(J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software...

( (. i ( ) () ( ) (J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual Application Guide M18-14443-EN Revision A www.instron.com

Transcript of (J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software...

Page 1: (J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual Application Guide M18-14443-EN Revision


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(J () () C) .. J U U

Bluehill -Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual

Application Guide

M18-14443-EN Revision A


Page 2: (J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual Application Guide M18-14443-EN Revision

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Where appli=able, this equipment is designed to comply with International Electromagnetic Compati-bility (EMC) standards.

To ensure rer=roduction of this EMC performance, connect this equipment to a low impedance ground connection. -r:=-'ypical suitable connections are a ground spike or the steel frame of a building.

Proprietary Rights Notice

This docume=:nt and the information that it contains are the property of Instron Corporation. Rights to dnplicate or =therwise copy this document and rights to disclose the document and the information that it contains to others and the right to nse the information contained therein may be acquired only by written perm ==:::::ission signed by a duly anthorized officer of Instron Corporation.


nstron®, Ins~on Logo, Dynatup®, Shore®, Wilson®, Rockwell®, and Brale® are registered trademarks of Instron Cc=rporation. Satec™ and other names, logos, icons, and marks identifying Instron products and services creferenced herein are trademarks of lnstron Corporation. These trademarks may not be used without-- the prior written permission ofInstron.

Other produ=t and company names used herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.

© Copyright 2004 Instron Corporation

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Page 3: (J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual Application Guide M18-14443-EN Revision

Preliminary Pages

General Safety Precautions

Materials testing systems are potentially hazardous.

Materials testing involves inherent hazards from high forces, rapid motions, and stored energy. You must be aware of all moving and operating components that are potentially hazardous, particularly the actuator in a servohydraulic testing system or the moving crosshead in an electromechanical testing system.

Whenever you consider that safety is compromised, press the Emergency Stop button to stop the test and isolate the testing system from hydraulic or electrical power.

Carefully read all relevant manuals and observe all Warnings and Cautions. The term Warning is used where a hazard may lead to injury or death. The term Caution is used where a hazard may lead to damage to equipment or to loss of data.

Ensure that the test setup and the actual test you will be using on materials, assem­blies, or structures constitute no hazard to yourself or others. Make full use of all mechanical and electronic limits features. These are supplied to enable you to prevent

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The following pages detail various general warnings that you must heed at all times while using materials testing equipment. You will find more specific Warnings and Cautions in the text whenever a potential hazard exists.

Your best safety precautions are to gain a thorough understanding of the equipment by reading your instruction manuals and to always use good judgement.


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Preliminary Pages M18-14443-EN


Hazard - Protect electrical cables from damage and inadvertent disconnection.

The loss of controlling and feedback signals that can result from a disconnected or damaged cable causes an open loop condition which may drive the actuator or cross­head rapidly to its extremes of motion. Protect all electrical cables, particularly trans­ducer cables, from damage. Never route cables across the floor without protection, nor suspend cables overhead under excessive strain. Use padding to avoid chafing where cables are routed around comers or through wall openings. £ .. *. At... High/Low Temperature Hazard - Wear protective clothing when handling

;. . ... ill:) equipment at extremes of temperature. ,,,----,: -~

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Materials testing is often carried out at non-ambient temperatures using ovens, fur­naces, or cryogenic chambers. Extreme temperature means an operating temperature exceeding 600 e (140°F) or below ooe (32°F). You must use protective clothing, such as gloves, when handling equipment at these temperatures. Display a warning notice concerning low or high temperature operation whenever temperature control equip­ment is in use. You should note that the hazard from extreme temperature can extend beyond the immediate area of the test.

Crush Hazard - Take care when installing or removing a specimen, assembly or structure.

Installation or removal of a specimen, assembly, or structure involves working inside the hazard area between the grips or fixtures. Keep clear of the jaws of a grip or fixture at all times. Keep clear of the hazard area between the grips or fixtures dUling actuator or crosshead movement. Ensure that all actuator or crosshead movements necessary for installation or removal are slow and, where possible, at a low force setting.

Hazard - Do not place a testing system off-line from computer control without first ensuring that no actuator or crosshead movement will occur upon transfer to manual control.

The actuator or crosshead will immediately respond to manual control settings when the system is placed off-line from computer control. Before transferring to manual control, make sure that the control settings are such that Ullexpected actuator or cross­head movement cannot occur.

Robotic Motion Hazard - Keep clear of the operating envelope of a robotic device unless the device is de-activated.

The robot in an automated testing system presents a hazard because its movements are hard to predict. The robot can go instantly from a waiting state to high speed operation in several axes of motion. During system operation, keep away from the operating envelope of the robot. De-activate the robot before entering the envelope for any pur­pose, such as reloading the specinlen magazine.


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Preliminary Pages



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Hazard - Set the appropriate limits before performing loop tuning or running waveforms or test.

Operational limits are included within your testing system to suspend motion or shut off the system when upper and/or lower bounds of actuator or crosshead travel, or force or strain, are reached during testing. Correct setting of operational limits by the operator, prior to testing, will reduce the risk of damage to test article and system and associated hazard to the operator.

Electrical Hazard - Disconnect the electrical power supply before removing the covers to electrical equipment.

Disconnect equipment from the electrical power supply before removing any electri­caLsafety.cQversorreplacingfuses . .D.o.notreconnect.thepoweLsourcewhilethecov_ ers are removed. Refit covers as soon as possible.

Rotating Machinery Hazard - Disconnect power supplies before removing the covers to rotating machiJ1MY.~ ____________ _

Disconnect equipment from all power supplies before removing any cover which gives access to rotating machinery. Do not reconnect any power supply while the cov­ers are removed unless you are specifically instructed to do so in the manual. If the equipment needs to be operated to perform maintenance tasks with the covers removed, ensure that all loose clothing, long hair, etc. it tied back. Refit covers as soon as possible .

Hazard - Shut down the hydraulic power supply and discharge hydraulic pressure before disconnecting any hydraulic fluid coupling.

Do not disconnect any hydraulic coupling without first shutting down the hydraulic power supply and discharging stored pressure to zero. Tie down or otherwise secure all pressurized hoses to prevent movement during system operation and to prevent the hose from whipping about in the event of a rupture.

Hazard - Shut off the supply of compressed gas and discharge residual gas pressure before you disconnect any compressed gas coupling.

Do not release gas connections without first disconnecting the gas supply and dis­charging any residual gas pressure to zero.


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Preliminary Pages M18-14443-EN


AA Explosion Hazard - Wear eye protection and use protective shields or


;:1.,.......... . a .. · •. ·•·.. screens whenever any possibility exists of a hazard from the failure of a ct"'*-,'<Jj' specimen, assembly, or structure under test.

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Wear eye protection and use protective shields or screens whenever a risk of injury to operators and observers exists from the failure of a test specimen, assembly, or struc­ture, particularly where explosive disintegration may occur. Due to the wide range of specimen materials, assemblies, or structures that may be tested, any hazard resulting from the failure of a test specimen, assembly, or structure is entirely the responsibility of the owner and user of the equipment.

Hazard - Ensure components of the load string are correctly preloaded to minimize the risk of fatigue failure.

Dynamic systems, especially where load reversals through zero are occurring, are at risk of fatigue cracks developing if components of the load string are not correctly preloaded to one another. Apply the specified torque to all load string fasteners and the correct setting to wedge washers or spiral washers. Visually inspect highly stressed components such as grips and threaded adapters prior to every fatigue test for signs of wear or fatigue damage.





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Page 7: (J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual Application Guide M18-14443-EN Revision


Preliminary Pages

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction . ............................................... 1-1

This Manual Supports On-Site Application Development for BLUEHILL , , ,. 1-1

This BLUEHILL manual. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-2

Outline for Customer Application Development , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-3

Components in Bluehill System """""""',","""""',"','" 1-5

Major System Components, , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-5

Load Frames, , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-7

Control Panel. , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-7

Control Electronics , ,," ""c,c ,c"c,cc,'cc"" ""'" ,-""" 1-7

Computer. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-8

Bluehill Software, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-8

Bluefiill Screen - Control Consoles , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 1-10

Chapter 2 Defining The application . .... , , , ........ , .. , ....... , , ... , . , ... 2-1

Defining the Application """ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 2-2

What is Needed to Execute the Application , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 2-3

Required Hardware considerations: , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , 2-3

Required Software considerations: , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , 2-3

Defining the Test Method Type, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 2-4

Identifying What Measurements are Required for the Application , , , , , , , " 2-5

Data Collection Rate, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 2-7

Other Information for Reports, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 2-8

Chapter 3 Initial System Setup .......... , ............. , ........ , , , , .... 3-1

System Start Up and Initialization, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 3-2

Power-Up Systems, , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 3-2

Bluehill Home Screen, , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 3-3

Setting Bluehill Digital displays, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 3-3

Setting Bluehill Operating Units , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 3-4

Calibration of Channels for Application, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 3-5

Automatic Load Calibration for 3300/5500 Systems, , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , , , " 3-5

Load Channel Calibration for 5800/8800 Systems, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " 3-6


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Preliminary Pages M18-14443-EN

Setting Safety Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-7

Setting Mechanical Frame Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-7

Setting Software Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-7

Setting Software Limits for 3300/5500 Systems ..................... 3-7

Setting Software Limits for 5800/8800 Systems ..................... 3-8

Setting Gage Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-9

Establishing System Gage Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-10

Bluehill Home Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-12

User Administration Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-15

Secu rity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-15

Preferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-19

Configuration Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3-20

Chapter 4 Creating a Test Method . ..................................... . 4-1


Getting started ................................................... 4-2

Create or Modify. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-2

Select New Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-3

Select Test Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-3

Setting General Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-4

Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-4

Sample ...................................................... 4-4

Basic Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-5

Advanced Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-6

Setting Specimen Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-6

Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-6

Number Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-6

Text Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-7

Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-7

Setting Control Parameters for Tension/Compression test types. . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-8

Pretest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-8

Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-8

End of Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-9

Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-11

Strain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-12

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Preliminary Pages

Defining Results Tables 1/2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-14

Columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-14

Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-16

Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-16

Defining Graphs 1/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-18

Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-18

XIY Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-19

Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-20

Defining the Test Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-21

Document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-21

Default Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-23

Defining Test Prom pts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 4c25

Freeform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-25

Prompted Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4-26 ---_._-------------------------------------


Chapter 5 Running A test. ............................................. 5-1

Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-2

Select a Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-3

Create a Sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-4

Before Start Prompts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-4

Before Specimens Prompts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-5

Before Test Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-5

Before Calculations Prompts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-5

First Specimen Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-6

After Specimen Prompts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-7

At Finish Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-9

Finishing Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-10

Testing a New Sample as a Freeform Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-11

Freeform Test Workspace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-11

Freeform Test Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-12

Finish Freeform Test .......................................... 5-12

Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-13

Continue Sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-13

Existing Results Displayed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-14


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Preliminary Pages M18-14443-EN

Add Specimens ............................................... 5-15

Finish Test .................................................. 5-16

Related Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-17

Continue a Freeform Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-17

Zooming and Scaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-17

Context Menu Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5-18

Chapter 6 Reports . ................................................... 6-1


Method Reports Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-3

Method Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-3

Method Reports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-3

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-3

Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-4

Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-5

Footer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-6

Test Reports Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-7

Continue a Sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-7

Test Reports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-7

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-7

Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-7

Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-8

Footer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-8

Creating New Report Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-9

Open Reports Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-9

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-10

Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-11

Body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-11

Footer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6-13

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Chapter Objectives

BLUEHILL Application Development

Purpose of this Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction

Instron makes several BLUEBILL software-controlled testing systems th~t can perform a variety of Tensile (pull), Compression (push), Flex (bend), Cyclic, Creep, and Relaxation applications. These testing instruments require a computer

_~ ___________ ---"a"",n<LuseJnstron'&BLUEHILLsoftw~reio-controLan<Lmonitor-test,-collecWata,.--------T_-analyze and calculate results, produce graphs, and generate reports required by the user. Bluehill software runs the following Instron systems:

• 5500 Series Electromechanical (EM) Test Instruments (BLUEHILL Stan­dard)

• 3300 Series EM Test Instruments (BLUEHILL optional)

• 5800 Series EM Test Instruments (BLUEHILL optional)

8800 Servo hydraulic (SH) Test Instruments (BLUEHILL optional)

4200/4300/4400 (EM) Test Instruments (BLUEHILL optional)

BLUEHILL-controlled systems follow user progranuned Test Methods to execute a variety of testing applications. Generally, any BLUEHILL test method can run on any BLUEHILL controlled test instrument, provided the required options are installed and the method does not contain any parameters that exceed the restric­tions and capabilities of the specific test instrnment in use.

This Manual Supports On-Site Customer Application Development for BLUEHILL

This manual focuses on BLUEHILL software familiarization and supp011s devel­oping test methods for user applications. This document augments the On-Site Customer Application Development assistance that comes with your BLUEHILL or BLUEHILL2 controlled testing instrnment as follows:


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OBJECTIVE: Develop up to 5 Bluehill Test methods to support the user applications. In addition, up to three operators shall be familiar­ized with the operation of these test methods within BLUEHILL. This service shall be delivered over an approximate 8 hours period of time.

