jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African...

jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst (Episrnpal (Cljurrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY, TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA. NATAL. ZAMBESI. Presiding Bishop: R ight R everend D. H SIMS, m . a ., o d .. l . l . d . P hone 5-1869. Cable Address: "AMECHURCH" Educational Institutions: WILBERFORCE INSTITUTE, EVATON BETHEL INSTITUTE. CAPE TOWN. EMILY VERNON INSTITUTE, BASUTOLAND 28 WALMER ROAD, WOODSTOCK (CAPE TOWN), SOUTH AFRICA. \ Unlon-Oastlo Line, Ltm ..’ induor Castle" 6th« Jamary 19 rw, / i’ o the Presiding iJlders, Pastors, ) .'.lsslonary aor5:ers and tionerai Conferenoo Dolecatoss Dear Co-■labourers, I rrl dh to call your attention to certain important flaotsr 1, Delegates to tho ttnnorol Conference, 1 I* i The Rluhop emphatically stated to w r y .'doctoral College and Annual Conference that tho General conference dole£ftto*a transportation jttjI l dooend tho General Conference Delegate money raluod for tho four yours# Tho Bishop dirt!-or stated that tho amount of money vra a insufficient# A 1 ovy on each Presiding Elder* s district and each Charge ,ms made tout no di at riot brou ht tap Ito quota. Their good reason .raw inability of people In vie’ / of so many other demands. :im 2io ^ocrotary of Missions, Dr. r,# ... uomy, tho aocretory of tho Bishop*a council Bishop J.-. Clipper, tho Proaidont of tho V # « , Lodety Mrs# *, M. augioo infonod eaoh fbroi /31 mission field that tharr ;*ould not bo ablo to help In any ./ay on delegate* s eccoansos this time because of economic conditions in itaorloa# This jus published In the Christian Recorder, Voice of illusions and VJonen* s Uocorlor. nils meioss that instead of south Africa bearing ono half of expenses for trans ">rtatlon, and Aoorloa payinr the other half and also carlnr for tho delegates fPee of cloargo, that oOUth Africa rtust bear all expenses# The ruling is that Principals of our mission schools are not manbors of tho sonoral Conference by virtue of their office, hence the '.isuionary Dopaptnent bears no expense in that direction# 5# Tho ox.ienaos for oaoh delorato at tho mlnimuct is as follov/ss- / - Round trip fr.ro to riigland. Round trip J-Kgland to U,.v«A# */4. 0. 0. £T>4. 0. 0# 0TB. 0 0 J 0

Transcript of jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African...

Page 1: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

jF iftm itij ep iscopal B is tn c t

African JiUtljn&rst (Episrnpal (Cljurrlj.C O N F E R E N C E S C A P E COLONY, TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA. NATAL. ZAMBESI.

Presiding Bishop:

R i g h t R e v e r e n d D. H S I M S , m . a ., o d .. l .l . d .

P h o n e 5-1869.C a b le A d d re s s : " A M E C H U R C H "

Educational Institutions:







\Unlon-Oastlo Line,

Ltm ■ ..’induor Castle"6th« J a m a r y 19 rw,

/i’o the Presiding iJlders, Pastors, ).'.lsslonary aor5:ers and tionerai Conferenoo Dolecatoss

Dear Co-■labourers,

I rrldh to call your attention to certain important flaotsr

1, Delegates to tho ttnnorol Conference,

1■I* i The Rluhop emphatically stated to w r y .'doctoral College and Annual Conference that tho General conference dole£ftto*a transportation jttjI l dooend tho General Conference Delegate money raluod for thofour yours# Tho Bishop dirt!-or stated that tho amount of money vraa insufficient# A 1 ovy on each Presiding Elder* s district and each Charge ,ms made tout no di at riot brou ht tap Ito quota. Their good reason .raw inability of people In v i e’/ of so many other demands.

:im 2 io ^ocrotary o f Missions, Dr. r,# ... uom y, tho aocretory of tho Bishop*a council Bishop J.-. Clipper, tho Proaidont of tho V # « , L o d e t y Mrs# *, M. augioo i n f o n o d eaoh fbroi/31 mission field that tharr ;*ould not bo ablo to help In any ./ay on delegate* s eccoansos this time because of economic conditions in itaorloa# This jus published In the Christian Recorder, Voice of illusions and VJonen* s Uocorlor. nils meioss that instead of south Africa bearing ono half of expenses for trans ">rtatlon, and Aoorloa payinr the other half and also carl nr for tho delegates fPee of cloargo, that oOUth Africa rtust bear all expenses# The ruling is that Principals of our mission schools are not manbors of tho sonoral Conference by virtue of their office, hence the '.i suionary Dopaptnent bears no expense in that direction#

5# Tho ox.ienaos for oaoh delorato at tho mlnimuct is as follov/ss-

/ -

Round trip fr.ro to riigland. Round trip J-Kgland to U,.v«A#

*/4. 0. 0. £T>4. 0. 0#0TB. 0 0 J 0

Page 2: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

f t f tm tt lj (Episcopal Q istrict


Presiding Bishop:

R i g h t R e v e r e n d D. H SIMS. m . a .. d .d .. l .l . d .

