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Trigonometri Business English Jilid 1 Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed. Business English Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed. Business Business

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TrigonometriBusiness English

Jilid 1

Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.

Business EnglishDr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.


Business EnglishDr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.


Dicetak oleh :


Darussalam, Banda Aceh

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Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.


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Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.


©2017 Burhanuddin Yasin Jilid Pertama, Cetakan ke-1 Syiah Kuala University Press 2017 Hak Penerbitan pada Percetakan Syiah Kuala University Pres Hak Cita dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apapun, termasuk dengan cara penggunaan mesin fotocopi, tanpa izin dari penerbit. Desain Kover : Juanda Percetakan : Syiah Kuala University Press Layout : Burhanuddin Yasin ISBN 978-602-5679-10-0 Cetakan ke-1 Desember 2017 SYIAH KUALA UNIVERSITY PRESS Jalan Tengku Nyak Darussalam Arief Kopelma Darussalam Banda Aceh

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Puji dan syukur kami persembahkan ke hadirat Allah SWT. atas

berkah, taufik dan hidayaNya, buku ajar jilid pertama ini telah dapat

diselesaikan, meskipun tidak sempurna. Selanjutnya, selawat dan

salam kami sampaikan kepada junjungan kita, Nabi Besar Muhammad

SAW., keluarga, dan sahabat-sahabat beliau, yang telah membawa

umat manusia dari alam jahiliyah ke alam yang penuh ilmu


Terdorong oleh keinginan untuk memfasiltasi mahasiswa yang belajar

mata kuliah ‗Business English‟, terutama pada Jurusan Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris dan Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP Unsyiah maka disusun

buka ajar ini. Diharapkan buku ajar ini dapat menjadi salah satu

pegangan dan/atau referensi bagi mahasiswa dalam memperkaya

pengetahuan bahasa Inggris niaga dan konsep-konsep dasar perniagaan.

Buku ini terdiri atas 2 jilid. Jilid pertama ini hanya mencakup bahasa

Inggris tingkat dasar dan menengah (basic and intermediate), dan

pengenalan tentang perniagaan. Jilid dua mencakup bahasa Inggris

tingkat menengah dan lanjut (intermediate and advanced), membuat

surat niaga Bahasa Inggris, dan konsep-konsep perniagaan lanjutan.

Diharapkan setelah mahasiswa selesai mempelajari Jilid Pertama,

mereka senantiasa akan lebih mudah mempelajari berbagai konstruksi

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kalimat dan wacana dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai dasar untuk membuat

surat-surat bisnis dan pemahaman konsep-konsep bisnis secara lebih


Ucapan terimakasih penulis sampaikan kepada kolega-kolega dosen,

terutama yang terlibat dalam tim pengajar mata kuliah Business

English—Dr. Bustami Usman, M.Pd., Drs. Arifin Syamaun, M.Ed., dan

Mr. Ibrahim Randell Champion, MBA—Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala; dan secara pribadi terima kasih

penulis sampaikan kepada saudara Ibrahim Randell Champion, MBA

yang sudah bersedia menyelaras materi Bahasa Inggris dalam buku ini.

Akhir kata, tak ada gading yang tak retak; demikian pula dengan karya

buku ajar ini. Karena itu, saran dan kritik yang bersifat konstruktif tetap

penulis nantikan demi kesempurnaan buku ini masa mendatang.

Banda Aceh, 26 Desember 2017

Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.

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KATA PENGANTAR .......................................................................... iv

DAFTAR ISI ......................................................................................... vi

BAB I BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR PART ONE ..........................1

1.1 Pendahuluan .....................................................................2

1.1.1 The Simple Sentence (Kalimat Sederhana) ............3

1.1.2 Word Order and Meaning .......................................6

1.1.3 Building Sentences ..................................................7

1.2 Latihan-Latihan ............................................................10

BAB II BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR PART TWO ........................11

2.1 The Eight Parts of Speech ...............................................12

2.2 Learning the Eight Parts of Speech ...............................13

2.3 Nouns—Berbagai Jenis .................................................15

2.4 Plural Nouns ..................................................................20

2.5 Article (the, a, an) ...........................................................22

2.6 Latihan-Latihan ............................................................26


3.1 Pronouns ........................................................................30

3.1.1 Personal Pronouns ................................................31

3.1.2 Possessive Pronouns ..............................................32

3.1.3 Relative Pronouns .................................................33

3.1.4 This and That .........................................................35

3.1.5 These and Those ....................................................35

3.1.7 Pronouns ..............................................................36

3.2 Latihan-Latihan ............................................................38


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4.1 Verbs ..............................................................................41

