'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::

0 rfv IT 11 I i - . e - 1 -- ".'. r .... . - 'iy t " -- f .J . A I "v iFOL. XXIX., t NO. 5168. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLAND. THURSDAY, MAKCII. -- . yj THN PACKS. PIUCK FIVE CEKUa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .,;: . f t.- - ,gr :.- - :firi A LIVE SOCIETY THIS 13 THE LAW Ill : III : i IISII : t li I'.io !r.f. n!;: uf 1; ir.t! :: h.4. n. fu!l a c:: tiv (.f !l.rT.:U:x VUr. r.. t.i'.i ":i:r.-- ! Tl: r' an alM-i- : t'" ifT-T'T- .: .ir. li -- .vas t' 'v'..! th.tt honorary l;f- - r;!. r.-h,.- ; t in ol.lrl i:-- n thr I'yr..nt of $U. TLo f.::cvlr. wt-r'-- i ! :.vi o:r.crs for n, ilr. j.ir: Mr.. VrA v: .MI lwr.. Vid'-P- r. -- ill n:: Ms-- . n Il.!t. Tr .i-- urt r; Mrs. !: Koi. S cr:.iry. MlnStr llr.Z nr. l wife mi-ci- cWNxl hor.rary kttir ty Aojl Ga Matter! cf Dis&iLts. AJI AKSWER TO EHCIHEERS Somo Men With to ftmaln In lUm Ubndt-ri- o fciuntftrir Out A Cold Medal Frontd. Tl Urill. Camp Mr Kir.!- - p-- p r. paid! he ihi extract frv?m a Ut- ter lo Hon. G-- .. 1 Shoup. of Idaho, frwni tho AdJr.aM (Icfil 'f Iho army: "In T- - ply I hac to tnf rm 4 iha! th pat.'.io Intcrr: will not In any cni prm'.t of the dibar of these men at ihi tlmo. When more favor- able co l;t!or.s are rraehed It U rob-abl- o that th lUttalion of I7a'.aer naw at Honolulu will ! KaraH to ttr I'nSiel Staled for mu:r oat. In whirh rase they will t rrtumej a a wbo'o to jmi.t.c central point within the area of th!rr.roJJr.;es: anl t!n dixharjtcvj with travel pay from thtaco to the plate of th-;- r enlistment. Thi it the law. "There havo ben a fe- - lastanr whre tnrn of thli and o:hT rcglmtit have be--r n di charged in Hoolalu an 1 tho lKp4rtn:ent ba rca Ie rraco-men- : that la urh ra- - the foldirr shall t-- o fumlshrd with transportation In kind frvm Honolulu t- - San Fran cis -- a and !e glra travel pjy from the latvr p-!n- : to tho plaro of rclUtmst. it ther oe aT tcry excrptiro; and tinder no cirrrn.taace would fhc department I- - In mastotlng out th" entlte reinct In Hoaola! Th ivpartment. furthcrtnorr. 5a In contemplation arrangessrtst ty which men h.i w!h to t"o !ihrgevi in tl." Hawaiian Island) la order to lake Up a rrsldrnco there cad Vc rer-mitt- ol to !o fi and may l-- e gttca the rl tc transportation la kind from Honolulu In tho Felted State At -- rb llme a they may d.ro 10 avail tb-a- - seir of it. either on government transp-ir- t or oa mma-rrrla- l llae-- . t-a- t rxarily bow tbJ will t- - ttxt.: ba r.t jet Uen !r.rrm!no4 upon l)lloing aro doo from th" Fe-l:xa- . ary l.ue of th It'tellte: It I c-tt- lng to the crr.-- : thing far a party of o!d;er. arrw I iiji rirt t co to the mo-jsital- n ia of iho wary gat. TM prxT3d wiol-so:- ;j rxrrdfie' f?r the g'uat. ar. 1 l likely to l s. until company com-ma- n ler glc a I5ttJe mach ae Vl la-.ruci- b-n tn gaurtns l!taacn. On Iho tuorslir of IVti Tli PrirAie 1 " it cu-;- r; tLt I'.orsi z:: iot. it :ti "'XlTjr A ;VI .,kZUv Mil ilj tr.;Mir, A CmmkI At r4igcfiient. Ils.;y Wa'.r;!, C- -. u:ZiLM Sue awiicer TM-- t rxiw I'T ch- - frvm Hlal-- a la Saa Ytscirx. i Sjj".2- - or TrenA for ffvm ti S"id ittrr '" 5 lYa- - TIM a:r-t.- rc ct ill r-- u! ;rai 1- - r: lo ib S--rj- n! 'lYiwxt for ihe ..s;r rAte a 1 !a ices ciTrv ' lliol il i ad Si Frarrf S!mrl day. w;:i a;: n Mrvh C. A irl rvdy. Ja. W. Ioj-- ti If. luavi crr ual!e J 3 raorriaco 3t eirt.ig a: t! teuo 11! C--- .;t J. C Ironita. la ih j.rM-an- o of m, fotr friend atd folatS Tb oSjriatlsg clergtcaao a Iter. CS. !.. Vrxrtm0 Pter f li First M?tbltt rCjurida. Mr. Ut'jd l a tbo?tjghly nrpttat- - tlvr HaaaVa:? loy. llieJ ly log tn prom'.aai !a fd atb-let- lc an 1 l4ti. clrr.. lu tb 8aJ-6f- w world. Mr. t2v)l Sc3 i it. rvcm-s- b ;liS-f- i;ib le- - Crea cCM. Pbil- - 13: A; C.. ne ef lb o1;?r4 Crarfl of tl city. "n- - Xtrli I a haln jtir.r lidy. tr?-s- a la ite I!i5 mt)i La. bo: trf fxlendk. llttme 1ilcfit VitiJcitlc The OrpV-s- m i.d a xrjy JIr liui UjI c if s:r.g fr li" Z't?csv ater-talnme- -jt gitea ly 3or.a3 xaaae-iiIJ- o. ke-!f- b a4 &iUjk ci33;oar. Tl crit b;g htl of lr pf .e rr aura w tlo Qala-trt- !r cl'j. nrr&J - mcrs. Vierra ad Jrka rrr3 aord tb c3i aDcsts. of JagbW2t5s lbe4r C; tis an. Tio 52ag ia rv) 4 1 Mar a Satcrrtt Ar-mas- d. AJay Athy aJ Vlur iVCUrd r f r- - p; fi'-.a- 3 era lb ti!l atS3 t4".a lJ 5'iunaM Of JliC eirsitc Tb" new cwipay will re OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O JOHNSON WAS IiVAl- - O o O The AdwrtiMr U 8a o O 3a of ctJiVtw ;.wi:j itt o O cvd. I- - M- - Jcbfcuua. :i o O kaaa htr. ta t-- a raj la o O tb b I c b t Vgt to ibo Ase-r-Ica- a o O ctt la etrrr ay o O tb l" 'Xtaalag cf fbU&g Sa o O tw Iblipp;t4K. C"t. Jba.ra. o O a r.n a be lxTZt thai o ArJ.ti' axlltg la l4 o O faith ib tb repre--?3tatrrH- i t.f o o Iho Fr.J. J ?tate. at ct)'- - re-fr- ota o o tb s'a" cf ibo o o t c.-- f AS j rii Silt fatJ o o i:a h'. co-3s.t- r ttu a. Tbe rr- - o Vlre f JohriKfjSi bate tetl o o l-r- zz.t la maoy way.. !! o o wa e- -t a refial tsiKa o o to Ikdla abeal of ib Oca. M:i- - o o lr itol bifc lewJ o o trs:ed with eb'T impjr.ait o ar. 1 tl'.rm.f tifk AT.er tt.g o b: won; :a U'Xio o 1 fe-rt.'- -'l lo Manila a ta o Am-ra- a r-t- .t at at1 Tp-r.e- 1 o !-- i :be rv.!;tary t4 &val bJef o c f ?.e Ft.V 1 Jitatr-.- . Tber U o s.i'.'r fcr ibe o tatetr.eit cru'te. ber lr rr-- a o !r.T3 Madia :tat C d. JnKna o a j ;'te-- ? f trarjjrry or o wa n tr.'.r,al3i vr.ier arr-s- t oa o tb eharr" e.f trca-oua- . Oa tbe o t.rrary b 1 tbe f allt ca. o f. f t A?Ji'aa rta- - o rr.t. !?. Tb" alm'ot s:;.o-rr.'at- lc o i ' 3 : cf s-t- r." of tbo o w jii !o "blfb ! f.rrrie- - Ha- - o laa t'.er x 5. re1 nay o la It cr.-.- 3 ba- - zz?''r3 to o lO Mitr. cf tie tra tbal J'btjsvra o wa lavxvr i c.r lr.vr)! w;tu o tb z.,rr o o ;oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J. Q. WOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Public. Ofllee: Corner King and Bethel Streets. DR. C. B. HIGH. DENTIST. PHILADELPHIA. DENT-- al College 1892. Masonic Temple. Telephone S18. SR. A. C. WALL DR. 0. E. WALL DENTISTS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 4 p. m. Love Building, Fort Street. M. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. DENTISTS 98 HOTEL STREET, Ho- nolulu. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. A. J. DERBY. DENTIST CORNER FORT AND Hotel Streets, Mott-Smit- h Block. Telephones: Office, 615; Residence, 789. Hours: 9 to 4. GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. DENTIST FORT STREET, OPPO-eit- e Catholic Mission. Hours: From 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. DR. A. II. SINCLAIR. 413 KING ST., NEXT TO THE OPERA House. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 12 m. to 2 p. m. Telephone 741. DR. W. E. TAYLOR. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, CORNER Richards and Beretania Streets. Office Hours: 10 to 4 o'clock and ' 1 7 evenings. Telephone 617. C. L. GARVIN, M.D. OFFICE No. 537 KING STREET, near Punchbowl. Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 a. m,; 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Telephone No. 448. DR. WALTER HOFFMAHH. CORNER BERETANIA AND PUNCH- - bowl Streets. Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.r 1 to 3 n. m.: 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 8 to 10 a. m. Telephone 510. P. O. Box 501. T. B. CLAPHAM. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DEN-tl- st Office: Hotel Stables. Calls, dav or nisrht. nromntly answered. Specialties: Obstetrics and Lame ness. torrin A. Thurston. Alfred W. Carter. THURSTON & GARTER. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- W. MERCILNT Street next to Post Office. F. M. BROOKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. (FORT AND Hotel Streets) Over Fairchild's ? Shore Store, Honolulu, II. I. 5158 VT. C. Achl. Enoch Johnson. ACHI & JOHNSON. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Office No. 10 West King Street. Telephone 884. T. KlcCANTS STEWART. (Formerly of the New York Bar.) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law, Spreckels Building, Room 5, 305 Fort Street, Honolulu. CATHCART & PARKE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 13 KAAHU jnanu Street CHAS. F. PETERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND NOTARY Public, lo ivaanumanu oLreeu LYLE A. DICKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUDllC iving ana ueiuw uuccw. Mnci Interest In tie Hospital Flower Mission. AHKUAL MEETIKC REPORTS Sound financial Condltlcn-E- x ten sion of the Work Ground for Garden Secured. Yesterday afternoon the llovltal Flower Society held iLs annual moo wis at the Y. M. C. A. p.irlors. Nearly all the members turned out ami preat In terest wan taken in tho work. Durins the past year sovcra! nc.v members have been atltleil to the so ciety, some of which are men. The year lias tlunvn an increase in the amount expended for Howers. which fact shows how the work of the so ciety is branching out. Tho report of the treasurer. Miss Marie von Holt, Fhowetl that during the year $111.75 had boon spent. The income for the year from thirty-on- e members had been $31.75 and Intcres; on government bonds $115.00, making a total income of $149.75. At present the society has $150 In the Postal Sav- ings Bank ana $2100 In government bonds, making a total credit of $2250. After tho reading of the treasurer! statement, Mrs. du Roi. secretary of the society, read the following report: "As instructed by a resolution pars ed at your last annual meeting. Mis Lewers and your secretary acted as n committee to inves:lgate tho question of extending the fleU of work. This committee visited the' Chinese an. Japanese Hospitals and found the offl- - cials of the?? institution qu!:c willing that the society should take up the work. Flowers were delivered regular- ly for the succeeding quarter and uatil it was found advisable to discontinue work owing to the locations of tho hos- pitals. "In reference to the question of se- curing lanu for a garden and raisins Hewers. .Mr, Herbert as chairman of the committee, made application to tho Government authorities for a site, and the Minister of the Interior instructed the Commissioner of Agriculture to confer with the committee on tho ques tion of a suitable site. "Two locations were visltrd. one at Kal'thi and the other near the Govern- ment Pound In Maklki. Th unani mous opinion was In favor of the latter site, and application has been filed with the Minister of the Interior for the same. The matter has as yet not been definitely settled. "The work of the society during the past year has been successfully en- larged by the distribution of flowers at Kaster and Christmas among poor families and on the latter day for the United States soldiers. A donation of $lo was given toward assisting a wor- thy Portuguese recommended by Mr. Canavaro. Mrs. Lca-cr- s weekly gift of flowers to the hospital still con- tinues." A communication from the Iepart-me- nt of Interior was read in regard to the selection of a tract of land for a flower garden. The society was in- formed that the Rureau of Agriculture had passed the following resolution: 'Moved by Taylor. scondod by Jor- dan, that the request of the Hospital Floral Society for the land on tho Ma-ki- ki side of Punchbowl, selected by them for their flower garden. Lo grant- ed, and that Mr. Herbert bo authorized to confer with tho Minister of the In- terior as to terms and conditions of .i lease to said society and report at :wt meeting." A communication from Prof. Kgar Wood. Principal of th Government Normal School, was read In which It was suggested that the privilege b- - given to young men struggling for an education, of working on the lands and in the greenhouses at a certain rate per hour. Mr. Alien Herbert made a few re- marks In which ho dwelt upon tho ad- mirable situation of the site selected. I no rv.ia.irseti iaai in tao u;isi;e ; - active life very few people know what good the society Is doing In visiting the sick and sending flowers to the grave of the friendless stranger. Will buy for you AMY Stock or Bond In this market or abroad. GEORGE R. CARTER. Treasurer. Office: Next to Bank of Hawaii. Lti. TAiininm GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. PRICE, 60C. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS WOMEN'S EXCHANGE. 215 Merchant St. Makes a specialty of ancient Hawal ian Curios, and also carries the best assortment of modern Hawaiian work to be found in Honolulu, including Mats, Fans, Leis, Bamboo, Lauhala fnd Cocoanut Hats, Etc., Etc. Tel. 659. FRAi CIS J. BERRY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Law. Will practice in the U. S. Federal and State Courts. Pro gress Block, corner Beretania and Fort streets, rooms 5 and 6. i. M. KANEAKUA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law. Office: In the Occidental Hotel, corner of King and Alakea Streets, Honolulu. A. J. CAMPBELL. 3TOCK AND BOND BROKER. OF-fi- ce Queen street, opposite Union C. S. RICHARDSON. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND Typewriter. Expert work at low- est prices. Telephone 313, with H. waternouse & Co., Queen street. P. SILVA. AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDG-ment- s to Instruments, District of Kona, Oahu. At W. C. Achi'a office. King street, near Nuuanu. , 0. G. TRAPHAGEN. ARCHITECT 223 MERCHANT ST., Between Fort and Alakea. Tele phone 734. Honolulu, IL I. W. H. BRADLEY. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER (Late of W. H. Glen & Co., Mel- bourne and Sydney.) Sixteen years experience, London and Australia. Representing Hawaiian News Co P. O. Box 6S4. Yearly tunings con-tracte- d for. DRESSMAKERS. MISS FREIBURG KNOKE. DRESS-makin- g parlors, corner School and Nuuanu streets. H. MAY & CO. tilde and fiiil Grocers -:- - 93 FORT STREET. -:- - Telephone, 22 : : : P. O. Box. 470, SUPPOSE! Snppo?e the C LEVEL AN D peopiw iraae a poorer li cy in MS than In nnti an on i nntil in than tn N. do t n tbitik the CLEVELAN would be cin?iderod the m 5t on the market today J No Sir ! When ir!co! are Tut in ciievelanI Two. the qaalitv r.iU"t he rut in the tame n-ti- Kemcmkr tnj? when yon nnx a whec l. Don't make a iru? take. TheCleveland Should be Your Choice. . . ill B 209 HOTEL STREET. Telephone 909. nifmr or. accotiat f t:. iritr'. !ir Have sho-.v- n la tli rvctf-i- r cf ?!. ix'lpty. Here Half a Century. Mrs. M. Gain. who.-- c doath oc.-urr- last and whno funeral uitl If mdd this aticrnoon, had liod in Ha waii half a rentury. coming to thi .country from Scotland. For many years Mrs. Gavin made !r hone with her daughter. Mrs. Samn d S-v- ! Is. Her grandchildren ar all AeIl known, being M- - 1 aro. Porter. Wm. Siv- - idco. Samuel Sav'u'se. Mrs. John Ca.-id- y. all of Honolulu, and Mrs. lnx;-- r and Mrs. Robertson of San Frar.r.-.- . Fp lo a If' oar lforo her !a:h Mrs. avin as an worker in t!o rluini.il fe!i!. nativi: i.ifi: s.v::n. : There was almost a drown- - Ins at the Paclfk Mall wharf last night. Purtr Derby, of Fie Hongkong Mam. bad Just - cortrd a lady down to tho dor and was returning to the utoani- - or. There was a plank connect- - Ing the gang plank proper with tho wharf and when he upon this it lipped. In a mo- - ment he was struggling in about thirty foot of water. The cry of "man overboard" was raised by all present. A rope was instantly lowered, but tho struggling purser, who l quite a heavy man. in attempt- - ing to raise him?c!f. lout ih rope. He couldn't wlni. The danger was imminent. At this time a native police- - man came running up. O.T went his coat, and ho rdunscd into the water. In another moment ho had crasnod th ttnfortunato purser. Kane, tho native, then tnwed his man tn tho pilot toii Into which he was lifted, thor- - otighly so.ikcd but otherwise all rlcht. Tho crowd cheered tho plurky policeman who had performed tho rescue. Mr. l)er!y thanked Kane warmly and presented him wlih a purse containing $20. which tho policeman rrltictantly accepteil. TWIINTV VISHIKS. C J. lilauclnrvl Here With Anotlicr Thuew Part v. The second excursion iviriy of th Minneapolis Tlmvat arrivcl by &r Ga ronne yesterday morning. Tho party Is In rharge f Mr. C. J. Il'.ar.rhard. the representative of tho Times. Mr. H:an-char- d is thoroughly arqtaintod with points of interest in the Island. H will show all th excursionist tho nt-a- b place. Among ih pirty ar o. Q. IMwin Dudley. Fnltcd S:aN-- s Cor.ul at Vancouver: Dr. W. Junkin. a phy- sician from New llanipshlr: S. FuJ-me- r. su;rintendent of th IlTlin Irn Pri.t: Co.. Mho in:r r.d to b iiM e," bridges on thc.o inlands: WUIiatn J. Mor.oy. a Uvnker frirn North DiVvj: F. Kohlers. a MlnncapolS raa n 1 tit- er, and Wm. Fink, a br' r of t:. same plaro. HickrJ IuiprcHvJ. Harry Itbkar!s. who U f t.f th-b- t kf.own and Wf.r.l!;;-,- ; of t! t.-atric- al managers of t!o color. b-- , w.i a tor at the Orph um last r. -- Ir.g. Kickards wa. oniptIy .ptat-f- i by the Hawaiian tj i;r :o-r- - ri ar. ! at. once talked business to Hiram. t!; le.itbr ar.vi manager. It Is rr.or thin likely that the result 1 a r.: vl-- It in Sydney an I Melbrirr." f r Hiram. Fnny Jor. an! the :hr. Uickarvls was delighted with the pay- ing ar. I singing of iho native loy and siid that th combination wx i' ! b-m- ade to play all nlch: by r!!fr.r la tho colonies. Only a fer more d.ty left In h!ch to got !nrgaln! at tho gTu: bir.kr-t- p a!e at l It. Kerr's. as to mi it mare Interesting P. D. cor.vt an I new millinery will b added tn th IIl of bargains for the next three day. Tfclf Is a grand opportunity. Doa'l slii lb W. It. C Drak of Company K a pre-j- o -- n:l with a gold mJaI for cos pic- - o I ir uo.i bravery In rt-srn- isg a ntaa from a heavy urf at Sourl Ul Septon-lr- . The Uattalloa wat fore4 Sa front of Company K barrack aal f:rr a fw appropriate remark MaJ. plane ! th m- - laj ta Irak" tra. Wo nr.:!r. in tho wlcdow of ib fJ'ddea KnJ- - Ilayaar a skevb of -f- u-n.on I Head."" lakea from lucc!&VrB ty Itovt. uana. of Company K. It litlO rry ur.I-j- - an I ho thai the to! talion Is wr!J rrprrr.te,! in tbear.lst:- - .... 1 . Mr. Ianka U aa !iIa:rator and r.'t prif- - to t- - a water cotnr artist. I.al hi krtrh eoaviaor- - r l- - Is ! capab tf handling crdr: ?.d!o e. shall aait hi Sett. Th folio Ir.g fmm Waihlngtro. un.Vr di- - of Frl. lo. ban ta fr-r.;s- hr 1 t' the A dver.lr: - . . -- -. ..- - . l.a tr.ffrme.l Senator ,h,i ihat th " pibl; tntrrex? ;n r.ot ta aay ttot O at lh:i time- - permit the discharge of tr.o O nomber f Cor.par.y K. 5' ret; I Valtc ! State- - vo:::at'r eng.r.-rr- . ,:a-tloa- ed a. Hor.ol-i- l i. Thev- - rr.e- -. wh . urro revraltr-- l ltah. 1 lah. N-va- la a Mor.-.aa- a. to the sr 2 vl--- ;t sixty, formally mi do appll.atl.-- i for llsrbafg. ar. 1 MaJ. c m- - r.:ar. Iir.g t.o bitla:;. tfraxr.ft.M that :h;r appllcatit l-- o graav J ;f travel py nz. I f.her a::at,; O wj'.hhr--!- . : ; r:a :r ?hr rr.'U r.- '- 0 ; iO ;0 '1 lie CdnI criti!iJcnt. Cn f;c. W. itarfarlar. say .v lb- - rl of Friday r.lbt lt wa aaQ f-- r the :rm is has ;r:te-l.:- o . the Cxohel ha prvrrr si ia rTSOsA n 1 J SI v 1 I 1 iv aj Makes the food more delicious and vho!csctnc Telephone 806. P. o. vox

Transcript of 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::

Page 1: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


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PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .,;: . f t.- - ,gr :.- - :firiA LIVE SOCIETY THIS 13 THE LAWIll : III : iIISII : tli I'.io !r.f. n!;: uf 1; ir.t!

:: h.4. n. fu!l a c:: tiv (.f!l.rT.:U:x VUr. r.. t.i'.i ":i:r.-- !

