January 2009 Pisgah Post Newsletter, Pisgah Presbyterian Church

  An Update From The Session Many of you have been asking where we are going from here and the Session plans to keep the congregati on updated as we progress. Through the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry Reverend David Duggan of Troy Presbyterian Church has offered to moderate the Session meetings and has joined us for the November meeting as well as a business session that we held just before Christmas. David will serve in this capacity until we have an Interim Pastor in place.  As we move forward, we are guided by the Book of Church Order which gives us the direction for moving smoothly through this transition period. We have the support and assistance of the General Presbyter, Richard Smith (of  Transylvania Presbytery in Lexington) and our liaison from the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, Ken Copp (who lives in Danville and serves the Committee as a volunteer).  We have met with these two gentlemen several times over the past few months, and they have been generous with their time and advice,  which is that we do not hurry, but rather take stock of ourselves and be sure of our course before moving ahead.  We did need someone who is ordained to serve the sacraments, lead worship and perform various pastoral duties for us, and to that end the Session has contracted  with Bill Reed, an ordained lay pasto r. He will be with us for a few months until we obtain an Interim Pastor.  Again, referring to the Book of Church Order, a Committee of Elders appointed by the Session has been empowered to draw up a job description for the Interim and submit it to the Presbytery for approval. After this is accomplished, the Committee will obtain a list of available Interim Pastors and begin contacting and interviewing them. This Interim will be one who is trained in guiding a congregation in its evaluation of itself and in assisting us through the transition period between pastors. The In terim Pastor will serve fo r a contracted term, which may be renewed or extended.  The Committee appointed by the Session to procure the Interim consists of Phil Bisbee, Jud Davis, Mary Hinton, and Missie Wood. They have met and composed the job description for the Interim and presented it to the Session, which appro ved it. It is in the p rocess of b eing presented to the Presbytery for approval.  After the Interim is in place and has had time to evaluate our situation, the Nominating Committee will be asked by the Session to name a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) which will be elected at a Congregation al Meetin g. This Co mmittee will also be guided by the rules in the Book of Church Order as it goes about its search for a permanen t Pastor.  Again, the Presbytery leaders have advised us to proceed carefully and not to rush as it is much more important that we discern our next direction and understand whom we need to guide us in that direction than it is to act too quickly. Pisgah remains a stro ng church, well capable of taking care of its needs with the guidance of a qualified Interim. The Session feels that  we must be patient and be certain that our next pastor  will be a good fit for our congregation. In the coming weeks, look for bulletin inserts and newsletter articles that will report on the status and progress of Pisgah’s transitio n to our new mission. If you have questions along the way, feel free to ask any serving elder.   Worship Committee  With the Advent and Christmas season drawing to a close, the Worship Committee would like to thank all  who made it so spec ial for us. From the Advent Booklet, to the ladies who make the decorations for the church to those who provided poinsettias in memory of loved ones…and to Bill Reed who has stepped in and been so helpful in leading our services. Enough cannot be said about the contribution of Linda Jones and her  wonderful choir. What would we do without them?...not just during the Christmas season but Sunday to Sunday.  The New Year also brings a new Session and the opportunity to sign up and serve on committees. The  Worship Committee hopes that its currently serving members will continue to serve and will be joined by others from th e congregatio n. We are respon sible for all aspects of worship, communion preparation (we have two able bakers), and anything that concerns the sanctuary itself.  Gentle Mens Study Group  The Saturday Gentle-Men’s Study Group has finished their latest study and will resume meeting again on January 10. They will be reading and discussing “If Grace Be True,” a book on tolerance by Philip Gulley and James Mulho lland. You can google Amazon for an in-depth description and reviews. If y ou h ave any questions, please call Jim Rodgers (873-9411).   The Pisg ah Post  Our Mission: to worship God, Study the Scripture, practice the Teachings of Jesus. Pisgah Presbyterian Church Woodford County, Kentucky  January 2009 

Transcript of January 2009 Pisgah Post Newsletter, Pisgah Presbyterian Church

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