See suggested outline on following page.

This Bluehill Manual.


This manual is intended as an introduction to using any Bluehill based system. It is a overview guide for building Bluehill Test methods for typical applications. It does not cover every available system feature. However, it covers the essentials necessary to run tests and get results. Each chapter points out actions that should be completed or at lease be considered when building test methods for material testing needs.

Although this manual was developed for earlier Bluehill software, it also applies to Bluehill2 systems. Whenever Bluehill is used in this manual it refers to both Bluehill and Bluehill2 software systems.

This manual is intended as an initial learning tool that shows by examples of how Test Methods are created and run on Bluehill systems. Many times there are dif­ferent ways to get the required test results using an Instron system. Additional training is normally required to use all the features and options in the system in an efficient manner or to be aware of other procedures that can meet the specific needs of the user.

To be fully trained in the operation ofInstron systems, including all Bluehill2 fea­tures, it is highly recommended that all users attend formal customer training classes on the specific systems and any optional equipment and software. Formal customer classes are scheduled at lnstron Training Centers. Bluehill courses can also be conducted On-Site. For scheduling and more information on formal cus­tomer training, contact:Instron Training Center

lnstron Corporation 825 University Avenue Norwood, MA. 02062 Tel 800.473.7838 or at www.instron.com.



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Outline for Customer Application Development

Outline for Customer Application Development Suggested times are approximate and should be used as a guide only. Revise as required.

1. Test Instrument Overview [.5 hrs.] 0- Major System Components 0- Software Control Consoles (Bluehill or Fast Track) o - Bluehill Software Application packages

2. Defining Customer Applications (up to 5 applications)[1.0 hrs.] o - Review Test Method Types required to preform tasks o - Required Hardware Considerations o - Required Software Considerations o - IdentifY Measurements or Results required by customer o - Determine Information Customer Wants on Reports

...3 .. Setting. the Console for Application . Needs [.5 hrs.] 0- Bluehill Screen Overview o - Units Selections o - Calibration of Channels for Application o - Selling Limits o - Setting Gage Length

4. Creating Test Method for 1st Application [1.0 hr.] 0- Select New Method Type (Tensile, Compression, Flex etc.) necessary for Application or select approximate ISO or ASTM method.

Determine method of control required for test


Ensure expected results calculation are available in the method o - Setting General Parameters

Method- Units and Description Sample- Description and 3 Notes Basic/Advanced Layout- Workspace

o - Setting Specimen Parameters Dimensions- Geometry Number/Text Inputs Notes

U - Setting Control Parameters Pre Test- Preload and Precycle Test- Control Modes and Rates End of Test- Criteria Data- Automatic or Manual Strain- Extensometer or Extension

o - Setting Results 112 Parameters Columns- AddlRemovelModify Calculations Statistics- Select Statistical analysis Format- Select Style of Results Table

U - Setting Graph 112 Parameters Type- Multi Specimen/Channel, Double Y Channel, XIY Data- Channels to Plot



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Outline for Customer Application Development M 18-14443-EN

(cant.) Advanced - Graph Appearance o - Setting Report Parameters

Document - Template Select, File Export Options Defaults Table - select General Information for Report

o - Setting Test Prompt Parameters Prompt Sequence - Applicable to Prompted Test Test Workspace - Applicable to Freeform Test

5. Testing the 1st Test Method Application [.5 hrs.] o - Calibrate Systems o - Set Limits o - Install Specimen o -Run Test

Review results Troubleshoot Problems

o - Revise Method as Required 6. Convert Test Method to Prompted Method [.5 hrs.]

0- If desired, edit method and make it a Prompted Test. 7. Create up to 4 Additional Test Methods [2.0 hrs.]

o - Repeat sections 3 -7 as required 8. Review all applications with user [1.5 hrs.]

0- For each application, demonstrate test method using one sample and then observe each operator running test method. o - Point out any accessories or other equipment that would make applications easier or faster. o - If time available review with operators basic method modification and creat­ing new test methods.

9. Complete Evaluation Questionnaire


o - Please complete the Bluehill Installation & Test Method Development Evalu­ation and return it in self-addressed, stamped envelope.

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Components in BLUEHILL Systems

Components in BLUEHILL Systems

Bluehill software was designed to run Instron's 5500 Series Electromechanical (EM) Systems. This popular software can also run as an option on Instron 3300 Series EM systems, 4200/4300/4400 Series EM systems, 5800 Series, and on Instron 8800 Series Servo hydraulic (SH) Systems.

The primary differences in these test instruments using Bluehill is in the hardware. The 3300 Systems do not come with a (hardware) Control Panel. The 5800 Series are electromechanical instruments that use the 8800 controllers (electronics). The 8800 Series are servohydraulics systems using 8800 controllers and require a hydraulic power source (pump). Systems with 8800 controllers also require Instron's FastTrack (software) Console. 4200/4300/4400 systems have operator controls that allow either computer (Bluehill) or manual (non-computer) control.

Major System Components

__________________________ ~I,ua~nL~~ ____________________________________________________ ~~


Series 3300/5500/5800 EM Load Frames

Series 8800 SH Load Frames

Series 4200/4300/4400 EM Load Frames

Control Panel (Only on 5500 and 5800 Systems)

Control Electronics

5500 Controllers with Instron's Digilink interface (3300/5500 Systems)

8800 Controllers with GPIB interface (5800/8800 Systems)

4200 Controller with GPIB interface (4200 Systems)

430014400 Controller with GPIB interface (4300/4400 Systems)

Compnter (Required for all systems)

Screen Display Console

Blnehill Control Console for 4200/4300/4400/3300/5500 Systems

FastTrack Control Console for 5800/8800 Systems

Bluehill Windows-based software


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Components in BLUEHILL Systems

Major System Components

Bluehill Control Console Control Electronics

J::Sllletllll Software

ElectnJmlochanicalLoad Frame

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Typical Servo Hydraulic Load Frames



Control Panel (not on 3300 or 8800 Systems)

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Load Frames

Control Panel

Components in BLUEHILL Systems

Instron load frames are designed for tension, compression and reverse stress test­ing. These frames are engineered for precision, accuracy, safety, and reliability. Bluehill runs on both Servo and Electromechanical frames. The EM load frame features excellent speed, position accuracy, and stiffuess through the use ofpreci­sion grade ball screws and a high stiffuess guidance system. Servo systems use a hydraulic piston to apply force to the specimens and provide the same or better precision, stiffuess, and accuracy as EM frames. In addition they are designed to support a variety of dyuamic (cyclic and fatigue) applications.

The Control Panel is located on the load frame and is only available on 5500 Series and 5800 Series systems. This panel is designed to work in concert with the Blue­hill screen display for operator convenience and pro­ductivity. Gage length setup; and start/stop operations are available on this control panel. It is ideal for repeti­tive testing while working at the load frame. Indicators (L.E.D) provide the operator with test status and key-

The control panel can be used to manually control crosshead movement when loading and unloading spec­imens, starting and stopping test, returning to gauge length, and operating the specimen protect feature and using the programmable function keys. It also has jog keys and a fine position control to adjust the crosshead movements while set­ting up a test.

Control Electronics The control electronics link all elements of the system (transducers, drive, frame, and computer). The 5500 series electronics are in a card cage which is either attached to frame (dual coluruns systems) or free standing. The boards in the card cage are as follows:

• Load Conditioner board

• Digital Signal Processor board (DSP) conditioner board

• Optional boards

• Input/Output board

• Strain I and Strain 2 conditioner boards

The electronics for 3300 Series are packaged in the load frame as follows:

• Load Conditioner board

• Digital Signal Processor board (DSP) conditioner board


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Components in BLUEHILL Systems M18-14443-EN


Bluehill Software


• Optional boards Strain I and Strain 2 conditioner boards

The electronics for the 5800 and 8800 Series are located in a stand alone unit con­taining:

• Mother Board Interface board

• •

Load, and Position Conditioner daughter boards


Strain I and Strain 2 Daughter boards

The electronics for 4300/4400 Series are located in the operator panel containing:

• •

Mother Board signal conditioner

Optional GPIB and Strain Daughter boards.

The electronics for 4200 Series are located in the operator console containing:

• Separate boards for load, crosshead, optional strain boards, and IEEE board.

Gateway or Dell computers are qualified by Instron and as minimum must con­tain:

Processor: Intel Pentium III or higher, SVGA Monitor, Clock Speed 2 GHz or higher 256 MB RAM or higher Hard Disk Drive: I GB Free Disk Space

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP Interface:

5500/3300 Systems: Instron's Digilink Interface Board (occupies I PCI slot)

5800/8800 Systems: GPIB Interface Board (occupies I PCI slot)

4200/4300/4400 Systems: GPIB Interface Board (occupies I PCI slot)

Bluehill Software controls Instron testing systems for test setup, test control, data collection, result generation and report preparation. The software features a graph­ical user interface fully implemented in Windows. It provides up to four real-time numerical displays (digital and/or analog) of test data as well as graphs, results tables and reports. Simple, memorable icons represent system functions for rapid learning and quick test setups.

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Components in BLUEHILL Systems M18-14443-EN

Bluehill is the basic program for test control. Application packages and/or optional modules can be added as the specific application requires. Each applica­tion package contains specific test control parameters and results calculations required by the related application. See Table I-I. Application Packages:

Tension Tension Relaxation/Creep Compression Compression Relaxation/Creep Flexure Flexure Relaxation/Creep Peel, Tear, and Friction Tension Test Profiler (Cyclic) Compression Test Profiler (Cyclic) Metals Asphalt

Optional Modules: Enhanced Control - allows additional system control channels for con­

stant load and strain rate testing, sometimes called advanced control.

Reports and Graphs Pack- provides a second graph for analyzing data from Bluehill and for modifying or building custom report tem­plates that can be used for special or custom reporting needs.

Versa Channels - allows up to 16 additional sensor data channels. API interface - allows the user of Blue hill software to interact with

another software product.

Bluehill Screen - Control Console


The Bluehill (software) Control Console occupies the upper part ofthe Blue­hill screen(s) and generally allows the user to monitor tests and machine condi­tions. This software con­sole provides live displays, transducer calibration, channel limits and machine setup conditions.

The lower part ofBluehill's


initial (Home) screen contains function buttons that initiate a Test, access or set up a test Method, select a report, Administer system preferences and security, access on screen Help, and Exit Bluehill Software.

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Components in BLUEHILL Systems

The Bluehill control console area occupies the upper portion of the screen and is slightly different for 5800/8800 Series systems.

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Bluehill Control Console

5800 and 8800 systems require Instron FastTrack software console to calibrate, set limits, and general system setup. Below shows the Bluehill Control Console area when using FastTrack.

Bluehill Control Console on 5800/8800 Systems


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: '':'j Components in BLUEHILL Systems M 18-14443-EN




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Chapter 2 Defining the Application

~ ___ C~h=a,~ter Items


Defining User Applications.

Selection of Proper Equipment Required for Application.

Identifying What Measurements are Required for the Application.

Determining Information User Wants on Reports.

This chapter helps you sort out the things that should be considered before build­ing a test method and running it on a Bluehill controlled testing instrument. Because Bluehill is designed for universal testing systems. the more information about the application you address before actual testing, the easier and faster it is to build the test method. This also contributes to rnmling the test correctly the first time. It is recommended that you review this chapter before going to Chapter 3 whichdiscusseshowtobuild a test method.


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Defining the Application M18-14443-EN

Defining the Application


Very often applications in one industry have different terminology for the same or different things in another industry. For example: Modulus for some may mean strength at break or at a preset point, while for others Modulus is a measurement of stiffness expressed as the change of Stress/Strain on the test curve. Also what equipment is used and the shape of the specimen can effect the application. For example: a bend test requires a flexural test method and the fixtures can be either 3 or 4 point bend type. A test to failure can be tensile or compressive testing and require different grips or platens for testing.

The more you understand about the test, the easier it is to design an application to run on the BLUEHILL system. Understanding what the test is to do, (pull, push, break the material, etc.) the equipment needed, and what information is to be reported during and after the test should be considered when building a test method. You should address the following items when building a Bluehill test method:

What is the test going to do?

• What starts and stops the test?

What speed or speeds should the test run?

• What is the shape and dimensions of the test specimen?

What data is collected and at what rate?

• What output (graphs, reports) are required?

• What answers from the test do you require?

• What information is going to be supplied by the operator?

One of the best sources for learning about an application is the from standards written and reviewed by experts in the field. In most cases there are standards already written for tests you want to perform. You can build test methods exactly to standards or within specified parameters required for your particular testing needs. In other cases the standards can be used as a guide to build test method. Or your company may have test procedures that you can use to build test methods. In all cases the more you understand about the testing in question, the easier it is to build a test method for your application.


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Defining the Application

What is Needed to Execute the Application

In many cases Bluehill can perform the same application different ways. For example, a tensile test can be done with a Tensile test method, or even a Test Pro­filer type test method.

When building a test method, it is best to make a test method as simple as possi­ble. There are two major items to consider when building test methods.

