iwarr,pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1957-04-03.pdf · Church Grade School News f Kinderarten,...

I- • Hoi* touriat* wid f«r the Michigan recreation * • * • , P*oB«od for the f*ar*. TM* * i L 5 t M W » * m t t a o* the Mock. ^ iiiace Bridgo to be opened «* **, VguPwiPffc fWo* broug* ****** te Movowboi.'Sho *o|l j laxgt rat* whO* vote to 1r *ot uttll Juno XWV M 4 | £ ^ p ** wina***^** Bond totut* M *#! SUNDAY MASSES Anathor factor is tht tourist *o*» eU wboat promotion of, wtator *p£ti tj M Itngttned th# tourist ataaoiuW* te» sating, water ikttng and boat traMer* hav* «ontrib**ad. 29 winter yet*rte wart open laat winter. The *h*ifior work week now und*r eon. U m i»o meat** to booat it. v v t tb« kidi to motto tf \ht «ommitt*et for MichJfcaa week weordiu^ to Don Weeks, director.Ht says tomt of them do not know tht. ' •olor of tht Michigan flag or that thty *v*n havt one, Svety school in tU« »tatt wjill receive a statavflag for display Michigan week. Clajr Taylor wants Michigan to t t r v r ^ l y Mtchi. ig«»n food on that day. The schools only objection i* th* date, May 21, »h*a school* ar* winding up their tehool year. Wat 1986 a lucky year? Traffic Jeatfep wart 269 less than in 19(5 but *e*id*n.U iner***«d 118$. In 1955 traffic death* were 2016. Thty dropp ta tt 174T t**t .year. .Laat y*ar div*rs drove 587 million mor* mil** tan* ia 1**6. were •T»*JW*> *Ttvtf9^|^P %«'^H^Js^pjf^ew***jBp waft beaten by Paul a tf year old U, of M ( imfcpown Androw Sato of MWW|^^ W^tW ^a^t^t'^^tWB^P^t^I jt^^T't'0^^^^9t*v*t^^|B^^^M^P^^' ttUtta ErwiaS»yd*r, ©Ion Wiggiot wh* :8:00, 10:00 A ]JUat: 8!0f A, M. Novanna Otvotion*. i:30 to 6:30 P. M. Church gg M tho nomiaatioa to Baal Daan, Domo l CARD OP THANKS In ltthalf of our cou«in, tlr: OWaon wa with to thank th« Mac. a)d Raat Roma, Dr. Barton and Don dwaitnout and all thoaa who haya rtnt oarda of lympathy. Thoir kirtd nott will ahrayt aa rainajhherad. Wiffiotor S t n » f a&d wtfa CARD OP TfiANKl kk to thank my lor tt»a crat, ran OR «tias*r* ad agaH lott to Dean, In lund was Mark Naafc, vt ]n Putnam only 861 Totod eoia.. ed to «08 erats won frW 1, ttt* vot* Sqp*rvi*or, UHond— 0, U i, Hasty R Ckrk, M, Kwn*4y O.. John Burg* R Trea*,, Helen RoytooJds D CelMU McKinlty R .... High, Com, John Connart D n opposition Trustee*, John WyH*, D Btn White D Merwin < Camptil R Ralph Hal! R .. Justice, Otto Pontoon D Albert Shirley,R .... Jiwtie*. Robert Pile* D . no fctMfcb. open« Aprfi » a»d oontitnua* , Tao Domo attly\7.89 thia ttorney . Co» was th* Lansing board <rf rayW Church Grade School News f Kinderarten, Mrs. Parks Lee Davis and Armand Oleaki can ride bicycles. James Naah had cotn- A l>a«y from How til. Ray Jacobs do* I nulls his wagon Malcolm Ludvig 10:00, 11:3a A. M to •iiives an airplane. Glenu Shanoi lias a new horse. Harold Hollister a new jacket and coat.Gary built him a tree house.Caioll 01 m\\i had new skirt and blouse. San. dra Bell a drum, Edna Mae Pesolas Tatber made her a kite, We are all flying kites. Suzanne Waring :s after 3 weeks absence. Tie present the deadett ever.'Few of tha cmtti bothered to go around to ir.t people and tht campaign v.iued through the pr*ss whan (am'idute* made all kijtfa *i flvg %& against «tck alhtr and d**M# ed investigations. There will ht n# H libations and no nor* wiU hf of the charge after Attempts to arouse bowner*. Republican 'Chafna** £x*e Beach*, Patter . '^ tf altar &a* •ahool feaple'e Mtottat Serviee .7:30 Cong". Chercb .Winger, Pastor 9:9Q a. n. K, 10i4&$a.w v piwyet meeting at 8:00 . 7:80 Church Grade, Mrs. Thaytr Beverly Pealc'a daUdy was able to i;o to work. Gwendolyn Hudsons grandmother gave her a dollar.Bob Posters dud and uncle played mar. bk'8 with him. Mary Louise High fills mother went to Detroit, iii^y ^.<<tmbvrs dad made him » hat from a squiwel Head has a ra^or baok bteileii had company^ J, Cjc ! t'onh a butch haircut. Denuia 'H Held caught fire Sunday. Carver has new engineer boots i»i jlcGranaiian visitwd hei aunt and uncle in Ann Arbor. -\i\\- live in Pinoknty , 'orma» Howil th« Royal ^ p h a n t o m p n«on Mot to tW Ionia aayluxn t:45 a.m. 10:59 a.m Bd, of Rev M Saa? DaLapp D O6«ppo»itiofl ' J a TherO WOT* &%,fmfflc daatbl , > P, QatttU* fttt, A.Roto 22G, V, LaRoaa'eao^ Lo* TipUdy 240, Democrat*; R, Campball 1 » , R, fig 105, ti<U is ia kwt ytar eonpartd to Scouts art expected to; Natkmsi Jamborta «t' Wad, th# iJtpiW Atto T waHkT myfit%fcbortfar tondaat to my family. May Oo4 Slatt yoa all. Sloa&or Jahntoa CARD OF THANKS 1 With to taa&k all myfirtandiand rafethrta anil ayaryona who wat so ai** and aooald^rato during, my *«.„ ca*t beraavamont in th» loat' of ray mot hair, Mr» A, Ragow»ki,»«peci*Uy Fathar Schmidt, Dr. Schondon, Mm, lto))M, Mn, BlatMha Clark, Mr*. Mary Siohman »nd Mn. R«mt Millw. k y Mrs. Peg^y Jaroalowtki •""•••iwarr, ioro xooothft &anta. Our wtM wins * ago. For yoar* har in Dttrott For a time shu •ousU, Mrs. Webster ;shft dt*d ^t Caatit* Convaltsatot Home tt was at St. Olaf's Lu- Mcmday,, oflMeiatlng. Burial was Rtdftrd. Fir at Graav, 4£lu» Kilmer Uilly Brasheki giandi'ather )ii..i a swing & bow and arrow. \v erit to the doctor took ether and lii.d an operation. Emily Miller went to Northlaud with Mrs. Parks and 7;00 p. » rfM'-'i a pink Easter dress. She also 8:00 p. Til. I \/j>nt to Lansing and got April fool ,. 4:00 p. nv c:-»ndy, George Defc>niet got a suit 7:30 »• j •• d pfpper shaker Xiee from cereal I Ijecky henry's father made fence w i keep hei brother, Danny, out of t:iii ju, a Bobby Wylie got a haircut and new jeans Patty Sprout's moth e», got her new teetli but can't talk Linda W.hitley visited her in #rand parents Whitlcy. Ricky Sow. i.rs and his sister rod* th#ir bik«» -,:• around Zukey Lak«. Sandra *ho and Bfehard hav* aow baby aittar* and Robert a*«/*hi a baby brother. Sandra 3hlr •y wat 10 ytar* old today, Bdward McOranahan rod* hortabaok at Ms grandfathom. Bmry Simpaon, Jeatt snd Dtlort* Qarcte, , Stanky Start *ud Ltt AlH*on til want ta Dotroh of a* M Urtf lias «Ogh4 NOTICE During the month of April Amtri**.n Canctr Socotty will oou ta « tuot a intensive crusad* to collect kitet with which to cany on th*ir! of research and to tnakt! availatbt ta taneor of paUt»ta. RaprasaatatiTta at tkt tot. m y Scftroodtr is an aoat itty will soon be contactin tht p*o.. *^^ pto of eororaunity, AlUgift* wh*th. t r )arga or small will ba apprtotat. Mrs. Kirk Sims Mn Jtnnit Kellenbtrgw.^othabr e|* visited him ana 7 brought LXMAltT N1W1 Now book* ar* Birthright by Rot* trs, th* Day and th* Way Wt Mtt by StaUh Tricks ^ny Boy Can Do by J Ttaoroiqg. Mrs. Curtis Chamberlain hat donated tht Southerner* by Lot and Not As a Stranger by Thompson. Congressman Charles Chamberlain told of tht Pinckney Ubrar y in bj* Washington Report which aay bt at the library. A memorial fu.id aas bean ttarttd for Mr*. Edith FeeU. Oonation* may ba left at tiM Library, Tht FBI Story on the Roma »oaw k available to reader*. U, 8. Wy to *A Detroit te #0 to Ottat Ukas, Altin Bimoiioon, sanior ha* •altttod to tW iaa?y aod foot naxt ««tlrrB# bat tnoogh ortdita to grad OBO:«I nkS. HENRY 18HAM Ml*. Henry Tthem, 77, died at Ann Arbor laat She was Lulu Hudson, daughter of Henry and Matti* Hud and married Henry Isham in 1900., l i'or her sister Cathy's birthday. Tv. itchell went to his ia's 9dth birthday in Ar: or, i urry Klein's mother lifts a new bar>y aiul his lather a new c*r. Decn Curdner bought 4 bicycles -a an auction, Susan Baughn showed ua n- ui*,A glie wore to tht style show, }'i.'