Tl: r' an alM-i- : t'" ifT-T'T- .: .ir.li --.vas t' 'v'..! th.tt honorary l;f- -

r;!. r.-h,.-; t in ol.lrl i:--n thr

I'yr..nt of $U. TLo f.::cvlr. wt-r'-- i

! :.vi o:r.crs for n, ilr. j.ir:Mr.. VrA v: .MI lwr..Vid'-P- r. -- ill n:: Ms-- . n Il.!t. Tr .i-- urt

r; Mrs. !: Koi. S cr:.iry. MlnStrllr.Z nr. l wife mi-ci- cWNxl hor.rary

kttir ty Aojl Ga Matter!

cf Dis&iLts.


Somo Men With to ftmaln In lUm

Ubndt-ri- o fciuntftrir Out A

Cold Medal Frontd.

Tl Urill. Camp Mr Kir.!- - p-- p

r. paid! he ihi extract frv?m a Ut-

ter lo Hon. G-- .. 1 Shoup. of Idaho,frwni tho AdJr.aM (Icfil 'f Ihoarmy:

"In T- - ply I hac to tnf rm 4 iha!th pat.'.io Intcrr: will not In any

cni prm'.t of the dibar of thesemen at ihi tlmo. When more favor-able co l;t!or.s are rraehed It U rob-abl- o

that th lUttalion of I7a'.aernaw at Honolulu will ! KaraH to ttrI'nSiel Staled for mu:r oat. In whirhrase they will t rrtumej a a wbo'oto jmi.t.c central point within the areaof th!rr.roJJr.;es: anl t!n dixharjtcvjwith travel pay from thtaco to theplate of th-;- r enlistment. Thi it thelaw.

"There havo ben a fe- - lastanrwhre tnrn of thli and o:hT rcglmtithave be--r n di charged in Hoolalu an 1

tho lKp4rtn:ent ba rca Ie rraco-men- :that la urh ra- - the foldirr

shall t-- o fumlshrd with transportationIn kind frvm Honolulu t- - San Francis --a and !e glra travel pjy from thelatvr p-!n- : to tho plaro of rclUtmst.

it ther oe aT tcry excrptiro;and tinder no cirrrn.taace would fhcdepartment I- - In mastotlngout th" entlte reinct In Hoaola!Th ivpartment. furthcrtnorr. 5a Incontemplation arrangessrtst tywhich men h.i w!h to t"o !ihrgeviin tl." Hawaiian Island) la order tolake Up a rrsldrnco there cad Vc rer-mitt- ol

to !o fi and may l-- e gttca therl tc transportation la kind fromHonolulu In tho Felted State At -- rbllme a they may d.ro 10 avail tb-a- -

seir of it. either on governmenttransp-ir- t or oa mma-rrrla- l llae-- . t-a- t

rxarily bow tbJ will t-- ttxt.: bar.t jet Uen !r.rrm!no4 upon

l)lloing aro doo from th" Fe-l:xa-.

ary l.ue of th It'tellte:It I c-tt- lng to the crr.--: thing

far a party of o!d;er. arrw I iijirirt t co to the mo-jsital- n iaof iho wary gat. TM prxT3d wiol-so:- ;j

rxrrdfie' f?r the g'uat. ar. 1 llikely to l s. until company com-ma- n

ler glc a I5ttJe mach ae Vl la-.ruci- b-n

tn gaurtns l!taacn.On Iho tuorslir of IVti Tli PrirAie


" it cu-;- r; tLt I'.orsiz:: iot. it :ti"'XlTjr A ;VI .,kZUv Mil

ilj tr.;Mir,

A CmmkI At r4igcfiient.Ils.;y Wa'.r;!, C--. u:ZiLM Sue

awiicer TM-- t rxiwI'T ch- - frvm Hlal-- a la Saa

Ytscirx. i Sjj".2- - or TrenA for

ffvm ti S"id ittrr '" 5 lYa- -

TIM a:r-t.- rc ct ill r-- u! ;rai 1- -r: lo ib S--rj-n! 'lYiwxt forihe ..s;r rAte a 1 !a ices ciTrv'lliol il i ad Si Frarrf S!mrl

day. w;:i a;: n Mrvh C. A irlrvdy.

Ja. W. Ioj-- ti If.luavi crr ual!e J 3 raorriaco 3teirt.ig a: t! teuo 11! C---.;t J. CIronita. la ih j.rM-an- o of m, fotrfriend atd folatS Tb oSjriatlsgclergtcaao a Iter. CS. !.. Vrxrtm0Pter f li First M?tbltt rCjurida.Mr. Ut'jd l a tbo?tjghly nrpttat- -tlvr HaaaVa:? loy. llieJ ly

log tn prom'.aai !a fd atb-let- lc

an 1 l4ti. clrr.. lu tb 8aJ-6f- w

world. Mr. t2v)l Sc3 i it. rvcm-s- b

;liS-f- i;ib le-- Crea cCM. Pbil- -13: A; C.. ne ef lb o1;?r4 Crarfl oftl city. "n- - Xtrli I a halnjtir.r lidy. tr?-s- a la ite I!i5 mt)i La.

bo: trf fxlendk.

llttme 1ilcfit VitiJcitlcThe OrpV-s- m i.d a xrjy JIr liui

UjI c if s:r.g fr li" Z't?csv ater-talnme- -jt

gitea ly 3or.a3 xaaae-iiIJ- o.

ke-!f- b a4 &iUjk ci33;oar. Tl critb;g htl of lr pf .e rr aura w tlo Qala-trt- !r

cl'j. nrr&J -mcrs. Vierra ad Jrka rrr3 aordtb c3i aDcsts. of JagbW2t5s lbe4rC; tis an. Tio 52ag ia rv) 41 Mar a Satcrrtt Ar-mas-d.

AJay Athy aJ Vlur iVCUrdr f r-- p; fi'-.a- 3 era lb ti!l atS3

t4".a lJ 5'iunaM Of JliC

eirsitc Tb" new cwipay will re


JOHNSON WAS IiVAl-- OoO The AdwrtiMr U 8a oO 3a of ctJiVtw ;.wi:j itt oO cvd. I-- M-- Jcbfcuua. :i oO kaaa htr. ta t-- a raj la oO tb b I c b t Vgt to ibo Ase-r-Ica- a oO ctt la etrrr ay oO tb l"'Xtaalag cf fbU&g Sa oO tw Iblipp;t4K. C"t. Jba.ra. oO a r.n a be lxTZt thai o

ArJ.ti' axlltg la l4 oO faith ib tb repre--?3tatrrH- i t.f oo Iho Fr.J. J ?tate. at ct)'- - re-fr-ota oo tb s'a" cf ibo oo t c.-- f AS j rii Silt fatJ oo i:a h'. co-3s.t- r ttu a. Tbe rr- - o

Vlre f JohriKfjSi bate tetl oo l-r- zz.t la maoy way.. !! oo wa e- -t a refial tsiKa oo to Ikdla abeal of ib Oca. M:i- - oo lr itol bifc lewJ oo trs:ed with eb'T impjr.ait o

ar. 1 tl'.rm.f tifk AT.er tt.g ob: won; :a U'Xio o

1 fe-rt.'- -'l lo Manila a ta oAm-ra- a r-t- .t at at1 Tp-r.e- 1 o!-- i :be rv.!;tary t4 &val bJef oc f ?.e Ft.V 1 Jitatr-.- . Tber U o

s.i'.'r fcr ibe otatetr.eit cru'te. ber lr rr-- a o

!r.T3 Madia :tat C d. JnKna oa j ;'te--? f trarjjrry or o

wa n tr.'.r,al3i vr.ier arr-s- t oa otb eharr" e.f trca-oua- . Oa tbe o

t.rrary b 1 tbe f allt ca. of. f t A?Ji'aa rta- - orr.t. !?. Tb" alm'ot s:;.o-rr.'at- lc o

i ' 3 : cf s-t- r." of tbo ow jii !o "blfb ! f.rrrie- - Ha- - o

laa t'.er x 5. re1 nay ola It cr.-.- 3 ba- - zz?''r3 to o

lO Mitr. cf tie tra tbal J'btjsvra owa lavxvr i c.r lr.vr)! w;tu otb z.,rr oo



ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARYPublic. Ofllee: Corner King andBethel Streets.



College 1892. Masonic Temple.Telephone S18.


DENTISTS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M.to 4 p. m. Love Building, FortStreet.


DENTISTS 98 HOTEL STREET, Ho-nolulu. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to4 p. m.


DENTIST CORNER FORT ANDHotel Streets, Mott-Smit- h Block.Telephones: Office, 615; Residence,789. Hours: 9 to 4.



Catholic Mission. Hours:From 9 a.m. to 4 p. m.


413 KING ST., NEXT TO THE OPERAHouse. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m.;1 to 3 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays:12 m. to 2 p. m. Telephone 741.


OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, CORNERRichards and Beretania Streets.Office Hours: 10 to 4 o'clock and

'1 7 evenings. Telephone 617.


OFFICE No. 537 KING STREET,near Punchbowl. Hours: 9:00 to12:00 a. m,; 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.Telephone No. 448.


CORNER BERETANIA AND PUNCH- -bowl Streets. Office Hours: 8 to10 a. m.r 1 to 3 n. m.: 7 to 8 p. m.Sundays: 8 to 10 a. m. Telephone510. P. O. Box 501.



Office: Hotel Stables. Calls,dav or nisrht. nromntly answered.Specialties: Obstetrics and Lameness.

torrin A. Thurston. Alfred W. Carter.THURSTON & GARTER.

ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- W. MERCILNTStreet next to Post Office.


ATTORNEY AT LAW. (FORT ANDHotel Streets) Over Fairchild's

? Shore Store, Honolulu, II. I. 5158

VT. C. Achl. Enoch Johnson.ACHI & JOHNSON.

ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORSAT LAW. Office No. 10 West KingStreet. Telephone 884.


(Formerly of the New York Bar.)

ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLaw, Spreckels Building, Room 5,305 Fort Street, Honolulu.




ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND NOTARYPublic, lo ivaanumanu oLreeu


ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARYPUDllC iving ana ueiuw uuccw.

Mnci Interest In tie Hospital

Flower Mission.


Sound financial Condltlcn-E- x tension of the Work Ground

for Garden Secured.

Yesterday afternoon the llovltalFlower Society held iLs annual moo wisat the Y. M. C. A. p.irlors. Nearly allthe members turned out ami preat Interest wan taken in tho work.

Durins the past year sovcra! nc.vmembers have been atltleil to the society, some of which are men. Theyear lias tlunvn an increase in theamount expended for Howers. whichfact shows how the work of the society is branching out.

Tho report of the treasurer. MissMarie von Holt, Fhowetl that duringthe year $111.75 had boon spent. Theincome for the year from thirty-on- e

members had been $31.75 and Intcres;on government bonds $115.00, makinga total income of $149.75. At presentthe society has $150 In the Postal Sav-

ings Bank ana $2100 In governmentbonds, making a total credit of $2250.After tho reading of the treasurer!statement, Mrs. du Roi. secretary ofthe society, read the following report:

"As instructed by a resolution parsed at your last annual meeting. MisLewers and your secretary acted as ncommittee to inves:lgate tho questionof extending the fleU of work. Thiscommittee visited the' Chinese an.Japanese Hospitals and found the offl- -

cials of the?? institution qu!:c willingthat the society should take up thework. Flowers were delivered regular-ly for the succeeding quarter and uatilit was found advisable to discontinuework owing to the locations of tho hos-pitals.

"In reference to the question of se-

curing lanu for a garden and raisinsHewers. .Mr, Herbert as chairman ofthe committee, made application to thoGovernment authorities for a site, andthe Minister of the Interior instructedthe Commissioner of Agriculture toconfer with the committee on tho question of a suitable site.

"Two locations were visltrd. one atKal'thi and the other near the Govern-ment Pound In Maklki. Th unanimous opinion was In favor of the lattersite, and application has been filed withthe Minister of the Interior for thesame. The matter has as yet not beendefinitely settled.

"The work of the society during thepast year has been successfully en-

larged by the distribution of flowersat Kaster and Christmas among poorfamilies and on the latter day for theUnited States soldiers. A donation of$lo was given toward assisting a wor-

thy Portuguese recommended by Mr.Canavaro. Mrs. Lca-cr- s weekly giftof flowers to the hospital still con-

tinues."A communication from the Iepart-me- nt

of Interior was read in regardto the selection of a tract of land for aflower garden. The society was in-

formed that the Rureau of Agriculturehad passed the following resolution:

'Moved by Taylor. scondod by Jor-dan, that the request of the HospitalFloral Society for the land on tho Ma-ki- ki

side of Punchbowl, selected bythem for their flower garden. Lo grant-ed, and that Mr. Herbert bo authorizedto confer with tho Minister of the In-

terior as to terms and conditions of .ilease to said society and report at :wtmeeting."

A communication from Prof. KgarWood. Principal of th GovernmentNormal School, was read In which Itwas suggested that the privilege b- -

given to young men struggling for aneducation, of working on the landsand in the greenhouses at a certainrate per hour.

Mr. Alien Herbert made a few re-

marks In which ho dwelt upon tho ad-

mirable situation of the site selected.I no rv.ia.irseti iaai in tao u;isi;e ;

- active life very few people know whatgood the society Is doing In visitingthe sick and sending flowers to thegrave of the friendless stranger.

Will buy for youAMY

Stock or BondIn this market or abroad.

GEORGE R. CARTER. Treasurer.Office: Next to Bank of Hawaii. Lti.





WOMEN'S EXCHANGE.215 Merchant St.

Makes a specialty of ancient Hawalian Curios, and also carries the bestassortment of modern Hawaiian workto be found in Honolulu, includingMats, Fans, Leis, Bamboo, Lauhalafnd Cocoanut Hats, Etc., Etc. Tel. 659.


ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLaw. Will practice in the U. S.Federal and State Courts. Progress Block, corner Beretania andFort streets, rooms 5 and 6.


ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLaw. Office: In the OccidentalHotel, corner of King and AlakeaStreets, Honolulu.



Queen street, opposite Union


PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ANDTypewriter. Expert work at low-est prices. Telephone 313, with H.waternouse & Co., Queen street.


AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDG-ment- sto Instruments, District of

Kona, Oahu. At W. C. Achi'a office.King street, near Nuuanu.


ARCHITECT 223 MERCHANT ST.,Between Fort and Alakea. Telephone 734. Honolulu, IL I.


PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER(Late of W. H. Glen & Co., Mel-bourne and Sydney.) Sixteen yearsexperience, London and Australia.Representing Hawaiian News CoP. O. Box 6S4. Yearly tunings con-tracte- d




parlors, corner School andNuuanu streets.

H. MAY & CO.

tilde and fiiil Grocers-:- - 93 FORT STREET. -:- -

Telephone, 22 : : : P. O. Box. 470,


peopiw iraae a poorer li cyin MS than In nnti an on

i nntil in than tn N. do t ntbitik the CLEVELANwould be cin?iderod the m 5t

onthe market today J No Sir !

When ir!co! are Tut inciievelanI Two. the qaalitv r.iU"t he rut

in the tame n-ti- Kemcmkrtnj? when yon nnx a whec l.Don't make a iru? take.

TheClevelandShould be YourChoice. . .

ill B

209 HOTEL STREET.Telephone 909.

nifmr or. accotiat f t:. iritr'.!ir Have sho-.v- n la tli rvctf-i- r cf ?!.


Here Half a Century.Mrs. M. Gain. who.-- c doath oc.-urr-

last and whno funeral uitl Ifmdd this aticrnoon, had liod in Hawaii half a rentury. coming to thi

.country from Scotland. For manyyears Mrs. Gavin made !r hone withher daughter. Mrs. Samn d S-v-

! Is.Her grandchildren ar all AeIl known,being M- - 1 aro. Porter. Wm. Siv- -

idco. Samuel Sav'u'se. Mrs. John Ca.-id- y.

all of Honolulu, and Mrs. lnx;-- r

and Mrs. Robertson of San Frar.r.-.- .

Fp lo a If' oar lforo her !a:hMrs. avin as an worker int!o rluini.il fe!i!.

nativi: i.ifi: s.v::n.: There was almost a drown- -

Ins at the Paclfk Mall wharflast night. Purtr Derby, of FieHongkong Mam. bad Just -cortrd a lady down to tho dorand was returning to the utoani- -

or. There was a plank connect- -Ing the gang plank proper withtho wharf and when heupon this it lipped. In a mo--ment he was struggling in aboutthirty foot of water.

The cry of "man overboard"was raised by all present. Arope was instantly lowered, buttho struggling purser, who lquite a heavy man. in attempt- -ing to raise him?c!f. lout ihrope. He couldn't wlni. Thedanger was imminent.

At this time a native police--man came running up. O.T wenthis coat, and ho rdunscd intothe water. In another momentho had crasnod th ttnfortunatopurser. Kane, tho native, thentnwed his man tn tho pilot toiiInto which he was lifted, thor- -otighly so.ikcd but otherwise allrlcht.

Tho crowd cheered tho plurkypoliceman who had performedtho rescue. Mr. l)er!y thankedKane warmly and presented himwlih a purse containing $20.which tho policeman rrltictantlyaccepteil.


C J. lilauclnrvl Here WithAnotlicr Thuew Part v.

The second excursion iviriy of thMinneapolis Tlmvat arrivcl by &r Garonne yesterday morning. Tho party IsIn rharge f Mr. C. J. Il'.ar.rhard. therepresentative of tho Times. Mr. H:an-char- d

is thoroughly arqtaintod withpoints of interest in the Island. Hwill show all th excursionist tho nt-a- b

place. Among ih pirty ar o.Q. IMwin Dudley. Fnltcd S:aN-- s Cor.ulat Vancouver: Dr. W. Junkin. a phy-sician from New llanipshlr: S. FuJ-me- r.

su;rintendent of th IlTlin IrnPri.t: Co.. Mho in:r r.d to b iiM e,"bridges on thc.o inlands: WUIiatn J.Mor.oy. a Uvnker frirn North DiVvj:F. Kohlers. a MlnncapolS raa n 1 tit-er, and Wm. Fink, a br' r of t:.same plaro.

HickrJ IuiprcHvJ.Harry Itbkar!s. who U f t.f th-b- t

kf.own and Wf.r.l!;;-,- ; of t! t.-atric- al

managers of t!o color. b-- , w.ia tor at the Orph um last r. --

Ir.g. Kickards wa. oniptIy .ptat-f- iby the Hawaiian tj i;r :o-r- - ri ar. !

at. once talked business to Hiram. t!;le.itbr ar.vi manager. It Is rr.or thinlikely that the result 1 a r.:vl-- It in Sydney an I Melbrirr." f rHiram. Fnny Jor. an! the :hr.Uickarvls was delighted with the pay-ing ar. I singing of iho native loy andsiid that th combination wx i' ! b-m- ade

to play all nlch: by r!!fr.r latho colonies.

Only a fer more d.ty left In h!chto got !nrgaln! at tho gTu: bir.kr-t-p

a!e at l It. Kerr's. as to mi itmare Interesting P. D. cor.vt an I newmillinery will b added tn th IIl ofbargains for the next three day. TfclfIs a grand opportunity. Doa'l slii lb

W. It. C Drak of Company K a pre-j-o-- n:l with a gold mJaI for cos pic-- o



uo.i bravery In rt-srn-isg a ntaa from

a heavy urf at Sourl Ul Septon-lr- .The Uattalloa wat fore4 Sa front

of Company K barrack aal f:rr afw appropriate remark MaJ.plane ! th m- - laj ta Irak" tra.Wo nr.:!r. in tho wlcdow of ibfJ'ddea KnJ- - Ilayaar a skevb of -f- u-n.on

I Head."" lakea from lucc!&VrBty Itovt. uana. of Company K. It litlOrry ur.I-j- - an I ho thai the to!talion Is wr!J rrprrr.te,! in tbear.lst:- -

....1 . Mr. Ianka U aa !iIa:rator andr.'t prif- - to t- - a water cotnr

artist. I.al hi krtrh eoaviaor- - r l- -Is ! capab tf handling crdr: ?.d!o

e. shall aait hi Sett.Th folio Ir.g fmm Waihlngtro.

un.Vr di- - of Frl. lo. ban ta fr-r.;s- hr

1 t' the A dver.lr:- . . -- -. ..- - .

l.a tr.ffrme.l Senator ,h,i ihat th "pibl; tntrrex? ;n r.ot ta aay ttot Oat lh:i time- - permit the discharge of tr.o Onomber f Cor.par.y K. 5' ret; I Valtc !State- - vo:::at'r eng.r.-rr- .

,:a-tloa- ed

a. Hor.ol-i- l i. Thev- - rr.e- -. wh .

urro revraltr-- l ltah. 1 lah. N-va- la

a Mor.-.aa- a. to the sr 2vl--- ;t sixty, formally mi do appll.atl.-- ifor llsrbafg. ar. 1 MaJ. c m- -r.:ar. Iir.g t.o bitla:;. tfraxr.ft.Mthat :h;r appllcatit l-- o graav J ;ftravel py nz. I f.her a::at,; Owj'.hhr--!- .

: ; r:a :r ?hr rr.'U r.- '- 0; iO

;0'1 lie CdnI criti!iJcnt.

Cn f;c. W. itarfarlar. say .vlb- - rl of Friday r.lbt lt wa aaQ

f-- r the :rm is has ;r:te-l.:- o

. the Cxohel ha prvrrr si ia

rTSOsA n1 J SI v 1 I

1 iv aj

Makes the food more delicious and vho!csctncTelephone 806. P. o. vox

Page 2: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


LIST OF LETTERS. Ex. Australia:Sargtnt. MrSh-- a. I)Samon. MrSmith. M

Stone. E KS;one. C FStrawlack. IITaylor. J

Remaining In the General PostOffice up to Fb. 8. 1809.


Andrews, G IIAmerican & Colon-

ial Trading Co.Turr.r. G AArmstrong. Gen

Adams, Col

Ahun. WAlexander, A CAdalbertAnderson, CAnderson, P AAndrews, CBush. Mr and MrsBosworth, F V

Taylor. JTaylor. H TAnderson, J 1J

Brown, F In six different styles.

Salman. GShmlth. JSmith. J FSmith. MSolorr.on. S H CiSpro i!. W W

Tonrnd. lTho.r.pn CoVan Valkrnbutc.

W MVan Sn l-- n. Z

Van KoMcr. KVan'.ce. V G

Walker. J TWallace. J KWc i; 1:Wrt. GV.Vlch. J ItWhite. It JWhit. CWlnkU r. G IIVUt W II

Wilder. JWiKilJey. TWilck-- s. F FWlckr-ha- m. WWINoa. W HWiHlJy. Matrr

Yub Dr S

Burnette. V C(2)

Bock, A 12)Iloycn. Ll E

V STRICTLY Ul'-TO-DA- TE: With or without Rubber Tires.


WadJoups. T AWay man. W Awhite, n nWilliams. JWood. EWallace. F WWarren. F AWater. JWebb. W SWelch. WWeUht. G FWard. J NWerner, JWilling CWillis. W GWard. GYoung. CYoung. (5 II

Is a long name to come aroundCape Horn with, but it did notseem to delay the vessel an jshe made a fine run

One of the chief objects of her visit hereis to deliver to us a big lot of

Hubbuck's Pale Boiled Oil,Hubbuck's Raw Linseed Oil,Hubbuck's White Lea

In 25, 50 and 100-l- b. Kegs.

Hubbuck's White Zinc,Hubbuck's Red Lead,Hubbuck's Lampblack

AND DRUMS OFStockholm Tar

These Goods need no booming, Hubbuck's Pro-

ductions are always all right.

