














( Incorporated 19th September, J 910) ROWLEY, MASSACHUSETTS


Invitation 10 tlw Reunion 7

Minutes of the Board of l>irN-1 or!>· Mn·I ing

lntroduc1ion of thl' New Presidl•nt 9

The Prr...s iden t's M;·~sa~e 11

Rev. Jedediah .Jewl~tl 13

Copyright I :961 Eleazer Jt•wett ll JEWETT FAMILY O.F AMERlC!\, liXC.

Rowlt>y, Massachusetts Lineage of Charil-~ Alnrnndt·r J1·wc•tt 17

Notes 20

Gcnt>alogical Record of Capt. Gt'UIW' Jt•wt'lt 25

Births 31

Deaths .. ...... .

New Mernben 31·

What Is Your· In teresl? 35

Treasurer's Report .

- 3 -


- 4 -



Prrsi<lent ........................................... RC1gcr Jt.:welt, Willi:1111stown. Mass.

ht Vice President .... .. . .. . ... R<1ymon<l D. Jr•wett. Springfic:ld. ~1ass.

Sl'crctary an<l Tn•asun:r

Auditor ..................... ..

Ew·relt D. ,f l'wl'tt, Rowley. Mass.

Alfred n. J('Wt'tl, Rowley, ~fass.

Ilistnrian .. . .. .... .. . ........................... .. EnTctt D. Jf'wett, Rowley, Ma5s.

Corporation Coumel ... .... . ... .. Henry\\'. Jewett, W!'st Palm Beach, Fla.


William Chase ]<'wctt. F0xbnro, Mass.

Raymond D . .f t'wC'tt, Springfield. l'vfass.

Judge Thi:o S. Jt•wt•tt. I.:wnnia. N. H.

E. Til~on Pt·abody. Detroit, l'vf ich.

ShC'pard L. Jewett. Lynn, Mass.

Frank S . .Jewett, ~ew York. :t\. Y.

H ersd1cl C. Jewett, Ma~on. Mich.

Annual Dues - $2.00

Life Mt·rnb1·r~hip - -~20.00

- 5 -



- 6 .

THE 1961 JEWETT REUNION - AN INVITATION The la~r ('la.use of the pu.rpost' s of the Jewel l Family of ,\merica is ~lated

in the articles of incorporation reads: "The holding_ of reunions of the family from time to time for prornotin~ good fellowship". Such a reunion shall lw twld in Rowley, Massachusetts on Friday and SaLUrday. A11g11st 2.5 and 261 1961. A II those by the name of J ewett by maniagc or birth. as wl'll as those who are de~cendcd from J eweu s are invited 1.0 al tcn<l. Let us all rally around in the town when• the Jewetts firsl scllkd in Arncrica.

The last reunion in Rowley was held in 1955 i.o celebrate the one hundredth anniwrsary of the founding of the fast association o( the Jewe tt Familv of America. Fift v-one years ag-o lhc Commonwealth of Jvfassacliusetts grantt~d a chart(T ro the Jewt;tt F~m~ily of Au1erica. No reunion was held on the ·fiftieth anniversary. It is pasl time that we did, so the Directors of vour Familv Association vott>d to hold om· in Rowlcv this vrar. This may be the most important Family Reunio~ ~i11cc the Tn;·orpon{tion of the Jewett Family in 1910.

When the Je'wett' Family was first incorporat,ed. there apparently was some comicl1•ratinn given to a proposed Jcw<-·tt Memorial Building in Rowky for on p(!ge .IG7 of th(' 1912-13 Year Rook is refercncr to an informal dinner in New York Citv to introduce our first Pres-idcnt - Genera.I Edgar B. Tewett of Buffalo. ·N1·w York - to members of t.lw fami ly tlwrf'. \'\'(-'quote frorn the Year Book, "Tlw Prc5iclent submitted th(• dare of tht' reunion and also a colored sk<'tch of a proposed J ewett Nfcmorial Building at Rowlf'y". This did 1101: come into being.

The minutes of the last Direcwrs me<>tin~ of thr } •wrt-t Famil y of America held in Brookline, Massachusetts on ~O\·embrr 5. 1960 rrpoit that a committ~I' hr appointed under t.he chairmamhip of Mr. E. Tilson Prahody of Detroit. J'v!ichig-:111 to investigate the possihiliti('s of the ('~tahlislmwnt and construction of a .Jewett Memorial Rnilding in or near Rowky. Thi« conn nit lf•(• wi ll report al the reunion.

Lct m plan our scheduks now ~o that we mav he in Rowley on A11g11~t 25 and 26. 1961. Invite others hy the name of .Jewett, a~ v•.rell as thosr who are of .Jewt>tt descent. for this is a good ocrnsion to increase the membcr­~hip in our Family. Let us mah• this the largest rt>tmion ever in tribute to onr of the pioneer familic•s in America, who settl<'d in Rowlev, Massa­chu~clt<;, a town that still rPtaim ~ome of the features of a colonial \·illag<' that raised ~t mdv Amer.icans.

Th(' tentadve progtam for the rrnnion undrr the Chairmamhip of Evcrf'lt n. Tewctt with I he able assistance of Mis~ Marion Todd of Rowley. Mr. Slwpar~I L. Tewell o.f Lynn .\fas!'achnseHs. Mr. Arthur kwf·tt of Clinton. l\1ass:wlrnsetts. Mr. Albert Half'v of Rowlev. Mr. Porte1- Tc··wett P1' rkins of Hamilton, Massachusetts. and c;th(~rs is a1:ranged to ~iv~ those attending ampk opportunitv to visit. not only the points of interest· in Rowlev, h11t to allow sufficient time to explore many of the other historical sights in Essex County: 11w foswich Historica l House built in 1635. the Marine :'-foseum and the Ess<'x Instil utc in Salem. Massachusets, and many other places. The collection of Jewett material will be on display. also tlw early communion rnps used in the first a nd second Chllrchcs in Rowley. ·

. Regim-ation will be in the parlor of tht< Rowley Historical HoL1se on Friday. August 25: planned tours wil l be :1rrangrd for that afternoon: ::i

reception at the His torical House to the officers and directors on Fi·iday evening. Saturc..lay morning. August 26 will be reserved for the business mrrting: and following t tw dinner an inten·stin.1:(· speakf•r will he prnvided.

W'e. the officers and directors. as well as the reunion cornmittee. look forward to your responding to our eff,..,rt" to make lhis a great occasion.

- 7 .

JEWETT FAMILY OF AMERICA. INC. Rowlcr. Massachusetts

DIRECTORS' MEETING Hotel Rcarnnl'ficld, Brookline, Massachusetts

November 5, 1960 Present: Raymond D. Jewett. Springlkld. ~·fas., .. First Yic·r Pr<'<>idl'nt Pn·~iding Judge Thro S. Jew1·tt, Laconia, New Hampsh1n• E. Tilson Pea.body, Detroit. Michigan Shepard L. Jewett, L)'1ll1 , Mas!\. Everett D. Jewett, Rowley, M ass .. Clerk Tiie report of the last rw' ctirig of tlic Din•rtor~ was read and approwd. Roger J('WNt C\f North Acbtms. Mass., was nominated and d1•rtc·d Presi-

dent of t lw Asi;oci:ll ion to <;f"J'\'(' until a succt•ssor is ell'ctc-d. Herschel C. Jewett of l\.fa~on, ~fichigan. rc-tirini:: pn .. ,iclent. wa\ nominated

and elected Director to fill ,·acancv. On motion srconded it wa.; v~tl'd to hold a n•1mion in Rowll'v. Mass., in

1961 with Ewrctt D. J<.'wctt as chairman of tht' n•11nion ('(lmm'itt<'<'. The elate of tht· reunion i5 to be· s<'t hv tlw c:hairman.

On motion <;cconded it was' voted to issue a warbook in 1961 and that the n·arbook shall contain a l'l'port of this meeting. an introduction to tlw n_ew president aNI plan' of the pre~ident together with his ideas of the promouon of the As,ociat ion. The "<'tr<' I ary and treasur<·r was giwn authority to draw on the ncc<'ssarv funds from tlw Suffolk Sa,·ings Bank, Bo<;ton to financr this yearbook, p1:·oviding that the funds in tlw chrcking account in tht> Ipswich National Bank an· not sufficient.

On motion srconded it was voted to increase thr annual d11<•s to the Association from $1.00 to $2.00 a year: that a slip lw enclosed with tlu• dues bills explaining rh1· reason for tlw inrrrasf'.

On morion ~"conded it was votccl to rcq11<'st life mt•rnheri- to pay a -:ubscription fre of ~l.00 for tlw yt•arhook to hdp dl'fray tht• cost of p11hfo•hing.

On motion seconded. ii was \'Ott'cl that thf' pr<'s<•rvation of the important records of thr Association is nt•<.·cssarv and ~hall he accomplished <ind that steps he taken to accompli~h it. ·

On motion seconded it w:ls Yntt•d to appoint a Jewett Librarv Committee to plan, finance, locate. mmw and build an appropriate fireproof building for the storalZc . cataloguing ancl prrscr\'ation of the l't"Cords and momentos of the Jewett Family. Sud1 committre to rrport to the Hoard of Directors who will grant final apprc}\·al.

On mot.ion seconded it wa' vott"d that tlw s<•crct.arv an<l tn·a-.nr1•r of the Jewett Family Association shall he a 111emb1'l' and' sccrclU}' of this committe<'.

On motion "'"'!mded it wa'i \'Otl'<l that E. Til!;on P<'abodv shall h1• chairman of this committt't' with authority to appoint tlw other mc-~hPr<: of the com­mittee e.xclusi\'<' of the secretary and treasun·r.

On motion seconded it was \'oted that any propo~1·d builcling to be con­sidered shall }')(' rrccted in tlw town of Rowl1•y. i\(a~'i .. or the vicinity thereof.

Voted to adjourn until tlw n•1mion in 1961.

Respectfully submitted.


- 8 -


R1.1g-1..·1· .Jl'Wett cnmcs f rrn~1 a line of) t'\\'~·t h t.hat. ha\'<'. n<'f'll actiYe and intt'rest<·d in the .Jewett :hunily of America sine<• its inception.

Dr. (:hades Jt'wc~tl. Chairman of th<' St'cond Reunion altho111:{h una~le tn atteml al thl' last morncul. nnd llw first Vice Pre~iclent of the ,ll'W<'tt Family <)f .\ml'rica. was his grandfather's brother. Dr. Charles .Jt"w<'tt clif'cl on August 29. 1910 shorth· after the Second Reunion.

Dr. Charles Jewett\ hrotlH'r, Dr. Frt•l.h•rirk A. Jewett, was Treasw·er of the "\croml Reunion Committee.

Two otlw1· hroth(•r!' \V<'l'I' charter mPmhc·i·~ inr.lucling Edwin Hall' Jewett, Ro~l'r\ !!,randfathl'r. All of Edwin Hal<' .Jcwrtt\ family. hi~ wifr. Lizzie. his c.lnw.,:lilc·r. R11th. and Jij, "on-.. Edwin. Jr. and A1·thur Crawford \\'!'rt' charter !111'1llh1•1,.

