J I 5 c- OCALA EVENING STAR - University of...

ssser- v Aa f < J I 5 c- oif < A l OCALA EVENING STAR 1 1- tl r 15 c f Value 15 No tOG OCALA e FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1909 JlYeetsIIIaIIIi alvTh I t 1 h- F ws Trf w thhat b0oa toWlkMlTOUt rtIII woaea known M Dr Plereei- JaVrariU Prescription Dr Jeh Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff CTuIcucnc MBIHCAJ BCVIKW says a Uatoora root Helcmfa DWCoa which to OM od UM aid LgrI is of the Fa Md iprescriptioa A LillTwJaJclalBnrlabiracuuater j w irstor ac I srsteta t PmeeeWaalaHdoaiawehive amedlca l which aft folly auwen the above taM any M0r draflf v < M vMch I am Ia the treatza et of diseases po- ll r 1 towqa to aeUom that a cue la which roes sot present tomo indication r ftttjMMdial Heat Dr Frt farther are aaoaff the leading Y = llthwkB wlthleacotrhPaa- alaistar to he heck 1e hcon U of the reproductive a1rlt >pr I wKVchroBic < llet M of W M of womencoMtin- tlafte e ewethr Nat Kfton of the kkl 4 toa weak < ucUye yitew- Armed vr absent wmfaly IIi m > ea or acxosPUlr Ing AB r ties of the Ite tlre onrani I this blood 1 habU drawing r fie Miraae tower jsrt ofjthe f to tOms erce s t rnI- s Uai orBrootorHelonltt aM the Medial propcrtiM of which It l MMt faltkfullj tI < OC Golden Beal root another prominent t of Favorite Prescription Yla Bllogwood o n- I rd Met College Chicago says IliaaateiorUBt remedy in disorders t- w woad la catarrhal 1 e uiefuL- ta PnI MTScuddcrM UJat of I paclaa J sf Golden Seal root- rajarieai III a Its general effects on the tlene medicine in uec about which f ealh general unanimity of upfnbm It aa tonic usetulla- i4 states 1 < w Bartholow M JctfelOlI- 1IeMta1 College of Golden Seal rr W atertae hemorrbwe men- oli14toodtq and congestive dyaateoo 7 4 trnatlon- K Prescription faith JJr all the above named in r MM and cures thedlMaaes for which rwuNtl- at J c D FULLER L O AYER ti FILLER AYER DENTAL SURGEONS OAEe Over the Mmroo Cliambliss Baak ioata FLORIDA < TERMS CA- SHJECHACE 1 SURGEON IIccHIt Floor Holder Block- OCALATTLORIDA TERMS CASH L F BLALOCK irDental Surge- ons s Mtt CMiBercIil lank K Phone 211 Oflce boors 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 pm TERMS CASH 3 ULESDSIIDLBERT- r N 1 D 1 2 + I OMBbPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Oaleej Becoad Floor The Munroe A- Cfcaabllss Bank Building Ocala h ortd- aTdepkosieORee 222 Residence 11- 1l z SN Iosrws to 12 a nu z to 4 p a i 780 to 830 p m- ot 1 p E McCLANE r Physkiu ul Srl eti- Calj + Ootteral Praetiee Made Promptly V + or Day v Y Metrics Di- r 4 I dren The Sf Building 191OCh te No 833 no need tq- Writ z r Ir i iee fral lei Waftis neyaay but if you will examine carefully the ice which melts so rap HjryWwlll note that there seems to k leeks IB It that the center Is what U cHe4 now Ice which being por owallows It to melt quickly v l Crystal IceT- he if fclneV we turn out is as clear tad perfect ult la oosslble to make lee and la the most economical ice to use Ask the man on the Red Wagon to top and see you sIRIIIIIPICIINItC- DIIIIIY WE D S PIIIH 5 r 1IAIIERSHOP Opus IIaN tie Leb cf the Ocala aeeO- tera UM very beet service of B with modem ap- Electric 7 E staitoy I f t i Water at An Times t7WIIIi DC1TRR- tf I 4 Y rlfJ r ± y5 id < f f > oG r Yf f I CELBIUm SHIFTED- Half Moos aad ClennoBt are Re- ceiving the Attcatlom of the People Along the Hudson New York Sept 30The imag- ery ¬ and sentiment of the Hudson Fulton celebration in New York was concluded yesterday when the Half Moon and Clermont sailed up the Hudson to carry inspection of cities and towns up the river which now begin their part in the centennial- In New York City the celebration- will practically concluae this week but along the route taken by the rep- roductions Hudsons and Ful ¬ tons famous craft it will continue a week longer The Half Moon and the Clermont were accompanied by an escort of torpedo boats subma- rines ¬ and one cruiser BELLE VEV Mrs J A Hutchinson of Haw ¬ thorne is vlslting the family of W I F Ritter Mr Ritter Is her son There was a good attendance at the Baptist social and musical The musicians Miss Edna Nichols Prof- essor Rickards and Eddie Arm ¬ strong were frequently encored Rev J J Thompson on the 24th- at the town hall gave a very inter ¬ esting exhibition of stereoptican views for the benefit of the children- On Sunday a negro named Jim Banks was arrested near Smith Lake by Sheriff Whisenant for car ¬ rying a revolver without a license from the county commissioners and for firing the same at a target on Sunday Monday morning he was brough before Justice Hopkins at the town hall He plead guilty to both counts was fined 100 and costs and committed to