Jets in (nearby) radio loud ·...

Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of the ALMA Regional Center with the contribution of H. Nagai, G. Giovannini, A. Mignano, R. Falomo, V. Casasola, ARC and many other people

Transcript of Jets in (nearby) radio loud ·...

Page 1: Jets in (nearby) radio loud · Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of

Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN

Elisabetta Liuzzo

INAF-IRA BolognaItalian Node of the ALMA Regional Center

with the contribution of H. Nagai, G. Giovannini, A. Mignano, R. Falomo, V. Casasola, ARC and many

other people

Page 2: Jets in (nearby) radio loud · Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of

High power

● FRII – Cygnus A

Low power

● FRI – 3C 31

viewing angles + intrinsic relativistic speeds

Unified view of Radio Loud AGNKpc scale

● BL Lac –Mkr 501● FSRQ - 1641+399

* Extended* Compact (projection effect,young RS, other?)

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Unified view of Radio Loud AGN????????

● Evolution- LEG/HEG evolve in LEG/HEG (Kunert-Bajraszewska et al. 2010)- Models for FRI from FRII: interaction with ISM (Kaiser & Best 2007);- Hybrid sources (Gawroński et al. 2006);- fainding sources (Alexander et al. 2000, Giroletti et al. 2005);- short lived C sources and intermediate activity ~104 yrs (Czerny et al. 2009)

New FR0 radio-galaxies(Baldi, R et al. 2015)

HYMORS(Gopal-Krishna & Wiita 2002)FR I on one side, FRII on the other: ambient medium differences?

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Parsec -scale jets

One sided morphology dominant (Fig.1). Compactnuclei also at the center of very low power radio coresources (Fig.2) -> ONGOINGONGOING

Environment effects in Low power compact radiogalaxies (Fig.3) and Brightest Cluster Galaxies(Fig.4)-> FUTURE?FUTURE?

Gamma-ray/radio emission not clear --> work also onfaint BL Lacs -> ONGOINGONGOING

AGN jet model: external medium influence,transverse stratification, role of B.

Aim: parsec scale study of statistical propertiesin different class of sources defining a samplefree from selection effects due to orientation

Facilities: with VLBI

Sample: Bologna Complete Sample of 94 nearby(z<0.1) radiosources selected from low frequencycatalogs


References: Liuzzo et al. 2009A,b; 2010, 2013a,b; 2015 in preparation

Fig.2: Recent 18 cm EVN and 6 cm VLBA maps of 3 of the very faintBCS sources.

Fig. 3: Diagnostic Diagrams for Low power compact BCS sources

Fig.1: Aligned structure of 4C 29.30 at different angular resolution.

Fig.4: Z-shaped structure of the BCG 4C 26.42 at different angular resolution.

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Page 6: Jets in (nearby) radio loud · Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of

Why study with ALMA? ALMA sensitivity significantly increases the detection of Fermi sources-> Giroletti et al.

● First detailed morphological studies -> see also Orienti et al.

Why at mm-band?

Radio cm-band highly self-absorbed

The variability in mm band is close in time with the variability athigh energies -> Marti-Vidal et al. 2013 Orienti et al.2013

PKS 1510-089

Opacity effects in mm are less important than in cm.


rms in 1min(mJy/beam)


(mas)86 0.10 50

230 0.13 15

345 0.20 10

480 0.8 8

650 2.0 5For continuum emission, Cycle 2 capabilities

Why study Fermi sources at mm-band? Origin of the gamma-ray emission



Page 7: Jets in (nearby) radio loud · Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of

PI: Nagai et al. (Hada, Liuzzo, Giroletti, Orienti, Giovannini...)

mm/submm continuum spectrum of blazars in the close vicinity of their centralengine.

Not the radio core:● Core shift(e.g.M87,Hada);● flat spectrum

Using archivalALMA and SMA calibrators data: ν

SSA ~ 100 GHz

In which frequency can we observe the true jet base?

One zone model is not valid? Stratified jetmodel is needed

Spectral index between B6/B3 and B7/B3

consistent with optically thin spectrum.

B3~ 90GHz, B6 ~ 240 GHz, B7 ~ 300 GHz

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Jet modelssynchrotron self-absorbed conical jet plusrelativistic shocks (Blandford-Königl jet)

stratified (MHD) jet with moving hot spots/shocks or filamentary patterns



M87 – VLBA 43 GHz

Still unclear: stratification on < 10 R_s scales?

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Liuzzo, Falomo, Nagai, Giovannini, Mignano, Treves et al. In prep

Morphology: hotspot (and jet) detected at least up to 320 GHz

SED: consistent with expectation: jet knots and hotspot dominated bysynchrotron component, while in the nucleus a IC component is present athigh energy

To do: spectral index map analysis + compared with Orienti ALMA results on study of hot spots in powerful radio sources.