Roi.\et:s father. Arth111 Crawford. ~erwd a~ :m honorary Vire Prc~idcnt in Co n11cr tin1t and Pcnn~ylvania when he> livl'd there. Al~o. tlw Pres1dent­Elr ci sc·n·cd as an luJnnr<lry Vier Presid ent in Pr nnsylvania. h('fore mo\·ing to Mttssacl111setrs. His 1wcond cousin, D r. John F . J('Wett, has served as h(111<1r~1 n · Vici· P n·siclrn t for Massad111sett~. Hii- fat het', Ari h ur Crawford, had b1·p;·1 asked to sc·rw as Ch;linnan of our 19:'>5 Reunion b11t. dc·clincd for rf'a,on' "f hf' alth.

At birth our rn•w Pn·sident wa..I( namf'd Anh11r Roger .Jrwrtt but since has fir«t name was rn·n·r ll~l'CI al home' or at "d1001. he d10sl' to drop thr first na111e. Hr was born in Bang-or. Maine on March 16. 1904.

I lis 1·d11l'ation was nhtnirn·d at ~rade -;chool~ in Maine. M assachnsl'tts, Obin :tnd Cu1mecticut in tliat ordf'r. His High School was the Tfi llhou~e High Schoo l in New H;wn1. Conn1Tlic11t. He ';i1~0 went to the PhWips-Exeter .\radrm\'. He started at tlw Ma'isachusetH Tnsti1111e of T echnology where he

<:av<. lw found out he wao; not rut out to he an engin<.'er.

I k• ,tarted lo work in thP hanking h11.;inr~~ in New York City and at the -:anw 1i11w f111tl1<'n' d his education hv takini.r night school COlll'S('!\ und<'r the ~ponsnr~l lip of the A rw:rica n T n1'tit11,te of f~nn I~ ing at Columbia U niv<:rsity and New Ymk lTniwrsitv. Lat1'1', he took additional cour~cs at the University of Pitt ~l111rgh. '

Hi~ h.111king- can•rr in N«w York. Ro~ton :lnd Pittshurgh. in that order. b<itf'd frnm 1925 until nh1111t 19~7 or 1939. Tl.t·n he became interested in ci,·ic' a nd in tltn·lupmcnt work. lfr hecame the Srcn·tary-Manager nf 1 b f' Mones<;Pn, Pcn.n~vlvani:'l Industrial Commission in October 1939 and ~incf' 1 hrn l1a ~ .;en-c<l "vitlt thr Penn:wlvania Department of Commerce and Chamh0rs nf Cornrncrcr> in Nf'w Castle, Philadf'lphia and Readin~-, all io P C> nn•\'lvania u11til he be('anw tlu• Executiv<' T>irrrtor of the Northern Berk­~hirr D"'·doprnent Corporation hcadquartf'l'l'd in Nnrth Adams. Massachu­•wtt<: in li d~· 1957. which po'r h<' holds toda\'. While in thi~ field. he ha!\ hPl'll acl t \ T' in ::tssocialionl\ n·lat<·d tllf'retn ancl is now an act iw ITl<'mber of rhp . .\111e ric·:111 lmlnstrial D1·vPlopm<'nt Council. an or~rnnization of professional nwn in 1 li :11 fidd.

'Vhi!P wr\'ing in th<'M' \'arious civic post~. he has been active in other comtnimitY nr,ganization-. snd1 i\~ ~erving on tlw C.nunril of Boy Scouts in nn<' location and th(' Campfirc> Girls in another. Hl' serwd as ;i m<'mh<'r of

- 9 •

t hr Counril of tlw II i'-toric:d Socit•t \' of Berks Counl ,. and Chain11a11 of its Prograr11 Committ•·t· for a rnuubcr o( yc:ars whik in R1;a<ling. Pn1mylvania.

He mai ri(·cl S.1r;1 .\. Clark.: in Pittsburgh. P1·1ms~ lvania in A11~11s t 1 ~I 11 and adopt<'ll hc1 ,,m. D;l\·id. Tht>Y arc lill' p;m'nts of three cl1ildn·11. Jolin R. born on St'J>ll'111l)l'r 15. 1912. Blandw Lind horn 011 :'.\fard1 26. 1911 and Edwin Even•ll hora 0 11 Au!!11~1 3. 1918. Hi~ wife dinl on /\11g11't 8. 19 lfl. :'.\Ir . .J1•wrt1 mall'icd E\l:ln1 I.. Sh:uw1 in Reading. Pennsyhania on :\m 1•111h1.·r 13. 1952.

The Jcwc·th foe· on Hopper Ro:td in William~town. Ma~..ad111~rlt'I. Tlwy c•njoy COUUll y Ii\ im: for th.:ir ltomr i!' tlm•c mih' " '011thwt•st nf tlw n·ntc·r or the "Village Bca111if11I". as \\"illiam't~)\\'ll is so apt I} known. Tlwy an· nwmlX'rs of tin· .Fir~t Congrl'gational Cl1111d1 of ,,.illiam~town.


- 10 -


To thf' Jewetts of Anwr i<.·a:

I salme you.

ElscwlW1t' in thc•st• p.11?"1'\ is a top\' of tlw miuutc~ of lhr' nwcting of the Uoar<l of Director" of tlw Jc·\\c·tt Famih· <if .\mnica. Incorporatt:d held in Brookline. ~{a.,sad1u~1·th on NoH·111bt·1 .). 1£J60. Tlll'y are \\Orthy of your lhou~lllful n'a<limc I sir.ill rdn 10 tl11·m latl'r. h11l drn.c to tht' beginning. tlit·y tell of the dl'c:l ion or .1 Ill'\\ J>IC',idPnt.

\\'hl'n vour faitltflll ( '.lrrk and ~1 ·cn·1ar\' rnnw lo call on mr at In\' offirf' on Nm·cmh(.r 11th. I imagirwcl 1'1;i1 lw wo;ild rrpon on thc· reaction. to the 'uggestion of tlw 1·~rah]i,hnwnt C1f a lihr;iry. l ::rnticipated that it might. mean a n·cpwst for morr of rny t imr in connect iun herP\\·it lr . Little did I imaginr that I wa-; to lw a•:k<·d tn :wcl'pt thr prf'sidc·ncY. TIH· mon· I 1ho11ght of it: thi~ was an honor and a ch:lllcn!.!'r th;it I co1ilcl nnt refu~c-. ;ilthough l did tf'll 0111· St·nctary rlrat tlll'rc' m11~t ht' nthcr~ hPltf't' cp1alifil'd.

LatPr. 1 rea<l thr 'frarlmnks or 1911 a11cl 1912 which m,· father had left to me, a~ hr has our 1·opy of tlll' fw11 ,·nl11me hi,tory. \\' )~en I recognized the part my :inre,tors in 1lw f\\O prr\ inu" !.!ene1·a1ion~ had t:iken in our Fam ily Asj;ociation. I felt ;111 ohlig;i1 ion to ran y on. I pledg-t' to do my best in my own limited way. ll11t what ~hould t•11r goal~ ht•?

Fi1st. we i;houl<l try lO s11«·11r..;tlwn our f'umily A~soriation in f'\"<'ry way. No tin· I say ·'w1·" 1.1tT<111s1· t hi' 11111i.t t><' a <·onnTt t'CI dfort on tll<' part of all of our anin• mcmh<·r~ am! all or our 11wmlwr« ~hould ht- arti\-('. Our numbers should !.{Hlw <·011sidl'r:1bh - <H lca'I to 1000. for thnc are man\' times that nmnhcr in tla· l ' nit<'d Stall·, wda,-. Thi" i~ suh~tantiatcd bv th(· 1·~timate>. of our r~teeim·d paq p11·~idn1t. Gc«ir!;!c .-\. J<'WNt. It ~uggcst~ dw re-reading of the Y1·ar Bool.<. of 191 l and 1912.

Incidentally. it i~ :1ppropria11• th:tl thP annual dues Ix· incn·ascd to S2.0fl for thi" i" thr fir~t ti1m· tlwy han· hrrn inrn·asrd since the hc(!inning of th<' organi:ration. You know that today's cloilar is worth l«~s 1han half that of 1910-12.

Secondlv. of count'. I fa\'OI' tin· 1:~1ablisl1mcm of a suitable library to prcser\'c the. important ll' C'Utd~ of tin~ fa1uily. I sliall work doscly with' tlw Committee named by lit<' Bo:1rd of Directors and lll<th• this a major goal. You shall hear nior~· abolll thi~ hdl!l I' long.

It is most apprnpriatr thnt th<' llonrd of Oireclors li:1n· chosen to hold a Rt>11nion in Ro\vley thi' ~ummrr. It prt1bably should ha\ c been hckl in t.l1t• summer of I 9fi0 fo1 it was fifty }'<'ars ago that thr Sernnd Reunion was held and tlw J ewett Family of Anwrira organized and incorporated.

Th<' Board nr Dirrr1nrs han· adopt<'d a program with which I wholl"­hcartt'dly ronrnr and whirh. in irn·lf. i<: q11itt· a first-year program for a new Pr(·si<lt•nl.

Se,-eral ~lrps •.hould he t:lkl'n to implemc·nt chi~ program. I hope to m<'et with the I>in•rtor.; ht•fon· long- to make !\omr suggestions for thdr appro\'al, in turn to Ix• ~11hmilt1'CI to you. us -;tart now to plan to attend

• 11 •

this belated 50th anniversary reunion in Rowk" on Friday ancl Saturday. August 25 and 26, 1961. ·

I give you fa fr warning. you may he called upon 1 n lwlp ;1<·c0mpJi,l 1 I hr immrdiatl' goals ref ern•d to with Pmphasis now on huikling thr ~1 n•ng l Ii of tlw organL•ation. l am -;ure we can im:rea$e tlw mnnlw1 <•I 11w111he1 '· . T~1 face. I have lwrn noting the lii;tings of J e'':t'tts. in. th~ pho111· ~>1;nk~ ;1~ I \'11'11

\"al"iou" cirin and t<>wns. Thev ma\· n·n·1,·c mvtt:u10n' to 10111. \ rn1 c1n h<'lp increase 011r rolls right aw~ty. if° you will. plt'ac;c. ·

I want to imprm'(' our communicatiom for you ~houlcl lit•ar from y11ur Familv A<1sociation more than once a year. You will if w1· h11ild ~uffidt·ntl~. You rnay 1•xp<·c·t to l11·ar from m rnon· as we dC\'Clop our plan~ for tlw Rn111iotl.

Remember our motco "Toujours la ml'mt."

Your servant.




- 12 -


l\lariau (;, Todd

Sccrl'ta1 y of llw H.owlcy I fotu1 ica) Sodrty

For soutt: tow· I lta\c· l>l•1·11 uf 1lw opini<lll dun it woultl hc' wdl to fmni'lh the .Jewett F:11ni1y '.i\·arhool-. \\ itli 11101r infonmtlion on t1)(." Rt'wrt·nd Jrdc•diah .Jewett . fifth mi11istcr of Rowk·y.

I n:memfwr tl1-.1 thl· kilt' D1•an•n Arno-.: .J1·w1•tt had prr-pan·d n 'lkt•td1 for the Rowley Hi~wri(·al Socic·ty wliil'h I f<"c·I i~ worthy "f rt'printin!(.

\\"hen tlw nw111l>l·r~ of thl· Jt'\H'll Family Assoria1ion \"i.;it Rowll')' in August 1961 they will I><' in u·n·,11·d Ill find I hat thr hurial pla<'r nf tlw Reverend M r . .Jewt·tt i" in tlw :..fini,trr\ Lot nt'al' llll' Cr-mrt1•1"y 1•ntram·<· about opposill· tltl· ]l'\wtt Family Hrmkkr.

