itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud...

itMff"i a!V?"H ' ' ,jwiwiiwii"WB!'y "i imp Mir'MP'WFr wwaw wi,"Tjmi arpwgnp--,T"g!ii'i?- ww Vt- - ,- -v frfll fvn1f " iH' .,.- - 't. For knowing how to Advertise to HK T profit B Evening III Consult tlie patrons of J is The Evening Bulletin w r Vol. V. No. 951. HONOLULU, H. SATURDAY, JULY )i I . C t -- J I'-- ' ) l4 t From aoffisrt To MoUieslM, Took it as a Child: Now gives it to her own Children. Mr MabPl lloulton of Hrll. inc. ) li id tho following nnl mo-- l delightful expenenco i " rrom Infancy I was weak and Ocllrnto and prow In he anything but a roliut lill.l 1 sultcrcd from debility, no appetite, mid the iihuiI couwquenco of such cumplaluts. Hut my pircnti hearing of the health rcslor-tu- properties of AYER'S Sapsaparilis some fnr me and I nm liappy to vv lint nfti'r li ivIiik taken tn l)(ttles I rcg urn d bc.iltli. v Ucnrniid cnml appetite nun linvr i been trnulded cvt-- r since. I nm now married. linon family of my own, am si 111 strong hinl en, anil ran recnmnirnn nr. Ajrriau supiilllins n good f unl'y lunlklm." Fnr rnnitlpntlnn take I)r Avpr'i l'lll. T" pt promptly tpiIi'Vp ami mrpljr pure Tiki i ' with l)r. Ajcr'iBariaiiarlllui one alut tho nt'n r Hollister Drug Co., Ltd., Solo Agents for tlin ltopubllo of Hawaii. H.L GEAR, (3.D.GEAR, Ml Bansoruo 3t., 8. K. BtO KlnR 8t n I. GEAR 6VGEAR LAWYERS. )3aii Francisco and jionolulu Havlni? nlllces in San Francisco ane Honolulu wo ire prepared touttcn promptly to all mutters entrusted t us In either of said places. Mercantile Agency 210 King titreet. DifflcultGollBctlons a Spscialt) D GEAR, 3LA.WYER. Corner of KIhk an'' Hotliel Street. Second Floir. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Attorney at Law and "Notary Public. Kaattiimanti Street. William A. Henshall, A.ttorney at Law 113 Koauumanu 8treet, Tele. 663. W. S. EDING-S- , Counsellor at Law Corner Bethel ami King 8tretf, Honolulu, H. f. C.W ALL, D.D. S O.E.WALL, D.D.S., DfCPvTTESTS. Nw Love'u BulMluR, Frl Btrftet. TFXEPHONK 4."U ,( GILBERT P. LITTLE, ATTOBNEY RT LftW Vr IT A X v 1IILO, HAWAII MRS. LEASE THE ORATOR Gives Striking Lecture on "Signs of Our Times." Sie Would Like to See the American Flag Wave Over Spain Discusses Other Questions. Mr. Tho-- . J. Cummins has boeu much impressed with tho follow- ing report of n lecture by Mrs. Leneo, and thinks all tho readers of t jo Bulletin would bo equal- ly interested in it: Mary Ellen Lense, tho celebiat-e- d lecturer, woman suffragist aud Populist from Kanaae, lectured t tho Baldwin Tboater last night on "Signs of Our Times." She is a worauu of very agreeable keen, gray eyes and soft .lurk hair. Her voico is molodi-- i us aud ilowiug, with intervals of deep oratorical sonority. Hor lecture waB very compre-honoiv- e, covoriug tbo political re- lations and mter-ielation- s of tho wholo world. In her preface she .undo h bnof survoy ot historical crises which were uuhoeded ovou uy the leading statesmen until ilioy had broken upon tho coun- try. Tho blindness of Lincoln ami Douglas m 1853 to the great war then impending was cited. ' Thou Mrs. Lease, speaking with r at logical force aud u culling ntraLotii of ouicram. demonstrat ed that thoro were uloo alarming sigue in our times which were au needed, du n ml: "Wo stand so close to tho great uorizou ot oveuts that our vision sblutiod by our neiuness. We linvn n nntinn. in the last flUar ter of a century leaped forward two cenlu lea in tuo path of national progress. Wo hava reached the ilizzv hoinhts of material prosperi ty unl are justly proud of what wo have accomplished. But, as Herbert Spoucor 6aid aB ho left our shores, we havo mnro of the forms of liberty and less of its substance thau any land beneath tho sun. At a time whou demo- cracy's earthquake footsteps are shaking the Old World tho purso-pro- ud aristocracy of wealth in tho iNev is willing to pay auy price fur tho cast- - off embroidered rig uud the disreputable finery of falling monarchies." The problems of the Now World as against the socialism that struggles with tho Kaiser, the re volution that threatens Spain and tho Eastern question that troubles Euiilaud. are the difficulties ot capital and labor, the ownership ot tho land and social equality. "Westward, westward, evermore westward, tho march of oiviliza tion goes," she we'nt on. "Hut horo the chaiu of empire is complete. We can no loug'or fly from the probloms our aucestors crossed tho sea toosotoe. Wo mut solve them now. Wo stand today at the Oeuiuuiuu of a cieat evolutionary period. Every advance movement has beon over a rougli ami thorny pith. Every now thing is orad led in a manger. Contunes ago wo foucht for actual omanoipa tion from chains. After religious and political liberty gained we must still fight for economic lib eity. But tho baud of God is on Contlnuoil on olglitli page. Bicycle Repairs Spring .Sontl'ostsu Ml Ilollor Bearings, Tompnrtiil Conos, Hall Cups, Axlos and HprnukotH, 17 to 1!5; Chains, Gear Canon, Cranks Hpoulal l'lccos and Korglngi In .Stock or mado to order at tlio old. relia- ble The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. whore prompt attention stll bo given to all repairs. Oil Miurhlko frequently with "Hal-ley- 's "lUiHt liloyclo Oil" and save hulf ,.,inp limivv llllHllllll?. KMUtlillKhod 1H92 on the Imnis of "OOOU WOKK." AUAiNsr Mtuir wish him.. IlpirPBentntlvt Iluh'Ttiioii t:iireiP(i 1IU Vlrni In Urn !lin In tho Houso Thursday nftrr-noo- n, Rep. Robertson mado a speech against tho passage of the bill granting licenses for tho sale of light winos, bears, etc. The Attorney General had stated tliBt undoubtedly tho law would bo avoided by somo of tho men taking out licoDpes. They would sell whiskey and giu in wino bottles and the officers of the law would be poworless to act. If anch was a fact the law was a usoless one, sinco the main provision could not bo onforccd. Then again, any man breaking the law would be liable to a heavy lino as woll as the cancellation of his license of $500. which would mean S700, whoreas, tho minimum fine for persons selling spirituous liquor without a license was S1U0 or $150 Attorney General Smith stated that, whilo ho was in sympathy with a good deal of what Mr. Robortson had said, ho was willing to try the law. Tho bill finally passod third reading by a voto of 10 to 3. Speaker Kaulukou voted against pnssngo. HOAHO OF AUIIIOULTUIIK. Matters of Ituilneai niipntcliPil at the Weekly Mrvtliii; Vriteriluy. Tho Board of Agriculture met in their now quarters in tho Judi- ciary building at 9 a. m. yester- day. Minister J. A. King, prnsidont of tho board, sent word of his ina- bility to bo present, requesting the meeting to proceed without him. C. J. King presided, with whom were presont Wray Taylor, E. W. Jordan and B. O. Clark, secretary. Tho secretary rapoited having arranged with Prof. J. W. Gilman en route to Woochatig, China, for exchange nf seods and plants, also that Mr. Gilman had sent a re- quest to Cornell university for literature pertaining to agricultu- ral instruction in the schools, to asist in introducing the subjoct here. The soorutary stated that no tenders had beon received for thinning Tantalus forest. Two aoplicatious for tho posi- tion of forester at Nuuanu station wero received and filod. Various matters pertaining to work of the bureau wero discussed. LAUNCH PUIICIIAHKD. To li Uivd In Connection With llll Nhlpplntr by llackfeld A. Co. Tho steam launch Moau, former ly tho property of Bob Gardner and others, who at ouo time de- cided to put bor into tho fishing business has beon purchased by H. Haokfeld & Co. Sho was takon to Hilo by Captain Bib Andrews to'lay, there to bo used as a gene- ral handy craft in connection with tho shipping interests of thojarge business corporation mentioned. Tho Moau was taken out for a trial trip by Captain Andrew venterday aud all things wore found to be woll. lied Crpu Hocloty. At a general mooting of the Rod Oros8Socioty hold Thursday after- noon it was oxplaiuod that there was not puflioieut room at the hos pitnl for the number of men who wont there. Steamor chairs are desired so that tho boys may bo accommodated with a place to loungo at tho headquarters on Nuuanu street. Hereafter cases of contsgious disoaso will bo sent to tho Qtiarantiuo station. At a couferonco of tho executive committee it was votd that debts of tho society-migh- t be contracted only by tho Toll iwingladios: Mes damos A. F. Judd, John S. Wal- ker, 0. B. Wool, S. M. Ballou, P. C. Jones, S. M. Damon aud A. J. Fuller. V H V ". llonirht mi Ostrich The Mikahala brought a fiuo ostrich from Rice's farm ou Kauai. This was purchased by a Japaneso for transportation to Japan. Tho sum paid for tho bird was S100. TwTOHf wr','"'-"- i "fPMJPIW ' -- T mSeSBrk M M1 The oldest and best. S W "T- B- IFTT ""7 "T Reliable and neway. M i I i - I I IL Uniformly