the county jailAlvin Lucius has gone to Weirs dale to pack oranges Others are to go Monday Considering the storm the Ma ¬ sonic lodge meeting the evening of the 25th was well attended Some came nine miles Rev J J Thompson has purchas- ed ¬ a horse buggy and harness Mayor Dudley has erected near his store a gasoline tank to supply autos with gasoline- Mrs W F Ritter had some 18 chickens eaten and a nest of 15 eggs broken up by hogs Saturday night Her fence appeared strong but the hogs broke through How much longer will people submit to hogs running at large Public opinion is fast changing 0 M Gale and wife spent the Sabbath in Shady Mrs J A Shedd has gone to Ocala for two weeks Louis Weihe has two and a half acres of fine egg plant In bloom He has also two acres of beans that are well worth seeing His farmer P A Thomas understands farming thoroughly IT SAVED HIS LEG All thought Id lose my leg writes J A Swenaon Watertown WIs Ten years of eczema that 1C doctors could not cure had at last laid me up Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured It sound and well Infallible for skin eruptions eczema salt rheum bolls fever sores burns scalds cuts and piles 25c at all druggists CITRA Mr Turner Cason of Island Grove visited Mr J N Malpkurs Wednes ¬ day Miss Nina Thornton returned to her home at Clearwater last Friday- Mr David White left Tuesday ac- companied ¬ by his father for Gaines ¬ ville where he will attend the uni- versity ¬ Mr and Mrs Gore are at home again from their vacation Mr Gri der wil leave shortly for his home- at Southern- Mr Camp of Ocala visited Mr Jack Williams here last week Mrs Harris went up to Jackson ¬ ville last Friday- Mr Mi A Rice is expected home Friday from his vacation During- his absence he visited Connecticut Massachusetts New York and Balti- more ¬ Mr and Mrs Towers visited Mr and Mrs Jack Wiliams last week Mr Towers is a phosphate man Mrs Fullwood of Miami is Mrs- E A Whites guest this week Miss Carrie Dean of Gainesville- and Miss Cason of Island Grove visited Mrs J N Malphurs last week Dr S T Carswell is here this week A BURGLAR IN TOWN His names bad cough He doesnt caro for any gold or sliver but he wKl steal your health away If he appears- In your house arrest him at once with Ballards Horehound Syrup it may mean consumption if you dont A cure for all coughs colds and chest trou- bles ¬ Price 25c 50c and 1 per bottle Sold by all druggists MISS CLAYTON ENTERTAINS Quite a delightful evening was spent with Miss Stella Clayton Mon- day ¬ evening when she gave a party- in honor of the Misses Tummonds- of Live Oak Among those present were Misses Tummonds of Live Oak Misses Lily and Daisy Young Mattie and Stella Clayton and Miss Nixon Messrs Roy and John Long- C D and J L Whitfield C Geiger Walter and Casper Young Joe Par ter Adren Hewett Mr Loyd C J Leitner M M Halsey and Allen Mc- Donald The crowd left at a late hour expressing their gratefulness- to Miss Clayton and wishing for another party at an early date One Who Was Present HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleys Orlno Laxative for indigestion stomach and liver I trouble and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and Is pleasant to take Sold by alt druggists HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬ ward for any case of catarrh that can ¬ not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure FJ Cheney Co- Toledo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all bilslnea transactions and financially- able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Walding KInnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O HallsCatarrh Cure Is taken Intern- ally ¬ acting upon the blood and mu ¬ cous surfaces of the system Testi ¬ monials sent free Price 75c per bot ¬ tle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation PICNIC AT PEDRO The grounds selected for our pic ¬ nic are the beautifully shaded bor ¬ ders of the lake in our suburban town L von The grounds are ideal An address on education will be delivered at 11 a m and one on temperance at 2 p m After the I latter will come the parade of the schools The following schools are expected and invited to take part I Pedro Dallas Summerfield Belle view Charter Oak Shady Grove and from Sumter county the Long I Hammock Pleasant Grove and Ox ¬ ford schools The parade will be from the picnic grounds to the ball grounds where good game is in prospect Other schools or parts of schools present will be welcomed to participation in the parade Dont forget the good time and good things in promise nor the time and place Levon October 16th GOOD NEWS Many Ocala Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby Good news travels