.nny KeynoiuL. ^-t-t neik^uL i.i .\'\> Arlior, Paul Jones is selling bottles \ t -.;t money for a wagon. Dorothy and VVc.yne Stone Lawrence Lindemere of Stookklldgi unnounccd a huge rally to be in Detroit last Thursday. OaJjf •how*d up. ^oin* of th* candidates were also ini**tng. W* read that the Clinton e:> >fiUu have had their annual .-r:,run of officers. Thi» is Oftt .few woolen or cloth nulls stiR c, in the stat*. At OJIt kme^es *f had en*, Port' Huron, ;;iul Yale. Now most of i ,'iwpd out to the bigger fattorloa nodern machines and sweat shtpa tt ch-'t and cheaper labor. Clinton *KU « p(-riiU9. They have had a eontnfll for years to make blankets fat tfcf umtsd Statta Army, The Detroit Nsws says by Iji'troit will have 22000 more L.n of school age and no pltct ** put them. Many district* who traflf new school? am getting cramped o]crating funds. In figuring ;>...'.i fc 'et8 they did not allow f*r U. cost of operatioi, TIM want more money, Mates. 1 4.nd supplies for th* schools ajrre i-u-u.ased in priot, They havt ap. pea'ed foi more state and ftdoMl •\\d but those bodies are still ante- ling about it. Eventually the pea ia will have to foot tht bill . chocU mubt operate. Tt it a f TV to the little one room dlstrlof a !00nth, did the janitor work •hoarded arourtd, Wt knew only taught 4 or 5 mile* kney and they only oamt wetk ends, so 0/ house, They let her hold th«' baby, A daughter and trarlal war* at Chtltta Htmcm Bate Sak wiU M at •MUrys Hall at SATURDAY, APRIL 13. 1957 U filo n, Pat Plummoy* family wont to •he drivtm and taw "TO CaJvary."' t ., Eddie Williams wa* I* Vemontvilla. oa where they make *naple sywp.ID Cathy Shettlrota grandiaothar vtoittd) w her Judy Reynold vitited her. CUff. onJ Spencer drove a traetor wtth a disc Darlene Gwynn wont to Char lott* over tht: weak awL DUk Me- Catty wat 11 year* old Sunday. Ea drove the ear. Roger Bonaor went ta tht Mammoth Gate taot waakJMe* McCarty and Frank Senate* built A flub house. RoOeot Singer wost to the U. of M. Preeh Air % Oojnff for a lew day*. Frank WUeon* brotlMr of BoweU viattod Mm Saodpf ** La stead aome. K j«*w 9AXBB NSW POSITION .. XJallop, ton of Mr. and Bari Gallup of Pintklif add of Motttttao hw a porition with PUkdot April 10. in 1061 and Our now room fijAItod ^> whtn wo got bat* .ftfcs fACtltaii *— Sharoft Otilup *%#.'M as a tot af thing* aha hpnujil,#wt Vteffs^Wt thank Mra. HoatOM rot^t for m Haiti t t t a braak SAIL MIDDUTTON Middlatoo .«S. stcrttary v « ., ^ S , ^W^oiidy Widmayer wont to his grand Tn. ^Uy livedkat Knckney until J > * they inevad to Cheleea 18 years ago. < Iteafdte Mfer huaband there is a son, C^ande A daughter U deceased. Tha of tat FrfJght Ratt Coawitttt, Auto Association. di*4 a Wommira HotpiUl. Detroit h the field, The buii is ai'raid of" him, Second Grade. Mrs. Rooke Tory Jones T)rt>jght us a Chineie newspaper we could Tiot rea<'. Jimmy Baughn rode on Jeff Hen dee? donkey. Briar Walton has a sister, Judy Marie. John Ta-xl went to Kentucky, He saw Daniel _ »; He marrttd Mae Smit-h j of rtntknsy, aiater of Mrs. Edith Carr; IWr* ar* no . children. The fmeral ita* m Plymo«th .Tuesday with tola! in Sanford Cosettry at Oak G*ov*> MIB. AUCB O1HRINGER Mr*. Alk* G*hrtng*r, 66, di*d at ktr fMisa te Dexter Waneaday. Sht wa* the daugnter of Georg* and Alma 'Tapper White of Ptnekney Iloones grave.Toby Shettelroes mother visited him. Ltnda Fritch \i now in our room. Cindy Plummei was in Detroit Sunday. Doughs Wing-er got some puzzles. Hit grandparents visited him. Carol Vivitfi Jacobs saw an auto acccidet.1 T >,ents were made by *itb*r a i d married Albert Gehringer. He iOTvi •Ml Linda Clough and Martha Hileman have new Easter suits, Karen Ka ise;-s baby sister has new Batter c:othes. Rmdy Josephson saw sis nnc'es airplane at the airptrt.Fsssk /ezulka has a new kite. Joe Ambur gey rode on a milk truck., Tha firs orpine came to Dale Booths house Kenny Fisher and Linda Wegener djih !t.1 n , President Eisenhowers ft**i*l i# '.^•xl, His trip south did t*i it and he still has a h*A th, He is supposed to l**v* to**> a month in the south. Ht waltl to enac-; a presidaatial 0J» law. They have a maktaaM one now. It provides that ia ieath the vice president su< ';«.» dies then the speaker of the ;,"t the speRker of the homse ttow i i t-iuocrat. This mov* ha* '.lu lumor the pre»ident will on pecount of ill health. C< ars unwilling to pas* Never in the history of the lion has a president failed to :iit term except in cast of dtattV It is doubtful if tht muek tttralt» t)d meeting last wetk bttwttm ier McMillan and Presidtnt aave accomplished mtwh Gyle saV 5 baby ducks on a pond,|ij nj , world unrest If any ••> Urn. BowaB /all eat of , Mt wAat ft *t*ib*Js day. We had for a spatling bat.'Van, wm4 itd Albert Qohring i Kenny Fiser ad g Al»© 1 *O»» I Carl and Etri ; [had birthiay3 Sunday. She brought Mr*. Forrttt "Hill everyone a surprise. Joe Plunrmer i. TtofteOTai-tiM tt has some baby turtles,-Nancy.Bond Chareh, v Oa«t*T ifttnr. ! W ss In Owosso, Timmy Sprout in barial te JoaaKh«a C%v- { Ypfilanti. ' Second and Third, Mrs. Johntor. 11 1 n j The Borovski children have a MOCGA BUtTBRl j do^ RonHollistor new cost, Bonnie l f4, dawghtar Wyjie haa tier hair cut. Dianne i fit wer e secret, and off th* rttord, AS the president haa said is that agreed to share au-clear i»fc-rtflS,tt*m, Tat saain vurpott 0* tha tit patck t* triMsh aa4 p can relations which hart bow at 1: w tbb since tbe invasion of v, hen this country sidtd with ia conrleminp; it.The prtsidtat it of U.i- same mind "that^ti* wust not be offended in any Wbnher his support of Ns^er of Egypt will coftttau <r M only time will tell. Nasi not survive without it. CtoffO W. atid Hettts Hoy's dog died, Cathy Callisons dog "•» Pfnekney died st had ltl pups. Larry Fornish saw s latkaon 8unday.Sha wreck Sunday. Rhoda Baxter has 3 „„ to Chariot Van •iToootfO Btmart, Both ' r ttort art ^ iltsrs, Jim Binmford wtnt to Ann Arbor book fair. Sunday tht he iiaw 18 geese in the Wattroloo ttttfor of MarqoetU' area. Blitabeth Antaya waded in the aid Mn Mao Brown of Ravanhill, Huron river Sunday. Cherles Geh. Mata, Ike funeral wat at tht Wtath' rlntgr saw Elvis Presley in Detroit y mtnt day wat at Howtil twt Tot* day, 17 from Pinckney Paul Can-11 \l'\\,r trbtt Fmoral Horn*, Jackson today wtta Bwiti t* Ptoakaoy Comotary» iftftt aol i» o»jehaafe mayor* thi*,yoar. M i f w D b W wonW not go and noith („, ar would aay eotjnefl »o»bor. Prov\, gone to L W Sunday. . Fifth aid Sfcrtk. Mn. lortst There are 9 mote weeks ot We had a spelling bee wWi .Vis. MUltr's room today. P"atrida Borov. *Vy has a new puppy. We had a vis Jtor from Korea today. Soon Ha Suk Mr*, Mae Daller f V answered questions and told «a about ol Schumaa, wane on the bomot Schuman wen grand priu^wtth M*> coffee table and got* to tfcf 1 hibH at Lansing. Koita 1 birihouse pietore was in tae KIWA№8 NOT1» District m**tf^g atro day, April ft Friday i*