leads. The 1 A AJLA 1 JL J- - Evening Bulletin docs j Something About the 2, 1898. Pjiiok 5 Oknts. M of the What They Say and What They Do-- The Originator of "If Not, Why Motes of Interest. No doubt when the mombrs of tho House of Representatives scatter next week aud return to their respectivo homes, thoy will inuulgo in a little reininisconcmg ovor tho ovonts that havo marked Iho prosont sossion. Comploto discussion of various matters has marked tbo session and certain characteristics have marked the mombors. It is with tho inten- tion of dwelling brielly upon tbrso that this article is writton. Tho members will forget tho little brushes they havo had when- thoy returen to their homes, aud in tho place of these, will come thoughts of pleasautriis that havo beon in- dulged in and characteristic saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem- bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei- u and RioLards. Which namo should go firnt is a question, but sinco both cannot be placed to- gether, tho order will have to re- main, ns Representative Loeben-etoiu- , although ho has been criti- cized, has certaiuly boen a boon to the Houso. On land mattcra he has always tiivon the House ex- - collont advice. Ho has propared his reports in a clear and concise manner with special attention to dotaii and never once, when duties were imposed upon him, did he shirk tho work. Representative Richards has done his duty on the Printing Committee aud to him aro duo tho prompt printing of bills. Botweon Representatives) Loo-benst- and Richards there is a marked difforonce of opinion. Very seldom have both voted ou tho samo Bide. From Kona como Paris and Achi Paris the conservative aud Aohi the .liberal this iu matters portauung to his, as well as the other districts. Bills aud peti tions galore havo been presented by him. His last bill wad too much for tho House, so it was allowed to remain ovor until the "next session." The Bergennt David Kanewauui,was haid ly ablo to carry fifteon copies of tho bill from tho door to the clerk's desk. Just horn should bo placed the namo of Rep. McCaudless of this island who, whn Rop. Achi makes a remark, invariably as sorts that tho member docs not know what ho is talking about aud states that ho is "surprised." So many "surprises" havo como to Rep. McCaudless during the session that ono wnild think his nerveB ubout played out. But Rop. McCaudless is a hard worker and speaks out his convictions without fenr. Of courso ho sometimes does what his horse "Irish Lassie" does not, makeB breaks, but not a member of tho Houo is free from that. Representatives Robeitson, Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR CREAM BAKING POWDER A Part Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEAP.S THE STANDARD. Gear, Atkinson and Wildor aro tho othors from Honolulu. Rop. Robertson, chairman of tho Judi ciary (Jommittoe, need not be Undoubtedly (and the members will agreo upon this without any ill feeling) he is the brainiest man on the lloor of the House. He has roportod on the majority of bills that havo come tieforo the Houso. Rop Atkin- son has givon valuable advice in regard to school mat tors and this has beon followed unswervingly. Rop. Wilder is the silent member but iu matters portaining to ship uiiig ho has beon an authority. Rop. Gear's work on tho Finance Committee has been of utmost vain. "What about Reprosontaiives Pocuo, Kahaulolio nud Knai from Maui? All havo done their work nud pulled for "Maui no ka oi." Rop. Poguo is decided in his opinions but willing to change when convinced ho is wrong. His committeo work has gone on rocord ns bsing most accurnte. Representative Kaai is not as sober as a judgo and has made mauy witty romarks in quaiut Hawaiian fashion, on vaiioue mombors and matters. His nt tompts nt speaking English have boon noithor numerous nor suc-cost-f- Next como tho rnombrfl from the Garden Isla Isonbeig and Kaeo Isonberc with his con tinual "Mr. Speukor, tho member ia out of order," and Uapo with his "ku o." Both aro iolly fol lows who havo accomplished groat results for Kauni. Last, but not least, comes Speaker Kaulukou who, whilo ho has not had much to say, han done his duty in tho chair. His rulings havo sometimes been ap pealed from but vory seldom havo thoy beon "not sustained." Un doubtedly, Bitting in the Chair has been a tiresomo duty at times, but he haa stuck to it well. A few observations might be intoresing. Renrosentativo Iseuborg oft--- n has can Iv in his desk. Other mombors have boen in the habit of eating it with him. Reprosonlativo Richards says, "Yon bet" when ho boeotnes ex cited, whilo Representative Loeb enhtoin is tho originator of "If not, why not," which ia on tho lips of everyono now. Representative Robertson somo tiraos forgets himself and sajs, "If it nleaso the court." ReDroseutatives Wear and achi, with tionrosentativo Loobonsteiu, aro tho sarcastic members of the Houso. R'preBontatives Poguo, Paris, Loobonatoin, Isenbotg, Wildor uud McCaudless all speak Ha wniiau some bettor than othors. Interpreter Luther Wi!o.x has given the members of the House many a good laugh by bis unique translations of tho Hawaiian lan- - guage, of which ho is a master. Clerk Jas. N. K. Keola has iroved a most efficient officer Tho mombors swear by him. David Kanewnnui, sergeant at arms, has the thau'ks ot nil the representatives of tho papers to whom ho has shown mauy favors aud beon must obliging. Auulnit Hpiif lilt IJnlvrtaliiinvnt. At n moeting of tho Tennessee anB hold y sterility afternoon, the proposition ot providing special entertainment for tho lioys in blue from thoir stato, was con- sidered. After a short discussion it was docided that to follow out such a couibo would not bo right. 'Iho Uuitod StateB troops should be entertained ns a wholo and noth- ing extra should bo provided foi any ono body of men. I'oraonallv Conducted. The Button Holmes lecture hint evening brought out tho largesi-crow- ho haa yot had. This lec- ture as well as all his others left nothing to bo desired. Iu listen ing to tho speaker while looking at tho pictures ouo can almost imagine oneself on tho Bpot, aud ui a guide on tho journey through iteece Mr. Holmes is coitaiul, a groat huccoss. Tho motion pio-tar- ra nre novelties uud wore gouo rously applauded. THE HOUSE THIS MORNING ' 1 f The Loan Appropriation Dill Goes to Conference Committee. Light Wine and Beer Bill Amendments are Accepted by the Senate Session This Afternoon. Houso this morning, a message was received from tlm S"uatn notifying tho Hou-- e that tho Senate had concurred iu tho House amendments to tho Sonata Light Wino nud Beer Bill, but that tho House amendmont to tho Seuato Loan Appropriation Bill were not concurred in. Also that Houso Bill, No. CO, doing away with the payment to police otHcers of ono half of tho opium fiuO', had baeu tabled. On motion tho of the Senate to the Houso amend- ments to the Loan Appropriation liill was Werred to the joint Com- mittee on Public Lnnds. Representatives Gear aud Paris repotted ou Houso Bill No. 'IS, extouding the remission of per- sonal taxes to polico ofiicors, rec- ommending that tho bill pass. Representative Gosr moved an amendment to add to those enti tled to remission of porsonal taxes .uombers of tin Mouuto f R servo. Consideration deferred till Tues day. Representative Robertson re- ported on Senate Bill No. 37, do-tini- ug eligibility of persons to hold public office, recommending that tho biimo bo laid on the table. Ou motion of Repr'sentativo Aohi the ropott of til committee wn"j adopted. Tho repot t of tho Committee on Uond Contracts was referred to the Minister of Interior. Hhubo Bill No. DO, substitute tor House Bill No. 53, amending tho Rounding Bill of 189G, pased second reading aud, under suspen- sion of the rules, wii3 read for tho thiid titno and parsed bi a unani- mous voto of tho members. Recess till '2 o clock. Tli NcnMt;, Tho Sonato passed the Rnpid Transit bil. on third reading by unanimous voto this morning. Tho Lian Appropriations bill, items not oyucurrod in, was re--f i red to the joint Comtnittoo on Public Lands. ill- - Housj bill ninending tho eminent domain law of 18'JO pass- ed second reading. Senate adjourned till Tueda;'. A IlKtvnllilli illilltailiir, "Ka La o Hawaii" is a now weekly publication in the Hawaii- an langnago. In it will bo printed from time to time, short storieBibr the home. The first number was issued yosterdn . William Young and Gcorjo Kaia are tho head men. At tho end of th i first story aro the words, iu brackets: "E hoomaimwanui iho a keia pulo ao," which mean, "Ho patient uu-t- il next week." Evidently tho pub-lish- ura consider tho story vory Such is really tho case. Royal makcA the lood pure, wholesome and delicto. ml PE9WQER Abiolutcly Puro nrrm fUkiMapowofnro,, nrwvoiK. A 9 .W fc ifaWir'T3y-j- ' 4 i : AC 1 ; . S'

