January/February Tidings

rai e e rd, O Jer ae ! rai e r d, O Zi !... He ive ike ; He a er e r ike a e. He a r Hi ie a ra e , a a d e re Hi d He ed r Hi rd a d e e He a e Hi id a d e a er . - a 1 7:12-18



Transcript of January/February Tidings

Page 1: January/February Tidings

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem!

Praise your God, O Zion!...

He gives snow like wool;

He scatters the frost like ashes.

He casts forth His ice as fragments,

Who can stand before His cold?

He sends forth His word and melts them

He causes His wind to blow and the waters to flow.

-Psalm 147:12-18

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Page 2: January/February Tidings


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Worship Times

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Contact Us

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Prayer Requests

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Address, Phone & Email




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Page 3: January/February Tidings


pastor's page

Oh what a celebra�on it was!������������


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gathered for a celebra�on as we marked the culmina�on of our “Building the Kingdom”

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tes�monies of lives that have been changed.������������ �������������������� �����

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Thinking about reflec�ons, this summer I had an incredible experience.��I was par�cipa�ng in our Joyful

������������� � �� ������I was si'ng on the dock overlooking the lake at Camp Living Waters and the

water was incredibly s�ll and as the sun began to rise, on the water I saw the perfect reflec�on of the

surrounding hillside. The reflec�on was picture perfect.��#���)�� ����� ������ �������������:�����������!��

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me, he calls me to be a reflec�on of him to those around me. �

�During our “Building the Kingdom” journey I have come to be,er understand God through his generosity.��)�

haven’t been able to get out of my mind that fact that God has and con�nues to be very generous, his grace,

his mercy, his love, his gi/s abound!��)���!��1������������������� �������������)����� �����)���!���������

decision to change my behavior and get myself to a place in life where those gi/s God has placed in my

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�� �����It’s about changing selfish behaviors using God’s plan, so that our lives may be a be,er reflec�on of

" ���

We have much to be thankful for as individuals and together as a congrega�on.��#�� ��� ��� ������! �!���

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a congrega�on to be involved in.��Ministries in which God’s grace, his mercy, his love, his gi/s abound!��)�

stand in awe of lives that have been changed during our journey, I celebrate the tes�monies of those who

��!���$���������������!��� ���� �����>��" �1������ ������I look forward to seeing the reflec�on of God

all around us. Oh what a celebra�on our journey has been!����

Page 4: January/February Tidings



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of us made resolu�ons? Even

more interes�ng, would be to


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resolu�on? That seems to be

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resolu�ons; other than being a

quaint tradi�on, they don’t

seem to have much s�cking

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claim our faith as gi�, not by

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ma�on that God plans is not

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lack of willpower or s�ck�������

�veness. It will not be undone

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ge$ng too busy. God has plans

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placed us in crea�on for a pur-


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like that resolu�on we made,


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of those resolu�ons that we

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make a resolu�on that has life

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selves into a resolu�on of the

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different kind of resolu�on. I

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all �mes that people look at me

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versa�on with others, to have


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sort of resolu�on in your life,

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Christ Jesus un�l He comes in

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….a note

from your



food for thought….

Page 5: January/February Tidings


giving is in our nature...


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whose sister Ruth Sku� passed



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Bap�zed were Ayla Mazie





Bap�zed was Hayley Grace



Bap�zed was Zachary Mark

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Married were Dawn To�en and



Dear Friends, Thank you

so much for the donation

of paper products and

cleaning items for

Foelling House. We really

appreciate your generosity

Foelling residents and


Dear Members and Friends of

Trinity Lutheran Church,

On behalf of our Midland County

Head Start, staff, children and

families; THANK YOU for your

kindness, thoughtfulness and

generosity during the Christmas

Season. Thanks for the warm

hats, mittens and gloves. They

will surely be put to good use.

Special THANK YOU to the

individuals and groups that

adopted a Head Start family for

Christmas. Once Again, a Great



NEMCSA Head Start Staff,

children and families.

Dear Friends,,

Our clients have the strength to change their

lives, together we have the power to help

them! Thank you for your gift of $85, from

the Little Bit More Store, to the Council on

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

(Shelterhouse). Your financial suppor t helps

us build healthy relations ships, strong families

and safe communities.

Thank you!

Sharon Mor tensen, Executive Dir.





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apprecia�on for her

enthusiasm and dedica�on�

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for Memorial and Gi� Fund�

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Page 6: January/February Tidings


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No school =

No music


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Do you have a guitar or electric keyboard

laying around the house ?

Trinity would love to provide them a new home.

Music Academy organ students need to borrow elec-

tric keyboards to practice at home.

Guitars will be used for our summer program,

Music Exploration.

If you have a guitar or electric keyboard collecting

dust, Please contact Dianne Granstra.




Page 7: January/February Tidings



Men’s Breakfast

All Men are invited to join us for

Men’s Breakfast on Saturday,

February 11, from 8:30-10:00

am. in the Gathering Room.

Come for great food and fellow-


Women’s Ministry

Mark your calendars on Febru-

ary 12th for Community CPR

and a Valentine’s craft. More

details soon!

Wednesday Bible Study...Are

you an early riser? If so, why

not join us at 6:30 a.m. on

Wednesdays in the Conference

Room for Lectionary Bible

Study. The lectionary readings

are discussed and there is al-

ways plenty of coffee. This

week’s readings are Deuteron-

omy 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians

8:1-13 and Mark 1:21-28.

