Jian yu caise13-

A Business Protocol Unit Testing Framework for Web Service Composition Jian Yu, Jun Han, Steven Gunarso, Steve Versteeg Faculty of ICT Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Transcript of Jian yu caise13-

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A Business Protocol Unit Testing Framework for Web Service Composition

Jian Yu, Jun Han, Steven Gunarso, Steve Versteeg

Faculty of ICT

Swinburne University of Technology

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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Background and research issues Contribution overview The PROPOLS protocol specification language The unit testing approach and the framework Conclusion


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Web of Pages - text, manually created links - extensive navigation



Web of Resources - dynamically generated pages - data, services, mashups - web query interfaces

Web of People - social networks, user-created casual content - Facebook, Renren, Linkedin....

Web of Things

2009 - physical objects connect and interact over the Internet

- RFID, 2D barcode, sensors, SOA- Smart cities/homes, object

tracking/recalling, environment monitoring….

The Evolution of the Web

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Web services

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WebService Service



BPEL process (encapsulated as a service)

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Unit: the smallest testable parts of a software system A unit needs to have clearly defined interface Testing is conducted around the interface

Unit testing

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Business protocol as part of the interface

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Customer Manufacturer (PUT) Bank

Place Order Check Order

Confirm OrderReject Orderxor

Deposit Payment

Notify Payment Arrival

Process OrderNotify Order Fulfilled

Login (max 3 tries)

Notify Payment

Order Received

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How to facilitate the testing of business protocols between units (Web services)?

Primitive approach: hard code the protocol in programs: rigid, time-consuming, error-prone

Research issue

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PUT: Process-Under-Test

How to test a service unit if its partner services are not available?

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Declarative specification of protocol interface between services, and a framework to support the unit testing of defined protocol interface

Contribution overview

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PROPOLS: Property Specification Pattern Ontology Language for Service Composition

A light-weight, declarative, temporal and causal dependency specification language

Based on Dwyer et al’s Property Specification Patterns (PSP) has a FSA-based semantics Encoded in Web Ontology Language

The protocol interface specification language: PROPOLS

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PROPOLS basic expressions

pattern scope

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Scenario & PROPOLS Examples



Bank Client




Cancel xor






Hard Credit Rule

1. The received order must be validated:


Leads to

Manufacturer.ValidateOrder Globally

2. Payment must be deposited before order processing starts





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PROPOLS composite expressions


(Customer.getConfirmNotification Exists GloballyXor Customer.getCancelNotifcation Exists Globally)

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S is the Cartesian product A.S × B.S, s0 is the tuple (A.s0, B.s0), L is the union A.L B.L,

δ is {((a1, b1), l, (a2, b2)) | (a1,l,a2)∈A.δ (b1,l,b2)∈b.δ}, F is {(s1, s2) ∈S | s1∈A.F s2∈B.F}.

Composite expression semantics

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A: P exists globally

B: Q exists globally

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The PROPOLS Ontology


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Error detection Error state reached in a defined FSA Any FSA in a non-final state when testing sequence finishes

Error detection condition

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P: Manfacturer.LoginQ: Manufacturer.PlaceOrder

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A composite partner service and the mock of partner services

A preliminary solution to the 2nd issue

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Approach revisit

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Step 1 (specification) tool support

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1. PUT to Java mapping 2. Mock object setup

Manually define the request message

3. Test case definition Manually done

Step 2 (testing framework setup)

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Test case definition GUI

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Testing results GUI

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As far as we know, it’s the first testing framework to facilitate the unit testing of protocol interface between web services. All the other frameworks focus on test case programming

An approach to declaratively specify the service protocol interface between services and its associated framework software

Future work Integrating automatic test case generation techniques Partner service behavior emulation


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