fast and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Ocala are glad toJearn that prompt re- lief ¬ Is within their reach Many a lame weak and aching back Is bad no more thanks to Doans Kidney Pills People from every state In the Union are telling the good news of their ex ¬ perience with the Old Quaker Rem dy Here is an example worth read ¬ ingMrs E M Edwards living on Call St Starke Fla says I never used a remedy that proved of such great benefit to me as Doans Kidney Pills I suffered constantly from backache and dull pains through my loins Some days my back troubled me so severely that I could scarcely gets aroun I was unable to rest well at night and In the morning my back was so lame and stilt that it was difficult for me to put on my cloth ¬ ing My kidneys were also weak and greatly added to my misery I finally learned of Doans Kidney Pills and procured them I had only used three boxes when I was cured and I am now feeling a great deal better than before in years I give Doans Kid- ney ¬ I Pills entire credit for 4e change- In my condition Plenty more proof like this from Ocala people Call at Tydings Cos drug store and aak what their custo mars report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New Lork sue agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other I II Belle Meade Sweets I I Sitar Fruit aid Chocolate 1 TBATS All These Delicious Candle Can be Had Only at the Court Pharmacy W Cs BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION C O Box 40 OCALA FLA THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN ICE Our Ice by our new process is froz- en ¬ at a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero is as clear as crys- tal ¬ and as pure as can be made We guarantee it to last longer BUY FROM THE BLUE WAGONS And Not be Disappointed in Service And Quality OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO SIEFFERT TAYLOR Phone S4 Montezuma Barbershop IB CoaaectioB With the Hotel Office Skilled worKmen and courteous at ¬ tention to all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE- HOT AND COLD WATER I R A DETTERICHProDrietor r DECLINED THE DISCUSSION Hon W J Bryan Does Not Feel Like Debating on the Tariff with r Senator Bailey itr Atlanta Sept 30W J Bryan has wired here declining to meet Senator Bailey of Texas In a joint debate on the tariff saying that he considered- the debate objectionable for reasons that he would communicate by letter He said that It is possible he might find time to make a tariff speech here In November or December READ THIS i Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909I have sold Halls Texas Wonder of St Louis Mo for six years Every bot ¬ tle I sell adds a customer for tit It is a genuine cure for kidney bladder and rheumatic troubles Geo Ohnmacht Merchant 60 days treatment in each bottle- FRESH SEEDS- We have In our fresh supply of re ¬ liable garden and flower seeds for fall planting Tydings Co- DECORATIVE ART For high grade work of all kinds- of painting paperhanging arid dec ¬ orating at the highest prices no cheap john work with a full and ef- ficient ¬ corps of decorators call at Mc leer MacKays ORANGE SPRINGS At last we are having some cool weather for everyone to enjoy after- a long hot summer It wont be long now till people will begin to enjoy good old sausage and back- bone ¬ School is progressing nicely under the able management of Mr Thomas- J Anderson- Mr W H Pegram Is still sick with chills and fever Mr J B Halls cane patch was visited Sunday afternoon by the Sunday School He seems to be de ¬ lighted to have them go J H Pegram leaves this morning for Daisy where he is to deliver several sewing machines He is making quite a success at the new business Master M Jordan is sick again with fever also Glover Wills Mr Oscar Herren is making a new fence around the McBride home We are glad to see the place repaired Why dont someone else make the same move and perhaps Orange Springs would look better to < the eyes of the world Lets try it any ¬ wayOne day last week while eating dinner Mr Charlie Woods kitchen caught fire but with help the fire was soon put out Since then he has been busy putting a new roof on his I kitchen I There Is to be services here Sun ¬ day at the usual hour Everybody- come and get warm once more Red Wing TO BE HAPPY- you must have good health You cant have good health If your liver Is not doing its dutyslow but sure poison ¬ ing Is going on all the time under such circumstances Ballards Herbine makes a perfectly healthy liver keeps the stomach and bowels right and acts as a tonic for the entire sys- tem Sold by all druggists CALVARY- We are glad to hear that Mrs J W Morrison and two daughters have