J MINCOHPOBAVID AFTER DUt9E1TEGUen SInl tItnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23cf96/data/0463.pdf · IAl i 1-...

IAl i 1- r + w A 1 r a i h I 4 1 1 0 4 r Harttord Republican J ctaTis r y1ardbrtbd Hnrtloril Inlilliblng Company < MINCOHPOBAVID to the CSI DUt9E1TEGUen C K XEX33moiT3SS SInl C znb 5MM34 Bob a SI Sioush 31vrMMMaz Jbo ho FRIDAY JANUARY 24 Examine the labelon If t Is not corroot notify UIno He Looks like the big stick Js holy low f he bf Georgia is taking her medlclno Just like Kansas and out of the same kind M of bottle Wonder It the Louisville Evening and fact f- hpost hat constijtpd its candidate for lt in g Dec ham for jL 8 enntolsel t Th Arkapsas Democrat says Bryan Is the favorite son of the United 1 States However the United States hesitates to place him on her payas f roll local L It is announced that Joe Blackburn that has his Senatorial lightningrod It would bo a godsend if the UII i lature Would elect him and the Republican admlnlsratlon of him Vii The U S Office of 1ublld nol ho will supply this paper with practical articles on various features of road the building and maintenance which will be published from time to time Our subscribers are urged to give this mat- ter by careful conslderatlpnand are re ¬ on quested to forward to this office for is transmission to the Office of Public in 5Roads any practical question which him desire answered Answers will be published by this paper at suitable lnlenalsru his On the second page we again pub- lish ¬ to a summary of the new postal reg- ulations ¬ over which requires after April 1 all newspapers Issued weekly to dis- continue ¬ sending the paper to persons In arrears one year or more The article referred to begins by saying With this issue of the Heraldetc This is an error and occurs by reason of the fact that we let the Hartford for i al1l11nethey dicated When they we never thought to change it The dally press is teeming with be recitals of the loss that various cities would lose by the enactment of a law to drive from the State the tobacco trusts This is only an echo from the trusts themselves Everyone with enough inteligence to be out alone knows that other tobacco buyers would take the places vacated by the trusts In fact the trusts would become hon- est ¬ buyers and dealers and would reth main Granting that someone would suffer loss had not the city folks ash well lose a little in trade as for the farmer to lose It all In the price ofut his tobacco But there would be no loss to anyone The producer would In get a fair price without having to throttle the trust to do it It is announced that an attempt smen to be made to amend the school book law which went into effect about two years ago A slight amendment every few years will be of inestimable ben ¬ efit to the book trusts and should by to all means be looked after We recall i the desperate effort of the Beckham glmo to make the book trusts an rltI junct of the machine at the of the school children Legislators should be slow to tack on anh amendment to existing book laws that will necessitate an additional outlay for children to be prepared to J attend school Their interests should be well guarded and they should supplied with the very best text books at the lowest possible price consistent With quality Bob Thomas tirade against Govern- or Willson published in the current is- sue ¬ of the Hartford Herald is entire- ly ¬ uncalled for and unbecoming a gen- tleman ¬ Ills unsupported assertion lha the Governors reference in his mes- sage ¬ to an incendiary speech made by a lawyer at Elkton in 1905 which Bob says was himself that he Gov Willson is in sympathy with and at- tempting ¬ to aid the tobacco trust dis ¬ plays his narrowness and evidences a lack of confidence in his fellowmen such as none but unscrupulous viduals or such as accusations of like nature can truthfully be urged against possess Note one of the ungentle- manly thrusts at the States Execu- tive by the lawyer bully of Muhlen burg This Windy Don Quixote 19 no more qualified for Governor 111CI tenyearold boy and has not cleat ability to make a secondrate country magistrate To my mind the 1 actions of this mighty Hughes of the 11 1 South stamps him a mental imbecile Such slanderous utterances against l + one whoso ability and standing is re ¬ cognized by all prominent and leading pitcitizens and officials of State and church In the country brands its orlg V y j ar sVWM < InaW asthe smallest of small polltl The Governor may be wrong- ful informed about what the law- yer ¬ actually