ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008

ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008. Opening. Opening / Introductions Agenda Review / Committee Purpose. 2. Opening. Opening / Introductions Agenda Review / Committee Purpose. 3. Agenda Review. Opening / Introductions Agenda Review / Committee Purpose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008

Page 1: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008

ITS Program Advisory Committee MeetingMarch 13, 2008

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose

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Agenda Review

• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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Committee Purpose

• Established pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), October 6, 1972; and the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), August 10, 2005– Provides advise to the Secretary on all matters relating to

the study, development, and implementation of ITS

– Through the ITS JPO, makes recommendations to the Secretary regarding ITS program needs, objectives, plans, approaches, contents, and progress

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Committee Charter

• Scope and Objectives:– Function of advisory committee is advisory only– Committee is expected to:

• Provide input into development of ITS aspects of Surface Transportation Research and Technology Development Strategic Plan, and, specifically, into Five-Year ITS Program Plan updates

• Review, at least annually, areas of ITS research being considered for U.S. DOT funding to determine:

– Whether the activities are likely to advance either ITS state-of-the-practice or state-of-the-art

– Whether ITS technologies are likely to be deployed, and if not, to determine the barriers to deployment

– The appropriate roles for government and the private sector in investing in the research and technologies being considered

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Committee Charter (cont)

• Duties: Will be responsive to specific assignments and may conduct studies, inquiries, and workshops as the Secretary may authorize or direct

• Duration: Will remain in existence 2 years from charter effective date. Secretary renewed charter in January 2008

• To Whom Committee Reports: To Secretary, through ITS JPO

• Sponsor and Support Agency:– ITS JPO is sponsor agency– ITS JPO designates Designated Federal Official (DFO) to

direct committee affairs and provide administrative support– DFO is Shelley Row, ITS JPO Director

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Committee Charter (cont)

• Availability of Records: Records, reports, minutes, agenda, and other documents made available to or by the committee will be made available for public inspection and duplication in the ITS JPO Website,

• Working Groups:– Chairman may establish working groups to perform specific

assignments with DFO approval– Chairman may designate members from either the committee or

the public to serve on working groups– Working group chairs will be committee members– Recording or videotaping of committee and working group

meetings may be performed only by DFO or designee– Committee recommendations to the Department must be

approved by committee as a whole

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 10: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November

2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details

– DOT Secretarial Goals– Commission Report– UTC Program– RD&T RPIC Efforts– Discussion plus Q&A

• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details

– DOT Secretarial Goals– Commission Report– UTC Program– RD&T RPIC Efforts– Discussion plus Q&A

• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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DOT Secretarial Goals

• Improve Safety– Current rate: 1.47 fatalities / 100M vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT)– DOT Goal: Achieve 1.0 fatalities per 100M VMT

• Improve System Performance and Reliability– Congestion on highways, railways, airports and seaports is

reducing our nation’s productivity– Goal: Increase capacity and efficiency of transportation network

• Implement 21st Century Solutions– Traditional funding approaches no longer effective– Need to assess feasibility of innovative public-private partnerships

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details

– DOT Secretarial Goals– Commission Report– UTC Program– RD&T RPIC Efforts– Discussion plus Q&A

• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details

– DOT Secretarial Goals– Commission Report– UTC Program– RD&T RPIC Efforts– Discussion plus Q&A

• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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University Transportation Centers Program

ITS Advisory CommitteeMarch 13, 2008

Curtis J. Tompkins, PhDDirector, UTC Program

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Advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many disciplines comprising transportation

through the mechanisms of education, research and technology transfer at

university-based centers of excellence.

Mission of the University Transportation Centers Program

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Current University Transportation Centers

a. As provided for in SAFETEA-LUb. 60 Centers involving 120 universities

i. 20 chosen by merit-based competitive selection

1. 10 Regional UTCs2. 10 Tier I UTCs

ii. 40 named in legislation1. 10 National UTCs2. 22 Tier II UTCs3. 8 Title III UTCs

c. Title III UTCs do not have a matching fund requirement;

all others must have a 1-for-1 match

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Opportunities for the ITS JPO to Be Involved with the UTC Program

1. Facilitate, collaboratively with the UTC Program, an ongoing ITS “community of interest” of UTCs doing (or potentially interested in doing) ITS work

2. Participate in the UTC Directors Summer meeting (June 25, in San Jose this year) and Winter meeting (at TRB in January)

3. Share information regularly with UTC directors about ITS JPO priorities, directions, etc

Use the UTC Program as a communication channel to inform UTC directors about ITS research opportunities outside of the UTC grant-sponsored work.