4.2 Person (Orang)................................................................42

4.3 Tense of a Verb ...............................................................43

4.3.1 The Present Tense ..................................................44

4.3.2 The Present Continuous Tense ..............................46

4.3.4 The Past Tense ......................................................48

4.3.5 The Past Continuous Tense ...................................49

4.4 Latihan-Latihan ............................................................52

BAB V BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR PART FIVE ........................53

5.1 The Future .......................................................................54

5.1.1 The Future Tense ...................................................55

5.1.2 The Perfect Tense ..................................................57

5.1.3 Present Pefect Tense ............................................57

5.1.4 Past Perfect Tense .................................................58

5.1.5 Future Perfect Tense .............................................59

5.2 Latihan-Latihan ............................................................62

BAB VI THE NEGATIVE AND QUESTIONS ..................................64

6.1 Forming the Negative .....................................................65

6.2 Forming the Questions ....................................................68

6.3 Latihan-Latihan ............................................................73

BAB VII WHAT IS BUSINESS, PROFITS ........................................74

6.1 Reading Material 1--What is Business? .......................75

6.1.1 Goods and Services ...............................................75

6.1.2 Profits ....................................................................76

BAB VIII PROFITS DISTRIBUTION.................................................80

7.1 Reading Material 2—Company Profits .......................81

7.1.1 How profits are distributed? ..................................81

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BAB IX PRICING YOUR PRODUCTS ..............................................86

8.1 Reading Material 3--Pricing Your Product ..................87

8.1.1 Price ......................................................................87

BAB X DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS ...............................................92

9.1 Reading Material 4—Distribution.................................93

9.1.1 Product Distribution ..............................................93

9.1.2 Channels of Distribution .....................................93

9.1.3 Direct Distribution .................................................94

9.1.4 The Retailer ............................................................94

9.1.5 The Wholesaler .......................................................95

BAB XI TYPES OF BUSINESS ORGANISATION ...........................98

10.1 Reading Material 5—Types of Business Organisation ..99

10.1.1 Sole Trader ..........................................................99

10.1.2 Partnership .........................................................100

10.1.3 Joint Stock ..........................................................100

10.1.4 Limited Liability .................................................101

10.1.5 Co-operatives .....................................................101

10.1.6 Public Corporation ............................................101

10.1.7 Service in Business ............................................102

10.2 Latihan-Latihan ........................................................105


11.1 Active and Passive .....................................................107

11.2 Latihan-Latihan ...........................................................110

11.3 The Infinitive ...............................................................111

11.4 Participles ...................................................................116

11.5 Irregular Verbs ...........................................................118

11.6 Latihan-Latihan ...........................................................122

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12.1 Conjunctions ..............................................................124

12.2 Latihan-Latihan ...........................................................126

KUNCI JAWABAN PERTANYAAN LATIHAN .............................128

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part One




SUB LEARNING OUTCOME Analyses word order and meaning

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is able to:

1. identify English word order;

2. identify the English basic sentences

3. construct simple query sentences

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part One


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan waktu

selama 35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan penting

terkait isi teks. Anda boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-line, dan

mengakses internet. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk berdiskusi atau

berbicara dengan orang lain (percaya pada diri sendiri) selama proses

membaca ini.

1.1 Pendahuluan

Grammar atau tata bahasa adalah cara penggunaan kata yang tepat dan

benar untuk mengungkapkan gagasan dan pikiran kita kepada orang

lain. Makna yang kita ungkapkan sangat bergantung pada cara kita

menggunakan dan mengurutkan kata dalam kalimat.

Dalam bahasa Inggris urutan kata yang digunakan itu sangat penting.

Sebagi contoh, The boy sits on the buffalow. Kalimat ini menjelaskan

apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh anak lelaki itu. Jika kita rubah susun

kata-kata itu seperti berikut, The buffolow sits on the boy, maka

maknanya berubah pula—yakni kalimat itu bukan lagi menjelaskan

tentang apa yang dilakukan oleh anak lelaki itu, tetapi apa yang

dilakukan oleh kerbau (buffolow) itu.

Anda dapat membayangkan apa yang terjadi terhadap anak lelaki itu

bilamana anda salah mengurutkan kata seperti pada contoh kalimat

kedua. Makna kalimat itu berubah drastis dari aman menjadi bencana.