Transcript of iwarr,pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1957-04-03.pdf · Church Grade School News f Kinderarten,...

Page 1: iwarr,pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1957-04-03.pdf · Church Grade School News f Kinderarten, Mrs. Parks Lee Davis and Armand Oleaki can ride bicycles. James Naah had cotn-A l>a«y

I- •

Hoi* touriat* widf«r the Michigan recreation * • * • , 1»P*oB«od for the f*ar*. TM* * i

L 5tMW»*mtta o* the Mock. ^iiiace Bridgo to be opened « * * * , VguPwiPffc fWo* broug*

****** te Movowboi.'Sho *o|l j laxgt rat* whO* U» vote to1r *ot uttll Juno XWV M 4 | £ ^ p

* * wina***^**Bond totut* M * # !


Anathor factor is tht tourist *o*»eU wboat promotion of, wtator *p£titj M Itngttned th# tourist ataaoiuW*te» sating, water ikttng and boattraMer* hav* «ontrib**ad. 29 winteryet*rte wart open laat winter. The*h*ifior work week now und*r eon.

U mi»o meat** to booat

it.vvt tb« kidi to • motto

tf \ht «ommitt*et for MichJfcaa weekweordiu^ to Don Weeks, director.Htsays tomt of them do not know tht.

' •olor of tht Michigan flag or thatthty *v*n havt one, Svety school intU« »tatt wjill receive a statavflag fordisplay Michigan week. Clajr Taylorwants Michigan to t t rvr^ ly Mtchi.ig«»n food on that day. The schoolsonly objection i* th* date, May 21,»h*a school* ar* winding up theirtehool year.

Wat 1986 a lucky year? TrafficJeatfep wart 269 less than in 19(5 but*e*id*n.U iner***«d 118$. In 1955traffic death* were 2016. Thty droppta tt 174T t**t .year. .Laat y*ardiv*rs drove 587 million mor* mil**tan* ia 1**6.

were•T»*JW*> *Ttvtf9^|^P %«'^H^Js^pjf^ew***jBp

waft beaten by Paula tf year old U, of M(imfcpown Androw Sato of

M W W | ^ ^ W ^ t W ^a^t^t' ^tWB^P^t^I jt^^T't'0^^^^9t*v*t^^|B^^^M^P^^'

ttUtta ErwiaS»yd*r,

©Ion Wiggiot wh*

:8:00, 10:00 A]JUat: 8!0f A, M.

Novanna Otvotion*.i:30 to 6:30 P. M.

Churchgg M

tho nomiaatioa to Baal Daan, Domol

CARD OP THANKSIn ltthalf of our cou«in, tlr:

OWaon wa with to thank th« Mac.a)d Raat Roma, Dr. Barton and Dondwaitnout and all thoaa who hayartnt oarda of lympathy. Thoir kirtdnott will ahrayt aa rainajhherad.

Wiffiotor Stn»f a&d wtfa


kk to thank mylor tt»a

crat, ran OR «tias*r* ad agaH lottto Dean, Inlund wasMark Naafc, vt

]n Putnam only 861 Totod eoia..ed to «08erats won frW 1, ttt* vot*Sqp*rvi*or, UHond— 0,U i , Hasty RCkrk, M, Kwn*4y O..John Burg* RTrea*,, Helen RoytooJds DCelMU McKinlty R ....High, Com, John Connart Dn oppositionTrustee*, John WyH*, DBtn White DMerwin < Camptil RRalph Hal! R . .Justice, Otto Pontoon DAlbert Shirley,R ....Jiwtie*. Robert Pile* D .no


open« Aprfi » a»d oontitnua*, Tao Domo


ttorney. Co» was

th* Lansing

board <rf rayW

Church Grade School Newsf Kinderarten, Mrs. Parks

Lee Davis and Armand Oleaki canride bicycles. James Naah had cotn-

A l>a«y from How til. Ray Jacobs do*I nulls his wagon Malcolm Ludvig

10:00, 11:3a A. M t o

•iiives an airplane. Glenu Shanoilias a new horse. Harold Hollister anew jacket and coat.Gary

built him a tree house.Caioll 01m\\i had new skirt and blouse. San.dra Bell a drum, Edna Mae PesolasTatber made her a kite, We are allflying kites. Suzanne Waring :s

after 3 weeks absence.

Tie presentthe deadett ever.'Few of thacmtti bothered to go around toir.t people and tht campaignv.iued through the pr*ss whan(am'idute* made all kijtfa *i f l v g%& against «tck alhtr and d**M#ed investigations. There will ht n# H

libations and no nor* wiU hfof the charge after

Attempts to arousebowner*. Republican 'Chafna**

£x*e Beach*, Patter .' ^ tf altar &a*

•ahoolfeaple'e Mtottat


Cong". Chercb.Winger, Pastor

9:9Q a. n . K,10i4&$a.w v

piwyet meeting at8:00

. 7:80


Grade, Mrs. ThaytrBeverly Pealc'a daUdy was able to

i;o to work. Gwendolyn Hudsonsgrandmother gave her a dollar.BobPosters dud and uncle played mar.bk'8 with him. Mary Louise Highfills mother went to Detroit, iii^y.<<tmbvrs dad made him »

hat from a squiwelHead has a ra^or baokbteileii had company^ J, Cjc

! t'onh a butch haircut. Denuia'H Held caught fire Sunday.Carver has new engineer bootsi»i jlcGranaiian visitwd hei

aunt and uncle in Ann Arbor. •• -\i\\- live in Pinoknty ,

'orma» Howilth« Royal ^ p h a n t o m pn«on Mot to tW Ionia aayluxn

t:45 a.m.10:59 a.m

Bd, of RevM Saa? DaLapp DO6«ppo»itiofl ' J

aTherO WOT* &%,fmfflc daatbl

, >

P, QatttU* fttt, A.Roto22G, V, LaRoaa'eao^ Lo* TipUdy 240,Democrat*; R, Campball 1 » , R, fig



is iakwt ytar eonpartd to

Scouts art expected to;Natkmsi Jamborta «t'


th# iJtpiW Atto T waHkTmy fit%fcbort far

tondaat to my family. May Oo4Slatt yoa all. Sloa&or Jahntoa

CARD OF THANKS1 With to taa&k all my firtandi and

rafethrta anil ayaryona who wat soai** and aooald^rato during, my *«.„ca*t beraavamont in th» loat' of raymot hair, Mr» A, Ragow»ki,»«peci*UyFathar Schmidt, Dr. Schondon, Mm,lto))M, Mn, BlatMha Clark, Mr*.Mary Siohman »nd Mn. R«mt Millw.

kyMrs. Peg^y Jaroalowtki


ioro xooothft

&anta. Our wtM wins *

ago. For yoar* harin Dttrott For a time shu

•ousU, Mrs. Webster;shft

dt*d ^t Caatit* Convaltsatot Homett

was at St. Olaf's Lu-Mcmday,,

oflMeiatlng. Burial wasRtdftrd.

