Jack and the Beanstalk - Level D

Jack and the Beanstalk ©ScritchStories, 2015

Transcript of Jack and the Beanstalk - Level D

Jack and the Beanstalk

©ScritchStories, 2015

The Setting:

The Characters

farm field vine

sky castle

Jack mom old man cowthe giant

Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Jack. He

lived on the farm with his mother.

They had a cow. They got milk from the cow. But one

day the cow didn’t make any milk.

“The cow is not making milk because it is too old. We have to sell it.”

“I can do it mom. Don’t worry!”

So Jack went to town with the cow.

When Jack was going to town, he saw an old man.

“Beans for Sale Beans for Sale.

I have magic beans. If you buy them, they will make you rich.

Do you want to buy?”

“I want to be rich. I want to buy the

magic beans. But I don’t have any


I will trade you for the cow if you want.

So Jack traded the cow for the beans.

Jack planted the beans in the ground and

gave them some water but nothing


So Jack went home.

Jack’s mom was very angry because they didn’t have anything.

“We don’t have any milk.

We don’t have a cow.

We don’t have any money.

What are we going to do?”

The next day Jack went back. There was a giant beanstalk. So Jack climbed up, up, up into the sky.

There was a castle at the top. He saw two golden eggs, too.

Jack took the eggs. “ I am going to be rich.”

But then, Jack heard a big sound.

“Fee Fi Fo Fum… What? My eggs age gone!

Jack was scared so he quickly climbed down.

The giant could not find his golden eggs. He was not happy.

What happens


The End