being the modern Babylon, center of spiritual wickedness. It is not surprising that

    there are so many references in the scriptures to the apostasy of the shepherds of Israel in the last


    There are many other indications that the nation Babylon is the United States* For instance we

    are told that the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her

    delicacies. (Rev. 18:3) What other nation other than the United States makes the merchants of

    the earth rich?

    The saints of God are commanded: Come out of her my people. (Rev 18:4) We know that the

    majority of the Latter-day Saints are in the United States.

    Another indication is given in: Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and

    prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. (Rev 18:20) Joseph and Hyrum Smith are

    among these.

    Then too, sometimes Babylon refers to the nations of the world. Go ye Out from among the

    nations, even from Babylon. (D&C 133:14) All of the nations possess a degree of spiritual

    wickedness, but the United States exceeds them all and all cities in the United States possess this

    same wickedness, but New York exceeds them all from a political standpoint and Salt Lake City

    exceeds them all from a religious standpoint.

    A great warning was given by the Lord through Ezekiel to the Watchmen of Israel to warn them

    about sinning against the light: Son ofman, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of

    Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, AND GIVE THEM WARNING FROM ME.

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    When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor

    speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, TO SAVE HIS LIFE; the same wicked

    man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood WILL I REQUIRE AT THINE HAND. Yet if

    thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he

    shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. (Ezekiel 3:17-19)

    Do not the scriptures make clear that desolation can be our lot and that a warning voice needs to

    be sounded to save the actual physical lives of the saints? Is there a revelation anywhere that tells

    us to cease giving the warning voice? Yet where is the warning voice of the shepherds of Israel

    today telling us to come out of Babylon so we will not be caught in the cities and suffer as John

    Taylor saw in his vision? When the desolation comes the virgins who are not wise will ask why

    they were not warned and many members of the church will curse their leaders and then theirGod in their dying breaths while the wise virgins, the Saints who will gather shall hardly

    escape. (D&C 63:34)

    Is it not clear from what has, been hitherto written that we in need of a literal gathering of

    Israel? That is that the Saints must literally gather to places of refuge to save their physical lives

    in the day of judgment. Is it not obvious that the church is not sounding the warning voice as

    commanded in the scriptures, thus the blood of those who perish will be required at the hands of

    the shepherds of Israel. There is a small handful who understand these things, and understanding

    the responsibility we must sound the warning no matter what sacrifice or cost that we have to


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    Was The Gathering Of Israel Suspended?

    Those few who do yet believe in a literal gathering of Israel often state that the gathering process

    is suspended until we go back to Jackson County. Then they believe we will go back there and

    again have a great gathering.

    The gathering of Israel and the establishment of Zion was paramount on the minds of the early

    church. The Lord has made it clear that we should not cease in this endeavor: Again, verily I

    say unto you, I will show unto you wisdom in me concerning ALL the churches, inasmuch

    as they are willing to be guided in a right and proper way for their salvation,. That the

    work of the gathering of my, saints MAY CONTINUE, that I build them up unto my name

    upon HOLY PLACES, for the TIME OF THE HARVEST IS COME, and my word must

    needs be fulfilled. Therefore, I MUST GATHER TOGETHER MY PEOPLE, according to

    the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to

    possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial gloryWhile the tares shall be bound inbundles, and their bands made strong, that they may be burned with unquenchable fire.

    Therefore, a commandment I give unto ALL the churches, that THEY SHALL

    CONTINUE TO GATHER TOGETHER unto the places which I have appointed if they

    will hearken unto this counsel they may buy lands and gather together upon them; and in

    this way they may establish Zion. (D&C 101:63-67, 74)

    Here we are clearly told that the gathering was to continue and nowhere in the scriptures are we

    commanded to cease gathering, instead the First Presidency announced in the days of Joseph

    Smith: The work of the gathering spoken of in the scriptures WILL BE NECESSARY to

    bring about the glories of the last dispensation. (DHC 4:186)

    In the days of Joseph F. Smith an announcement was made that it was no longer necessary for

    the saints to gather, but was it done by revelation? If it was done by revelation then it had to be a

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    Secret revelation and today the church openly condemns secret revelations as being a sure

    mark of the devil, yet the church is claimed to be run by revelation and apparently all of them are

    secret. Thus the church leaders are condemning themselves when they condemn such secret


    Joseph F. Smith was not the first individual to try and stop the work of God in gathering his

    People for the gathering was one of the main causes of persecution, for most of the persecution

    came before polygamy was introduced. And why were they persecuted for gathering? Because

    when the saints gathered together they formed a medium of power for good and they began

    talking about the glories of the Kingdom and how Zion would eventually rule the world and such

    talk put great fears in the hearts of their neighbors for their neighbors feared that they may

    eventually be ruled over by those tyrannical Mormons and thus they tried to destroy them.