• What hardware is required?

• What software should be used?

Required Hardware Considerations:

Capacity of the.1'estInstrn]llent- Both,load al1<ispeeds. Iftheframedoes not have the load capacity, consider testing a smaller (cross sectional area) specimen. If the frame can not run at the required speed, determine if testing within the speed specs of the test instrument is acceptable.

Installed load cell - Expected loads must not exceed load cell capacity or be less than 2% of capacity. If testing less than 2%, GET A SMALLER LOAD CELL.

Extensometers - Determine what type, travel, and gage length capacity. An XL type would be used for high strain elastomers like rubber but is not appro­priate for metals. A clip-on strain gage type might be required for testing met­als. Also, is strain control required? Video extensometers cannot be used for strain control. When using a video extensometer, the field of view must be considered and necessary lenses must be available.

Grips and Fixtures - Capacity and grip faces can affect testing. The general rule for gripping is to grip the material tight enough to prevent slippage but not so tight that the material is damaged and causes jaw breaks. Experienced users can be the best source for picking grips. If this is a new material, trial and error may be the only way to select the best possible setup. Typically, if performing compressive tests, use fixed adapters. Do not use universal joint (self~aligning)type adapters. Also, do not use wedge"action type grips in compression.

Required Software Considerations:

Because Bluehill systems are software controlled, careful selection of what type oftest method should be used when designing a test. You must consider both TEST CONTROL and the CALCULATIONS required by the applications. The optional software packages available in BLUEHILL are designed for different type of applications.


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Defining the Application M18-14443-EN

Defining the Test Method Type


Table 2-1 summarizes Test Method Types and available Calculations in each of the software application packages. Remember your system may not have all the optional packages.

It is always better to build a test method from the appropriate application type. For example if building a Compression test, start with the Compression application. Also, remember the calculations may be different depending on the application.

Test Control - determines how the crosshead moves during the test. The available software application packages indicate what is possible with your system. When the test requires changing speeds use a Tension or Compression method. Tests that require compression loads, use a Compression method. If a test specifies a hold, you must use either a CreeplRelaxation method or a Test Profile method. If you require testing metals to EN/ISO standards which can require up to three speeds or reversing direction for a Hysteresis modulus you must use a Metals test method .. Preloading or Precycling can be done with Tension, Compression, or Test Profiler. Test Profiler is unique in that it allows up to 96 segments oframps, holds, or cycles. Test profiler also allows calcula­tions to be applied to each segment. You must have the Enhanced Control option if the test requires Load or Strain control ramps.

Stopping the crosshead - How a test ends should also be considered when choosing a test method type. All test methods permit several different test stop criteria.

Calculations - are the answers (results) that the test requires. In Bluehill, the available calculations depends on the test method type. See Table 2-1. There­fore, understanding the available calculations for each test type dictates what type of test method should be used.

You can always find exactly how Bluehill calculates an answer by referring to Bluehill's Online HELP. This may be useful because, how you define calcula­tions may differ from Bluehill. The Help lists the available calculations per test type and explains how Bluehill calculates any point of interest. Help also shows an example of the calculation along with the any parameters that the user is required to specifY and it describes the exact algorithm Bluehill uses to calculate the answer.

To access CALCULATION HELP click the Help Button on the Bluehill Horne Screen and select CALCULATION from the Contents Tab. Select the type test and then the specific calculation.





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Defining the Application

Identifying What Measurements are Required for the Application

On-line HELP describes what answers Bluehill can produce, the results the user may want can be different. If testing to a standard, the required results are usually available in Bluehill. A problem sometime arises because different industries use different terminology. For example: Elongation in the rubber industry is what Bluehill calculates as % Strain; while in other industries elongation is what Blue­hill calculates as displacement. Also, there can be different ways to calculate a specific point of interest. For example: Bluehill can calculate Break six different ways, Modulus nine different ways, and Yield five different ways.

Bluehill calculates all results after the test stops using the data collected during the test. The calculations that are available in Bluehill depend on what test types are installed. There are a unique set of calculations for each test types as show below but, Bluehill can be configured to make all Calculations available in each test type.

_____________ T"-bl~_?: 1::r:"s~T}'rl"Calculation Libr"'!"_s__ _____ _ Calculation libraries and Test Types Th~rP. IIrPo ,j. ~"'I""IMion lihr~rie, ~nd different combinatiom are loaded by default when yo~ open a port;""I.r t •• ttyp~. The following \ilble 'how. the content. of uoh library

Base General CreeI'I RelaKation Metals Peel, Tear, Friction User CalculatiDns

Bre~k Siaok correction Creep/ ReloxatJon Yield point extension First peak User coleul.tion

erea~ location

Ab.olut~ p.~k

Local pe.k

percent of break


Modulus Hold pre<et point

Area Reduc:tio~

Poi»on', F~tio

Compliance ""rrection

Tensile strength

Non_proportional elongation



Aver.go v~lu.

Coefficient of friction

Compliance correction i, not a truo o~lcul.tion, .nd is not available in the Peel, Tear, and Friction to.t t/pe,

Slack correction olso includes g.uge length correction, but not in Peel, Teor, ~nd friction or Flexure te<ttypes

The fullowin9 t.ble .how. the defoult libraries lo~ded for each test type:

Te<tType Libraries loaded (by def~ult)

TenSIon Elo" General

Ten<ion, Creep, Bas. General Creep/ Relaxation Relaxation

compre«ion Base General

compression, Ba$e creep, Rel'~ation

Gen.r~1 Creep/ Relaxation

Flexure B,,<e Gen.rol

flexUFe, Cre.p, B.<e Relax.tion

General Cee.p/ Rel~xotion

peel, Teor, Friction B.,. General Peel, Tear, Friction

Metals Bo.o Gener~1 Metals

Ten.ion Pro/ile Base G~nor~1 Creep/ Relaxation Peel, Teor, Friction

compre"ion 6a<e profile

Geneeal Cr~cp/ Relaxation Peel, Teor, Friction

Note: Coefficient of friction i< only available in the Peel, Teor, and Friction t.rttyp.,

User c.lcul.tion

U$er calculation

U$er calculation

User calClJlation

U<eF calClJlation

U.eF coloulation


U.ee ".Icwl.tion

U,ee C<llculation

U.er c.oicul.tion

A complete description of each calculation is available in On-line Help.



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Defining the Application M18-14443-EN


It is very important to understand exactly what answers the test is to report and then pick the corresponding calculation in Bluehill. Remember the terminology of the user may be different than Bluehill's. In general, using Bluehill's standard or automatic calculations will satisfy most but not all applications needs. If you are not sure of what is needed, review Bluehill's On-line Help on calculations, review the application, or company procedure, ask the person that's receiving the report exactly what answer is needed. The more you understand, the easier it will be to determine what test method type is needed to build an application.

Besides understanding the required calculations, consider the following items when selecting the specific results to be reported by a test method:

Extension - calculated from Crosshead/ Actuator travel.

Load - calculated from the Load Cell.

Time - calculated from Bluehill controller.

* Strain I - calculated from Extensometer connected to Strain I board.

* Strain 2 - calculated from Extensometer connected to Strain 2 board.

* Video Strain - calculated from Extensometer connected to Video board

Displacement - calculated from Extension or Axial Strain source specified in the methods.

% Strain - calculated as Value/Gage Length; Uses the extensometer Gage Length if source comes from extensometer, uses Specimen'S Gage Length dimension if source comes from Extension.

Axial Strain source - either Extension or Extensometer Strain channel as spec­ified in Test Control area of test method.

Tensile/CompressivelFlexual Extension - calculated from axial strain source and can be corrected by Slack/Toe calculations.

Strain Source Selection Area in the tension application




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Defining the Application

Data Collection Rate

The maximum number of data points that Bluehill can capture is a function of PC storage space. When the system captures a data point, it stores data from all avail­able channels (Time, Load, Extension, etc.)

For most applications a data rate that captures between 100 and 1500 points should be considered. However, the more data collected the more accurate the results. Ifless than 100 points are taken resolution is considered poor and results can suffer. More than 2000 points gives good resolution and results but the data files become larger and takes more time and storage space than necessary.

Data collection can be either Automatic or Manual capture modes. The Automatic mode is the default and might be selected when it is not known how long the test runs or the behavior of the material. This default data rate collects data using two preset intervals. It captures one data point each second and every time load varies more than 0.25% of the full capacity of the installed load cell.

Manual data capture provides more flexibility in collecting data and is useful was more

concerned with Extension variations, a criteria for Extension would likely pro­duce the desired results.

The manual mode allows up to three criterias for capturing data. You can choose criteria based on the installed channels: Load, Extension, Strain, Time Channels plus Stress, and other derived channels installed in the system.

The maximum rate is hardware dependent:

4200/4300/4400 Series Systems - 20 points/second.

5500 Series system - 500 pts/sec.

3300 Series system - 50 pts/sec.

5800/8800 Series system - 5000 pts/sec.

Data can never be collected faster than the maximum rate of the specific hardware being used. If more than one criteria is set and data points happen to fall faster, the data is collected at the maximum rate. Any points that occur faster than the maxi­mum rate are not detected.


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Defining the Application M18-14443-EN

Other Information for Reports


When building a test method the user may want more infonnation on the report than just a table of results and test parameters. For example, maybe the serial number, color, or any other specific infonnation about each specimen needs to be recorded and then be reported. Or an operator's note on how the equipment was setup, what fixtures, grip faces etc. were used, might have to be recorded and be reported as a note.

Bluehill allows the operator to enter this type of infonnation before or after test­ing, and then it is available for reporting. Sample infonnation (about the complete batch) is entered as Bluehill SAMPLE NOTES. Specimen infonnation (about each piece) is entered using Bluehill NUMBER/TEXT INPUTS or SPECIMEN NOTES. Consider the following about these Bluehill features when building test methods:

NOTES: User infonnation concerning the SAMPLE (complete batch) or the SPECIMEN (individual specimens). Up to three separate notes for each can be enter by the operator and saved with the data. All Notes can appear on the report. Notes can be entered any time before saving data. Saved data can be Continued and the notes can then be edited and resaved.

NUMBERfTEXT INPUTS: User infonnation concerning each separate SPECIMEN. Up to ten Number Inputs and twenty Text Inputs can be config­ured in a test method and the name (label) of each can be tailored to the user's need. For example: change TEXT INPUT I to SERIAL NO. As each test runs the operator enters the serial number and that infonnation is recorded with the data.

Number/Text Inputs can be customized for each specific method. These Inputs can be modified prior to running a sample and/or after the sample as been saved.

Note: Numerical information entered as Number Inputs can be defined as vari­ables for use in User Calculations.

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Chapter 3 Initial System Setup

Chapter Outline


Calibrating Channels for Application

Specimen Protect Featnre

Setting Gage Length

Establishing Extension Gage Length

Bluehill Home Screen

User Administration Features

This chapter provides a guide for setting the Bluehill console before testing or building test methods for your applications. You should ensure all applicable channels are calibrated and set safety limits before operation the system.

Users must be trained before operating any Instron test instruments, particularly using the FastTrack console on 5800 and 8800 Series test instruments. This man­ual only indicates what users should consider before generating tests for their application. Refer to the operation manuals that comes with your system before using your test instrument.


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System Start Up and Initialization M18-14443-EN

System Start Up and Initialization

The general start up procedure is, first ensure that the test instrument is up and running, then start up Bluehill. 8800/5800 systems also requires Instron's Fast­Track console be running before Bluebill. If this software console is not running the system launches the FastTrack console first as part of the Bluehill startnp.

Power-Up Systems


Perform the following to power up a Bluehill system:

1. Power up the load frame. Generally, the load frame power switch is located next to where the line power cord plugs into the load frame (rear right - single column frames, right side - dual columns frames.)

Note: For 8800 systems, the power switch is located on the back of the electronics tower.

2. Observe that the self test display on the 3300/5500 control electronics counts down self test numbers 8 to 2. If a self test fails, the count stops on the failing test. 5800/8800 systems perform their own self test that can be monitored on an optional MMI console. 4200/4300/4400 systems also perform their own self tests that can be monitored on its load frame console.

3. Turn on the computer. Open the Windows Desktop.

4. Double click on the Instron BLUEBILL Icon. This starts the loading of Blue­hill software.

5. After a few seconds the Bluehill Home Screen appears.

On 580018800 Systems, the FastITrack console is launched if not already up and running on the computer.

FastTrack Console for 8800/5800 Systems

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System Start Up and Initialization

Bluehill Home Screen

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Main Menu

Setting Bluehill Digital displays

Use the Screen setup icon to configure the number of live displays in the BLUE­HILL Console. To change the contents of a display, just click on the label and select from the pull down that appear


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System Start Up and Initialization M18-14443-EN


Note: The available units are defaulted to those defined by the last test method used. When a new test method is opened, only the units in the new method are available. This keeps the display's units consistent with the test method.