Transcript of itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud...

Page 1: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and

itMff"ia!V?"H ' ' ,jwiwiiwii"WB!'y "i imp Mir'MP'WFr wwaw wi,"Tjmi arpwgnp--,T"g!ii'i?- ww Vt- -,-


frfll fvn1f " iH' .,.- -


For knowing how to

Advertise to HK Tprofit BEvening IIIConsult tlie patrons of Jis The Evening Bulletin w




. C

t --J I'-- '




From aoffisrtTo MoUieslM,

Took it as a Child: Now givesit to her own Children.

Mr MabPl lloulton of Hrll. inc. )li id tho following nnl mo-- l

delightful expenenco i

" rrom Infancy I was weak and Ocllrntoand prow In he anything but a roliut lill.l1 sultcrcd from debility, no appetite, midthe iihuiI couwquenco of such cumplaluts.Hut my pircnti hearing of the health rcslor-tu-

properties of


some fnr me and I nm liappy to vvlint nfti'r li ivIiik taken tn l)(ttles I rcg urn d

bc.iltli. v Ucnrniid cnml appetite nun linvr ibeen trnulded cvt-- r since. I nm now married.linon family of my own, am si 111 strong hinl

en, anil ran recnmnirnn nr. Ajrriausupiilllins n good f unl'y lunlklm."

Fnr rnnitlpntlnn take I)r Avpr'i l'lll. T" ptpromptly tpiIi'Vp ami mrpljr pure Tiki i 'with l)r. Ajcr'iBariaiiarlllui one alut tho nt'n r

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.,Solo Agents for tlin ltopubllo of Hawaii.


Ml Bansoruo 3t., 8. K. BtO KlnR 8t n I.


)3aii Francisco and jionolulu

Havlni? nlllces in San Francisco aneHonolulu wo ire prepared touttcnpromptly to all mutters entrusted t

us In either of said places.

Mercantile Agency210 King titreet.

DifflcultGollBctlons a Spscialt)


3LA.WYER.Corner of KIhk an'' Hotliel Street.

Second Floir.


Attorney at Law and"Notary Public.

Kaattiimanti Street.

William A. Henshall,

A.ttorney at Law113 Koauumanu 8treet, Tele. 663.

W. S. EDING-S- ,

Counsellor at LawCorner Bethel ami King 8tretf,

Honolulu, H. f.


DfCPvTTESTS.Nw Love'u BulMluR, Frl Btrftet.








Gives Striking Lecture on "Signs

of Our Times."

Sie Would Like to See the American Flag

Wave Over Spain Discusses

Other Questions.

Mr. Tho-- . J. Cummins has boeumuch impressed with tho follow-

ing report of n lecture by Mrs.

Leneo, and thinks all tho readersof t jo Bulletin would bo equal-

ly interested in it:Mary Ellen Lense, tho celebiat-e- d

lecturer, woman suffragist aud

Populist from Kanaae, lecturedt tho Baldwin Tboater last night

on "Signs of Our Times." She is

a worauu of very agreeablekeen, gray eyes and soft

.lurk hair. Her voico is molodi-- ius aud ilowiug, with intervals of

deep oratorical sonority.Hor lecture waB very compre-honoiv- e,

covoriug tbo political re-

lations and mter-ielation- s of thowholo world. In her preface she.undo h bnof survoy ot historicalcrises which were uuhoeded ovouuy the leading statesmen untililioy had broken upon tho coun-try. Tho blindness of Lincolnami Douglas m 1853 to the greatwar then impending was cited.

' Thou Mrs. Lease, speaking withr at logical force aud u culling

ntraLotii of ouicram. demonstrated that thoro were uloo alarmingsigue in our times which wereau needed, du n ml:

"Wo stand so close to tho greatuorizou ot oveuts that our visionsblutiod by our neiuness. We

linvn n nntinn. in the last flUarter of a century leaped forward twocenlu lea in tuo path of nationalprogress. Wo hava reached theilizzv hoinhts of material prosperity unl are justly proud of whatwo have accomplished. But, asHerbert Spoucor 6aid aB ho leftour shores, we havo mnro of theforms of liberty and less of itssubstance thau any land beneaththo sun. At a time whou demo-cracy's earthquake footsteps areshaking the Old World tho purso-pro- ud

aristocracy of wealth in thoiNev is willing to pay auy pricefur tho cast- - off embroidered riguud the disreputable finery offalling monarchies."

The problems of the Now Worldas against the socialism thatstruggles with tho Kaiser, the revolution that threatens Spain andtho Eastern question that troublesEuiilaud. are the difficulties otcapital and labor, the ownershipot tho land and social equality.

"Westward, westward, evermorewestward, tho march of oivilization goes," she we'nt on. "Hut horothe chaiu of empire is complete.We can no loug'or fly from theprobloms our aucestors crossedtho sea toosotoe. Wo mut solvethem now. Wo stand today at theOeuiuuiuu of a cieat evolutionaryperiod. Every advance movementhas beon over a rougli ami thornypith. Every now thing is oradled in a manger. Contunes agowo foucht for actual omanoipation from chains. After religiousand political liberty gained we

must still fight for economic libeity. But tho baud of God is on

Contlnuoil on olglitli page.

Bicycle RepairsSpring .Sontl'ostsu Ml Ilollor Bearings,

Tompnrtiil Conos, Hall Cups, Axlos andHprnukotH, 17 to 1!5; Chains, Gear Canon,

Cranks Hpoulal l'lccos and Korglngi In.Stock or mado to order at tlio old. relia-ble

The Honolulu Cyclery231 King Street.

whore prompt attention stll bo given toall repairs.

Oil Miurhlko frequently with "Hal-ley- 's

"lUiHt liloyclo Oil" and save hulf,.,inp limivv llllHllllll?.

KMUtlillKhod 1H92 on the Imnis of"OOOU WOKK."

AUAiNsr Mtuir wish him..

IlpirPBentntlvt Iluh'Ttiioii t:iireiP(i 1IU

Vlrni In Urn !linIn tho Houso Thursday nftrr-noo- n,

Rep. Robertson mado aspeech against tho passage of thebill granting licenses for tho saleof light winos, bears, etc. TheAttorney General had stated tliBtundoubtedly tho law would boavoided by somo of tho men takingout licoDpes. They would sellwhiskey and giu in wino bottlesand the officers of the law wouldbe poworless to act. If anch wasa fact the law was a usoless one,sinco the main provision could notbo onforccd.

Then again, any man breakingthe law would be liable to a heavylino as woll as the cancellation ofhis license of $500. which wouldmean S700, whoreas, tho minimumfine for persons selling spirituousliquor without a license wasS1U0 or $150

Attorney General Smith statedthat, whilo ho was in sympathywith a good deal of what Mr.Robortson had said, ho was willingto try the law.

Tho bill finally passod thirdreading by a voto of 10 to 3.Speaker Kaulukou voted againstpnssngo.


Matters of Ituilneai niipntcliPil at theWeekly Mrvtliii; Vriteriluy.

Tho Board of Agriculture metin their now quarters in tho Judi-ciary building at 9 a. m. yester-day.