    When the saints gathered in Ohio they were persecuted, and when they gathered in Missouri and

    tried to build Zion they were mobbed and Boggss extermination order was issued. When they

    were ordered to leave Missouri they were told to scatter abroadthat if they dispersed then no

    one would bother them and they could live their religion without persecution. This seemed like

    good advice for them, and some followed this and taught others the same. Hyrum Smith spoke in

    a general conference on this subject and made remarks disapproving the course pursued by

    some elders in counteracting the efforts of the presidency to gather the saints, and in

    enticing them to stop in places not appointed for the gathering. (DHC 4:424)

    Unfortunately this spirit of enticing of the saints to stop in places not appointed for the

    gathering has spread to the first presidency of the church and the sheep have followed the

    shepherds. Today they have told all the saints to stay in their native lands for their native

    countries are appointed for gathering places, yet the saints in Mexico do not gather in Mexico

    and the saints in Brazil do not gather in Brazil for there is no gathering places appointed for the

    members of the church anywhere on the earth. Today there are only figurative gatherings, and no

    literal ones.

    On the contrary Brigham Young said: Recollect that we are now calling upon the Elders to

    go and gather up Israel; THIS IS THE MISSION THAT IS GIVEN TO US. It was the first

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    mission given to the Elders in the days of Joseph. The set time is come for God to gather

    Israel, and for his work to commence upon the face of the whole earth, and the Elders who

    have arisen in this Church and Kingdom are actually of Israel. (JD 2:268) The Lord said:

    I must gather together my people according to the parable of the wheat and the tares.

    (D&C 101:65) In the parable of the wheat and the tares the Lord did not instruct his servants to

    gather the wheat for a while and then throw it back in with the tares, yet this is what the

    shepherds have done in saying that a literal gathering is no longer necessary, but the Lord said:

    And now I show unto you a parable. Behold, wheresoever the carcass is, there will the

    eagles be gathered together; so likewise shall mine elect be gathered from the four quarters

    of the earth. (Joseph Smith--Matthew 1:27)

    This gathering began with Joseph Smith and the Lord instructed its continuance and hecondemns those servants who do not obey the principle of gathering as hypocrites. (verse 54)

    The Lord also said: But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch

    the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to

    have been BROKEN UP, but would have been ready. (Joseph Smith--Matthew 1:47) Have

    the shepherds of Israel allowed the house of Israel to again be broken up even after a gathering

    had begun? Yes. The prophecy is fulfilled and Israel is not gathered today, but broken up. The

    Lord continues: Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh, shall find so doing

    (Gathering Israel and building Zion); verily I say unto you, he shall make him ruler over

    all his goods. But if that evil servant shall say in his heart: My Lord delayeth his coming

    (That is be delays the building of Zion to some future date and we do not have to worry

    about it now. Build up Zion wherever you are). And he shall begin to smite his fellow

    servants, (This is done today by excommunicating the pure in heart), and to eat and drink

    with the drunken. (Since Israel is not gathered today then they eat and drink with the

    drunken). Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an

    hour that he is not aware of, AND SHALL CUT HIM ASUNDER, AND SHALL APPOINT

    HIM HIS PORTION WITH THE HYPOCRITS, (Joseph Smith--Matthew 1:50-54)

    (Compare Matt 24.)

    The general feeling in the church today regarding this scripture is that it applies mainly to the

    lowly member and home teacher for surely the authorities are being as the wise servant. But NO!

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    The evil servant one who has power enough to allow the Lords whole house to be broken and

    the lowly member and home teacher has not this power. The evil servant was one, who was

    supposed to have care for the Lords house, one in high authority. The faithful servant is

    represented by those who do not give up on the gathering and building of Zion.

    The evil servants are also referred to in the Doctrine and Covenants. The Lord compared the

    gathering Of Israel to a tower and after He commanded its construction They began to say

    among themselves: And what need hath my Lord of this tower? And consulted for a long

    time saying among themselves: What need hath my Lord of this tower, seeing this is a time

    of peace? (That is persecution has subsided so why gather. It is no longer necessary) Might

    not this money be given to the exchangers? For there is no need of these things. (After all it

    costs money to gather together and build cities) And while they were at variance one withanother they became very slothful, and they hearkened not to the commandments of the

    Lord. And the enemy came by night and broke down the hedge; and the servants of the

    nobleman arose and were afrightened and fled; and the enemy destroyed their works, and

    broke down the olive trees. Now behold, the nobleman, the Lord of the vineyard called

    upon his servants, and said unto them, Why! what is the cause of this great evil? Ought YE

    NOT TO HAVE DONE EVEN AS I COMMANDED YOU, and after ye had planted the

    vineyard, and built the hedge round about, and set watchmen upon the walls thereofbuilt

    the tower also, and set a watchman upon the tower, and watched for my vineyard, AND

    NOT FALLEN ASLEEP, lest the enemy should come upon you? And behold, the

    watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy While HE WAS YET FAR OFF;

    and then ye could have made ready and kept the enemy from breaking down the hedge

    thereof, and saved my vineyard from the hands of the destroyer. (D&C 101:47-54) Then

    the Lord tells us he will call a faithful servant to fulfill his will which would be accomplished

    after many days. Verse 62 Then the He speaks clearly a few verses later and said: They shall

    continue to gather together unto the places which I have appointed . (verse 7)

    One might ask how would the gathering enable us to have seen the enemy while he was yet afar

    off? Verse 54 The reason he would have been seen while he was yet afar off is because the

    gathering always draws opposition and the enemy would have continued to show himself while

    he was yet weak or afar off. If the gathering had continued then the Church would be prepared

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    for the enemy today. As it is, with the dissolution of the gathering, the Church does not draw the

    evil men to oppose them. They appear as friends and the saints eat and drink with the drunken

    and cannot see the enemy afar off; yea, they cannot see him until it is too late.