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Two




SUB LEARNING OUTCOME Analyses the English Eight Parts of Speech—Nouns, including articles


When this section completed the student is able to identify the English eight parts of

speech—proper nouns, common nouns, Plural

Nouns, Gender, and Articles

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Two


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan waktu selama

35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan penting terkait isi teks. Anda

boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak

diperkenankan untuk berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses

membaca ini.

2.1 The Eight Parts of Speech

Ungkapan ‗The Eight Parts of Speech‟ bermakna ada delapan jenis kata

dalam bahasa Inggris dan masing masing memiliki fungsi dalam

kalimat, seperti diuraikan dalam tabel berikut.

Jenis Kata Uraian


Nama sesuatu atau benda. Kata ini menjelaskan

tentang siapa (who) atau tentang apa (what) kalimat

itu. Contoh:

The Secretary types a letter.


Kata ganti nama seperti he, she, dan it, berfungsi

untuk menghindari perulangan kata ganti nama.

Misalnya, sebagai ganti kita mengatakan:

The secretary typed the letter and the secretary

gave the letter to the manager.

lebih baik kita mengatakannya:

The secretary typed the letter and she gave it to

the manager.


Kata kerja—menjelaskan apa yang terjadi. Misalnya:

The Secretary typed the letter.

ADJECTIVES Kata sifat—menjelaskan kata lain (benda):

The Secretary typed the long letter.

Kata keterangan—menjelaskan kata kerja:

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Three





Analyses the English Eight Parts of Speech--Pronouns


When this section completed the student is

able to identify the English eight parts of

speech—personal pronouns, possessive

pronouns, relative pronoums, this and that, these

and those, other pronouns

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Three


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan waktu selama

35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan penting terkait isi teks. Anda

boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak

diperkenankan untuk berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses

membaca ini.

3.1 Pronouns

Kita menggunakan pronouns (kata ganti) ketika kita menggabungkan

dua atau tiga kalimat sederhana untuk menghindari perulangan

pronouns. Misalnya:

The secretary types a letter and the secretary gives the letter to

the manager.

Dua nouns, ‗secreatry‟ dan ‗letter‟ kedua duanya digunakan dua kali dalam

kalimat itu. Jadi, untuk menghindari perulangan, kita dapat menggantikan kalimat itu

seperti berikut:

The secretary types a letter and the she gives it to the manager.

Kata she dan it dalam hal ini berarti ‗secretary’ dan ‘letter’. Kedua kata

ini menyingkatkan kalimat itu dan menghilangkan perulangan.

Kata-kata seperti she dan it sebagai ganti kata benda itu disebut

‘pronouns’ (kata ganti). Suatu kalimat akan lebih panjang dan

berulang adanya pronouns—I, you, he, she, it, we, they.

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Four




SUB LEARNING OUTCOME Anslyses the English Eight Parts of



When this section completed the student is

able to analyses the English eight parts of

speech—verbs: the present tense, the present

continuous tense, the past tense, the past

contiuous tense.”

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Four


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan waktu selama 35

menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan penting terkait isi teks. Anda

boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak

diperkenankan untuk berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses

membaca ini.

4.1 Verbs

Diketahui bahwa setiap kalimat terdiri atas dua bagian.

1. Sebuah Subject

2. Sebuah predicate yang membuat pernyataan tentang subject.

Bagian terpenting dari subject adalah noun, karena kata benda tersebut

menjelaskan siapa (who) atau tentang what kalimat itu.

Bagian terpenting dari predicate adalah verb, karena kata kerja ini

menjelaskan tindakan apa (what action) yang terjadi di dalam


Verb (kata kerja) merupakan kata tindakan (action verb). Kata ini

menjelaskan apa yang terjadi. Kata ini juga dapat menjelaskan suatu

keadaan (state of being).

Contoh action verbs: to walk; to kick; to type; to drink dll.

Contoh state of being verbs: to be; to have; to become; to seem; to

appear dll.

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Five




SUB LEARNING OUTCOME Menganalisis the English Eight

Parts of Speech--Verbs


When this section completed the student is able to identify the English eight

parts of speech—verbs: the future tense, the

perfect tense, present perfect tense, past

perfect tense, future perfect tense

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Five


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan waktu selama

35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan penting terkait isi teks. Anda

boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak

diperkenankan untuk berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses

membaca ini.