Minister J. A. King, prnsidontof tho board, sent word of his ina-

bility to bo present, requesting themeeting to proceed without him.C. J. King presided, with whomwere presont Wray Taylor, E. W.Jordan and B. O. Clark, secretary.

Tho secretary rapoited havingarranged with Prof. J. W. Gilmanen route to Woochatig, China, forexchange nf seods and plants, alsothat Mr. Gilman had sent a re-

quest to Cornell university forliterature pertaining to agricultu-ral instruction in the schools, toasist in introducing the subjocthere.

The soorutary stated that notenders had beon received forthinning Tantalus forest.

Two aoplicatious for tho posi-tion of forester at Nuuanu stationwero received and filod. Variousmatters pertaining to work ofthe bureau wero discussed.


To li Uivd In Connection With llllNhlpplntr by llackfeld A. Co.

Tho steam launch Moau, formerly tho property of Bob Gardnerand others, who at ouo time de-

cided to put bor into tho fishingbusiness has beon purchased byH. Haokfeld & Co. Sho was takonto Hilo by Captain Bib Andrewsto'lay, there to bo used as a gene-ral handy craft in connection withtho shipping interests of thojargebusiness corporation mentioned.

Tho Moau was taken out for atrial trip by Captain Andrewventerday aud all things worefound to be woll.

lied Crpu Hocloty.

At a general mooting of the RodOros8Socioty hold Thursday after-noon it was oxplaiuod that therewas not puflioieut room at the hospitnl for the number of men whowont there. Steamor chairs aredesired so that tho boys may boaccommodated with a place toloungo at tho headquarters onNuuanu street. Hereafter casesof contsgious disoaso will bo sentto tho Qtiarantiuo station.

At a couferonco of tho executivecommittee it was votd that debtsof tho society-migh- t be contractedonly by tho Toll iwingladios: Mesdamos A. F. Judd, John S. Wal-ker, 0. B. Wool, S. M. Ballou, P.C. Jones, S. M. Damon aud A. J.Fuller.

V H V ".

llonirht mi OstrichThe Mikahala brought a fiuo

ostrich from Rice's farm ouKauai. This was purchased by aJapaneso for transportation toJapan. Tho sum paid for thobird was S100.

TwTOHf wr','"'-"- i "fPMJPIW ' --T mSeSBrk M


The oldest and best. SW "T-B- IFTT ""7 "T Reliable and neway. M

i I i- I I IL Uniformly leads. The 1

A AJLA 1 JL J-- Evening Bulletin docs j

Something About the

2, 1898. Pjiiok 5 Oknts. M

of the

What They Say and What They Do-- The

Originator of "If Not, Why

Motes of Interest.

No doubt when the mombrs oftho House of Representativesscatter next week aud return totheir respectivo homes, thoy willinuulgo in a little reininisconcmgovor tho ovonts that havo markedIho prosont sossion. Complotodiscussion of various matters hasmarked tbo session and certaincharacteristics have marked themombors. It is with tho inten-

tion of dwelling brielly upon tbrsothat this article is writton. Thomembers will forget tho littlebrushes they havo had when- thoyreturen to their homes, aud in thoplace of these, will come thoughtsof pleasautriis that havo beon in-

dulged in and characteristicsaying3 that havo been repeatedtime aud agaiu.

Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei- u

and RioLards. Which namoshould go firnt is a question, butsinco both cannot be placed to-

gether, tho order will have to re-

main, ns Representative Loeben-etoiu- ,

although ho has been criti-cized, has certaiuly boen a boon tothe Houso. On land mattcra hehas always tiivon the House ex- -collont advice. Ho has proparedhis reports in a clear and concisemanner with special attention todotaii and never once, when dutieswere imposed upon him, did heshirk tho work. RepresentativeRichards has done his duty onthe Printing Committee aud tohim aro duo tho prompt printingof bills.

Botweon Representatives) Loo-benst-

and Richards there is amarked difforonce of opinion.Very seldom have both voted outho samo Bide.

From Kona como Paris andAchi Paris the conservative audAohi the .liberal this iu mattersportauung to his, as well as theother districts. Bills aud petitions galore havo been presentedby him. His last bill wad toomuch for tho House, so it wasallowed to remain ovor until the"next session." The Bergennt

David Kanewauui,was haidly ablo to carry fifteon copies oftho bill from tho door to theclerk's desk.

Just horn should bo placed thenamo of Rep. McCaudless of thisisland who, whn Rop. Achimakes a remark, invariably assorts that tho member docs notknow what ho is talking aboutaud states that ho is "surprised."So many "surprises" havo comoto Rep. McCaudless during thesession that ono wnild think hisnerveB ubout played out. But Rop.McCaudless is a hard worker andspeaks out his convictions withoutfenr. Of courso ho sometimesdoes what his horse "Irish Lassie"does not, makeB breaks, but nota member of tho Houo is freefrom that.

Representatives Robeitson,

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.




A Part Grape Cream of Tartar Powder.


Gear, Atkinson and Wildor arotho othors from Honolulu. Rop.Robertson, chairman of tho Judiciary (Jommittoe, need not be

Undoubtedly (and themembers will agreo upon thiswithout any ill feeling) he is thebrainiest man on the lloor of theHouse. He has roportod on themajority of bills that havo cometieforo the Houso. Rop Atkin-son has givon valuable advice inregard to school mat tors and thishas beon followed unswervingly.Rop. Wilder is the silent memberbut iu matters portaining to shipuiiig ho has beon an authority.Rop. Gear's work on tho FinanceCommittee has been of utmostvain.

"What about ReprosontaiivesPocuo, Kahaulolio nud Knai fromMaui? All havo done their worknud pulled for "Maui no ka oi."Rop. Poguo is decided in hisopinions but willing to changewhen convinced ho is wrong.His committeo work has gone onrocord ns bsing most accurnte.Representative Kaai is not assober as a judgo and has mademauy witty romarks in quaiutHawaiian fashion, on vaiiouemombors and matters. His nttompts nt speaking English haveboon noithor numerous nor suc-cost-f-

Next como tho rnombrfl fromthe Garden Isla Isonbeig andKaeo Isonberc with his continual "Mr. Speukor, tho memberia out of order," and Uapo withhis "ku o." Both aro iolly follows who havo accomplishedgroat results for Kauni.

Last, but not least, comesSpeaker Kaulukou who, whilo hohas not had much to say, handone his duty in tho chair. Hisrulings havo sometimes been appealed from but vory seldom havothoy beon "not sustained." Undoubtedly, Bitting in the Chairhas been a tiresomo duty at times,but he haa stuck to it well.

A few observations might beintoresing.

Renrosentativo Iseuborg oft--- n

has can Iv in his desk. Othermombors have boen in the habitof eating it with him.

Reprosonlativo Richards says,"Yon bet" when ho boeotnes excited, whilo Representative Loebenhtoin is tho originator of "Ifnot, why not," which ia on tholips of everyono now.

Representative Robertson somotiraos forgets himself and sajs,"If it nleaso the court."

ReDroseutatives Wear and achi,with tionrosentativo Loobonsteiu,aro tho sarcastic members of theHouso.

R'preBontatives Poguo, Paris,Loobonatoin, Isenbotg, Wildoruud McCaudless all speak Hawniiau some bettor than othors.

Interpreter Luther Wi!o.x hasgiven the members of the Housemany a good laugh by bis uniquetranslations of tho Hawaiian lan--guage, of which ho is a master.

Clerk Jas. N. K. Keola hasiroved a most efficient officer

Tho mombors swear by him.David Kanewnnui, sergeant at

arms, has the thau'ks ot nil therepresentatives of tho papers towhom ho has shown mauy favorsaud beon must obliging.

Auulnit Hpiif lilt IJnlvrtaliiinvnt.At n moeting of tho Tennessee

anB hold y sterility afternoon, theproposition ot providing specialentertainment for tho lioys inblue from thoir stato, was con-

sidered.After a short discussion it was

docided that to follow out sucha couibo would not bo right. 'IhoUuitod StateB troops should beentertained ns a wholo and noth-

ing extra should bo provided foiany ono body of men.

I'oraonallv Conducted.The Button Holmes lecture hint

evening brought out tho largesi-crow-

ho haa yot had. This lec-

ture as well as all his others leftnothing to bo desired. Iu listening to tho speaker while lookingat tho pictures ouo can almostimagine oneself on tho Bpot, audui a guide on tho journey throughiteece Mr. Holmes is coitaiul, a

groat huccoss. Tho motion pio-tar- ra

nre novelties uud wore gouorously applauded.