TIU' following a r tic Ii· ''as writ11·11 by tl11• late Amos E. J <·wc·t t for tliC' Fourth Ilorne Gat hl·riug of \'1· Town of Rowll·y in Ma~sach11s1 •t ts 16:-\9-1922 in ye rnct•rin~-housc uf \'l' Fir~! Con,!!n·g~uional C.:h11rd1 on Sunday. Stpt1·111hn 10th at 3 o'clock:

".Jedediah Ji'\\l'l l. lifth 111i11i'tl'l of 1lte Firs1 Churdi in Rowlc-y. wa'I horn June :lrd. 1705. I k· wa' u !tl'Cat-grambvn of Maximilian Jt>wc·tt. on!' of 1 lw first deacl)IJS of 1 he clrn rd1. and t ht' oul~ na tin• son w ~rrYe lll'rc' a~ pa<;tor. Ile was grad1m11·d fro1111la1 \'Ul d Collc·gt· in 1he clas~ oi 1726. and wa~ ordaint'd No,·embc·r 19th. 1729, a' a collcagut· t•f Rn·nt·nd Edward Pay~on, and s11ccecclecl du· lattt·1 a~ p<1~tor in 17:12.

··About th~· ycnr I i:JO ht• t•n·<·Wd ct house• 011 Central ~trc·ct oppmite tlw rf"sidence of tlw l.lll' C. H.. Titrnmh. ~fany of tli<• prc·H·nt g1·ncration will recall this Jm11Sl'.

":\fany ehan~1·~ of i111pnrtam·l· 10 d1t· Church and Town ocn1rred dming his minist1y

··r n I 7'.11, the St'cond Pari,J1. in :\cw Rowll'y. now GMrgrtown. wa~ 'It'! off, and thl' old < :lrnrclt. tht· affai1s of whirh had prcdou~ly btt"n nianag<'d by the Town w1•re c·. •Ill rolh·d indqx:m.kntly by lltl' Pari.~h.

""About li\'I' ~1 ars latt·1-. till' various parcels of land bequeathed by Ezekiel Rog1·r" \\Tl't' di,·idt·<l hl't\\Cl'll Litt· parisht·s and Harvard C:ollP[.t<'. recorded August 26. I 7:i6.

" I n 1 i ~i. tlw pari"h vo1rd to build a new nit·c·ting-hou~t' with a sh't•plt• and sµirl'; lhi~ hnuw wa~ rn111pl1•1<·d iu Ii J9 and ~tood on or very nc·ar the site of the first On<'.

"Evrnt'l thnl •·lin l'cl tlu· jJ<'ople of Rowlry_. as imked all Kt•w England. were rhe capture oi Louisburg in 1715. and the fall of Quebec iu 1759. As a result of th<'sl' and otlwr batiks. Ill<' Fn·nch power in America was broken after a ~trnggh· la~ting n101 t• tl nm a crntury and a half. Many mm in Mr. Jcwctr's parish wen· n1gag1•d in dwst• wars ;-incl fl'll on tht'sc bnulclidd:. 01

pt'rished on tltl' man.Ii thwugl1 tlH' wikkrnc~'l.

"Mr. Jew<'tt liim .. t"if w:1s a 1111·1nlx•r of Captain John Nonhcmfs alarm list in 1757.

• I:~ •

"In 1755. frnJTtcen 'Fre nch neutrals', immortalized hy Longfellow in Evangeline. who had been transported from Acadia, were allotted to Rowley. Some of them skcp in nnmarked gravrs in thf• cemetery.

"That 1\fr. Jewett was a man of ability and judgm<'nt. as well as a faithful pari~li rninister. w<· karn frnm the record which says: 'he was so pious. diaritabl('. p111dcnt and patirnt as to bC' an t'xampll' to his flock.'

'Two slan•s. inh<'ritf'd from his father-in-law, Richard Dummer. were given th<>ir frredom. and in his will provisions for their maintenance·.

" Mr. J1'\\·1•tt was e lected· of the .Essex Xort.h Association at its organization in 1761 which office he lwld until his death.

"He died on th<~ evr of th1· Revolution. The following is from thl' diary of E~ra Stilri(. Prc~ich•nr of Ya le College: 'Jnnf' 16, 177-f, on the 8th of May last died R1•vcrend J edediah J ewett of Rowley age 69, min . .f5. He was a propho:t in hi~ own cocmtry Rowky bdng the plar<" of his nath·ity.'

' 'The parish voted to defray tlw expense of his funeral and erect a suitable monument o,·er his grave."

Eleazer Jewett

Mrs. Barbara Dorn of Saginaw. Michigan has furnished us with the following information about Eleazer Jewett #2866:

Eleazer .Je\\'ett was the first surveyor to trace lines in the Saginaw Valley. He was a native of New Harnpshin• and ra111(• t.o Saginaw in the summer of 1826. Ile and Asa Whitney - who preceded him - built a log hut on the banks nf the Tittabawasse1· Rivrr at Greenpoint. They passed the winter of I 826-2i in the employ of the American Fur Company. Whitney was accidently drowrwd in tlw rive1· near their camp thr following April. That year Ekazcr Jrwctt became Factor nf thr company and established a trading post at the fork of th(' Tii:tabawassN' and Pine Rivers nea r the pres<'nt site of Ivhlland. Michigan. This act so displeased the Indians that was 1:hreatrned with d eath if he continued business there. He trc·ated the threats lightly. not belic,·ing the cliids with whom he susta..ined tlie most cordial re lat ions. would allow their braves to molest hitn.

One day h<' saw more ti1an one lwndrc<l hloocl thirsty warriors approach­ing the post along the narr~1w trail - the only thoroughfarC' tlirnugh the woods in those lh1.ys. Althoug b llic Indians \vere in full war dress. he refused to be bluffed and appeared a t the door of the post with gifts of tobacco for Chief Oge-maw-kc-kc-to. When the ch ief refused the gifts he r1ralizecl that t:h('v were serious and he retired hastilv and bolted the door for defense. He ' lia<l a. half breed assistant. many guns and plenty of ammunitjon. ~.fany tomahawks were launched and half buried in (he door of hewed planks. Mr. Jewell fired several shots O\'er the heads of the Indians a nd a frw charges of fine shot at their legs, taking care nol to inflin n111cb harm. Seeing that the trader meant business and didn' t intend to give up the post, the rhid called off t he brn,·<>s and no further attack was made. The old chief had high C'steem for personal coui-age. The next day he visited the post alone, was admitted and giYen a hearty meal. This was soon repC'ated and a similar reception .giwn. On hi!> third visit he accepted an offer of tol-<>rco. HP spoke

- 14 -

then for tht.:: first 1 irnc. "My pale face friend, I did wrnn~ in seeking your life. hut now it is o\"Cr and we are friend~ fore\'cr" . Ile always kept his \Vorel and there wa~ no more trouble.

On October 22, 18'.H, Eleazer J ewett married Azuhah L. Miller - a sister of Albert Miller , a prominent citizen of Sag inaw and Bay City. She was born in Hartland. Vermont of old Purita n stock . She caml' to Michigan with her mother in 183 1 and settled in Grand Blanc where she was a teacher. The wedding trip took a week; they proceeded the seven miles to Flint by wagon, thence by d ug-out canoe, with numerous oce<1sions to portage, lo their home. In 1837. they built a hotel in Saginaw which they kept until 1859. Mr. Jewett also owned a ferry capable of transporting a horse across the river. H e also served as Probate Judge. On h is n·tircmf'nt in 1860, they moved to a farm in Kochville Township where he d ied in 1875.

Eleazer and Azubah .Jewett had four children: 11ary who was born in 1834 and married Dr. N. D. Lee: Wallace who was killed in the Battle of Gettysbu1-g. July 2, 1863: Alom:o of whom nothing i!i known and Oscar who rP.rt' iwd his education in the Saginaw schools. spent the first ten years of his business ca r<'1'r in t hi' lumb<'r trade; served in lhr Civil \ 1Var fi~hting Tndians in Nrvada where he had many thril ling e:-.:periences. Ht· married in 1866. Fannie T omli nson : after her death he married Alice Wells. He was the M <trshall of Saginaw City from 1874 to 1873.

Admiral David Jewett

On page 334 of the .Jcwl'tt Genealogy is a short. account of the life of Achnirnl David J ewett who served in the United States Navy during the French War of 1798 when he commanded thr ~hip Tru111h11ll, later serving in the Buenos Ayrean Navy until its independence wa~ rstahlished, after which he was appoint.eel Admiral Co1nrnander-in-Chief of the Brazilian Navy in their War of Tndependence. In the May. 1959. issur of the New Agt' is additional information about his interesting career: a copy of this publication has hePn dcnated to our collection of J cwct.t m a terial. Your senctary also acq 11 irrd this pa>\: sum.nwr a let ler elated December 8. 1815. It rcfids as follows: "Treas~1ry Department. C()mptroller's Office. Sir: A petition of Da\'icl Tewitt of the lst inst .. to the Secretarv of the Treasurv has been referred to m.t>. He statrs that lw bought the pt'.ivate armed Drig<.~ntine True Blooded ~ankee while she lay in tlw port of S t. Salvador, having been carried t.herc clurmg the late ·war hy rt'ason of the mutiny of !:he crc\.v. That she has 1~ow been employed as a mrrchant vessel; but w~1s navigated direct from St. 1fal~ador to New London. H~ !hcrefor<' prays to be exempt from the duty wluch r:ou cha1~ge. I am of op1~1on that the case as stated brings the Yankee, by a fa1r and liberal constr11ct1on of the law and practice relating to Private Annf'd Vessels fitted out purposely for crnising, within the exemption from tonnage duty and you will not s11hject lwr thereto. With clue respect. Jos. Anclt•rson. To Thos. H. Cushing Esq." ·

- 15 -

1960 JEWETT GATHERINGS The .Jewett Family of Mason. Michigan lidd their annual n•umon m

Ingham County Park, Mason. Michigan on July 3.1, 1960. Thi· drscencfa nts of Charles Frt:ckrick Jew(' tt #11661 and Harriet

Louise Cowles held tlwir fi rst J<'wett n·uninn on .J1dy 17. 1960 at Newton Rattlefleld Reservation. n<'ar Wf'llshnrg . New York. Thirty-lln .. wrre in atten­dance. h is planned to hnld thi~ gatlH'ring yra.rly, the> nrxt. mectin~ will bt· on J uly 16. 1961 near Bingh amton, New York.

The twenty-sccnnd a nnual reunion of the descendants of Benjamin Jewett #283 was held A 11gust 28. 1960 at 1-1 ampton, Connf'cticut. Following their custom of many years, the members a ttended Church Service in the morning. After tlw Chmch Service· they ml-'! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Estabrook for dinner and the afternoon program.

The Jewetts 0f Richford , Vermonr held their third annual r!'union at 'Witch Cat Falls. East Bakersfir·kl. Vermont, September 4, 1960. Among the fifty-nine present were mernbers from Florida, Massachusetts. New Jersey an~! Connecticut. 'Following a pi<'nic: lunch. a very interest ing program wa<; en Joyed.

37th Annual Jewett Reunion of the Descendants of Nathan Rodney Jewett

The ~7th ;\nn11al Reunion of t he JewPtl Family was he ld Aug ust 6, 1960, with ::10 mernh~rs present. Following a. de licious basket lunch the business rrie1·ting was <'allf' rl to order by the president, Jane .Jl'wetl Seaman. A minute of silent prayer was obserwd in memor y of our departccl family members.