5.1 The Future

Banyak peristiwa ketika komunikasi bisnis berhubungan dengan

kejadian-kejadian masa depan seperti: perjalanan (journeys), pertemuan

(meetings), pengiriman (deliveries), pameran dagang (trade

exhibitions), penyelesaian pekerjaan (job completion), dll. Anda cukup

menggunakan tipe kalimat present continuous dan menyebutkan

keterangan waktu kapan kejadian itu akan berlangsung:

1. What are you doing tonight?

I am going to ciname tonight.

2. The Chairman is going to Korea next month.

3. We are holding an exhibition during the week ending June 4.

4. Our delivery van is visiting your district tomorrow.

Bilamana peristiwa akan terjadi dalam beberapa menit kemudian, and

tidak perlu menyebutkan waktu:

I am going out. (...dalam waktu beberapa menit kemudian)

I am sending the van to the warehouse. (segera mungkin dalam

beberapa menit).

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Six




Sub Learning Outcome: Analyses the nagative and interrogative


Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is

able to recognise and construct the negative

and interrogative statements

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Business English Basic English Grammar Part Six


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan waktu selama

35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan penting terkait isi teks. Anda

boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak

diperkenankan untuk berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses

membaca ini.

6.1 Forming the Negative

Membentuk kalimat negatif dalam Bahasa Inggris tidaklah sukar—anda

hanya menambahkan not, do not, did not atau will not pada verb utama

kalimat anda, tergantuang pada jenis tense. Ketika anda menggunakan

do not, will not atau did not, kata kerja (verb) yang anda negatifkan

harus dalam bentuk infinitive.

The salesman collected a good order.

The salesman did not collect a good order. (Collected berubah

menjadi infinitive).

Present Tense

Dalam present tense anda menambah does not untuk orang ketiga

tunggal dan do not untuk bentuk orang pertama dan jamak. [Ingat

bahwa orang ketiga tunggal dalam bentuk present tense selalu

berakhiran huruf s.]

Positive Negative

1. I smoke cigarettes.

2. You like the boss.

3. He leaves in Yogyakarta.

4. We work hard.

5. You type letters.

6. They unload the van

1. I do not smoke cigarettes.

2. You do not like the boss.

3. He does not leave in Yogyakarta.

4. We do not work hard.

5. You do not type letters.

6. They do not unload the van

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Introduction to Business Goods, Services, Profits




Sub Learning Outcome: Defines the simple business concept:

the goods and services, and profits

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is

able to recognise and understand concept of

the goods, services, and company profits

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Introduction to Business Goods, Services, Profits


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan

waktu selama 35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan

penting terkait isi teks. Anda boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-

line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk

berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses membaca


6.1 Reading Material 1--What is Business? [Click here for more info on business concept]

6.1.1 Goods and Services

Fundamentally, business is the creation of wealth through the supply of

goods and services. We will now look at the examples.

If you go to a big city and walk along the main street you will see many

different things for sale. For example, you may walk past a bank, then a hair

dressing salon, then a dentist, an eating stall, a department store, a cinema, a

taxi rank ... and so on down the street. All these places are trying to sell you

something and we can separate the things they sell into two kinds—goods and


Goods are things like shirts, or motor cars, or furniture. In other words, they

are things you can see and touch, and usually they are made in factories.

Services, on the other hand, are different. You cannot touch them because

they are things that are done for you: like haircuts, or laundry or a bus ride.

You cannot touch a bus tide, or hold a hair cut in your hand, even though you

have had to pay for them.

So as you go down the street and buy some of the goods and services offered

to you, how does this create wealth? In some ways you may even think it has

the opposite effect, because you now have less money in your pocket than

before you made the purchases. But in this respect you are wrong. By

purchasing the goods and services offered to you, you are helping to create

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Introduction to Business Profit Distrbution




Sub Learning Outcome: Defines the simple business

concept: distribution of profits

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is able to understand the distribution of the company profits.

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Introduction to Business Profit Distrbution


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan

waktu selama 35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan

penting terkait isi teks. Anda boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-

line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk

berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses membaca


7.1 Reading Material 2—Company Profits [Click here or http://www.amosweb.com/cgi-

bin/awb_nav.pl?s=wpd&c=dsp&k=corporate+profits+distribution for more

info on business concept]

7.1.1 How profits are distributed?

We will now look in more detail at what happens to the profits a business


To illustrate this we are going to imagine that you run your own small

business. You are in fact a shopkeeper in a busy town centre. You are also a

good shopkeeper and as a result you are a successful businessman. But what

happens to the profits you earned? Let us see!