Educational lustituiions:




P H O N E 5 - 1 8 6 9 .

C a b l e A d d r e s s : "AMECHURCH





liouo 10^ Reduction becaueo of throufh trj Hot Faro.

Railroad faro to and tran Oapetovm. Juatantation in Arserioa.Hotel ts.ro In Ffcagland approxinately ftaur dayo In goinr and cornln/%U*o,A* Head tax*

Fbr throe v/eako a ft or O-inoral Conference railroad fire, E&iatentation etc.

For each delegate*

£ 7 0 . i 7*

0 .2 ^ .


4 . ’7*

X .' 1 <1

£ 1 ^ .0 * o .o . ^ •

4 . 0 .1*5.

o*0*19. (5.

1 5 . 0 . °*£ 1 1 4 . 1 9 . 3*

had <only t VOThe secretary of Miouionu saa poruuadel to aaciat then in malntsmnoe and return jfore. Xicy alao had to appeal to the fbiku at har.o. ao many of you know*

How .70 nuct lot our judgment and experience rule our wluheo and preoent actions. iievoral of tho Oonferoncou have oorie raonoBT* have onou'Ji to uend even one delegate* rhe Biahop ouat aopplanent frocj oorao.tfiere* The (Jape conference hao node ample proviulon fbr thoira.Tho Zanboui Conference hau no noney and expects to B'md no dele© ,tou.Tho Orancia^Hatal oan no>o anall partial paymentu on the £t>.re of two doiecatoa* Tho Tranavaal hao moat, but only enough to pay partial faroo far tvjo. There fbre v/e muijt proceed on tho bauia of vftat a© have, ihot meano vorj; f»w deletfatoa.

II. Sauter Rally* April 13* 19 th 19W ,

Each Presiding : lder, Paator, niuaionary rorkor find mfxnher are relented to oolloct Baater Rr.lly and fbrrard uane to tho desim-ted aflathority by April 23rd lOSfl as *bllo tat

Capo Conference. D,->* (tor Ion, *C» Ifapier otroet, .forooutor.Chairoon. A* 9# hlgoland*

H»A. iftn’tuin, ijoorotary.

Page 3: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

3Fift££ntb (Episcopal Q istrict

JUrtran JiUtljnirist (Bptsrnpal (EljurdjC O N F E R E N C E S : -C A P E COLONY, TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI.

Presiding Bishop:

R i g h t R e v e r e n d D H . SIMS, m . a .. d .d .. l .l . d .

Educational Institutions :




P h o n e 5-1869.C a b l e A d d r e s s : "AMECHURCH "




- -OObi| ita/olo,Oo.7f li. Ollvor*

>rcvngia-lfatal. (1) Ghaa.Detnaa Chatman* ^.A^akano•>ooretaryt J , aolopo, 0, ^ -holo.

A*.!avuDO# iolntj oo, Z*U, rigor, P*Al®ifOi}tla2ila, -T«-<x:3U.( Z) Baautoland,

"V#T #"7b'fe«inG# Ohairoan, J.3* -ientjo iSeoretuxy, J • * j np i-lonyolce



J*5f« Uantei Kalm an, 4ioo i-l'refra Vico Ghairraan, (swnd :naoy to Vioo-Ohalmen ae Ohalttnon vrf.ll bo a.?oy) J* II, Mokono, fciooretaxy, .V, Hdlazsl Aeet*tioarotary,. v,j?9 iilo, J i f linando, A*J#0#Abrnhanao

iflialls, Molofof Mpspoto*Albort Martco.

R#J#ifkvrayi, Ghalra&n, *i*H#Krunddh£arlv7a H* Phirl* »i» Jiang.7onl, D, KboQole,J«0, Drarousa, 0. ;ta&£atho«

sew! ">on*r to (Jhalmnn, and -oorotury will aloo koop tiooTunt and 11 dburo'nonto -alii bo par Inatwetionu aooordinr; to tho Diooipllno for niaoiono and oduoation* tiend reporta to roaoh the Ohalrrson not lator than April 35rd 1 9 3 P , Thor©' Jill bo no Juno Holly unloao an mor^cnoy ariaoa# X hope to find that oadh haa done hia duty upon ray return* Jhoro Budget la In doubt. It rf.ll bo the eane a,a laat yoor# JSacfi oJialman -.Till aand rov>rt to mo. 300.Bodr.op Avorwo, flfovmrk, H,.T* *

liy boat vrfuhoa to you fbr a liappy and ^roeporoua ifo./ Yoar.

fhlihlUHy your a,

D#H* otau, uiu!io;>»

Page 4: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 5: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 6: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding
Page 7: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

c/o Bantu Social Centre, P. 0, Box 4767, Johannesburg,13th January 1936

To all members of the Executive Committee, All African Convention.


