Jackass/Media Ethics

Don’t Be Such A Jackass: Presented By: Danielle Boujikian, Case Miyahira, Shon, Alex Guthrie A Look At the Ethics of the Jackass Trilogy

Transcript of Jackass/Media Ethics

Don’t Be Such A Jackass:

Presented By: Danielle Boujikian, Case Miyahira, Shon, Alex Guthrie

A Look At the Ethics of the Jackass Trilogy

The Jackass Phenomenon

Stunts, Nudity, Pranks, Gags, and More….

The Popularity of Jackass

• 2002- Jackass: The Movie US Gross- $64,282,312 • 2006- Jackass: Number

Two US Gross- $72,778,712 • 2010- Jackass 3D US Gross- $117,229,692

* Numbers taken from Nash Information Services,


Jackass 3D Tops the Box Office

• Biggest single-day fall opening • Best October debut• The all-time greatest fall weekend • record• #1 in Box Office opening week• 10th Anniversary of Jackass Franchise• 3D Phenomenon• $37 million dollar budget• New Phantom high speed camera

Don’t Try This At Home

• Warning to not attempt stunts or send in video submissions

• The film is rated R for "dangerous, sometimes extremely crude stunts, language and nudity," according to the Motion Picture Association of America.

• Numerous submissions on Youtube.com of copycat “jackasses”

Jackass Copycats

-Associated Press, 2007- Jared W. Anderson, 20, suffered serious burns to his hands and genitals, according to the criminal records. Randell D. Peterson, 43, who sprayed lighter fluid on Anderson and lit him on fire, was charged with felony, battery, and first-degree reckless endangerment

-BBC, 2004- Three men in their 20s were charged with breach of the peace for staging an attempted kidnapping in a local supermarket

-Toronto Star, 2002- A 15 year old boy dies after trying to jump over his friends speeding car. He missed his cue and was dragged down the

street. - Kidproof.com, 2002- A 17-year-old New Mexico teen died of head injuries

trying to hold onto a moving truck after seeing the stunt in the Jackass movie

The Reality of Being A Jackass

• Steve O is well-known for his

wild and outlandish behavior• Numerous arrests for public

indecency, assault, drug/alcohol possession, drug smuggling, outstanding warrants, among many others

• 2008- Knoxville and other crew members respond to a supposed suicide threat

• Repeatedly in and out of psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation centers

The Reality of Being A Jackass

• Knoxville- permanent penis damage, uses a catheter two times a day, multiple concussions, blunt force trauma

• Margera- multiple broken bones and concussions

• Steve O- broken nose, permanent nipple damage, lacerations and major bruising, third degree burns

• Danger Ehren- chronic back pain, permanent tooth damage

Director Jeff Tremaine on Injury

• “Loomis got the worst. He’s a guy that’s around with us all the time. He’s got the funny little beard. He weighs probably 68 pounds soaking wet. He wanted to jump behind the jet engine. We had that fighter jet and he jumped off a trampoline into it holding an umbrella and it just slammed him to the ground and it broke his collar bone pretty bad and it broke his hand. It screwed up his hand so he had to get surgery on his hand and his collar bone and it’s just been really slow to heal. He probably got it the worst unless microbiology takes a toll on Steve-O which we’ll find out later.”

The Effects on Society

• Audience doesn’t see the permanent damage of imitating Jackass stunts

• Jackass crew known for drug/alcohol problems, domestic abuse, psychiatric problems, and depression

• Initiated a wave of Jackass copycats• Teaches the youth that wilding out is


An Application of Theories