    Oh, how great is the wisdom of God in commanding his people to gather, yet how great is the

    folly of man in neglecting this principle because they see no need. Is it not clear that the

    gathering of Israel is one of the main promises made to the fathers and without it the earth

    would be utterly wasted at his coming. (D&C 2:3) Nephi elaborates somewhat on this

    principle For thus are the covenants of the Lord with our fathers; and it MEANETH US



    Therefore, he will bring them again out of captivity, and THEY SHALL BE GATHERED

    TOGETHER to the lands of their inheritance; and they shall be brought out of obscurity

    and out of darkness. (1 Nephi 22:6, 12)

    Jesus tells us when these promises are to be fulfilled: When the words of Isaiah should be

    fulfilled then is the fulfilling of the covenant which the Father hath made unto his people,

    O house of Israel. And then shall the remnants, which shall be scattered abroad upon the

    face of the earth BE GATHERED IN from the east and from the west and from the southand from the North; and they shall be brought to the knowledge of the Lord their God who

    hath redeemed them And I will gather my people together as a man gathered his sheaves

    into the floor. For I will make my people with whom the Father hath covenanted, yea, I will

    make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass. And thou shalt beat in pieces many

    people (3 Nephi 20:11-13, 18-19)

    Concerning the gathering Jesus also said: he will gather his people even as a hen gathereth

    her chickens under her wings, even as many as will hearken to my voice and humble

    themselves before me, and call upon me in mighty prayer And ye are called to bring to

    pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and HARDEN NOT THEIR

    HEARTS; wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be

    gathered in unto ONE PLACE UPON THE FACE OF THIS LAND, to prepare their

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    hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are

    sent forth upon the wicked. (D&C 29:2, 7-8)

    Micah makes some interesting prophecies concerning the period when the final gathering will

    begin: O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the Lord straightened?

    Are these his doings? Do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly? Even of late

    my people is risen up as an enemy (This could be referring to the people of the church

    when they abandoned the gathering). Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest:

    because IT IS POLLUTED, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. If a man

    walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of

    strong drink; (That is receiving revelations the world wants to hear) he shall even be the

    prophet of this people. (The people will have a false prophet) I will surely assemble, OJacob, all of thee; I WILL SURELY GATHER THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL; 1 will put

    them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make

    great noise by reason of the multitude of men

    And I said, Hear I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the House of Israel (The

    General Authorities): Is it not for you to know judgment? (That is they should know how

    to make correct judgments.) Who hate the good, and love the evil Then shall they cry

    unto the Lord, but He will not hear them: he will even hide His face from them at that time,

    (What time? At the time the Lord Gathers out a remnant.), as they have behaved

    themselves ill in their doings. Thus Saith the, Lord concerning the prophets that make my

    people err, that bite their teeth, and cry, Peace (the Knox version translates this: All is

    well); and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him. (This

    means that the person who does not go along with those who believe all is well in Zion and

    raise their voice in protest they, the Authorities prepare war against him.) Therefore night

    shall be unto you, that ye shall have not a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall

    not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over

    them. Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all

    cover their lips: for there is no answer from God. (Micah 2:7-12; 3:1-7)

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    LDS missionaries use this scripture to substantiate the great apostasy during the Dark Ages, but

    there are several facts to indicate that the prophecy pertains to our day and not the Dark Ages.

    First of all the church during the Dark Ages did not believe in prophets, seers and revelators, but

    here Micah talks about people who will actually claim to be such and will receive false

    revelations. Secondly, we are told that at the time of these false prophets the Lord will surely

    gather the remnant of Israel. There was no gathering during the Dark Ages.

    Thirdly, Micah makes another prophecy which is to be fulfilled after this successful gathering:

    But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall

    be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and

    people shall flow unto it. And MANY NATIONS SHALL COME, and say, Come, and let

    us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he willteach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: FOR THE LAW SHALL GO FORTH

    OUT OF ZION, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. (Micah 4:1-2) This famous

    quote, which is also found in Isaiah, is often used by the church to support the idea that the

    Church today has Zion established in the tops of the mountains in Utah, and to the casual

    observer it seems as if this is the logical fulfillment of the prophecy, but is it??? We are told that

    the law shall go forth out of Zion. Does the church have any dominion that they have power to

    give laws? The next verse says: And he shall judge among many people, and REBUKE

    STRONG NATIONS AFAR OFF And I will make her that halteth a remnant (the true

    gathering of the Jews), and her that was CAST FAR OFF A STRONG NATION.

    (Micah 4:3, 7). Who was cast afar off? It was the children of Lehi. When they are gathered in the

    Lord will make Zion a strong nation.