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Setting Bluehill Operating Units

Setting Bluehill Operating Units

The Bluehill software can operate in US or English, METRIC, STANDARD INTERNATIONAL (SI), or ALL sets of these units. The available units are defined as each method is loaded. When in US or English units, force is displayed in pounds (Ibf) and distance in inches (in), for METRIC, force is in kilograms (kgf) and distance in millimeters (mm), and, for SI, force is in Newtons (N) and distance in millimeters (mm). Also, Bluehill can show values in small, medium, or large (e.g. OZ, Ibf, or kip) units.

In 5800 and 8800 systems, BLUEHILL operating units and FastTrack system units can be set differently. However, to avoid confusion during calibration we recommend setting the same units of operation in both BLUEHILL and Fast­Track. BLUEHILL units are set per Method. FastTrack system units are selected by right ciicking the FastTrackFrame icon and goingtoCONSOLE SETTINGS function.

Setting FastTrack Units (right click)

In 4200/4300/4400 systems, Bluehill and frame units must be the same. The load frame units (English, Metric, SI) are selected with a mechanical toggle switch located on therear of the frame control panel. The current units are indicated on the front of the panel. During startup, Bluehill reads the current units in the load frame. If you change the frame units, you must EXIT Bluehill and reload it to ensure the units in Bluehill and in the frame are compatible.


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Calibration of Channels for Application M18-14443-EN

Calibration of Channels for Application

You must calibrate each (transducer) data channel used in the application. Bluehill prevents testing if a transducer required for testing is not calibrated. Do not cali­brate the EXTENSION channel (POSITION for 8800 systems). The actuator position is calibrated at the factory or during installation.

All Instron systems (except 5800/8800) use BLUEHILL software console for cal­ibration. 5800/8800 systems calibrate transducers using the Fast/Track console software.

Automatic Load Calibration using the Bluehill Console


Transducers are calibrated automatically with an internal signal. When the system starts up it restores the previous calibration in use when the system was shut down providing the same transducer is connected to the system. If a channel icon is grayed out it is not calibrated.

To calibrate the load channel, click on its icon and proceed as follows:

1 Select Automatic Calibration Type.

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Remove Load from Load Cell

Calibrating - Please Wait!

Calibration Complete

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and follow the prompts.

3. Remove any load from the load cell. Do not have any speci­men clamped in the grips. Then press OK

Refer to the User Guide or On Line Help for information on Manual Calibra­tion.

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Calibration of Channels for Application

Load Channel Calibration for 5800/8800 Systems

These systems use the FastTrack console and it uses a Calibration Wizard to step through calibration. To activate the wizard, right click on the Load icon and select Calibration Wizard.

"U" indicates channel is UNCALIBRATED, "R"Cal. is restorable

2. Follows prompts in Cal. Wizard

3. Select Auto Calibration then click START.

Load Channel Calibrated

Refer to operation manual or On Line Help to calibrate channel manually.

Calibration of Other Data Channels

Calibration of other channels are similar to calibrating the Load Channel. Systems using FastTrack console use a Calibration Wizard. Other systems calibrate using Bluehill Console software. When calibrating a video extensometer, refer to the manuals that come with the video extensometer.


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Setting Safety Limits M18-14443-EN

Setting Safety limits


Limits restrict the operation ofInstron Testing Instruments to within safe bound­aries. EM systems have adjustable mechanical limit stops and computer con­trolled systems have additional software limits for each data channel.

Always Set Limits before operating any Instron Testing Instrument. Ensure appropriate limits are enabled before moving the crosshead or actuator.

Setting Mechanical Frame Limits

EM systems have upper and lower mechanical stops located on the load frame. Loosen and move slides to desired positions and tighten thumb screws.

Mechanical ~''-'~_­

Setting Software Limits Stops

Software limits are set using the associated channel ICON in the software CONTROL CONSOLE area (3300/5500 Bluehill con­sole, 5800/8800 FastTrack console). These limits are independent from test meth­ods and should be considered as separate safety limits. Saving a method does not include saving limits. The previous limits remain when opening or changing a test method.

There are Maximum and Minimum software limits for each data channel. Maxi­mum limits are tripped when data in the associated channel data is going in the tensile direction, Minimum limits are tripped when going in the compressive direction

Setting Software Limits for 3300/5500 Systems Limits for all channels are set similar to the Extension example below:

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Setting Safety Limits

Setting Software Limits for 5800/8800 Systems These systems use the FastTrack software console and Limits are set on the PROPERTY page of the associated channel. FastTrack has Physical and Modal Limits on the channel property page. Use the Physical limits when operating BLUEHILL. Modal limits are for advanced systems having interdependent data channels and are redundant to Physical Limits when using Bluehill.

~-uIPpl~r Limit Indicator The channel icons in the FastTrack con-sole includes a Limit Status Indicator. Limit Indicator

Yellow = Limit Enabled All FastTrack limits are set similar to the Load Channel Red = Limit Tripped shown below: Gray = Disabled

2 Select Physical Limits

3 Enter Limit Value and Enable


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Setting Gage Length M18-14443-EN

Setting Gage Length


BLUEHILL supports two possible Gage Lengths: Specimen and Extensometer. Gage Length (GL) is important and must be set correctly when measuring % (elongation), strain, or % strain.

Specimen Gage Length is the original length of the specimen. For a straight specimens, grip separation (dis­tance) and specimen gage length are the same. For a dog­bone specimens the straight parallel portion of the speci­men is considered the gage length.

Specimen G.L. I (Grip Disiancej I lii~.

Note: Specimen Gage Length is normally set as the Length dimension in the Test Method using the Specimen Dimension settings. DOg-sine speCi~en G.L.

Extensometer Gage Length (for Strain channels) is the distance between the extensometer knife edges. When using an extensometer, the gage length in the associated STRAIN channel must equal the physical kuife edge distance. Use the associated Strain Icon (lor 2) in the console area to enter the exten­someter gage length.

Knife Edges = Extensometer G.L.

3300/5500 Systems

5800/8800 Systems

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Setting Gage Length

Establishing System Gage Length


Always RESET Extension GAGE LENGTH after jogging or manually chang­ing the position of the crosshead. Personnel injury or damage to equipment can occur if the RETURN button is pressed and the crosshead returns to the previous position without enough clearance for grips, fixtures, and speci­men.

Reset Gage Length establishes the "Zero" position of the BLUEHILL Extension channel. All extension values are measured and displayed relative to the last gage length position.

To set a new gage lengt:hh~,. p~r~:e;ss~s ~th~e'E~~~~ GL button on the control panel (5500/ 5800 systems) or click 0 LENGTH ic()n on the right of the Bluehill Test screen

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At Gage Length indicator


0000 mm I 0000 mm , --;;;;- I, --;;;;-

When the crosshead is at Gage Length the Extension displays "0000" and if avail­able, the AT GL indicator (green) lights on the Control Panel.

The Extension (0000) position is normally set so the physical separation of GRIPs or PLATENs corresponds the Specimen Gage Length. But depending on the phys­ical set up, the At G.L. distance can be different. However, in all cases, extension distance is measured relative to the (0000) position.


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Setting Gage Length M18-14443-EN


Note: Strain measurements (Distance/G.L.) requires a gage length and change in distance values. When the distance is measured from the Extension channel the specimen's LENGTH dimension is used to calculate strain. When distance is mea­sured with an Extensometer (STRAIN 1 or 2), the Extensometer Gage Length is used to calculate strain.




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Bluehill Home Screen

Bluehill Home Screen

The first screen that appears when you launch the software (unless you have con­figured the Start-up Defaults differently) is the screen where you select the task that you want to perform.

The Console at the top of the screen is a separate part of the software and is differ­ent for different controllers. Refer to the Console related topic for full details of the operation of your system console.

The following sections describe the function of each of the buttons in the Home Screen.

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Test Button

Click this button when you want to run tests on specimens. The software dis­plays a sequence of screens where you:

• choose a test method from which to load test parameters,

• name the sample file where you want to store test data, and

• run tests.


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Bluehill Home Screen M18-14443-EN

There is also an option (Continue Sample) where you can reopen a sample file that you created previously and test more specimens, adding the data from

. ,. those specimens to the existing sample file. Even if you don't need to test more specimens, you can use this option to review data from a previously-cre­ated sample file .

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Method Button

Click this button when you want to edit and save test method files. The soft­ware moves through a set of screens where you:

• choose a test method to work on.

make changes to the test parameters and either save those changes back to the original test method file (Save) or to a new test method file (Save As).

You can then use the test methods that you create to run tests.

This button is grayed if Security is enabled and you do not have Manager or Administrator rights.

Report Button

Click this button when you want to edit and save report template files. The software moves through a set of screens where you:

choose a report template to work on

• make changes to the template and either save those changes back to the original report template file (Save) or to a new report template file (Save As).

You can then use the report templates that you create to generate reports from data collected during testing.

This button is grayed if Security is enabled and you do not have Manager or Administrator rights. It is always grayed if your system does not include the optional Reports and Graphs Pack.

Admin Button

Click this button when you want to change the way your testing system is configured. This may include adding or removing hardware, enabling differ­ent software options or setting up the system to use Security. If you need to contact Technical Support for any reason, there is a SCreen in this area of the software where you can view and print a copy of all the version numbers and system identification numbers for your testing system.

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Bluehill Home Screen

User Button

This button is grayed if Security is not enabled.

Click this button to log out the current user and let a new user log in to the Security system. When you log out you do not exit the program.

Help Button

Click this button to open this Help system at this topic.

Exit Button

Click this button to exit the program.


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User Administration Features M18-14443-EN

User Administration Features



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Most ofthe settings in the Admin area are established during system installation. However, there are options available that users need to be aware of e.g. Security, Preferences and Configuration Options,

From the Home screen click the Admin Button.

Admin - System Information - View

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Nmrigation Bar Tips

Help Tips

This screen displays information on the system configuration.

The Column on the left of Bluehill setup screens is the Navigation Bar used for selecting the different setup screens.

The column on the right contains Help Tips for the open screen. It can be turned off by clicking the rectangular button at the top of the column.

Click Security on the Navigation Bar.



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User Administration Features

Admin - Security - My Settings

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This screen shows the current status of security.

Select setup from the Navigation Bar.

Admin Security - Setup - Check Security On

A Log in dialog displays prompting you for a user name and password. When the software is first installed, there is just one user profile and it has all the privileges of an Administrator. To log in using this name type the following for the user name: INSTRON and for the password INSTRON. User names and passwords are case-sensitive so be sure to type all capitals.


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User Administration Features M18-14443-EN


When you have successfully logged in, more controls display in the Setup Security screen.

" NOTE: The following section tells you the User Name and Password for the User Profile that is supplied with the software. This user has Administrator rights and can do anything in the software. When you have set up all of your users and at least one of them has Administrator rights, you should log in using one of the Administrator users that you have created and delete the INSTRON user. If you do not, anyone reading this help file, which is unrestricted, can use it to log in with Administrator rights.

Log In.

" If Security is on and you have Administrator rights all of the fields in the Setup Security screen are displayed.

" If Security is on and you do not have Administrator rights a message dis-plays telling you that you are not an Administrator and so do not have access to this screen.

Setting Password Expiration - If you do not want to force users to change their passwords at specific time intervals, leave this box unchecked. If you check the box, set the number of days before a password expires in the associated field. The password expiration time is applied to all user profiles.

Creating User Profiles - To create a new user profile, click the Add ... button. The Setup User dialog displays.Type in a user name. Choose the security level that you require for this user.

" Administrator - can do everything in the software, including creating and moditying user profiles in the security system.

Manager - can do everything that an Administrator can do, except creat­ing and modifying user profiles in the security system.

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User Administration Features

• Operator - has access to the Admin tab to allow changes to the frame and system configuration. The Operator can access the Test tab but not the Method tab or Security setup. This means that the Operator cannot edit or create new test methods. An Operator can change test parameters that are accessible from the test workspace. These changes cannot be saved to a test method but will be saved in the sample file. An Operator does not have access to the Report tab. This means that the Operator cannot edit or create new report templates, or change the report template specified by the method while testing.

Type a password for the New user and type it again to verifY it. A valid pass­word must satisfY the following criteria; be at least 5 characters in length, con­tain only alphanumeric characters (as determined by the Windows locale setting) and Passwords are case-sensitive.

Check one or both of the privileges checkboxes if you want the user to have those rights.

• Delete specimens - This is not the same as excluding specimens. Exclude only removes the specimen from the statistics and the user can choose to re­include an excluded specimen. If a specimen is deleted, its data is erased from the test data file and it cannot be recovered. Specimens in the sample are renumbered and there is no evidence that the deleted specimen ever existed. This may not be desirable if you need to comply with certain standards, so you may not want to allow any of your users to delete specimens.


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User Administration Features M18-14443-EN



• Change tested specimens - If you want a user to be able to enter dif­ferent values for individual specimens, for specimen width for example, you would add those parameters to the Test Inputs area of the test work­space. This allows your operator to enter specimen dimensions ahead of time, for an entire sample if desired, before testing. If this box is checked, the user can go back to specimens that have been tested, change those values and recalculate the results. This may be desirable so that the operator can fix obvious errors, such as entering 250 mm instead of 25 mm. If you do not want to allow this but want to protect the system from obvious bad entries, you can assign bounds to these parameters that prevent operators from entering values outside of a certain range.