The Loan Appropriation Dill Goes to

Conference Committee.

Light Wine and Beer Bill Amendments are

Accepted by the Senate Session

This Afternoon.

Houso this morning, amessage was received from tlmS"uatn notifying tho Hou-- e thattho Senate had concurred iu thoHouse amendments to tho SonataLight Wino nud Beer Bill, butthat tho House amendmont to thoSeuato Loan Appropriation Billwere not concurred in.

Also that Houso Bill, No. CO,

doing away with the payment topolice otHcers of ono half of thoopium fiuO', had baeu tabled.

On motion thoof the Senate to the Houso amend-ments to the Loan Appropriationliill was Werred to the joint Com-mittee on Public Lnnds.

Representatives Gear aud Parisrepotted ou Houso Bill No. 'IS,extouding the remission of per-sonal taxes to polico ofiicors, rec-ommending that tho bill pass.

Representative Gosr moved anamendment to add to those entitled to remission of porsonal taxes.uombers of tin Mouuto f R servo.Consideration deferred till Tuesday.

Representative Robertson re-

ported on Senate Bill No. 37, do-tini- ug

eligibility of persons tohold public office, recommendingthat tho biimo bo laid on the table.Ou motion of Repr'sentativo Aohithe ropott of til committee wn"j

adopted.Tho repot t of tho Committee on

Uond Contracts was referred tothe Minister of Interior.

Hhubo Bill No. DO, substitutetor House Bill No. 53, amendingtho Rounding Bill of 189G, pasedsecond reading aud, under suspen-sion of the rules, wii3 read for thothiid titno and parsed bi a unani-mous voto of tho members.

Recess till '2 o clock.

Tli NcnMt;,

Tho Sonato passed the RnpidTransit bil. on third reading byunanimous voto this morning.

Tho Lian Appropriations bill,items not oyucurrod in, was re--f

i red to the joint Comtnittoo onPublic Lands.

ill- - Housj bill ninending thoeminent domain law of 18'JO pass-ed second reading.

Senate adjourned till Tueda;'.

A IlKtvnllilli illilltailiir,

"Ka La o Hawaii" is a nowweekly publication in the Hawaii-an langnago. In it will bo printedfrom time to time, short storieBibrthe home. The first number wasissued yosterdn . William Youngand Gcorjo Kaia are tho headmen. At tho end of th i first storyaro the words, iu brackets: "Ehoomaimwanui iho a keia puloao," which mean, "Ho patient uu-t- il

next week." Evidently tho pub-lish- ura

consider tho story vorySuch is really tho


Royal makcA the lood pure,wholesome and delicto.


PE9WQERAbiolutcly Puro

nrrm fUkiMapowofnro,, nrwvoiK.

A 9 .W fc ifaWir'T3y-j- '






; .


Page 2: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and










MAKIKI Houvo of 9 rooms. Kloctriclights complete. Lot 125x260. Hothouse, stablo, carrlago houso, ser-

vants quartors and chlckon houso.Fruit and ornamental trcos.

T1IHKK NEW COTTAGHS on Kingrtrcet, near Walklkl road.


MAKIKI Houso of 0 largo rooms. Bath,kitchen and pantry; largo hall,veranda on 2 sldos. Kloctric lightscomploto.

MAKIKI Building lot 75x103.

PROSPECT STREET Building lot75x150.

176x200 Valuablo lot in fashionablorosldoneo portion of tho city. Palms,fruit anil ornamental trees. A desi-rable lot for anyone contemplatingbuilding.

BERETANIA STREET Improved pro-lort- y.

Lot 200x290 through to Ki-na- u

btreet. Two fino rosldoncos,Stables nnd servants quartors.Grounds oll covorod with shadotrees, plants and llowors.



210 ST.,

im wfrj-- np'







OLAA LANDS.A flno Cofleo Ranch of 118 ncrosloaso-hold- .

20 acres cleaned and undorcultivation planted with 1 year oldcollco trees.

Excellent bargain In a Collco Plantationof 100 acres. Foo simple 70 acresplanted In cofleo trees from 2 to 3years old. Flno dwelling houso andoutbuildings.

A GO aero Cofleo Ranch in fco slmplo,facing on tho Volcano Road. 15acres In collco. 0 mouths advanced.

A 30 aero ColIVo Farm, leasohold pro-iiort-

4 aoros aro planted with 4year old collco trees and 18 acreswith 2 year old trees. Tho ownerwill clear and plant 2 acres addi-tional frco of chargo for tho pur-chaser.

280 acres of unlmprovod coflbo land justback of tho Volcano Road. 30 footroad leading to tho land.

A Coffee Plantation of 54 acres only 0miles from IIUo. 20 acres plantodin collco. A houso and Improve-ments on proporty.

200 acres foo slmplo. CO acres undorcultivation. 30,000 bearing trees.Good rosldoneo, stablo and laborersquartors.

255 acres! fco slmplo. 30 acres cultivated.

KONA LANDS.42 acres In Ilolualon. 12 acres in cofleo

2 to 3 years old. Laborers houso,water tank, etc., on samo.

8 acres on now Govornmont road. Allplanted in coflbo from 3 to 4 yearsold. Laljorors houso. Situated inKapalaalaoa, North Kona,

50 acres a portion cultivated. 2 storyfraino dwelling.

3000 acros foo slmplo. 1000 acres thobest of cofleo lands. DO acres undutcultivation. 5 laborers houses andhtoro houso at landing.


P. O. BOX 404

Finest Coffee Plantation on the Islands. 240 Acres in Fee Simple. 30,000

Trees In Bearing, present crop estimated at 20tons. Pulping )

Plant and Laborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring

of Water. One Mile from Landing.

Greenwich Fire Insurance Company

nsrE-v- r


EMMETT HAY, Superintendent ol Agencies.



Wfmtftfr w aww 7 ?W7HONOLULU,




From The Hawaiian ol

Parasites in theCnnlnc Worms, alimentary canal

of canines arenumerous, but of the several por-

tions infested, the intestines harborthe greatest number. The presentarticle will be directed particularlyto the tapeworm, a parasite of verycommon occurrence in dogs, andwhich is frequently followed bydisastrous results to the host. Theintestines owing to the smoothnessof their movements and alimentarycontents seem to form a pleasanthabitat and suitable pabulum for

their development.The name "Tape worm" is

familiar to almost everyone, but acorrect acquaintance with the differ

ent varieties can only be made byan expert helminthologist who hasmade a special study of internalparasites.

It would here be out of place togo into the anatomy of this worm,suffice it to say that it is distinguish-

ed by its ribbon like form, composedof a head, and a body which is

divided into numerous more or lessdistinct segments or joints, each oneof which, after maturity is attained,is provided with male and femalegenerative organs. These segmentsbecome impregnated and give forthalmost innumerable number of ova,none of which, however, can reacha state of animation, until they havebeen received by an intermediaryhost. To illustrate what takesplace in the development of thisparasite, we will suppose a dog tobe affected with a mature worm.Wherever he defecates lie scattersthe eggs of this worm, which is fre-

quently in pasture fields; moreespecially is this the case withshepherd and hunting dogs. Sheepgrazing on those pastures swallowthe eggs thus scattered. Afterbeing swallowed and acted on bythe gastric juice they work theirway into the harder tissues, fre-

quently the brain; and there theyundergo the second stage of theirdevelopment, where they occasiongreater or less disturbance accordingto their number and the organsaffected. The animal thus affectedis sooner or later slaughtered for

market or dies of disease, the fleshof which is devoured in a halfcooked or raw state along with itsimmature worm by the dog, whenafter gaining access to the alimen-tor- y

canal the parasites rapidlydevelop into the mature tape-

worm, which again gives forth itsova to infect other animals. Thesheep is not the only animal thatacts as an intermediary host. Theflesh of the hog and rabbit are alsoliable to infect the dog, and last butnot least, notwithstanding theirsize, the dog louse and flea are alsoa very common source of infection.Tape worm is liable to occur in anybreed, but those not kept in a goodsanitary condition and fed on rawmeat are most liable to harbor them.No age is exempt from the liabilityto its occurrence, but young dogsand puppies seem to suffer most.The existence of tape worm is notalways indicated by well markedsymptoms. But certain recognizedsymptoms attributed to its presenceenable a fairly correct diagnosis tobe made, the most important ofwhich are colic, diarrhoea, vomit-ing, bloating, capricious appetite,anaemia, harsli coat, fits of cough-ing, chorea, emaciation, etc. Theremedies used to expel the wormare numerous, and efficient whenused understanding, butempyricalpreparations I would strongly con-demn as being highly injurious.