    Does the church today have power to rebuke strong nations afar off? Is the church today a

    strong nation? No. These prophecies are not yet fulfilled and it may shock some people to learn

    that the mountain of the Lords house is not in Utah among those beautiful mountains. Has not

    the Church been clearly told that Zion is to be established in Jackson County Missouri and that it

    is from this spot that the law will go forth that will govern the nations? Joseph Smith made this

    clear near the end of his life at a time that he was aware that the Saints would go to the Rocky

    Mountains and become a mighty people. He said: The whole of America is Zion itself from

    north to south, and is described by the prophets, who declare that it is the Zion where the

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    mountain of the Lord should be, AND THAT IT SHOULD BE IN THE CENTER OF THE

    LAND. When the Elders shall take up and examine the old prophecies in the Bible, they

    will see it. (DHC 6:318-319)

    If the Church accepts the revelations given through Joseph Smith then they must acknowledge

    that the mountain of the Lords house is not in the Rocky Mountains, but is in Missouri. It is

    from this place that strong nations will be rebuked and that the law will go forth and that other

    nations will come forth and want to be governed by the principles of freedom as outlined in the

    original constitution of the United States which was established for the rights and protection

    of ALL flesh. (D&C 101:77)

    If this is so one might well ask then why the prophecy speaks about the Mountain of the Lords

    house in the tops of the mountains when there are few mountains in Missouri. There are several

    things to keep in mind here. First recall that the Lord often speaks of his holy mountain as being

    in Israel, yet there are no high mountains there. A good-sized hill is the highest thing you can

    find there. Secondly the Lord often refers to his people gathered together as his holy Mountain

    even if there are no mountains around. Thirdly, Missouri is in the center of a land filled with

    mountain ranges, and Forth, if you demand a literal interpretation we are told that the time will

    come for the valleys to be exalted, and for the mountains to be made low. (D&C 49:23)

    Thus it would hardly do to establish the Central stake in Salt Lake for it would no longer be in

    the tops of the mountains when they are made low. On the other hand it is possible that the Lord

    will raise up a great mountain in the central stake in Missouri.

    The Lord seemed to be aware that the gathering commenced by Joseph Smith would not be

    permanent as we have previously indicated by the parable of the servants abandoning the tower.

    The scriptures say: Mine indignation is soon to be poured out without measure upon all

    nations; and this I will do when the cup of their iniquity is full. And in that day ALL who

    are found upon the watchtower, or in other words, all mine Israel, shall be saved. AND


    This gathering spoken of here has to refer to a second gathering for the first had already started.

    This second successful gathering will take place when the Lords wrath is poured out upon the


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    This second gathering was sensed by some of the early leaders. Brigham Young said:God will

    preserve a PORTION OF THIS PEOPLE of the meek and humble, to bear off the kingdom

    to the inhabitants of the earth. (Contributor 10:362) Also Heber C. Kimball said: But the

    time will come when the Lord will choose A PEOPLE OUT OF THIS PEOPLE upon

    whom he will bestow His choicest blessings. (Deseret News, Nov 9, 1865)

    True saints look forward to the true literal gathering Of Israel. A marvelous work and wonder

    will come forth, a work which shall be so great that the history books will teach that all that has

    gone on before us including the restoration of the gospel was only preparation for that which is

    to come. The work of the Lord through Joseph Smith, as great as it was, was only preparation for

    that which God will yet accomplish through the meek and humble of the earth.

    John the Revelator prophesied of the great gathering, or the coming out of Babylon. He said:

    And I heard another voice (revelation) from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER MY

    PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

    (Rev. 18:4) This revelation that John prophesied of was given to Joseph Smith November 3,

    1831 wherein the Lord said: Go ye out from among the nations, even from Babylon, from

    the midst of wickedness, which is spiritual Babylon. (D&C 133:14) Joseph Smith said that

    this commandment was given that the people of the Lord MAY LIVE when Babylon the

    great is fallen. (DHC 4:9)

    How can one deny that the commandment to come out of Babylon is literal and is yet binding on

    the Latter-day Saints? The Lord said: Save yourselves from this untoward generation, and

    COME FORTH OUT OF THE FIRE, hating even the garments spotted with the flesh.

    (D&C 36:6)

    Jesus also personally prophesied of the coming out of Babylon: And then shall a cry go forth:

    Depart ye, depart ye, GO YE OUT FROM THENCE, touch not that which is unclean; GO

    YE OUT OF THE MIDST OF HER. (3 Nephi 20:41)

    When Jacob was chastising his people he told them: And the time speedily cometh, that

    except ye repent the Lord God will lead away the righteous out from among you.

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    (Jacob 3:4) Is not this the principle that God has used in all ages? Will he not lead forth the

    righteous from the Latter-day Saints today except they repent?

    Jeremiah speaks extensively concerning the commandment to come out of Babylon: My people

    hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them

    away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their

    resting place Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the

    Chaldeans, and be as the he goats before the flocks. For, lo, I will raise and cause to come

    up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the North country: and they shall set

    themselves in array against her Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver ever, man

    his soul Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed: howl for her Ye that have escaped

    the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the Lord afar off, and let Jerusalem (that is,the New Jerusalem) come into your mind. (Jer 50:6, 8-9; 51:6, 8, 50)

    Again we are told: The diviners have seen a lie, and have told false dreams; THEY

    COMFORT IN VAIN I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to

    place them And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man I will hiss for them, and

    gather them I will bring them again also out of tile land of Egypt, (That is he will deliver

    us from oppressive laws and taxation), and gather them out of Assyria (That is the Lord

    will gather them from among the wicked); and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and

    Lebanon; (Zech 10:2, 6, 7, 10)

    What does the Lord mean when he says he will bring them into the land of Gilead and

    Lebanon? If we apply the Hebrew meanings of the words we get an interesting interpretation.