You will remember that the All African Convention last month at Bloemfontein decided that a deputation s h o u l O e n t to Cape Town as soon as Parliament meets. Parliament is due to meet on the ^4tn _ of the present month. Under the circumstances the Executive Lom: mittee should travel to Ckpe Town as so o n as possible to de­liver the findings of the"Convention to the Government.

The officers of the Executive arc five in number, President, Vice President, General Secretary, Recording secretary and the Treasurer. In addition to these it seem s desirable that each Province should send its fiv e rf‘oresentativQ.s as chosen last rcijntn. Tht Ravelling elpences will am,int t? £300. The date will be wired by me at Cr.pe Town as soon as I an fix it with the Government and am goi'~fr to ask for Monday, Ft binary 3rd, nex^, if possible.

If each Province can raise and forward a sum of £60 to theTreasurer, Dr. J. S. Moroka, P. 0. Thaba Nchu, it will cover theemergency. From to_day t,ill the 3rd February my address will be 72 Keerom Street, Cape -L'own.

I hereby make an earnest a immediately in any way you see sympathetic Europeans, and to a be crossed All African Conven

ppeal for these funds to be raised it, especially by appeal to 1 Bantu everywhere, cheques should ion, per Dr. J. S. karoka.

Yours, in the cause uf the African race,

(Signed) D.D.T. JABAW.

Page 8: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 9: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 10: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 11: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 12: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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Page 13: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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9p|l treasurer : Df. J- Fort Hare,P a u t h o r i s e d c o l l e c t i o n l i s t . ] Alice, C.P.

\i rfc uyj|M r°if",liat100-pcr Dr-J-S- Mof°-Ji \ 3rd* Feby‘ 193 •^ very much concerned with the raising of the 5 million

shillings in view of the long and expensive struggle before us. Unfortunately, the funds of the Convention do not permit at the moment of the employment of a full time organiser other than a man who could be paid on a commission basis provided the margin is as liberal as possible.

After discussing the matter with the General secretary,I find that he is in a position to undertake the work and I have suggested to him the following terms, for which I ask your approvaland confirmation, viz:- „. . .

That he shall be paid 33 1/3 per cent from all collections taken during his tours plus actual expenses for travelling

Mr. Msimang accepts these terms provided he will be assured of your co-operation and active assistance in the organisa­tion of meetings and in the carrying out of his programme.

Kindly favour me with an expression of your opinion hereon in the course S T the next few days and what you propose to do to assist him in your respective Provinces and districts0

Yours faithfully,

p r e s i d e n t .

Page 20: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

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PROF. D. D. T. JABAVU, B.A.,General President.DR. A. B. XUMA,

Vice President.

DR. J. S. MOROKA,Treasurer.

H. SELBY MSIMANG,General Secretary,

R. H. GODLO,Recording Secretary.

Dr. A.B.Xuma,Cr. End & Bree Sts.,Johannesburg.

Dear Sir,Your telegraph of the 31st ultimo reading:-

"Order paper sets Bills February 13th "Whom does Executive meet February 3rd "What about Bar of House "Transvaal advise postponing engagement "to about 13th. Wire reply"

went astray and only got into the hands of Prof. Jabavu late on Saturday evening.

Owing to the interview with the Prime Minister which was fixed for 10 a.m. this morning and other pressing matters due to the arrival of the members of the Executive from other Pronvinces, same could not be replied to early this morning but I have this day sent you a telegraph reading:-

"Your wire Friday went astray received late "Saturday. Interviewed Prime Minister today "continuing tomorrow. Postponement impossible.

On the face of your telegraph it would appear that you are not acquainted with the proceedure which ie that before any steps could be taken, the Minister in charge of the Bill should be interviewed and if not successful then steps be taken to petition the House for leave to appear before the Bar of the House. In the circumstances we had to see the Prime Minister this morning and are seeing him again tomorrow. The Prime Minis­ter is prepared to negotiate with us and to abandon all the other sections of the Representation of Natives Bill provided we agree that a change in the present system is necessary. The Deputation withdrew in order to find a way for persuading him to postpone the Bill to enable us to consult the Convention.We are seeing him again tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. and hope to discover a way of persuading him without compromising our resolution. I may add that he has definitely told us that he is at the moment proceeding with this Bill and that if he succeeds he may consult us on the Land Bill, otherwise the Bills will be dropped.

10, Adam Arcade,

37, Commissioner St.,


February 3rd. 1936.


Page 21: jFiftmitij episcopal Bistnct African JiUtljn&rst ... · ftftmttlj (Episcopal Qistrict African episcopal (Eljnrrlj. CONFERENCESCAPE COLONY. TRANSVAAL, ORANGIA, NATAL, ZAMBESI. Presiding

Collection Number: AD843

XUMA, A.B., Papers


Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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