The presidem announced that .Jf'an .Jewett Kunzman and family, who rtcently i·et:urned fi om a two vear stav in Emrland. had visited the H<1ll of R ecords in England and foumi the Jc~vct.t Co~t of Arms to be t11e same as the copy of t.he coat of Arms contained in this minutes book.

Mr. Roy Jewett extended greetings from the K11nzman Family to the membrrs of the reunion and cxpres~r>d the hope tht'y wo11ld he ahk to he prt'scnt at the 1961 family gathering . Tlw K11m:mans at prcs<mt are stationed m Oregon.

. Following an invitation by Floyd and Jane Seaman , a motion was made by Floyd Jewett: and sccond<'d by Si Jome Coil to bold the t 961 n•union at the YMCA Day Camp. .

The secretary was instructed to send a five dollar donation to Mr. D. A. Salmon, Ex.ecutive Secrl'tary of the YMCA. in appreciation for the use of tht" ground~ and eq11iprnrn1· for the 1960 reunion.

The same offic:rs wPre elected for a fourtl1 year: Pre~ident. Mr~. Jane J ewell Seaman : . Vice . Pn'side nt. Mrs. vV<.1nda Jt'Vv('tt Bram; .,Srcrl'tary­.freasurer , Mrs . .JfJscphme Jewett Dillon.

The following Pvents were reported: Dirth: Roger Shumway, Augu!<t 2fl, 1%9, to i\fr. and Mrs. Sidney Sl11m1-

way, Owego, N. Y. Marriage: Li11da i\facNamara. to J ames Watkins. J1mf' 20, 1960.

. The merting was ad.iourn1·d 11ntil thf' fir.r-t Saturday in August 1961, with clmner to he served ~: t ..f. o'clock.

- 16 -

Josephine }~wett Dillon Secretary


Edward JPwt~tt

Mary Taylor, dau. of William Taylor

FIRST GENERATION Born about 1580 Died 161+ or 1615 Married Oct. 1, 1604

SECOND GENERATION Dearon 1\faxirnilian .Jewrtt Bapt. Oct. 4, 1607

Died O ct. 19. 1684 Ma rried before 1639

Ann Buried Nov. 9, 1667

THIRD GE:\'ERA TION Deacon Ezekiel Jewett Born J a n. 5. 1643

Died Sept. 2, 1723 M a rried Feb. 26. 1663-4

Fa ith Parratt, dau. of Born 20, 1 mo. l642 Franci~ & Elizahcth Parratt Died O ct. 15. 1715

FOURTH GENERATION Thomas Jewett llorn Sept. 20, 1666

Died M ay 6, 1731 Married May 18, 1692

Hannah (Story) Swan dau. of William Story of Ipswich, Mass.


Born Jan. 12, 1692-3 Died 1775

Martha Thurston, dau. of Danit"! & Mary (Dresser) Thur~ton

Married Jan. 9, 1718 Dorn Nov. 27, 1699 Died Sept. 7,' 1780

Thomas Jewett

Martha Ha.le

SIXTH GENERATION norn 'March 20, 1720 Died before his. father Married April 2, 1744


Bradford, Eng. Bradford, Eng. Bradford, Eng.

Bradford, Eng. Rowley, Mass. Bradford, Eng. Rowley, Mass.

Rowley, Mass. Rowley, Ma5s. Rowley, Mass. Rowley, Mass. Rowley, Mass.

Rowley, Mass. Do:xford, Mass.

Rowley, Mass. Boxford, Mass.

Newbury, Mass. Newbury, Mass.

Boxford, Mass.

Boxford. Mass. noxford; Mass. Groton, Mass.

Daniel Jewett Born Aug. 12, 1744 Boxford, Mass.

Abigal (Thurston) Saunders da u. of Benjamin & Sarah (Bumee ) Thurston

Died Sheffield, New Brunswick M arried Sheffield, New Brunswick Horn prob. Jan. 3, 174·7 Newbury, Mass. ?


Sarah Mat hews Barker dau. of Jacob Barker

Born May 29, 1792 Sheffield, New Bruns. Dir cl Dec. 3, 1864 Keswick Ridge, N . Bruns. Married July 9, 1.818 St. John , New finms. Born ~fay 7, 1797 'Burton, New Druns. Died Sept. 29, 186:) K es. Ridge, N . Bruns.

- 17 -

Archibald Henry Jewett

Eli;i;a Jane. dau. of John Anderson

J\'"INTH GENERATION Born On. 10. 18 H Died Yfard1 +. 1922 1\lfarricd .Nov. 8. 1877 Boru I 852 Died Feb. 15. 1928

Mauge1Tille, N. Brnm. Fn:c~-ricLon. N. Bruns. Fredc1;icton. N. B1•uns.

Tauulon. ~'.lass. Fred<'ricton. N. Bruns.

TE~TH GENER.'\TlON Charles Alcxandt·1· Jt'well 11orn SPpL. H. 1890 Fred1··ricton. N. Bruns.

Ewlyn Louise Williamson Married Nov. 18. 1921 J\ewcastle. N. Bruns. Florn Marcil IL 1891 Nt'WC'a$tle. N. Hruns.


- 18 •

1 l

After the c\O!'C' of tlw French anc..l Indian War~ about e ighty Ma~s:-irh11-~1·tt" familih to New Brunsw ick and settled on the St. John·~ RiYer in what is now f!J ,. Pari•d1 or Slieffidd, in 1 he Township of ·Maug<·rvillc-, near i\{a11.ger lslr.ncl. The m.<.o.joritv of chese settler~~ were from Essex Conntv and man; of tlwm w1: re tht· d e;ceudants of the familie~ who ~ettlc~d Rowley. :.\tfassachusc tts.

They were a lni<Jst t'.xclusi\'ely mcmbPrs of tli{' Congr<'gational Churche~ of New Eng land. Rdig io11s. industrio11s and with a cle t1Tmination to mak<' a new home for tlit•mseh·cs on the ft..-t ile Janel aclja<' ''nt to thr St. J ohns Rivt·r-. they soon c·1'ccted a mN·tin~-house , a saw-mill a nd a grist-mill.

.Lisled with llw first band of settlt:'rs who arriw<l in ihr T ownship of Ma11gervillc in 176'.i v.:as Daniel J<'weu. unmarried. from Boxford. Masf'a­chusett~. In the bv-out of the st·tt lement Da niel received lot fourteen be­tween Mauger am! 11iclcllt> Islan~ls . ln 1767 he married Abigal (Tl11J1"ston) Saunders. Daniel and Abigal had elP\'C'n rh ildrt'n according to the ,Jt·wett Genealogy and their dt•scendant.s arc scatt1' rrcl today f rom New Brnmwick 10 a ll parts of Canada and the United St;Hcs. EdgPrton J e\'-'l'.lt and hi~ sister are now living on chc orig i11al grant of lot fo11rree n wlwrt• his Grt:at, Great. G --:rndfathcr sett l1·cl almost 1 wn hundn·d yt·ar~ ago. In tlie Burial Ground lwsidt· the Sheffield Meeting House rest after tlwir years of wil. fi\'l '. gl'nt'r­:1ti(lns of the Jew•·i1 Family.


• 1 y -


\\'1· apJJn:datt· rt'l'.l·h-ing thl' many llm· letter~ from 1111·111lll'rl> whn t·njoyr1..l thl' 1960 Yc·arhooJ...

Harlan Jt•w1·tt of North ~ladi~on. Ohio and Drlor1·<. Bl;i;tonik Wl'l'I' mar­ri1·d in \\'am•n. Oli!o. Sc•ptt·mlwr 10. 1960.

Mr. E. W. Wig~ins of Antwt·rp. ~1·w York write<. that '.\fr<.. \\"iggi1h ha!> hnn 't·rio11,Jy ill chrin!{ tlw pac;t summer. T had the pl<'a<.urr of ('allin~ 10

'>l't.• tlH'ru two yc·arc; ago.

~fr. and )\fr.;. Edw:lrd C . .Jt'wrtt of Elgin. Illinois an· i.p1·nclin!i{ tlw winter in Trxa<. with thf'ir son.

Lloyd W. Jewr11. .J r.. a Q'rad11a1c of Bo~ton C nin·rsit v 'l'lieo lo~ical Sdiool. ha~ a1·1·1·ptc·d a rall tn 1111· Tkthany Uc·tl1odist Chlll"Ch in Detroit. ~lid1i~an. Mr . .fc\\"l'tl ~rad 11au.·d frnrn 1he H olcim. Massachu<.ctts. Hi~li School in 1917: i~ a grad11;11·c· nf East<'rn Na,.arenr College. Wollaston. Mass. whl'rl' h<.' rl'cein·d his Badwlnr (1f Ari~ Oq~Tc'1'. 1-k has held pastorates in Unity. Mairw aud in 'VC'sl Sc·:1rbnro. M ainr. I Ir i~ ninrrit>d to thr former Jean Sackl of Chl'Stl'1 laud. Ohio. Tlil'Y Jia,·<· onr son. I .Joycl Wt>sley J ewett Ill.

H:lrl')' .fc'wf'tt of Bo~t on. Mass. has wriucn us some of till' c·xp1•r i1·111Ts of tlw J1•wrt1s of IToltp1i11. Cuba. Aftrr Ii,·ing in Cubn for thrt'l' ~1·1H·rnt ions. dw Jl'\wtt family had to flee to :\'Iiami. ll'a\'in!! all tll<'ir propl'rty hr·liind. Orw son who r<>~i~ted wn., killed.

Mr. nnd '.\fr'i. Cl'01 gt' E . Brown of Pa~adcna. California \'i,itPd Mr. Brnwn·~ si<.1f'r. '.\lt i.. M \'rtll· San1.krson of \ Vest CharJc.,ton. VtTmon1 in A ll!:?'ll''t. ~Ir~- S:Hldt'l'~on n·t urnccl to Pasadena with t lte Brown.'>. Tlwv dw\ c·

~tc·1~'""' thr country and lived in tlw trailtT durin~ their trip. ·

E1 ic .Jrwett of Lon!! Tkach. California i~ attending tilt' .\1 il'ona '.-.tatr l'ni\'t>t'ii ty. Edward ,fl'wcll. ~nn of \'our "ecrctary is atlt·ndin~ '.\lidtigan "\r:ur l"ni,·i>r'iil\' in E<1"l Lan,in~. Michigan. 'Mary Jcwrtt. daughtl'r of ll•·N·lwl .Jewell. for mc'r pn·,idc·nt of our A"socia tion i~ also at11?nding '.\1id1igan ~1:111-.

Cliffonl L. }•1• l'll of Minn<''\Ota '.\fining and '.\fanuf acturing Company ha'\ bcf'n t•kctt•cl pl('Sid<•nt of Ilic Re~earch and Engint>ering Cnutwil of tlw Graphic Arls Ind11stl)'.

Mis' L. Blandu· C!l'm." of J.011i"'·illc. K t'.'ntucky 11pn1t her -;1umm·r ,·aca­t ion 111otori11~ th rough t lll' Roe ky ~fountain sen ion of Canucla aml l ' nitt·d States. Siu• t l':l\'dlPtl tl11011gh ninrtcrn states and two µrm·inn•s of Canada. a dio;tann: of 11i1w thousand mil<'~ .