    Gilead means many witnesses and Lebanon means the center so we could render it thus: I

    will bring you to a land of which you have received many witnesses which is in the center

    (of the country). Did not Joseph Smith say that Jackson County, Missouri is the center stake

    in the center of the land? Is not the consistency of all of the prophets amazing?

    We must keep in mind here that many of the prophecies concerning Zion will commence in their

    fulfillment in the Rocky Mountains, but they will not bud forth in all of their glory until the

    center stake is established. The prophecy that Joseph made about the saints becoming a mighty

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    people in the midst of the Rocky Mountains has not yet been fulfilled. The Mormon people are

    now a numerous people, but they are not mighty, but a mighty people will grow up out of their


    Authors note: Some are saying this treatise on the gathering does not sound like me and this

    may be true as I wrote this back in 1979 when my thinking was focused on religious lines. I was

    attempting to wake the LDS up to the fact that if the writings of the prophets are true then all is

    not well within their kingdom.

    As always I recommend the reader study this treatise in the light of the soul. Accept that which

    registers as being true and ignore the rest.


    Zion, The Pure in Heart

    The actual meaning of Zion is probably misunderstood more than any other by the Latter-day

    Saints, partially due to the misunderstanding of the following scripture: Let Zion rejoice, for

    this is ZionTHE PURE IN HEART. (D&C 97:21)

    If all of a persons accumulated knowledge of the scriptures concerning Zion can be summed up

    in that sentence then we may be assured that such a narrow viewpoint will lead to erroneousconclusions. And what erroneous conclusion does it lead to? The Latter-day Saint authorities

    conclude that the gathering is not necessary to establish Zion because if you are pure in heart you

    are already in Zion no matter where you are. Such individuals then believe that since they are in

    Zion, as they suppose, then they are safe no matter where they are as long as they follow the


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    The prophet will tell them what to do. In other words, they lean on the arm of flesh and do not

    depend on the Spirit. They feel that all is well with the authorities in the church, and thus the

    devil cheateth their souls and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. (2 Nephi 28:21) I

    can think of no more destructive doctrine to the kingdom of God than that its members thinking

    that they are in Zion no matter where they are and that God will protect them. On the contrary,

    we find that the righteous must be separated according to the parable of the wheat and the tares

    for if the wheat is mixed with the tares during the burning then it will be burned also.And until

    that hour there will be foolish virgins among the wise; and at that hour cometh AN

    ENTIRE SEPARATION of the righteous and the wicked. (D&C 63:54)

    This entire separation has to take place forthe hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, when

    peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion.And also the Lord shall have power over his saints. (D&C 1:36-37)

    If the devil has power over his dominion and you are residing in that dominion then where will

    your physical salvation be? The adversary will have such power over his own dominion that he

    will command all to worship an image andas many as would not worship the image of the

    beast SHOULD BE KILLED. And he causeth ALL, both small and great, rich and poor,

    free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: AND THAT NO

    MAN MIGHT BUY OR SELL, save he that had the mark. (Rev. 13:15-17) If you think you

    are pure in heart and will be safe even though you are dwelling within Satans dominion you will

    have a chance to test that purity when you are commanded to worship the image of the beast or

    be killed. You will also be tested when you are commanded to receive the mark of the beast

    which will signify that you belong to him and not God. Without this mark you and your family

    will not be able to buy or sell, and just how long do you suppose you could stomach seeing your

    little ones going hungry before you would give in?

    The prophet Joseph saw a vision wherein he saw the events in the devils dominion: he saw the

    father shed the blood of the son and the son the blood of the father; the mother put to death

    the daughter, and the daughter the mother; and natural affection forsook the hearts of the

    wicked; for he saw that the Spirit of God should be withdrawn from the inhabitants of the

    earth, in consequence of which there should be blood upon the face of the whole earth

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    EXCEPT AMONG THE PEOPLE OF THE MOST HIGH. The prophet gazed upon the

    scene his vision presented, until his heart sickened, and he besought the Lord to close it up

    again. (Jedediah M. Grant, The Improvement Era, Feb 1915, p. 286-7)

    Orson Pratt said that during this timethere will be too much bloodshed too much

    mobocracytoo much going forth in bands and destroying and pillaging the land to suffer

    people to pursue any local vocation with any degree of safety. (JD 20:151) Elder Pratt also

    said:The people will think themselves well off if they can FLEE FROM CITY TO CITY,


    In speaking of the devils dominion Brigham Young said: They will destroy each other,

    caring not for the blood and lives of their neighbors, or their families, or for their own lives.

    They will be like the Jaredites and will destroy each other to the last man, through the

    anger that the devil will place in their hearts, BECAUSE THEY REJECTED THE

    WORDS OF LIFE. (They rejected the gathering principle, which would save their physical

    lives.) (JD 8:123)

    It is this day that Joel speaks of when he says: And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall

    call on the name of the Lord shall be DELIVERED: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem

    shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the REMNANT WHOM THE LORDSHALL CALL. (Joel 2:32) Yes, those who do not reject the words of life and call on the

    name of the Lord in Mount Zion will be physically delivered, but unfortunately, many of the

    non-LDS will be more likely to deliver their lives than the members of the church who put their

    trust in the arm of flesh.