• NOTE: If the Change Tested Specimens box is unchecked, a user cannot make changes to any cursor-selected points after testing.

Click the OK button to create the user.

Modifying User Profiles - To make changes to a user profile, click on the user name to highlight it. Click the ModifY ... button. The Setup User dialog dis­plays showing the current settings for that user. Make any changes that you need to the user profile. Click the OK button to save the changes.

• NOTE: When you modify a user profile, the password expiration for that user is reset. If password expiration was set to 10 days and the user's pass­word was due to expire in 6 days, that would be reset to 10 days from the time that you modified the user's profile .

Select Preferences from the Navigation Bar.

Admin - Preferences

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User Administration Features

Start Up Defaults - Determines how Bluehill will open.

• At the Home screen - This is the default choice. When the software starts, it opens at the Home screen and you must click one of the buttons on that screen to proceed.

• Ready to test with the last-used test method - When the software starts, it opens the last test method that was used in the previous testing session and moves directly into the testing mode. The first interaction with the user is to prompt for a filename to store test data. When this is complete, you can start testing specimens.

• Ready to test with a specific test method - When the software starts, it always opens the same test method, specified by you, and moves directly into the testing mode. The first interaction with the user is to prompt for a filename to store test data. When this is complete, you can start testing specimens.

Enable Demonstration Mode - Software must be restarted.

• NOTE: You do not normally need to check this box; Demonstration mode lets you simulate running tests on specimens when there is no frame con-

Configuration Options

Select Configuration Options from the Navigation Bar.

Admin - Confignration - Options

• NOTE: This screen shows hardware and software options available to the user. Only the first two are relative to this discussion.

Outgoing mail server (SMTP) - If you want to set up test methods that send copies of the test report by E-mail to one or more recipients, you must specify


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User Administration Features M18-14443-EN


the outgoiug mail server in this field. For example, if you are using Microsoft Outlook, this field should contain the name of the Microsoft Exchange Server for your E-mail system.

Show all available calculations in all test types - This box is nonnally unchecked, which means that only those calculations that are relevant are shown in the list of calculation libraries (refer to the topic in On-Line Help).



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Chapter 4 Creating a Test Method

Chapter Items

Setting General Parameters

Setting Specimen Parameters

Setting Control Parameters

Defining Results Tables 112

Defining Graphs 1/2

Defining the Test Report

Defming Test Prompts

Bluehill Methods may be created by modifYing an existing Method or defming a completely new one. This chapter covers creating a completely new Method. Selecting the Method Icon from the Home Screen and then the New Button will provide access to all test parameters, calculations, report and graph setup, and other items, required to run a test and get the desired results.

Remember before creating a test, review the previous chapters. Pay attention to the test method type because test control and the specific calculations available when creating a test depends on the type of method currently opened in Bluehill.

Use this chapter as a guide when creating a specific test method. If you want addi­tional information about the parameters area in Bluehill, Press Fl function key to bring up HELP or refer to the manuals that come with your system.


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Getting Started M18-14443-EN

Getting Started


From the Home Screen Click on the Method Icon.

NOTE: If Security is turned on, Manager or Administrator privilege is required for access to this function


Method - Open Method

The Create Or Modify Test window provides setnp directions in the Heading and a list of the most recent Methods opened (left column). Highlighting a Method in the MRU column will present it's Name and Path directly underneath the Head­ing. A Method Preview is presented in the right column. Tips on how to use this

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Getting Started

window and access to the complete Help System are available from the right col­umn which will be turned off for subsequent screens.

Click on the New Bntton from the Button Bar on the right.

Select the appropriate Test Type, Tension for this example and Click the Create button.

Method parameters and features will be setup in the sequence listed in the Naviga­tion Bar, on the left, from top to bottom. When a Method is opened it always defaults to the first Navigation Bar item General Method.


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Setting General Parameters M18-14443-EN

Setting General Parameters


General -> Method - This area provides for selecting the units for this Test Method, sr, Metric, US Customary, or All. This defmes the units that will be available for numeric values in this Method. It also provides for a Description of the Method which may include special hardware/software requirement, applicable standard, etc. The ellipsis C ... ) button provides for customizing the fields.

General-> Sample - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area provides for a Description and three Sample Notes. Specific Sample information may be entered here for record purposes or to remind Operators of special considerations. The ellipsis button provides for customizing each respected field.

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Setting General Parameters

General-> Basic Layout - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area provides for selecting the windows that will be seen when a test is run with this Method. The options include the indicated combinations of Graphs, Results and Specimen. The Dual Graph Layouts are only available with the optional Reports and Graph Packs. Click on the desired layout.

NOTE: When the Method is complete a hard copy record can be produced by clicking the Print Button at the lower right of any method screen.


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General-> Advanced Layout - Select from the Navigation Bar. This setup win­dow is only available with the optional Reports and Graph Pack. It provides for customizing the Method Layout.

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Setting Specimen Parameters M18-14443-EN

Setting Specimen Parameters


Specimen -> Dimensions - Select from the Navigation Bar. The Geometry of the specimen will dictate the dimensions to be inputted for each specimen. The ellip­sis button provides for customizing each applicable field and for assigning bound­aries to each input value.

Specimen -> Number Inputs - Select from the Navigation Bar. Up to ten numeric inputs can be defined in the Method, applicable to each specimen. They may be used to input things like temperature, humidity or constants that can be used as variables in User Defined Calculations. The ellipsis button provides for customizing each respected field and for assigning boundaries, default values and the resolution to each input value.

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Setting Specimen Parameters

Specimen -> Text Inputs - Select from the Navigation Bar. Up to twenty text inputs and a Specimen Label can be defined in tbe Method, applicable to each specimen. They may be used to input things like comments, color, etc. The ellipsis button provides for customizing each respected field.

Specimen -> Notes - Select from the Navigation Bar. Three note areas are avail­able for any information unique/special for the specimens in this Method. The ellipsis button provides for customizing each applicable field.


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Setting Control Parameters M18-14443-EN

Setting Control Parameters

Tension/Compression Type Test Method


Control-> Pre Test - Select from the Navigation Bar. IfPreloadlPrecycling are required for this test define the parameters here.

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Preload is often used to remove slack from test fixtures or may be required by the test Specification. If required select the control channel, preload rate, the target measurement and the target value.

Precycling may be required for some test, e.g. load cell verification. If required set the number of cycles, control channel and rate, the maximum and minimum target channel and the target values. Targets do not have to be the same channel. Capture Precycle Data provides for saving and viewing this portion of the test

NOTE: Precycling is only applicable to Tension, Compression, Metals, Asphalt, and Profiler Test Types

Control-> Test - Select from the Navigation Bar. Test Control parameters may differ depending on test type. Tension, Compression, and Asphalt test types pro­vide two speed testing. The Metals test type provides three speed testing and Pro­filer up to 96 different speeds. All other test types are single speed tests. Test speeds are usually dictated by the test Specification.

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Setting Control Parameters


Ramp settings are usually defmed by the Specification. First select the control ----------------,c"'llannel ana raletor eacll reqUirea ramp. Tile ellipsIs (:::) provlaes for custom­

izing the prompt, default values, resolution and boundaries for each ramp.

Control-> End of Test - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area defines what will stop the test.

• NOTE: It is important to know that this action is different from the Break Calculations and if not set properly may truncate the data necessary for the required break calculation.

End of Test - You can choose from a list of criteria to control the end of test detection depending on the test type. Rate of load, Load threshold, and Load with delay are always available. These criteria provide different ways of defining a specimen break, see Table 1.


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Setting Control Parameters M18-14443-EN


There are several factors that affect the number of channels available to you as end of test criteria. Refer to How does the system handle channels, in On­Line Help, for more information about the channel available.

Table 1: Criteria for End of Test Determination

End of Test Criteria Associated Field

Rate ofload Sensitivity (%): The test ends when the load drops by the Sensitivity value within a 100 ms time period. The sensitivity is measured as a percentage of the load at the beginning of the 100 ms period. The load must first attain a value of 1 % of the full-scale of the load cell before the detector becomes active.

Load threshold Load drops to: The test ends when the load falls to the Load drops to value. The load must first attain a value 1.5 times the Load drops to value before the detector becomes active.

Load with delay Load drops to. Delay: The detector is inactive for the Delay period that you specifY. After this time has elapsed, the test ends when the load falls to the Load drops to value. In this case there is no specific value that the load must attain before the detector becomes active.


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Setting Control Parameters

Table 1: Criteria for End of Test Determination

% Peak Load Load drops by (%). Load threshold: The detector is inactive until the load specified in the Load threshold field has been exceeded. After that value is attained, the test ends when the detector finds the specified Load drops by (%) from peak load.

Channel name Value: The detector searches for the specified Value of the chosen channeL The test ends when that value is attained.

The End of Test actions are:

• Stop - the crossheadlactuator stops.

• Return - the crossheadlactuator stops and returns to the gauge length posi­tion (i.e. the point at which extension equals zero).

• Stop, then return - the crossheadlactuator stops. A message box appears prompting you to remove the specimen. When you have removed the speci­men, clicking on the OK button in the message box returns the crossheadlactu­ator to the gauge length position. Alternatively, you can remove the specimen and return the crossheadlactuator to the gauge length position using the hard­ware Control Panel, dismissing the message box.

Control -> Data - Select from the Navigation Bar. These settings will determine the number of data sets stored in the test data file. Test time and calculations should be considered. Recommend collect between 100 and 2000 data sets per test. No data is collected during pre loads.


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Setting Control Parameters M18-14443-EN


Automatic - Default data capture criteria. Use when not sure how to capture data. Default captures I point/sec. and whenever load change .25% ofload capacity.

Manual- Set up to three separate data logging criteria. Use to tailor data log­ging to application needs.

Control-> Strain - Select from the Navigation Bar.

Axial Strain Source - This selection determines what real (Extension, Strain 1, Video etc.) is used to compute Tensile/Compressive data channels. Therefore, these composite channels (Tensile Extension, Tensile Strain, Compressive Extension, Compressive Strain etc.) affect Tensile/Compressive results. See how Bluehill handles Data Channels in On-Line Help for more information.



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Setting Control Parameters

Auto Balance - Used to balance the composite channels (Tensile/Compressive Extension, Tensile/Compressive Strain) after a preload or before starting a test without preload. Real channels (Load, Strain 1, etc.) are not balanced.

NOTE: This function is vel}' useful when compressing non-uniformed speci­mens to a specified amount after contact (preload).

Removal of Extenso meter - Used to protect extensometer when a violent break is possible. Do not remove extensometer in a Test Profiler type method.

Action During Removal - Most standards specifY not to pause the test during removal so that the specimen does not relax. If pausing, data capture can be suspended during extensometer removal.

It may be necessary to pause the test for operator safety.

Transverse Strain - Will be required for some calculations, e.g., n-value and --'-----------------PP()iss()n's-R-atiol~. ----------------------------~~



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Defining Results Tables 1/2 M18-14443-EN

Defining Results Tables 1/2


The Results Tables setup defines the test information to be displayed for this Method. Bluehill provides for two unique Results Tables each containing any available Calculation and general information such as specimen dimensions num­ber inputs, text inputs, etc. Results Tables I and 2 are defmed in the same way as described below.

Results - Columns - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area defines the infor­mation to be presented in a column format in the Results Table.

First click on the Add/RemovelModify Calculations bar on the top left ofthe screen. All Calculations available for this test type will be listed in the left col­umn.

.' Select Calculation

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Defining Results Tables 1/2

Highlight the required calculation and click the select calcu:laJion arrow.

When a calculation is selected applicable Parameters for that Calculation will be presented at the bottom of this screen. Select the type, channel and custom­ize the description as required. Chcck Indicatc on Graph to mark this calcula­tion on the graph. Click Close and the selected calculations will now be listed in Available Results shown below.

!±l Dimension I:±.I Gener-al

G Ma:H:inluITI Tensile extension Average :5train Cycle Count Differential strain Energy Extension Repetitions count Strain 1. Strain 2 Tenacity Tensile exten:;;ion Tensile strain Tensile stress Time Total Cycle count Transverse extension 1.

True strain True stress

I.±I NUITIber Inputs l±l Test &J Text: Inputs

For each calculation added to Available Results everything that can be reported for that calculation will be listed.

From the list above select the result(s) to be displayed in the table by double clicking on it or highlighting it and clicking on the right arrow in the center of the screen. Click and Drag or Double Click will preform the same function.


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Defining Results Tables 1/2 M18-14443-EN


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For each Result selected, a customizing area will appear in the lower right section of the above screen. What can be customized depends on the Result highlighted. In the case of a calculation you may change the name, units, res­olution and define an acceptance range which can be applied to each speci­men and/or the sample mean and median.

Results - Statistics - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area provides for defin­ing the statistical information to be included in the results table.

Add a statistic from the Available list to the Selected list by double clicking on it, click and drag or highlighting it and clicking on the right arrow in the center of the screen. Highlight a Selected statistic to customize the applicable fields that appear in the lower right corner of this screen.