\Yilliarn Cha..;1• r('\\'l'tl. one of our Directors and 3 d1a1'tCT metnt'll'r of lltt' A'~nriation hai;


mowd from Ilcllows Falls. Vrrmont tn Foxhoro. Mas,,

.I uditli .f l'Wt'I I who flai; hrc·n working for the British Ovc1wa' Ai dint•' in San Franc bro h:1~ h<·< 'Tl I r:mi;frrrcd to tht> Kew York Ofl1ce. H en· is u ~l10rt report of hc-r quid, trip aro11nd the world: In September 1960 f h·ft F~nnci~ro for Toho. f apan. Thf'rl' J stayed for fom days. sig-h lSl'l'in~ in Nikko. fnmou, fo!· its ~tirinc·~ and National Park . ~cx1 <;top "a' Hong: K111H.'. <.rwnding fow :md a half da\'~ :-.ight~cPine- and shopping-. Then off for Dc·lhi. I ndin. wlwrt' it wa~ l10t and humid. ~o onh- c;t:ixed for tl1rcl' da'''· Had a won­d1·rfttl t i1·w i11 B1·ri(H. L1·hanon. for fiw and o~e half <l:w'. In. tlH' mor11in.~'·

- 20 •

~wimminc: in tlw ).frditl'!Tatwan Sc·a. tlll'O up lO tht· mountaim fnr a rnol lunch. Ai<.o tonk a trip 0111· li1md1Td mile!\ north of lit-riot to ~e<' Baaltwk. one<' tht• importanl dtv of H1·linpoli~. now the oldest ruined city in thl' world. Then too. J 1,aw tlw ,·allt•\· "lwrc· Noah huilt thl' Ark. and many other pkt<'l''\ of Biblical fame. On tlu: wa\ homl' i.toppl'c.l ofT in London for three cold cla\'s. that is. thcv \\t•rc· c:old h1-ra11w l had onlv summer clothe·~ with me. Thi' trip took thn·e ~\Teh. and wa:- do1w on µlanes of B.O .A.C. I trawllrd fiN class all 1he way. arid had a \\omlcrful time. can hardly wait to set om again.

~larilvn nrad~haw. clamrhtrr of ~fr. and ).frs. Franklin Uracl~h:iw. and a descendant of })a nit•I ft'\\"<'tl. :!fl/9 wa~ married in New York. Jun<' 16. t960 10 l\fr. Rolwn ~Ii1C''.\fillan R<·agan. ~fr. Rc~an is an attornt>y in :'\t•w York. -

All<·n K . .J('wt'll of I k:1d Ticli'. !\fain<\ a Bowdoin College ~ra<luatl' and prt'~l'ntly a tf'arhr·r of phy'liC's in the Rrumwick. Maine !'d1<?ols ~poke bef~rc thl' n11·mh<·rs of the> I.inroln Connty '!Vfairn· Cultural an<l Hiswncal As"oria­tion, F<'brna ry 5. 19fi I. II is s11hjecr w;1~ ' ' Physics can bt· fun".

WP rnjoyed nwPting thr many Jewett5 who \'isited us lasl ~u111111l'I'. Tlwy came from all parts of 1hc- c·c,11ntry to ~et· 011r records and to sec· tlw town of Rowley where 011r an<'<•stors <\l'I t led sn many yf'ars ago. Among callers WP re' Or. and Mr~. Pfrlrn.•ick of l.i~hon. 1\'(•w llampshin": M r. Hugh J ewl'lt 11f

Bakrr~fidd. Californi:l ; Mr. and ~frs. M aurice Jt"w<'tt of Ck•\-claml, Ohio: Lt. and M r-.. Guy11111 Q . Tcr1 y nf .Jarksom·illc. Florida. now <:laliOilC'd at Otis Airfield Ba~1· on Capt Cotl. \Vr• hope· that they all return for the n·union in August.

Allan n. J1•wrtt of Clinton. l\1a~<.. was om• of tht· contestant" at th(' apprentin• hrirklayns rontt·,1 lwld in the- Horticultural Hall. Bo~ton 011

March 26. 1960.

W illiani II. 1 Bill • .J l'Wl'll 11f Eureka, California has rccon:r<'d from hi~ illm·!'s of a war a~o and ;, <•n tlw .l?o a!{ain. In September lw wa!l in Long Reach attending the· ~1111wal sc.,:.ion of dw SO\ereig:n Grand Lod!!c of Odd Fellows and thPn c 11 to Stod,wn to attend the annual session of the Grand Encampmcnl of OJd Ft•llow~.

:'.\fr. E . T. J<'w1·tt hac; ht•rn promotl'd to managf'r of thC' Minnc-apoli-. 7onc- of Amc-riC':ln ~fotor Corporation. Hc- was formt"rly a!isistant of the' Portland. Oregon ;-on1• and ha~ lwcn with American Motors sinet· 1952.

Your ~l'crt·ta1 '" wl1ih· on a triµ to Ka11sas City. Missouri, spent a wry enjoyable and im1 ructiv1· t'\'cu ing at thC' !tonic of Yfrs. C. C . Campbell of Kansas City. K amas. M rs. Campbell. nllhough with failing eyesight, has searched out and compiled a very complete record of tht· descendants of William and J ane Mall h~·ws who st'lllcd in New Haven , Conncctirnt about 1650. incl udin)( th\.' line of Geor~e Enoch Jewett who married Patty M ari:l J\.fatthews. Mr~. Camplwll has very generously given a copy of h1.:r work to the Jcw<'tt Familv Associatio n. She· has also prcsent:ed us a microfilm copy of " Hunting Yo11r Anre~tor~" hv C1•orgc A. Jewett.

Mr. and :\frs. Ji·s~ Milll'r of Lima Town~hip. Michigan have p urchasl'd th<' '•Jewt•tt" Stone- Srhoolhou~r in Lima. Tlw school built in 1855 was in continuous ust• for one hunclrl'd Yl'ars. :\fr. and M rs. ~iillrr also own tlw Stone llouw h11ih lw Ell•a1t•r .J1·wt•1t . .tt39i. in 1836. '.\1rs. Mill<T. tlw formt•r Jane "'ahn.111~. j, ii Gn·a1. G11·at G1andauglHer of Eleaz1·r.

• 21 -

/\ new pipe organ in tlH· Episcoµal Cathedral of St.. J<>li.n, Spokan.e. \Va~hington. an instn1111t~nt unique west o f the Rock y Mountams and said hy or~~.m expert!! to ht: ont· of lhr finest in th.e Cnitcd Stav:~ was dc·dicated. on December 27. !960. Tlu' organ was the gift of G emgc I· . .J ewett, Jr. o.t Lewiston. Idaho <ind Mrs. \Villiam H. Greer of 'vVashington. D. C .. a memorial for their fathe r. G<:>orge F. Jewett.

l\fiss Greta Je\,•etl of Rowley. MassacllllSCtts and Attorney Charil's II. Metcalf of fk\'erlv, l\fassachuselts were marric<l in Rowlev on September ~{. 1960. ~fr. Metc~t!f is the fii·st assistant clerk of tlic Essex C~ounty Superior Court.

Doctor \·\'illiam G. Je\vctt of Gardner. Massachusetts has writtt·n to tell us how pleased 111' i~ to he li~kd as tl1f• Honorary Vici· Pn:sidi·nt for Massa­chusel ts.

Mr. Russell T. J ewett a nd famil y spent a W("t'k of t heir vaca tion in and around Den ver . Colorado. They visited the ~alional Parks in that an·a and dH· ;\ir Force Academy. Mr. J cwPtt writes of the pleasant ,.j~it which they had with ~!f r~ . Nina Hrnnphyrcs whc.:n ~he was in Long lkad1.

Mr. and ~frs. Melvin Bmlingarnt· of Minnf'apolis. Minnewta siwnt two and ollc lialf nmn ihs in Europe last summer: a month on the ron1in<"nt and 1he lxdancc of lbe t imc ir. Engfand.

:.\.faurke Jc.:wl.'lt of Mansmwille. Qul'hl'r who has ht·<·n ill for ovc·r a war, i~ up and arnuntl a ncl ab]f' to do sonw light work. Your sccrf'tary stopp<'d in to s1'c him and ltis fat her frC'd J ewett Ja~t summrt'. Ht'. always rcceivc·s a 4'.'ordial welcome when lw ,·isits tllem.

Mr. and Mrs. 'William P. Hillman of )frwark. Df'laware observed their ~8tl1 wc·dcling <rnni,·ersary in Septcmbf'r. Mrs. Hillman is the former l\'farjoric .Jewett, a dl'~cemhtnt of J ohn J ewett of Lisbon. Nc•w Hamp~hire.

Mr~. Cerald Voight. fornwrlv Gcorga Ann Geigd. and her son, James Ridia1d Voight ~pent thn'<' months in Euroµl' during the su1n1ncr. Mrs. Voight tcach<•.s hand and pnblk schocd mu~ic in Algona. Iowa.

'Ve appreciatl' the additional 111om·y that some of tht' mernhers have ,•nrlnsed witli tlw i!· ci t H'S and we wish to Thank You for it. All of the monev n·ceivcd is used for printing and for poqagc. The officers a nd the di rrC'lo r.s nf the As~ociation pi::in to inc rease our aeti,·itii•s which will rr q11irf' additiona l fund~. The c·asicst nwthod of raising this money is to increase thr dues from !111.00 to ~2.00 a y<·a.r and to rrqu<:>sl Iiie members t.o forward $1.00 for thc• puhlieation to t h•' Sf•cretnry and Treasurer. "Ve hope the action of thC' Trustees meets "·ith the approval of i-he members. Fifty-one years is a long t i11w in the> lif1· of a Family Association. We arl' probably one of tj1e two ohk~t active A~1;ocia t ions in this country.

Mr~. Clyde Skinner of Boulder. Colorndo has been ekct<'d President of 1 he Colorado War Mothers. The four pag(, Chri~tma" letter from Mr. and !\fr~. Skinner g:ave an accoum of their trav!'fs to California last summer and of the friends .,tlwv met there. ·we hopf' that next year thcv will write about their trip to the Je~vett R eunion in Rowley in 1961. · '

In 1883 the patriotic ot1zens of Laconia, New Hamp~hir~ oprn~d the ir Fourth of July Crlehration at sunrise by the salute of fifty guns from J ewctt's Hill.

- 22 -

- 23 -

- 24 -

Additions to the Genealogical Record of Captain George Jewett and His Descendants

(Kumhcrcd according to thr Jewett Gm<-alogy - 1908)

1219 Captain (;coq.~e .J t·\n•tt was born in Pittston. Maine. f1·hrnary 1, 1801 Married Sarah Hale of Haverhill, :Massaclrnsett~. Dcn·mher ~I. I 8 '.~f) Captain Jewel t died in Bath, Maine'. :Vfay 28. 187'.-I Mrs . .Jewett died i.n Brooklyn, New York, .J anuary 13, 1qo1

Ohildre.n born in nai-h , Maine N52 Charles, born St·ptcmber 27. 1W-l9 ; married Ahbie.E. Flagg 2-l.Yl G<-org:· Frederic_. bo rn ~1arch 12, 18· l l: mani('<l lnwgene Herrick 215+ .Frands Eliphalet, horn September 2~, I 8 ~2: married Julia Gro~~ 2-J.5~> Edwin H ale. born .January 25. l8H; manied Elizabeth Chapman 2·1·56 Hannah Emily. born Fehrnary 15. 18~~6; married Albert Lon~ 2•15 7 William. born Sep t.cmhrr 2. HH9; died in Rath. April 9. \ 8'.i9 2•1:i8 FrcdC' ric Alhcrt. born June 29, 1852: ~arried (1st) Emma Kings­

burn. (2ml'l Ella M. Cahaley 2·'1-59 Nellie Maria, born April 16, 1854: died in Wilmington, Ma~s ..