    Tell me my brother you who believe that you are pure in heart enough to be saved no matter

    where you are: Is your faith strong enough to live in a community where people care not for the

    blood and lives of their neighbors, or their families, or their own lives. They will be like the

    Jaradites. Read the story of the Jaradites during the last battles. Would you like to go through

    something like that? Wouldnt it be better to obey the law of the gathering as written by the


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    Just as we are told that Satan will have power over his dominion we are also told that the Lord

    will have power over the dominion of the saints in the last days. If the Lord has dominion over

    his saints then that must mean that the saints are out of reach of the power of the enemy and that

    they will be a physically separate body. Speaking of this time Joseph Smith was quoted as

    saying: Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the calamities, and there

    will be no escape except by fleeing to Zion. Those that come to you will try to keep the laws

    and be one with you, for they will see your unity and the greatness of your organization

    During this time the Great White Horse will have gathered strength sending out Elders to

    gather the honest in heart among the pale horse, or the people of the United States, to stand

    by the constitution of the United States, as it was given by inspiration of God. In these days

    God will set up a kingdom, never to be thrown down, for other kingdoms to come unto.

    (Taken from the White Horse Prophecy, quoted by Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley.)

    The official doctrine of the church today is that the church itself is the kingdom spoken of by

    Daniel, but here Joseph tells us that the kingdom will be set up in the days of this second

    gathering, and that the kingdom will not be a church, but it will be a government patterned after

    the original constitution of the United States.

    In speaking of Zion it is written: And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every

    man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs FLEE TO ZION FOR

    SAFETY. And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall

    be the only people that shall not be at war one with another. (D&C 45:68-69)

    Tell me you who believe you are pure in heart, even though you dwell in Los Angeles, New

    York, or any other city How is it that you now dwell in Zion when we are told that to get there

    you must flee? How do you explain the scripture: Let them, therefore, that are among the

    Gentiles FLEE unto Zion. D&C 133:12 How are you obeying the commandment to declare

    by word and by FLIGHT that desolation shall come upon the wicked? (D&C 63:37)

    Did not the Lord command us: Search these commandments, for they are true and faithful,

    and the prophecies and promises which are in them SHALL ALL BE FULFILLED. D&C

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    1:37. Did not Jesus reprimand his own disciples after his resurrection by saying:O fools, and

    slow of heart to believe ALL that the prophets have spoken. (Luke 24:25)

    We are told often in the scriptures that Zion has to be established. If Zion is merely the pure in

    heart scattered around the world then why does it need to be established? There are always a

    number of people who are fairly pure in heart scattered abroad. We are told to buy lands and

    gather together upon them; and in this way they may ESTABLISH ZION. (D&C 101:74)

    Do you make people pure in heart by buying lands??? No, but you can create a physical Zion on

    them where there will be a refuge from the storm. If all there is to Zion is the pure in heart

    scattered throughout the world then Zion has always been here, even before the church was

    organized, for there have always been some relatively pure in heart people upon the earth. The

    scriptures make it clear that Zion has not always been here:For they shall see eye to eye whenthe Lord shall bring AGAIN Zion. (3 Nephi 16:18) If all Zion is, is the pure in heart, and

    there is always a few pure in heart scattered around, then why will the Lord bring again Zion?

    Is it not obvious that Zion is a condition or place that has to be created and is not always here?

    Unfortunately, many people both within the church and out believe that they are pure in heart

    enough so that they will be miraculously taken up and snatched away to safety if they are in the

    midst of tribulation. But please, my brother, seriously ask yourself if this is realistic. After all,

    the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Did the Lord miraculously snatch away the

    righteous in the days of Noah or did they have to physically remove themselves? Did the Lord

    miraculously rapture the people who were righteous in Sodom and Gomorra or, again, did they

    have to physically remove themselves? How about Lehi? Were he and his family removed like

    men in a Star Trek movie or was it the normal physical method of his day? How about our own

    day? Were not the righteous bombed along with the wicked in our recent wars?

    But God will save us if we keep all the commandments, says one. That is true, but remember

    he is referring to the commandments of God and not men, and one of the commandments is to

    gather and go out of Babylon. If you are not obeying this commandment how then do you

    expect to receive protection?

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    The Lord tells us bow much faith we need to have if we expect to survive among a people who

    are not obeying all of the commandments. Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by

    trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of

    the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it.

    Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their

    own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God. If I cause noisome beasts to pass

    through the land, and they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass through

    because of the beasts: Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God,


    SHALL BE DELIVERED but the land shall be desolate. (Eze 14:13-16)

    Thus, if you expect to be saved in the midst of fury you must have the faith of a Noah, a Danielor a Job. Do you have as much faith as they did? Are you one out of a billion like they were? In

    their day each was the most faithful man on the whole planet. Are you the most faithful person

    on the planet now? Even if you are the scripture tells us that even with your great faith you will

    not be able to save your family neither sons nor daughters.

    Where then is the hope for the average saint? Are we doomed to destruction in these last days?

    No. We are told that this would be the situation if these three men were in it, or, in other

    words, this would be the situation if these three men stayed in Babylon. One would have to have

    faith like unto them if he wished to survive the desolations that will be poured out. The hope then

    for the average saint is to come out of Babylon for Ezekiel tells us that the way will be

    prepared to deliver sons and daughters:Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall

    be BROUGHT FORTH (or in other words gathered out), both sons and daughters.