Preventative treatment consistsin proper dieting and good sanitaryand hygienic surroundings.

A. R. ROWAT, D.V.S.Honolulu, June 23rd, 1893.

The attention ofPresent Status the various gov-o- f

Legislation ernments of thein Foreign European States

Countries on has been for sev-Bovi-

Tu- - eral years direct-berculosi- s.

ed to this point ofbovine tubercul-

osis on account of its bearing upon

the health of mankind. Very littlehas yet been done in the form oflegislation, owing to the hitherto un-

settled or incomplete knowledge onthe part of recognized medical andveterinary authorities. This, how-

ever, no longer exists, and there is astrong unanimous sentiment, overthe civilized world, that somethingmust be done to keep the evil in

check. In 1888 a congress for thestudy of tuberculosis was held in

Paris. At its sessions the relationof bovine to human tuberculosisformed a prominent part of the dis-

cussion. It ilkewise was the im-

portant topic discussed at the Inter-

national Veterinary Congress heldin Brussels in 1883 and in Paris in

1889. It is the important topic in all

societies devoted to sanitation andpublic health, and great pressure is

being exerted through these bodiesas well as in the medical press uponthe various governments to takehold of this subject.

In France the veterinary associations have long since demandedthat tuberculosis be classed with thecontagious diseases of animals. Thiswas done by a decree dated July28, 1888. The ministerial order ofthe same date contains the follow-

ing prescriptions:

ART. 9. When the existence oftuberculosis has been established in

cattle, the prefect issues an orderplacing these animals under thecare of a sanitary veterinarian.

ART. 10. Every animal knownto be tuberculous is isolated andsequestrated; the animal can onlybe moved for slaughter. The kill

ing is dpne in the presence of theveterinarian who is to make theautopsy, and send to the prefect theprotocol within five days after theautopsy,

ART. 11. The flesh of tubercu-lous animals is excluded from con-

sumption (1) when the lesions aregeneralized, . c, not confined ex-

clusively to the internal organs andtheir lymphatic ganglia; (2) whenthe lesions, although localized, haveinvaded the greater part of a singleorgan, or manifest themselves byan eruption on the walls of the chestor abdomen. This meat, excludedfrom consumption, as well as thetuberculous organs, cannot be usedto feed animals, but must be de-

stroyed.ART. 12. Utilization of the hides

is only permitted after disinfection.

These regulations, according toVallin, will at least prevent theslaughter of all consumptive cattlein private places beyond the reachof all control and the transformationof the flesh into "foreign" meatsmuggled into the markets of thecitiesl It will also prevent the move-ment of such cattle into the marketsto be sold, after many stables inwhich the animals have lodged havebeen soiled and infected by them.

In England the diseases of tuberculosis and pleuro-pneumon- ia amongcattle were referred to a departmental committee, who sat duringApril, May and June, of 1888. A

considerable number of witnesseswere examined, and the committeerecommended measures of prevention and exterpation. The BritishMedical Journal, in commenting onthis condition of things, savs:

What we want and what the medical profession must fight for is adefinite system of control, placed in

the hands of thoroughly qualifiedinspectors who shall have full powerto condemn without appeal, anddestroy all meat that they may con-

sider unfit for human food."In the German empire bovine

tuberculosis has not, up to the present time, been included among thoseanimal plagues upon which extensive statistical reports are beingissued annually. This exclusion isnot due, however, to any lack ofinterest in this matter or to unbeliefn the dangers and perils of publichealth lurking in the untrammeledexistence and spread of the disease;for Germany, in her scientific researches and in the attitude of themedical and veterinary fraternities.

Continued on Third Page.

Grand Clearance Sale




and lastingTo make room J for our

soil our present stock at

MISS M. KILLEAN, " street.

Received by the "W. H.Diamond," the latest in

Percales-- : AND -

PlanelettesA Flno Line of CHILDREN'S

Lace Capes and Bonnets.

Also a new supply of

Fancy Prints,Which wo will codtlnuo to soil at 5

cents per yard.

mainsKing Street, Von Holt Block.

J. R.Shaw, D.V.S.


Office and Infirmary, - 863 King St.


Modern and Humano Treatment.

tCor. Queen and Fort Sts.

Importers and iWliolesnlo Dealers In

Hay, Grain, Peed, ....Flour, Meals, etc

Our Goods are Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.

'Phone 422.

For Rent.Cottage on Kcoaumoku stroot., abovo

rosldoneo of G. Schumann. Largo par-lor, dining room, 2 spacioushall and clothes closots; pollshod lloors;pantry, kitchen, largo laniil, bath-room- s

with onamol tub, inarblo washstands,patent W. C, hot houso, chicken house,etc. Largo lanai In back. Lot 100x250.Apply

GEAlt, LANSING & CO.210 King St.



Association Grounds!


Honolulu vs. 1st. Regt.900-3-


the- -

JUNE 30th,

one week.New Pull Goode, wo will

greatly reduced prices.


Pate De

Foie GrasA delicacy sought after by conno-lssou- rs

in nil parts of tho world; ItIs rich and dollcato, nnd is used atbanquets and for.'lunchos at ovou-in- g


To sorvo Pnto do Folo Gras is to boultra fashlonablo.

No houso in Honolulu carries any-

thing llko tho varioty in this linothat wo do. Ourassortinontis vorylargo nnd comploto.


aro olives stu(jd with pimlontos,a sweet Spanish Poppor.

Evon tho brlno tastos.'good.

Thoy aro n rich mort,ol, delightingtho palato and assisting dlgostion.

An ollvo fork freo with each bottle.

Lewis & Co.Does






Repairing ?Tho Hawaiian

News Co. is prepared to takeorders for all such work.

Pianos sold on tho install-me- nt

plan, or rented on easytonus. It will pay you toinspect our instruments bo-fo- ro

going olsowhero.

mmMerchant Street.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, $118,768.25.Money Loaned on Approved SeouritA. Savini i JJanic tor B its.Houses uilt on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Series of Staok now open.

For farther particulars apply toA. V. GEAR, Soorotary.

Ohamber of Commeroe Rooms.OfBce hours, 12:301 :30FtlI. 373.U

VSaBd - ' . J. (li--. ' Jirrf MkxMdaeil&..' J ''--- T





Page 3: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and








Ban FrancUco AgmUTnu Nevada. Bank orBah Frakcisco.


Sam Frawciboo The Nevada Bank of SanFrancisco.

XiOHDON The Union Bank of London. Ltd.Niw Yobk American Exchange National

Bank.Chicago Merchant National Bank.Paris Coinptotr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Bbrlin Drcsdner Bank.HOhOKONO and ToKon ma UongkonR &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nsw Zealand ahdAcstbalia Bank of New

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.

Transact a General Baikta anlEitlange Business TlanvA- - l.nnnfl madt) on Al- -roved Security. Commercial and Traveled

Credits Issued. Bills of Exchango boughtand sold,

Collections PnounLT Accounted For.

Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

Intovest allowed alter July1,1898, on fixed deposits 3

months 3 per cent., 0 monthsS per cent., 12 months 4.

per cent.

Tge hamB Specie Bank;

LIMITED.BubscribeA Capital Yen WWPaid Dp ajiital JenDeserve Faud 6,484,50fl



Kobe, London, Lyons, NewVork,Ban Francisco, Shanghai,

Hong Kong,

Transacts Gonorftl Banking and Ex-

change Business,Agoncy Yokohama Sperie Bank

New Mlc BnllflinE. Ill to SL, HonolnliL

J. S. WALKER,General Aoent tor Hawaiian Islands.

Boyal Insurance Corany.Alliance Assnranoe Company.Alliance Marine and General Assurance

Son Life Assuranoe Company of CanadaWilhelmaol Madgeburg Insurance Com

Scottish Onion and National InsurantGomptny.

Room U flpreckels Block, Honolulu, H. 1



' I


BRUCE CA.RTWRIGHTGeneral Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Societj

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Orfioni Merohant street, Honolulu i

H. fflY CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

615 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telophoner 22 P.O. Box 470




225 Queen stroet, Honolulu, H. 1

HOP WO COMPANY.King Street, Pnlaco Square--.