Imagine that it is now early in the New Year and you are trying to decide what

to do with the profits you earned last year. These are your profits after you

have paid all the usual running expenses of your business. These include the

wages for the three assistants you employ, a salary for yourself, the rent on

your shop, the purchase of your stock and so on. So what are going to do with

your profits?

You could, of course, just put your profits into a bank and leave them there to

earn some interest. However, that would not be very imaginative and as a

wise businessman you know that you must do more than this. You must keep

up-to-date and re-invest in your business. If you do not, your business could

soon start to run down and it would not be long before you were making no

profits at all. So, instead of leaving all your profits lying in a bank, you look

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Introduction to Business Pricing your Product




Sub Learning Outcome: Defines the simple business

concept: pricing the products

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is able to understand the

product price.

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Introduction to Business Pricing your Product


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan

waktu selama 35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan

penting terkait isi teks. Anda boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-

line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk

berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses membaca


8.1 Reading Material 3--Pricing Your Product [Click here or https://www.inc.com/guides/price-your-products.html for more

info on business concept]

8.1.1 Price

As you well know, profits in a business are earned through the provision of

goods and services. The price the business can charge for its goods and

services obviously has a large influence on the profits it makes. We will now

look at the major factors that affect these prices.

The first of these is the „cost of production‟. Let us imagine, for a moment,

that you are a businessman and that your business is manufacturing furniture.

Each price of furniture you make will cost you some money. This is called the

„cost of production‟, and it is made up from all the different costs that go into

making that piece of furniture. These include the materials that the furniture

is made from such as the wood; the screws and the glue; the wages of your

workers and yourself; the commission you pay your salesmen for selling your

furniture; the cost of transporting it from factory to the shop which sells it;

the general expenses of running your factory, such as lighting and heating ...

and so on. All these costs are included in calculating the cost of production.

To fix your final selling price, you add an extra amount—which is your profit.

This method of pricing goods is called the „cost plus‟ method and it is uses by

many manufacturing businesses.

When deciding your final price, however, you have to be careful. If your

prices are too high, nobody will want to buy your furniture. They will go to a

lower priced competitor instead. If your prices are too low, you will not cover

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Introduction to Business Channels of Distribution




Sub Learning Outcome: Defines the simple business

concept: distribution

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is able to understand the

channels of distribution, direct distribution, the retailer, the wholesaler

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Introduction to Business Channels of Distribution


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan

waktu selama 35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan

penting terkait isi teks. Anda boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-

line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk

berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses membaca


9.1 Reading Material 4—Distribution [Click here or https://study.com/academy/lesson/distribution-channels-in-

marketing-definition-types-examples.html for more on Business Distribution]

9.1.1 Product Distribution

Distribution is the method by which goods and services are moved from the

suppliers to the customers. This is a very important part of business activity

and we will now describe the major channels of distribution for you. The

channels of distribution, however, do vary greatly from one country to

another. So when you have studied the next few pages, please observe very

carefully the channels of distribution in your own locality and note them


9.1.2 Channels of Distribution

In looking at different methods of distribution, we must also look briefly at

different categories that goods can be divided into. These are usually

specialty goods, technical goods and staple goods.

Staple goods are goods for which there is an existing and steady demand with

regular repeat sales. For example, food, clothing, furniture, refrigerators,

T.V.‟s and similar articles are all considered to be staple goods.

Technical goods, as the name implies, are those gods that have a large

technical elements in their make-up and use. Such items are usually used by

industry in the manufacture of other goods. They are not generally bought by

the public. They include, for example, machine tools, most engineering

products, electronic products and the like.

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Introduction to Business Business Organisations




Sub Learning Outcome: Defines the simple business

concept: types of organisations

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the

student is able to: identify and

understand main types of business

organization such as sole trader,

partnership, joint stock company, limited

liability, co-operatives, public


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Introduction to Business Business Organisations


Reading Activity

Setiap orang membaca teks berikut dengan seksama. Anda diberikan

waktu selama 35 menit untuk memahami isi teks dan membuat catatan

penting terkait isi teks. Anda boleh membuka kamus—cetak atau on-

line, dan mengakses internet. Anda tidak diperkenankan untuk

berdiskusi atau berbicara dengan orang lain selama proses membaca


10.1 Reading Material 5—Types of Business Organisation [Click here or http://www.accountingverse.com/accounting-basics/types-of-

businesses.html for more on Business Organs]

10.1.1 Sole Trader

The simplest, the oldest and the most common forms of business are the “sole

trader” or “sole proprietor”. This type of business is very common in the

retail trade and also in the provision of personal services, such as

hairdressing, tailoring, etc. In a one-man business like this the owner has to

do anything. He has to raise the capital to start the business—either from his

savings or by borrowing it. He decides what sort of business it will be, where

it will be located and so on. In fact he has to make all the decisions himself.