    (Ezekiel 14:22)

    The Lord has said that if the promises made to the fathers is not planted in the hearts of the

    children then the earth will be utterly wasted at his coming. Yes, the whole earth would be

    utterly wasted except for men like Noah, Daniel and Job and how many men such as this do you

    suppose we have on the earth today? They could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand

    and what good would their salvation be without their families? When reflecting on the wisdom

    of the gathering the pure in heart will feel hope and faith and praise for the Lord for preparing

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    the way for our future deliverance along with our families. The spirit leads one to exclaim: How

    great are thy ways and how unfathomable is the intent of thy heart, O Father, Thou carest for thy

    children as a true loving father and savest all that come unto thee and sends servants to those

    who are lost and in peril! Thou art truly the deliverer of Israel.

    When we consider that Zion is an actual place and condition that needs to be established one

    may be led to question as to why the Lord called Zion the Pure in heart. Can Zion be the pure

    in heart and yet the scriptures be consistent? Yes, for the scriptures tell us who the pure in heart

    are by giving us another definition of Zion. After Enoch gathered his people we are told: And

    the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart, and one mind, and dwelt in

    righteousness; and there was no poor among them And it came to pass in his days, that

    he built a CITY that was called the City of Holiness, even Zion. (Moses 7:18-19)

    What had to take place here before the Lord called his people Zion? We find that the people were

    (1) of one heart, (2) and one mind, (3) they dwelt in righteousness; (4) There was no poor

    among them, and (5) they gathered together and built a city unto the Lord and the wicked did not

    come unto it.

    This then gives us a good idea of what the Lord means by the pure in heart. If one is pure in

    heart he will not love the world but will want to come out of Babylon and be united with othersof like thinking and build communities unto the glory of God. He will be of one heart and one

    mind with these other righteous individuals. He will dwell in righteousness and consecrate all

    that he has so that there will be no poor. One cannot be one of the pure in heart that dwells in

    Zion while he is in Babylon. The pure in heart desire to gather with the saints and will do so at

    the first opportunity. At this point many people are inclined to say: But doesnt the scriptures

    command us to be in the world but not of the world? Therefore we do not need to gather

    for we are supposed to be in the world at this time.

    The person who uses this quote is like the guy who quotes the Bible as saying that all men are

    created equal. Neither quotation is found anywhere in the scriptures. Nowhere in all the holy

    writ are we commanded to be in the world, but, on the contrary, we are commanded to come

    out. The only ones that are to be sent out into the world at all are those who are to preach the

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    gospel and they are commanded to be not of the world. (John 17:16) On the other hand, many

    sectarians teach from the pulpit to be in the world, but not of the world. However, the motto of

    Zion should be: Come out of the world that ye be not of the world t hat ye be not partakers

    of her sins.

    Joseph Smith clearly told us that the whole of America is Zion. He said this included North

    and South America and that the mountain of the Lord was to be in the center of the land. (See

    DHC 6:319.) Brigham Young also said that Zion is the land that the Lord gave to Jacob, who

    bequeathed it to his son Joseph, and his posterity, and they inhabit it, and that land is

    North and South America. (JD 2:253)

    Hyrum Smith told us, The gathering will be FROM THE NATIONS to North and South

    America which is the land of Zion. (DHC 6:322)

    Of course we cannot gather to all of North and South America all at one time. Joseph Smith told

    us to begin this gathering by building stakes or cities of about twenty thousand population each

    until we fill up the land of Zion and then the world. Right now the land of Zion is possessed by

    the people of Babylon, but one day Babylon the great will fall and Zion will be redeemed for the

    people of Zion. Then it will come to pass: So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the

    west. (Isa 59:19) When the center stake or city is established then shall the following scripturebe fulfilled: They shall call thee the City of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

    (Isa 60:14) Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities. (Isa 33:20)

    The scriptures indicate that there is more than one city in Zion: Thus saith the Lord of hosts;

    My CITIES through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the Lord shall yet comfort

    Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem. (Zech 1:17) When the land of America is full then the

    Lords cities will spread abroad and fill up the earth as Joseph Smith predicted.

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    The New Jerusalem

    In the Hebrew the word Jerusalem is written or sounded YeRUWSHALAYIM. This is a word

    created from two other Hebrew words. The first part is derived from the prim root YARA which

    means to instruct or point the way. The second half of the word is derived from SHALEM

    which is translated Salem and the meaning of this word is peace or to make safe. The literal

    meaning of the name then is to instruct in peace or to show the way to peace. In other words,

    Jerusalem is to be an ensign to the nations. The first ensign to show the way to peace was set up

    by Melchizedekwho was called a prince of peace. Even though the city he built only bore the

    last half of the name it was in reality the first Jerusalem. We are told that his people sought for

    the city of Enoch and obtained heaven. (Gen 14:34 Inspired Version) Thus the righteous

    gathering he effected produced the entire translation of the first city.

    The Lord desired similar results with the second Jerusalem occupied by the Israelites for it was

    intended to be an Ensign to point the way of peace to all the nations, but it failed to do thisbecause the people, and more especially the leaders did not obey all the commandments. Thus in

    the days of Lehi and Jeremiah Jerusalem was conquered and the Israelites were taken away

    captive to Babylon with a promise that the Lord would gather them again in some future period.