Bynum, L CBuckland. M FBurhans. EBunsen. II ABrown, F JBrewer, WBracken, H J KBoehme. T IIBoyen, E II (2)Bo we. A RBlack, J WBills. MasterBergin, W CBertelmann, FBen, TBettington, JBuck, D JBrittain, G FBrown, J MCurtiss, M WCummings. V IICunliffe. R U (3)Colenyin, MConway, MrCook, JCordes, GCohen &

Laetst Style. Rubber Tires1

list ok i..t)ii:s- - urrri:!:.bble. Ml.i


HARNESS REPOSITORY.SCBUMAFSApplcton. MrsArchard. E (2)Brown. Mrs M CUarlr. Mrs L Fort Street. - - - Above Club Stables.nil Soils ol Rfiicles in me Poiniino line lobeliol Bootflold. A

Bolster. AWick. P. J (2)Birch. CBcrtlemann. F C

(2)Bonleman, F JBrede. VBerry. J IIBacker, Mr.Bailey. J (2)Batcman, B FBateman, BBaker. A IIBaughman. C PBrown. B B

Chick, i:Central Printing

CoCassll & CoCarden. MrCaten. FCampbell, A M

Cameron. A MChase & CoChristie; JCarlson. C JCameron, I)Campbell. A NCarter. CCampbell. E IIConnoctleut Mu-

tual Life Insur-ance Agt.

Dc la Course. MrDemgan, T (2)Davis. E SergiDay, C FDavidson. JDay, KDeloven. IIDavis. J P

Benard. Mr GllarteU. Miss IIBakor. Mrs ABroadlcnt. Mrs M C0MME5CLS TODAY


. mil Buckle. Mls M

Cutter, S ACurtis, PCourtney, A I) i'2)Tlu Commercial

CoCowcs. J

Cok. Mis 1)Cooper. Mrs T KLIMITED. n Clark. Miss EClarke. Mbs E It

An!. I. Mr C LAu:tn. Miss M.U5tln. Mrs II 7.

1 laker. Mm ItlUmrke. MiM I.Barnard. Mrs V.

Bvrrmen. Mrs SBoyd. Mrs VIWrniati. Ml EBrown. M! M

Hitrhlr. Mn C

Chrlv.lana. Mls 1.Carmll. Mrs M JCran. Mls NCart r. Mm ItClark. Ml E TCampion. Mrs AChaum. Mrs JDlmllncrr. MrsDunn. Mrs E VDuncan. Mrs KBumpY.tiC. Ml. V,

Unor, Mrs E

11 ward i. Miss M

Foster. Ml . a A

Glbbs. Mrs II FGcmalin. V II

Hall. Miss HHawkins. Mrs A

Campbell. Ml?sCorner Fort and King Streets.Conrad. GConkling. I VCrawford, C VClayton, C L

Carter, Mrs W On V Clarke. Miss M

Nrvrr knjn te'ore In Honolulu.HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS.

F;r. !l-lr- oni Sas.: ..Vir or CitvaL tr o ?oHardood b.)'4'jl an I a4 U4 t 3ti to f 4 03Stror.5 Wlr? Sprla Ma::rr-M- . ivrai; a::4 f I Z--

Heavy Dji! Wcx1 Mt:rrj 2M to f 4fCanva an 1 Wir Cts, tc!a:sl to ZZMat!rm to C: ILt

Extra Illch Oak Hin'.as Ca!r 1L) Chairs frrni ar. 1 up,

:. --) Steamer Chalrf. 11.2 j as 1 up.r- -i Mlrrrs. a!l tlis. from lZ to f lfla.

-- ) Fca:hr an I M l$:iof, to 1IIk GoM Spevtaclm to u.t all s'-bl-f. f !. as4 p.

Ore ton hardnar. --jrh at llnn:rf. Wrrache, ia. Ca:3u:r. I"3.etc.. rtc.

Com in and t the rx' lfT "! coaIar jon rlc- -l amajr tlrai or.h dojbi tho cjoary.

Dugg-in- , MrDudley, M SergtDouglas. Q IIDouglas, R


'Dent. Mrs. WDormer. MrsDormer. Mrs JDauphing. Miss EDunn. Mrs. G. II

(2)Eddy. Miss B E

Downey, J FDonnell, M DDuncan. ADupee, W II. (H)Doison, JDodge. S F

Fannatt. Mrs T$20.00 CASH Falk. Mrs K 11Dafvenport. D FDavis. II V 12)Davis. II Gren. FDohi, G

Dickinson, SEgermaier, K (2


Gay. LGlrdler. Mrs JHarrison, Mrs G


Erb. G EFussell, G WFranz. FE Franklin, J H.Fowler, CUB Hackfeld S Co., Ltd:

Hiram. Miss IIHarmonson, Mrs

LHUglns. Mr4 M GHutchlnnon. M!s



uys a Lot at Kaimuki(15,000 Square Feet in Each Lot.)

For further information apply to

GEAV LANSING & CO., 210 King street.

Hofran. Miss ItHorner. Mrs J MHofer. Mrs V FHendrlcksen, Mrs

t2i1 1 inly. M IIHaynrs, Miss M H

Jones. Mr W IIJohnson. Mrs KKay. Mrs

Green & Co (2)Gray, II WGritliihs, T AGraham, S

) Evans. EC 3

Emerson. C LFoster. AFay. MFette, P

Granger. J t2Grace, F JGross, AGoffo. MrGourley. U CMGlynn. WGerney. A .G-ert- GGahan, II WGandersbergenHansman, J (2)Hollerson, MrHofcr. P FHoyt. T N

Gott, GGlass. I) (3)

Jackson. Mts-- s MiZ)

Krucr, Mm ZGibson, VIIGerard, T L (2 Knttditen. Mrs A S Kellcy. Mrs W

Kempe, Mrs Z A Kaar. Mr J12)

Gerhke. CGrable, L M

Llebecker. Mrs'Humphrey, MrHughes, II PA Specialty: Ieal. Mrs J

Ii ram. Mrs M

McCann. Mrs MMossmon. Mrs J

Ivey. Mrs 1

Ils. Ml It

McDouall. MrsS 1'

Meek. MU IIMcKrevcr, Mb

MMunlock. Mrs G


Complete Assortment of Dry Goods,

Fiench, German, Enslish and American.


Dress Goods, Zephyrs, Etc.,In tho Latest Styles.

Tailors' Goods, A Full Assortment.Silesia, Slcttc Liftir.gj, Still Lire n, Italian Clotb, !cfVir. Mdlc&f9

Fergr, Kaxr.njparnf. Klc

Clothing, Underwear, Shawls,A LARGE VARIETY OF SADDLES.


Mm eoi EcrocEcn Grocales. Upii Csis cl C:!jit

Hutchison, CHamilton HouseHopper, II & CoHoburn, IIHooper. W EHow. F GHobron, C THighbee, Rev C

Mutch. Mrs NMcl-ea- n. Mrs I


Durable, Neat and Easily Kept Clean.o.oCall and see the work, at

AMarks. Miss ItOlasan, M J(2)

Higgins, I IVnslnburj?. MissPhillips. Mrs (2)Post ley. Mrs SSHOP


kJUVl 5 Hrfrmonson, V IJRipley. Mrs ItRose. Mrs A W 2)Raymond. Mrs SJenkins. MrRobinson. Mrs GJones, D C



Had man, MrsJones, DUamond. Mrs S . . SHIP CHANDLERY. ,Jemenge, PScott, Mrs F SShoemaker, Mrs JHAWAIIAN TRADING CO.,

Peterson. Mr M ItlVrry. Mls4 i:Furdy, MmRichards. Mrs J W

2)Roe. Miss ARichards. Mrs F

A (2)Rocsch. Miss J

S.nllh. Miss LSeymour. MrsStibbard. Mm MSpaldlnir. Mm M

ASpencer, Mrs M

Tay!r. Miss It Z

Taylor. Mls TThomas. Mm L JTelles. Mm FWilliams. Mm JWrlcht. Mls MWripht. Mm IIWxley, Mm

Smith. Mrs I




Spencer. Mrs JScott. Mrs I S

Hottendorf, EHell. MHlndergergcr. OHitchcock, UHill. W DHedges. GHansen, GHannes, J (4)Hatton, WmHamilton. L BHarris. G I

Hawke. J FJones, PJorus & Clark.Jamison. I)Johnson. F II

Koenlg. RKlngsland. R LKenney. GKnapp, S ALawrence. A CLund, J T

A LIng. E C (2)Ixjveness. NI see. It EIritis, J

C II (7)Mcpherson. T SMontgomery, KMahrt, O FMossman, T JMcCarthy, P JMcClellan, KMoor, CMiller. CMitchell. J TMohr, J (2)Morton, DMorris. BMuhi Pi: a. CoMcCasIin. W (2)McKrague. CMcLeod. C WMondonca, G P

Spundlock. MUs CTurner. Mrs A BThomas. Miss J

Kobe. EKiesel, CKennedy, JKempe-- , E ALanz, IILowinan, LIobcnsteln, A B

(3)Long, J CLeas, C TLeas. CLeas, C SMashke. CMarkham. GMeenach. J 11

Markwood. WMendron, WMiles, V

Tylor. Miss II

ARTISTICTaylor. Mrs WWilliams. Mrs II

KW ider. Mrs MWilder. Mrs A

It KG I STItY Ill'SIN E$.. 321 I I A. 11

r 1McGann. J C f

i 1 ll 1 1 1 1 wMendron. WIN. Iras. IOrben IDarck, JArnold, Mrs I.

Strobl Sz Son. AItKvan. Mm W wmmMwNKY oitbnit iuini:ss.

Nap-?:ror- a. C F

LIMITED.UMesale General Merchandise, CommissioB

Office: No. 6 Love Building, Fort Street.

Standard Biscuit Company.California Packing Company.




THE T. l(. ARMSBY CO.Columbia River Salmon, Alaska Packers Association.Canned Fruits. Send for quotations for 1S99 Pack.

CORN.Packed In Maine, Illinois and Iowa,

Wo ore prepared to make sales for 1899 pack ol corn.COX'S GELATINE.

Asparagus. Sacramento and Drying Co. Brands. Export,Grade, Gold Medal, Old Fort, Gold Dust Standard, Royal Red, Tip?.


PARTRIDGE CO.Illuminating and Lubricating Oils and Compounds.


Mclntyre. J Promptly ExecutedKern. Lieut CIVfrson. K ASmith. J FTomllnson. H TJohnson, Mm I) V

Stahln. GHawkins. A

Morgan; WMcWilliam, J TMcKinley, TMcKeever. A MMorgan, VMarkle, E & JMorgan, E GMossman, H JMossman, I)Murch, E MMcLean, J WMcLain, G

Northwestern LifeInsurance Co

O'Halloran. WOsmer, J LOHalr, T FOlsen, C SParker, E CPhillips. B TPuller, MrPhillips. PPiltz, GPatterson. A LParks, J A

Parties rnaulrlnr for letters la theabove lln will please ask for "Advcr-- itlsed Letters." Hawaiian Gazette Bindery.JOS. M. OAT.

Postmaster General.General Post OKlce. Honolulu, H. I.,

February 2S, ISO?.


Neil. J MNorton, DO'NeillOlson, OO Kane. M II (2)Ogilvy. JPerry. A WPrescott, C WPinkham. VPratt. F S (2)Peterson. BPeterson, C GPerry, JPeter. H MPinkerton, SPontrowitzoh. CRobertson, J HHollands. Mr'Russell. H AReithoffer. M VRivers. V ARobinson, It TRose. WUohde. JRobinson. BRousch. CRussell, Dr IISailer, S JSeely. G BShaw, BSchlemmcr, MSimmons. J NSmith, M L 2)Smith, M J U

Gas and GasolineENGINES


Peck, C R (2)Petterson, OPerry, IIRatcliffo, CReise, JReiley, R JRichards. FRobins, E ERobert, JRaymond, V CReilinger, SRansul, C R 2Reynolds, J JRichards, E C

Smith, A CSeigner, LSteward, JSttlutdew. EStevens, JSanderberg, C A


STOCK BROKERBuy; and sells Stocks and other Island securities.Improved and unimproved Real Estate.

Lot and Acreage Propertiessun cm iiint hi


'ElftMn and builder of tho "Union" Gas, Gisolina and Oil Engines, Launch,-- : Pumps, Air Compressors and Hoists. :

OFFICE: SOQ HOWARD STREET. SAN FRANCISCO!15 Kaahumana Street.P. 0. Box 365.

Page 3: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


Had thSAW A SLAUGHTER frtim the f.r.t c:;r lt.v wi;M

have n :m:!v trmV n n r S V. nm!cf them wc,i armed -- i'h Il.-mlr.- n.mt?o w:jo jia.j lr .;.h-- . n.i !r

an! elephant g.ms.""Did o--

. find ih.it th- - 1Y n b. or



Have a ?atrb array ofGhat W1H a War CormpMeMCtOOIlS KWtM by VM CKit: Irrta the latatt Kortl-l:c- 5

i n l!.e Coxt,

SI,OOO CASH.TL zion hm !or c! rxsicii'.ugr. r--- ijiii CsiiscJI cos-tal- a

tua rvus: a!l sclera l- -

brie calaiscy. fo'.ndA-t:o- n.

mirrj tira-Jta-j- t tta rlcvrtcwsrei. etc.. r:c. la ctcry rcro:i aaUral Lor.jr au. g c3 to l--o r?T- -cuui. :x-- ? : lot. xin. it.cf2.0 ll.(v) ch. tZaaoc to fill par-cba- cr.

Oa!j alo: r yarJi c2 Kirx;rtct 03 trr: I j Jen m! la excel-

lent cun Jl'Joa.rurr rri3ia: ofWILL 11 riSIIKK.

U4l i::ai Acii an! Ac;icr,Tort as J McrxbAa: :rrt:.

From tie Sonflao.jj'oir.' otr. r nation, had ln ?:;v.y.rjthtn arm?"

"No. Th Urn.intr.n thv uM0

TV .

1 -

j vit ro captured hle!ly frcm Hie l- -f has army and others, toolht-- r with

WAS APPOIIITED BY KITGHE1IER i vi ,J " " r-- aitab!c for Chri'lrnx atd WcJding Prtxnt cxin:? t:ng c4A to the ammunition it ni.I len man

ufactured In Om lurman. Wh.u Ira- - PICTURES.prt-v-- l ni osp-x-lall- y wa the great

4 Represented the London Post-Viv- id

Description of a BattleMeasuring Up the Fltfhters. S250 CASH.ISi

dash am! cotirae' of th n,"y-fortr.- !

oudar.c-- o with u. and th Icyptlanbattalion --d by British oSlorr. ThyaII! nuuro any amount of fa:lci:Irit ! So:t.!an nr. th.Itter flcU'- -




Ba!asfs to u:t rrcbaJcr, mill bzj

That's our platform for1899. It has taken care-ful, selection and closebuying to do what we aredoing this season. TheFinest Suits, Over Coatsand Furnishing Goods inAmerica, the best styles,from the leading makersand values that surpassour best efforts of otheryears. Stein - BlochGuaranteed Clothing issold here for the price ofordinary goods.

ur.5 of thox XjU oa Berrtan'.a trce

Mr. It. Va.cntlnt l;er. a Rfntle- -a! on King :rtu S.xo Tixlli fctL.Sure to tacrc la VA!ue.

Par.kular ofwill ii rxsiuiu.

is man who --.v as war correspondent for

JZL,TffP !

) I

vtriL !

rxt 7 I

SfA YY !

f 1 !

Afey I '.Li 'Vr)

A VwL ( rIT 1 A

I 111

I 12

a '


i uI

Copyright 1898 byThe Stein-Eloc- h Co.

it:,: men. thotxsh :h arc c.d. I hav,a crcat c pinion of Kt:her.rr. ll I

a mm --Aith grat confide r.c.- in hlra If.wM h U a gre.it thine In a prnrra!. llw:'- .- well ikd by all. tl;o-.:g- h a tr;r

Ita! .u Acest aol Aa:tl --actr.the Mornln? Im (Iontlon) in thoSoudan campaign, and narrowly rs- - Alto the Ut-- i in

t :t or. 1 MTxaa: utf.$..PICTURE MOULDINGS

S 1 , 850. " AND


capod with his life at the buttle ofAtbara. wan a through pasnprr onthe Ala:nci!a from the Colonie-- i yes-

terday on route to the States. 11 I

interestetl In tea plantation situate!near Colombo. He U a lino a.ilKlman in the prime cf manhood, an I an

Clsca;-- -! hM ta the cltr on IUX..rrr:. S;re. 7CCl. w;ih m$

dl Ip'in.Tiati. I t-- :ieo U .i Rr.crgor.eral than !nrd Wole:.y. and haheard many others ay thf th'.nr.

"Th" Briih and f.rci hummed up p!cadllly thrtvigho.i: :hr:ni;uUn. Neer knw of a quarrelIntween them. "Hie men that ccr.'.'fr.m Om lurman are hz. muscular f l- -

ar.d jhrubl-ry- . KlTAat ,Ue to b-ai-

a hoa.r. Nr car llrc.Wll.t. 1L Fisnnit. All art? nclena-.-e al tht:r Show

intimate friend of Arabi Pasha. For lloon:!ia, lenptli ci time he was Arabl s nex;

ataiartHto 1 110 HOTEL ST.door neighbor in Ceylon. Mr. Webster Ioas. and greaw fighters. They arc. r.odoubt, to a great extent a survival fwa-- s travelling around the world In the:he fittest. th weaker p"op hting TO1 O Castle & Cco!ieIk en nhocklnly dx-imitcd- ."

interest of hi.s company, and had Jutbcon in Itussia. when he reached Kyp;and heart, of Kitchener Soudan Ex Qt;estloned what h thought f

LIMITED.Fra h inllu ncn and Frrnch Intcrfer- -

enre in Ksynt. Mr. V!i. r ild U wiM. ricINERNY,

Modern Clothier,rierchant and Fort Streets.

LIFE ano FIREpedition being fitted out. Hain;; hcMa commlssicn for some time In theCeylon Mounted Infantry, he appliedfor service in the ICgyptisn MountedInfantry, then starting for the Soudan,and got an appointment in charge of

now pretty well dead. It net a',present a tdg Interferenrf. Tb Kn-ill- vc

hi knew wa smh.u Ja;ou4 nnrrof so much i:ng!lh InHuenr and pnv

grc.---, but In reality he now only llllfflthe Civil Transport, a: once proceed 1a figure head. Iird Cromer really ho: I- -

ing to the front.ing the reins of pi-acr-

. Th Khedic"jattitude was very mnrh of a v:prieven to th Egyptians themdve. ?rc- -Your Roof

Whilst he was at llerber with th?British Brigade the order came to ad-van- ce

towards Atbara. to meet Mah-mom- l.

the Khalifa's general. He wasthen appointed assistant on the tle!d

AGENTS FORIng that his father waj rrtio. by the

If your houn It to reauIf you want a houi.If you want to fell your Ssoue.If you have property to ubd !!.!.If you want your recti coI!ccte4.If ctprlcarc rousts, ire


British, and to whom h a ery IWEliWGllKllItelffiOEfri ndly.to the ctlicer commanding the-Arm- y

Service Corps, and was appointed' spe For the So;i !.?n. Mr. Webster thlnVsAod Quitters there Is a great future before It. Wrycial correspondent to the Momln Po?t.OF DOSTON

Etna hr lecice PJQOF HARTFORD,

Ileal II'. --i!e Agesi and Au:Ioaer,fine crop. cf maize, cotton fibre. ar.;1which appointment came through Kit Fort and iU-rxba-nt trr:.sugar, could be grown cn th bank a fchener himself. In th battle of At- -the Nile.Should be put in thorough repair before you are washed bara ne had two narrow escapes. Two

The Arab horses could not riuall- -CASTLE & COOKE, 1U.ei. anil they were capable of wonderout during the heavy rains that may be expected at any horsc3 1,0 was TllllnR on lhal.v w

. wounded one af:er the other. A bulletLiiTie. whilst he was ridlnsr iwnptratsl hi ful endiiranee. He rode II ton fl0

-- XX Iert loot lbs) without saddle and ffC7outrrmnl.and rotle 70 miles across the desert on




Speaking of the battle. She faid: "Weone horse without It having food ordrink, and It stood the Journey well.I stand ready to do any necessary repairs required. '"0Kemember the heavy storm last year that did so much ert. Perfect silence Jiad to be main It was a grey Arab that be liotuht frcmPrince Franc U of Tcrk.vdamage.

COt KT.CIRCUIToootained, and no lights were allowed, noteven a pipe. At 4 a. m. we approachedthe Dervishes zareba, and then waiteduntil day began to dawn. At Z o'clockthe glow cf the rising sun began to ap

I)c- -Wai.ilu.iObjection f iled In

--AiiCvn nutThe i: a r:iUlisa Co.Tit WaUSua Acrtra'.turU Co, Lf.1.

Kotla Ecir Co,Th Wxiraca fiacw UU1 CxTS Kolox Acrtraltcral Co.TSs Oaorse Fcr Co.Tao Ku'.toa Iroa Work, Ei.

position flatter.JOHN NOTT. In th case of th Hawaiian StarNeWiOaior Acclallcn v. Henry II.

pear on the desert horizon, and wecould just discern n countless numlerof the enemy running to and fro on tlx75-7- 9 KING ST. TEL: NO. SI Savior, thr i!cfvnlatit ha.i fllI a mo-

tion to quah th writ of rrror prvl- -the top of their stockade, evidently Ina great state of excitement. Our Brit ously fllcI ty lcfrnlant. The Washington Light.

Tie RuaiArJ Co.Tao Ceo. I. lllxl toa PasVftA3' Ccstnfar!.

T Nnr lxUid Usfoj Ufa T risoc Co, cJ Ik:ca.

Tin Amu Hro hnn&tt Cx. c3

-- In ta action for nnmiry jKiaish .brigade numbered 3.000 men, underof lam! hrottht ly Mararrl O. CarterGeneral Gattacre. and the Egyptian

division, under General Hunter, aloutI Isoshima, lint.tAIU.i: . . Ittttl.UANTcanmu r.xrunii: . .vs. thv Wins Chonj: Wai Cii.. ih" Jury

rrturnr! a vrnlicl for plaintiff. J. M. fltrtford. Coan.7,000. We afterwards found that theenemy numbered about IS.000. At . . CAN Mir ItMlW OCT Thv AllUrre Atisraare Co, cfMonjorrat anl II. I WVlr for pliln- -

MMlKltt . . !Kir. MIT I l.ttKIIltwo advanced to within S00 yard. of thHAT HANUFACTURER, tirf; Kinney, italloti A. MrCl.in?.han frdefendantzareba. It was a beautifully clearKING ST., Next to Castle & Cooke, ton ui r t.iJrii-b- ut Kt;oHtr O.!.morning, the blue sky overhe.nl being In ta ult of J. A. MrCanillr. t a. Tempos Fagit!

th t hrci r..l o.'trt UUtLa-9- awithout a cloud. At r:l." we approach v.. Waiaiua. AKnctiiinrai t.o.. mefenl.int$1avo fll.l ohjctlon to In- -ed to within COO yards wnen the order SO DOES MONEY,

Hat it gx a iazz way if yem rpendwas given for the K$ry:inn artillery I terrocatorlcii ropon!l by plaintiff I Jrti:,

for the securing of deposition fromto open fire, and then inilecd we le W air f f afl lo I:-in;r- .i VtUtlOrotd. Itiai rJ I!'lf r lu:rrtaiaSan Francisco witness.gan to realize that the long xpeetel II at 24. IL Co-jst- rr la tjlrx co cf

hU Cae Utsejc-cri- . A afhortiacstof I43eV aai Can ra!clm aal

battle was imminent. "Hie fir.t shell tnrnt 21 hurV i.ote.Un rc tif)? lo:a lo 1 .ooA Uricf Strike.exploded within the zareba. It was a

Straw, Panama and Native Hats in Stock.Gents' Furnishings,

Japanese Bamboo Baskets,Matting, Japanese Lanterns.