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4. Have someone serve as liaison to the UTC Program, as FHWA and FTA currently do 

5. Serve on UTC advisory committees and project selection committees

6. Review UTC strategic plans

7. Have UTC students serve as ITS interns

8. Have UTC faculty work with the ITS JPO during Sabbatical leaves

Opportunities for the ITS JPO to Be Involved with the UTC Program cont’d.

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details

– DOT Secretarial Goals– Commission Report– UTC Program– RD&T RPIC Efforts– Discussion plus Q&A

• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 22: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008

Research Development & TechnologyStrategic Plan Update

Presented to the ITS-JPO Advisory CouncilMarch 13, 2008

Dr. Jan Brecht-Clark, RITA Associate Administrator for RD&T

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RD&T Purpose is to Coordinate and Leverage DOT’s Research, Development & Technology Investments – roughly $1B per year.

To Accomplish This Mission, RD&T has Undertaken Three Major Activities Update DOT’s RD&T Strategic Plan to Set Long Term

Investment Direction Across Modes Develop & Implement the Research Planning, Investment &

Control (RPIC) Process for these Activities Develop & Deploy IT System to Support RPIC (R2NS)

Page 24: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


At RITA’s Inception, RD&T and RITA Planning Team created a RD&T Strategic Plan for the Department.

The 2006 Plan Presents Cross-Cutting Views of Current DOT Activities Areas for Intermodal Cooperation

RD&T & Planning Team are Updating Plan to Outline & Identify A Road Map to Address the Long Term, Strategic Goals & Objectives of DOT-Funded Research. Release Date: Summer 2008

Strategic Plan Chronology

Page 25: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


2008 Plan Vision & Strategies

Safe, Less Congested

Economically Competitive

Energy Independent

Environmentally Sustainable



Transportation Vision 2030 Sets Direction for RD&T Activities so the Next Generation Will Have A System That Is:

Using these 6 Strategies, RDT & the Planning Team have identified the challenges & activities needed to produce Vision 2030 outcomes.

Page 26: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Strategic Collaboration

Congestion Mitigation

Human Factors

System Resilience/Global Logistics

Position, Navigation & Timing


Enhanced Safety Data

Transportation in an Aging Society

Energy Efficiency/Alternative Fuels

To promote collaboration, RD&T and the Planning Team created the Intermodal Research Working Groups identified in 2006 Plan

Page 27: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Strategic Collaboration

RDT is working with the University Transportation Centers and FAA Centers of Excellence to foster collaboration among these DOT-funded researchers and with Intermodal Working Groups.

RDT & National Transportation Libraries Will Be Working With Key External Stakeholders To Create Public Collaboration Sites Later This Year.

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Strategic Plan Update


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RPIC Integrated Investment Management

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep


t Y





What activities are taking place during the current year with regard to last year's Plan, Budget, and R&D Portfolio?





Y 2


What activities are taking place during the current year with regard to current year's Plan, Budget, and R&D Portfolio?





Y 2


What activities are taking place during the current year with regard to next year's Plan, Budget, and R&D Portfolio?




r +


Y 2


What activities are taking place during the current year with regard to two year's out Plan, Budget, and R&D Portfolio?

Integrated Strategic Planning, Budgeting, and R&D Investment ManagementCurrent Fiscal Yr (FY 2008)




Oversight PortfolioPerformance







Develop Annual Report to Congress

Reprogram to Adjust to Appropriations Revise and Reprogram Internal

President's Budget

Assess BudgetVariances; Closeout Report on Annual Performance


Revise Annual Plan & Budgetbased on OMB Passback


Develop Annual Plan

Formulate R&D Budget

SubmitPlan andBudget to


Screen/Score Select Control Evaluate Apply Lessons Learned








Oversight PortfolioPerformance






Oversight PortfolioPerformance



Page 30: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


DOT R&D Portfolio Mix

Operating Administration

Enacted FY2007 RD&T Budget


FAA $319,702

FHWA $512,657

FMCSA $12,098

FRA $58,344

FTA $75,536

NHTSA $91,698

OST $14,850

PHMSA $11,751

RITA $2,470

Total $1,099,106

Safety 44%

Congestion 49% Security 1%

Global Con 1%

Env Steward 4%Org Excell 1%

R&D 70%

Technology 28%

Facilities 2%

R&D Sub-Portfolios• Intermodal Policy & System Research• Safety Systems Management• Environmental Stewardship &