sold but if the reference the matter did not in a measure fit case why Is Bob pert in rush- Ing ¬ into print about it In fact he admits that he used practically the accredited to the lawyer is Commonwealths Attorney of Scyenth Judicial district which vet promptly with much gusto Informs you He is also the regular retained attorney for tie L and N- and I C railroad companies He did hold these positions when he was elected by the people as their servant is also supposed to represent the commonwealth In all cases What does when the grand Jury In spite their attorney indlqts one of the railroad companies we are not able plot advised Bob has been urged to ex- plain ¬ the consistnecy of his positions no doubt this together with the that Governor Willson is a Re- publican Rio is the cause of his extreme An THE NMBZiLEMENTOF who POWERUI1 Had William Jennings Bryan been after careful analysis of the situation to coin a phrase that find would exactly express tho complaint Is brought against former Gov9f for the lacor etl One more fitting than that used with so much emphasis in de- nouncing ¬ the crime of misrepresenting electorate The embezzlement of powerJo J C W Beckham stands convicted a Jury of the voters of Kentucky the charge of embezzling power It because of this fact that six men his own party refuse to vote for 3f Chosen to be Governor for the the people he became Governor of the people elected to serve he sought to the During his eight years in office efforts were directed consistently the building up of a bureaucracy which he should have absolute ties sway and the power derived from which should be used for his own per- sonal ¬ advantageHI1 The primary of 1900 was an Instru ¬ ment devised to serve his ambition forced upon the party out of aQ due season and conducted uncsrupulously the the defeat of his honorable oppo ¬ He Is reported as having de ¬ to a member of his party that was in favor of the primary be- cause ¬ he believed he could get they- nomination in thatwayand he beaten in a convention He knew I that after the Infamous Music Hall convention It would be Impossible to to perpetrate another such upon the peo- ple ¬ the and a fair convention he dared no face To steal in a primary is less glaring less easily discovered and less attended by scandal So primary it was and thus the power of the people was embezzled and the fruit of the is the nomination a forged chec upon which he is now trying to col- lect ¬ Mr Bryan has again displayed his Ignorance of the conditions that have led up to recent political events Kentucky He has rushed in with the daring of those who according to proverb enter realms where angels fear to tread Thinking to blast the who are standing by their con- viction ¬ of duty to the party they were elected to serve he has sum ¬ med up In one brilliant phrase their Indictment against the man he meant help MY Bryan hopes for the day when man who embezzles power Will be as the man who embezzles So he declared in a burst of dramatic oratory If these are truly sentiments he cannot consistently blame the men who are seeking to hasten that day by refusing to Indorse CW Beckhams forged check for the support of his party in the Sena ¬ Ietorlal race Louisville Herald Suit Ends After 122 Years Boston Jan 20A case which dragged through the courts of Massa- chusetts ¬ for 122 years was finally clos ¬ ed today by the probate court dirctingo William W Risk public ad- ministrator ¬ in nine estates to to the state treasurer the sum of 10I 356j The estates represented were e of pine men creditors of the estate of Miss Gary a Boston merchantwho died in 17S6 and whose estate in process of administration for iOA years IWhllo the estate was still in the court aJ838 deposits were made In a bank by order of the court for the Benefit ot the nine creditors but neither they nor their heirs could ever be found The deposits ulated to 10356 L Notice The Kentucky Light and Power Co will pay 10 reward for Information leading to conviction ofadny one gull jty of breaking light bulbs or in any- way Injuring purpPsoly the ilght eery vice in Hartford The offense 1sa penitentiary one Kentucky Light Power Co- Dy E G Banass Mgr c t i i fi ANARCHISTS I 11 AFTER US FLEET Brazilian Police Discover Con ¬ c spiracy to Destroy Fleet < Diabolical Design Prevented By Prompt Action Of Authorities 4 < Rio Janeiro Jan 19The Brazilian police have discovered an anarchistic here having as its object the destruction of part of the American fleet now lying in the harbor The conspiracy while centering in