Jaz's Rhino Project


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RHINO’S Rhinos are critically endangered because poachers believe that their horns, which are made of keratin, have magical or medicinal powers so they hunt and kill them, then they cut the horns off. .. ..

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There are five types of Rhinos: the White, Black, Indian, Sumatran and the most

critically endangered of all, the Javan.

White Rhinos have square lips to help them graze on all

different types of grasses while the Black Rhino have hooked

lips to help them take leaves off branches.

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The Black rhino has no hair, three toes on each foot, two horns and

have tough, armour-like skin which can be from 1.5-5cm thick. That could be from the size of my


The Sumatran and the White Rhinos also have two horns, while the Javan and Indian Rhinos only

have one.

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Rhinos can weigh from 340-3,600kg

and grow over 180cm when

standing. White Rhinos have square lips to help them graze on all sorts of different

grasses while Black Rhinos have hooked

lips to help them take leaves off


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INTERESTING FACTS Rhinos have very little eyes so they don’t have very good eyesight, yet they have an incredibly strong sense of smell and hearing. Rhinos are herbivores which means they only eat plants including: Grass , Tree Leaves, Flowers and Bushes, but no meat.

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HAVE YOU EVER… Have you ever heard the saying “Rhinos are only

fat Unicorns.” or “Unicorns are real, they’re just fat and grey and we call them Rhinos.” I personally think its really funny, do you think it is? Leave a

comment saying what you think.

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QUIZ Rhinos Have An Incredibly Strong Sense Of Which 2 Senses? And Which Do They Have

Poor Sense Of? A.  Smell B.  Eyesight C.  Taste D.  Hearing or E.  Touch

Does The Black Rhino Have.. A.  2 horns, square lips B.  1 horn, square lips C.  2 horns, hooked lips or D.  1 horn, hooked lips

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QUIZ Are Rhinos…

A. Carnivores B. Omnivores or C. Herbivores

Why do Poachers kill Rhinos? A. For their horns B. Just for fun C. To eat them or D. ̂ All of the above ^

Rhinos have lived on this Earth for… A. 50 years B. 500 years C. 50 million years

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