Energy Independence• Logistics & Transportation

• Physical Infrastructure• Comm, Navigation, and Surveillance• Human Factors Research & Applications• Intelligent Transportation Systems• Nanotechnology

Page 31: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007 Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details

– DOT Secretarial Goals– Commission Report– UTC Program– RD&T RPIC Efforts– Discussion plus Q&A

• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 32: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

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ITS Advisory Committee Overview

March 13, 2008

SAFE TRIP-21ITS Advisory Committee OverviewMarch 13, 2008

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The Critical Need

United States in 2006:

2.6 million traffic crashes

42,000 fatalities

2.6 million injuries

$80 billion cost of urban traffic congestion*

4.2 billion hours of delay

2.9 billion gallons of wasted fuel

• *Texas Transportation Institute, 2007

Page 35: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP-21 is a Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Program Initiative

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SAFE TRIP-21 Fills the Gap While DSRC Deployment Challenges are Addressed

Infrastructure installation cost and responsibility

Operational authority, capability and maintenance responsibilities

Governance and privacy issues

Sustainable financing and business model

Active crash avoidance applications require extensive DSRC coverage to warrant vehicle equipage

Page 37: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP Inspiration: SmartWay 2007

• SmartWay: Exhibition and operational test of second generation ITS in Japan

– 1,650 Exhibition attendees; 35 media outlets– Ongoing Tokyo field test; 60 vehicles

• Adds DSRC-enabled capabilities to existing ITS infrastructure:

– 163 TMCs; 2,800 cameras; 180,000 traffic sensors;

– Vehicle Information Communications System (VICS) with 33,000+ communications beacons; FM radio

• Builds upon installed base of ITS users:

– 21.6 Million ETC units; 71% of transactions overall– 28.3 Million navigation units; 19.6 Million VICS

• Motivated by distinctive Japanese conditions– Complex street addressing and navigation– Expressways built to lesser “parkway” standards– Serious motor vehicle crash rate 5X U.S– Vehicle density 10X U.S.; congestion / limited parking– $5.60 / gallon fuel; ~$0.40 / mile expressway tolls– Decreased interest in automobile ownership / use

among younger Japanese

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SAFE TRIP-21: Purpose and Objectives

• Draw upon VII research and transition it into real-world use

• Assess near-term possibilities that don’t require extensive infrastructure

– Accelerate ITS benefits through “aftermarket” nomadic devices (quickly, cheaply)

– Exploit existing communications technologies as pathways to DSRC

• Validate public acceptance and benefits of integrated multi-modal deployment :

– Safety– Mobility (Road / Transit Travel Information) – Commercial vehicle operations– Electronic Payment

• Identify environmental / energy impacts

• Provide feedback to VII program plans and basis for deployment decisions

Page 39: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Near Term Trends and Opportunities

Navigation Devices• Strong growth in GPS consumer electronics• ~ 10% of vehicles now equipped, growing• Emerging 2-way communication capabilities

(cellular, WiFi) capabilities

Mobile Phones• Nearly ubiquitous; data / messaging services• GPS / location based services:

• Route planning• Parking location / availability• Real-time traffic and travel information

• Bluetooth / Wi-Fi / E-payment capabilities

Mobile Wi-Fi / WiMax on the horizon

Page 40: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP-21 – Safety Applications

In-Vehicle Alerts / Static Information:

Advisories for sharp curves, railroad crossings, school zones, low clearance etc.

In-Vehicle Alerts / Dynamic Hazard Information:

Fixed Locations (icy bridge, wet curves, temporary speed reductions);

Transient Conditions (Work zones, Emergency vehicles, Congestion ahead; obstacles ahead, etc.)

Crash Avoidance:

Stop sign Violation Alert, Traffic / Pedestrian Alert, Incident Ahead Alert, etc.

Page 41: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP-21– Mobility Applications


Real-time probe-based traffic / travel / weather conditions, Transit Connections and Schedules, Parking Information (Car Park, Transit Park and Ride, and Commercial Vehicle Parking)

Navigation: Congestion Information, Event-driven Routing, Route and Modal Diversion

Signal Interface: Transit Signal Priority

Page 42: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP-21 – CVO / E-Payment

Commercial Vehicle ApplicationsReal time traffic information, Dynamic routing, Parking, Weather, Electronic safety inspection clearance systems, HAZMAT shipment monitoring.