BABY jRRIAgES.m A. Small Lot just received

cockf to bxa4 vU Acra'.ix.There a a strike yoterJay mornwonderful siht. At the same Instanting among the natives who were em f?prial rr chra 3ilcrerthe Dervishes disappeared from vlw

orJe r for astca'acfarir ieweirr.ployed In discharging the cargo of theAldcn Ilosso. The wage have herelo--Into their tlus-o- ut trencaes. l or an WASHINGTON LIGHT CO. rae!a!. e:r.hour and 20 minutes the Egyptian ar for always been 5- - a day. The strik

tillery kept up a tremendous roar of ers demanded na increase of -- 0 cent. rcrot;l a::rt,ti3a cite a to rcxlrlccannon, discharging m that time i.ivv which they didn't get. A new crew

was immediately put on.M. N. ALMV,

rUna-c- r.

Kisa:ic Ten:;If, V.ila S:.rounds. At 7:23 the general advance

This move U thought by some towas sounded, the buglers began to call. nre.ai: an organization among tlwthe baspipos to skreel, and the kettle water front workers, which will act nsdrums to lKat. and the enemy wan ap-- a lalor union toward the advancement

f.l. R. COUNTER,Practical Watchmaker

JtWKLtlt AMI CIIT1CJA.X.607 Fort St.

Ex HoDgkong Uaru:nroaehed in n mi! ininoslnir order. I of wages.

When within 400 yards our Infantryopened fire. lp to this few shots were Will l ive in Samoa.

Mr. Kun!t. who is well known in Ho A H'U. LINK OKnolulu and who has Jut return!fired by the enemy, and none ook ef-

fect; but the moment our Infantry '5 UPSS6 KOTcIHSS.a short visit to Samoa, ijas itouzatopened nre we. were met with a hail of former home of Robert t!bullets, which at first were discharged son on that island. Ilks Samoa

very much and intend to mak hihomo there hereafter.

too high, but In a few minutes began

w: and for sale at theCity Furniture Store

H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager.Love Building, 534-53- 6 Fort St.


CATT-OH- , WEILL & --0.Founders and Machinists.

213 Queen St., bet. Alakea and Richards Sis., Honolulu.

Cnvlte Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Cast-ings. Ships' Blacksmiths. Cemetery Railings and

Crestings Made to Order: Samples on Hand.

FORFences, Stairs, etc.to find their marks, telling heavily In

our ranks as we advanced. The nrst

rlr.? Art &:rrrr.: Pan-ares, SilVt aaJ SilkGxs PcrveliiaWar?,Hinio;t Kimw.oi,Pjjica. lite.

.l f'-at-j Cl

U-.l- ii

Djn't U:y until yjj

man to fall always produce a thrillingeffect in an en sa cement, and so it did Th Only High Crada Oaklnc

Powder Offered at m Modrat Pr!c.

here. It raised the heat of our Ilritlsh '

blood, and the advance was dashingly1 K1made to the edg of the zareba. which hjvs s?tn crjr stxk.consisted of a thick, thorny hcVgc. Tor J. T. LUND.

UtJ oa Uri; Tocr. Tc;.b3ae F,The ar.i r:?a moment we were checked In making INlRffBaklnffi will 5:t yorj.

Powder!way through it. but as soon as thiswas effected there was a tremend'idash xnacV for thn stockade, and ashocking hand to hand fight etisatd.

Mctnbcra Stock and ttond tltchaace.REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. TEL. 410. NONE SO GOOD.The carnage wps awful. Several o!!i

Murata & Co.HOTEL ST. COS.. HC01SU.

Branch Hat Store, Nuuanu Stcers, as well as men. fell; but in 'minutes the enemy was In full flightacross the Atbara Itiver. and at S:C

a. m. the "cease firinc" was soundol. SOMETHING .NEW!"Three thousand Xallen ivrvishe

were counted witliln the zareba. and mb Wrto Mm. KWMi Iffll CO4.000 more were wounded or takenprisoners. The Anglo-Kgyptl- an forces


commiss:o:: niionriLS andVllXLVJlS IN" INVllnT--

mi:;ct sncciuTius.Panic t::vr ::ea:3ca cive--a to p,ar

:but &tj cf IU;:a Caar8io:k--Loxzt NratU'e. nv.era asi rar--

rlxa Suzit xzt D?alxVJl Ci:::aralx St, Pva rrrrtaa. Gal.

WAIANAE RESORT.Near Wnlanao R. R. Depot.

LIGHT AW DEEtt.Etiralznts of JL3 Hits.


lost TOO In killed and wounded." Till; LATEST OASTLRN FAD.IOS KING STREET.

G.J.Waller : : Manager.

H. E. McINTYRE & BRO.East Corner Fort and Kingr Streets.


Groceries, Provisions and FeedGeneral Agents for the Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods.

oooNew and Fresh Goods Received by Every Packet from Caliioraia.

tE&fttem States and European Uarketa.Standard Grades oZ Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods Delivered to Any Fart of the City. Satisfaction Guaranteed.bland Trade Solicited.

P. O. BOX 145. : ; : : : TELEPHONE 92.

"Did the Anglo-Itrltis-h army surprisethem, then?" Can If worn for Ilroriclii 9. Tin.

Cuir Hut' on- -, Ktc. Wholesale and HcUtl"No. I cannot say that, for wefrom Marmoud. whom we captur The onlv nny to preserve

appreclatttl Ihoto.ed, that word was passed to them bythe od fashioned way of lighted fires. --ANand they vncreby knew within an hourof cur advance having commenced.

B. LICHLIG, Manufacturer.OiTjcc OzC Fort SL, near Ccrttxilx. NAVY CONTRACTORS.

Page 4: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::

THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEUThSKK: HONOLULU. MAW!!.people began to be unreasonable, ana ten propony holders who are greatly 6Cimpure Bloodiiii.a3 .vuuuiuoiraiian a scape iene tilled by tne widening or opening Pacific Heights" Notice,Com&icrcial Advertiser I goat. of a thoroughfare are ex:rrraelr sl- -

fish in the demands for damage.The, report is called, by the journalswhich did not favor the declarationof war, a "whitewash." So it is, for

V. N, am,vi STRONG - tb.luhTHURSDAY : : : MARCH 2. it- - is a whitewash of the whole na

tion, that demanded war, and cf ConTHK HOSPITAL FLOWER MISSION.

"JJttle flower if I could understandWhat you are, root and all, and all in

all,I shomd know wnat God and man is."


oAj j ltcatton hxII rr.xivcl At th o:V. cl BrJcr Watirr Co.

for tl.f i::rchao of Id on

PACIFIC HEIGHTS,Mtiiitol on t!;c n apnif.tTnt jlllitlr

lctwrrn Nuuanu ar.il Pauo Vallrra ar.J c mtr anJ in;: a u:b manet'antl ?ctn;c viw tr tcJiinz from I;trr.cni Hc."J,orrr rsinchlowl ta ihtWatanae Ilar.pc of .M-untai-

A bnvnJ, wir.tlin Ilu!crarvl jritin arcrf the rrotxttr U nowin ciurof construction ami Cnior ef uiVrcirnt ara for magni-ficent homr:cai! will ?on le aratUt!r.

n the Nuiunu Ue vl the 1 1 ill x pali iirotrvtic it frraithe htsrh win.! nl hravy fhow cr of the Nccanu Vallcr, int:rns afaluhrioua climate.

The r'vat;tn f the proj-crt- y t frvmi I'O t 7X0 fret aloi thc?ca IfVcl,

At'tliiMtion ntll ntini1rrl ar.l urA ch:c will

Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles andSick Hoadacho tho Results Doc-tored for Years Without Relief.

My blood wa out of ordrr. and I tc-C-nUkin HixhTs Srjnrt:u. It La

jurl:led my blood anil rrlin-r- ofrhramatUm, kldnry troutlc and '.ckheadache. I fcav lrn arSictrd tilththr dinicultle for yrr. 1 am r.owto do a cood day' trork. Ilhrurr.atSm lmtroubled me lnc I tit achtM. tut I amnow entirely iwcll.' Mr- - I'iikodk Kn-urr, Ilox 115, rdcna, California.

1 hare u?rrrd from tho cf?cct of im-pure blood, bolN, pimples, etc., for fiveyear. I haw tried varlou rem'edle l:h-o- ut

relief ad finally forchard tx tlm

of HooJV Sarpiril!. TLc U!.:and pimple Lavo alt dlpprr--d !ncr 1

b?n takln? thU medicine. I am r.oirentirely currd. I)tt Thomas III?11th Sirvct, Oakland, California.

Hood's SarsaparillaI t!; In f. t it -- J r;fr. Alldn:S:. St. ! f r :- -: lt-.-- .

There is ;he fullest justice In thpica for that premised fire station forthe Plains. With the known fact thatthe money s available, the delay Instarting on the work Is incxpl!cah.

Sooro3 cf the papers of the Main-land declare Tinder flaring headlines.that C. P. Huntington has made a po-

litical deal with Speaker Rrvd. of theHouse at Washington, to iWoat theNicaragua Canal Hill at this s.'lon.One detail asserted is that Huntingtonwill deliver .to Mr. Reed at thoNational Republican convention 132votes. ThU support would xnafcn- theman from Maine a formidable candi-date for the nomination against Mr.McKinley. The Speaker's ambition iswell known, but he certainly must locredited with greater political sagacitythan the publications alluded to wo'Mindicate.

"Flowers are the beautuul hierogly-phics of nature, with which she indi-cates how much she loves us all."

al!ittcl ax ilin to the nti:u1r of tl.r aj''Hc-iin-.Only t,fAtJ f.r a L1 101 ly JiO frrt. Tet:i; ray.

gress that spoke for the people. Thepeopie demanded miracles in the wayof executive work, and did not. getthem. The selection of men with greatexecutive power is one of the mostdifficult problems in the businessworld. In jne administration of mili-tary affairs, it is still more difficult toselect the men with the best executiveforce. A man like General "Wood, nowgovernor of Santiago, is simply a lucky"nnd." There i3 no practical way, ex-cepting by war itself, to test capacity.If officers could be taken out, andtested in time of peace, as guns aretested, their true value might be de-

termined.The report of the Commission is vir-

tually this, "the nation went to warwithout preparation, but has come outof it with credit; the campaigns showthat there has. been no corruption onthe financial side of the case, and thefighting material is superb; no em-

balmed oeef has been used, and thesuffering of the army in Cuba is main-ly due to the fact that only the bestresults are to be obtained by experienceand practice."

The report of the Commission is ajust vindication of the Administration.

Much of the failure in the c.iso ofthe volunteer soldiers was due to in-

efficient officers, appointed at th? re-

quest of statesmen and politicians.The Commission, of course, deals verygently wit'n this aspect cf the case,because the method of appointmentsis one virtually approved of by tue

Hood's Pills IZSXVlKlrAMERICAN MESSENGER SERVICE.Masonic Templo. Telephone 4H.


Offices: 7 and 8. Proj:rcs5 Block.

TIMELY TOPICSFebruary 21st, 1899.

Kvtry u-.ins- a x. 11 j. jul!;::;; tt-se- l,

l rings us sunteth'.r. usc.'ul aui of-

ten ornamental. After rep. itod trialne have at last four;.! ar:!v!c cwanted; It is now off rd for totho public of HoniMiiu a; an:o pr'.

as oM in the-- State.


IP j..Lj winlomTLc 1'ij-f- f i!raw4v

During the civil war there were atat one time nearly ten thousandwonnued and sick men in the hospitalsat Fortress Monroe. The Hospital ser-vic- o

was indifferent, and many menlied from lack of proper treatment be-icau- se

a grateful country had not beeneducated in the needs of the sick anddisabled in war.

During this period, lSG2-'C.j,ortre- 3s

1on roe could be reached only by steam-boats which left Baltimore or Wash-ington at nighi and arrived at the fortin the morning. The thought of send-ing flowers to the sick --was not com-

mon. The kindly mission of the flow-

ers had not come. Men despised themas trifling things, and women had onlya crude love for them. Florists did notthrive even in the large cities.

In these rudo hospitals near theFortress, the sick and wounded layfcide by side in almost ghastly rows;weak in body and depressed in spirit.

There came one day into the hospi-tals a little woman, above fifty yearsin ago, a sweet face, nnd dressed as aQuakeress. On her arm was a basketfilled with the freshest flowers, al-

though it "was in-th- e month of Febru-ary, and greenhouses were not com-mon in tne country. She held an orderfrom the commandant allowing her thefreedom of all piaces. She passed bythe cots, selecting with quick intuitioncertain patients into whose hands sheplaced flowers, spoke gently and movedon. She disappeared for a few daysand then reappeared with more flowers,wlhich she placed with discriminationSa tho feeble hands of patient men."For many months she left and return-ed on tne Flower Mission. It was saidthat she lived in Philadelphia, and hadfound her son wounded, after he had

ver I .

lip of hr ihilwj,!jtr, ar.! !u! t:p thetimuth of tin-- foaf!i; it pct.cxatr a tlyle ofcoi;vrrfaticnv crate R.p!a:ivr. th --jpblful,1nvolnt nJ nfTc!cl. "P .iclrrnv.

We are anxhm to c lai;oJi!o!ioM. tho



V. V ...

rpeople. The report is full of the common sense. of the situation.


new pnoccssllLUE FLAME 011; STOVE.

A sort of dread may prevail amonshott&cwivcj that prhap thco stovemlht explode, but wo caa honost.'y uiythat they aro perfectly safe la everyhome. To endorwj our statement Ju:have a talk with any Insurance agent;to will tell you at once thai he vouU

A; : T; 7 ; the advice given in those threeto the Bishop Estate for aiding ma- -. . x. , ,i t , words Is heeded, good health will fol- -

lerianv in me opening uiku itasi uhc. low. City water Is not good for many


American, Havana and Manila CigarsTOBACCO. GNUFF. AND

I reasons, principally, because It Is coa-Pret- ty

tamlnated with vegetable and putridsoon it will be necessary forDromoters of new plantations to re- - matter of all descriptions. A lmph?

analysis shows this to be a fact. rather Insure a homo whre thostove arc used than ljjt:e a po'.icy oaa home where different itovc arc ujcJ.

quire that applications for stock shallbe submitted by Jotter, accompanied bya ceriifieu check.

Getting out an extra to assure thepublic that there is nothing new in a

Smokers' Articles.You wonder why the Ii:uo riamcEXCERCISEOur doctors are bu3y treating pa stove should bo better than any other.

Well tell you. In this country the matcertain aged news, matter is a species tients who aro suffcrinc from com-

plaints, more especially malarial dis ter of fuel Is a very larse Item of exof enterprise that is not likely to beorders, which will be materially bene pense. As you havr turned ovrr aencouraged in Honolulu.

Fine Grades SMOKING T015ACC0 a specialty.o

Cor. Fort and merchant Sts. - - - Honolulu.fitted if they drink a water that Is paw new leaf since the New ear anl ln- -

"kissed the hot lips of the enemy'sguns," in the battle field at Manassas.She ihad taken him out of the field hos-pital and with her own hands had con-

structed a tent among the pine trees,in which s.he nursed him. He called

and possesses curative feature?, as doefDr. ItaEfel, President of the Apia Maicna economizing w:iere you nrverBartlett Spring "Water.nicipal Council, who was here on thethought of before, you may heIa oaAlameda en route to Germany, talkedyour coal and wood. It U a poilllvcfor a flower in his delirium, and she or rather refused to say anything just DUE fact that tho "BLUE FLAME" ucsgathered some wild tones, which she like a diplomat who had been request

placed in his hands. He smiled, looked ed to return to headquarters and ex- - only about on-ba- lf the quantity of fuel MosquifltoMinieAsk your family physician about theatther. and his soul then "went beyond plain a few things. any other stove does. Another treatwater, and if he Is honest he wilt enThere has been enough talk" within advantage Is that there Is no smcke ordorse its use.

All who have drank the water speak Will Drive Alosqnitoes Away.even this blushing young year on thesubject of Greater Harbor for Hono

moll.These stoves are placed on rollersin the highest of terms for It.

tho stars." In his name, and in sacredmemory of his last smile, she becameone of the first of the messengers whocarried flowers to the distant hospitals.

JSome years after the close of thewar, one, who had been an officer,,

and had lain for many weeks in oneof these hospitals," owing. to a wound

lulu to measure up with the speeches Thi3 cllmato demands the uso of and are so light they can be easilyfor two sessions of Congress; but it such a water and you cannot afford tomay be observed even without ascend- - be without IL moved about. We have them In two

sizes, one with two burners with ovca? to the watchtowers, that nothing Cures the Bites!is being none.received in tho assault upon Peters-- attached and the other with threeburners with oven. (The price of theseiMirch. wrote to the writer of this

The Advertiser feels that it did anVIGILANCE.


We will, serve free of chargo a glassof this wonderful natural Springwater at our Soda Counter to all who

sketch: "Can you tell me if JMrs. C stovc3 Is ?22.i0 and Weinjustice to British Commissioner Ken Brings Comfort?i living, and If so, where? I used to lie ny and perhaps inadvertently threw can't tell you all about them: the bestin my cot and watch her as she entered

cold , water on the Great Alliance bythe "ward with her flowers. She seemed

care to ccme and test Its virtues. Weomitting to state that at the CricketClub surprise party .Mr. Kenny madeto have the step of a fairy, it was so

light, ana she had the smile of an

thing to do Is to corr.c and Ioo!i atthem.

We aro selling the Cc!cbrr.".clFISH Ell STEEL UANGE for ho1 ar. I

coal at

the statement that had played base balldeliver the water to your home la caselots at ?6.50 for 50 pints. $9X0 for CO

quarts.03IL.V ATTangel. She put in my hand one day

a rose when I was sleeping. As I awoke and liked the game.

"Wise will be Hilo to open, extendits perrume seemed to fill the air. Itput me at once in my mother's house iBenson, Smith & Co.and rearrange streets before the land

in question reaches the value of sayon the Susquehanna river. When shecame again, she seemed to me to be

the mother of Christ walking on earth.e iiiii mi en; LIMITED- -similarly situated property in Hono uliululu. There is one thing In this con

nection, however, that is too infre Fort and Hotel Streets.Some said she was not rich, but gavewhat sue had! I have money now. Can

Llmltod.307 FORT STSOLE AGENTS.quently noticed. This is that very of

you And her full name and residencerpparda in the Fortress? IfM . -

she is alive, I wish to give her $5000

I have no creed, no religion beyondfIMS!ARGAthat which is expressed in her act, that

divine altruism which relieves the sot--

rows of mortals. If she is dead, shewill still live in me, for I convert coaland iron into flowers, and those in sorrow and sickness have them."

A careful innuirv was made. HertheBeginning this morning, February istresidence in the outskirts of Philadel

phia was found with difficulty only GREATEST CLERANCE SALE4a small cottage, but she was not, for1nr soul too had "srone beyond the

Ever known in must be all cleared before the end of the month to makoofrr the following



this country will be inaugurated. Our Bankrupt Sto:kroom for other goods, and to do this we will

00UINPRECEDENTED'i no report of the War Commissionbecomes a valuable historical docu Bleached Sheetings, 10-- 4 full width, fine quality, 20cts a yil.ment. because.it fixes clearly the exact CO

B6 !SpiCddS a large a?.ortment, extra fiu.ilitte 7Gct a J'lecr.

Table Linen and Napkins t s,c;ai nn..condition of the nation, so far as mili Unbleached Sheetings, km fUn width, imc quality, ntary affairs are concerned, at the pres-

ent tima. it will save the historiansfrom much labor. But the jingo Press

BleaClied COttOD, 3G inches wide, octa a yd.

PerCale, a large assortment, new patterns, .15 yds for f 1.00.

TOWelSj a large assortment, extra qualities, 75 ct-- ? a dozen.

and the irrepressibles find fault withit It is not "hot" enough. It does not

A Largo and Varied Assor tmcnt of

Goods at Bargain Prices.Dress"roast" the Administration.When cool and impartial men sifted

out the statements of the reports and

!Stosisil isargains in Laces and ElmfoiroicOoiriegot at the actual condition of things,it found out what every sensible manknew, that Congress, although often

Everybody should take this opportunity to get a supply of European Goods before the U. S. Tariff Laws take effect.asked to do so, persistently refused toreorganize the army in years past, and

tbS 1Junder the overwhelming pressure cfthe people went into a fight in ,thetropica without preparation. Then the Dry GoodsfV3sr Fort.

Page 5: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::



FORLIMITED.-- - The Young Man Must bej 44 What Shall be Done withAccepted as Ruler. the Dead?" A Problem. Mag RENT!!LACE. Fort and Merchant. King and

Bethel Streets.Rear Admiral Kautz Instructions-Decisi- on Burial Space living Ud Up Rapid ON EASY TOO,of Judge Cham-

berly Old Method is a Menace

ooo Is Law. to Public Health

oooBYJust to Hand; LONIXN. IVli. 1. "Wfcat ha!l w?NKW YORK. Fob. 10. A Wohlas- - Wheeler & Wilson

Sewing Machine.We have a Large AsIT


! with otir dad? Is a jut!on coacttatinc the rulnl of th- - rnralrrof the tendon Cunty Cvjcc:1 andother Interfiled In the l.alth of theliving as well a the proper d'.poalof the deceased.

Ktlmate show that each r abo-4- ?

l"fo human Ndie are Interredwithin the limits of the county of Ioa-d- n.

The authorities say that withinfive yean Ijondoa will have no place!for public burial, an I the condition ofthe ctmr!r!es 9ucc! the imminentnece$j'ty .f nme rhar.se of method- -

Ther N no doubt that fcrcat Injurylo public health l.a. be-- n eau-- bythe burial grounds of the county. Ithaa 1- --n stated that otu-tsbt- h of thedeaths In lndon are caused by UU- -eases which render their hodl highlydangerous and Infectious after death.This condition is maximum a fewweeks after decease, and in crowded.cemeteries, where U!4 are frequent-ly buried on top of or alongside of;each other, the dlHurtaac of theearth for new grat rr.ttst be prejudi-cial to the health of tho ncighborbiod.The gict-ra- l opinion I that the onlyremedy i.4 an expansion of the y:--'"rTlcd n by the Cremation of


AUK l"OOIt SHOTS.MANILA. tVbnary Zi 10:1m A. M.

The ftieray have ipparrnlly reallredth hoplnej. of attarklng theAn;rVan poitlnn. and ar xcuplMchkfly l.y occlonal hartbootlofrom ttt Jungle wb-ne-er frcuible.'ortunat their Isnoranr- - of the urn

of sight minimize the rtT-- t of theirguerrilla tactic.