missed the fever- A little girl arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs W W Leak Wed- nesday ¬ Mother and child are doing wellMrs A S J Wallace made a bus- Iness trip to Ocala Thursday- Mr Lee Morrison of Holder came up Friday to spend a few days with friends before going south I Mrs R H Redding and children of Shady came Friday and stayed until Sunday with her sister Mrs J W Morrison She was accompanied- by her mother Mrs C W McConn Mrs R H Redding and Mrs J W Morrison and children called in northwest Calvary Saturday after ¬ noonMrs A S Wallace called on Mrs W W Leak Saturday aftenoon- Mr and Mrs A S J Wallace spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J W Morrison Miss Maggie Morrison is spending- a week with her aunt Jtrs R H Redding at Shady- Mr Merritt Morrison made a bus ¬ iness trip to the Brick City Monday Mr A S J Wallace attended the W O W meeting at Martel Tues ¬ day night THE LURID GLOW OF DOOM- was seen In the red face hands and body of the little son of H M Adams of Henrietta Pa His awful plight from eczema had for five years de ¬ fied all remedies and baffled the best doctors who said the poisoned blood had affected his lungs and nothing could save him But writes his mother seven bottles of Electric Bit ¬ ters completely cured him For erup ¬ tions eczema salt rheum sores and all blood disorders and rheumatism Electric Bitters Is supreme Only 50c Guaranteed by all druggists NOTICE 2910 state and county occupa ¬ tional licenses will be due and pay- able ¬ October 1st 1909 Please give this matter your prompt atten ¬ tion E L Carney Tax Collector Itdlmw Tax Collector- Do not bQ deceived by unscrupulous imitators who would have you believe that the Imitation pills arc as good as DeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills There isnt anything just as good as these wonderful pills for the relief of Backache Weak Back inflammation of the bladder urinary disorders and aU kidney complaints Any one can take DeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed In perfect confidence of good J results Sold by all druggists 6 < r F1 j iJ LI 11 = 7 IrrJ i z Mrs Minnie A Bostick s- t l- J rv- r i I I- tfI + < r e t TSryf 4r A 4 Ci> 1 Will have h elegant line uN t 6f < r j- J 1 Jfc Rf av- i + Ir a MILLINERY j- w a FALLOn < J i- l Y I V- V Display t 7t r I l DURING THE ENTIRE WE f r C I r 1- r r Monday Sept 27 Saturday Octv + 1 4 i 11- It v Will be pleased tohave all the Ladies > call Y > w I 0t The Playing Will Have to Step FjJI f Good Old School Days Will Soon BeHer f And then something nor lunch ° will be the next thipg Qmr a assortment canned meats and other good blags for lunch- Is complete Potted Ham Potted Tongue Potted Beef Veil 41 Ham Chicken LoalLuneh Tongue Luncheon Sausage VieMHa j Sausage Sliced and Chipped Beet Sardines PeanutBntfer tf 1 < a < Jams of all kinds Guava Jelly also Apple Quince Raspberry Fig Preserves and many others lOc Olives plain and staffed < Of Olive Chow Chow Pickles Apple Peach and Plum Butter I r A full assortment of Fancy Cakes ia butkboulht N especiiHy for School Lunch AH the National Biscuit I Cq s r t z ° goods in packages 5c and J Oc i DONT Fl TO GEI YOUR lUNCH HI t4kz F 1 h J We have the nicest kinds of Lunch Baskets and Lurch a Boxes r- at ff J 10 15 and 25 cents 1t A- Jii0 1 < y j i- Tt O K GROCERY HARVEY CLARKPropJj tor i 2 PHONES 174 Z i t ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY r d LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA ° f Boarding School for Boys Conduct ed by the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Car efully Trained along Physical Intel- lectual ¬ r r Moral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent Swimming 4 Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall and rk Recreation Roon3 + Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIO- RSt Josephs Academy Loretto Florida I r BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN T a1Y a w> llVaWBVBVMHMHIMBVBVBMaVBVB BlaWHHBWBBlB BWBW Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the yejy rr Latest Methods- We d s have just received one of the famous Ideal Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built w 5 I- V for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which a does the work perfectly Jf you will favor liltwith your patronage we guarantee to give you bickthe Mower in better condition than the day you bought t < Cv it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by ineipe y rienced workman with a file or an emery wheel r- s t lit Next time your Moweraeeds barpeaIa bring it in or notify ps and we will < 7 make it cut so nicely it will surprise ytm r MARION HARDWARE t I Y Z ef