PKS 0521-365: ALMA results


BL Lac objects with multi-ν resolved jets

ALMA Band 6


VLA 15 GHz

ALMA Band 6

Waiting to use Long Baseline Campaign data (?)

B6 image from archival data

Page 11: Jets in (nearby) radio loud · Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of

Liuzzo, Falomo, Nagai, Giovannini, Mignano, Treves et al. In prep

Fumagalli et al. 2012

CO(1-0) line luminosity vs z in different AGN types Molecular gas contentin different AGN types

L(CO) < 2.9 103 K km s-1 pc-2 : assuming α=4MΘ

K km

s-1 pc-2, M(H2) <1.1 106 MΘ

Low molecular gas content in BL Lacs comparedto quasars? similar to low-z RG (see M87)

ALMA Band 3 contains the CO(1-0) line frequency(rest frame ~ 109,2 GHz)

Free-line continuum rms ~ 1.7 mJy/(100km/s)


VHE sources

PKS 0521-365

PKS 0521-365


BL Lacs with multi-ν resolved jetsPKS 0521-365: Search of CO emission line

Dark: detectionsLight: Upper Limits

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FSRQs with multi-ν resolved jetsNagai, Liuzzo, Giovanni, et al.

OBSERVATIONS Archival ALMA data in bands 3, 6, 7, 9

Angular resolution: 2-0.2 arcsec

Period :over 2012, ~2min/each obs

Some simultaneously multi-band data(e.g. 2/06/2012 )



Colour: Band 6 ~ 230 GHzContours: Band 3 ~ 90 GHzf.c.=3mJy/b, peak=4Jy/b

Chandra ALMA

3C273: ALMA results

Uchiyama et al. 2006

At least up to 230 GHz well resolved jet with knots

Spectrum at 2 June 2012 seems to indicate optically thin/thick transition ~ 100 GHz

H1 SED seems consistent with single-synchrotron model (as Uchiyama et al. 2006 )

Comparison with BL Lac objects results


Page 13: Jets in (nearby) radio loud · Jets in (nearby) radio loud AGN Elisabetta Liuzzo INAF-IRA Bologna Italian Node of

Misaligned (Fermi) sources in ALMA database

ALMA Continuum Spectrum of the M87 Nucleus

Doi et al. 2013 (...Hada...)

Quasi-simultaneous ALMA data in bands 3, 6, 7,and 9

ALMA angular resolution: 2 – 0.2 arcsec

VLA archival data in 8,4-43 GHz after 2006

OBSERVATIONS ALMA band 3 image show similar structure of

VLA map: nucleus + kpc jet

HST-1 contamination negligible in ALMA band

VLA/ALMA flat spectrum

Spectral break ~ 200 GHz: implicationsin Doi et al. in preparation


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Misaligned (Fermi) sources in ALMA database

ALMA CO emission in the nucleus of M 87

Liuzzo, Mignano et al.

OBSERVATIONS Available ALMA data could improve SMA results

(Tan et al. 2006) ?

ALMA band 6, CO(2-1) at 230.54 GHz

In 10s, rms = 6mJy/(100km/s)

Band 6 ~ 230 GHz

Preliminary!! Shifted at ~ 1280 km/sFWHM~ 200km/s

Tentative detection as same as SMA data: total mass gas ~4.3 x 106 M

sun (Tan et al. 2006)

Atomic gas disk revealed by Marchetto et al. 1997

Discriminator of different accretion models


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.......ALMA cannot go further than 5 mas!!


mm-VLBI with ALMA

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Why mm-VLBI?Opacity effects and high angular resolution

Credits of Krichbaum

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Why not only continuum but also polarization?B-field jet structure

Credits of Krichbaum

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Current mm-VLBI at 86 GHz

Credits of Krichbaum

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Example of GMVA results

See also 3C 345 (Orienti et al. ), M87 (Hada et al.)

Credits of Krichbaum

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mm-VLBI at 230-345 GHz

Credits of Krichbaum

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Results of EHT

Credits of Krichbaum

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Why mm-VLBI with ALMA? with ALMA sensitivity at least 10 times better

2015: initial ALMA phasing tests are expected.

White papers: 1) Fish et al. 2013 2013arXiv1309.3519F ;

2) A. Zensus, A. Baudry, M. Bremer,Sept. 2013 presented at ESAC.

Credits of Krichbaum

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➢ ALMA sensitivity allow an unprecedented study of mm emission of jets in nearby radio sources➢ ALMA operating wavelength are ideal to access regions were gamma rays are most likely

produced in AGNs, increasing the number of Fermi sources studied at mm.➢ As an element of a mm-VLBI array, ALMA will allow us to directly image the SMBH vicinity and

jet launching region.➢ Do not forget the importance of polarization studies at mm band to understand the role and

structure of B in jets