Java script for web developer



Zubzib Black Coffee #8 Update Skills v1 September 15, 2013 Demo

Transcript of Java script for web developer

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JavaScript for Web Developer



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AGENDA Basic Programming

Object Oriented Programming

3rd JavaScript Libraries

AJAX, JSON, Handle Event


Unit Test


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JavaScript (JS) Created in 1995 by Brendan Eich

Name: Mocha in LAB, LiveScript for Netscape Navigator 2.0 and last rename to JavaScript with Netscape 2 beta in December 1995

Microsoft add JavaScript to IE in 1996 called JScript

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Brendan Eich

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Stuff You Should Know JavaScript run in Web Browser

JavaScript integrate with DOM

JavaScript is a dynamic type

Current JavaScript complied to ECMA-262 version 5.1

JavaScript no coding standard, has only Best Practice

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JavaScript IDE Tools Web Browser Developer Tool

◦ Chrome (F12)◦ Firefox add-in Firebug (F12)◦ IE (F12)◦ Safari◦ Others

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JavaScript IDE Tools IDE Setup

◦ Visual Studio◦ WebMatrix◦ Kineticwing◦ WebStrom◦ CodeMirror◦ Other http://

Cloud IDE

◦ Cloud9◦ CodeAnywhere◦ Cloud IDE◦ Sourcekit◦ Codepen, jsfiddle, jsbin◦ Other http


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Demo tool Chrome


Visual Studio 2012 Update 3

Resharper 8

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JavaScript Basic Programming Declare Variable

var testString = 'ASP.NET & MVC Developers Thailand';var testInt = 2000;var testBool = true;var testDouble = 2000.2334;var testReg = /(?:.d){2}/;var testUndefined;var testNull = null;var testArray = new [0, 1, 2, 3];var testObj = new {};var testFunc = new function () { };

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JavaScript Basic Programming Declare Function

//Declare functionfunction MVCShowOff() { return "Hi there, we are X!!"; }var message = MVCShowOff(); //call

//Declare varriable functionvar MvcShowOff = function () { return "Hi there, we are X!!"; };message = MvcShowOff(); //call

//Declare Self-Invoking function(function () { return "Hi there, we are X!!"; })();//<-- (); is a caller

//Declare Annonymous Functiondocument.onload = function (e) { alert("Hi there, we are X!!"); };

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JavaScript Basic Programming Parameter Function

//Declare Function with parameterfunction Mid2Vals(hi, low) { return (hi + low) / 2; }var result = Mid2Vals(5, 10);

//Declare Function without parameter and use arguments parameterfunction Mid2Vals() { return (arguments[0] + arguments[1]) / 2; }var result = Mid2Vals(5, 10);

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JavaScript Basic Programming Class and Object

//1. Declare Object Type, Classfunction MvcMember() { = "Nine not K9"; this.isInstuctor = true;};

//Declare varriable and callvar mrNine = new MvcMember();alert(mrNine.isInstuctor); // true

//2. Declare Object literalvar mrNine = { name : "Nine not K9", isInstuctor : true};

//Callalert(mrNine.isInstuctor); // true

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JavaScript Basic Programming Complex Class Object

//1. Declare Class function MvcMember() { = "Nine not K9"; this.isInstuctor = true; this.event = new function Event() { = "Zubzib Black Coffee #5 Update Skills v1"; this.session = new function Session() { = "JavaScript for Web Developer"; this.audiences = 40; }; = "University of Thai Chamber of Commerce"; this.location = new function Location() { = 13.779276; this.long = 100.560326; this.getGeoLocation = lat + ', ' + long; };};};

//2. Initial varriable and access datavar mrNine = new MvcMember();alert(;alert(;alert(mrNine.event.location.getGeoLocation);

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JavaScript Basic Programming Late Declare Variable and Function

//1. Declare Class function MvcMember() { = "Nine not K9"; this.isInstuctor = true;};

//And initial an objectvar mrNine = new MvcMember();

//2. late declare variablemrNine.say = "Hi everybody"; // mrNine["say"] = "Hi everybody"; //same

//3. late declare functionmrNine.thinkAbout = function (source) { return "I'm thinking about the " + source; };

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JavaScript Basic Programming Condition, Loop, try… catch

//IF Else conditionvar x = 0, y = 1;if (x == 1) { alert('Yes'); }else { alert('No'); }

//Switch Conditionvar word = "Hi";switch (word) { case "Hi": alert('How r u?'); default: alert("Hey what's was wrong with you?");}

//While loopvar x = 5;while (x<1) { x--; }alert(x);

//For loopvar title = "JavaScript".split('');for (var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) { alert(title[i]);}

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JavaScript Basic Programming Condition, Loop, try… catch