Results - Format - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area provides for defin­ing the physical appearance of the results table.



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Defining Results Tables 1/2

Select a Style for the this Results Table and customize the Headings and Body of the table to a personal preference.


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Defining Graphs 1/2 M18-14443-EN

Defining Graphs 1/2


This area provides for selecting the graphics for this Method that may be included in the test workspace and in a report Graph 2 is only available with the optional Reports and Graphics Pack and would be setup in the same manner as described below.

Graph - Type - Select from the Navigation Bar.

A multi-specimen gr~ can~$pIa~ up 10 2, SF"Cimerrcurves OIl each graph.

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You can open the Setup Graph Type screen from two different locations in the software:

• In the Method tab, click on the Graph - Type item in the navigation bar.

In the Test tab, right-click anywhere in the Graph area of the test work­space to open the Properties dialog. If necessary, click on the Type tab in the dialog.

In the screen that appears within the Method tab, there are two areas: a setup area at the top and a preview at the bottom. As you make changes in the setup area, the preview updates to show the changes that you have made.

NOTE: If you have not purchased the optional Reports and Graphs Pack, the Multi-Specimen Graph is the only graph type available to you

Setup for the Multi-specimen Graph T)'pe - Jfyou choose this graph type, sev­eral fields appear for you to set up.

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Defining Graphs 1/2

• Graph Title - The default title of the graph, Specimen %n of%m indicates the range of specimen numbers in each graph. %n is the first curve to be plot­ted in any graph and %m is the last curve to be plotted. Therefore, as each curve is drawn, %n remains constant and %m increments each time a curve is drawn until the number of curves per graph is reached. A new graph then dis­plays with new values of%n and %m. You can enter different text for the graph title. You can use the %n and %m identifiers in your title, if you wish.

• Curves per Graph - This controls the number of curves that are drawn before the graph in the test workspace clears. If the number is 4, the graph clears before testing specimen number 5.

NOTE: When setting the number of curves per graph, you need to balance the need to see each curve clearly against the number of graphs that might be pro­duced if there are a large number of specimens in your sample. If you choose to include the graph in any report that you produce, multiple graphs will be drawn in the report ifneeded to display all the curves. Forexample, if yoUhave 25 speci­mens and have chosen 4 curves per graph, a total of 7 graphs will be drawn in the report; 6 graphs containing 4 curves in each and one graph containing one curve.

• Offset each Curve by - To reduce the amount of curve overlap, the soft­ware can offset the origin of each curve. The default setting, Auto, offsets each curve along the x-axis by an amount detennined by the software. If you want the origin to be offset along both the x-axis and the y-axis, choose 3D. To remove any offset, select None.

• Show Excluded Specimens - This setting is global and controls whether any excluded specimens appear in the graph and results table. If you choose to show them, any excluded specimens are shown in both the graph and the results table. The curve of an excluded specimen is not distinguished visually from any other curves in the graph. However, it is indicated in the results table and the specimen selector by a red cross adjacent to the specimen number.

Setup for the Double Y-axis Graph Type - If you choose this graph type, there can only be one specimen per graph. The default title of the graph is the spec­imen number, but you can enter a different title, if you wish.

Setup for the Multi-channel Graph Type - If you choose this graph type, there can only be one specimen per graph. The default title of the graph is the spec­imen number, but you can enter a different title, if you wish.

Graph - XN Data - Select from the Navigation Bar. This area provides for selecting the channels to be plotted, assigning appropriate units and selecting the type of scaling. Automatic scaling works by adjusting the axis as the first speci­men is tested to show the entire curve for that axis. On a multi-specimen graph, the axis is adjusted as each specimen is tested. If all axes are setto automatic scal­ing, the software adjusts the axes so that the entire curve for all specimens is visi­ble. Automatic scaling is the default choice.



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Defining Graphs 1/2 M18-14443-EN


If you do not want to see the entire curve, perhaps because you want to see detail in a particular portion of the curve, you can set the scaling to Manual. When you select Manual, two extra fields display to let you set the maximum and minimum values for the x-axis.


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Graph - Advanced - Select from the Navigation Bar. The options on this screen are usually a matter of personal preference. When you highlight an item in the list on the left, all the properties available to you for that item display on the right. To change a color or a font, click on the appropriate Edit ... button to open a setup dia­log.


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Defining the Test Report

Defining the Test Report

This area provides for selecting a report for this method from a list of predefined templates or from customer designed reports if the optional Reports and Graphs Pack has been purchased. It also provides for defining default information to be included on the report and where the outputs will be stored.

Reports - Documents - Select from the Navigation Bar. This screen lets you choose what types of output you want to produce from your testing. Outputs include printed reports, reports in electronic format (for example, MS Word) and ASCII data files. The output that you choose in this screen is generated when you finish a sample and any files are saved in the same location as you have chosen for the sample data file.

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Defining the Test Report M 18-14443-EN


Template - The Report template field contains the filename of the report tem­plate that is used. If you want to use a different template, click the Change ... button and choose a different template file. If you have purchased the Reports and Graphs Pack, you can create and edit your own report templates in the Report tab.

Document Format - If you want to save your report in a file, you must choose a format and check the Save the document box. The file formats available are:

E-mail- Ifwant to E-mail a copy of the report, check the E-mail document box and type in the E-mail address of one or more recipients. Note that if you want to E-mail the document, you cannot choose HTML as the document for­mat. If you want to send a short E-mail message with the report, type the title into the E-mail title field and your message into the E-mail message field

Print - If you want to send a copy of the report to a printer that is connected to the testing system, check the Print the document box.

Produce ASCII Files - You can choose two different ASCII file outputs; results files and raw data files. Results files (.RLT) contain the calculated results for all the specimens in the sample. There is no raw data in these files. To produce files containing raw data for all specimens, choose the .RA W for­mat.

Print Graphs - These controls let you print copies of the graph independently of the report. Checking the box sends copies of the graphs produced during testing to a printer connected to the testing system when you finish the sam­ple. The number of graphs printed is the same as the number of graphs dis­played in the test workspace and depends upon the number of specimens in the sample and your setting for number of curves per graph.

Change Output Path - When you run tests and create files to output (sample files, report files, ASCII files, for example), you choose the location for those files in the Name the New Sample screen, in the Create a New Sample pro­cess. The system makes a suggestion for the location based on the last loca­tion that you chose or, if you are using the software for the first time, the default location that you chose at installation. You can change the location in that screen.

• If you check the SpecifY output path box, you can choose a path (in the Output path field) and save it with the test method. This means that whenever you choose that method in the Create a New Sample process, the default path for the sample file (and thus all the other output files) is the path that you have specified here.

• This feature is particularly useful when a number of people use the testing system, each one having their own test methods and their own locations for any output.


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Defining the Test Report

Reports - Default Tables - Select from the Navigation Bar. The Defaults table is used only in the report, it is not displayed anywhere in the software. It lets you construct a table, which you can add to your report, made up of the names and val­ues of any parameters in the testing system.

If you have some pararueters that do not change between specimens, but apply to the entire sample, you probably do not want to add them to the Results table because this will produce a column with the same value in each cell. These are the type of parameters that you may want to add to the Defaults table. An example might be Rate, if all of your tests are run at the same rate.

Other parameters that cannot be added to the Results table, but whose value you might want to see in your report, include End of Test Criteria or Extensometer Removal Criteria. These can also be added to the Defaults table.

Available Parameters - The list of Available Parameters is organized in a hier­archy according to the parameter type.

• General, Text Inputs, Number Inputs, Notes, and Documents pararueters are always available.

• Dimension parameters made available depend upon specimen geometry and test fixtures that you set up in the Specimen Dimensions screen.

• Preload and Precyc1ing pararueters made available depend upon the test type and control options that you set up in the Control - Pre-Test screen.

• Test parameters made available depend upon the test type and control options that you set up in the Control - Test screen.

• End of Test and End of Hold pararueters made available depend upon the test type and control options that you set up in the Control- End of Test screen.


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Defining the Test Report M18-14443-EN


• Data parameters made available depend upon the test type and control options that you set up in the Control - Data screen.

Strain and Extensometer Removal parameters made available depend upon the test type and options that you set up in the Control - Strain screen.

NOTE :You can expand and col/apse the hierarchy by clicking on the + and -signs.

Show all parameters - This box is normally unchecked and the Available Parameters list contains only those parameters that are appropriate for your chosen specimen geometry, test fixtures, test type and control options. If you check this box, all parameters are shown in the list, even though they may not be appropriate for the current test setup. Such parameters are shown in italics. You can add any of these parameters to the list of Selected Parameters, and the Defaults Tab Ie will have a row allocated to that parameter. If the parameter is invalid for a particular sample, it will not appear in the report.

NOTE: The "Show all parameters" checkbox is a global setting and is applied to all the parameter lists in all screens.

Selected Parameters - To add an item to the Selected Parameters list, click on its name in the Available Parameters list and click the Add button. The parameters appear in the Defaults table, on the report, in the same order that they appear in the Selected Parameters list. If you want to change the order, highlight an item in the Selected list and click on the Move up or Move down button to change its position in the list.


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Defining Test Prompts

Defining Test Prompts

Test prompts can be used in two different ways: either in a fully prompted

test or in a freeform test.

• Freefonn Test - The only prompts available in a freefonn test are those that you can add to the Test Inputs area of the test workspace. You set these up in the Setup Test Prompts - Test Workspace screen, which is the only screen available in the Test Prompts area of the navigation bar when you are not run­ning a prompted test.

• Prompted Test - When you set the method to run as a prompted test, sev­eral more screens become available in the Test Prompts area of the navigation bar. These let you set up a fully prompted test, rather like a wizard, that over­lays the test workspace during testing. The Setup Prompted Test Sequence screen lets you set til' the number of stel's in the wizard. The Test Prornpts screens let you set up the content of each screen within the wizard. The prompted test provides a logical linear progression of screens, directing the operator to enter certain parameters at certain points in a test sequence.

Test Prompts - Prompt Sequence (Freeform) - Select from the Navigation Bar.

Test Workspace screen lets you choose a set of data entry fields for parameters that appear in the Test Inputs component of the workspace for each specimen during testing. You can then enter values for each of these parameters as you


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Defining Test Prompts M18-14443-EN


are running tests on specimens. You can use this feature to enter specimen parameters at any time, perhaps entering specimen dimensions for specimen numbers 2 through 10 while the test on specimen number I is running. If you need to enter different values of a parameter for different specimens, you must add that parameter to the list of Test Inputs.

• For example, the default value of width might be 12 mm, but individual specimens may vary slightly from this. You would add Width to the list of Selected Parameters in the Setup Test Prompts - Test Workspace screen and enter 12mm for the default value. For each specimen that you test, the value 12mm shows up in the Test Inputs component of the workspace but you can enter a different value if necessary.

• You can use this feature as a way of entering parameters for different specimens without having to go to the fully prompted test. Refer to the Exam­ple of how to use Test Prompts in the Freeform Test topic in On-Line Help.

The list of Available Parameters is organized in a hierarchy according to the parameter type.

General parameters are always available.

Dimension parameters made available depend upon specimen geometry and test fixtures that you set up in the Specimen Dimensions screen.

• Control parameters made available depend upon the test type and control options that you set up in the Control screens.

For each parameter that you want to appear as an input on this screen during testing, click on the parameter in the Available list to highlight it and click the Add button.

The parameters appear on the test workspace screen in the order that they appear in the Selected list. If you want to change the order, click on a parame­ter in the Selected list to highlight it and click the Move Up or Move Down button to move the item up or down the list.

• Click and drag: You can click and drag parameters between the Available and Selected lists. You can also click and drag parameters to change their order in the Selected list.

• Double-click: Double-click on a parameter in the Available list to add it to the Selected list.

Test Prompts - Prompt Sequence (prompted Test) - Select from the Navigation Bar. The prompted test is a sequence of test steps, rather like a wizard, that over­lays the test workspace during testing. The Setup Prompted Test Sequence screen lets you set up the number of steps in the wizard. The Test Prompts screens let you set up the content of each screen within the wizard. The prompted test provides a logical linear progression of screens, directing the operator to enter certain param­eters at certain points in a test sequence. If you set up a test method with the

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Defining Test Prompts

prompted test enabled, that method becomes a prompted method that runs a prompted test. When a Preview of that test method appears in the Open

Method screen, it is identified as a prompted method by I.G? I icon.

Check Run a prompted test.

If "Run as Prompted Test" is checked, the Navigation Bar is expanded.

Number of specimens in sample - The prompted test lets you set a number of specimens for a sample and then prompts the operator when that number have been tested. As the testing progresses, the caption at the top of the screen shows the operator the number of the current specimen, for example Speci­men 2 of 10. After the last specimen is tested, the system prompts the operator either to finish the sample or continue testing beyond the number of speci­mens originally specified. The prompt to finish the sample appears only once. If the operator chooses to continue testing, the sample continues until the operator finishes by clicking the Finish button in the test workspace.