    Some of the Jews did return to Jerusalem, however, most of Israel remained scattered.

    In the days of Jesus many Jews had returned to Jerusalem, but it was controlled by many which

    say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. (Rev 3:9) Finally in 70 AD it was completely

    destroyed by the Romans under Titus. Finally, again in our day, the nation of Israel is again re-

    established, but just as a people will be gathered out of the LDS people to build Zion here so will

    a righteous remnant establish Zion on that side of the world, but before Zion is built there the

    prophecy of Jesus must be fulfilled: I am come in my Fathers name, and ye receive me not:

    if another shall come in his own name, HIM YE WILL RECEIVE. (John 5:43) That other

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    that shall come will be a false Messiahs appearing to the Jews as well as other peoples of the


    We are definitely told that Old Jerusalem after it should be destroyed it should be built up

    again, a holy city unto the Lord. (Ether 13:5) However, it will not be the holy city spoken of

    until Zion is established and there is a cleansing among the Jews as well as the rest of the world.

    Concerning the rebuilding of old Jerusalem Ether said: It could not be a New Jerusalem for it

    had been in a time of old. In other words, it would be a restored Jerusalem and not a new one,

    but he said: A New Jerusalem should be built upon this land, (America) unto the remnant

    of the seed of Joseph and they shall build up a holy city unto the Lord, like unto the

    Jerusalem of old. (Ether 13:5, 8)

    Concerning this New Jerusalem the Lord said: Righteousness truth will I cause to sweep the

    earth as with a flood, to gather mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place

    which I shall prepare, an Holy City, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking

    forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called

    Zion, a New Jerusalem. (Moses 1:62)

    Is it not plain that the New Jerusalem must be built by the gathering of the saints? The Lord also

    said: When the city of the New Jerusalem shall be prepared, that YE MAY BE

    GATHERED IN ONE, that ye may be my people and I will be your God. (D&C 42:9)

    It is also written: And even now, let him that goeth to the east teach them that shall be

    converted to FLEE TO THE WEST, and this in consequence of that which is coming on the

    earth, and of secret combinations Ye shall observe the laws which YE HAVE

    RECEIVED, and be faithful. And ye shall hereafter receive church covenants, SUCH AS

    SHALL BE SUFFICIENT to establish you, both here and in the New Jerusalem.

    (D&C 42:64, 66-67)

    Has this commandment ever been revoked by the Lord? Verily no. Therefore we should still

    receive covenants such as shall be sufficient to establish you here AND IN THE NEW

    JERUSALEM. Are we doing this? No. The Latter-day Saints claim to be waiting on the Lord

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    for the command to establish the New Jerusalem, but the command has already been given and

    the waiting period is long over. This is supposed to be the working period.

    The average Latter-day Saint has been deceived by the craftiness of men to the extent that in

    their craftiness certain men in the history of the church have changed the direction of their sights

    from a great good to numerous lesser goods. Instead of building the New Jerusalem their sights

    have been lowered to building the Mormon image in the world which thing means nothing to

    God for the world as we know it is a temporary state.

    This is best illustrated with a parable:

    (Authors note: If I wrote this parable today instead of 1979 I would change some things but

    this still gives good food for thought.)

    There once lived a Master Builder whose knowledge exceeded that of anyone else on the earth

    and he commanded a small force of men to come before him. He commanded his men to

    purchase a lot and build for him a house and after that is done he commanded them to build other

    houses of similar design. He left the foreman and all of the workmen with a list of written

    instructions including all things necessary to fulfill his commandment.

    The men did as they were commanded and purchased the lot and began building the house.

    Unfortunately other speculators discovered the masters plan and saw that there would be great

    value in obtaining the lot for themselves, so by an illegal means they obtained a deed for the lot

    for themselves and convinced the authorities that it was legal and they drove the Masters crew

    from the area.

    The master returned and when faced with the situation he was disappointed with his crew for

    they should have been more aware, but with some he was well pleased for their efforts. To them

    he said: You shall not cease striving until you obtain the lot which is legally mine and a house is

    built on it. Until that time you shall obtain other lots and build to me other houses on the like

    order of the first. Upon leaving these instructions the Master Builder left his men for an

    indefinite period of time.

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    To begin with the workmen strived diligently to obtain the lot that they had lost, but without

    avail. In the meantime they purchased other lots and built on them as the master commanded

    them. The structures they built were much different than those of their neighbors, for they could

    not see the wisdom of the Master Builder; therefore they did complain exceedingly to the

    authorities that the structures did not match up to the covenants and restrictions of the

    neighborhood and they did complain of building code violations and safety violations.

    Every government agency did condemn the crew until they were driven away into a wilderness

    where the crew did again make a valiant effort to obey the Masters command. For a short time

    they were able to build without interruption according to the Masters command until their

    community began to be desirable to those who believed in all of the restrictive laws. Finally

    many of these people began to move in and demand restrictive covenants as before, and they alsodemanded building codes that would restrict the structures that the crew was building.

    The foreman and the crew made many compromises and changed the direction of the building

    according to the desires of the world. They decided to use smaller more