Janicro and Petropolis has ramify cations in Sao Paulo and Mlnas Geraes individual named Jean Fedher resided in Petropolis was the C chief conspirator here although it is that foreign anarchists are deeply Involved the plot FFheder is bellevc4 to have fled to Sao Paulo the police who know him have been sent to that place for the purpos J apprehending him v I One Of tllC tQdheswho was well wiih Fedher havlnj on the police force at Petropo ¬ for some time returned from that place todayafter having made inves- tigations ¬ there and had a long conCcrI sneer with the Chief of Police The latter gave it out later the Sao Paulo police are on tho track of the archconspirator and ex- pect ¬ to arrest him soon In an official noto which the Chief police sent to tho correspondent of Associated Press he says Some tel me before the arrival of American fleet at Rio Janeiro the Brazilian Government received from Washington and Parr information that anarchists of different national intended to damage one or several I tlrue informsion rom France and Germany The po ice of this district are working with police of Sao Paulo and Mlnas ieraes and I am sure very precau ion will be exercisedand the most igorous vigilance observed both one land and at sea to prevent any ury being done The Chief ot Police after haying undo this official announcement said hat he did not feel he should go Ih any further details with regard to conspiracy but he authorized the statement that the plot was organized y Fedher and he added that the eople of the United States could rest easy as all of the conspirators hind aken refuge in the interior As yet the people of Brazil are Ig- norant of the details of the plot to do njury to the vlsltorsalthough there has been some slight inkling of the natter The impression which the ixposure of this plot will create here will be a profound one because it Is he first archlstlc conspiracy that has ever been known in Brazil The police of Sao Paulo have sent word that they are on tho track of the malefactorswhothey declarewill sot be able to came to Rio Janeiro For Salec I hereby offer my farm for sale containing 125 acres 20 acres timbered land one mile west of Taffy Ohio Co Ky good five room dwelling tw porches everlasting free stone well water in back porch good out build ¬ lag farm well watered for stock Fur her information call on J W Bear Hartford Ky 2M5 BEAVER DAMI Jan 22Rev A B Gardner filled t- his regular appointment here Sunday morning and night IMss Gertrude Monroe of Rockport swas in town Tuesday J Frank Baker of Elktonwas In town Tuesday on his way to Dun leeMr John H Barnes is in Louisville this week on business IMr Troyer of the Owensboro Beat ng Co was in town Tuesday in the Interest of tho firm bidding to install the heating aparatus in the now school building 1 Beaver Dam Lodge No 420 F M elected the following officers their regular election J MForj ter Master CL Woodward Sr W t W A Arbuckle Jr W J L Lalltn gel Sec C P Austn Treasurer P Taylor Sr D J W Moseley D J RT Wilson Tyler J R Wil laths Deacon j T J Morgan Deacon 11I1ss Marie Austin spent Saturday In Owensboro Mr Marshall Eblin who has bee visiting tho family of John Barnes returned lohillhomo in Louisville Saturdayt 00 Mrs W A Bone left Tuesday for illson Ark where she makes her future jiome Mr Rone left a few days > ago Mr arid Mrs SV D Van Meter Sunday with relatives in Leltchfleld Ky I r f1 i Q r j hI t PRI VENTORY I t i 1 r- j 1 X I 4 February 1st means Inventory and Gash is much 4 f- t easier v taken into account than Merchandise Fort TT s this reason Ve offer the public big reductions on 4 > t OVERCOATS ODDS AND ENDS SUITS f BROKEN SUITS MENS STYLES IN f J- t ODD PANTS BROKEN LOTS OF LIENS AND BOYS f MATS AND CAPSETC tIt tFirst comes first served That means the early i + I buyer wilt have the largest assortment to select from I COME NOW I 4 t fc S E P Barns c Sl Bros it BEAVER DAM KY ftJ0 f DEAL MADE UNDER AD = f VERSE CIRCUMSTANCES And Farmers Should Appreciate The Efforts of the Finance Committee Farmers of Ohio county Our tobacco deal recently consumma- ted with the Imperial Tobacco Co we assure you was not made until titter duo deliberation As to whether or not you appreciate our efforts in bringing about this transaction re- mains ¬ to be seen We wish to say however that we have brought about the deal under the most unfavorable clrcymstauces that could be brought to bear against us We had hard work to finance the business owing to the shyness of cap- s ¬ ital at a home enterprise although the people