He also takes all the profit and all the risk.

The strength of a one-man business lies in the ability of it proprietor. If he is

conscientious, hardworking, provides what his customers want and offers

value of money, he will almost certainly succeed. He has, after all, every

reason to run the business well—because he takes all the profits. If he wants

to change the way the business is run, he changes it. There are no arguments

about it, because there is nobody to argue with; so this type of business is very

flexible. It can change quickly to meet the different conditions. If its customers

suddenly start to ask for something different, the one-man business can

usually supply it quickly.

The danger of being a sole proprietor is that you are personally liable for all

the debts of the business. If the business fails, your personal possessions can

be sold to pay off these debts.

Page 34: Jilid 1 - omp.unsyiahpress.id

Introduction to Business Intermediate English Grammar Part 2




Sub Learning Outcome: Analyses passive and active construction, infinitive and

irregular verbs

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is able to:

1. compare passive and active voices;

2. identify infinitive, participles, and

irregular verbs.

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Introduction to Business Intermediate English Grammar Part 2


11.1 Active and Passive

Pada bagian ini anda belajar tentang verbs (kata kerja) yang dapat

mempengaruhi gaya penulisan anda. Saat seseorang menulis ia harus

menentukan bentuk kalimat yang akan ditulisanya apakah aktif atau

pasif. Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

1. The man kicked the ball. [active]

Dalam kelimat ini, verb „kicked‟ berbentuk aktif. Bila kita menulis

kalimat seperti berikut:

2. The ball was kicked by the man. [passive]

maka verb „was kikced‟ berbentuk pasif.

Bilamana bentuk aktif diubah menjadi pasif, makna kedua kalimat itu

tidak berubah. Pembentukan kalimat pasif dapat dilakukan dengan cara

merubah subject pada kalimat aktif mejadi object pada kalimat pasif

dan sebaliknya. Lihat contoh 2 di atas. Pasa kalimat pasif di atas the ball

sebagai subject, dan the man sebagai obejct.

Mengapa kalimat pasif perlu? Ketika suatu pagi anda keluar rumah dan

melihat sepeda anda sudah hilang. Seseorang sudah mencurinya. Kemudain

anda lapor ke polisi sebagai berikut:

My bicycle has been stolen.

Kalimat ini menunjukan bahwa bentuk pasif memberi tekanan pada tindakan

(action), bukan pada siapa yang mencuri. Subject nya sendiri sudah melekat

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Introduction to Business Intermediate English Grammar Part 2




Sub Learning Outcome: Analyses conjunctions, clauses and

complex sentence

Learning Indicators: When this section completed the student is able to:

1. identify conjunctions, clauses, and

the complex sentence; 2. analyse clauses and complex


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Introduction to Business Intermediate English Grammar Part 2


12.1 Conjunctions

Conjunctions adalah kata penghubung. Jenis kata ini dapat

mempermudah menambah informasi lain pada sebuah kalimat. Ketika

kita menambah informasi ekstra dengan menggunakan conjunction, ini

bermakna bahwa kita mengubah kalimat sederhana (simple sentence)

menjadi kalimat kompleks (complex sentence). Contoh conjunction

adalah seperti: and, but, when, where, because, although, if, before,

that, dll.

Berikut beberapa contoh dalam kalimat:

She typed the letter and the boss signed it.

She completed the job before we were paid.

He was repimanded because he was late for work.

Kadangkala conjunction digunakan berpasangan, dan dalam hal ini,

tiap kata pada pasangan itu harus ditempatkan di belakang kata yang

hendak dipengaruhi oleh conjunction itu. Misalnya:

It must be both cheap and ueful.

It is either finished or almost finished.

That is neither my business nor yours.

Dengan menggunakan conjunction kita dapat membuat kalimat yang

lebih panjang. Namun demikian, dalam busines kalimat yang panjang-

panjang itu dianggap gaya bahasa yang kurang baik, khususnya

bilamana kalimat-kalimat itu mengandung kebanyakan ‗and‘ (dan) dan

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TrigonometriBusiness English

Jilid 1

Dr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.

Business EnglishDr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.


Business EnglishDr. Drs. Burhanuddin Yasin, M.Ed.


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