Transcript of J I 5 c- OCALA EVENING STAR - University of...

Page 1: J I 5 c- OCALA EVENING STAR - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03285/00483.pdf · l OCALA EVENING STAR 1 1-tl Value r15 c f ... views for the benefit of




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I 5 c-





r 15 c fValue 15 No tOG OCALAe FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1909 JlYeetsIIIaIIIi alvTh


t 1 h-F ws Trf w thhat b0oa toWlkMlTOUt

rtIII woaea known M Dr Plereei-JaVrariU Prescription

Dr Jeh Fyfe one of the Editorial StaffCTuIcucnc MBIHCAJ BCVIKW says

a Uatoora root Helcmfa DWCoa whichto OM od UM aidLgrI is of the FaMd iprescriptioa

A LillTwJaJclalBnrlabiracuuaterj w irstor acI srstetat PmeeeWaalaHdoaiawehive amedlcal which aft folly auwen the above

taM any M0r draflf v<M vMch I amIa the treatza et of diseases po-

llr1 towqa to aeUom that a cue la

which roes sot present tomo indicationr ftttjMMdial Heat Dr Frt farther

are aaoaff the leadingY =llthwkB wlthleacotrhPaa-alaistar to he heck1e hcon U of the reproductive

a1rlt >prI wKVchroBic <llet M of

W M of womencoMtin-tlaftee ewethr Nat Kfton of the kkl

4 toa weak< ucUye yitew-

Armed vr absent wmfalyIIi m>ea or acxosPUlr Ing ABrties of the Ite tlre onrani

I this blood 1 habU drawingr fie Miraae tower jsrt ofjthef to tOms

erce s trnI-s Uai orBrootorHelonltt

aM the Medial propcrtiM of which Itl MMt faltkfullj tI

< OC Golden Beal root another prominentt of Favorite Prescription

Yla Bllogwood o n-

Ird Met College Chicago saysIliaaateiorUBt remedy in disorders t-

w woad la catarrhal1 e uiefuL-taPnI MTScuddcrM UJat of

I paclaa J sf Golden Seal root-rajarieaiIII a Its general effects on the

tlene medicine in uec about whichf ealh general unanimity of upfnbm Itaa tonic usetulla-

i4 states1 < w Bartholow M JctfelOlI-

1IeMta1 College of Golden Sealrr W atertae hemorrbwe men-

oli14toodtqand congestive dyaateoo

7 4 trnatlon-K Prescription faith

JJr all the above named inr MM and cures thedlMaaes for which







OAEe Over the Mmroo CliamblissBaak

ioata FLORIDA<



SURGEONIIccHIt Floor Holder Block-


L F BLALOCKirDental Surge-

onss Mtt CMiBercIil lankK Phone 211

Oflce boors 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m





2 +


Oaleej Becoad Floor The Munroe A-

Cfcaabllss Bank Building Ocalah ortd-

aTdepkosieORee 222 Residence11-


SN Iosrws to 12 a nu z to 4p a i 780 to 830 p m-


1 p E McCLANEr

Physkiu ul Srleti-Calj+Ootteral Praetiee Made Promptly

V + or Dayv

Y Metrics Di-



The Sf Building

191OCh te No 833

no need tq-Writ z

rIr i

iee fral lei Waftis

neyaay but if you will examinecarefully the ice which melts so rapHjryWwlll note that there seems tok leeks IB It that the center Is whatU cHe4 now Ice which being porowallows It to melt quickly

vl Crystal IceT-


fclneV we turn out is as cleartad perfect ult la oosslble to makelee and la the most economical iceto use Ask the man on the RedWagon to top and see you



Opus IIaN tie Leb cf the OcalaaeeO-

tera UM very beet service of

B with modem ap-Electric7 E staitoy

If t i Water at An Timest7WIIIi DC1TRR-


I 4Y rlfJr ± y5 id< f

f >

oG r Yf fI


Half Moos aad ClennoBt are Re-

ceiving the Attcatlom of thePeople Along the Hudson

New York Sept 30The imag-ery


and sentiment of the HudsonFulton celebration in New York wasconcluded yesterday when the HalfMoon and Clermont sailed up theHudson to carry inspection of citiesand towns up the river which nowbegin their part in the centennial-