Fir at Graav, 4£lu» KilmerUilly Brasheki giandi'ather

)ii..i a swing & bow and arrow.\v erit to the doctor took ether andlii.d an operation. Emily Miller wentto Northlaud with Mrs. Parks and

7;00 p. » rfM'-'i a pink Easter dress. She also8:00 p. Til. I \/j>nt to Lansing and got April fool

, . 4:00 p. nv c:-»ndy, George Defc>niet got a suit7:30 o» »• j •• d pfpper shaker Xiee from cereal

I Ijecky henry's father made fence wi keep hei brother, Danny, out of t:iiiju, a Bobby Wylie got a haircutand new jeans Patty Sprout's mothe», got her new teetli but can't talk

Linda W.hitley visited her


#rand parents Whitlcy. Ricky Sow.i.rs and his sister rod* th#ir bik«»-,:• around Zukey Lak«. Sandra


and Bfehardhav* aow baby aittar* and Roberta*«/*hi a baby brother. Sandra 3hlr•y wat 10 ytar* old today, BdwardMcOranahan rod* hortabaok at Msgrandfathom. Bmry Simpaon, Jeattsnd Dtlort* Qarcte, , Stanky Start*ud Ltt AlH*on til want ta Dotroh

of a* M

Urtf lias «Ogh4

NOTICEDuring the month of April —

Amtri**.n Canctr Socotty will oou ta«tuot a intensive crusad* to collect k i t e t

with which to cany on th*ir!of research and to tnakt!

availatbt ta taneor o f

paUt»ta. RaprasaatatiTta at tkt tot. m y Scftroodtr is an aoatitty will soon be contactin tht p*o.. • *^^pto of eororaunity, AlUgift* wh*th.t r )arga or small will ba apprtotat.

Mrs. Kirk SimsMn Jtnnit Kellenbtrgw.^othabr

e|* visited him ana7 brought

LXMAltT N1W1Now book* ar* Birthright by Rot*

trs, th* Day and th* Way Wt Mttby StaUh Tricks ^ny Boy Can Do by JTtaoroiqg. Mrs. Curtis Chamberlainhat donated tht Southerner* by Lotand Not As a Stranger by Thompson.Congressman Charles Chamberlaintold of tht Pinckney Ubrar y in bj*Washington Report which aay bt

at the library. A memorial fu.idaas bean ttarttd for Mr*. EdithFeeU. Oonation* may ba left at tiMLibrary, Tht FBI Story on theRoma »oaw k available to reader*.

U, 8. W y i»to *A Detroit

te #0 to OttatUkas, Altin Bimoiioon, sanior ha*•altttod to tW iaa?y aod foot naxt««tlrrB# bat tnoogh ortdita to grad


nkS. HENRY 18HAMMl*. Henry Tthem, 77, died at

Ann Arbor laatShe was Lulu Hudson,

daughter of Henry and Matti* Hudand married Henry Isham in 1900.,


i'or her sister Cathy's birthday.Tv. itchell went to his

ia's 9dth birthday inAr: or, i urry Klein's mother lifts anew bar>y aiul his lather a new c*r.Decn Curdner bought 4 bicycles -aan auction, Susan Baughn showed ua

n- ui*,A glie wore to tht style show,} ' i . ' . n n y K e y n o i u L . ^ - t - t n e i k ^ u L i . i . \ ' \ >

Arlior, Paul Jones is selling bottles\ t-.;t money for a wagon. Dorothy and

VVc.yne Stone

Lawrence Lindemere of Stookklldgiunnounccd a huge rally to bein Detroit last Thursday. OaJjf•how*d up. ^oin* of th*candidates were also ini**tng.

W* read that the Clintone:> >fiUu have had their annual.-r:,run of officers. Thi» is Oftt.few woolen or cloth nulls stiR

c , in the stat*. At OJItkme^es *f

had en*, S»Port' Huron,

;;iul Yale. Now most ofi ,'iwpd out to the bigger fattorloanodern machines and sweat shtpa tt

ch-'t and cheaper labor. Clinton *KU«• p(-riiU9. They have had a eontnfllfor years to make blankets fat tfcfumtsd Statta Army,

The Detroit Nsws says byIji'troit will have 22000 moreL.n of school age and no pltct **put them. Many district* who traflfnew school? am getting crampedo]crating funds. In figuring;>...'.ifc'et8 they did not allow f*r U.

cost of operatioi, TIMwant more money, Mates.

1 4.nd supplies for th* schools ajrrei-u-u.ased in priot, They havt ap.pea'ed foi more state and ftdoMl•\\d but those bodies are still ante-ling about it. Eventually the pea


will have to foot tht bill. chocU mubt operate. Tt it a fTV to the little one room dlstrlof

a !00nth, did the janitor work•hoarded arourtd, Wt knew

only taught 4 or 5 mile*kney and they only oamt

wetk ends,


0 /

house, They let her hold th«' baby,

A daughterand trarlal war* at Chtltta

HtmcmBate Sak wiU

M at •MUrys Hall atSATURDAY, APRIL 13. 1957


filo n, Pat Plummoy* family wont to•he drivtm and taw "TO CaJvary."' t.,Eddie Williams wa* I* Vemontvilla. oawhere they make *naple sywp.IDCathy Shettlrota grandiaothar vtoittd) wher Judy Reynold vitited her. CUff.onJ Spencer drove a traetor wtth adisc Darlene Gwynn wont to Charlott* over tht: weak awL DUk Me-Catty wat 11 year* old Sunday. Eadrove the ear. Roger Bonaor went tatht Mammoth Gate taot waakJMe*McCarty and Frank Senate* built Aflub house. RoOeot Singer wost tothe U. of M. Preeh Air %Oojnff for alew day*. Frank WUeon* brotlMr ofBoweU viattod Mm Saodpf **La stead aome.

K j«*w

9AXBB NSW POSITION . .XJallop, ton of Mr. and

Bari Gallup of Pintklif addof

Motttttao hwa porition with

PUkdotApril 10.

in 1061 and

Our now room f i j A I t o d ^>whtn wo got bat* .ftfcs fACtltaii *—Sharoft Otilup *%#.'M as a tot afthing* aha hpnujil,#wt Vteffs^Wtthank Mra. HoatOM rot t for m

Haitittta braak SAIL MIDDUTTON

Middlatoo .«S. stcrttary

— v « ., ^ S , ^W^oiidy Widmayer wont to his grandTn. ^ U y livedkat Knckney until J > *they inevad to Cheleea 18 years ago. <Iteafdte Mfer huaband there is a son,C ande A daughter U deceased. Tha

oftat FrfJght Ratt Coawitttt, Auto

Association.di*4 a Wommira HotpiUl. Detroit


the field, The buii is ai'raid of" him,Second Grade. Mrs. Rooke

Tory Jones T)rt>jght us a Chineienewspaper we could Tiot rea<'.Jimmy Baughn rode on Jeff Hendee? donkey. Briar Walton has a

sister, Judy Marie. John Ta-xlwent to Kentucky, He saw Daniel

_ » ; He marrttd Mae Smit-hj of rtntknsy, aiater of Mrs. Edith

Carr; IWr* ar* no . children. Thefmeral ita* m Plymo«th .Tuesdaywith tola! in Sanford Cosettry atOak G*ov*>