have plenty of tuff locked up in Ohio county Financial institu ¬ fleas or invested through them in some foreign wild cat schemes that would frighten them out of their clothes if they knew of it Now my friends we have made arrangements pay you in full for your bright type of tobacco at a price ranging from 7 01 pim 83nj pun lull so3 SSSJ ° 1 tyanco liberally on the dark tobacco We have employed Mr D Ford to handle the tobacco at the Hartford tobacco warehouse Mr Ford is man that we feel that we can trust most inpllcltly We have also em ¬ ployed Mr T F Tanner of Heflin to grade the tobacco and trust that hewill give entire satisfaction MV Tanner is a farmer himself and he will give entire satisfaction 4 as ian1 honest gentleman and A Sof E ipari of pure type As a final word yro entreat you to aland by our contract pay your I flues to the A Sof E as speedily as rais6 a small crop of good celr WATT TAYLOR Chairman Finance Com A S of E II 1 nzn ImoT I SMALLHOIJP u I Jan 2LMr O W Overhuls to Hertford last Wednesday Mrs Robert Hunter and daughter Miss Ethel went to Rockport Tuesday Mr S T Hunter spent last week in Hartford He was one ot tho Super visors ntMr N D Fulkersons children met at aid honfe last Wednesdind on or of his birthday Those present r x were Mr and Mrs T L Withrow and children Mr and Mrs Roy FulkersonI Mrand MrsErsklne Lewis and John Fulkerson Mss Alicei Fulkerson MrsJohn Withrow la May Withrow Mr Hancock of near Shawneetown lilt IEMrs guest of her mother Mrs S T Hun ter last week Mr S E Hunter attended the par- ty ¬ at Mr Jutt Ross last Saturday night Mttand Mrs Berry Bishop have moved to Mr John Barnards farm near South Carrollton Mr and Mrs Siofer have moved from ChllrllllilLiters Mr James C Drake who has been quite sick is able to be up again Mr Felix Drake Owensboro visited his mother Mrs Salllo Drake last weekMrs A R Ross Owensboro is the guest of his mother Mrs Jennie Ross Mn GIrdle Nation Utica who has been the guest of Mr Robert Hunter the past week returned home Mon ¬ dayR D Hunter Utica Is the guest of his parents Mr and Mrs Robert Hunter Miss Ethel Hunter entertained Sun ¬ day for dinner Misses Katie Hawkins Altha Adingtoh Messrs Girdle Na ¬ tion Browns Valley R D Hunter Utica and cb Klrtley Altha Addington Ethel Hun ¬ llMisses I Curtis Messrs R D Hun- ter ¬ S E Hunter Gerdle Nation and Willis Curtis attended the social at Mr fut Ross Saturday night 4 IIB Yffi U Program January 25 Connor Ford leader Opening exercises Why do Baptists make1 the Bible their only Authoritative CreedDr E W Ford What do Baptists believe as to the right of every man to interpet the Bi- ble for himself sst Rogers Pyufn Why isjt bus duty toy give thai Bi ¬ ble to all men T to be answered by verse of scripture Miss Ozona Moseley Through what agency do the South ¬ ern Baptlts do their work and what taro they doing MIsS Mary Keown I Dismissed by repeating Psalm 1914 Come and bring someone with you M CLEAR RUN I Jan 20Mr Dill Stewart has corn plated the residence of Mr DpckJji vls1 near Beda Mr JE Park of this place has r a r r I purchased a rubber lire surrey Mrs C M Newcom of this placeI visited her daughter Mrs J H Travis of Washington neighborhood last Sat ¬ urdayThe surprise music entertainment Mr McKelvis Murrays was quite a success Those present reported a de ¬ lightful time Misses Elizabeth and Mallnda Smith of Taffy visited relatives and friends in this neighborhood a few days last weekLittle Iargaret King of this place has the mumps Mr Sam Richeson of this placeivls ited his mother at Buford Saturday and Sunday Misses Malinda and June Smith of shopping Mr G M Hoover who spent last week in the Phllpot neighborhood re- turned ¬ home Sunday accompanied by Mr Archie McCan of Whalen who is visiting relatives here Mr Pat Hoagland and family 6f this place is visiting relatives In weekI yar old boy of Mr and Mrs James Everly Is thought to be taking the typhoid fever IMr J T Hoagland who is leaching school at Centertown visited his ¬ eats Hr and Mrs Hardin Hoagland Saturday and Sunday Mr John Hamilton of Taffy mov ¬ ed to Hartford lost week r f For that- Dandruff There is one thing that will cure it Ayers Hair Vigor It is regular scalpmedicine If quickly destroys tHerjfernis which Cause this dltfea e The unhealthy c becomes t healthy The dandruffcdisap pears had to disappear VA healthy scalp means a great deal tp youhealthy hair no dan druffno plmplesno eruptions- The j best kind oft tditlmoaUii Boldeioy over sixty WIIbt Mad Li Ja7 oOL o nuutulMtttnr or SAISAPAI l a crsii r 4 SI t S