In New York City the celebration-will practically concluae this weekbut along the route taken by the rep-

roductions Hudsons and Ful ¬

tons famous craft it will continuea week longer The Half Moon andthe Clermont were accompanied byan escort of torpedo boats subma-rines


and one cruiser

BELLE VEVMrs J A Hutchinson of Haw¬

thorne is vlslting the family of WI F Ritter Mr Ritter Is her son

There was a good attendance atthe Baptist social and musical Themusicians Miss Edna Nichols Prof-essor Rickards and Eddie Arm ¬

strong were frequently encoredRev J J Thompson on the 24th-

at the town hall gave a very inter ¬

esting exhibition of stereopticanviews for the benefit of the children-

On Sunday a negro named JimBanks was arrested near SmithLake by Sheriff Whisenant for car¬

rying a revolver without a licensefrom the county commissioners andfor firing the same at a target onSunday Monday morning he wasbrough before Justice Hopkins atthe town hall He plead guilty toboth counts was fined 100 andcosts and committed to the countyjailAlvin

Lucius has gone to Weirsdale to pack oranges Others are togo Monday

Considering the storm the Ma¬

sonic lodge meeting the evening ofthe 25th was well attended Somecame nine miles

Rev J J Thompson has purchas-ed


a horse buggy and harnessMayor Dudley has erected near

his store a gasoline tank to supplyautos with gasoline-

Mrs W F Ritter had some 18chickens eaten and a nest of 15 eggsbroken up by hogs Saturday nightHer fence appeared strong but thehogs broke through How muchlonger will people submit to hogsrunning at large Public opinion isfast changing

0 M Gale and wife spent theSabbath in Shady

Mrs J A Shedd has gone toOcala for two weeks

Louis Weihe has two and a halfacres of fine egg plant In bloom Hehas also two acres of beans that arewell worth seeing His farmer PA Thomas understands farmingthoroughly


All thought Id lose my leg writesJ A Swenaon Watertown WIs Tenyears of eczema that 1C doctors couldnot cure had at last laid me up ThenBucklens Arnica Salve cured It soundand well Infallible for skin eruptionseczema salt rheum bolls fever soresburns scalds cuts and piles 25c atall druggists


Mr Turner Cason of Island Grovevisited Mr J N Malpkurs Wednes ¬

dayMiss Nina Thornton returned to

her home at Clearwater last Friday-Mr David White left Tuesday ac-


by his father for Gaines ¬

ville where he will attend the uni-versity


Mr and Mrs Gore are at homeagain from their vacation Mr Grider wil leave shortly for his home-at Southern-

Mr Camp of Ocala visited MrJack Williams here last week

Mrs Harris went up to Jackson ¬

ville last Friday-Mr Mi A Rice is expected home

Friday from his vacation During-his absence he visited ConnecticutMassachusetts New York and Balti-more


Mr and Mrs Towers visited Mrand Mrs Jack Wiliams last weekMr Towers is a phosphate man

Mrs Fullwood of Miami is Mrs-E A Whites guest this week

Miss Carrie Dean of Gainesville-and Miss Cason of Island Grovevisited Mrs J N Malphurs lastweek

Dr S T Carswell is here thisweek


His names bad cough He doesntcaro for any gold or sliver but he wKlsteal your health away If he appears-In your house arrest him at once withBallards Horehound Syrup it maymean consumption if you dont A curefor all coughs colds and chest trou-bles


Price 25c 50c and 1 per bottleSold by all druggists


Quite a delightful evening wasspent with Miss Stella Clayton Mon-day


evening when she gave a party-in honor of the Misses Tummonds-of Live Oak Among those presentwere Misses Tummonds of LiveOak Misses Lily and Daisy YoungMattie and Stella Clayton and MissNixon Messrs Roy and John Long-C D and J L Whitfield C GeigerWalter and Casper Young Joe Parter Adren Hewett Mr Loyd C JLeitner M M Halsey and Allen Mc-

Donald The crowd left at a latehour expressing their gratefulness-to Miss Clayton and wishing foranother party at an early date

One Who Was Present


Cosmetics and lotions will not clearyour complexion of pimples andblotches like Foleys Orlno Laxativefor indigestion stomach and liver

I trouble and habitual constipationCleanses the system and Is pleasantto take Sold by alt druggists


We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬

ward for any case of catarrh that can ¬

not be cured by Halls Catarrh CureF J Cheney Co-

Toledo O-

We the undersigned have knownF J Cheney for the last 15 years andbelieve him perfectly honorable In allbilslnea transactions and financially-able to carry out any obligations madeby his firm