MIB. AUCB O1HRINGERMr*. Alk* G*hrtng*r, 66, di*d at

ktr fMisa te Dexter Waneaday. Shtwa* the daugnter of Georg* andAlma 'Tapper White of Ptnekney

Iloones grave.Toby Shettelroesmother visited him. Ltnda Fritch \inow in our room. Cindy Plummeiwas in Detroit Sunday. DoughsWing-er got some puzzles. Hitgrandparents visited him. Carol

Vivitfi Jacobs saw an auto acccidet.1 T>,ents were made by *itb*r

aid married Albert Gehringer. HeiOTvi


Linda Clough and Martha Hilemanhave new Easter suits, Karen Kaise;-s baby sister has new Batterc:othes. Rmdy Josephson saw sisnnc'es airplane at the airptrt.Fsssk/ezulka has a new kite. Joe Amburgey rode on a milk truck., Tha firsorpine came to Dale Booths houseKenny Fisher and Linda Wegener

djih!t.1 n,

President Eisenhowers ft**i*l i#'.^•xl, His trip south did t*i

it and he still has a h*Ath, He is supposed to l**v* to**>a month in the south. Ht waltl

to enac-; a presidaatial 0J»law. They have a maktaaM

one now. It provides that iaieath the vice president su<';«.» dies then the speaker of the;,"t the speRker of the homse ttowi i t-iuocrat. This mov* ha*'.lu lumor the pre»ident willon pecount of ill health. C<

ars unwilling to pas*Never in the history of the

lion has a president failed to:iit term except in cast of dtattV

It is doubtful if tht muek tttralt»t)d meeting last wetk bttwttmier McMillan and Presidtntaave accomplished mtwh

Gyle saV 5 baby ducks on a pond,|ijnj, world unrest If any

• • >

Urn.BowaB /all eat of

, Mt wAatft *t*ib*Js day. We had

for a spatling bat.'Van, wm4

itd Albert Qohring i Kenny Fiser a d gAl»© 1 *O»»I Carl and Etri;[had birthiay3 Sunday. She brought

Mr*. Forrttt "Hill everyone a surprise. Joe Plunrmeri . TtofteOTai-tiM tt has some baby turtles,-Nancy.BondChareh,vOa«t*T ifttnr. ! Wss In Owosso, Timmy Sprout in

barial te S« JoaaKh«a C%v- { Ypfilanti.' Second and Third, Mrs. Johntor.

11 1 n j The Borovski children have aMOCGA BUtTBRl j d o ^ RonHollistor new cost, Bonnie

l f4, dawghtar Wyjie haa tier hair cut. Diannei fit

were secret, and off th* rttord, ASthe president haa said is thatagreed to share au-clear i»fc-rtflS,tt*m,Tat saain vurpott 0* tha

tit patck t* triMsh aa4pcan relations which hart bow at1: w tbb since tbe invasion ofv, hen this country sidtd withia conrleminp; it.The prtsidtat itof U.i- same mind "that^ti*wust not be offended in anyWbnher his support ofNs^er of Egypt will coftttau <r Monly time will tell. Nasinot survive without it.

CtoffO W. atid Hettts Hoy's dog died, Cathy Callisons dog"•» Pfnekney died st had ltl pups. Larry Fornish saw s

latkaon 8unday.Sha wreck Sunday. Rhoda Baxter has 3„ „ to Chariot Van

•iToootfO Btmart, Both' r ttort art ^ iltsrs,

Jim Binmford wtnt toAnn Arbor book fair. Sunday


iiaw 18 geese in the Wattroloottttfor of MarqoetU' area. Blitabeth Antaya waded in the

aid Mn Mao Brown of Ravanhill, Huron river Sunday. Cherles Geh.Mata, Ike funeral wat at tht Wtath' rlntgr saw Elvis Presley in Detroit

ymtnt day wat at Howtil twt Tot*day, 17 from PinckneyPaul Can-11 \l'\\,r

trbtt Fmoral Horn*, Jackson todaywtta Bwiti t* Ptoakaoy Comotary»

iftftt aol i» o»jehaafe mayor* thi*,yoar.MifwDbW wonW not go and noith

(„, ar would aay eotjnefl »o»bor. Prov\,gone to



. Fifth aid Sfcrtk. Mn. lorts tThere are 9 mote weeks ot

We had a spelling bee wWi .Vis .MUltr's room today. P"atrida Borov.*Vy has a new puppy. We had a visJtor from Korea today. Soon Ha Suk Mr*, Mae Dallerf V answered questions and told «aabout

ol Schumaa, wane on the bomotSchuman wen grand priu^wtth M*>coffee table and got* to tfcf 1hibH at Lansing. Koita 1birihouse pietore was in tae

KIWA№8 NOT1»District m**tf g atro

day, April ftFriday i*

Page 2: iwarr,pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1957-04-03.pdf · Church Grade School News f Kinderarten, Mrs. Parks Lee Davis and Armand Oleaki can ride bicycles. James Naah had cotn-A l>a«y

-yv*; -t •"

Wednesday, Apia 8r WfT


, • • * '

Netetettt Years A*C. P. »ykes ii in Grmnd Rapids

this week.

Mrs. Pearl Altman haa opened aMiWnery shop in tht opera nou&e•leek.

aon county by 183 ?otM bat lest lain Wasntenaw by 740.

Notes of 25 Yean Aft' The spring weather caused the

bottom to fall out of the roads here.Mrs. Eama Bargees has resigned, T n «, r e w a s DWj p i a c # o n M—36 at

tre Shipley farm and a moving vanfrom Detroit was stuck there all day.There was another on the Dexter Rd

as postoffice clerk snd Mrs.Jticbards has replaced her.

Miram Smith has been chosen ien.. ... . . ., IT : -. -;•- r.4 w»st of the Jim Roche farm and oneier lit orator s i the University of

a aiile t i n side e l BearterBernard Murninghana,, died at Ms

home west of Howell Thursday. Hemarried Anna Brogan of Pinckneywho survives, The funeral was st St.

X, «, Briggv and wife, Mrs.MariaClarissa Kirtand Mrs.

baek frem Florida.

Mrs. Emma Burgess has purchas. Jo-ophs church, Howell, Saturday,ee J. half interest in the SwarthoittA Placeway Grocery.

Mrs. John P. Walsh of I*****township died Sunday. She leaves 2sono and 3 daughters. The funeralwas at Dexter Wednesday

Mrs. Margaret Shannon Timmone,77, died at Jackson Tuesday. The

was theret Tbarsdyaay.

Lucille McCluskey was

Theodore McCumber, betterlii.own as Thed Cucumber, died at a

given a Jackson hospital Thursday, He werk

Livingston Lodge No. 76 atendeda school in instruction at StcckbridgeFrit-ay conducted bjf Frank O. Gil-bert, of Bay City

Many acres 4a this seetiea arebeing leased for oiL

The Schulte Amusement Companyof Detroit is building a theatre inHo'vell. Vernon Locey is also build-ing one. . ^

Mesdames JBthet Sprout m* ***His fraote w w in^aa#»|

Ihe Baa Whites andW)ites attended tke funeral ofAlbert 6ehri»*wr hi Dexter SaturvJar.

Jim Maaaef (pant tne week end inOUio with th%' Marvia Shirey family.

Rita Miller i.tt»de4 the 4--IT Achievement daf * JSfwretlr last Jtues .,.



, Sstonlsy., April 5, •fteusl* Feature•KELLY AMD ME"

* hi

<:oweH, V r

Helen Tipla*/ was a Sunday guest

of-Mrs. ^

. . N o man stkrfssa itYaight as hewbn stoops i t »elp iT crippled chl».

Yj* Johnson and. Piper Lauriein Cinemasccope


Wed,,Thar, AprilVsa Johnson sad Piper Laarie

"KELLY AND ME**i» CinemaSeope «n4 CeW


David Wayne, Keenan WynnJanes Barton

*; - CeWr CartonColor

On a Campbell and wife spent the\ve4. end with the Carl Lentz fam.ily in Lansing. Ona with the Leritaswent to the homarama show.