Transcript of J MINCOHPOBAVID AFTER DUt9E1TEGUen SInl tItnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23cf96/data/0463.pdf · IAl i 1-...

Page 1: J MINCOHPOBAVID AFTER DUt9E1TEGUen SInl tItnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23cf96/data/0463.pdf · IAl i 1- r +w A 1 r a i I h 4 1 1 0 4 r Harttord Republican J ctaTis ry1ardbrtbd Hnrtloril

IAl i 1-

r+ w A

1 r a i h

I 4 11 0

4 r

Harttord RepublicanJ


ry1ardbrtbd Hnrtloril Inlilliblng Company



XEX33moiT3SSSInlC znb 5MM34 BobaSI Sioush 31vrMMMaz Jbo


Examine the labelon If

t Is not corroot notify UInoHe

Looks like the big stick Js holy

low f hebf

Georgia is taking her medlclno Justlike Kansas and out of the same kind


of bottle

Wonder It the Louisville Evening andfactf- hpost hat constijtpd its candidate for

lt in g Dec

ham for jL 8 enntolselt Th Arkapsas Democrat says Bryan

Is the favorite son of the United1 States However the United States

hesitates to place him on her payasf roll local


It is announced that Joe Blackburnthat

has his Senatorial lightningrod

It would bo a godsend if the UIIi lature Would elect him and

the Republican admlnlsratlon of himVii

The U S Office of 1ublld nol ho

will supply this paper with practical

articles on various features of road thebuilding and maintenance which will

be published from time to time Oursubscribers are urged to give this mat-


careful conslderatlpnand are re ¬ on

quested to forward to this office for is

transmission to the Office of Public in

5Roads any practical question which him

desire answered Answers will

be published by this paper at suitablelnlenalsruhisOn the second page we again pub-


¬ toa summary of the new postal reg-


¬ overwhich requires after April 1

all newspapers Issued weekly to dis-



sending the paper to persons

In arrears one year or more The

article referred to begins by saying

With this issue of the HeraldetcThis is an error and occurs by reason

of the fact that we let the Hartford fori al1l11nethey

dicated When they wenever thought to change it

The dally press is teeming with berecitals of the loss that various citieswould lose by the enactment of a lawto drive from the State the tobaccotrusts This is only an echo from

the trusts themselves Everyone withenough inteligence to be out aloneknows that other tobacco buyers would

take the places vacated by the trustsIn fact the trusts would become hon-



buyers and dealers and would rethmain Granting that someone wouldsuffer loss had not the city folks ash

well lose a little in trade as for thefarmer to lose It all In the price ofuthis tobacco But there would be noloss to anyone The producer would Inget a fair price without having to

throttle the trust to do it

It is announced that an attempt smento be made to amend the school booklaw which went into effect about twoyears ago A slight amendment every

few years will be of inestimable ben ¬

efit to the book trusts and should by toall means be looked after We recall i

the desperate effort of the Beckhamglmo to make the book trusts an rltIjunct of the machine at theof the school children Legislatorsshould be slow to tack on anhamendment to existing book lawsthat will necessitate an additionaloutlay for children to be prepared to Jattend school Their interests shouldbe well guarded and they shouldsupplied with the very best text booksat the lowest possible price consistentWith quality

Bob Thomas tirade against Govern-

or Willson published in the current is-


of the Hartford Herald is entire-



uncalled for and unbecoming a gen-



Ills unsupported assertion lhathe Governors reference in his mes-


to an incendiary speech madeby a lawyer at Elkton in 1905 whichBob says was himself that he Gov

Willson is in sympathy with and at-


to aid the tobacco trust dis ¬

plays his narrowness and evidences alack of confidence in his fellowmensuch as none but unscrupulousviduals or such as accusations of likenature can truthfully be urged againstpossess Note one of the ungentle-

manly thrusts at the States Execu-tive by the lawyer bully of Muhlenburg This Windy Don Quixote 19

no more qualified for Governor111CI

tenyearold boy and has notcleat ability to make a secondratecountry magistrate To my mind the