The retirement tf fcncml Kingadvance tuis un S.in IVdro Macallha.H evidently been construed by therrbe!4 aj a ign of weakness, tn theypred furwarvl alonr tjth lde ofhe river, perUtently "haraFsIng the

occupant of the town. !.it night therebel pourel volley after volley IntoSan Pedro Marat I from lb bruh onhe adjacent rblce. but. fortunately.

without effect. (W.eral Ktnx beadquarien. :n tne center or th town.waji the target for eorr of Uemlcgtonand M.iu.er bul!t. Th rrlls areusing moke!ej and It H extremely dln"ei!t to lorat. IndlvMaalmark? men

Another Victim Cured.

What ;t Honolulu IjiJv IIu toSay of DoanV ILicLacltc and

KUncy FilU.

Many peopte are skeptical about tac- -

ing so-call- ed patent medicine, bat a. , . . .

ie wuaoaaji w KiTca uc.ow oai

ton special to the-- lUrald .: ChbfJustice Chamber.' decision la favor ofMalietoa Tanu. Kin? of Samoa. will I

upheld by the administration. UtarXdmiral Kautz. upn th arrival of thPhiladelphia at Apia. will, aftr consultation with the IIritih and Ameri-can Consuls, take uch ste for theestablishment of peace and orN r In theislands as may seem advisable.

This Is the statu.- - today of th-Sa- -

moan question. An identical copy ofthe decision of Chbf JutUe Chaml rs.delivered on January 1, has Un re- -coivod at the State Department, and Itwill be made the basis of the representations to the German Government.Besides this decision, the departmenthas received copies of th proclama-tions issued by the three Consul andthe Chief Justice.

It was stateil authoritatively thatRear Admiral Kautz had K-e- n Rivenno instructions to place Malietoa Tanuon the throne or to arrest Mataafa. ashas leen reported, but ! will act. Inthe interest of reace nd order uponthe advice of the American and HrltlshConsuls, and will also consult with th tGerman Consul, should that official In-dicate his desire to discuss th situation with the American nival rnr- -tentative.

In view of Chief Justice Chamber.- -'

decision, the probability Is remole thatthe United StaUs and Grvat IlriUi'.nwill consent to the enthronement ofMataafa. though consideration wouldbe. Riven to a recommendation to thiseffect from the thre Consuls shouldthey submit it.

At the present time. ho;vter, thsentiment of the American and IlritlshGovernments is In favor of Malietoa.and Germany will be required to recognize his lawful election.

The Cerniau Government is stillawaiting full reports, and It Is expected that as soon as they arc receive!.which will be within the next fewweeks, it will close the Incident bywithdrawing its Consul, as renm.-te-dby this Government.

What will be done with Mataaf.i Isa question which will have to l considered, for It Is believed that n. longas ho is in Samoa ho will be a causeof trouble, and It may ! ncesary toreturn him to exile.

SOT ANDItKirS r.ows.cilRISTIANIA. Feb. 17. The re- -

IKirted flmllnj; of Uio iKxIies of Andreeand his romivinions oa the ensjt ofNorthern Siberia seems nftc r till to &e

a canard. A Finnish profe.or of theOnritlaTiIa University has receivedtelegram from a friend In Krasnoyarsk.who saya that, after thoroughly tnvcstl gating tho source of the Infcnnatlon, he Is convinced that there Is notnM OTtrta lbo "i- -

Tho po'.nr expedition Of IYOfMor N.1- -

UlOrst, TVDO wnl fiO in cenrrh cif theAndpee V? oarly in June, meets --withpopular approval, fcu'oecriptlon arepouring in from all parts of iiOTWAT

anl Sweden, and already the amountceco l.o.ooo.


VICTOUIA, D. C. Feb. 16. Out ntarSwan Ixike, about threo mll fromthis city. Uvea Mr. French, an KnKli"Ugentleman with a hobby for collectingwild animal. Mr. French has a largemenaccrie. In which are many Meelcages containing wolves, panmer.bears and other wild animals whichInhabit the northern wilderness.Yesterday, white Mr. French had thodoors of their races open to feed thentwo wolves and a panther broke fromcaptivity and are now at lair. Mr.French, together with a number of citymen and several big sheepowncw, arescouring the outskirts of the city, arced with rifles and shotguns, la search"4


missioner of Navigation has reducedthxi advance money allowed to sailorsunder the r.cw ahipplnz law, whichwent into cuecx louaj. iicrcio.orcsailors out of thlj port have teen allowed an alvnco to crcnlltora of 10,SIO and even $30. Heroafter they arerestricted to $10 for Taciac Wcs: Coiitports, Australia or tho Orient andSiberia. For Atlantic and lndlaaOcean porta they may advance $13.50.Ship captains must pay any balanceabovve these sums the sailor may owefor board advanced.


McKlnley today sent to the Scra:e thenomination of Congressman SamuelJune Barrows of Masiuchu5lts to heLibrarian of Congres. In ncccsslua tothe late John Russell Yourc.

Congressman Samuel June Harrows.of Massachusetts, the new Librarian ofCongress, has a record for all-arou- nd

accomplishment which few men caaequal. He was born in New York cityin 1813. and when but S yeirs o!J hewent to work In the counting-roo- m ofhis cousin. Col. Ho-?- , of printing pressfame.


Aluminum Gane KnivesWITH OR WITHOUT HOOK.

ooA 2si:SV LINE OF

Bicycles,Oil Stoves.


Test Leather Belting,





MAIN OFFICE:Fort and Aerchant Streets,

Honolulu- -

is n?veT ended.hrotu the crad!e

to the erave ferainMrs. Nettik Harrison's inegood look and

LATEST PORTRAIT complexion are tnconflict with their mortal for sickne9. orrr--

work, trouble and age. Beauty's greatest protective weapon is iLOLA MONTEZ CREMEThe great skin food and tissue builder. liradi- -

rates wrinkles and imparts health and soltneMto the face. 75c jar lasts 3 month.4 DAY HAIR RESTORER

t... 1. it fi;. k.,.v.gt or faded hair natural color In 4 days with- -

out any inconvenience or disagreeable effectsNot a dye. Price $10.PAHP. RLkARH .KKMnVF.S. FRKRK .KS.- - -- J

tan, sunburn, moth patches, sallowneand everydiaculoration of the skin, rendering it clear as ftwas in babv dav. Guaranteed hAruile. Pricefi.oo. Consultation by m&il solicited. Correspondence strictly confidential.


40-4- 2 Geary St., San Francisco, Cat


From "Uncle Sam's Boys" in Cubaand Manila, What we have been looking for. .Your remedies and specialtiesare O. K. For overcoming the enervating effects of climate (nervous prostration) take Blood and Nerve Tonic

Fever (composite) SI. mailed. AfterFever Tonic, a rapid builder, SI, ex. orshipped. Antl-Malarl- at Capsules Inchronic, pernicious and recurrent malaria, S2, mailed. Dysentery Powder?,$1, mailed. Insomnia Cure, for sleeplessness, SI, mailed Rectifier, correctsand cures excesses. S2. ex. or shipped

cnu nronriAtnp !in,t minnfirtiirr ThVandre Drug Speciality Company. 2933- -35-3- 7. San Josve Ave., Station L. SanFrancisco, Cal., U. S. A.

fill CARRIRG E MM. CO., Hi121 Queen StreeL


UUBBBR TIUE3 and rolujb

WIL50H fi WHITEHOUSB,ftole Licensees Hawaiian Ulan

121 Uoeea Street.


Rabies. Open from 5 a. m. till 12 p. mvVe serve the -- best 2o cent meals inhe city. Try them.

Sandwiches With Coffee. 20c.


sortment of this1 intrinsically valu-

ableO article, whichwe are selling a1

Oo the most reason-

ableoo Figures.


E. W. JORDANWo. 10s?8It


I study the formation of your ejsas closely and as accurately as thastronomer studies his stars. Everjmalformation of the eyeball haa Iteffect. Headaches, dizziness. Indistinctvision are all traceable to a misshapeof the eyeball.' Knowledge, and exper-ience, aided by the best 'and latest im-proved instruments and appliances,make my' service in examining eyeinvaluable to you. Yet that service iiABSOLUTELY FREE, and if glassesare required they're to be had at amore than reasonable price.


Love Fort StreetBuilding, - - -(Up Stairs.)

FOR HATCHING.From the following PURE-BRE- D

Fowls of the choicest strains at myPunahou Poultry .Yard3, viz: BuffLeghorns, Brown Leghorns, WhiteLeghorns, Black Minorcas, Andalusi-a- n,

Barred Plymouth Rocks, Wyan-dott-es

and English S. G. Dorkings,Pekin Ducks and Bronze Turkeys.

Prices furnished upon application.Favors from the other Islands will re-ceive prompt and careful attention.

A few choice Fowls for sale,WALTER C. WEEDON,

314 Fort St., Honolulu.

RED SEAL. . . Means Fresh and Pure.


We have just received a freah supply of





COR. FORT & QUEEN STS.Telephone 422.





Sausages, Liver, HeadCheese and Breakfast Bologne at the

CENTRAL MEAT MARKET.214 N-dua- nu SL Tel. 104.

JUST OPEN !A shop on Union street, BellTower, and am prepared todo all kinds of





And machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attentlormm tn shin's blacksml thing. Jolwork executed on the shortest notice


Smith a Bars


Fever is RogiiniCc

noi'Li; going alAD ta ti.to gee ta Vttlr orCer for irea

ea csca thare iSoat arrtk for ctau aod ee axap?m of ecssiaurejj cw, puoterly iz pi vast loUnatM rrtz

A LI. KIND3 Or BUXLOaCO TT 1Fbraataiti, Chair. Cctlta, rvn::ciirg Iaat. Suir. RaUlrCicaBv. rtc, etc


etc XtilLLO. Georgia arid Ve?WarLle ass Topaa GrarlLr. IICUae S:o&e as S tlarb!.

tUxav gtvca oa aU LidGradi&4c &oa Work ac4Corhi&g and Oetaest GdYvaitxturj work of ail Uaaa. Lccterttag ta tlrxsK Xroa or S'jockoaairg a specialty.

THE HAWA11AU IROTi FECI.AND UOrJULlEIITAL CO.Cl King rtr-t- , XJcpo'a ruc3--

Ex Coptic:A It'LL LINE OF

AFloe Art Screens; Partteres, SIScs and S32Goods. rorvtVea.ILaisoss Klonas. '1Paaaas, Hto Etc (0901 tnrf until yjhtt teaa our stoclu


Tbe gr aai gdersmill u!t tvu.

Mmrata C.hotel st. coi. nnuraj.

Branch Hat Store, NuumuS


The Ce!c! rated WI ELANDHKKIl is col injurkrsj tatLe stealer! orgachilVrq,lut ruesobet bcalth aJelf entb and rironerrea It.

As a s?hc'c.K2:e ttjlchx Na K;tJALl

OeOj Alsiaja on hand at lbe




Latr;! Eavrra Stlrs and Patterns

Eoglisb and Amrn'oanMi


Scotch Tweeds.UcenacJDstttCottL

A!j a New l.tje of:- - GILtt COODG.

X ft i tiz;te Trull tti StxiU UmL

Srirrf jiep at

trei- -

Rotary Motion and

Ball Bearings.LOCK AND CtlAlft STITCH


Renting and RepairingiMirr am Nr.Mit.r.

nut Ai.t. MAtlltMr.

L. F. PRESCOTT, llCJ.1 ort, par Ho.el .tx.

mv BOO1)111 I

r1U UULLbimof Tin:- -

Golden. Bole Bazaar316 Fort Street.

--The Ilase." by SUakUmkr.-- Faa Michael- ,- vr H.cskUwUc-- With Fire and Sord.-- by S.eak;- -

wlcx.-- Qio Vadlf." by fVlcnIfwirx.--Thl Thirl Woman-,- ly Hck'.e- -

w'.rs.IUnU.-- by Ueklevirx.Qa the HrtKht Shore - l--y Saktc--

-- Whaf4 Ilrt--J la TheGrant Alltn.: he ChrUtUn- .- by 1UII CUlz.

How I Ilicaped - ty Otinir.--i?aaa Tarnball.-- by Caster.-- Wily Hamilton- .- by Center.-- Ilob Cotlsctoa.- - by Canter.-- Why To S:os:e. ly Alben--A Illark Adoal.-- by Albert IIom.-- YoacisiMlA Giddy- .- by Albert Itott.--Thoa Hha:t Not-.- by Albert ILo.Aud a fall ILK of books by the fo!- -

lowtsjr popalxr author: Opto Hrad.CapL Chaj. Klcx. U. SL Amy. SL

soathworth. ItobL L. Stert&ioa. Charlocte M. Braeae. w. Clark UsjmIL

I Alexander Da ma. May Ars Flealsand oany OthfHL AbOTe bookJ ill la

Home-ma- de Dread,Rolls or Catte.

Caa't be Uturcodcl talcry sali czt, X7t

cm only the best legrdleatthat are prepared aai bak

ei by bakers why) are mattersta their speclaity. We sa4CVKUYTHING frtt ffOta

our ore a.

The GERUAH BAKERKTEiJirnoNn err. wj rortT st.

Great : Variety


GrAM : Cirrir. : Ham.kj tcit:i.r.CoYLtt, : TaM-J- ; : Covri:.


A large Uk)z on hard to c!etfroRj, at r-ri- that till urjrifeyou

5. OZAKI,EOTU Sit in.

timB SC!3 ffiiti m C3.

UMITEO.Ci;:a2ae. Ccrr. Al:ra aa rcrt Bta.

to convince the mot tkepllcAl thu alUPAIiai COVEllivremedies are cot without merit- -

Home tcsUmoalaU certainly muii beaccepted as being nrs clou and poil- -

tlre proof of the curative fcaiurta of aremedy. Watch this tpace for a trrieaof tejtlmonlaU of peop!e well and favorably known.

Mr. Grace DodJ. S3t Young tract.ayj: I was trout:cd wita enlarge

meat of the liver; fullered severe pilela my right side and lame back for twoyear. After cossultlcg a IxmI rhril.clan and taking medicines of allkinds and falllag to get rtlUi

Hi u r.a. ot u.vere palit, could enjoy a good sieepand am satliScd the Fill cure! roe

Doa's K!4cy aaJ Backiche milcaa be obtained at the Hot:::er DrugCo., Ltd., Fort Street, at fc a box.

Ladies' Shoe BoxesIN twNtrv ttH!Ifi:lV

Box Couchesl

L.vrrT lwnr.itN.

Coyne-Heliu- en Mire Co.

LIMITED.Uaso:i: Tecple, Alilei St, Eca:!:!a.

Souvenir Jewelry.The attention of thoe wbo wl t

carry away with them soars airs o!

OLD HAWAIIIs called to cay saaaractuncg d?snmeet. Jewelry of all klais ma-i- s uorder.


Page 6: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::

i" 05

T -


i- - I t . "

THE BANK OF HAWAII WAITED FOR WORDPhilippine IsIan.I.. wish n To'IaTinU'ivurn th Tnitril StaN- - pml Sp.ilnapparently ur.settNl. it .t. rvln!

at!o:i .--. m MI -- ni per

functory formality.LANDS

For Sale.

J. H. Schnack.


For Sale Any KM of

Island Stocks.

Buys and sells outrightCity and Suburban Real CS"ff - p

p. Q. BOX NO. 104.





Why it kills the dandruff and saxesthe hair. If you are troubled with dan-druff, prickly heat or any scalp orskin disease, try a bottle of DAND-RUFF KILLER. It never faila tocure. Sold by all druggists and at theUnion Barber Shop. Remember thetrade mark, "The Two Faces." He- -ware of imitations.

F. PACHECO.Sole Proprietor.

Telephone No. 69G.



Are for Eal by ourexclusive distributingagents : :

Hobron Drug Co.,Fort and King Streets.



Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Managerr cnreekei Vice-Preside- nt




Oceanic Steamship CompanyOf San Francisco, Cal.

J. R. Shaw, D.V.S.

Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.TELEPHONE 796.

Modern and Hmnane Treatment.


C. BELL1NA, Manager.Fort St., near Hotel. Telephone 477.

liMv, Booiig it soles Siles.PROMPT SERVICE, STYLISH TURN-

OUTS, SAFE DRIVERS.We are especially equipped to cater

to your trade. Fair dealing and goodservice is what we depend on to get it.

Dr. Rowat is always in attendanceat the Stables.

Club Stables Hack StandCor. Union and Hotel Sts.

(Old Bell Tower.)



Single or Double Teams at a moment'snotice.

HACKS Nos. 4.",. 5. 70, 77, 07. 125and ISO.

C. BELLINA, Mgr.Tel. 319. Stables Tel. 477,

BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS.Fort St., Opp. Wilder & Co..

H. J. NOLTE, Prop.

First-Cla- ss Lunches ServedWith Tea, Coffee, Soda Water,

Ginger Ale or Milk, Openfrom 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

Smokers Requisites a Specialty.


Wholesale Grocers and Dealers In Leather miSlice Findings.

Agents Honolulu Soap Works Com-pany, Honolulu, and Tannery.


Eacorporated Under the Laws of theRepublic of Hawaii.

CAPITAL ?400,000.00


Ciaa. M. Cooke PresidentJ. B. Atherton. Vice PresidentC. IL Cooke CashierJ. O. Atherton Secretary

Erectors Henry Waterhouse, TomHay, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney,j. a. Mccandiess.

8ollcits the Accounts of Firm3, Cor--yamtions, Trusts, Individuals and willEsomptly and carefully attend to allaxxlness connected --with banking en--trsated to it. Sell and Purchase For--TffT Exchange, Issue Letters or cjrearc

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.Ordinary and Term Deposits received

ltd Interest allowed in accordancewith rules and conditions printed inmaaa hooks, conies of which may beaad on application.

Safe Deposit Boxes rented by thecaonth or year.



Bankers,HONOLULU - - - II. I.



UN FRANCISCO The Nevada Bank offitaa Francisco.ONDON The Union Bank of London, I

T5J1SW YORK-Ameri- can Exchange Na-tional Bank.2iICAGO Merchants National Bank.

JAltIS Comptoir National d'EscompteParis.

JftBRLlN Dresdner Bank.HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA Honr-ken- f

and Shanghai Banking Corpor-ate.13ir ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIAlank of New Zealand.

ITICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bankmt British North America,

mccio General BankinD s Exchange Business

Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap----oBuaratSeSawcat and sold.


RISHfMP &'-CO- .

SAVINGS BANKOn October 1st, 1898, and continuing

entil further notice, Savings Depositstrill be received and Interest allowed

rcsniations of the Hawaiian PostalCavines Bank will be adopted a9 far asIt 1 practicable to apply them, and theCash Reserve of S50.000 as requiredtader the Postal Act will be main- -nnea. ,

Printed copies of the Rules and Reg- -

tatlons may be obtained on the 1st ofOctober on application.

bishop & CO.Honolulu, September 7, 1898. 5019


BISHOP & CO.-- Bankers


commercial and Travelers' Letters ofCredit Issued, available in all the

Principal Cltie3 of the World.

INTEREST allowed after July 1st,398, on fixed deposits: 3 months 3 per

aent; 6 months 3 per cnt; 12 months4 per cent


Subscribed Capital ,Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital.. Yen 10,500,000Reserve Fund .Yen 6,960,000


BRANCHES AND - AGENCIES:Kobe, London, Lyons, 'New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,' Bombay, Hong Kong. .

INTEREST ALLOWED:.On Fixed Deposit for 12 months 4 p. c.On Fixed Deposit for 6 months 3 p. c.

. On Fixed Deposit for 3 months 3 p. c.


On Current Deposit 5 per cent p. a.On Fixed Deposit for 12 months, 7 p. c.

The Bank buys and receives for col-lection Bills of Exchange, issuesDrafts and Letters of Credit on theabove Branches and Agencies andtransacts General Banking Business.

Agency Yokohama Specie Bank:New Republic Bldg.. : Honolulu, .H. I.


Vc HIN BANK, LTD.Vineyard Street.

Transact General Banking and Ex-change Business.


Draw exchange onFIRST NATIONAL BANK,


Read the Hawaiian OagfiU

(Betai-Weellp- ), ,


Offer for Sale:




Lt:v-- Ui acinINDUHLNE,

IU as! OCT AS4

FERTILIZERS,Atex. Cr. & Ssi hb-cra- i

fn:::ifrf. alt?:l for rt--trxr ease as 1 cclfr

N. 0!.Un t X Co cbc.!al ierCLU


STEAM PIPE COVERING,xwrt rast r:a.:ic v::csi p:pcirerlsc.




5aa rraorl; Oat

ALDW1N IjOCOHOTlVn WORKS.rM!a4e!rs!a. Pes. U. S. JL

(Vasf. --Na:!osal Case sre3er).Ne Tcrk. f. S. i

OHI.NDr CO--Sta Fraccl ro. CaL


SUa Frisctro. CaL

rt a f

A lisitl riast !a oat cosmic: wtia- -c- -i Elertr.'c Power. d:ri-i- r

I: a fsxall esIsea.Wis y sat c-era- :e jeer ;oer Trosa

cs Ci;.Vnt.L Kta-Joa- ? Osa csr-:c-rcaa fsrslh pamtr So yoar Pa S3 p.

CcaTirI i::rator r:awf, run-way &sd Holttt; Uo. fsralia lUatas I power Tar a rallat of frcta II ii) ;::.

EI'.: trie Paer lIsg cv2. utn ttmlib:r of haallsc roal la yo- -f till. aiwatr. aid di away wlih In'fb-prJc- M

tr.z'.ztTt, as I cs!y tare cseescca taock aftf r !a yaor zzl'.l.

Wser water piwer ! ATaiUtta iiOit Sotilsr t3 rsera Hler-r-- p


PANT ii saw rtZf Tzmltx ElectricP:ast tai Gcsentcra cf all eeacrlp-li- e

at istirt cot! re. asd a: baa oaLis! a lire :o;fc cf V.:re. Csasfe--Itn as I E;:-a- l G'k

All c?lri wr.I to ciica nr-sc-pt &t- -tes'Jcs. as I ettirsitt fraltte j forLTcsticc as I Power Pias'a; a!, mi- -tfstroa !t rir'3 n U - Mar'sWirisc



Wood and CoalALSO

White and Black SandVTLlzh w win ft!! at lia very toitairktl raifa.

lira Phiiioioi immin. M 10 AWA,

Nuts.2 rtreL ctr DrretatiU,

Correspondents anil the Treaty

Eiecntfte Session.


Fifty Writers Keen for the FirstNews The Senators Guarded.

Gutting Off Dispatches.