E-Payment ApplicationsUnified Transit, Tolling, and Parking; and, possibly commercial services payment and/or congestion pricing.

Page 43: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP Components

Information Gathering ITS America / industry representatives

Transportation and transit agencies

University Transportation Centers

VII research groups / sites

Request for Information

Field Test and Evaluation ITS World Congress Launch

Year-long test and evaluation

Interim findings throughout 2009

Summary Results - January 2010

Business Model Assessment

Page 44: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


SAFE TRIP Activities / Milestones

2007-08 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2008-10 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan

Information Gathering Sharing


ITS World Congress

BAA Evaluation / Award

Test Bed Development

Integrate WC Exhibits

Test WC Exhibits

Develop Evaluation Protocol / Collect “Baseline” Data

Field Test and Evaluation

Field Test and Evaluation

Data Collection and Interim Findings Reports + Outreach and CommunicationsFinal Report

Outreach / Communications PlanOutreach / Communications Activities

Public Roads Article

Business Model AssessmentRFI Alternatives Analysis

Page 45: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 46: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Briefing Outline

• Follow up from last meeting– ITS JPO Management and organization

• Strategic Planning Activity– Draft Mission

– Draft Goals and Focus Areas

– Other Activities

• Screening criteria

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ITS Joint Program Office

• Programmatic oversight – RITA• HR, Legal, IT, Contracts, Budget - FHWA• Responsible for Strategic Leadership, Coordination, and

Oversight• 17 Person Staff – Very Senior and with Diverse Expertise

Page 48: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Current JPO Organization

Traveler Information (14)Traveler Information (14)

Communication &Communication &Outreach (15)Outreach (15)

Architecture/Architecture/Standards (14)Standards (14)

Evaluation (15)Evaluation (15)

Program Program ManagerManager


Emergency Management (14)Emergency Management (14)


Highway Safety (15)Highway Safety (15)


Freight/CVO (14)Freight/CVO (14)

Transit (15)Transit (15)

Traffic Management (14/15)Traffic Management (14/15)


Vehicle Safety (14/15)Vehicle Safety (14/15)

Vehicle-Infrastructure Tech.(15)Vehicle-Infrastructure Tech.(15)

Professional Professional Capacity Capacity


Deployment Support Deployment Support CoordinatorsCoordinators

Program Program SupportSupport

Program Mgt.Program Mgt.Specialist (14)Specialist (14)

Fiscal Mgt. Fiscal Mgt. Specialist (14)Specialist (14)

Page 49: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Modal Administration Program Offices

• With JPO Leadership - Provides National Emphasis for the ITS Program

• Responsible for – Execution of ITS R&D Program

– Leadership for ITS Program

• Provide Technical Assistance to State and Local Governments

Page 50: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Management Structure

Advisory Advisory CommitteeCommittee


Strategic Strategic Planning Planning


Modal Modal AdministrationAdministration

Program OfficesProgram Offices

Management Management CouncilCouncil

Page 51: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Internal Coordination

• ITS Management Council– Internal “Board of Directors”

– Chaired by RITA Administrator

– Includes all Modal Administrators

• ITS Strategic Planning Group– Internal Management Coordination

– Chaired by JPO Director

– Includes senior managers for all modes

Page 52: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


• ITS Research Program

–R&D Initiatives

–Technology Transfer

Overview of Current ITS Program

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Overview of Current ITS Program (cont)

• ITS major research initiatives are centerpiece of ITS Program

• Focus on innovative combinations of technologies to solve critical transportation problems related to safety, mobility, and global connectivity

• Consistent with Congressional goals, purposes, and research objectives outlined in SAFETEA-LU and also with U.S. DOT goals of:– Safety– Congestion reduction– Productivity/global connectivity

Page 54: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Overview of Current ITS Program (cont)

• Each initiative is: – Partnership that includes:

• U.S. DOT Modal Administrations

• Private-sector organizations

• State and local transportation agencies

• Professional associations

• Other public-sector interests

– Oriented to focus on fewer, larger, higher-risk, high-payoff “major initiatives”

• Nine major initiatives were approved by the Management Council• Congestion Initiative & Rural Safety were added this year

Page 55: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Major Initiatives

Rural SafetyRural Safety

Integrated Vehicle-Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety SystemsBased Safety Systems