The Robert Tasch family . spentrhe week end in Lexingston, Ky.with the Carlton Shiers.

The DicW Young family of Flintw o e Sunday guests of the AndrewCampbells.

Percy Ellis and wife came badeles Campbell was elected. On local ' from Florida Saturday. The Edward

F. A. Sigler was advertising wall! option ther« were 200 dry votes and ' Favkers are due this Saturday. Gerpaper at 5c per double roU. ! 81 wet. The drys carried the county ild Reasoo went to Vero Beach,

^ | by 1206 votes.They also carried Jac c Florida, last week.The Pinckney Maccabees were en

Chelsea has raised sufficient *unda The Albert Dinkels AGene Dinkeisto buy a communitty fire truck. The came back from Florida last WdnAsvillage raised one third snd the dayfarmers two thirds.

birthday surprise party Saturday by «d for the Tipiady and Harris familksr friends. i e s ^ ^ f o r years.The funeral was

t Saturday at S t Mary's churchlKurl Day is remodelling bis cream }

ej-y and will start it shortly. ^ Frank Haines and wife are backiimti California.

Kmil Brown lias been appointed•tail clerk at the Detroit postoffice. j P l i t n a m a n<* Hamburg townships

Mrs. Amanda Robinson White,the n i e t l a s t w e e k a n d divided up thewidow of Lowery White died at her I c--*»*»» school distnet.homt coutn of own March 29. She ' A . „ ,It-a^es 10 children. The funeral was I 2 9 1 v o t e i w e r 9 c a S * h*L#. M ° n d £ y :st the home Thursday, Rev. Littl*. ! T h € Democras won all offices but

officiating ' highway commissioner where Char

Buv Easter . I, sals. "| Siiin., 'MP«M Tnes- April 7, 8, •' I Kaiferine Hepburn Burt Lancaater

Cartoe* "Plus "Battle of Gettysbarg"

Friday, Saturday., April 5, 6Wat, Sat, 1:30 Cont,

Feature ProgramWalt Disneys .

.Mr. and" Mri. Pike and Mrs. AK;e • and Wendell Corey .uff were if" OwosW" aiid Comffla ? • . , in

.Mr. aBruff were if" OwosW" aiid Comffla

Al Nesitt axi wife' and <5eraMj N©veHy *H>r«ry of*Detloi^ T'Wrs.; Katherine^j•- •• >• r-. r


ia TeehnieelerNews . Cartoon

H y o jWi itehead ia»d Beatrice Larhborn^ Wednesday Thorsdfcy* April, 10. 11


Pees Parksr and Catherine Crewlejrii. ^inemaScope and Cokm

"DISNEYLAND USA*in Cinemascope and Celer

.1of Gregory were Suiday guests of..tthe Jesse Hef%ys.

Mrs. Henry fohnaoti came honve j


4 Vtetor Mature snd Anita Ekberf'and-Michael Wilding

at Gregory Tuesday.A ear of baled straw is being load

»t Aadei-son by William White.

from Universfc/ hospital last '^eeic;T. in'Technicolor snd Cinmascopeand Mrs. Al»Jt Chambers froft StX ;Fe*turett«•- Color Caroon News


Mrs. Edna ^*ears, Jack Sheldontmd Willard ^iltse and wif* attandcii the builder* show in;Lansing onThursday. ' : rT

The Scio TheatreArbor, Mich,

Children's free Playground•'.Phone Normandy &-70SI,

Sunday, Monday, April 7, tM alines Sunday A r. aL

Walt Disney's

"FANTASIA"in Tochaicoior snd CinemaSeepe ^1

«elor «ana *

Mrs. Mary-, flchraait serving: anjury was on V .esses last week.One••.afTe for $50,0*0 involving an an'oaccident wsf »ettl«d for $4500.

Frioay, Saturday., April 5, 6in CinemaScope and Coler


. • . W !

: Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

'' These new electricwater heaters soundgreat, don't they?"

"Sure do. Built to Edison's own ;

specifications, backed by a new Biisonservice to give you all the hot water you'need. How can you go wrong with that?97

. ' . . k t :


"SAFARI"in Ginemascep* and Celor

WifeVictor Maure and Janet Leigh

' Cartoonsj 1 , " ' '•• • . ™ ~ ™ — ^ » « ™ ^

, Sunday,-Monday, April 7, 8| "PARTNERS"

in Technicolorwith

I.'ian Martin and Jerry Lewisalse

"STRANGE INTRUDER", ' • / • : . : w i t h

I u;v.uhd Purdom and Ida LupineCarteen

Tu*sM Wed, TVictor Mature and Anits Ekbtrg


"ZARAK" •—* in Cinemascope and Celer


'WONDERS («F WASHINGTON"in Cinemascope and Color



' Ttu>i., Wed., Thurs., April 9. 10, 11/'BABY DOLL" ..

- w * h - .'Karl MaldftJii Carroll Paker and

Eli Wsllach


T:4*. «.


with . yRobinson, Kevin McCarthy


Chelaaa.Sun,, Mon., Tues., Mar. 31, April 1,2Thin .day, Fri, Sat., April 4, 5, 6

1dE RAWJMAKER"in Vista Vision and Technicoler

StarringBun Lancaster Katherine Hepburn

Sun., Mon., Tues.. April 7, 8. •WESTWARD HO THE WAGON*in Cinemascope and Technicolor

WTtaFe»s. Parker and Katherine Crow!

_ ;ni.e C, J. Clintons came sack fr«mTuesday. Th8y »*w t n # E d

*»d Wayne AtLees.David Carver and wifs of Battie

Crock wei-e Sunday guests ©/AiiU on Carvers.

'. * * J-



- - v

. i


I - i ;J'<I?J!L'

B r e a k f a s t s h o u l d b e a l l' s w e e t n e s s i i n d l i g h t t n s t a r t t l i d

•;;•• t i i w e l l .

But nut At sin- hmise! Bill- - i . e s up giium»>, uacl ne. d^ at'a\<t twe cups rti coffee to i'eolnunran. It his bacpn li'cold jr. cook the cuss tou> hard, eveniwa cups .of fMi'tee w»h'< e!« thetrick. . ,.

I seldom .buy anything big;'ur the house \vit!uiut censult-tng Bill first, but this.break-tasl situation was beewning an•inei-fiency. Sy I marched rightdovn to \.he appliance dealerand ordered an fcistdte f*s range.

• ' . I

. ~ * ' . • ' . ' • -

* ' • - • - • - . ,

* r<r: '—

•>: ' t

See them at your dealer's, or Ellison office««.-'.•*- - • — _ .


Hill agreecUtowjit a ceupleot dr.ys before


\ : •

. ' • • • * » • • >

pure ha:,That w;

our electhe

• ^ ; i Ci.

my-I "lmjwilse's -he. terrnea1 it.

I needed • . .c', to bed,;I pluggedcuilee miajjer inte

automaiicaily tirrred ap--•|!i!t!et on the range end

«arruled Bill a steaming cupfulnext morning before he shaved.Then I prilled bacon and eggstogether on the frigsWil$~ingnddle and served them six*zhng hot just as -he sat dtwnat the breakfast table1.> .4

For dinner thtt night ! wentall-oui lu demonstrate the tal-ents of my new range. I madeshish-kabob oa tbe automaticrotisserie ia tat barbecue meatoven, and used the adjaeeatbake even for baked potatttsand an apple pit . '

During dessert Bill wivedais napkin like a white flagand said, "Okay, okay, thtraRgt stays, tuttft* the Whir!peal-Seeger iajtmct


Page 3: iwarr,pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1957-04-03.pdf · Church Grade School News f Kinderarten, Mrs. Parks Lee Davis and Armand Oleaki can ride bicycles. James Naah had cotn-A l>a«y

Bert Hooker of M-35E suffered astroke Wednesday night and wastiiktn to St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor'in the Swarthout ambulance. \

. ' N o man stands as straight as he \v ho stoops to help a crippled chi*d. i


Robert Cair and wifeo f Grand !