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qualifica�ons to help the Praise

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projec�on program. ��

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stop by a prac�ce, Sunday's at

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�johnny.automa�[email protected]

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excep�ons can be made on



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johnny.automa�[email protected]

In news from the ELCA, Trinity has supported Be�e McCrandall through our

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Page 8: January/February Tidings


just wondering...

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deplore the mess and clu�er and

disrup�on of normalcy, I have to

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cra�smen at work (and one

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founda�on and stonework, the

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it was fascina�ng for me

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that the diversity of gi�s

is God’s plan for crea�on



over that crea�on.

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Page 9: January/February Tidings


we, by bap�sm, are the members

of it and some of us have the gi�


the gi� of stringing together

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have the gi� to heal diseases and

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meals; some have the gi� to


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For the crea�on to work as God

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gi�s and use them with passion

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believe any one gi� has more

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more value to some gi�s than to

others (e.g., athle�c ability.) It’s

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and God’s people, and crea�on

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A new year is a good �me to, if

need be, rethink your gi� and

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is thrilled and suppor�ve, and


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gra�tude for your many

gi�s and gree�ngs during


celebra�on, Pastor Gerald


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con�nue to be humbled

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a�er speakers in our country will be

presen�ng The Marriage Tune Up.

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more informa�on on their ministry,


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What is this thing called the

Congregational meeting and why

should I be there? Did I sign up

for this when I became a member?

Can't the council just figure this

stuff out?


All of these ques�ons are things that

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hear that the mee�ng has been


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Lutheran Church. Direc�on is a good

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suggest the direc�on, but it is our job as

a congrega�on to step forward and join

together to move in a direc�on. �

� We need to pray as a congrega�on

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direc�on to be, what we can do as a

congrega�on for our community and

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been nominated for posi�ons in the

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direc�on from God for our Trinity


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decisions, come to the mee�ng

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Page 10: January/February Tidings


youth news

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The Trinity Youth Program is hos�ng our Second Annual Pancake Supper! Last

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Suggested dona�on is $5 and there are plenty of pancakes, sausage, and a whole



Page 11: January/February Tidings


Join us for Adult

Christian Education

Offerings at the 10:00

am Sunday School hour

Revolutionary Parenting

Based on the book by George

Barna, Led by Kurt Faust

Everyone has their ideas and

opinions when it comes to

parenting, but what kind of

parenting is it that can best help

your children become the people

God intends for them to be.

Come and share in this counter-

cultural method of raising

children. Whether you are

struggling or have already “been

there, done that" come and share

your stories and gain support.

Book and workbook will be

available in class.

Today’s Scripture Readings

Come explore the lessons for

today and discover insights into

scripture. The discussion will

explore the lectionary readings

and help you to read it with a

fresh perspective.

God with Us Exploring Biblical

Concepts in the Gospel of

Matthew led by Pastors. This

study will discuss the issues of

Mission, Worship, Stewardship

and Social Justice from the

perspective of the Gospel writer.

Beth Moore-Inheritance*

Women’s Video Bible Study led

by Leslie Benner and Teri O’Neil

Join the ladies for some lively and

engaging conversation. *This

study will also be offered on

Tuesday evenings @ 7:00pm.

Men Welcome too!

Biblical Budgeting And Other

Practical Matters

FPU Graduates...

I hope our classes have gotten

you on your way to Financial

Peace. During the course we hit

on many areas that I know many

of us would like to talk about and

hear from others how they actually

plan and figure out their budget,

use the envelop system, pay off

debt using the debt

snowball , evaluate Insurances

and Retirement planning and

investments. Come and ask

questions from others. We learn

from one another. Maybe you

would like to dig a little deeper into

the spiritual implications of

Financial Peace in a small group

setting, join us on Sunday

mornings at 10:00am in the Old

Sunday School classrooms.

(Downstairs)E..Follow the FPU

Dave Ramsey sign. This is a

great opportunity to discover

God’s plan for us as it is revealed

in Scripture. Class will be led by

Pastor Gerald, guest speakers

from areas of expertise and other

FPU leaders.

Sunday School Project

The 4th grade class is starting

an on-going service project,

collecting lightly loved or new

stuffed animals. Decorated

barrels are under the Sunday

School bulletin board at the

bottom of the central stairs (by

the pop machine) and by the 4th

grade classroom. The stuffed

animals will be distributed to

local charities and service

organizations, such as Shelter

house, police station, and fire

station. We have no end date

at this time, and the animals will

be taken to these organizations

as they are collected. The

students will be involved in

sorting the animals and have

opportunities to deliver them if

families would like to volunteer

to do so. Thank you for your

support - We are excited����

around the church

Ash Wednesday

February 22, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a

time when we stop and assess how we’re doing in our walk

with God. Lent helps us identify spiritual areas in which we can

grow and sinful areas that we need to avoid. To repent, put

simply, means to turn away from sin and turn toward God. We

use ashes as an outward expression of our need to begin


Ashes are a sign of physical death, as in “ashes to ashes, dust

to dust.” We began as dust (a joyless and lifeless existence),

and our bodies will return to dust until we are raised up by

Christ. By receiving ashes and keeping them on, we publicly

proclaim our intent to die to our worldly desires and live even

more in Christ’s image, which we focus on during the season

of “rebirth” that is Lent (a Latin term for “Spring”�

Our Services for Ash Wednesday will be: 7:00am, 12:00 noon,

and 7:00pm.�

Page 12: January/February Tidings


men’s ministry

Page 13: January/February Tidings


I was hungry….

Page 14: January/February Tidings
Page 15: January/February Tidings

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Page 16: January/February Tidings

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February 5th

10:00 am