1 actions of this mighty Hughes of the11 1 South stamps him a mental imbecile

Such slanderous utterances againstl

+ one whoso ability and standing is re ¬

cognized by all prominent and leading

pitcitizens and officials of State and

church In the country brands its orlg


j ar sVWM <

InaW asthe smallest of small polltlThe Governor may be wrong-

ful informed about what the law-


actually sold but if the referencethe matter did not in a measure fit

case why Is Bob pert in rush-



into print about it In fact headmits that he used practically the

accredited to the lawyeris Commonwealths Attorney ofScyenth Judicial district which

vet promptly with much gusto

Informs you He is also the regularretained attorney for tie L and N-

and I C railroad companies He didhold these positions when he was

elected by the people as their servantis also supposed to represent the

commonwealth In all cases Whatdoes when the grand Jury In spitetheir attorney indlqts one of the

railroad companies we are not able plotadvised Bob has been urged to ex-



the consistnecy of his positionsno doubt this together with the

that Governor Willson is a Re-


is the cause of his extremeAn


POWERUI1Had William Jennings Bryan been

after careful analysis of thesituation to coin a phrase that find

would exactly express tho complaint

Is brought against former Gov9ffor thelacoretl One more fitting than that

used with so much emphasis in de-



the crime of misrepresenting

electorate The embezzlement ofpowerJoJ C W Beckham stands convicted

a Jury of the voters of Kentucky

the charge of embezzling power Itbecause of this fact that six menhis own party refuse to vote for 3f

Chosen to be Governor for the the

people he became Governor of thepeople elected to serve he sought to the

During his eight years in officeefforts were directed consistently

the building up of a bureaucracywhich he should have absolute ties

sway and the power derived fromwhich should be used for his own per-



advantageHI1The primary of 1900 was an Instru ¬

ment devised to serve his ambitionforced upon the party out of aQ dueseason and conducted uncsrupulously the

the defeat of his honorable oppo ¬

He Is reported as having de ¬

to a member of his party thatwas in favor of the primary be-



he believed he could get they-

nomination in thatwayand hebeaten in a convention He knew I

that after the Infamous Music Hallconvention It would be Impossible to to

perpetrate another such upon the peo-


¬ theand a fair convention he dared no

face To steal in a primary is lessglaring less easily discovered and lessattended by scandal So primary itwas and thus the power of the peoplewas embezzled and the fruit of the

is the nomination a forged checupon which he is now trying to col-



Mr Bryan has again displayed hisIgnorance of the conditions that

have led up to recent political eventsKentucky He has rushed in with

the daring of those who according toproverb enter realms where angelsfear to tread Thinking to blast the

who are standing by their con-



of duty to the party theywere elected to serve he has sum ¬

med up In one brilliant phrase theirIndictment against the man he meant

helpMY Bryan hopes for the day when

man who embezzles power Will be

as the man who embezzlesSo he declared in a burst of

dramatic oratory If these are trulysentiments he cannot consistently

blame the men who are seeking tohasten that day by refusing to Indorse

CW Beckhams forged check forthe support of his party in the Sena ¬

Ietorlal race Louisville Herald

Suit Ends After 122 YearsBoston Jan 20A case which

dragged through the courts of Massa-


for 122 years was finally clos¬

ed today by the probate courtdirctingo William W Risk public ad-


in nine estates toto the state treasurer the sum of 10I356jThe estates represented were e

of pine men creditors of the estateof Miss Gary a Boston merchantwhodied in 17S6 and whose estatein process of administration for iOA


IWhllo the estate was still in thecourt aJ838 deposits were

made In a bank by order of the courtfor the Benefit ot the nine creditorsbut neither they nor their heirs couldever be found The depositsulated to 10356


NoticeThe Kentucky Light and Power Co

will pay 10 reward for Informationleading to conviction ofadny one gull

jty of breaking light bulbs or in any-

way Injuring purpPsoly the ilght eery

vice in Hartford The offense 1sapenitentiary one

Kentucky Light Power Co-

Dy E G Banass Mgr

c t i ifi




Brazilian Police Discover Con ¬


spiracy to Destroy Fleet<

Diabolical Design Prevented

By Prompt Action Of



Rio Janeiro Jan 19The Brazilianpolice have discovered an anarchistic

here having as its object thedestruction of part of the Americanfleet now lying in the harbor

The conspiracy while centering inJanicro and Petropolis has ramify

cations in Sao Paulo and Mlnas Geraesindividual named Jean Fedher

resided in Petropolis was the C

chief conspirator here although it isthat foreign anarchists are

deeply Involved the plot FFheder isbellevc4 to have fled to Sao Paulo

the police who know him havebeen sent to that place for the purpos J

apprehending him v I

One Of tllC tQdheswho was wellwiih Fedher havlnj

on the police force at Petropo ¬

for some time returned from thatplace todayafter having made inves-



there and had a longconCcrI

sneer with the Chief of PoliceThe latter gave it out later

the Sao Paulo police are on thotrack of the archconspirator and ex-



to arrest him soonIn an official noto which the Chiefpolice sent to tho correspondent of