Quality Merchant




spent the week end with MrsLMititi Car-.

\EJward HolliTigsworth was honw

J'roi/i Alina College ovevr tthe week ,eiid.

Winston Bangbn with Donniet):>.uj.';hn, Dua^e Haines and LarrySno vgold attended the DeMolay ,lifle shoot at Howell Sunday. Donuie iand Larry won awards. i

Beer and Wine Te Take



£01 GENERAL V it

Sunday dinner guests of the TomWUJ es were the Kenneth Lorui^s |and Joyce and the Jim Lawsons of jiio"eil, the Earl Kimblers and the ;•John P. Ware family. j

Oiu Robinson and wife attended 1the past masters night at OlivoI>i\u.ch Lo^de,, Dearborn, Fri.iaylni -hi and visited at the Ted DickLi |si-ti horn*. ,

TX' William Knopa of *;;,rth\ule. iUd on the Lester McAeeei Suu.(r.-.y and had dina»»' with them at the<• ' r . - i ' U y K i U ' h ' • • •


Coal and Fuel OilAL-St


i n s HA 6-81115 Dexter

The BUMWater.

and StoreOpen Mondays

Wash, DryBed Spreads


-Friday, April

.V]•!••. G e r m a i n e Stack:.h!..- ji."ivo a•ho'1, -•:• F r i d a y aftorn< on I'OI- Mis A

?^;. '..ha Meyers of Ann A r b o r w' .ov, ill :>;> mar r i ed to ?:-rl::i L a . o y <•!T i n e k i ^ y Apr i l 27. «.; ••voro ; h :v..Al-!...y E leanor Mom.-, had cli.ir. ,.• o!''&tv 'j-i.i-;.-t book and Maieii T>ollen

< an'! J a n e t VanSlan bi oo \ seivt-d/ i pi ••;ii£j^t of honor received

r McA*'':.-? -.nd I v ^ n W a ; -a id Ki>vh(jr r.v.d Kare . i

. '. . . . ' . i , v.vrc in Ui-Ciit J a t u r a y ..'u \'i^jo and wife of Ypsi lant i

'•' e Suwiay gues t s of t h e Vinco

j. t ' r t i a i t i e r aiui wii'e of Det ro i t• .0 on the Lioci-e Vai iNormai is

> ; ' ; rday.

> !.!•<• and uiic- of W a r r e n evileil on t h ^ Ger ry E i c h m a n ' s Satin-

Rober^1 at

L3TAiSLifiii£D 1065 - tNCORPORA'WI


< , - i rri . . . .,

r s H a l l w h o h a d l . ' - ' ^ t

T u e s d a y .Ro l . in son Trvnily i>-The Junior


m pai iet* by Mrs . Carmanr, Mra. F ranc i s Robinson and

;y>»Vihmti s p e n t S u n d a y wi th the j . \ ! i . and S i r s . Lawrence C a m b u m1 " ' L w.- K.ilosv np, Uainbo\p," (riris atciiid

.i 'i«u j , r *r iera l n . s s e ^ b l y a t K a l i .

•> Thursday, Friday and Satm^y. i;aL Palmer, Marilyn Gu.staf

lieck, Judy Hout,Aiarilyn



Oiiii. Robinsons]!orn to M». and Mrs. Robert S^e

fold ("Betty Bauv.hn) at St. Joe hosuhir Ann Arboi-, Sunday a 7 lb.soi>.Thomas Todd. :

The Ambrose Kennedy family of , Uwi'sKi:. Shinoy \\ ylie, Karen .'pontiacc called on tho Murray Ken • ' •:,. Marilyn (iustafson waserty's Sunday . ' j (J( '"n(i C h a i i t y in vhe Grand As.

The Kenneth Loiin^s of Ho\ve;i scmbly line. Leota Reason also atwere Sunday callers of the L. J.


Henrys.Mr?. Janet Shehun and baby

home from St. Joe hospital, Ann Ar

jVrs. I.uci'Io Fohpy is viaitlng herat Sac-inaw. t

.''>':.:. .Jennie Hooker spent sever !

•: !M".:ure in 3 .vea'j *~,

<.i;. ^; < ii' ,viiiidra-,\n after 6 months but before 3 years .

•'Funds a\ai iabk' on only 3 months /,, u f n notice.


fAJ|MA GU,L0 bor. Her sister, Nancy, spent the rl days last week at the C. W.HOOK >]r^Vliai ! m i iable semi-annually if l,sir«d•week end with her. , ^ nOl l i e- S!ic cumt- Home Sunday.

PRODUCTSThe Rosnl Shop save a Stylo Ueov.- Sunday afternoon. 30 '.rh b

It v.-as* sponsored by St. j

••'oy Kennedy, son' of the Murray •K<"miedy* was taken to St. Joe hos

certificates are ideal for those wh o

Ann Arbor Sat'T'layDo not have an immediate demand for their tavingf or a portion

Xtw Prtwntt Monty S

By Having Your Furniture Btcon

Opportunity!s Guild' at St. Marys hail, j ; i^ emergency appendicitis opera.tun. ho uesire a higher rate of return on their savingg dollars.

Harold Porter and wife called o.i

•ion«d and R«-upliolstered /ou will hi. mother at the Odd Fellow home,Jacl;so*\ Sunday.




, Sunday.JcM-i-y Ledwidgre and wife were jn

Chicago hist week.A*vt, Frank Pearce is home on a

furlough and leaves for Ft. Leo:i--aid Wood, Mo.

Mrs. Mae Rune of Whitmotclake called on ttoe M. J. ReasonsSunday. The Reasons took Mrs,"\Table Suydam who has been visit-

then back to Jackson,

j His mother stayed with him Saturd.>y night. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ken t > ' - ' n complete safety of principal *-M guaruntt* availabilitycci.v and Mrs. Mary Eichman cabled u p o n 3 r n o n t h s written notice.on him Sunday

James Hail in McPhrson hospitalJN better. He is home now.

•+}li>.ve ycur savings dollars eai*n rnoro

I (Jo:r:p in. phone or write to either f of cur: office* for further

Ona Campbell Lawrence Ca.-i;e C . i

I urn visited Bert Hooker at St. Joe ', Ann ^ibor, Monday

Miss Drusciiia Murphy and Harry \'Lorenzo spentt Sunday at the i

THE McFH^RSON STAX£ BANKA. H. Murphy home in Jackson


Ffi*. Sa.t

Boyer and wife spent SundayMrs. Roy Wright is back fror.i' ft* t h e Clarence Pi-att home in

and at the Albert Shirley!. -*The Jack Clarks of Dexter, Bui '

Albert Shirley and wife called on | i>kkerings of Howell and Kenneththe Daryl Shirleys at Buck LakeSunc'ay. ,„

The Girl Scouts camped at thpU. of M. Fresh Air Camp over theweek end. Sunday' they went to De-roit.to see the Elvis Pe«sley. show,tl.ty were Carol Miller, Ruth Mur-phy, .,Nancy Reason, Betty VanSkivJ r/*ike Hendee, son of t ie Lloyd

, er, Leah Morgran and Christie •J.ir—• slowsky

; \i\ Deposits Insured Up to $10,000 by Our Membenhip i» thtDeposit Insurance Corporation.

of Jackson with ? students of i "\&/t/l£> 6?/dtt* ^ H ^ ^ r ^ ^CalWn College Kita Koo and SuTon were Sunday g-uesta of the Mark. ii&h family.

John Boyer and wife attended thauneral of & cousin of hers at Map-c Eapids last Wednesday.


• 3 : ' . .






GINGER LaPRAD ! ssoPat Rapcrt and wife of Howel],

of the Lloyd Hen-of O^vo-


J A N M L W H*«*Ni. Mi* M A R Y

WINKL1, noncoddier • — — — " the"ftex Hendees and Lynn Hendei^-Ht'"l*»k ^^holi and wife at Mio laa't'•f Mf%Wlnkl« DOUGLAS FISHER A I s o t h e c l y d e S m i t n s o f A D n A r .

•fnor.ing horn* NANCY SLAYDEN ^ r

. . JUDY SHIREYA larpre number from iiere attend

the' smogsboard dirtb& given byN A v C Y NICHOLS tie Fo^lerville Masonic lodge Sat.