// For Each Loopvar topic = "JavaScript very easy".split(' ');topic.forEach(function(word) { alert(word); });

//try catch blocktry { var x; x.ErrorPlease();} catch(e) { alert("catch error : " + e.message);}

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JavaScript Basic Programming Comparisons 1

// Assigh valuevar x = 10;console.log("x="+x);

//Comparisonvar a = "test", b = "TEST";var result = a == b;console.log("comparison a == b ? "+result);

//Identityvar identityResult = a === x;console.log("identity a is b ? " + identityResult);

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JavaScript Basic Programming Comparison 2

//check base type and value typevar undef;var num = 90;var str = "Test";var bool = true;var func = function (a, b) { return a + b; };var object = { x: 500 };var arr = ["Nine", "Non", "Tape"];

console.log(typeof undef); //"undefined"console.log(typeof num); //"number"console.log(typeof str); //"string"console.log(typeof bool); //"boolean"console.log(typeof func); //"function"console.log(typeof object); // "object"console.log(typeof arr); // "object"

//check object instance of classvar arr = ["Nine", "Non", "Tape"];console.log(arr instanceof Array); // true

function Speaker() { = "Nine"; }var mrNine = new Speaker();console.log(mrNine instanceof Speaker); // true

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JavaScript Basic Programming Value of variables are always false in condition

var a = null;var b; // undefinedvar c = 0;var d = false;var e = "";

if (a) // falseif (b) // falseif (c) // falseif (d) // falseif (e) // false

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JavaScript Basic Programming Inheritance with Prototype

function Speaker(isSpeaking) { this.isSpeaking = isSpeaking == null ? false : isSpeaking; }

Speaker.prototype.say = function () {return "Break session"; };

function ZZSpeaker () { this.isEating = true; }

ZZSpeaker.prototype = new Speaker();ZZSpeaker.prototype.sleepyShow = function () { alert('wake up !!!'); };ZZSpeaker.prototype.say = function () { return "Ask me please.."; };

var nineSpeak = new ZZSpeaker();nineSpeak.say();nineSpeak.sleepyShow();

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3rd JavaScript Framework and Library

jQuery is a library created on top JavaScript, to help us access DOM and populate HTML element, content , CSS, animation and DOM Event

The two thinks jQuery dose

1. SELECT elements or a group of element by CSS Selector

2. Take Action on elements

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3rd JavaScript Framework and Library

jQuery : Get Started<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <title></title></head><body> <div class="test"></div> <!-- 1. Add script reference to local or CDN --> <script src=""></script> <script> //2. declare document ready $(document).ready(function () { $('div.test').html("<h1>JavaScript for web developer</h1>"); }); </script></body></html>

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3rd JavaScript Framework and Library

jQuery : query and action

<div class="test"></div> <input id="btnShowMessage" type="button" value="click me" />

//2. declare document ready $(document).ready(function () { //3. Bind Element Action to custom function $('#btnShowMessage').click(function () { $('div.test').html("<h1>DOM Ready binding event</h1>"); }); }); //4. Early binding event can declare out of DOM Ready block $('#btnShowMessage').on('click', function () { $('div.test').html("<h1>Early binding event</h1>"); });

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AJAX ????

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AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

None blocking user action and no screen freeze

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Use AJAX (native code)// This is the client-side script// Initialize the Ajax requestvar xhr = XMLHttpRequest();'get', '');// Track the state changes of the requestxhr.onreadystatechange = function () { // Ready state 4 means the request is done if (xhr.readyState === 4) { // 200 is a successful return if (xhr.status === 200) { alert(xhr.responseText); // 'This is the returned text.' } else { alert('Error: ' + xhr.status); // An error occurred during the request } }}// Send the request to send-ajax-data.phpxhr.send(null);

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Use AJAX with JQUERY $.get()





$.get('ajax/test.html', function (data) { $('.result').html(data); alert('Load was performed.');});

$.post('ajax/test.html', function (data) { $('.result').html(data);});

$.getJSON('ajax/test.json', function (data) { var items = []; $.each(data, function (key, val) { items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + val + '</li>'); });});

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JSON ????

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JSON : JavaScript Object Notation

JSON is a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange

//JavaScript Objectvar session = { name: 'Nine', sessionName: 'JavaScript for Web Developer', };

//JSON Object{"name": "Nine", "sessionName" : "JavaScript for Web Developer" }

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JSON JavaScript Object to JSON

var session = { name: $('input#name').val(), sessionName: $('input#sesseionName').val() };

//convert to json var json = JSON.stringify(session);

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Debug JavaScript JavaScript Debugger Tools

1. Browser Web Developer Tools (F12)

2. Visual Studio 2012 + IE10 or later

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Debug JavaScriptPut break point and click html button

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JavaScript Unit Testing article

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MVC power by AngularJSarticle