May 20, I 882, unmarried

2+52 Professor C lm rles J ewett was born in Rath, Maine, Scplcn1bl'r 27. 18.'.39: Ile married Ahbir Flagg of DO\·f•1\ °Nl'w Hampshire . .J1dy 6. 1868: Pr0frswr ji '.wetr cliccl in Brooklyn, I\cw York. August. 1910: Mrs, J ewett died in Brooklyn. New Y0rk, March 9, 1873.

Childn:n horn in Brooklyn, New York -J.268 Harold Flagg. born December 2, 1869; marril'tl .Frances Hubbell

Hamilton -~269 Alice Hali·. horn February 25, 1873; rnarrkd Tlwodor(' Schwart,..

She died in Atlantic City, New J ersey_. fl'hrnary 17, 1928. -1268 Doctor Harold Flagg Jewett was born in Brooklyn. New York, Deccm­

bt;r 2, 1.869. He married Frances Hubbell 1-Iarnilton in Rrooklyn. Octobt:r 7, 1897; Doctor .Jewett died April 12, 1912; ~frs. Jewett clit·d in Brnoklyn , March 27. 19'.~9

Children born in Brooklyn, New York 6753 Chal'l('~. horn September 2. 1898; married ::\tliriam Sykes 675+ Dorothy Hamilron. born February 12. 1905: man ied .Jamt·~ S.


675:) Charlr:; Jew1·tt was born in Brooklyn. New York, September 2, 1898 : He married :\1iriam Sykr:; in Greemvich, Connecticut, October 7, 192U

Child Marjol'it· Anm'. born Septembl'r 18, 19::10

6751, OcJrothy Hamilton Jewett was born in Brooklyn, ;.rrw York. Fcbrnary 12. 1905. Site married .J amcs S. Creighton in Brooklyn. N owm h<:>r .t, 1933

Child Barbara Anne, b"rn m Brooklyn_. New York, July 13, 19..J.1

- 25 -

+269 Alice Hale J ewett was born in Brooklyn, l'\nv York, February 25, 1873. She married J. Theodore Schwarts of Saratoga Springs, New York,. .January 23, 1906. Mrs. Schwarts died in At lantic City. New Jersey, Februarv 17. 1928 .. \fr. ';clnvarts remarried and has since died. no funher {·ecorcl of him. .

2-1-53 George Frederic .Jewe ll was born in Bath, Maine, March 12. 18+1. H e rnarricd Imogene Eliza. .Herrick, May 17. 1870. Mr. J e\vett died in Brooklyn, New York. October 9, 1930. Mrs. Jrwett dil·d in Stoneham, Massaclmsetl~;, October 2-L 1946.

Children born in Boston, Massachusetts ·!270 G<x>rge Herrick, horn August 20. 187'.~: died Brooklyn, New

York, January 1 ~. 1950, unmarrif'd '1271 Williarn Averill, born A11g11st 27, 187.1; married Ethel Figgis +272 Louise (twin }. horn Fehruary I, 1881; dbl April 1882 -~273 Imogen(' Hale (twin ) , born Fehruary 4, 188!; married Albert

R 11sscll Hodgman

·1271 Doc.tor Williflm AvC'rill .Jrwett was born in Boston. Massachusetts, August 27. 1875. He married Ethel Figgis in Brooklyn. New York. April 25. 1906. Tlwy rc5ide in Needham Heights, Massa.chusett~.

Children born in Brooklyn, New York William Avf'rill • .Jr .. born September :lO. 1910 John Figgis, born F1:hrnary 26, 19 J 4

William Averill Jewett .. Jr. was born in Brooklyn. New York, Seplcm­ber 30, 1910. He married Irene Rlaek of Meadow Grove. Nebraska in Philadelphia., Pennsylvania, April 25, 19l5. They reside in Pitlshurgh, Pf·nnsylvania

Children Susan lrene, horn in New Hav<m. Conn('ctinit, Fehruary 25, 19+7 WiUiam Averill Ill, lxm1 in Ithaca, New York. September I, 194.S

Doctor John Figgis Jewett wa~ born in l.lrooklyn, New York, February 26, 191 <k He married .Jean Thorn of North Bend, Nebraska in Silver Springs, Maryland, August IB, 1945. They reside in Needham, Massa­chusetts

Children born in Hoston, Massachusetts John Fjggis, .Jr., September 12, 1946 Manha Kay, born June 6, l!H8

4·27'.1 Imogene H•de Jewett was born in Boston, Massachusells. Felnuary +, 1881. She married Albert Russell Hodgman in Roxbury, Massac.husells, June 12, 1907. They reside in Stoneham, Massachusetts

Children born in Stoneham, Massachusetts Russl'il Jewett, born February 16, 1909; resides m Stoud1am, unmarried Miriam Irene, born October 16, 1910~ married Randolph J. Owen Richard Albrrt, born Octoher 8, 191+, married Eugenie M. Murphy

" 26 -

Miriam lrt't'le Hodgman wa~ born in Stoncltan1, ~fassachusctts, October 16, 1910. Slw married Handolph Josccyln Owen in Stoneham, Seplem­hrr 1 :,. l 9'.W. Thc>y rcsid(' in Stoneham

Children born iu Stoneham., l\fassachusetts Marilyn }'\Wtt. born .J:muary 19, 19'.17; marri1~d Richa rd P. Wik· Ruth Elizabeth, born December 12, 19+3

Marilyn Jewett Owen was born in Stoneharn, ~1assachusetts . .January 19, 1937. Sh:: married Richard P. Wik in Stoneham in 1957. They reside in Stoneham.

Children born in Stoneham, Ma~sachusctts

Brv(;rly Ann, born Scplembcr 12. 1958 David Alan. horn April 18, 1960

Ric.hard Albert Hodgman was born in Stoneham. Massachusetts, Octo­ber 8, 1914. He married Eugenie M. Murphy in Springfield, :Massa­chusetts, May 1. 1945. Thry rcsidl' in Andover, .Massachnsetts.

Children born in North Adams, Massachusetts, except· Jast Barbara Eugenic, b<Jrn April 28, 1946 Dianna Elim, born April 27, 194 7 Kathryn Elizaheth, horn Scpt<·mher 13. 1948 Richard Albert, Jr., born May 23, 1951 Carol Marie. born February 11, 1956 Philip William, born in Andover, Massachusl"tts, .July 21: 1958

2+5+ Fra ncis Eliphalet .Jewett was horn in Rath. ~1ainc. Septembe r 23, 18-~2. He married Julia Gross in St. Louis. Mis~ouri. March 11·, 1872. Mr. J ewett died in St. Louis, Missouri, January 20, 1920. Mrs. J ewett died in St. Louis. Missouri, Sep tember l 3, 1902

Children born in St. Louis, Missouri 4274 Charles Edwin, horn February 15, 1873; died m the Phillipinc

Islands. S«'ptembel' 6, 1914, 1mmarried ~275 l'\ellie Gross, born Dec.ember 18_. 107-l; died in St. LouisJ Missouri.

April 18, 19.17, unmarried +276 'Walte r Oakleaf, born September 30, 1877 427i Francis Hale>. horn June 29, 1881 +278 Evelyn, born :Yfarc.h 9, 189i

+276 \:\!alter Oakleaf .Jewett was born in St. Loui~ , .Missouri. Scpten1ber 30. 18 77. He married Christine Schon in St. Louis. Missouri. D ecember 13, 1902. He died .January 18, 1907

Children born in St. Lnuis, Missouri Marincll, bom October 26, 1903 Lucille, horn June 25, 1905

Marinell J ewett was born in St. Louis, Missouri, O ctober 26, 1903. She married Ray Charlrs Rieder. October 17, 1925

- 27 -

Children Robert Jewett, horn February 4, 1930 Ray Charles, Jr .• born November 16, 1937

Lucille Jewett was born in St. Louis. Missouri, June 25. 1905. Slw mar­ried Lc~liP Fi·ancis Lewis, April 25, I 925.

Children Leslie Francis, Jr .. born May L 1926: di('cl February 3. 193-t Maurene Lucille, born February 23, 1929 Harlan Eugene. born February 10, 1933 Michael Walter Jewett, born June 7, 1943

i-277 Francis Hale Jewett was b(lrn in St. Louis, Missouri . .June 29, 1881. He married Pauline Rowemdmlte . September 12, 1912. He died in Spring­field , Illinois, April 7, 19-l2

4278 Evelyn Jewet t was born in St. Louis, Missouri, March 9. 1897. She married John W. Kelley in St. Louis, Missouri, November 22, 1945. They reside in Sedalia, Missouri. No children

2'1-55 Edwin Hale .Jewett was born in Ilath, Maine, .January 25. 18H. He married Elizabeth Lucinda Chapman, March 22, 1876. Mr. Jewe tt died in Toledo, Ohio. December 13, 1925. Mrs. Jewett died in Toledo. Ohio, December 16, 1919.

Children 42i9 Augustin, born in Bath, Maine; died in infancy 1280 Arthur Crawford, horn in Bath, Maine. August 26. 1878 4281 Edwin HaleJ Jr., born in llath. Maine, February 15, 1882 1·282 Ruth L.. born in Toledo, Ohio, May 25, 1892

4280 Arthur Crawford Jewett was horn in Bath, Maine, August 26, 1878. He married Blanche Lind von Beseler in Toledo. Ohio. M av 7, 1903. Mr. J ewett (Lied in ·winter Park, Florida, July 27, 1957. :t-lrs. ) ewett died in Washington, D. C .. January 26, 1944

Children 6755 (Arthur) Roger, horn in Bangor, ~fain<', March 16 .. 1904 6756 H elen H ale, born in Ornno, Maine, July 22" 1906

675.3 (Arthur) Roger Jewett was born in Bangor, M aine, :Yfarch 16. 190.J .. H e married ( 1st ) Sara Clarke C lutter in Pittsburgh, Pcnsylvania, August 23, 194 1. l'v1rs . .Jewett died in Reading, Pennsylvani~, August 8. 1948. H e married (2nd) Ellen Seymour R enau lt in Yonkers, New York, November 24, 1951. They reside in Williamstown, Massachuselts.

Children David Murdoch, born in Pittsburgh, Pt•nmylvania. May 5. 1931: adopled September 194 l. John Roger, horn in New Castle, Pe nmylvania, Septemhcr l 5, 1942 Blanche Lind. born in New Castle. Pennsylvania, March 26. 194·J. Edwin Everett, hol'n in R eading, Pennsylvania, August 3, 1948

- 28 -

6756 H elen Hah· Jewett was born in Orono, Maine. July 22. 1906. She mar­ried Rohen Lewis Lepper in Damariscotta, Maine. Sq.Jlcmbcr 7, 1933. They rrside iu Pitt-;burgh, Pennsyl\'ania.