Walding KInnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

HallsCatarrh Cure Is taken Intern-ally


acting upon the blood and mu ¬

cous surfaces of the system Testi ¬

monials sent free Price 75c per bot ¬

tle Sold by all druggists Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation


The grounds selected for our pic¬

nic are the beautifully shaded bor ¬

ders of the lake in our suburbantown L von The grounds areideal

An address on education will bedelivered at 11 a m and one ontemperance at 2 p m After the I

latter will come the parade of theschools The following schools areexpected and invited to take part

I Pedro Dallas Summerfield Belleview Charter Oak Shady Groveand from Sumter county the Long


Hammock Pleasant Grove and Ox¬

ford schools The parade will befrom the picnic grounds to the ballgrounds where good game is inprospect Other schools or parts ofschools present will be welcomed toparticipation in the parade

Dont forget the good time andgood things in promise nor the timeand place Levon October 16th


Many Ocala Readers Have Heard Itand Profited Thereby

Good news travels fast and thethousands of bad back sufferers inOcala are glad toJearn that prompt re-lief


Is within their reach Many alame weak and aching back Is bad nomore thanks to Doans Kidney PillsPeople from every state In the Unionare telling the good news of their ex ¬

perience with the Old Quaker Remdy Here is an example worth read ¬

ingMrsE M Edwards living on Call

St Starke Fla says I never useda remedy that proved of such greatbenefit to me as Doans Kidney PillsI suffered constantly from backacheand dull pains through my loinsSome days my back troubled me soseverely that I could scarcely getsaroun I was unable to rest well atnight and In the morning my backwas so lame and stilt that it wasdifficult for me to put on my cloth ¬

ing My kidneys were also weak andgreatly added to my misery I finallylearned of Doans Kidney Pills andprocured them I had only used threeboxes when I was cured and I amnow feeling a great deal better thanbefore in years I give Doans Kid-ney

¬ I

Pills entire credit for 4e change-In my condition

Plenty more proof like this fromOcala people Call at Tydings Cosdrug store and aak what their customars report

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew Lork sue agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other


II Belle Meade Sweets I


Sitar Fruit aid Chocolate1


These Delicious Candle Can be HadOnly at the

Court Pharmacy






ICEOur Ice by our new process is froz-


at a temperature of eight to tendegrees above zero is as clear as crys-


and as pure as can be made Weguarantee it to last longer


And Not be Disappointed in ServiceAnd Quality



Phone S4

Montezuma Barbershop

IB CoaaectioB With the Hotel Office

Skilled worKmen and courteous at¬

tention to all Special attention tochildren






Hon W J Bryan Does Not Feel Like

Debating on the Tariff withr

Senator Baileyitr

Atlanta Sept 30W J Bryan haswired here declining to meet SenatorBailey of Texas In a joint debate onthe tariff saying that he considered-the debate objectionable for reasonsthat he would communicate by letterHe said that It is possible he mightfind time to make a tariff speechhere In November or December


Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909Ihave sold Halls Texas Wonder of StLouis Mo for six years Every bot ¬

tle I sell adds a customer for tit It isa genuine cure for kidney bladder andrheumatic troubles Geo OhnmachtMerchant 60 days treatment in eachbottle-


We have In our fresh supply of re¬

liable garden and flower seeds for fallplanting Tydings Co-


For high grade work of all kinds-of painting paperhanging arid dec ¬

orating at the highest prices nocheap john work with a full and ef-ficient


corps of decorators call at Mcleer MacKays


At last we are having some coolweather for everyone to enjoy after-a long hot summer It wont belong now till people will begin toenjoy good old sausage and back-bone


School is progressing nicely underthe able management of Mr Thomas-J Anderson-

Mr W H Pegram Is still sickwith chills and fever

Mr J B Halls cane patch wasvisited Sunday afternoon by theSunday School He seems to be de ¬

lighted to have them goJ H Pegram leaves this morning

for Daisy where he is to deliverseveral sewing machines He ismaking quite a success at the newbusiness

Master M Jordan is sick againwith fever also Glover Wills

Mr Oscar Herren is making a newfence around the McBride home Weare glad to see the place repairedWhy dont someone else make thesame move and perhaps OrangeSprings would look better to < theeyes of the world Lets try it any ¬

wayOne day last week while eatingdinner Mr Charlie Woods kitchencaught fire but with help the firewas soon put out Since then he hasbeen busy putting a new roof on his I


