Java 8 Streams

Java 8 Streams J8S 1.2.1 (22.04.2022) Björn KimminichörnKimminich


This is a brief introduction to "Java 8 Streams" featuring: * Bulk Operations * Lambda Expressions * Method References * Functional Operations * Collectors * ... Accompanying source code and examples can be found on

Transcript of Java 8 Streams

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Java 8 Streams

J8S 1.2.1 (10.04.2023)

Björn KimminichörnKimminich

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•Java 8•Streams•Lambdas•Method



•Intermediate vs. Terminal

•Stateless vs. Stateful



Stream Operations

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Java 8

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Java™ SE 8 Release Contents

JSR 308: Annotations on Java TypesJSR 310: Date and Time APIJSR 335: Lambda Expressions

closuresJEP 107: Bulk Data Operations for Collections


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java.util.Collection<T>Stream<T> stream()Stream<T> parallelStream()

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Creating and using a Stream

List<Book> myBooks = …;

Stream<Book> books =;

Stream<Book> goodBooks =books.filter(b -> b.getStarRating() > 3);

goodBooks.forEach(b -> System.out.println(b.toString()));

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Properties of Streams

Streams do not store elements……they are a view on top of a data structure

Operations provided by Streams...…are applied to the underlying data source elements

Stream Operations can take as a parameter…

…Lambda expressions…Method references

Manipulating the underlying data source...

…will yield a ConcurrentModificationException

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What are Lambda Expressions?

Java‘s version of ClosuresAllow to create (sort of) First Class Functions

Can be passed as a parameterCan be a return valueCan be stored in a variable

Target type is inferred from context

Why „sort of“?Because Java doesn‘t have a real function type!Java converts Lambdas into Functional Interfaces

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Functional Interface

Functional Interface = Interface w/ 1 MethodNames of Interface and Method are irrelevantDefault: java.util.function.Consumer<T>

public interface Stream<T> {     void forEach(Consumer<? super T> consumer); } public interface Consumer<T> {void accept(T t);}

Consumer<Book> reduceRankForBadAuthors =   (Book b) -> { if (b.getStarRating() < 2) b.getAuthor().addRank(-1); };


books.forEach(b -> b.setEstimatedReadingTime(90*b.getPages()));

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Lambda Syntax

/* argument list */ (int x, int y) -> { return x*y; } (x, y) -> { return x*y; } x -> { return x*2; }

() -> { System.out.println("Do you think this will work?"); }

/* single expression */ b -> { b.getMissingPages() > threshold ? b.setCondition(BAD)

: b.setCondition(GOOD) }

/* list of statements */ b -> {     Condition c = computeCondition(b.getMissingPages());     b.setCondition(c); }

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Method References

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Method References

books.forEach(b -> b.fixSpellingErrors()); books.forEach(Book::fixSpellingErrors); // instance method

books.forEach(b -> BookStore.generateISBN(b)); books.forEach(BookStore::generateISBN); // static method

books.forEach(b -> System.out.println(b.toString())); books.forEach(System.out::println); // expression

Stream<ISBN> isbns1 = -> new ISBN(b)); Stream<ISBN> isbns2 =; // constructor

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Intermediate vs. TerminalStream Operations

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Intermediate vs. Terminal

Intermediate: Output is another Stream


Terminal: Do something else with the Stream

forEach()reduce()…double totalPrice = books.mapToDouble(Book::getPrice)

               .reduce(0.0, (p1, p2) -> p1+p2);

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Stream Evaluation

Intermediate Streams are not evaluated…

…until a Terminal Operation is invoked on them

Intermediate = LazyTerminal = Eager (Consuming)

This allows Java to……do some code optimization during compilation…avoid buffering intermediate Streams…handle parallel Streams more easily

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Terminal = Consuming Operations

books.forEach(b -> System.out.println("Book: " + b.getTitle())); double totalPrice = books.reduce(0.0, (b1, b2)

-> b1.getPrice() + b2.getPrice());

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException:     stream has already been operated upon or closed

Intermediate Operations can be chainedOnly one Terminal Operation can be invokedBest avoid reference variables to Streams entirely by using Fluent Programming

Construction (Intermediate)* Terminal;

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Stateless vs. StatefulStream Operations

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Stateless Intermediate Operations

Operation need nothing other than the current Stream element to perform its workExamples

map() Maps element to something elsefilter() Apply predicate and keep or drop elementList<Book> myBooks = ...;

double impairments = -> b.getCondition().equals(BAD))

                   .mapToDouble(Book::getPrice)                    .reduce(0.0, (p1, p2) -> p1 + p2);

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Stateful Intermediate Operations

Operations that require not only the current stream element but also additional state

distinct() Element goes to next stage if it appears the first timesorted() Sort elements into natural ordersorted(Comparator) Sort according to provided Comparatorsubstream(long) Discard elements up to provided offsetsubstream(long, long) Keep only elements in between offsetslimit(long) Discard any elements after the provided max. size;

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Short-CircuitingStream Operations

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Short-Circuiting Operations

Processing might stop before the last element of the Stream is reached

Intermediatelimit(long)substream(long, long)


Author rp = new Author("Rosamunde Pilcher");

boolean phew =                 .map(Book::getAuthor)                 .noneMatch(isEqual(rp));

System.out.println("Am I safe? " + phew);

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<R> R collect(Collector<? super T, A, R> col)

Collect the elements of a Stream into some other data structurePowerful and complex toolCollector is not so easy to implement, but…

…luckily there are lots of factory methods for everyday use in

toList()toSet()toCollection(Supplier)toMap(Function, Function)…

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Collector Examples

List<Author> authors =


double averagePages =          


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Joining Collector

Used for concatenation of CharSequencesInternally implemented using StringBuilder

A lot more efficient than a Map-Reduce with intermediately concatenated Strings

// not efficient due to recursive String concatenation. And ugly. String titleList ="", (t1, t2) -> t1+t2);

// Still inefficient. Still ugly (initial line break)titleList ="", (t1, t2) -> t1+"\n"+t2);

// more efficient thanks to StringBuilder. Pretty printed. titleList ="\n"));

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…for your attention!

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