• * • • • * < w urday ' Amooflr them were the Al

*ftlSTON HODOBS rttirtd lmalliiUnW - ^

MR, J t l V I U S , a ffttlMft




urday ' Amooj: them, were, the AlEMinkelsr Homer Abneys, Mttf

w.n CampbeIls,GeorKe Enquists andMe3dameB Sadie Moran and MaeJialler.

DICK WYLIK j Tommy Read was in Detroit and

1VA WOOD, it«dent nurte

BRlNDA BBETON, r « d w U W M

S1WL1Y WNTON^ irtdntw

MM, LrrrriA WOOD




A n n w e e k

fiullu Q f

ory were Thursday guests of thaRooei R«ads, T

Mrs. Clair Miller and <3arol were

was bitten by a dog lastweek while with his father nearUsxter. Dr. Daffy took 7 stitchcj ioclose the \vound>

y>- Clark and wife called on

T V Dan Drivers of Dexter wei^guests of the Mrs. Margaret

famly i j

Stanley Dinlcel familyy ? e f a m i I

Jackson one day last week. IMeadames Sadie Moran and Rob- (

^ a Amburgey were in Detroit last >Thursday.

The Don Burns family entertain-e d Ml the Burnes families BobbyDaixow and Mrs. T«ss Coyle Sun-

yobttift'. Is la-f

I fin orrrr you, h*»f»et rausur

tad«nd eater


in '

. • * , •

The Don Griffith family ofP!ea«ant sp€afc Sunday with theGriffith family.

Mrs. Eleanor Ltwidge visitedN A N C T 9 n t i ^ » n | The Jack Sharps of Xanatng. anl^ e j ; ^ t e n , Mrs. Uae Barrel and

JACK DOYLfi ^ r e . *U« Mettz of Howell were Sun! M rf Kitti» Bergin in Howell lastBO8 WAR» ^ «nif»»ts of Ue 'Lee Lave^. "e<& ; v

« Mrs. KormajGtoycx and dauyhters The Albert aitf Allen DteWtof FowUfrilk emlled on Mrs, Emma. w « Svnday dtaiMr gu««U «( ftfa*



£2E CAN 3T1N0-/

•i«*or £«tru*|»u ret•toev forOtTARAN



Jack Haatott


stoop* to• ' • • • v ; ^ •№

Page 4: iwarr,pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1957-04-03.pdf · Church Grade School News f Kinderarten, Mrs. Parks Lee Davis and Armand Oleaki can ride bicycles. James Naah had cotn-A l>a«y

^ $ > . y > v ! . ^ y ^ ^ ** '*••'•"'"• . v ? • ^ ^ " • • • • " • , ? "*4.'-:C>!<''^"'v S : v " '


Oorden Trgctors, Kotarjr


Tiae cetUa taetbull* sei Weeije^

ZSL* ^-5sC^^"^^s^aS. Vs m> Jm^^s^s^v

ye»f fer< 9fteCT4)WIDTH tin**

Aprs*A. Ta»*lainkre*k

Waiters by .. Ftaa* T « p k. Dunning by .Frtd ivavtbot*LoagmaW

Oai UiftfA. 1L » MO P. №Sstayt Wttta

Vaa» Tatflb.f)litwm»P.J(t

Sitter T.V


PftOMI 6 r Milt




120 Wt^Qmad £•

«>>• •



at DODGEGrand M*»ter

. . . . . . . . lat ' -Tniroduction of Masters anaMatter* by ••



for m «Mti?

| digs in(and does the• job righ:1 A5 LO«v

Dr. H R Holmqukt

I 4 I MILL ST., MWu Pieae VP •


IJat Yenr f f



i M € M K I N G , WATIR



27th Aaaial FAST MASTER* NlTB

LmafftoaJ44|lIle.7$Tke 27ih Annual Patt Maater's J T ^

Night Dinner of Mvingat* Lodjfe *No. 74 of Pinekney will be held atPinckney high school Saturday, Ap-r\ f at 7:00 p. m. The temple willbe c pea aV I p. m. te receive Tie?ters.

ProgramI *vner at tehooll . . • • . . %M p.m.We}some Orland Winslow W. M.

Toastmaater, Rex SaekettRt. Wor. Gd. J. W.

Ktsronse Clifford Miller P. M.Intmduetion el Grand Ledge fttfi«ers, Oaatfiiatat fer Grand ICareaall,

Howell In said county en Ms* a 12th \ g

4W#eK«ttM is Hereby Girea, IK at allptvons interested in said tatataaye directed to appear befe*a aaidProbate Court on April 16* f №7, atUn A. M to show cause why f licensesWaU net b« granted ts> ArtnurHeiklJnnea, adtnihiatrator * saidestate, to sell or mortgage tka inter.est ef said eetate in oertain Isai esweeks correctively, previoua'l* taey, ppurpoe* of paying debts, chfff je*«iid

It fitter

n H 1 a>*d S ft 1mi by Aipoiatmes*

AC T-tWiH* West Crand Htm

MaryMAW sf.

- * ? k

MOTICB-For Quality Pioneer Seed W A N T E D . . S e ^ n 5 and

i!!?!!? ***** o .,« nr ci.1 Mrs. Cecil HoooTctr UPAnderaon Sr 3W W. Sibley F 0 R SALE-Good Saddle horM

t B

waii Mich. Te l2289 Kowelt R

4a# e# ltatiag, ia Ikaa newspaper

m mid Cevakr.

AXelev M J

"WomW you like *o make 10 to «0%J commission selling part time or full r o f t aALE--Pami" tealai',I lime ? Write for detaiis-Cnosumew ^ N a y a k o Electric ShaYer, GfH«fOu'ld Company, 1116 S. Washington, ftl r J t e t r k Washing Machine.Jn "^Hoyal Oak, Michigan. , m E a a t M | l l n S t > Ptaakaay

FOR RENT-Large fumiihed three •at Patt 'z ™

Hunter 3..0582.. CallW. Homsr


.. "No man stands as atraigW «f *whe stoops to help a crippki •hil l .J^^ SALBBuy Eaater Seals. k 1 , t a ; k s < N i c k

R. LSOR§££LWater Wep« ani Xjgg*

~~ ' " [Mi* la •


|1 FOR SALK-Duo-^TUrm eJR! like new a bargmtn lio.CeU

11341 Outer Drive, W»lae4

FOR SALK^Heal S iUtt <rf AilLiiHnga WantexLSaksman for GefUld


, , SALE Fully equipped r«aeaisf'• ant in nearby tewn.Oeod opp^rttfa.

•tty for man and wife. Wrfta &** 18t>rinckQey, Mica.

f. W. W.ram BuiWing, Brightest

Thurs. 9^ tM


'FOR RBNT.Fiv* bedroom hosieFOR SALE-100 baJes d f»o4 W%ht 14410 Burgee* R

cutting alfalfa bay, tquare tftlej « Green ?rotvtouse feeders, watertrs, Phone UP 8 9783laying nests.


Knwry HaynVl 124 Tiplady Eiad. P 0 R sALi.Dry firjsplace wood,Pinrkney Phene l?P 8-M24 r*nd hickory» 22 itteh; "

-C G. U t h e n VP 8 g j fFOR RKMT-.- t f l f»a*rrt tweroom -home. Modem, H I afticold running water. Pa. W 8-Wll

Eoal O ^ S t t f ^ r A o M \«iM r 8 > ^ra>k ^ i k y v

. Vinwitt To«»r,"A w * Alpin. «.!U0. , All Werk

Guaranteed. Prempt 8«rrice at aI FOR SALE-Several hunred Klip. Rep tenable Pria*I ert Common Brick* JAY KEMP, l*l t #%U«en Read«Ana UPtown 8 8127 Phene 848RX3 lewatt.LAWN JMOWW SKAAf

1 1 8 t tinker beak

MEATS roomsUt ^arage.Arailable April 1.

MtLueas,phone AC t-8781



•r M « ) . fk« tott isjfttfet at jMajr toaaa. Term* aft

ta-ftsioati, Ifei




' • C