Jersey 2 Africa 4 football Foundation Powerpoint Presentation

Improving young lives in Africa through football

Transcript of Jersey 2 Africa 4 football Foundation Powerpoint Presentation

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Improving young lives in Africa through

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Little did I imagine that some two years later, I would have coached over 300 young players, not only in basic football techniques but also life skills, giving encouragement and inspiration to them all. I was humbled by their desire and passion to learn and to improve their lives, despite their deprived conditions and hardship.

Ricky Weir, Founder

The Inspiration…“Hey Ricky, go on coach us!....” shouted a young lad

in bare feet, when I turned up with a bag of footballs and some second hand kit to give away, in one of the most deprived slum areas of Kenya.

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Our Game Plan…

Working in one of the worst slums in Kenya, over 300 young people have benefited since J2A was founded in 2013. We have provided equipment, boots and kit, coaching, mentoring and a pathway to playing, including transport to matches.

To us, football is about more than playing a game. It is about empowering young people to better themselves and to step away from the terrible living conditions and the daily temptation of drugs, prostitution and crime, to which many of them often succumb.

We use football as a tool to develop life skills, including hard work and perseverance, belief, commitment, discipline, team spirit, communication and a sense of community, and the role these play in achieving life goals.

Our Foundation’s aim is to continue supporting the Nairobi slums football community in specific ways to aid their football development and growth.

Local boys proudly show us their homemade football, made from plastic bags and string

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Getting the ball rolling…Milestones to date

Opened Jersey’s first dedicated second hand football store

Shipped over 1,000 kilos of donated balls, boots & shirts

Purchased new goal posts

Organised 20 coaching sessions for players aged 8 to adult

Paid player and league registration fees to Kenyan FA for one season

Conducted life coaching seminars to over 150 attendees

Sponsored the private education of one deprived but talented player

Kit and logo sponsorship

Individual and corporate donations

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Kicking the ball…

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Scoring goals in the coming seasons…

Provide continued coaching and mentoring courses for players and coaches in both football and life skills

Develop a long-term player pathway for players to aspire to

Raise funding for provision of a long-term playing/training pitch

Find a local partner to assist with transport requirements

Support the Mukuru football family to create their own identity

Create a football academy for football, academic and life learning

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More player improvements, to transform them…From this…

To this…..

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Not forgetting our female players…Elizabeth (16) receiving her first ever pair of football boots

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In which League could we play?Could you help take us to the next level?

Conference£1,000- £5,000 pa

Sponsor a player

Sponsor a coach

Sponsor a team kit

Sponsor a mini tournament

Fund a part-time administrator/admin office

Championship£5,000- £25,000 pa

Sponsor a bi-annual soccer school and mentoring program

Fund annual league and player registration fees

Fund a school bus for travel

Fund a long-term home base & training facility

Sponsor a fund raising event in Jersey (e.g. Gala Dinner/Auction or Football Match)

Premiership£25,000- £250,000 pa

Fund a full-time CEO

Fund a dedicated player development, education and mentoring academy

Sponsor a senior team playing in national league

Fund extension of program to other deprived areas in Kenya/Africa

There are also some additional donations that could be made ranging from £2,500-£15,000 which could support local fund raising initiatives in Nairobi, such a project to make and sell footballs or the provision of mobile changing rooms.

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John Njunguna U17 Captain and midfielder

“I can personally say that the arrival of Ricky in Nairobi was like a God sent miracle in my life. I had dropped out of school in Class 7 due to lack of money to pay school fees. When Ricky first visited our community in 2012 no professional coach had ever visited our slum and I attended every session every day to either take part or to learn something new just by watching this new coach who turned up it seemed like from nowhere. Little did I know that it was to be the opening of a lifetime opportunity for me personally. I am now in Form 2 and enjoying being in one of the best schools I could ever have dreamed of and working hard to gain the best possible grades as well as improve my English so I may better speak with Ricky on his next visit to see us. I always thank God for Ricky’s efforts and dedication to me who feels like a father to me.”

Personal sponsorship…There are many more children like John that we would like to support

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Jared’s lost dream...

One of our players, Jared “Bathez” Omae, is a highly talented goalkeeper who was considered to have the potential to reach international level. Unfortunately he lost the opportunity to fulfil his dream of becoming a professional footballer, simply because neither he nor his club could afford the regular travel costs of attending training and matches.To read Jared’s full story

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“Lots of appreciation for the great opportunity I have been offered to prove my talent in football with Mukuru Combine and the support of Jersey 2 Africa 4 Football.

I thank personally Ricky for the great training and coaching and even offering me his personal cap to help me in the sun glare when we went for a match in Umoja a kind gesture I will never forget in my life. It was a great experience practising what he had trained us for more than a week and he was very cheerful always instructing me positively when he noticed a weakness. I really miss his instructions and guidance and never forget his wisdom and advice as a coach. The one thing I learnt and continue to remember and practice up to date is that ‘a goalkeeper is also a player’. I really hope to receive more advice and training from Ricky very soon, please come back quickly!”

Will George be the next Jared?

George Wandhala U12 Captain and goalkeeper

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About our Founder…A lifetime in footballFormer President of the Jersey Football Association

Chairman of International IGA Football Committee

A 25-year playing career spanning over 1,000 games

A wealth of football connections, knowledge and experience

A former ‘Jersey Footballer of the Year’

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In the Boardroom…Our distinguished advisors

Advocate Steve Meiklejohn

Member of Advisory Board

For full profiles visit

Sir Bob Murray CBEMember of Advisory Board

HE Gen. Sir John McColl CBE Chairman of Advisory Board

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Our ultimate goal…

Is to achieve smiles like this!

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Thank you for learning about our journey so far…