Associated Press he saysSome tel me before the arrival ofAmerican fleet at Rio Janeiro the

Brazilian Government received fromWashington and Parr informationthat anarchists of different national

intended to damage one or several Itlrueinformsionrom France and Germany The poice of this district are working with

police of Sao Paulo and Mlnasieraes and I am sure very precauion will be exercisedand the mostigorous vigilance observed both oneland and at sea to prevent anyury being done

The Chief ot Police after hayingundo this official announcement said

hat he did not feel he should go Ihany further details with regard to

conspiracy but he authorized thestatement that the plot was organizedy Fedher and he added that theeople of the United States could rest

easy as all of the conspirators hind

aken refuge in the interiorAs yet the people of Brazil are Ig-

norant of the details of the plot to donjury to the vlsltorsalthough therehas been some slight inkling of thenatter The impression which theixposure of this plot will create herewill be a profound one because it Is

he first archlstlc conspiracy that hasever been known in Brazil

The police of Sao Paulo have sentword that they are on tho track ofthe malefactorswhothey declarewillsot be able to came to Rio Janeiro

For SalecI hereby offer my farm for salecontaining 125 acres 20 acres timberedland one mile west of Taffy Ohio Co

Ky good five room dwelling twporches everlasting free stone wellwater in back porch good out build ¬

lag farm well watered for stock Furher information call on J W BearHartford Ky 2M5

BEAVER DAMIJan 22Rev A B Gardner filled t-

his regular appointment here Sundaymorning and night

IMss Gertrude Monroe of Rockport

swas in town TuesdayJ Frank Baker of Elktonwas

In town Tuesday on his way to Dun

leeMrJohn H Barnes is in Louisville

this week on businessIMr Troyer of the Owensboro Beat

ng Co was in town Tuesday in theInterest of tho firm bidding to installthe heating aparatus in the now schoolbuilding 1

Beaver Dam Lodge No 420 FM elected the following officerstheir regular election J MForj

ter Master CL Woodward Sr W t

W A Arbuckle Jr W J L Lalltngel Sec C P Austn TreasurerP Taylor Sr D J W MoseleyD J RT Wilson Tyler J R Willaths Deacon j T J Morgan Deacon

11I1ss Marie Austin spent Saturday

In OwensboroMr Marshall Eblin who has bee

visiting tho family of John Barnes

returned lohillhomo in LouisvilleSaturdayt 00

Mrs W A Bone left Tuesday forillson Ark where she makes herfuture jiome Mr Rone left a few days

>agoMr arid Mrs SV D Van Meter

Sunday with relatives in LeltchfleldKy


f1 i Qr j hI


t i1


j 1 X

I 4February 1st means Inventory and Gash is much 4 f-

t easierv

taken into account than Merchandise FortTTs this reason Ve offer the public big reductions on 4 >



OF LIENS AND BOYS fMATS AND CAPSETCtIttFirst comes first served That means the early i

+ I buyer wilt have the largest assortment to select from





And Farmers Should Appreciate

The Efforts of the Finance


Farmers of Ohio countyOur tobacco deal recently consumma-

ted with the Imperial Tobacco Co

we assure you was not made untiltitter duo deliberation As to whetheror not you appreciate our efforts inbringing about this transaction re-



to be seen We wish to say

however that we have brought aboutthe deal under the most unfavorableclrcymstauces that could be broughtto bear against us

We had hard work to finance thebusiness owing to the shyness of cap-

ital at a home enterprise althoughthe people have plenty of tuff lockedup in Ohio county Financial institu ¬

fleas or invested through them insome foreign wild cat schemes thatwould frighten them out of theirclothes if they knew of it Now my

friends we have made arrangementspay you in full for your bright type

of tobacco at a price ranging from 7

01 pim 83nj pun lull so3 SSSJ °1

tyanco liberally on the dark tobaccoWe have employed Mr D Ford tohandle the tobacco at the Hartfordtobacco warehouse Mr Ford isman that we feel that we can trustmost inpllcltly We have also em ¬

ployed Mr T F Tanner of Heflinto grade the tobacco and trust thathewill give entire satisfactionMV Tanner is a farmer himself and