So far as the rules cf tin Saat are. . x. v. . x. v . . . .. f was. r . v.

to prevent leaks. Guards are stationedat the foot cf each great stairway sothat no person is allowed to b wenin the corridor of the gallery floor.The heavy doors into the galleries areseverely closed and' guarded, and Justwhat information a person could getin th.s corridor, wen with a stethos-ccpi- c

car, it U ham to imagine. Infavor of the members of the press gallery, a certain exception is made. Thyare allowed to ro by the elevator, butnot by the stairs, to the gallery lioor.and while there they have the rightto walk through the passageway andinto the retiring-roo- m back of the pressgallery. In this room they may continue their work, as it is securely barricaded from the Senate. So much ofthe corridor one floor lelov as rx-ten- us

from the elevator to the lobbyentrance to the Senate Is also at theirdisposal, and it was here that themembers of th gallery stood in largenumbers the day the Spanish-America- n

treaty was being voted upon, awaitingsome announcement of the result In-

side.At the time the Senate weut into ex-

ecutive session, probably fifty corres-pondents took their places therv, standing in groups awaiting the verdict. I:was an occasion suggestive of imaginings. When nothing definite can boheard, there is every premium uponevolving conclusions from the innerconsciousness of the individual. Therepresentatives of the Stock Exchangenewspapers had all day been in moatfeverish anxiety. Every inkling thatcould bo gathered must receive dtieweight, and no more. But to oil it wasan occasion of critical Interest. Theonly sound t.hat could be heard fromthe executive chamber was a somewhatsepulchral vocal tone, monotonous undindistinct, which was known to bo thecalling of the roll. At each new callingof the roll an electric bell ring, as inordinary session, to summon all Senators to their places. This serve! tomark the progress of events to an extent, although there was no way oftelling upon what subject, whether anamendment or the treaty itself, theroll 'had. been begun.

For an occasion of so much moment.the Senate transacted a great deal ofbusiness in twenty minutes.' As thegroups were standing, nervously awaiting some sign of the dawn, the executive-sessi- on specialist of one of thepress associations was seen darting ona dead mn for the gallery, where hiswires were waiting for the eventfulmessage. The crowd shouted at himto "give up," but as his Informationwas the capital of his association, hecould not .be blamed for remaining

In less time than it takes to tell it.land almost" simul tan with thismans icap tor tne win's, tne rouanface of Senator Wolcott of Coloradowas seen in the lobby wearing a smile."Jt must be ratified." was the naturalinference, but before deciding to actupon it the rotund form of MarcusAlonzo Hanna was seen coming out ofthe Senate chamber on u nin, and mak-ing his way towards the colony of cor-respondents. '"Three votes majority,"was all he said. Then the colony turn-ed, and. in a scramble as lively as afootball rash, made a brcak for theelevator. Before its conductor couldclose the cage more men had crowdedinto it than the safety tests recom-mend, but they were carried to thegalleries where the wires were in wait-ing.

Another eolony of shrewd corres-pondents had made their stand at thehead ol the elevator, relying upon thegood nature of the first group of cor-

respondents for their information, andso avoiding the risk of being left forthe second trip of the elevator. Thesecorrespondents, joining with thosefrom the cage, made a grand rnh forthe telegraph desks, where Postal andWestern t'nicn operators were await-ing.

In this way came out the iuvvs ofone of the great events in the historyof the United States Senate. Notsince the impeachment proceedings ofPresidem Johnson has thero been aSenate vote so closely contested to theend. From any point of view, theconsequences aro enormous and far-reachi- ng.

Equally so would have beenthe consequences of an opposite de-

cision. With an incipient war in the


Dr. Koch's Decision onSpread of Malaria.

Studies Made In ital Thr Is aParastti Vtoqulto Carry

the Disease.

NEW YORK. February lv--- . m!

to the Sun from say: Profes-sor Koch's demonstration th.u mi'.ariuIs a parasite dise.i. and hU vM. n

in support of his theory that It t

spread chiefly by moquitoe;i are nn- -

ialned in an Interesting report ahSrhhe and his associates. Professor Pfelf- -

ler and Koshcl, have Just Issued a theresult of thetr Investigation In Italy.The chief object ( the expedition w.ithe study of the different klnlj ofmalarial fever prevalent in Italy. Ir.Koch and hi companion examlndseventy-eig- ht cases. They succeeded Indetermining that this malaria can.from a clinical standpoint. N dlvliedInto sub-divU!o- n.. but that a far aIts cause Is concerned It constitute uwhole, and Is caused by . single t V.irly characterized parasite.

Koch Is of tho opinion that mos-quitoes are In reality aceoimahl forthe spreading of malarial parasite; andcarry them from one person to another.They are th middlemen of the parasites. In support of his mosquito theory lr. Koch refers to observation onthe local spread of malaria In andaround Rome. The city of Rome lieIn the midst of an extensive malariadistrict, but I lis' If free from nvalarlxTh cause of this immunity cannot liein the air, or In the water, or In thefood." The only noticeable distinctionbetween the town ami Us surroundingsis that the Inner portion of the townIs devoid of vegetation, and thereforeentirely free from mosquitoes, whereasthe surroundings swarm with gnat ofvarious kinds. Where vegetation U tohe seen. In large garden, and o ongnats appear within and wlthoutthwalls of Rome, and with thm appnrmalaria.

rod rrprd Wltn MCalumr tWr from Roohii Cit AImmw

Urn and Ammonia. Caiirmt" f th NouaawHo'o




01 81."We all like our meal hot.Nothing lukewarm will do.Nothing half baked "done to aturn". I the rlgat thlwr. Thatthe way we servo our clothing.Maeli garment is hot from thbrala of the man who Unowhow to de.aln It.My! How the men and hoystnaek their lip-- t over otir line

f clothing.and tiii: Pitifi a in: ji:stRIGHT.

hi:i:r upon chi:i:u roi.--

iwsThe announeement of nurtplal sale of nktvear. hand-kerchie- f.

Collar and Cuffs.7r.: ties down to TV.Hemstitched Handkerchief.2 for 23e.You xnlsaan oppartnnlty if yn-- :

don't hook on to ?orr." ofthc largaln.

9 Ilotl Street : : WaTcrley RIock

Agents for Dr. IVIr30. I.'.&ea-Mtt- a

Underwear. Scad for Catalcgaa.

WE MAKE SHIRTS TO ORDER.Telephone No. C7S. No. 3-1- 1 Hotel 3L

The Silent BarbershopWhen :n n d of a cj I. clean .havc

by expert artist-- , with .arp loot.visit tho SILKNT UARIJHR SHOP.Ot:r Instrument an? thoree.:sh!y dis-

infected befw u!r.5 ! an


Ladies Boot-Blac- k StandIn rar of h;.

JOSEPH FERNANDEZ. Propr.Arlington P.Lvk. Hotel jsrrcot.


Ivory. Lacqur. Siher and CrtKkeryWarcj. Screeu. Vae. Rattan

Chairs. Crepe. Silk. Os-car, lite. K:c Ktc

12 I i'.s a: KaUs!. (m '.zz K-ai-:se-

ha, IV litxxJ. aa I in frost C.Markhasj'j 'x'.-- y. a r.ew

Ills os.

i2Catholic estrch rr--m. a: Kalist

2-- 21 ::. a: Kapa.:a.-r.i- . ! SaSkaof Kiss :re:l, aVou: Z f- froath Kapa!ama Tran:maj ivo'..

I lire Jrj anl houoa at Kaa!a2J,sUtia'ed rnauV-- i of Klzz I'.rect as4oa ih W'alklki of MorrU V-j-:a3 pre3slen, Jacvs: 12 a t-- xt.

Z. Ij: of aSmt ha!f aa a-r- r

Z of zz s'.nc:. iSr;; I? ) fvfrni oarwr of li'.lht al Kz.zj:rtjr. Th r rvmU pro! aninm cf 1721 annum.

C 2i ! : f ". ta Pj isuI Tra.U: 721 la Pu-n- l Tracl.ly. lvi2'Vj n p Tra :.

. I: l"-i- 2'i oa Nrij:-- 4 :::.right oppxsl!e ih old Ire orfcs.About 2") lo: iOxIW at Nuuxza atrar and maukaof th abotc C lots.

.lnj SO lo:. !a la Kcki Tr.tr!,I:ua:d oppol:c the Maic ICasdMi s:an I. 1: ! alm'.'.td that li

U os of the let tra.--t r.ir Ibe

Abj it l.: !a ih KpahataTrae:.

AUi-.i- l !' acre In Ka!ko3so.Puaa. Hawaii: the las! ex3dfrom th beaeh to a!kVjt 2 ml!from th" volcano.

11 City prirwr.ie. etc.. e:c.

Prlce are he eheap: in th mar-ket.

For further rurt!cn!arf apr'JT to


W. C. AC1II. our manager, baa over1C year' experience la reaj esta:? bos--Inesa la thla city.

lloaolulu. IVbruarr 7. 19. --IIJ

Children's PhotosA p-- i!e harde: of all to rnak rlluntil you Ui-ro- ;irru!omrxl 1o the

Men her tell u we are at ouri; cM when making photo of the littleone. Our quaint, unlqu pa- - faithful llkrnce and dainty tl of fintuning pnouA nni raror in everymother eye.

Preserve baby pretty far, in on c

WUJIamV phornjt.


n i mFort StrooL

D. H. Fjfe. C. V. Aasia.FYFE ADA3IS0X.



Dealera In ail Ofjrrtp'Jcti ct California ProJacu.

S.leisifa for IiiaaJ in:l:a asd Pra-ti a so.

PURCHASING AGENTS, CTCCa.ia adracoea caada oa eoailcnnast.All taatceia entrusted to ca will Te

proapt attest! on.

c. BiEvEli S CO., L'D.

Hnc.: jl i. II. I.AC.KNTS tfllt

Haw.tU.in Agricultural Company. Oa-- ni

Sujtar Company. Hoaoniu fi:aTCompany. Walluku Si car Company.Waih Surar Company. MaVrecar Company. ItaachCompany. KapapaU Ranch.

Planter I.ln". Haa Fraaci Pakf..CharU- - Itr-- r A. Vi. of lt-to- n

Packet.AKnt.-- H-:i- n ivard f tfc! ti-

ter.Agnt.4 for Piladtph.a ta:.! .f fa-!rAr;t-- r.

LIST OK OFFICr.RS.P.- - C. Jor.. Prc."dT.!; Gi:x II.

Rm r.jwin. Maaacr; K. F. Ii:hop.Trcxsar:r a: 1 S rar: Cd. W. '.AKea. AuJitor: C. M. Cwk- -. II. Wavr-h- u.

t. It. Crrr. Iirctr.A NEW PAINT SHOP.

HAVING ASSOCIATED WITH CIMr. Joha II. V.'eit, a practical HoaaPaiater, Decorator as4 Wool ToUtst

aro sow prepared to jc!t ei:aiatoa all klst!t of work la ttat Ilea.

Mr. Vet harlsg had a practical axperi e sea of over twenty yeara la 8aaFraaclico asd other Iarjr citiea oa taiCoast ve feel cosSieat ttat asy vorlentrusted (o ui will k1t esttra tatiafaction to osr patrosa.PEERLCvS rRESERVTNG PAINT CO


t:tt toxsrrrmu aatoca,


Page 7: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


Ho.MM.n.L'SK) k i:.i:ii.Ma.LOCAL BREVITIES.t it:; i . H I . Maty-- . 1

Ramsey, secretary f H.m 7Mr V Crfti frC. If. SEALkEll.f-- .i' v. .1 - -- . -i'o.. ha. moved lato townUki.THE C I'.T. n A l a

I ..... .V.V. ;UATv)

Ilo:t. Iirk-r- , Jr.. :.at! M :... M. lVr-ri.ind- ez

ere las. .vr.Ia ur.in-- l is

C. J. L'ldwlfr-e- - family h.iVfr.:ovcd into thir r.-- v hon:t on

tftrwt.Tour y-a- rs or. jhip a month

Kxkel at the Pacif. j Mail wh irf. Nowth-r- e ar. six a ronih.


t 2

If X

! ...t ...J t n,

....I - ....


. A;, t os

IIOU'LW' - .;.;

kLr;W iK

IC';ai.iKtt -- icr "

It nrlOtL : Ar.- u;Ofcom.



IFOE SALEain a.Mons. Vciiion, h retlrir.c Frrach

commissioner, left for th Si.it .itraidaiijht by the Alameda.

B - 'i

We r.ever did : but we havefeentheclothir.at this tirr.eof the year o covered withdandruff that it looked a-- ifit had been out in a regularsnowstorm..is

2tr- -

) tl. j .

!. i.... (


S.w Of I- -






Mrs. It. A. Tonics and d.uisht-- r b f: o ku ...a yesterday for the Statis after hiving

more than a year in Honolulu. rs '.".. .'.No ceed of tbis snowstorm.

1": ol:

:1 1x

I- -

I ....14

I'. .....

As the FUirmer sun would melt the6World's Standardfor time keeping.

Tho new Goverxnu?nt portable rockcrusher and th? a- - roaj cr.i! r havoarrived and aro belns rapidly p : i CYRUS J1


Wfttaat,..,.,Wtnr .......VI fcv

r fallinr snow, willI. KOBUEv.

m i I A few elegant lots alTh Minnranoli Times i.-

Sliould he in the porkel of every V Tvorkins up excursion.-- for lTi a: d . ( n..f .;ri, V

J. IManchard, th ondui tor. N brub-- j ttLt.twearer of a Watch. ifi- -- ii'i nn Vi Vr.T' . i t ' t. t 13 II A

Aooc jITrt.Ali .

all o? thf vtock of tl.o - Jibuti in. t r..t.r t 0.. .tw 'lantation Company that wa oris- - M'l?,,'0.,'";L,M ,. l

Intended to b- - p!ar.M In Hono!:j- - 0.!:. A l. vm' I' '"lei I!Inally

Mano.1 on the road, withunsurpassed view andclimate. On line pro-ros- ed

Rjp:d Transit.Easv terms.

--Severa! town lots on Ber-etan- ia

Street, Ewa sideof Geo. Koss.

t- -

4lu has l. en sub.ribed already

Aijer's llslr Vigorwielt these flakes of dandruff in the scalp.It goes further than this : it prevents theirformation.

It has still other properties : it will restorecolor to gray hair in just ten out of everyten cases.

And it does even mre : it feeds and r.our-ish- ea

the roots of the hair. Thin hair be-

comes thick hair ; and short hair becumeiTong harr.

Dr. J. C. Ayer & !'., I..well. llass., U. S. A.

llftK D ;o ft ; f (t

o. 1: . u --r I

On h renins of tho -.- "111 ln.-t-.. .1

concert will be sivf-- in the Pauoaschool. Miss I. Ah-n- ff teacher, for thebenefit of the school's orjran funl.

Mr. IluVn is no' In full chars ofWrishfs Villa.

Many years1 handling of ,r. Tt n !;arc Americana.r.b!r. SIC.': 10 Kwa. 13'- -: S OahuWatches convinces us that price ) ; One house and lot on

Beretania Street.a year h'considered , 77 Elgin is theAs h . has wraT a.--e? tble. Jl;T.-o- ; l, 0ahu. Jv; 1 up.

know lh Vce iinA thr JK. 0ah M f . .will it to I ho oM 'K.- - P up ImM u;i :.. h ,t J1:,.business andmost satisfactory of American f

4 Lo's in different parts oSt


FOR SALE..uarJ. Iu o,ika!a. SH.;.;..i; i' -- kaU. Jllo;Acting under tie advice of lu r phy- - Waim.a. n American. swv.i'V. Kewalo TracLIfafcics.'

Cased in .... HOLI.ISTEK DRUG CO., Agent?. Mcjan. Mr.-?-, liorw-r- t Lowers uill iMH.conjpelled to fcruro a suls:l:ut fori i:i:e S.t K porte! Nor.. 5 Kapiobni Park Additionher post at the :a:r to te slven by tl Cjtiotat.'on Chans-- . Th!rtv. Lots, on installments.WHAT



Hawaiian Relief rckty tirjti SattirMICKLE, SILVER, GOLD FILLED

km SOLID GOLD. ::iy. . 1 im -- iiiir. ..11.. t,. ... 6 Two adjoining lots. PearlCity, near station.All wno wisn t tnc nnesi lantern

pictures t ver jfC-e- n lv.ro and to hearsome first-han- d facts about Japan. coiiefrof. .ot. pri:ii;xtl ff Hon.-- C

lul l H!h hVh.Hd. nt:i l.e ti. .;MktkrrgITc have a full line and ?dl '

them at right juices. Ajax Bicycle 7 Seven acrer.morc or less.should attend th Wture to W. sUen at tho Cum r.i Cluh at ih t.trrkalntho Y. M. C. A. on Saturday evening nunt to U. pien la Iho Y. M. C A. (Nrr. Sit"d. Mt.nrr.)

orice and kula land, ad-joining Minister Cooper'sland in Manoa.

With OneELOINS reach yon right.j under tlio ausplc s of tho new Honolulu As.- - mb!y Hal! on Sa'.aMay t vmln;:

( am.-r-a Cmb. r.cxt. 1 n. rubct I "I-c:r- va Jup- -J. V. :nton. tho renowned ventril- - .. . , ..' an' 1 ho ,n l"m tlinmn ,:,n! cKiuist ho has just finished an rnsasr- -

Piece Fanter" Crank Hanger Pfc-n- t rroial f-- o pr 'nvath. Can8 Two eleeant homes ' atInch Iroi t Frainn. ment of over 1000 1- - rformancrs in Sni- - " ar?r.ci oy .r. v. i! aorr.ann.Elgin.? stand for nlial is right

m' 7 r .Y.w.'nn--al!y do ihle.!. A c!noy and Mel!hiurn, was a passenger! tno expert amateur jtrreop;!con mar.l Makiki or Punahou

school trjcutil lime htvpniy tti- - inoyqualities, and that is ichy ice


by the Alameda, with Harry Ulckanls. pTi:ator. Air. Hedcmann jctm.l iJk-i-hU n:anaffor. a eli known thratrlcni IlW , chance, btit rrixcA thotman. Winton will play tho OrphoumnS Iar Jif! ,f Inrtr-'-1 anythingHivnlt in t.hA fit-i- t nn.l Sfn lr n

are right in pushing the Elgin9 Fine business property

Watch. hi lar c ollection, or any no Ua or in heart ox city.his way back to tho Colonic.


lr pirtKul.r. ar.y t.



2 All Strictly First Class or !e..rnl alwut. Tho arvW:olcv. M!e'tei h? an aril: and th io Lands in Nuuar.u valley.J and Up-to-D- ate for Kclicf Society I.u.tti.

The Hawnilj.11 Tl.'H.'.f u:n In roloriLc of tho lldc. I a fascinating 1 1 Lone leasehold at Kaka--lfoatur. I r.o colorint; wa Uor.o ly thoitiuitco in u'irint; tho r'micra Umol$37.50. ako with good returns.only man in tho world '!. ran la yifor the nur;Ki;o of providing and caring

for the Hawaiian MifferinK then from. U only tho otd .r.a -- r ;:: I 1 2 hULU.thU clas of work. !! U a Jaraaooof Yokohama and hut pnx t a o-c- ret

that ho ajm a!I ! 'wlih him.TherovLfier th-- Mxloty turned lu at ly and lr!r to caII jo-s-r asirallea tol I J--- Uniy 6 mOIC lOtS 01 alltention to takinp tr.ro of th ne!y thU odrrrtlmrnL Oir morr in iSmH WMftN sizes in different parts

of the most desirable lofew fhort rk thai haTn lyo laBicycle Extras:

Searchlight Lamps, Lightweightpoor.

r.NC. M1KMKNT ANNOfNCKlrAt the. time of tho floidinc of the ti!be4 ha Urn lilt!? Vrt ofW h-- i a?rrudy t-- rt. far- -II. I . II lllll. L

Nnuanu stream the society clothed andi Lamps, Hand and . Foot Pumps, orrd iKlth a larr portion of thThe t r.ca-- ni nt of MU OIlc .S:cr!fed ovr COO flood sufforcrf.' I AT Sr. V and Goodrich Tire?. Bald- - trade In ton. wh:;-- hjirdtr a day

At tho present time there are forty Uns. dauchtf r of th Sterling ir.cyc ri..w in: .m to ir'.M. AtX r.Co.. of Kenosha. V!f., to Mr. I.s hems taken hU or tr camera, conjtf up to --o uiwin Chains, Enamel o in.

Extensions, Record Pedal. car of by tho society, ten Ulnjr m n i:;" ' , c n4' l" 5 J rc.,r.""r.... r... isZI VIIV IJIPNT I niMK IP III. III. VIZ- -

cations of Kalihi. withfine views, macadam-ized streets, and watersupply from city. Theselots we sell at lowestfigures in monthly In-

stallments without in-

terest so as to put themwithin reach of any- -body who wants a home.

n th.-- tj .hrln? women and I arkuowlt deed leader In Ilonoinl i ( r' " I . ..I W rii it-- arlr-r- r ItTTTfll

Pftn ii,ieT iir lii'j I'-i-- 'i i mi i jiji?, 4(i j i - ---- --GEMS' FURNISHINGS


Reduced Prices.WILCOX & GIBBS nie society is in, noou or lunus. in- - . rroM .. v rrirllt,r 0:h Crsturr llou tratrnest than the rr:

stea.1 of asking for --donaUons as hero-- Ki0jci jr. i. Iovrlt Wheelman I a1irnrr'r- - thTrfarr &vr ontofore and Which have nlwayn loou IrUinp; you'ns buInc man of Honolnl imilllllllfi MOO IGIKSroneraiis. a. ltiau will bo clven at the and recosalx th merit of a Rood" - - - . i

M-S- OLD.KapiobM Matelty Home .crcmnd. oa OBJ'"" ',i" C. E. LE MUNYON.Tho Best High GradeFamily Machine Made. 5aui.uay. naixa .. r.v.,, .i., arTUa of lho -- Moana."' on whlca it Kooo 2. 3. 4. Lte nolldlsr. Pert. St K-S- OLD.

wita v.iica to carry ci xno work. I PACIFIC CYCLi: MIT.. CO. hart aThe wise ones are marching here.Tbis store is the objective point.Come in and take a peep at values. 1 6 Good business location

Storlici: Ilicjclo.t. OK; I IVi m IX C VILWThe good dressers appreciate our Beretania, Waikikl sideof Nuuanu StrecLRESIDENCE LOT.Nev Vicloria Sewma MucninesFurnishings at money-savi- ng ngures.

HOf.lE BAKERYPromotions in F. Co.

Headquarters First ludlniont. Nation-al Guard ol Hawaii.

Honrmla. FtihrJLary 2Tth. WJ.Hoimontal Orders No. 11.

Upon the rcoDmmondatioa of thv

17 House, well improvedjoaTILVT MAOSIFICICT IUSdx- - k

tSluile oa NOKTII ldc of THUIISTONand CAFE. AVKNUH. adjoltlnc the r34cor of

wide, well macadamizedstreet In Kalihi, just pactKamchamcha Schools.Price S2.250.

Hi H sewing las aai eclchborhoodcompany iuo lutiuwiu iWray Taylor.promotions and appointments an horo- - I Tho Only First Class Amorican 0f w C; rj'm re--J Jesrv

J. LANDO,Successor to

L. E. TRACY,I. 0. 0. F. Bonding,

Fort St.. above King St.


Made by the .

Hew Home Sewing Mch. Co. SIZE OF LOT. 100x200.ThU lot a fiae r:ot tolihad la

by-- armounood in Coznaany : Rosiaurant In tho City.Sergeant Jyuis IVxadt to le frMrst Of O

Sorpeant..Privrao Adolph h:aotUti to l S-.-r- (JpjJ QDEIl frOIIl

ir-an- t.