Child born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Susan, born August 11. l 9:H

4·281 Edwin Hale .f('wctt. Jr. was born in Rath , Maine, February 15. 1882. He married Naomi Sample in Covim~ton , Kf"nrucky, Fehruary 10. HllO. Mr. Jewett died in Toledo, Ohio, July 15. 1917. Mrs. Jewett died in Toledo, Ohio

Children born in Perrysville, Ohio Elizabeth, born Decemh<'r JO. 1911 .: died in New York. N<"Vv York, November 17. 19-l3 Margaret, horn August 3, 1913

Margaret J ewett was born in Pnrysville. Ohio, August '.l, 191 :t She married James M ason in Toledo, Ohio. February J 5, 1942.

Children born in Toledo, Ohio James Edwin Scott, born October 21. 1942 Carolyn Elizabeth (twin'. born O ctohPr 15. 19'1·6 Lance Hale (twin). horn October 15, 19-J.6

"n82 Ruth L. Jewett \Vas bnrn in Toledo. Ohio, May 25. 1892. She marri<"d James Hazelton in Toledo. Ohio, November 22. 1917. Mr. Haze-lton clie<l in Phoenix, Ari7.ona, .July 27, 1929. Mrs. Hazelton rrsides in Los Alimi las, California

Children Ec..lwin Hugh, born in Toledo, Ohio. Onohl'r 2'.3, 1918; died there. November 9, 1919 Phyllis Lynn. born in Alhu4ucrq11c, New M exico. December 26. 1919 Jam<>$ Jewett, born in Toledo, Ohio, Nowmher 19, 1921 Richard Franklin, bnrn in San Rernadino. Californi;~. 0C"ober 9, 1924 Kenneth 1\"ewton, horn in Phoenix, Arizona, July 10. 1927

Phyllis Lynn Hazelton was horn in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Decem­ber 26. 1919. She- marri<' d Char)(•s John Heffner in Springfield. Ohio, May 29. 191l2. They reside in Springfield, Ohio

Children born in Springfield, Ohio Jerille Lynn. horn January 12, 1946 Cynthia Ann. horn September 20. 1948 Brian Charles. born December 31, 1950

2458 Docto r Frederic Albert J<'W<'tl was born in Bath, Maine, June 29, 1852. He mani<' d ( 1st ) Emma L. Kingsbur y in Needham. i\t!assachHsetts, April 14, 1875. She died August .16. 1876. H e married (2nd ) Ella M . ~ahaley in Brooklyn , New York, April 27. 1887. Doctor J<'wett died m Brooklyn, New York, .January 18. 1924-. Mrs . .Jewett died in Hollis, New York. May 25, 19-~4 .

- 29 -

Child by first wife n83 Albert F .. b<.lrn in Net·dharn, Massachusetts, August 11, 1876

-1283 Albert F. Jewett was born in 1\ce<lhan1. Massachusc lls. August 11. l 8i6. H e married Annit• W. Davis in Dorchester. Massachusetts. April 15. 1903. Mr . .ft'Wl'rl <lied in Hollis, New York. OctobtT 2. 195 J.

Cltildren 6757 Frcdcrirk Da,·is. born in Brooklyn. New York. July 19, 190-1 67 58 A I be rt Longlt>y. horn in Queens, New York .. .July 26, 1906

Lincoln Halt'. born in Qne<.>ns, New York. December 31 , 1908 Roht>rt Howard, born in Brooklyn, New York. Sf·ptember 23., 191+

67~7 F1·ederic Davis. born in Brooklyn. New York. July 19, 190+ He married t\licc Natalie Newell in Buffalo. Xcw York. November 28. 19'.{4. They reside in Anne Arundel County. Maryland

ChildI"en Natalil' Ann, born in nulTalo, New York, February 21, l 936 Martha Winifred. horn in Baltimore, Maryland, May 22. 1938

6758 Albert Lon~ley J1·w1·tt was born in Queens. New York . .July 26, 1906. He married Elsie Wertner in ()ur~ens. New York. Fchruarv 17, 1940. They n$ide in Easthampton, Ne\~ York. ·

Chilclren Guy All1·n. horn July 21, J 943 Nancy Lrtisha. horn January 1, 1946 Alhert F ., Jr .. born in Brattleboro, Vermont, May 4, 1951: <lied in Easthampton, New York. June 1, 1953 Rohin Hillary. born in Easthampton, Nl."w York, July 16, 19!i4

Lincoln Hale Jewett was horn in Qut'ens. New York, Dect'mbcr 31 , 1908. He mrirried Olin• King in Queens, New York. Aug ust 231 19t7. Tht·y r csidt> m Easthampton, N ew York.

Children Michelle Oli\'ia. horn August 25, 19'1-8 Frederic Robert. born

Robnt Howard kwrtt was born in Hrooklvn. New York. September 23. 19J-1.. He tnanicd Elisabeth l"nderhill in Queens. New York. Septc>m­hrr 27. 19+ 1. Tlwy n·side in Albertson, New York

Children Barbara Lc·slic. born November 1-1-. 1942 Susan Lee, born .J unc 2. 1945 Cynthia .Jaynr, horn .June 28, 1949

- 30 -



To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jewett. a son, Kirk H enry, born .Jmw 29, 1960 in Columbus, Ohio. Jori K eith Kellar born June 23, .1960, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar. A son, James Brandon Fleshman, born in Van Nuy~, Califo~·nia, to 1\fr. and Mrs. J ames Arnold Flcshma!~ · T he ahovc are all descendants of Ear! R . .Jewett of Olenlangy, Ohio, :t:7735. By a strange coincickncc a ll the child ren born in this branch of the family in the pa~t thirty years have heen hoys.

Luyrc Ellen Perkins, horn Deo·mber 6, 1959~ Parents. Mr. and Mr~. Calvin T. Perkins ol vVenham. Massal'husetts, a desc<'ndant of Mosrs Jewett #2996.

A daughter, Alexis Burleigh, was born to Otis WC'll Foster und his wife. Isabelle of Columbus, Georgia, Dtccmhn 8, 1959. She is a descendant of #962, Moses and Philomelia (Jewett ) .Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. P. Jewitt of Fairfield, Connecticut. n·port a son. Joel Robctt C')ol Jewitt horn on January 11. 1960. descendant of John Rogers Jewitt, #11024.

Elizabeth Patch Haskell, born September 2, 1%0. grand-daughter of Mrs. Florence Jewett Haskell of South Paris, Maine, descendant of Danit>l Jewett, #Mi8 of Denmark, Maine.

Lorenzo Jewett Gentile, born in )irw York City. FC'bruary 6. 1960. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio H. G c> ntilc ( Frances Bradshaw ) . A des­cendant of Daniel J rwett #Bi9 of Hollis, N ew Hampshire.

Mark Thain Whitney was born in Salt: Lake City, Utah, on February 6, J 960, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce \Vbitncy and a descendant of #2996 Moses Jc·wett.

Nelson Scott Whitnl'y, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rohcrt V. Whitm·y was born in St. Louis, :Missouri. March 29, 1960. He is a descendant of #2996 Mos<>s Jewett.

Louise Garrord Sp<"nrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Kyle Spenc:C'r was horn in Columhus, Georgia, Octol)('r 28, 1960. She is descended from Samuel J ewett # 1509.

Paul D. Brigham. horn in Ipswich, Massachusetts. November 7. 1960) son of Mr. and Mrs. Ranalcl ]. Brigham. Descendant of Everett D. Jt'.Wett #9576.

Charles Edward .Jewett, son of Mr. and Mrs. vValtcr .Jewett was born in Ipswich, Massachusetts, February 26, 1960, a drscendant of #9576 Everett D. Jewett .

Marco Francis Gentile was born in New York Citv on Dcc('mbcr 21 .1960. Parents ar~ Mr. and Mrs. Vittorio M. Gentile. Anc~·stor was Daniel .Jewt•ll #879.

Bernard L., III. son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bernard L. Jessup, Jr. was born on October 28, 1.960 and David Jewett, son of Mr. and Mrs. F ranklin ] c·wett Hillman was born in Brunswick, Georgia on November 8, .1960. Both of these boys arc descendants of Deacon Maximilian Jewett through Benjamin J ewett #180.

Stephen Shannon, ITI, was born in Laconia, 1\t'w Hampshire, .June I, 1960. Parents are ~fr. and Mrs. Stephen Jewett, Jr., of Laconia

- :1 l -


~i i'~ .\ll!~t ·lino· C1:\\\ford H«artz passed awa\' in lwr ~k<•p or1 Murdt 15. 1960. Sin· \,a., a 1.:1i1<'d '>rhool 1eachf'r. born in \\°ohmn. ~fas-;. 011 :'\owmhcr .->. 1886. till' \k1t:·~hk1 oi Thoma<. and ~fary A. (Jt'Wt'l l H1•artl. Miss H1·a111 \\~l~ Jj, in!! in E.1 ... 1 Orange. :'\ew .frro;t·y at the 1i11w of lier dt'ath.

William r . .ft"H'll. a dl'SC<:n<lant of Joseph Jt'\\Ttt thmugh ~-!61 L Ed· ward J1·wetl. dit•d in Pa~~aic. ~i-w jer<.ey in 1960. '.';o furtlw1 info11muion 1·onrrrning" him.

\foxi111iliaTJ .JF\Wll dil·d in C incinnati. Ohio on Ocwhc-r 9. 1960. ll<' wa~ ho1n in Cincinnati. :"m . 17. 1872. the -;on oi Joseph F . and Ct'lia {Child 1 .Jt·wl't t. He marri•·d. \Lt\ .;, 1901 . .Jennie Kane. Sh t> pa<:<:t•cl away a n11111b4.·1 of y1·n1.; ago. :\11 . .J l'\H'll j, !llll\ i\l•rl by a daughtC'l'. Mr ... Ma1tlww A. '.\fr. Donald and a ~1:.1nd,011. A11d1 e'' .Jewett \ k Donnlcl.

Cy1·1·11u.; H1·n1 y .Jt·wl'tt passed away in Columhu~, Ohin . J uly 2'.t 1960. H (• was born in Atht·ns. Ohio tm .June +, 1905. the -.on: of Enrl Rushll'y ancl Ev<· (Nur11'mak1·1·1 .J<'\W\t.

.Josq1h L. Dcxl~c· •if Row IL y. ~!ass. died s11dd(•nly April 25. 1960. fol­lowing a li1•:1rt allad" Mr. D ud.!{e was Presidcm of the Rowley Jfi~toricn l ~ociet). pa~t 1n c·-id1·111 of tlw .'.':ewburypon Art As~oria1ion. a founcl<·r of t hl' a nn11al Nc·wln11) µ01 t Art Sl1ow amJ a nwmbn of the R owlry C:ongn'­i:aticmal ( :11111 di. I h "as a dese<'ndam of .fcN'ph T. and Sarah P. (.J1•w('tl \ l>odg1-.

\\'illiarr. H. J•·w1·1t. 6~. of P:ttrlwguc. K1'\\' York <lit·d o n l\pril 22. 1960 :iftn an illnf'"" of two clay,. Ht· wa:; appointed don11nc11t clt:rk in 1lu.• S11ffoll­Co11nry Clt·rk\ otfirl' in 19.H and was promoted to Third Dq>uty County C:l1·rk in 1!1"1/. '.\t1 . J<·w1·u was a \"C'tcran of \\'orl<l War f. He i<> ~111vivnl hy hi.; wif1-. '.\Ir' . .J;rni1a Jt'\\'l'll and a sister. ~frs .. \nnett Crou of Hollvwood. Floridn.