Cooperative Cooperative Intersection Intersection

Collision Avoidance Collision Avoidance Systems Systems

Next Generation 911Next Generation 911


Congestion InitiativeCongestion Initiative

Integrated CorridorIntegrated CorridorManagement SystemsManagement Systems

Mobility Services for Mobility Services for All AmericansAll Americans

Clarus Clarus

Emergency Emergency TransportationTransportation



Universal ElectronicUniversal ElectronicFreight ManifestFreight Manifest

Global ConnectivityGlobal Connectivity


Vehicle InfrastructureVehicle InfrastructureIntegrationIntegration

Page 56: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Technology Transfer

• Information Dissemination

• Professional Capacity Building

• Architecture & Standards – National ITS Architecture Version 6.0– 105 ITS standards

• 88 published• 13 in final process • 4 in development

• Benefits & Costs, Lessons Learned, Deployment Statistics

Page 57: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


ITS Strategic Planning Process

• Trends– Interview ITS Advisory Committee members– Interview USDOT modal staff– JPO staff input

• End state visioning• Opportunities• Barriers• Draft mission, goals and focus areas• Gathering input

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Mission & Goal Areas

• JPO’s mission is to lead the creation & demonstration of intelligent technology solutions to achieve the safest & best performing surface transportation system in the world.

• Goal Areas– Safety– Mobility– Environment– 21st Century Institutions, Innovations, and


Page 59: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Goal: Safety

Focus:• Networked/Intelligent Vehicle – Create capability for all

vehicles to have 360 degree awareness of hazards, and communicate appropriately with drivers to prevent crashes

Achieve measurable reduction in crashes, injuries, fatalities, and

the associated economic costs

Challenge: Reduce 90% of all crashes, injuries, and fatalities by


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Goal: Mobility


• Realize complete transportation system visibility– Real time data on all roads, all modes, all the time

• To enable performance measurement across the transportation system

• To catalyze the development of applications to optimize network performance

• To enable delivery of end-to-end transportation information for trip planning (personal & business)

Achieve measurable improvements in mobility, system performance, and

economic productivity through research & demonstration of ITS technology

Page 61: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Goal: Mobility


• Integrated electronic payment systems• Enable seamless payment processing

• Provide complete trip payment

• Integrate parking, transit, congestion pricing, tolling

Achieve measurable improvements in mobility, system performance, and

economic productivity through research & demonstration of ITS


Page 62: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008


Goal: Environment/Energy

Focus:• Conduct research to understand relationship between

technology-enabled congestion reduction & safety improvement with environmental impacts (carbon footprint & fuel efficiency)

Achieve improvement in air quality and reductions in fuel consumption

Challenge: Reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions by 40% by 2029

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Goal: 21st Century Institutions, Innovations, and Partnerships

Focus:• Research new public-private partnerships to improve

the deployment and use of ITS technologies in transportation

• Examine innovative financing models to foster use of ITS technologies in transportation

• Identify and research solutions to address institutional barriers in the use of ITS technologies in transportation

Foster new institutional relationships to accelerate use of technologies in


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ITS Joint Program Office Roles

Federal roles can range from:• Science• Basic R&D• Applied R&D• Technology Transfer to commercialization• Operational Demonstration• Deployment

Appropriate roles will vary based on focus area

Roles are under discussion & development

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Other Activities:• Look to the next generation technology solutions• Leverage worldwide research• Support the basics

– Architecture

– Standards

– Professional Capacity Building

– Information Clearinghouse

ITS Strategic Plan

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Criteria – (Handout)

• Criteria developed by JPO staff• Used to assess relevance of goals & focus areas• Provided for your consideration & use

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• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 68: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 69: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 70: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 71: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn

Page 72: ITS Program Advisory Committee Meeting March 13, 2008



• Opening / Introductions• Agenda Review / Committee Purpose• Remarks by Paul Brubaker, RITA Administrator• Review and Discussion of Advisory Committee Input From November 2007

Meeting• DOT-Wide Strategic Planning: Context and Details• Safe-Trip 21 • ITS JPO Strategic Planning Results• ITS JPO Proposed Mission, Goals, and Objectives• ITS JPO Proposed Objectives, Metrics, and Programmatic Possibilities• Small Group Report-out• Programmatic Roles: ITS JPO, Private Sector, Public Sector• Consolidation of Views and Recommendations• Adjourn