Prlv.iTi U,nrv J. !itirn to 6 A. M. TILL MlOMv HT

front of It. and ritrt:m rvalatsj; Offerwal!, trrracrd td ready to tcild oaand jKHMjr an un-!:rort- -l rr;o--ramlc fiw of lh rtia. M-ar- t tr po

Corroral. to t arprtUtrl. ForPrivate Josfoh !rrcira to (ir-- 1 BUSINKSi LUNCH, from 11 a. ra

All and Many Other Article atthe BETHEL STREET

HonseMd Supply DepartmentWILL II nSHKILrwi. till 2 p. m Cknt.

Bicycle RepairingDone at Very Reasonable




-Krai K.a:o A cot and .q:t:oatr. For:

and Mcnrhaat f.rrix. ttoth'a f.or.Private Olaf i:i;!va to bo Corpora!. I DINNER, from 5 to 7 p. m. saleTO Cli.NT.Thoy will bo oeyo! and rotlOF THE- -j accordingly.

Ice Cream Parlors PtiolOQiDDtiic Silhoueiies. Any Kind of . . .Hy orkr of Colonel nher.

(Signed) JNO. SCHARFKit.CapL and Adjut ant. IN CON.M.l.TlllN.(?

uM Tilt- - OLD TIMC0We have a few second hand wheels

--which we are selling at cut rate prices.

. . . city KEPAiu snor. . .

E.JONES. R.CLARK.1) Black and Wilte ProfilesItrcacl. Cakr, Ktr.. ilrlivpml to

any par; of tho city frc r.I.ililhoittc Location.A ma;cr mariner vrho haj c?.:c.ad

his ;xrt and clcirod from it a clLIMITED.Island Stoclcs.

Buy and sell outrightMilt y V.'. Uty a: t'

j many tim anl who aa well has jilloiAiiir il (Vi'ira I nn n.tvlte Of

115 Bethel Street. Tel. 1011.

Orpheum CafeAbove Orfhecm Theatbe, Fort st.

NOTICE 527-52-9 Fort Street,HONOLULU, it 1. City and Suburbin Real

j ? j ji . j jmoving tho harbor ltgh'.hou50 out totho odgo cf the reef, near the cniraacoto tao channel. I!o V oPHOTOGRAPHIC Co.OPEN DAY AND NIGHT

Meals Served at All Hours. of no rracticil value EH Ei ; GOODS THAT TALK, t LIMITtlO.position and that had Apply to.Corner fort t1 lioiel Sircetv.TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED25cREGULARDIXXJJR,25c at tho office of Bruce Warins & Co.,


rt ciivcl a i.iu.iLi a;.jy s .s:-- s't c:nnWt have ju?t you I'..?. WVk a h.z i a!l theProgress Block, up to Saturday noon.From 12 Till 2 o'clock.

FWIILY DINING ROOM IN rcw fupj ly ofMarch 11th, 1SD3, for tho construction

ns ho :izt '. the IZdvard 'tlra.voudl n iv o i?oac to wreck theoihr nor . This captain k'h far-

ther and that the Island. are farbehind in L.. matter o! lUht. thatno protrrx3 to an-.oua- t to anything ban

bea made 8.r.c-- 2 the days -- hca thebeacon voro for M4:r fhin-.T-a!ono.

w! ktfcl. 2!i? to

LEWIS & CO., Grocirs.111 jx)ut srnuirr.

J. 11. Sli. or


WHITE LABOR EXCLUSIVELY, HEIGHTS." The right is reserved to Telohv.. ID r. 0. U)t. i.m w m 9 m ' w r w m m

L. GOW, Manager,C. reject any or all bids. Specifications

can bo obtained at our office.Th r nncifil com dirrrt

J from the factcrv in New York J

tnl ne th-lK- ."! xr.a'lr.0


New Importation of


Real EstateAND

;ici BRUCE WARING & CO. -- AT TH- E-v,Jo;a Santoi.. IVter Corrcia. M. O!-?- ea

and John Nuuanu. a party of j ur.zfellows, maile a blcjx'o tcur of thi

riPriccscsLowasthcLcwest v.' 1 1 111 ON HSILK GOODS, in the piece, SILK


NOTICE.j inland lately. They starto.1 from Nuuanu street at 5 p m SitursUy a:;er- - v.


at a meeting of the stockholders of theHawaii Land Co., Ltd., held on the lo:hinsL. it has been voted to increase the u UuPROGRESS DLOCK,

Tclcthonc 321.



WING WO CHAN & CO.210-21- 2 Nuuanu Street.

nxn and arriv b?ot at HomiuhiSunday mominc at ? 13. Tho roa i

were quite mud ly an 1 t'..o loys bad trwalk from Kaneoho to !!cU durlrtrwhich time it r.iir.M heavily. Threwere r.o aec-den- t ontld" of a prir.o-tur- e

or two and bent forkc Th !oyinjoyol themselves Immensely.

maps or noNo:.t:.r. r.srtouMm. T!. rrr.! r-.f-

V ifr of lU::.ncapital stock of the corporation from$10,000 to $50,000.

ENOCH JOHNSON.Secretary Hawaii Land Co., Ltd.

Ccrscr Pert izi Eeretrli S:s. v. i.'iror.aH.:j fuh itra Hi".in. GAi'::e C. oa Ilo.t ir':.....

223 Merchant St.P. O. Box No. 104.lusc 5tro fciit

Page 8: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


o A UNION SERVICE! JAS. f. morgan IIProgress Shoe House.ooo--o



OUR REPREOEMTATIVEO.We have Shoes for those ton youns to walk, for

those too old to run: for these who dance withmerry feet, or through weary years still shunle on.

Shoes as lih; as the heart of youth, as strong asmanly courage, as beautiful as wo-nan'- s grace andfirm as truth most chnte.

Shoes for dry and wet. for cold and storm, forweek day and Sunday, and always to be depended on.

All our Shoes are like pood ministers they wearthemselves out in the service of mankind.






Interview these representatives at

;a. e. murphy & co.205 Hotel StreetI



AntaseriBSClBrewing Association's








Two Carloads of thisFAMOUS BEER

just to hand.


Two Congregations HearRev. C. H. Yatman.

A Genuine Revival Defined Prvailing: Prayer The Way Indica-

ted-Silent Prayer.

The Central Union consr station in-

tended the revival services at theMethodist church last night in awhich, with the congregation alreadyassembled. comfortably filltl thfchurch.

Rev. Mr. Yatnian was at hi best, andconducted the services in a peculiarlysolemn manner. After the usual scripture les?on he gave a number of Illus-trations to show what a gnuin val

of religion was.A genuine revival is not born of man

or methods, but of (lod. The two greatrevival chapters of the IHble are thesecond chapter of Joel and the erondof Acts. We should never fall to remember that prevailing prayer pre-vails, and that delay Is not denial.

What the people need is Jesus Christformed in the soul, the hope of glory.Some may say what can I do to helpmake the bad good.' and the giod bet-ter? Well, I used to tell everybodywhat they ought to do, I knew as muchthen as a sophomore does, anil theyseem to know everything, but I don'tknow now what anybody can do. butthis I know if you are honest and inearnest, and will go In silence to yourclosets and on your knees nsk (Sod toteach you and lead you in Hi:Tway. youwill find something you can do. andwhen (Jod tells you to do some partic-ular thing you must go and do it andask no questions. Cod will takr? careof the results. As an illustration ofthis, he gave an instance of how a weelittle girl was the means of bringingseven people to the Ixml Jesus Christ.She asked God to direct her. nnd whowill say He did not.

The most Impressive service yet heldwas the closing of the meeting withsilent prayer, when every head wasbowed and the silence could bo felt.

There will be services again tonightat 7:30 o'clock.


The Contractor Makes a (ircatCricket Catch.

Up to yesterday afternoon Fred Harrison, the well known and successfulcontractor, had not played cricket forfifteen years. He has sworn off nowfor an indefinite time. Fred was un-

able to resist a challenge hurled athim on the ground of llritish Commis-sioner Kenny yesterday afternoon andwas soon doing good work on thepitch. He was assigned to wickct-keepln- g,

but, thought he would try afancy catch. He caught the ball fairlyin his right eye and has an ornate op-tic that would be the pride ol the lifeof a pugilist. IJeefsteak was applieddirectly, but the bullocks are so poorhere lately that there wasn't strengthenough in the meat to draw out muchof the coloring. Fred will not be handsome as usual for a few days, but hasthe consolation of having shown someof the present-da- y experts a few thingsabout cricket. A few years aro Fredhimself was one of the reliable, andin the. olden days the father was achampion, having a knack of carryinghis bat for about 46 In a closo game.The elder Harrison, by the way, was Inthe habit at appropriate times of tell-ing the most Interesting tales ofcrlcke playing In Turkey, where liehad gone from Kngland on some Cov-ernme- nt



Dr. KaO'cI President of I he ApiaMunicipal Council.

Dr. Itaffel, President of the .Municipal Council at Samoa, wa a throughpassenger by th Alameda. The Iootors thoroughly well acquainted with S.i- -

moaa anairs, having been therethroughout me times of trouble. Heis now on his way to (termanv on ar-eou- ut

of ill health.lie reports things at a standstill.

Mataafa still has th kingly powerhis opponents bave not been mikitmmuch noiso lately.

He thinks that as long as M.itaafaremains in power all will be well, butif Malieioa lanu attempts to secure ththrone there will be bloodshed. Theresources of the former are about jevcntimes as great as those of the latter.

The Philadelphia bad not arrived InApia up to the time of Dr. Uaffe's de-- !


H. MM A U,


llI lie

33 Queen Street.P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72.


AUCTION SALEOf Wreck of Ship

Edward O'BrienON THURSDAY, MARCH 2. '99

AT 10 OVIX'a A. M .

At my ja!rroor.-.- .Q-i- '.rr t. Ho-

nolulu. I will jte'.l r. i ubU - ft.':v:i-n- . f raccount of whorr: :. n:jy concern, th-wr- eck

of th .:.'.p "KUWAUnO IUIIKNV a sd- i- V.

to Honolulu HurU--- .AUo at th lam - !;o ir .ir.d ?:. . I

will m II the cargo ;t ai 1 .;p IMwardO'ltrieti now at tfc.- - !;, Vine .V..O'.;:

3,545 Tons of DepartureBay Coal.

Term Cah. V. tr;.J C...:

JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr.

Auction Saleor

Property... ON WAIK1KI ROAD.

ox moxdayT marchAT 12 O'CIJOCK NOON.

At my aleroon:. I "ail! ?""; a"lie auction

A FINK UL'ILDINi; IX)T ta themain Walkikl road, aijolnlng the tvIdenctf of Mr. Goo. Manor.. Tao lothas a frontage, of C ferl on tt Wa!kikl road and a depth of 100 fet: ron- -taining ISS1 .tquaro fe--t.

Further particular ofJAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr.

T Q-ie.- 3 T:-:- .

Auction SaleOF



At my salesroom. Qtxa srtre-:- , I willpell at public auction for account o! theestate of the lato Jaj. Taylor

THi: LKASK FOR AllOUT 5 YKAHSOF A IIi:Ci: OF LAND at Ka!!a. Wal-kik- l.

There !. a sm.ill cottage at,A .."!on the place.

Annual rental. $10.

JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr.O..Jvv W'-f- ..

iinnrrninfrir v QUi7A ilUllUAUBBO UjU



iTakrs place at Moi

0n Monday. March 6. 1899AT 12 O CIjOCK NOON.

Property adjlr.i tLe re-Iic- ic. of V.'

l- - llopjw r. ar.d bring in a har. Isoni- -rental from stor- - an 1 ! i'.'. !- -



Ifll plinnppr i ier:IIU b unuui

33 Queen Street.


--oooWe have now instituted

this newdepartment and youwill always find Bargainsthere in manyarticles in


Crockery and Glassware

Call and Inspect.You may see something

you want.AH Goods marked in plain


Second floor. Take elevator.

ii i urn.LIMITED.





OOO- -




AFTERI Repeated Trials we I

g have at last found the articleI we wanted. It came by the I

i Albert and is now offered forI sale to the public of Hawaii Jei at the same prices as sold in

the United States. Come and I

see for yourself and be con-vinced that the above state-ment Iis true in every respect.


Housekeepers will appreciateour effort after they have seenand tried our new k

i Scotch Granite Ware1 and found it will not chip and

then rust through, after it has 5been in use a few days. These II goods when they once get intoyoui house are there to stay.

I IAluminum WareIs soirething that has been sold kin Honolulu some time but theprices wo are offering these Igoods at is a new departure aaltogether.


I Another thiug we have pleas-ure

I.in bringing before the pub

lie, especially those who have Iyoungsters iu the family, andhave more or Ies9 washing to

I have done at home, is a WashTub with au attachment on theside, for fastening a wringing

I machine to, thereby obviatingthe necessity of screwing your

I wrists all out of kilter, bywringing out clothes by handpower. These wringers we haveIn three size?.



Waverley Block,Bethel Street, I


Crockery, Hardware.I


in 1551. Lf3oaers in 1X99. T

T ?

oThe best at the lowest o

cprice at HOPP'S.soo5

Sideboards o




in gob!Down Pillows

. . . . ANY SIZE.

A New Line of

1.Repairs littg


J.H0PPAC0;Leading Furniture Dealers,




lie410 Montgomery St..



San Francisco, California.

Twenty years of successful exper-ience as a Real Estate Agent enableara to state that I have done well forinvestors, when they followed Jy ad-Tric- e.

The attention of those having moneyto invest is called to the fact that thereare great opportunities to make splen-did investments in San Francisco RealEstate at the present time. The oon-"diti- on

of realty at present favors thbuyer. This is the time to invest whenproperties can be purchased at lowprices.

San Francisco has a great future; allunite on this point. : It 13 to be thgreat city of the Pacific Coast and thman who "buys now will make himselfrich.

I offer my experience and knowledgeof values of property to those who desire to purchase business propertiesfor Income, or improved lots or blocksfor investment. Information cheerfully given in reference to all matterspertaining to Real Estate in San Fran-cisco. I will be !happy to correspondin relation thereto.

Sometimes estates are divided, andthe property lhas to be sold; in thisiray fine purchases can be made. ThsTjodersigned possesses information ofAll such sales and can advise buyeras to values.

Sloney invested on Real Estate security for those who desire to loantheir money.

Full charge taken of properties andtaxes paid for absent owners.

w. J. GUNN,Heal Estate Agent, 410 Montgomery

St., San Francisco. 5133

Ii. KOGr FJSE.Merchant : Tailor.

123 Fort St., Opp. Club Stablet.


tSaiti cleaned and repair. latli-ixtUo- r.


JMxrt Xewers. F. J. Lowrey. C. M. Cooki


Importers and Dealers In Lumber andBuilding Materials. Office,

414 Fort Bt.





Pabst BeerMerit Alone Has Made it World Famous.


Plantation Owners,Managers, Agents,And Buyers. . . .

Patronize Home Industry, no need of sending abroadfor Harness. With added improvements to my KuL'ttlrrizeDtplitiint and direct importation of material, 1 am now pre-pared to supply Planters and Agents with any amount anddescription of Work Harness, or parts thereof, at figuresthat will compare favorable with Coast prizes, and theassurance of a far better wearing article.

A full line of Carriage, Harness, Stable and HorseGoods.

Island orders promptly and satisfactorily filled.

Concert Tonight.The Government band, directed by

Capt. Perger, will play this program atthe Hawaiian hotel tonight, beginningat ':?.):


Overture Struggle For Fortune. SuppeChorus 1. Oiuramento SanelliGrand Selection Maritana .. Wallace(a) Like no a Like. I.ri Daisies..

lM Pumehana. Main i ka AoThe Missy's Keliaa and Alepai.

PART II.Comet Solo Sans Souci Clappe

Mr. Charles Kruter.Selection Pirates of Penzance

SulliranWaltz The Violets WaldteufelGalop Hermit Dells Maillac

The Star Spangled Manner.



P. O. KOX 4f 5.

nd o MITM M-- M-M- M M-- M-M! P. 0. Box 594. Telcptone 72.

Page 9: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


A fnr a TtiantailoU laLOCAL BREVITIES. n HEAD IE PROCESSION Theo. H . Davies & Cowanted. Address H. P., this paper.i There is nothine like the Peerless

I onhie Judd's condition is very sat- -' Preserving Paint for a leaky roof. I.IMITCOisiactory. Mrs. O. P. Emerson was a pas.nser

bv the Oceanic steamer Alameda lastThe Board of Agriculture will hold aWith a Line of Seasonable Lariaii. in GKNTV CANVAS

SHOES, in hite p. nil color.--. A foil line which cannotbe duplicated elsewhere for the pitce, ar.d we it.vite you tocall and inspect the novelties of the sta5on.

meeting tomorrow morning. night.I

Merchants and Commission Agents,

Be,; to call the attention of the tiadato their complete line of

C. Winam has been admitted as a It is figured that more than 200member into the firm of Yuen Kee & buildings are in course of construction(!n i in nnl nrnnnd Unnolnlu.

Clearing sale of millinery and man ooovii. vf Aia limit 9 J .. " ..vwell known throughout all the islandstles at Miss M. K. Killean's. Hotel

street. !of the Pacific, is visiting in HonoluluOTTT STOCK ha.-- I .fen csrtfullv ftltctct! to xnctl YourA rfl-onila- i mooting of Vnnanll C'h r V- i- QZain. Hie ain : 1Meni fit 1 T 11 A I - & t ;uer itose jroix, win ue nem iwuigai x,

7:30 o'clock. MESSENGER SERVICE. want?. Each and every article is car's td at the lowest iih!eprice. Come in and we thall convince yew that we are in the lead.Honolulu Messenger Service deliver

Tel. 378.jiurata 6c uo., tiotei street, receivcuja full line of Japanese novelties, etc., messages and packages.


A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings.anufacturers' Shoe Co., L'd.

For plumbing, tinning and generalrepairing try H. P. Ludewig, BellTower, Union street.

"Hans," the enterprising boot blacha3 taken the management of theUnion boot black stand.

The residence of Mr. E. R. Hendry,

H uasyosyj usyai i nr. IllJL AX V JLULDRY GOODS e UP.

GRAY AGATE WARE a Specialtycorner x'ensacoia anu wunu antvo, ,

offered for sale. See notice. Uii--i of tho 13 1 e: sh

FORT STREET.WILL DISPLAY ONIce cold drinks, ice cream soaas, nat-

ural crushed and our ice cream simplysuperb. Honolulu Drug Co.

rvr T?nvntn h Hawaiian GovernSATURDAY,



ment sanitary inspector, has opened anew hospital near Yokohama.

Ex Hongkong Maru a large shipmentof silk goods, gents' furnishings, etc.,for Asada & Co., Hotel street.

The juries in the Circuit Court weredischarged by Judge Stanley until fur-

ther notice, yesterday afternoon.The case of the alleged murder of a

will benative woman on Kauaidropped by the police department.

A gentleman wants to hire a type-

writer, prefers a Smith-Premie- r. Ad-

dress Typewriter, Advertiser Office.

What do you think of the Ajax bi-.-ir-

cHp.tiv nn-to-da- te, for $37.50.


o c'--oc

: oCSilhouette

PhotographyTH 1S






l J V i

The Pacific Hardware Co. has them.Twelve tenders were received yester-

day by Minister King for the newpumping plant to be put in at Kalihi.

Kukui street will be opened up im-

mediately. The Bishop estate has of-

fered dirt for filling in free of charge.Tn fnnoroi f tho late Dan'l. F. San- -


LADIES' FANCY HOSE.I.a t tk In Tl' 1 .Do you want to loam how to nuke

ford, held from the Masonic temple!Vtict tim HZ' to SJ..EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES. SILHOUETTE PHOTOS? If you do

at in mir stor nil.l we will takeSEE CXI mnC33 mSFUT!pleasure in teaching you the art. C PpCpPVFT) FOR1 1 tt ui'i Gooas 80.

yesterday afternoon, was well attenaeu.The meeting of the Church Defense

and Extension Association did nottake place last evening as was intend-ed.

The big luau for the benefit of theHawaiian Relief Association, will begiven at Maternity Home on Saturdaynext.



Our printing and developing departLimited.

THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS.ment is turning out good work. Our

customers are pleased. We take pains j. J.with every Job none slighted. W e cll

R C. A. Peterson, real estate andslock broker, has an office at 15 Kaa-huma- nu

street. List your property withhim and secure quick results.

An elegant borne on Punchbowl slopecorner lot 150x75 (one block above A.

nnic.nnv tnnp .house") for rent. Ap- -

the Kodaks, the film, and take prlJs InSTOCKS the work of amateurs. We are glad to 4U5shew anyone tho kind of work W2 do. OANiiauiouua -

ply at Carlton House, Kukui street.he Seaman's Club For Sale. We have no photos Tor Bale. Thoto

printing done by us la cloudy weather.I 1 rfl 1LU V . X.

foreignrties who haveJWIW W W v :

OtO Work always ready when promised.

Co,FORT STREET.newspapers which they are willing todonate, to notify him where, to call.

It is expected by the Orpheum the-

ater management to reopen the houseon Saturday evening with a first classvnniipville company from the States.



k nf npnnle called at the Shares KIPAHULU PLANTATIONCO. 61il Ifl IShares PACIFIC SUGAR MILL.


iV iiuiuuvi " -

British Consulate yesterday afternoonto meet Mr. Hoare, the new representa-- !

tive here of her Majesty's Government.

Subscribers to the stock of the Ho-

nolulu Investment Co., Ltd., are re-

quested to call at the office of GearLansing & Co. and obtain receipts fortheir stocks.

4 rvHnor of the stockhold- -







Shares WILDER S. S. CO.


of Waianae Co., Ltd., will be heldIt the office of J. M. Dowsett, Mer


PURE DRUGS :- -: :- -: :: AND CHEMCMS.

Druggist Sundries,TOILET ARTICLES, :- -: ::

:- -: :- -: FUiE PERFUUEI1Y, ETC

ooVon Holt Block. - - - Kin Strcot

March btn, atchant street, on Monday,2 o'clock p. m.

Peter Flench, who was convicted of. in is)7 and sentenced

isto three months' imprisonment and to',5500 was released frompay a fine of

prison yesterday. ALSO OTHERSTUERE ARETHOUGHComThe map of the ruuauu

tv.ni 4hwp --nn hut few lots not A few shares of Kona Sugar

taken up, and that the best are taken u , assessable stock.Surveyor Monsarrat is at work finding

amount left. G

attachment for the ele-

vatorThe power

in the Judd building is innumber ot the safes have also

In the Bicycle Wines rbo arc wiling good wheels we arc theacknowledged leaders; not because we say: uc have the beUBicycle in the world," for anyone can make that a?fcrtjon and itproves nothing, hut because Our Gooda are exactly aa we

represent them and we can fhow that no heel arc giving bettersatisfaction than ours do


Cor. King & Bethel Sts. C

been put in and the finishing touches)generally are being given.