There Is to be services here Sun¬

day at the usual hour Everybody-come and get warm once more

Red Wing

TO BE HAPPY-you must have good health You canthave good health If your liver Is notdoing its dutyslow but sure poison ¬

ing Is going on all the time under suchcircumstances Ballards Herbinemakes a perfectly healthy liverkeeps the stomach and bowels rightand acts as a tonic for the entire sys-tem Sold by all druggists


We are glad to hear that Mrs JW Morrison and two daughtershave missed the fever-

A little girl arrived at the homeof Mr and Mrs W W Leak Wed-nesday


Mother and child are doingwellMrs

A S J Wallace made a bus-Iness trip to Ocala Thursday-

Mr Lee Morrison of Holdercame up Friday to spend a fewdays with friends before goingsouth I

Mrs R H Redding and childrenof Shady came Friday and stayeduntil Sunday with her sister Mrs JW Morrison She was accompanied-by her mother Mrs C W McConn

Mrs R H Redding and Mrs JW Morrison and children called innorthwest Calvary Saturday after ¬

noonMrsA S Wallace called on

Mrs W W Leak Saturday aftenoon-Mr and Mrs A S J Wallace

spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs JW Morrison

Miss Maggie Morrison is spending-a week with her aunt Jtrs R HRedding at Shady-

Mr Merritt Morrison made a bus¬

iness trip to the Brick City MondayMr A S J Wallace attended the

W O W meeting at Martel Tues ¬

day night


was seen In the red face hands andbody of the little son of H M Adamsof Henrietta Pa His awful plightfrom eczema had for five years de¬

fied all remedies and baffled the bestdoctors who said the poisoned bloodhad affected his lungs and nothingcould save him But writes hismother seven bottles of Electric Bit ¬

ters completely cured him For erup ¬

tions eczema salt rheum sores andall blood disorders and rheumatismElectric Bitters Is supreme Only 50cGuaranteed by all druggists


2910 state and county occupa ¬

tional licenses will be due and pay-able


October 1st 1909 Pleasegive this matter your prompt atten¬

tion E L CarneyTax Collector

Itdlmw Tax Collector-

Do not bQ deceived by unscrupulousimitators who would have you believethat the Imitation pills arc as good asDeWItts Kidney and Bladder PillsThere isnt anything just as good asthese wonderful pills for the relief ofBackache Weak Back inflammation ofthe bladder urinary disorders and aUkidney complaints Any one can takeDeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills asdirected In perfect confidence of good

J results Sold by all druggists

6< r F1


iJ LI 11= 7

IrrJ iz

Mrs Minnie A Bostick s-






I I-

tfI+ < r e tTSryf


A4 Ci>

1 Will have h elegant line uNt 6f <rj-

J1 Jfc Rf



+ Ir a



FALLOn < Ji-




Display t 7t


I r 1-

r r

Monday Sept 27 Saturday Octv+

1 4 i 11-



Will be pleased tohave all the Ladies >call Y >




The Playing Will Have to Step FjJIf

Good Old School Days Will Soon BeHerf

And then something nor lunch °will be the next thipg Qmr a

assortment canned meats and other good blags for lunch-Is complete Potted Ham Potted Tongue Potted Beef Veil 41

Ham Chicken LoalLuneh Tongue Luncheon Sausage VieMHaj

Sausage Sliced and Chipped Beet Sardines PeanutBntfer tf1



Jams of all kinds Guava Jelly also Apple Quince RaspberryFig Preserves and many others lOc Olives plain and staffed < Of

Olive Chow Chow Pickles Apple Peach and Plum Butter I


A full assortment of Fancy Cakes ia butkboulht N especiiHyfor School Lunch AH the National Biscuit


Cq s r t z °

goods in packages 5c and J Oci




We have the nicest kinds of Lunch Baskets and LurchaBoxes r-


J10 15 and 25 cents1t


Jii01 < y j i-



2 PHONES 174 Z



LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA °fBoarding School for Boys Conduct ed by the Sisters of St Joseph Young

Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Car efully Trained along Physical Intel-lectual

¬ r rMoral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent Swimming 4

Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall and rkRecreation Roon3 +

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIO-

RSt Josephs Academy Loretto FloridaI r


a w>


Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the yejy rr

Latest Methods-


d s

have just received one of the famous IdealLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built w

5 I-


for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which a

does the work perfectly Jf you will favor liltwithyour patronage we guarantee to give you bicktheMower in better condition than the day you bought t



it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theold style way which is usually done by ineipe

y rienced workman with a file or an emery wheelr-s

t lit

Next time your Moweraeeds barpeaIabring it in or notify ps and we will <

7 make it cut so nicely it will surprise ytm r


Y Z ef