You cannot disable this feature. If you don't want to set a number of speci­mens in advance of testing, you have three options:

Leave the default setting of 10 and instruct your operator to continue test­ing when prompted. After the prompt, the caption continues to show the speci­men number, but not the total number of specimens in the sample, e.g. Specimen 11.

• Set the Number of specimens in the sample to a number higher than the largest number of specimens that you test in one sample. The caption shows both the specimen number and the total number that you have set, e.g. Speci­men 11 of99.

• If you don't know in advance what the number will be, but the operator will know before starting to test the sample, add the Number of specimens in sample parameter to the list of Selected Parameters in the Before Start screen.


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Defining Test Prompts M18-14443-EN


Prompt and Show Checkboxes - Each Prompt checkbox corresponds to one screen in the series of screens that make up the prompted test sequence. When you check a box, a corresponding item appears in the navigation bar, under Test Prompts, where you can set up the parameters that you want to add to that screen in the test sequence. Full details of how to add and set up these screens are in the topics describing each screen. Refer to On Line Help.

The Prompt before test checkbox is always checked. The test must always pause at this point in the sequence to let the operator start the test by clicking the Start Test button.

• NOTE: Each Show checkbox corresponds to a point in the test sequence where you might want the software to pause to let the operator look at the graph or results table in the test workspace.


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Defining Test Prompts

Each prompt setup screen has one or more of the following components:

An instructional message for the operator.

• A pick-list from which you can choose parameters that you want the oper­ator to enter in that screen. You can also change the Prompt and Default value for any of the parameters (for example change the prompt for Text Input I to Specimen Color with a Default value of White).

NOTE: Refer to Setup Test Prompts-Examples in On Line Help for example sce­narios and test sequences using the prompted test

The full series of screens is shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Functionality of Screens

Screen Name

Setup Prompted Test Sequence

Test Prompts - Before Start

Test Prompts - Before Specimen

Test Prompts - Before Test

Test Prompts - Before Calcula­tions

Test Prompts - After Specimen

Test Prompts - At Finish


Toggle between a freeform test and a prompted test.

Set the number of specimens in the sample.

Enable individual prompt screens within the prompted test wizard.

Prompt for parameters that are the same throughout the sample and needed before testing.

Prompt for parameters for each speci­men before it is tested.

Pause before starting test with instruc­tional message to operator to, for example, attach an extensometer.

Prompt for parameters for each speci­men after it is tested but before per­forming calculations (e.g. final dimensions).

Prompt for parameters for each speci­men after it is tested (e.g. excluding the specimen).

Prompt for parameters that apply only to the entire sample (e.g. a sample note).


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Defining Test Prompts M18-14443-EN


Note the Icon Bar at the top of each Test Sequence setup screen.


.iI0Run~aprompredTest , ... _ ... _. The I-~~~;~:~~~ts the test i Number of specimens in .omple: ,10 .~ [J ,

c __ .w .. flow sequence. . o 'if!!. Prompt before <t.rt

o J1 Prompt b.fon> .pecimen

~ Prompt before tost

1:21 W Snow ,",ark,pa"" attertest

o I§I Prompt befun> calcul.tions

o lit Shaw workspace .fter o.ICOJI.lions

o X Prompt otter ,pecimen

o 'f!l!. Prompt.tfinish

The test sequence icon bar corresponds to prompt selections areas on the left side of the above screen. If a prompt area is unchecked that particular icon will be grayed out. as each Test Prompt setup page is selected the icon corre­sponding to that area will highlight. The same thing will occur when actually running a test.

NOTE: The Report Tab in the Method setup area will only be available if the optional Reports and Graph Pack has been purchased. If applicable, reports are discussed in Chapter 6.

NOTE: The Administrator Tab provides access to the Administration setup previ­ously discussed in Chapter 3.

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Chapter 5 Running a Test

Chapter Items

Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test

Testing a New Sample as a Freefonn Test

Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample

A test may be run as a Freefonn Test or Prompted Test depending on how the Method was created as discussed in the previous chapter.

Prompted Test - When you set the method to run as a prompted test, sev­eral more screens become available in the Test Prompts area of the nav­igation bar. These let you set up a fully prompted test, rather like a wizard, that overlays the test workspace during testing. The Setup Prompted Test Sequence screen lets you set up the number of steps in the wizard. The Test Prompts screens let you set up the content of each screen within the wizard. The prompted test provides a logical linear progression of screens, directing the operator to enter certain parame­ters at certain points in a test sequence.

Freefonn Test - The only prompts available in a freefonn test are those that --'I -------------------------------------------you can-aaa-fotne-TesfTnplits area-oftne-leSt-wOIkspace. -Yolis-et1lies-6-up--ii1--- --- --------------

the Setup Test Prompts - Test Workspace screen, which is the only screen available in the Test Prompts area of the navigation bar when you are not run-ning a prompted test.

This chapter will lead the operator through a New Sample test using a Prompted and Freefonn Method and a Continue Sample Test using a Freefonn Method.


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test M18-14443-EN

Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test

Prompted Method


The Prompted Test is a very structured way of running tests consisting of a series of prompts for the operator to enter parameters at specific times and in a specific order. Typically, the operator would be prompted to enter the number of speci­mens in the sample at the start, enter specimen dimensions before each specimen, and perhaps a comment after each specimen. When the specified number of spec­imens have been tested, the operator is prompted to finish the sample or continue testing. Then, upon [mishing the sample, the operator would be prompted for final information, such as end of sample comments.

The main advantage of a prompted test is that the structured format lets you set up test methods that fully prompt the operator at each stage of testing. These methods can be used by operators who are less familiar with the software or with materials testing in general. The prompted format reduces the possibility of omissions by the operator.

A disadvantage is that a prompted test is somewhat inflexible and does not allow the operator to revisit a sample, e.g., to edit the specimen dimensions.

From the Home Screen click On the Test Bottom.



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Select a Method Screen

Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test

Directions for this ---setup screen. _)Vl~UJ_UU name and Path

of highlighted Method

Preview of highlighted Method

A Method can be selected from the Most Recently Used List by double click-ing on it or highlight the Method and click the Next Button. If the required


dows explorer as shown below.

i~ ~

MJI Recent Documents

-ru1 Desktop

f&; My Docl,.lmen~s

--iJI My Computer


Select a-file.

,_ fjle~n~rn~; 1 Tension T est Example

, Files of ~pe: iAli Method FITes

o Show Preview


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test M18-14443-EN


Create the Sample Screen

st!p1-tnatethesamplelile a, Tjpe a n,mi into Hie sample~~fI.3me telibol. b, To cl1a~nhm a sample is stored, ditl< Brows! ... c,CiidcNedlDproceedwllltiletest.


(Tod!me~dIffemtOulf.'J!fo/der, clidl.8rme, .. j

Pr,ctice Tension Test Eldmple,imJens


The system produces a suggested name for the sample file, based on the most recently used sample filename, If there are no sample files created yet to base the name on, the default name "TestSample" is used. The system appends a number to the filename to ensure a unique name. You can type a different name into the Sample filename: field. The system produces a suggested loca­tion for the sample file, based on the most recently used output folder. The sample name should be something easily recognized for future retrieval. Fol­low the directions at the top of this screen and click the Next Button.

Before Start Prompts - This screen prompts the operator to input the information required at the beginning of a sample e,g. number of specimens, sample descrip­tion and sample notes.

Note: As you step through the prompts, notice the highfiflnte'tJ icon at the top of each screen changes to indicate where in the test you are currently at.


Elite., the following values befo.'e the start of tile sample_

(This input iI.formation ~all be added/deleted ill the METHODS tab.:> Test Prolllpt!'i .:> Before Start)

Note the Information on the Status Bar at the bottom of each window, Secu­rity status, Machine (frame type), Test Type, Sample name, Method name and Report template.

Input the required information and click Next.


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test

Before Specimen Prompts - This screen prompts the operator to input the infor­mation required at the beginning of each specimen e.g. specimen dimensions aod gage length.


Enter tile. following values before eaell specimen Is tested.

, (This input information can be added/deleted in the METHODS tab·> Test Prompts -> Before Specimen) :wi~'

Input the required information aod click Next.

Before Test Message - This is ao information screen that alerts the operator just prior to frame movement. It can be setup to say whatever is appropriate for this method.

',lake slIre the specimen is properly installed in the test machine. Keep dear of the matMlle. Press the Start button to start the test.

can be modified III the r·IETHODS tab·>

Click Start. This will start the test indicated by the real time plot on the graph. When the test ends the graph will be displayed without the results. Click Next.

Before Calcnlations Prompts -This prompt screen would be used for numeric values required for specific calculations that would not be known until after the specimen is tested.

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B~ck ~~xt

BeforeCairuialillnl Specim,nlaflO

Ellter the lollowillg vailies before the results are (alculated.

Input the required information and click Next.


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test M18-14443-EN


First Specimen Resnits - The test will be displayed according the layout selected in the Method - General - Basic Layout setup when the method was created.

Specimerr 1 to 1

·1 D 1 1 1 4 6 J 8 9 1~ 11 12 13 14 15 \, 11 18 19 20 2\ 21


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18.2, 2Ul 1,6'10141

28.26 20,61 1,3'14AI

20.63 V9M1

:;-I~ _y" "--"--'

~--~! ~:::~ .... -.-.---~ i

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Double clicking on the graph will open the setup dialog box allowing the graph parameters to be changed.

Double clicking on the results will open the setup dialog box allowing the result headings to be changed.


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test

Click Next.

After Specimen Prompts - This prompt screen can be setup to input information on each specimen such as break location, comments etc.


.. _ ..... ~.~P.::_ ..... 2~~~L. __ ._.,_._ .. ~

AfterSpedmen Sp€tirn~n 10110

Enter the following values alter each specimen has been tested.

Enter the required information and click Next.

2nd Before Specimen Screen - This screen prompts the operator to input the information required for the second specimen e.g. specimen dimensions and gage

________________________ ~l,ength.------------------------------------------------------------~~

<T"'~ 'n"Q' 'n<Qrma"o", c~n I,~ ndde"fde'~'~d I" .he ... "n ... ",," 'ab_~ T~.~' " ...... ".s _> ".,ro • ., """"""''''>

Input the required information and click Next.

2nd Before Test Screen - Second Specimen

, ,

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Click Start. This will start the test indicated by the real time plot for the sec­ond specimen on the graph. When the test ends the graph will be displayed without the results for the second specimen. Click Next.


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test M1S-14443-EN


Before Calculations Screen - Second Specimen.

'--~. ,,-----.- -~---.



Enter the followiog valnes before the results are calculated,

Input the required information and click Next.

Second Specimen Results - The test will be displayed according the layout selected in the Method - General - Basic Layout setup when the method was cre­ated.

1000 ,

gllOo ~ , / " 3 l~DD ,

,. / I I

·1 0 1 1 3 4 S Ii 7 6 9 10 11 II 13 14 lS 1. 17 18 19 ,~ 21 22

Extensloo (mm)

5J6164 VAS684 0A5684 lS.Wit ,,~ 10 •• 1 1,90 • .15 11.01 BIAs. lW 19.11 1,900.11 14.94 75A~

28.27 1!.8B 1,90D.61 lUI IIA9

18.16 19.12 1,894AI N.86 6;.54

Click Next.


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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test

After Second Specimen Prompts - This prompt screen can be setup to input information on each specimen such as break location.

Enter the following values after each specimen has been tested.

Enter the required information and click Next.

BOrO" sp.c'.,'": ...................................................... . Enter the following values before each spedmen is tested.

Before Specimen)

Continue the above steps until all specimens are tested. Clicking finish on the above screen or when the specified number of specimens have be tested the At Finish prompts will appear.

At Finish Prompts - This prompt screen can be setup to input information on the entire sample such as after sample comments.

At Finish

Enter the lollowing vailies when you have finished testillg the elltire sample,



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Testing a New Sample as a Prompted Test M18-14443-EN


Enter the required information and click Next.

Finishing Screen - Gives the operator the option to Finish or Continue the test.

~ ______ B~'*-.~ _____ ~

i 1

You can now Finish this sample.

Click this button I Fm~hSample I to finish the sample and save the sample file,

you want to continue testing more specimens) click this button I Cort6nueTes!lig I.

Click Finish.

~ Do you want to start another new sample using the same set of test parameters?

vesll No II He!>

Click No and return to the Open Method screen then click Bluehill in the upper left comer of the screen to return to the Home Screen.

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Testing a New Sample as a Freeform Test

Testing a New Sample as a Freeform Test

Freeform Test

The Freeform test is so named because it lets operators enter test parameter values and run tests on specimens in a very flexible way. For example, operators can enter specimen dimensions at any time and move backward and forward between specimens (tested/untested) changing values and recalculating results. There are no prompts other than the Test Inputs assigned in the Method - Test Prompts - Test Workspace which may be included in the specified Method - General - Basic/ Advanced Layout. The operator simply clicks the Finish Button when the test is complete. Also, any parameter/setting in the method may be changed, for this sample/specimen only, by selecting the Method Tab at the top of the test screen.

For this example click the Test Button On the Home Screen, highlight New Sam-12k on the upper left of the screen and select an unprompted Method.