The Peerless Preserving Paint Com-nan- y

has done some high class decor--

work on the front of the office of"SSL Marks, L. C. Abies, Geo. Manson

and Makinney on Fort street.of the ship Ed-

wardThe wreck and cargo

O'Brien will be sold by J. . Mor-ga- n

at public auction aton Oueen street today (Thurada)

earancfiWE ARE THE PEOPLE : :

Mcrrh 2nd at 10 o'clock a. m. .

rc Mrs. Geo. Hendricks,il

who do all kinds of Fine Kepair Work and guarantee it and thenOur price? are as lojr a the lowcHlive up to our guarantee.

and our work better than the 1 ct. A trial will convince you

that we make no misrepresentation?.t Minneapolis, have loughtisht lots pnirCC tk r r --r w INERYPin the KaimuKi xracu m:.-- .v

charmed with Honolulu and will buililJ HT W Ta large residence on their property, 1 rl A

Another revival meeting will be ahjeld TH. Yatman at .the I ALK?klth Srt A6 Othexs cut, we cut,


TELEPHONEunnnnii : : :ancrnoon next at 4 o'clock, and go them

on Sunday i PI1 1 . . . Still Continues.oo "

Greatly Reduced Prices onONE BETTER.

: : : etwoy312 FORT ST. 312Tieut Elliott, U. S. N., wen kuuu

officer of the Bennington.Smore and Philadelphia, has beenSigned to the old Monocacy at Shang-hai! Mr. Elliott left Manila bay about

a month ago.K Farlev, who had planned to

J 'ct hv the Hongkong

-beofe T INKN Ti Vr.vt 1 1 hK fAfLtt T SAILOR HATS, TRIMMED HATS,V V UUUVllI UlllHA T - r c z 1 1 (Z. ? 1 f! . S, ft f?Others Chargi $1.50.

1 W I --V V - i-- r - - - v--i V-- JV V W W. . ymi i. . vr. v-.- z. vi. iVi w w4- - Our ce - jlwirjrha declSdVoa account of theilJnraeins weather reports from the

. f fnv o fnrt- - 4-- - And the Balance of My Stock.mstates, to postpones . PRiKr.'S WATER COLOR FAlNlb- - 4 LARGE SHIPMENTzil OUIS PRICKS

OFnight or iuvl.

will be given at the Ha--j an

hotel this evening by the Gov--1

Saturday evenin 3?rc 25 and 35c :c-- IXoDDesiiroEwflthe hotel, "-- fV ." with music, SSA GOOD GUITAR OR HAKDOUN .will have a special


SILK GOODS,Kimonos, Embroidery, Handkerchiefs,Table Centre Pieces, Etc., Etc. . . .


4 Others Charge $3-5- 0 CJQ OK HOTEL STREET.by the Quintette tiuu.out for a musicale to be

Cards are of theofficerssiven at the cluh onue OUR PRICE 0ilLYtf;t7vr J


N. U. H tomorrow. , eeuiuo.- --- --- -- -

on met ions, mclud- -

eseV;f:: Andrew Brown, s1

chlnlaih of the officers' mess.nloil- - Or. 00TTT TT TrT"5 In i'I 2e guaiuuico v. wv -

TTverv member ot me lua"'rAhears;must be present at tne cases to tne lowest,chestra 1i,a nlace in nd Dooloi iiic-- own ns. vuitu x---

75 Cents a Month.Robinson Block.Hotel Street""''S.IAIL,INICHOLS COMPANY.

the largeten up with

Page 10: 'iy Ill i :firi · H Co. &--- - & &...-):.--)--)!.--"!, ' & &). &.., &, &---::


Earnes, II. E. Krowick, N. B. Douglas,' ATTENTION, COMPANY A.l Pale fiiieiil liwitsei connec onlill ode11

Armory Company A, First Ke:rnent, N. C. II.

win. Engle, H. Gamber, B. A. Kreutzer, A. R. Kite, P. K. Jackson, E. Robinson, F. P. Harstnieyer. Gpo. II. Hamilton, N. J. Banford. J. Patrick, W. Iambert, Miss M. McKcever, MU3 Peter?on, Miss M. C. Kinevel.

AOceanic Steamship Company;

TIME TABLE:Honolul'i. Mar, h 2. 1 4

Ererv mmlier ! tinsnillTlSIl-AMEKlCA- N LINK

Bids For

Issued Every Morning, ExceptSunday, by the


A. W. PEARSON,Business Manager.

her by ordrrtlehe--

to report at tb ln!I:tti5 ( rtn:r3iA Y) kvkmnu,!

;it 7 :T?t oV!uk. (or drI. iMarch fPAUL SMITH, Si m KBCut tain Commar.tlln. 7 l .z rtcr '.racitfi o! 7V. iJiz. Will Arr.t :a; Port as Ht-i- 2 Jrr:


The Hongkong Mam sailed for SanFrancisco at 10 o'clock last night.

Vessels sailing for island ports todayare the steamer J. A. Cummins, Searle,for Wraimanalo, 7 a. m., and schoonerKawailani, for Koolau, at noon.



IV.-r.n--r. tufc.-r- . T. r.i HONOLULUSEATTLE. T.V.'OMA : o.N


FOR S75.rail or t.mr

The regular monthly meeting c! Nn-tian- ti

Chapter No. 1, Rose Croix, A. &A. S. R.. will be held at the Masonic





The ship Edward O'Brien's position .); .i!ation. from! Fran '!-- ..on the reef has not changed much In Temple THIS THURSDAY EVENING,

the past twenty-fou- r hours. She is March -- . 133, at 7:30 o clock.I AUST1LLIA APIUL12I


TIME TABLEFrom and After Jan. 1, 18?)9.

still pounding away and pieces of All sojourning Brethren arc cordial- - Wy a Q Q UpXDATMD"wreckage are coming from her. ly invited to attend. ! 1 liu U U UllIlUll HlJ

Taine .Morning star will leave San - "i'4, 4

Francisco about March 1st, and will A B SCRIMGEOUR,leave Honolulu for Micronesia alout Secretary.

Will depart for S-tt- !e a!on MONDAY. MAi.CH 6.

April 1st. Persons wishing to sendmail by her can govern themselves ti atot mrrr. C ArretADJOURNED STOCKHOLDERS'


Space and arcocxo latlor. jo-i!.- ! l- -cngacxl ahad. All railroad apT.'--. .r.th Hi'trn Statra arc now rrpar'-- ito qut rats and t!ck t thr ichto tlie Hawaiian I.lar.d

rr'p.rl to Imn. to ta:zV.ze funacr, oria throcxi lUra::rovl frra lrxzcxx, 10 aJI -a :a ll UsitM SCat.Nfr Vnrk lr -- y a:rarii:? to x'l i:rr.praa ivruu

f?The Oceanic steamship Alamedadocked at that company's wharf at 3ociocK jesteruay anernoon wun a THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL For further Infer:--'- '. apr r y " TiriT rrt!rsmall jot or ireignt from the Colonies meeting of the Stockholders of the Hn- - a!ar a:J to

BTATION8 Daily Daily(Outward) ex. Bun. Daily ex. Sun. Daily Daily

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.MHcmolnlu.. 7:10 9:15 11:05 3:15 5:10Pearl City. 3 9:49 11:40 3:47 6:W)KwaMlll.. 8:33 10:08 12:00 4:io 6:10Waianac 10:50 4:45 ....Walataa 11:65 5:40.Xahukn 12:32 0:13

STATION8. Daily(Inward) er. San. Daily Daily Daily

A.M. A.M. P.M P.MKahnkn... .... 5:ai .... 2:08Walalna... :10 .... 2:50"Walanae... 7:1U .... 3:55XwaMill.. 5:50 7:45 1:05 4Pearl City. ft: 15 8:03 1:30 4:52Honolulu.. C:i0 8:35 2.XS 8:25

unv iinr nTrniinim J COJWm. G. IRWIN & Co.and a few passengers. She sailed for --.vaiian Fibre Company, Ltd.. will beSan Francisco at midnight. held at the ofQce of Mr. Cecil Brown a:

The British-America- n liner Garonne o'clock p. m. Friday, March 3rd, 1S03.anchored in the stream yesterday WALTER C. WEEIK)N.

IIEIltt! IIHItliflUUi)GENERAL AGESTS.morning at 11 o clock and will dock at loKn-S- t Secretary. LIMIT El

General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.COOK'S TOURS TOPacific Mail waarf today. The Garonnebrings a cargo of 1,000 tons of generalfreight and twenty-thre- e passengers. NOTICE.

F. C. SMITH,Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Act.

Q. P. Dekison,Buperirtendent.

A SPECIAL MEETING OF THENotice Torn Down. Stockholders of Waianae Co., Ltd., will Ee rtlM 111 wot pacific m Steamship Co.

Tk'kets 5o:j cn all Railway ani b:? jm- -It developed yesterday morning that Vr VV o

durlne the nieht nrevion eertafn T,a- - ?rfre.a" rect. on Monday. MarchSHIPPING IHTELLICtNCE.

ARRIVED AT HONOLULU.Wednesday, March 1.

Cth, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m. ship Lfnrsin xhf UuitcJ btaVsOccidental & Oriental Steamship (Jo.

pers in tne uity or uoiumDia casewhich had been fixed to the mast ofthat vessel had been torn down. This

A:coramcK!ition scurcj tn aJvinvt cnall r:jLnatUr.:U Uutu

J. M. DOWSETT.Scr:ary.

Honolulu. March 1st, lSfl. r10S


Special Excursion toSchr. Luka, 2G hrs. from Hamakua; happened while the watchman on board1C20 bags, sugar. was asleep.

JAPANBr. S. S. Garonne, Conradi, 13 days It is not known whether this was and Toyo Kisen Kaisbaifrom Seattle, via Hilo, Feb. 28; -- 1,000 done out of personal spite to Jim Ku- -

tons. general cargo to II. Walerhouse pihea, the watchman, or by somebody THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Till: prC C .phini Krril let ICQfi&Co. who thought that in this way Harry stockholders of the Inter Island Steam UII,X A'l, l5l

Stmr. Ke Au Hou, Mosher, 13 hrs. Evans', interest in the vessel could be Navigation Company, Ltd., will b heldl A month will bt sfr.t In th! tSelihtfuI S;c.4nirj of do a Lot conrvxs: l:i ra!from Ahukini; 388o bags sugar to H. j destroyed. An extra officer was put on I at the offico of the Company on Tuos-- 1 country. btrUtly f.rt CU5 a.'Cmrn' Ja port oa or About ti UCov oratlostLHackield & Co. last night in order to prevent more day. March Tth. 1S99. at 10 o'clock a. m. tlon5.FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: FOR SAN FRANCISCO:Am. stmr. Alameda, Von Oterendorp, pranks. N. E. GEDGE,

Secretary. CITY OP PEKING MARCH s CHIVVLAI. LIC MARCH 1C tvitffrAUHonolulu, Feb. 13. 1S93.

Fcr particular apply t aTHOS. COOK &. SON,

6i Market strctt, San lrra.-v::-o



16 lays from Sydney, via Auckland andApia; pass, and mdse. to W. G. Irwin& Co.

Stmr. Upolu, Henningson, 15 hrs.from Kohala.

HONGKONG MARU MARCH II xmiWif Vtn";iv iu.. a run 1NOTICE. Or their representative.GAVIN In Honolulu, H. I., Maicn 1,

1899, Mrs; Margaret Gavin, aged 89years, a native of Scotland. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE STOCK OF

the Honolulu Investment Company,The funeral will be held at 3 o'clockthis afternoon from St. Andrew'sCathedral.

SAILED FROM HONOLULU.Wednesday, March 1.

MR. A. II. KAESER.Hawaiian II. tel. Honolulu.


SINGLE TRir.Ltd., are requested to call at tho officeof Gear, Lansing & Co.. and obtain re

For SUa Frandico Cabin I TSceipts for the lr stork.C. B. GRAY. Stomal Cib!n I)

ITnri tf.t Vi'iSi tn-X- m.HfiS Secretary.

Stmr. Kilohana, Thompson, Lahaina.Jap. stmr. Hongkong Mam, Filmed

San Francisco.Schr. Lady, Martin, Koolau.Stmr. Kauai, Bruhn, Koloa.Am. whaler Gayhead, Foley, cruise.Schr. Moi Wahlne, Sam. Kohala.

Will leave Honolulu at 10 o'clock a. I iMrr.-C-- n

ARE AS FOLLOWS:S-vo- a4 Catla X1S

(Toyo KixaKoroprfma Sltmf Xt0

ROUND TUIP.Fvr Saa rVactacoOiti. 4 tao'4123For Yooa , a Qaiila. 4 sao'av... C23

CaUa. 12 rao'a. TC2JUFor Hoscooc Cabta, 4 co'...tS2X9

CaMa. 12 co'a. SIta

m.. touching at Hosolpu. MahuXono. For YokooJuna-Ca- V.a flWKawalhao and Kona port., aj follows : I So4 Cabin XMNOTICE

I HAVE THIS DAY ADMITTED I i. nv.wi.u.u. (Toys Kla Ka!aa osly.)nuropma ttrajr tSLionel S. Mathews into nartnerahin In W LNE5DA MARCH S Per HoaskoC Cab:a $1TS

Mumsfl (x)

Mirmv Furnituro Business. 20 Berctanla I SATURDAY MARCH is

For r?acral lnfomitkm Oxpplj toStreet, near Fort Streot, and will carry WEDNESD AY MARCH Z3on the same, under the style of L. s. ukai APKIU s .,E c3. it..Matnews & :ons. ulimmiwi m uuiSiensl Ia. S. MATHEWS. SR. I SATURDAY APRIL ZJ

MOVEMENT OF STEAMERS.Steamers due and to sail today and

for the next six days are as follows:ARRIVE.

Steamers From Due)Moana San Francisco ....... Mch. 2Mauna Loa Kona Mch. 3Lehua Molokai and Lanai ...Mch. 4Klnau Hawaii Mch. 4Claudlne Maui Mch. 5

J. V. Kennwlr. WKll.NKSUAl A A & I-- JWitne?s:5167-- Ct LEAVE HONOLULU.


ftuili nm Oil li!t ftlillfi!.NO ONE IS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN! FRIDAY APRIL 21Upolo Kohala .Mch. S

City of Peking San Francisco. Mch. 8 receipts ror Uliis and Moneys uue TacixUESDAY M-- Y 2China Yokohama Mch. 10 For freight and passage apply lo

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD.I m,m.) nfflA rice c "' "DEPART.Steamers For SMITH.vl ulOT:l vxn.c. iiuo-- oi

Sails I D. B.r.ir.7-2- 6tMarch 1, 1S99.


CBAS. BREWER & GO.'SWANTED. Suxvruem cf the atOTc llr. raa ctcc la Oiozertloa v.ta tl CA?ADt


Moana Sydney Mch.Garonne Seattle .... Mch.Lehua Molokai Mar.Kinau Hawaii and Maui ....Mch.W. G. Hall Kauai Mch.Claudine Maui Mch.City of Peking Yokohama . . .Mch.

r.ey, N. a W aatl caRla at Viorla. ll. C HoooCaTa, Sxrm (Hjl).A BOOKKEEPER FOK A PLuNl A- - THE RESIDENCE OF MR. E. IL WcUlsrtoa, N. Z, ar

tion. Send application under H. P. to Hendry, corner of Pensacola and Kl New York. Line..ICS8 1 this office. nau Streets, containing nine rooms,lanai. etc. Lot 100x200, highly improvChina San Francisco .Mch. 10

Upolu Kohala Mch. 10 Oa or about the da: below atated. Tlx:ed. Apply to the owner. 516S The ship Emily F. Whitney will aollNOTICE

FtO.n VA!C0LTC A?D VICT0HA. BX.from New York for Honolulu oa More aMEMORANDA. Foe Swt.WctcsxtdsHXi a4Siim:1st, and the bark Foohag Suy willNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR SALE.

leavo April 15th from Now York for MIOWERA MAIL 17Per stmr. Alameda. Sailed from) Mr. C. Winam is admitted as a memberSydney, Feb. 13, 4 p. m., from Auckland in our firm, from March 1st, 1899. lionom.u. u luccieot induccae&ti WARltlMOO APRIL 11ONE 1SX42 INCH HORIZONTAL,

ozerrt. ItntJAVfiT fjiY 15Feb. 18, 2 p. in., from Apia, Feb. 22, 4 Honolulu, March 1st, 1S99. slide-valv- e engine. Second hand. Apn. m. Good weather. 516S YUEN KEE & CO. Advances raad. oa fthipmcnls oa JUNK

ral terms. For further particulars. aJ-- 1 w ititiioo JULY 7

rron std? nr. wt lu ctc a2-- a k.taFcr Victoria axJ Vascurrf t



51632049 uresa itr. i;iia. iii(wi:u : w .iA0RANGI AUG. 4FOR SALE. ivnoy Fircci, ikxs.ou orIMPORTATIONS.Per stmr. Alameda, from . t



ojunej, Fi,i.T.iVT HOAtR ON PUNCHBOWL FOR SALE. c brf.wer & co.. ltd..Honolulu A pent5.March 1. 50 cs. beer, 7 cs. wines, 12 cs. Lir. mAr lot i0t7 (on block

drugs, 3S cs. mdse., 7 cs. butter, 2S0 cs. abov A Harrison's stone house) nine MIOWKRA NOV. 21WARRIMOO DEC. 22ONE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. 10- -onions, yu cs. potatoes, iu cs. ran, o loftv nKims hroad lana, kitchen. Dan- - , r, rV"" withiime? fi x , "T r x r T linen sucnon, s-iu- cn uibcuarsccs. cheese, . 6 cs. garlic, 15 cs uj, luum, . w. - 'cstinghouse engine complete. '. MS, 80QES M Mitts. Through tickets tis-- ci froza Hoao'.-t- a f Car.!, Vzlitl SIa: aa4One centrifugal pump, ch suction,sks. cocoa nuts.

CONSIGNEES.Europ.ch discharge, with Wcatlnghousechicken house, large shed, easily con-

verted into a house for renting. Part1 r. nmoln i3v Fwr ie'h: as 1 rae aaJ All r:ii:a, ar;"7 toengine complete.

One centnrujral nump. t,-in- ch sucPer stmr. Alameda, fromMarch 1. Holdenthro, B. L., wm. G mortgage. tion, ch discharge..

Theo. H. DaYies & Co., Ltd., Getfl Agts.One Blake pump, 3-ln- ch surtion. 2- -Appiy at iv 1 i vjn uuuan,516G Kukui street.Irwin & Co., H. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

Henry May & Co., McChBsney & Sons,G. Andrews, W. Mclntyre & Bro., D. G.

H. ENCELBRECHT,Successor to

San Francisco Launch Co.

inch discharge.For particulars apply to


Continues tho buslsotss of tho ir.eFOR SALE CHEAP.HANDSOME

Surreys and Phaetons.company at tho rurse p!a.The undersigned, having been ap-

pointed assignee of the estate of S.Decker, a bankrupt, of Honolulu, Oahu,


Arrived.From the Colonies, per stmr. ONE 1 YEAR OLD CALIFORNIA I COfCCf NMt!l Pe.3t Vli St5Cit33 S'JAla- -

SAN FRANCISCO - CALXFORNX.V.meda. March l.--G. Muller, A. Goiding, second judge of the Circuit Court of "rV TIV " iTr-1-" Write for Cutanr-- Vrt...Miss Ida Poston, J. N. Elliott, S. Ben-- the First Judicial Circuit, hereby notl-p- "' "Vrc . r i. u. Box "crell, Mr. Kemst, WT. E. Weed, Capt. B. j fies all persons having claims against l 4'V u 11 1 1

Al LEY'SChapman. tne estate ot o. jjeciver, or .ut;ueirus c,

From Seattle, per Br. S. S. Garonne, Decker, to present same with vouchersMarch 1 C. J. Blanchard, E. J. Web- - duly authenticated, even though thester, G. F. Kohers, William Fink, H. same be secured by mortgage uponn viht t r lmrirf William J. real estate, within six months from


Hies,B IKE

ITS. Handsome Team.J. K. date hereof, or such claims will beMooney, J. Green, A. Perkins,

Kindall, AV. L. Perkins, M. L. Sullivan, ITEMS OF INTEREST TO BICYCLERIDERS.to the estate of S. Decker or Meilciros

&. Decker, are also notified to pay suchdebts to the assignee. FahCvV' lA'A " V ADated Honolulu. February 7th, 1S99.

Whether ths chainlets U to super-cede the chain drivers, is a question ofability to produce and soli as cheaply:

Ililif. nWfiiBfe

lOplOUSS r--

1 1 ;. i Til j: ;. vvx

mI. RUBINSTEIN,At office of Ilyman Eros., Queen street, also as to Its wearing ouaUiics. One

Assignee of Estate of S. Decker. tJhinc Is sure. It Is calnlxg la favor.5150 Every factor of prominence Is making

it. Compelled to do so. Very reluct Clwm mm, 4antly in some cases.

The sales of CO-in- eh wheels arcyond the expectation- - of tho manufac

Doable.IUndor.; mo', btyllb. ur. I lc

P. H. Ammidown, Mrs. G. B. Osgood,Miss H. E. Rumsey, Mrs. W. A. Mc-Donald, Mrs. W. F. Giddings, S. Ful-rae- r,

C. B. Kendall, Coi. L. Edwin Dud-ley, Mrs. Miller and nurse, Dr. W. O.Junklns, F. N. McCandless, ArthurBosworth.

Departed.For San Francisco, psr stmr. Ala-

meda, March 1. Mrs. R. A. Tomes anddaughter, Mrs. Oliver, Mons. Vossion,Mrs. S. L. Roberts, Mrs. W. R. De-wi- tt,

Mrs. Van Norstrand, Miss Good-win, W. II. Anderson, R. T. Burke, A.H. Upton, J. B. Agen, J. Caufman andwife, Mrs. J. Lycett and three children,Fred Harris and wife, Mrs. Kaiser,Mrs. ;Mary F. Wharton, Mr. McLeanOwen-Curti- n, Mrs. V. A. Schilling, T.Regan, and R. B. Burns and wife.

For San Francisco, per stmr. Hong-kong Maru, March 1. Lieut. Comdr.Stevens, U. S. N., E. Bierer, E. W. De-min- g,

W. R. Keifer, F. L. Waldron,Capt. E. W. Watson, Mrs. O..P. Emer-son, Henry Allen, J. L. Nicoll, A. W.

turers; it has features that commendit, apart from tho extra drop that canbe given to the crank h.ing'r. A yearheme we shall know more to Itslife, something more than a craze now.



of W. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.,held at their office February 9th, MissL. A. Paris was elected treasurer v:ceGeo. H. Paris, resigned.

L. A. PARIS,5151 2045-3t- F Secretary.


niutcd tr.a of hor oa the Ij!i-n- I.

Rich nht sorrrl pclJIss. ::h Caxatipped ciine and tail. Matchol InWe can do you a first clas Job of recolor, weight and size. Both cor.Insj

?cn 'UT oM, scun i ar. ! (!! I Tokpair work. Bake enamel In black r.r. lcolors with up-to-da- to decoration .

en; a!n?:- - double and to ride. Roya!- -

ly bred; prompt drivers, hut R?tt.MY HORSESHOEING SHOP (formHonolulu Carriage I'fy

W. W. WRIGHT, Prop.Fort Streett Above iioteL

Irlce rtrn:fly rtcisonab!c. C.V. onGood work and lowest prices a;

Bailey's iluli cyciery,erly on Queen street) is now located onRichards street above Queen streeL

J. A. NUNES.Telephone No. S71. 5166

or a?Mrr4W. S. WITHERS.

51 Gl Honolulu.231 King StreL