Ida <.:arrntlt1·1, J<•\\'t'lt . widow of Dr. Charles Elliott .Jew<-tt I i713 ) dfr·cl in April 1960. ~he l•·an·i. an only daughter. Dorothy.

F red .Jt'\\'1•11 #iiJi of \\'011hingl0n. Ohio <lied 'uddenly 011 AugtN I. 1960. He \\'a' hmn i11 .Madison County. Ohio. April 8. 1880. the }Olll1~l·st of a l:u g1· familv. H1· \\a' active· in tlll' Franklin Co1111tv, Ohi(I Historiral Soric·ty allll in pn·sl'I \ ing- and 1cs101ing con :rcd bridgc:s. '.\fr . .Jewett, a 111e111ber of tltt· J<'\\'t'tt Familv of Amer ica. wa'> intcn·~tt·d in our J ewell Rt·c·ordi. and in ottr dl'on~ to continue to comp ile n mn· ()[ them. Ht· iss1wd for 'oml' t iml' a s11 tal l ptt bl il'ation called ''J ewetl Topit:s". ..

\\'nit Pr J cwrtt. 8l), n hf·ating contrnctor an<l a found<'r of th<' Lowt'll (;olf T ourru•y d ic·d at his homr in Chelmsford, M ass. on Fdm1ary 1·1, 1960. llr· leavc~ a <ln11g-h1rr. Mr«. Pf'rce H . Rowe· of Bellingham; a son Edwin M . .Jrwrtt of C:lw ltmlnt d and a brotlwr. H arold, of v\'aylnnd. M:m.

Fn·d U. Jt•\wtt, an 80 yt·ar old heehl'pcr of Apalad1in, N. Y. wa~ kill<'d in Johnson City. Nl'\\ York. August 2, 1960. He is s111Tind by a llau~hwr, ~Its. H:!/.t'I Dyt-r: a grand~on and a gn·at-gran<laughtt·r.

'.\frs. Edith { L:rndon l Jt'w1·tt. widow of Dr. Howard W. Jl'\\'C'lt =9565, <lif'd in Lowell. !\far,s .. .January 10, 1960.

- 32 -

Robc1 t Fuller. 21. of .Miami. Florida and Holguin: Cuha, wa~ shot hy om: of C:a5tro's fi1 in~ 'q11ads nt'ar ~antiago, Cuba on OctohtT 9. 1960. ffr \\'a~ the son of W illi.1111 and .Jl'nni1· I .Jewell ) .Miller and a de~<"endant of ,-\ndrew Stiles J1'\H'tt # ~1660.

Lewdl~ n E\t'l'(ll <.lit'CI in Tillicum. Washington on S1•pt1·m­ber 26. 1~1'>9. llr \\a'i horn in Wyoming. Iowa, January 28, 1889. the -;on of .:--;orri~ ;iml ~Luy r .fe\•'t'll Tompkins. and was a descendant of Alwl JcwNt =6379.

Alhc:rt L . .Jt·wt tt of Mt:t.lfonl • . Ma.c;s. dil•d on Xo\'eml.>e1· 23, 1960. I Ir i!' survi\'cd by liis wifr. Florcnn· ~1. J1·wett: a daughter Alic1· of ~ledford and a son. G1·orgc J.. of Hingham, :Vfass.

:\fr:.. E<.Jg;ir B. J t'\\'Cll. IT. 5.). <laught1-r-in-law of o ur Fir~ t Prc,idt.·nt. Ed.1.rn1 n. J l''' t: ll, dil'd in tlw B11ffalo. N. Y. General Hospital. Sunday. J anu­ary 29. 1961. Slw had lw<'n ill for ahout a montl1. M rs. Jcwl'I t had been atti\'e in riYic a nd com111unity affair~. scr\'ing as a nurse\ a ide for the Buffalo Red Cross ~incl' 19 1 '.!: a~ a vol11 nt!'cr in Community Chest and C nitt·cl F1111d Campaig ns. In 10.'lO sht' 111;1rri1·d .B~dar B. J ewett, II, p residc·nt of 111" J ew!'tt Rl· f1 i~cratnr Company. hn second marriage. Mr. .Jcw<'tl di~·<l in .\fay 1952 .

Mr~. Mollit· .J<·W<'tt, wik of (korgc J cw<·tt of Grand Ledge. Mid1ig-an, p~l!;st•<l away 011 .J :munry '.!, J !)(')I. Mr. .f t'wett,. 95. wa.~ for u nuwbcr of yc:ars Pn·sidcnt of tlw j l'Wl'll Family of Ma~on, Michigan.

A bl'latt·d d1•a1li 11oti1·t· has licc·n rc{'ci\'ed. ~frs. Har ri!'ll (Jewell 1

~!organ = 17 '.!9 dic·d at h<:r hom<: in :'ll'cw York City on the 20th of J anuary. 189:1 in her 86th p·«r. She wa~ born in Salem. ~lass., March ~. 1807. damih­tcr of Elipltal<:l a:icl Sarah ( Ridianh 1 jt.•wt:tt and was om· of tin· ci!{ht J1·w: u ~i: lt·1~ noted for their lwmny. She was related through her 111•11Ti<\~<' lo the L•mgfdlow and Hathorne· Camilit'S.

- 33 -


,\rizona 202:~




\ \' ti~lll A. G;;inlinrr

Wallat·t• E. Jewett Fram·c•ll .ft'\\Clt Fcl·tc1·

I!) 1 l-1 Elain<· Brad .. haw Drnkmt•n ?\fr!>. Mar~nn·l I. Jewell

Conncc1acut -t6H Kathryn Baldwin Jt•\>'ett

Georgia 8%5 Singleton lhidgt·s. Jr.


Louisiana -f21B -f2 I 8


Mrs. Harold B. Rrown

Loi·•·trn Marv Cefalu Mrs. Wilfn·d· 0. Prados

505 Edna II 111 d l\font c>ith

Man food Y IBB Marg;t1·1·t I Pfou' Deni~on

.Massachusetts 88 IB John Oran Jewett

.;\lfred S. Jewett l!HO .f:int• f King) T erry :nO-f J. Harri' Todd

Xcw Hampshire 6511 ~athanirl T. Kimball

New York IC) H-1 '.\farilyn Brnd~bnw Re-agon

O hio Hnrbn .f<'Wt'tt

9399 Maurin• B . .Jewt'tt

Wyoming 202~~ Inn M. Larson


.'\ 11h11rn

Phoenix Sonoit:i.

Ridm1ond r~1sad<•na



Grundy Cl·nt1·e

Nrw Orkam :"l1·w Orkans



l-lolvoke l,11cilow 01·i~ A.F.B. Row Ii·\·


NC'w York

North Madi~on But:k dill·


Numbt>r' prcrl'<lin~ the names are thP C'onnections in tlw Jt•w1·tt Grrn~alogy.


Amt'rkam l1aw lwl'll known for tlH•ir inqtli~iti\·t·rw<.s. It is their ruriosit y in part that has mad~· our country ~rcat. \\'t• S{'ek to know. to learn, to find the answt·rs to <fUl'~tioni. that comt• w mind. Some a<;k, who w«'rc my anct·sto1·s. where did they c-01111• from. how clicl thC"y m:tke their lin·lihood. and many more questions.

What is your int1·n·st in dw Jcwt·tt Family of America? Vfr would like· to know. Is it just a maltl:r of prick in your family? You haw ewry right to he. ArC' yol1 curious about it<; history and deve-lopme-nt? Are- you interestl'd in p;encalog-y ? Do u111 lik1· to do re-search in this flt•Id or ·would you likr to if vou could? Do vo11 lik1• to writt· or do research for historical novels or essavs? There arc oppo;·tunilit·~ lo do ~o, for yot1 would find it a most fascinating ~ml rewarding endeavor.

When tlw J cw1·tt Fami ly of America was incorporated. committ<'<·s w«'re established to carry out its purpost's. Two of thesf' committees wnc called the Committee on P11hliratio11 and the Conunit tec on His tory and Ccnl'<i l<•gy. These comm ittees nn· being e:;tahlislH·d again. \iVc.: would like to lwnr frorn volunteers to s1•rw• 011 tht~S1· (; for they arc the committ.cci;, dial givt· stn;ng-th to tlw ,lewf'tl Family of America. ·You can make your own contribution. if you will , sc•IN·t your own a ssignment or ask for suggcstiom as to things you can do. Our secn·1ary has nrn.ny fields which he would lik<' to explore. do research on or write <1bout. but he does not have sufficiN1t time. So we· sc>ek vol11n1rc·rs who might likt: to make contributions to mn· publicat ion or he lp do n·~(';:irclt in ,·arious wavs or fields . so as to bring up to datr or add to the cnllection of historical and genealog ical data. Please write to us and tell us of }'Our int.-rest. We believe we can help you develop it to yow· enjoyment and perhaps to the benrfit of the J ewett Family of Amnica. Fear not hunll'nson1l' a~signments but gi\'e of your spare time and tale-nts that they may be sbal'ec.l with other:.. Tl1c .Jewett Family will be• grateful and you will l>C' plt·asrd. we are sure. :May wt· lwar from you?

- 35 •


Septcmlx·r 19, 1959 to September 19, 1960

Halan<"f' on hand Sept<'mbcr 19, 1959 .....................•..... .... ~153.41 R1•ccipts

Dues. includinlT New ~1embers ..................... . Donations .......................................... .. Sale Yearbook<1 ................................................ . Sale Coat of Anne; ......... ........ .............. . Transfer frnm Edgar B . .Jewett Fund .. ... . ..... . ... .

Total Rf'ceipts

E'<pcnditures Pn!<tagc .................................................... . In~urancc ............................. ......................... .. Copyright ................. , ................................... .......... . 'J'yping ........................ .... .. .......................... .. ... . Durs Notices ....... .... ............... ........ ......... .. .. Pictures and Expenses of Reunion ...... . ......... . C11t~ for the Yearbook . . .. .... ..... . .......... .. Ycarlx>ok Publication ... . ...................... ........... .. Rank Charges ...................... ... ...... ..... .

Total Expenditures

$264.00 16.00 2.00

10.00 75.00

$ 32.00 6.00 1rno

20.00 8.00

15.00 '.35. t 7

'.''.H.25 5.67



~ ~63 .09

Balance on hand September 19, 1960 in Fir~t !'\ation:\I Bank of Ipswich, l\fass. . ............. . ..... ...... S 57.32

Edlo{~lr ll. Jewett Fund Balance September 19. 1959 ............. .................... $-l27.15 Interest ................ .. .. . . ............................................ 7 .4 7

Withdrawn . $H•.62


Balance on h::md Scpt(•mbcr 19. 1960 Suffolk ~a' ing-~ Bank. Boston. )lass. !;'159.62

St'ptt"ml>l.•r 19. 1960. the followi ng in the custody of the Secretary and Trt'as11r('r

13 S<'ts of ,J<•wrtl Gt•n<·aloRics, value .. .. .. $325.00

Submill1·d. Evcr1•tt D . .J1·w<'tt. T1·ras111·1•r t

Tlw abo\'r aC"ro11nts h:WI' h<•r n audited by me. 1 lind that tlw rt•ceipts. hank halanc1•i1 and rl'rnrds agn' e with the above report.

Submitted, .\lfrcd 0 . Jewett, Auditor

- 36 -