Freeform Test Workspace


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Testing a New Sample as a Freeform Test M18-14443-EN



• Double clicking on the graph will open the setup dialog box, applicable to the mouse location, allowing the graph parameters to be changed.

• Double clicking on the results will open the setup dialog box allowing the result headings to be changed.

Test Inputs - The operator can define the test inputs for all the specimens in the sample before testing the first specimen by clicking on the +/- Buttons on the top of the Test Inputs column.

Click Start to test the lowest numbered untested specimen.

Freeform Test Results

g15DD , 3 IODD /

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E,ten,,"" (mm)

Continue rrnming tests as described above until the sample is complete. Then click Finish.

Do you want' to start another new sample. usinQ the some set (If rest parameters?

f y" II No II H" I

Click No and return to the Open Method screen then click Bluehill in the upper left corner of the screen to return to the Home Screen.

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Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample

Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample

Continuing a Test

For this example click the Test Button On the Home Screen, highlight Continue Sample on the upper left of the screen and select an unprompted sample.

Select a Sample to Continue Testing

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Select a sample from the MRU list by double clicking on it or highlight it and click the Open Button. If the sample desired does not appear in the above click the Browse Button and find it in Windows Explorer.


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Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample M18-14443-EN


Existing Resnlts will be displayed.

2,155,31 1,154.)0



28.28 19J1

From this screen, the operator can:



• modifY any previously tested specimen by selecting it using the +/- but­tons at the top of the Test Inputs column and changing any of the input fields. Appropriate Method settings can also be changed by selecting the Method Tab at the top of the screen.

add specimens to this sample by clicking the + Button, entering the appro­priate inputs and clicking on the Start Button.


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Add Specimen 3.


3 '500


Add Specimen 4.


. /;/ / ;, , .' i

3'500 , S 1000


ms.Q1 ,B.,/

2,las.o, 2a .• 1 1,066.33 14.2.

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Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample






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Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample M18-14443-EN


Add Specimen 5.



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NOTE: When the number of specimens per graph as defined in the graph setup is exceeded, the graph refreshes and begins again

When all additional specimens have been tested click the Finish Button_

.~ D010U want to start another new sample using the same set of test parameters?

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NOTE: The Report Tab in the Method setup area will only be available if the optional Reports and Graph Pack has been purchased_ If applicable, reports are discussed in Chapter 6_

NOTE: The Administrator Tab provides access to the Administration setup previ­ously discussed in Chapter 3_

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Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample

Related Functions

When Results are open on the desktop several special functions described below are available.


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Zooming and Scaling - You can zoom in on an area of interest by left clicking and dragging to draw a rectangle on the graph. When you release the mouse button, the graph redraws to show only the area within the rectangle. The axes are changed to manual scaling with values defined by the rectangle. You can use the Unzoom facility in the context menu to back track through a number of zooming operations.



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Continuing a Test on an Existing Sample M18-14443-EN


Context Menu Items - If you right-click anywhere in the test workspace a con­text menu appears. Some of the items in the context menu are specific to a particular screen component, but there are some items that are common to all areas. The common functions are:

• Choose a screen layout

• Add a specimen

• Delete a specimen. (related to A security privilege)

• Undo the last test (prompted test only)

Exclude a specimen (from the statistics)

• Include (in the statistics) a previously excluded specimen

• Show Excluded Specimens

Edit Cursor-Selected Points

Recalculate all results

They are described under Context Menus in the Test Workspace topic of the On Line Help.


Layout." -----

Add Specimen

Delete SpB(imen i Undo Tes~_ .. _. ____ ~ __ .. _.i Exclude Specimen j Include All !

I " Show Excluded 5pedmens ! Edit CUf5Qr-Sei8~ted Point>;,.

i Recalculate All

I" :~:::Ie II Show Grid

" Show Legend I--

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Results Table

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Undo Test

Exclude Specimen

Include All

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Recalculate All

Auto Size Column Widths: Reset Columns to Default Width

Column PrDpHti%"

Ii View Results and Statistics

View Results Only

View Statistics Only

Copy Table

Print Table",

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Test Inputs


Add Spa cimen

Delete 5 Undo Te st


Include Specimen


I " Show Ex eluded Specimens

I Edit':::ijr.

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Page 101: (J () C) - Columbia UniversityTest...(J () () C) .. J U U Bluehill - Extended System and Software Introduction and Test Method Development Manual Application Guide M18-14443-EN Revision

Chapter 6 Reports

Chapter Objectives

Method - Reports Tab

Test - Reports Tab

Creating New Report Templates

Evaluate the New Report

The featnres described in this chapter are only applicable if the optional Reports and Graph Pack has been purchased. If you have not purchased this option, you do not have access to the Report tab and cannot create and edit your own report tem­plates and you must choose one of the report templates supplied with the software to generate your reports. If this option is not included in your software the only report feature available is that previously discussed in the Method setup. There you can only chose a canned Report Template and define the Default Table.

If this option is available and security is turned on, you must have Manager or Administrator privilege for access to this area.

Assuming that the Report tab is available to you, it appears when you:

• Select Report on the Home screen and choose a report template file to edit.

• Select RepOlt on the Home screen and create a new report template file.

• Select Method on the Home screen and choose a method file to edit. You can then click on the Report tab to edit the linked report template file that has been opened at the same time as the method file.

• Select Method on the Home screen and create a new method file. You can then click on the Report tab to edit the linked report template file that has been opened at the same time as the method file.

Select Test on the Home screen, followed by New Sample. Choose a method file to use for testing and give the new sample a name. You can then click on the Report tab to edit the linked report template that has been opened.


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Select Test on the Home screen, followed by Continue Sample. Choose a sample file to open. You can then click on the Report tab to edit the linked report template that has been opened.

What does it contain?

There is a navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen. When you click on an item in the navigation bar, the appropriate contents for that selection appear in the central portion of the screen.

There is a set of buttons on the right-hand side of the screen. The Save, Save As, Preview and Print buttons are always available. The Save & Close button is displayed when you are editing a report template and there is no test method file or sample file open. If there is a test method or sample file open, the but­ton becomes an Open button to let you open a different report template.

Refer to Edit a Report Template in on Line Help for detailed descriptions of each of the screens within the Report tab.

There is a status bar at the bottom of the screen. This tells you about the status of your testing system.

How Report Templates work

Report template files are linked to test method files, they are not embedded within them. The test method stores a link to a report template, which the soft­ware opens at the same time as the test method file.

If you open a report template in the Report tab when a method file is loaded, that template is then linked to the test method file. Alternatively, from the Method tab, you can change the report template link in the Setup Document Outputs screen and this opens the appropriate report template file in the Report tab. When you save the test method, the new link is saved.

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Method - Reports Tab

Method - Reports Tab

From the Home Screen click on the Method Button and open any Method.

Method Editor

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From the Method Editor above select the Report Tab.

Method - Report Editor - General

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Method - Reports Tab M18-14443-EN

Preview - Shows an example of the report without data.

• the report page can be changed at the top of the Preview pane.

double right clicking will zoom in and double left clicking will zoom out.

Page settings - this pane on the right provides for a report description, setting margins, orientation, and fonts for the report.

Click on Header from the Navigation Bar.

Method - Report Editor - Header



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Preview Pane - Same as described for the General Editor,

Page Header - Provides for setting the margin, selecting the information to be included in the header and the location for that information.

Click on Body from the Navigation Bar.

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Method - Reports Tab

Method - Report Editor - Body

Preview Pane - Same as described for the General Editor.

How to Use the Available and Selected Lists - The list of available items con­tains all the elements that you can add to a report template.To add an item to the Selected list, click on its name in the Available list and click the Add but­ton. The items appear in the report template in the same order that they appear in the Selected list. If you want to change the order, highlight an item in the Selected list and click on the Move Up or Move Down but­ton to change its position in the list.

• Click and Drag - You can also click and drag parameters between the Available and Selected lists and click and drag parameters to change their order in the Selected list.

Double-click - Double-click on a parameter in the Available list to add it to the Selected list.

Sample Parameters and Method Description - You can add Method Description, Sample Description and any ofthe three Sample Notes to your report template. These parameters are set up in the Method tab from the General- Method and General - Sample choices in the naviga­tion bar. When you add any of these items to the selected list, they dis­appear from the available list.

• NOTE: /fyou have changed the Prompt for any of these parameters in the test method, it is that prompt which appears in the Available list. For example, if you have changed Method Description to Procedure Description in the Prop­erties dialog for that parameter, it is Procedure Description that appears.


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Method - Reports Tab

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Show caption - The caption is taken from the prompt for the parameter (Method Description, for example). This box is checked by default and the caption appears above the parameter text in the report. If you do not want to see the caption in the report, uncheck this box. The font for the caption is taken from the default font setting in the Setup Report Template - General screen.

Click on Footer from the Navigation Bar.

Method - Report Editor - Footer


Preview Pane - Same as described for the General Editor

Page Footer - Provides for setting the margin, selecting the information to be included in the Footer and the location for that information.

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Test - Reports Tab

Test - Reports Tab

From the Home Screen click on the Test Button, select Continue Sample and open any sample.

Continne - Sample Screen

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Select the Reports Tab

Test - Report Editor - Header

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Test - Reports Tab

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The Test Report Editor Screens function exactly the same as described in the Method Report Editor above. The only difference is that the Preview Pane shows the report with the data collected for the open sample.

Preview Button -Clicking on this button located iu the lower right column of this screen will show what the report will look like when printed.

Print Button - Clicking on this button located in the lower right column of this screen will priuted print the report.

Click on Body from the Navigation Bar.

Test - Report Editor - Body

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, NOTE: This screen is extremely useful in that it allows for adding and deleting Selected items and observing how the actual report will look.

Test - Report Editor - Footer


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Creating New Report Templates

From the Home Screen click on the Reports Button.

Reports - Open Reports Template.

! Creat"" Medify ,a ReilOrt Template

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From this screen an existing report can be selected for editing or copying, or a new report may can be created by clicking on the New Button in the right col­umn of the screen. Whichever function is selected, the setup steps to preform are the same as described below.

Click on the New Button.


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Creating New Report Templates M18-14443-EN


New Report Template - General


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Preview - Show an example of the report without data.

• the report page can be changed at the top of the Preview pane.

• double right clicking will zoom in and double left clicking will zoom out.

Page settings - this pane, on the right, provides for a report description, setting margins, orientation and fonts for the report.

For this example, add Example for K2 Training and leave everything else defaulted.

Click on Header from the Navigation Bar.

NOTE: From any New Report Screen the report can be previewed or printed by clicking the appropriate but/on on the lower right of the screen.

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Creating New Report Templates

New Report Template - Header

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Preview Pane - Same as described for the General Editor.

Page Header - Provides for setting the margin, selecting the information to be included in the header and the location for that information.

For this example put the Report Date in the upper left comer.

Click on Body from the Navigation Bar.

New Report Template - Body

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Creating New Report Templates M18-14443-EN


Preview Pane - Same as described for the General Editor.

How to Use the Available and Selected Lists -The list of available items con­tains all the elements that you cau add to a report template. To add an item to the Selected list, click on its name in the Available list and click the Add but­ton.The items appear in the report template in the same order that they appear in the Selected list. If you want to change the order, highlight an item in the Selected list and click on the Move up or Move down button to change its position in the list.

Click and drag - You can click and drag parameters between the Available and Selected lists. You cau also click and drag parameters to change their order in the Selected list.

• Double-click - Double-click on a parameter in the Available list to add it to the Selected list.

Sample Parameters and Method Description - You can add Method Description, Sample Description and any of the three Sample Notes to your report template. These parameters are set up in the Method tab from the General- Method and General - Sample choices in the naviga­tion bar. When you add any of these items to the selected list, they dis­appear from the available list.

• NOTE: /fyou have changed the Prompt for any of these parameters in the test method, it is that prompt which appears in the Available list. For example, if you have changed Method Description to Procedure Description in the Prop­erties dialog for that parameter, it is Procedure Description that appears.

Show caption - The caption is taken from the prompt for the parameter (Method Description, for example). This box is checked by default and the caption appears above the parameter text in the report. If you do not want to see the caption in the report, uncheck this box. The font for the caption is taken from the default font setting in the Setup Report Template - General screen.

For this example'add Report Header, Method Description, Defaults Table, Graph I and Results Table I in that order.

Click on Footer from the Navigation Bar.

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Creating New Report Templates

New Report Template - Footer


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Preview Pane - Same as described for the General Editor

Page Footer - Provides for setting the margin, selecting the information to be included in the Footer and the location for that information.

For this example add page number n ofm to the center of the footer .

Evaluate the New Report

From the Horne Screen click on the Test Button, select Continue Sample, open any sample, select the Method - Tab-Reports - Document.



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Creating New Report Templates

From this screen click Change Report Template.

M~Recent Documents


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My Documents.

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! I Sample Notes.Ut , I

Filename: I Example lepOit 10) K2 Training

Files.o1Iype: I Re~rl Template Files

E2J Show Preview

Select the report just created.

Next Select the Report Tab.


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Use the tools previously discussed to evaluate the new report.






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