he will give entire satisfaction 4as

ian1 honest gentleman and A Sof Eipari of pure type

As a final word yro entreat youto aland by our contract pay your I

flues to the A Sof E as speedily asrais6 a small crop of goodcelrWATT TAYLOR

Chairman Finance Com A S of E II

1 nzn ImoT I


Jan 2LMr O W Overhulsto Hertford last Wednesday

Mrs Robert Hunter and daughterMiss Ethel went to Rockport TuesdayMr S T Hunter spent last week inHartford He was one ot tho Supervisors

ntMr N D Fulkersons children met

at aid honfe last Wednesdind onor of his birthday Those present



were Mr and Mrs T L Withrow andchildren Mr and Mrs Roy FulkersonIMrand MrsErsklneLewis and John Fulkerson Mss AliceiFulkerson MrsJohn Withrowla May Withrow

Mr Hancock of near Shawneetown liltIEMrsguest of her mother Mrs S T Hunter last week

Mr S E Hunter attended the par-


at Mr Jutt Ross last Saturdaynight

Mttand Mrs Berry Bishop havemoved to Mr John Barnards farmnear South Carrollton

Mr and Mrs Siofer have moved from

ChllrllllilLitersMr James C Drake who has been

quite sick is able to be up againMr Felix Drake Owensboro visited

his mother Mrs Salllo Drake last

weekMrsA R Ross Owensboro is the

guest of his mother Mrs Jennie RossMn GIrdle Nation Utica who has

been the guest of Mr Robert Hunterthe past week returned home Mon ¬

dayRD Hunter Utica Is the guest

of his parents Mr and Mrs RobertHunter

Miss Ethel Hunter entertained Sun ¬

day for dinner Misses Katie HawkinsAltha Adingtoh Messrs Girdle Na ¬

tion Browns Valley R D HunterUtica and cb Klrtley

Altha Addington Ethel Hun ¬

llMisses I

Curtis Messrs R D Hun-ter


S E Hunter Gerdle Nation andWillis Curtis attended the social atMr fut Ross Saturday night


IIB Yffi U ProgramJanuary 25 Connor Ford leaderOpening exercisesWhy do Baptists make1 the Bible

their only Authoritative CreedDr EW Ford

What do Baptists believe as to theright of every man to interpet the Bi-ble for himself sst Rogers

PyufnWhy isjt bus duty toy give thai Bi¬

ble to all men T to be answered by verseof scripture Miss Ozona Moseley

Through what agency do the South ¬

ern Baptlts do their work and what

taro they doing MIsS Mary Keown

I Dismissed by repeating Psalm 1914Come and bring someone with you


CLEAR RUNI Jan 20Mr Dill Stewart has cornplated the residence of Mr DpckJjivls1 near Beda

Mr JE Park of this place has

ra rrI

purchased a rubber lire surreyMrs C M Newcom of this placeI

visited her daughter Mrs J H Travisof Washington neighborhood last Sat¬

urdayThesurprise music entertainment

Mr McKelvis Murrays was quite asuccess Those present reported a de¬

lightful timeMisses Elizabeth and Mallnda Smith

of Taffy visited relatives and friendsin this neighborhood a few days lastweekLittle

Iargaret King of this placehas the mumps

Mr Sam Richeson of this placeivlsited his mother at Buford Saturday

and Sunday

Misses Malinda and June Smith ofshoppingMr G M Hoover who spent last

week in the Phllpot neighborhood re-


home Sunday accompanied byMr Archie McCan of Whalen who isvisiting relatives here

Mr Pat Hoagland and family 6fthis place is visiting relatives In

weekI yar old boy ofMr and Mrs James Everly Is thoughtto be taking the typhoid feverIMr J T Hoagland who is leachingschool at Centertown visited his ¬

eats Hr and Mrs Hardin HoaglandSaturday and Sunday

Mr John Hamilton of Taffy mov ¬

ed to Hartford lost weekr


For that-

DandruffThere is one thing that willcure it Ayers Hair VigorIt is regular scalpmedicineIf quickly destroys tHerjfernis

which Cause this dltfea eThe unhealthy c becomes thealthy The dandruffcdisappears had to disappear VA

healthy scalp means a great dealtp youhealthy hair no dandruffno plmplesno eruptions-


jbest kind oft tditlmoaUii

Boldeioy over sixty

WIIbtMad LiJa7 oOLo nuutulMtttnr orSAISAPAI lacrsii

r4 SIt