Merchant Tailor.Crash Duck and Llnon Suits mndo to

ordor. Fine assortment of now and lato-r- t

designs just arrl od. Porfect Fit Guar-imtoe- d.

Lowest Tricon.

The Boys in BlueA comploto collection of Photographs

to ho scon at DAVKY'S STUDIO. Also,tlio only plcturos takon of the prosouta-tlo- n

of tlio Stars and Stripes to the U.S. S. "Charleston." Portraits of tliohigliost quullty, and the most complotonrtlstlo collection of Island Viows uponIridium, Platinum or Slhor Papers.

Dayey Photographic Co,, Ltd,,

Corner Tort and Hotel Streets.

Consoliftatel Sofia Water Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Corner Alien & Fort SU., Honolulu.


Every Packageof Schilfaigs Best tea is a sample.

Your money back if you don't like it.

Art Portraits

Clicsncy W. Ewliifr, a leading por-trait painter of San Francisco, Isnow In Honolulu nnd connected withour studio. His work hero Is already

On Exhibition

and admired by nil who seo It.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfeslzo to miniatures. A spe-cialty Is made of painting on Ivoryand porcelain. Get your

Sweetheart's Picture

on your watcli dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing by thelatest sclonce, with special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours tlio

Best Place.

At the old stand in Fort street.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Sta.

riae a largo assortment of

)handeliers arid Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Bstirnutos given for house wir-u-g

and Electrical plants.

Uarine Wiring a specialty.


Yee Sing TieLargeWicketChairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all kinds.

Port Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery Ware

Wing WoTai & Go.

214 Nuuanu Street.

To My Patrons and the Public,

Having recovered from my re-

cent illness, I am again preparedto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thankinc vou for past favors, 1

respectfully solicit a continuanceof tlho Bame.

JAS, NOTT, Jr.Tel. 844.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerohant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Store. my 18,


Wilders Steamship Go's


0. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. BOSE.Seo.Cant. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching alLahainn, Maalaea Bay and Makena thtsame day: Mahukona, Kawalhaeand

the following day, arriving alHllo the same evening.


rrlday July 1 Tuesday Juno 2STiiosdny....JuIy 12 Friday July 8Trlil.iy Inly 22 Tuosdny July II)Tuesday.. ..Aug. 2 Friday Aug. 0Friday Aug. 12 Tuesday-.Au- g. inTuesday ..Aug. 2J Friday... .Aug. 30

Friday.....Sept. 2 Tucsday..Sept. 0

Itetnrning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'oloolp. M., touching at Lnupalioehoe, Mahnkona and Kawalhao same day; Makena,Maalaea Pay and Lahalna the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonof 'Inesday and Fridays.

mu eaii al ronolki, i'una.No Frelsht will be reoelved nftn

9 a. m. on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 p.m.,touching at Knhului, liana, HamoaandKipahulu, Maul. Iteturnlng arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nun, Eaupo, on second tri)of eaoh month.

No Freight will be received aftei4 p. ii. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right Umake ohangea in the time of departure nndarrival of its steamers without notice anrIt will not be responsible for anyconsequonces arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings tcreceive their Freight; this Company willnot holditsolf responsible for freight ofteit has been lauded.

Livo Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible

for Money or Valuables of passenger,unless placed In the care of Pursers.

Pnckngos containing porsonal oliccts,whetlior shipped as.baggage or frolglit,If tlio lontonts thoreof oxcood $100.00 Invaluo, must lmo tho value thoroofplainly htatod and markod, and thoCompiny will not hold Itsolf Hablo forany loss or damngo In oxcoss of thissum oxcopt tho goods bo slilppod undora spocinl contract.

All employees of tho Company aroforblddon to rceoho freight without

a shipping recolpt thorofor Inthe form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon byBlilpporsupon application to tho pursers of theCompany's btoamors.

Shippers aro notlflod that if frolglit Isshippod without such rocolpt, It will bosololy at tlio risk of the shlppor.

x'assengers are requester to puronaatticket before embarking. Those failing todo so will be snbjeot to an additionalcharge of twenty-fiv-e per oent.

58'22?wW?:?ogngBw' R5MiS!in H5 fM S

jisjmSoj 2 --A In iSrlB35 OC '


.:Jla&te&fcJ.; IJftwJltojBttiUliWiiiatto


Continued from Second Puge.

lias been foremost in promulgatingthe doctrine of the essentially contagious nature of tuberculosis. Theobstacles to any legislation thus farhave been those cited by ProfessorBrown of England the difficulty ofdetecting the disease during the lifeof the affected animal, and insufficient knowledge of its nature andextent. In consequence of numer-ous petitions from all parts of theempire, expressing the wish thatsomething be done to check thespread of bovine tuberculosis, thechancellor of the empire, on Oc-

tober 22, 1887, issued a circular tothe different States for the purposeof obtaining as complete statistics aspossible on the present status of thedisease.

In response to this circular thegovernments of the various Statesissued instructions to the variousdepartmental officials, veterinarians,and meat inspectors, embodying in

tabulated form the questions formu-

lated in the circular. These wereissued at different times during theyear 1888 and the statistics were tocover one year from the time theywere begun. The results of theseinquiries will of course not ibe madeknown for sometime. That theywill, however, lead to stringentmeasures for the suppression of thedisease and the greater protectionof human health there can be littledoubt.

As the above report was issuedin 1889, it is probable the statisticssought by the German Governmenthave been obtained ere this, but if

so they are not at present obtain-


How Insect Pests Hay be Scattered.

Immigration Commissioner WrayTaylor had an experience the otherday, while looking into some labortroubles on Hawaii, that illustrateshow persons may innocently carryinsect pests into new districts. Inhis grip he carried changes of under-

clothing, and on taking out a suithe discovered, nicely ensconsed in agarment a very healthy Japanesebeetle. How or when it got therehe does not know, but he quicklydispatched it. He probably carriedit all the way there from Honolulu;and in similar ways travelers prob-ably often carry pests from oneplace to another.

"Our customers say you manu-facture three of tho best remedieson earth," said tho mercantilefirm of Hans, Harris, Brim & Mc- -Lniu, of Dawson, Ga., in a recentletter to the Chamberlain Medicine Co. This is the universalverdict. Chamberlain's Pain Balmis the finest preparation in theworld for rheumatism, neuralgia,lame back, nuinsoy, sore throat,cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, painsand swellings. A bottle of thisliniment in tho honso, will save agreat deal of suffering. Buy it atBenson, Smith Co., drag store.

Ilecelveil per Moana.

Cherries, Rhubarb, Asparagus,NavolsOrangOjColory, Cauliflower,Fresh Salmon, Crabs, FrozenOysters (tin nnd shell), Apples,Grapes, Figs, Lemons, BurbankPotatoes. Puro Olivo Oil, DryFruit, Now Crop of Nuts, Raisins,etc., etc.


Singers lend tho world. Over13,000,000 raado and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bia- u

Exposition for oxcnllonce ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, grent Bpoed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Borgeraen, agent,16 Bethel street.

Mechanics' Home, oorner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 26and 60 cents per uight. 1, and1.26 oer week.

Srattla Uer.This evor popular Ranier beer

is becoming a household wordnnd "will you have n.glnBS ofSeattle" is more oftn heard thananything else. Tho CriterionSaloon have tho beer on tap or inbottles. '

The Remington Typewriter





52" This tho Highest Possiulb Awakd, rankingabove a Gold Medal.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LtdSole

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passenger 8teamorB This Lino "Will Arrive and

Leave This Fort as Heroundor.

Prom San Franoisco:ZEALANDIA '. . .Juno 8MOANA Juno 22



of at

of Honor


For San Franoisco:ZEALANDIA Juno 14ALAMEDA Juno 22



In connection with tho sailing of tho nbovo Bteamers, tho Agentaaro prepared to issuo, to mtonaing passengers, coupon throughtickots by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in theDnitod States, and from Now York by any steamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For farther particulars apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.



A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidnoyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Comer Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since We Musi Eat to Live, Lei's Have the 'Best.

Just Ooened XJp anInvoice of . . .


Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give thorn trial, Money baok you don't like them. Also, jnst reoeWed

Choice Blook Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Boot',Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc,

Chas. Hustace,212 King Btreet, next to tho Arlington,



a K

-- P.O.BOZ 1M


Groceries, Provisions and FeelNew Good Beoehred by Erery Ftoket bom Um Eutern Blatee and Enropt

PRESH CALIFORNIA "PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMBB.AH Onlera faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Fart ot the Oity FBEE,

Gonoral Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand of Health Foods(ituro Qsneu SotioiRD, SAiiaiwioi Qoiaurnii


ti'iiirtHiJ- -in Tlii- - -- 1 iMtilliil i',i



Page 4: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and

IIMMHPPP11 "I ' ""' IM

Ik Evening Bulletin,HE8L'1' Published Ecry Day, rrtirt SunJ.iy, at io Klnc


street, Honolulu, II I , by the





i' J''




DANIhL LOGAN . City UltorDR. C. A PETERSON .... Business MaiMRer

Mlbxl rlpiiim Itlltl'nlPer month, anywhere In Hawaiian IilanJs J s

" " " 8Per year, ooPerear,poMpalJ to America CinaJa orMetlco 10 oo

Per year, poilpalJ, other foreign countries 1

iTPayable Imarlably In aJvanfe

Tl'IppliOIK'tBusiness Office. '250. EJItorlal Rooms, 101).

Postoflice Box, 4o


JnraeH A. Low hna retired fromtho position of Jailor of OahuPrison tho iintiniinl ponnl institulion fully entitled to the grati-fication of kuouiug thtit hu linegiven satisfaction to both theOovonimont nml tho cointnunily.No incident of unpleasantness duet either excessive) severity or im-- 1

p"oper laxuess on his part is re-

called in tho several years of Ih'b

incnnibency. H has been a pri-

son governor of high intelligenceand cool discretion. WilliamHenrys tho new jailor, has sorvedtho country faithfully and well inseveral responsible offices, andthoro 'is no fear that ponologywill obtain inony examples fromhis wardenship to illustrate ovilsto bo avoided.

Among tbo points discussed inconnection with tho annexationresolution, iu tho Housoof Ropro-sentativ-

in Washington, was thehula( dance. Mr. Borry, Democrat, of Keutucky had seen it iuHonolulu, and ho declared that"more immoral performancescould bo seen nightly in Wash-

ington theaters." Mr. libca, fromtho samo Statu and of the sameparty, led tho attack on Hawaii onaccount of its wickedness anddiseaso. It might truthfully havobeen said that, comparatively, thohula is as little kuown to tho gen-or- al

community in three islandsas is tho Indian ghost danco to thopeople of tho Uuited States.


Vexation is loudly expressed bytho accountants in some of thelarger disbursing oflicoi of theGovernment. It is about Hip

"Auditing Department Regula-tions, No. 1," just published byauthority under tho new AuditLaw. The officials think that thoregulations clash with the lawproviding for the garnisheeing oftho salaries or wanes of Governmout employes. Somo of thornlook upon the new rulo as virtu-

ally making a dead loitHr of thatlaw. Where their trouble coraeB

in i'b the fact that they havo postedin their books long listsof Garnishee judgments,some of which, at the rato of pay-

ment arranged, will taki a year ormore to satisfy. Now the ii"wregulations prescribe 'hat all poi-

sons and olBc-r- n of he Governm- lit specifically named iu the"Salaries and Payrolls Appropiiatious" bill, and nil other permit

nant employes of tho Governmentrafoivinu regular monthly saln-rio- s,

will bo paid from tho AuditOflioo aftor July 1, 1898, by inrlividual warrant on tho treasury.In othor words, poymouts of allsalaries and wages, heretoforemado under warrants of thespending bureaus, aro now to bemado under warrants of tho AuditOltico.

What, then, becomes of all thegarnishee judgments on record?I'liis is what is worrying the ac-

countants iu the bureaus uponwhom tho responsibility for sat-

isfying the garnishee judgmentshas hitherto been placed. Withthat question goes tho query as to

whether tho Audit Act can havoretroactive effect to tho uullificaHon of the official garnishee lawregarding judgmonti alroady on

tered prior to the going into forceof that Act. An ntlirmativo ans-

wer would seem to bo propos-terous- .

To tho Bulletin it doesnot appear that thoro need bo anyserious trouble about tho matter.The functions of disbursing off-

icers are simply transferred by thonow regulations from thosehitherto having suoh to tho offi

cials of tho Audit Office. Withthose functions should also go theresponsibility of garnishees. Thoheads of departments being required to furnish tho AuditOllico with their salary listsand pay rolls ought to beable to purgo themselves of responsibility as garnishees by trans-

mitting with such lists and rollstho decrees of garnishment attached. This would bo in accordancowith tho reasonable view that, fortho purpose in question, the audi-

tors aro tho successors of thoother officials, and just ns respon-sible to the courts for satisfyingthe judgments as would bo thesuccessor in office of an officialwho died or rosigned whilo gar-uish- co

of a Govornment benoG

ciary. it, nowever, tue trouuieaofficials aro not ompowered oftheir own motion to transfer theirresponsibility as garnishees, therois surely means known to the lawofficers of tbo Government for rolioving thoir distress.


IStrrcUes to ! Hold In Schoolroom aniln Campum

July 5 is closing day at Iolanicollege. Tho exorcises begin at 2

p. in. in the largo school room.These will be mado up of music,recitations, oto. Following thoschool room exercises will comofield sports on tho college campuB.

There has been a large increasoin attendance during tho pastyear. There are over Bixty pupilsin tho collcgo at tho prosont time.

Mr. Fonn, head master, leavesfor tho Slates at the ond of thisquarter. He has accoptod anotherposition. Tlie alona or ms asso-ciates in tho work of toaohing andtho boys of tho college, goes withhim.

Hpcelal Land Committee.

The Special Land Committoo oftho House held a meeting yester-day afternoon for tho coub. dera-tion of tnnjti-r- pertaining to' tlienow Nuuanu Fall roa I. 'inn tes-

timony of W. E Row II, Super ntondent of Public tVorkB, mustaken down by u uteu raptor.




Contral Uuiou Churrh, comerBoretania ond llichards streets.DougloB P. Biruio, minister 9 :CG

a. m., Sunday school and Bibleclasses; 11:0U a.m. public worshipand sormon. Becoption of mombets and tho Lord's Supparj 3:00p. in. Junior Endeavor; 0:30 p.

in., Y. P. S. O. E. prayer meeting;7:30 p. in , public worship andsermon. "The Past and Fuluroof the United States in Buildingtho Kingdom of God." Wednes-day, 7:30 p. m., priyer meeting.Piilnuia Chappl 9:45 a. m., Sun-day school; 7:30 p. m. Gospel service Friday, 7:30 p. in., prayermeeting. A wolcomo for all atovory service.

St. Andrew's Cathedral, SecondCongregation Tho Rov. Aloxander Mackintosh will preach at the9:-1-5 o'clock sorvico of tho SecondCongregation of St. Andrew'sCathedral tomorrow morning atwhich tho mixed choir of ladiesond gentlemen will render Bpecialmusic. At the G:-1- o'clock servico in tho ovoning tho choir ofHnwaiians will rond or a full choral service. Chaplain Thompsonof tho U. S. S. Mohican willpreach, and Dr. Howard Hum-phr- is

will read tho lessons at thisservice. All seats aro free andoverybody is wolcomo to tho ser-vices.

Christian church, corner Kingand Alaken streets Preachingmorning and evening by T. D.Garvin. Morning theme, "A Summnry of tho Commandments."Evening themo, "Tho Seventh Actiu tho Divine Drama. Tho Decision of tbo Supromo Court Con-

cerning the Christ Sunday school9:45 a. m. Young People's meeting, 0:30 p. m. Prayer meetingWednesday, 7:30 p. m. Woman'sprnyor meotiug Friday, 2:30 p m.Will be pleased to seo you at thoseservices. Boats tree.

Seventh Day Advontist Publioservico hold today, and every Sabbath, (Saturday) in the Arion hull,at tho rear of tho Opera House,from 10 a. m. to 12 m. First houroccupied by Sabbath school. Acordial invitation extonded to allat ovory servico.

Young Men's Christian Assoc-iationGospel meeting at 4o'olock. Captain Isaiah Bray willspeak, subject: "Tuings that aioTied." All men invited.

Methodist Episcopal ChurchL3oretania and Miller streets. G.L. Pearson, pastor. Services tomorrow as follows: Sermon fol-

lowed by tho regular monthlyclass meeting at 11 a. m. AnevangoliBtio servico at 7:30 p. m.Sunday school 10 a. in. and Ep-wo- rth

LoaRue G:15 p. m. Wedncsday 7:30 p. m. prayer meeting.A wolcomo always to all. Seatsfroo.

St. Androw's Cathedral FourthSunday &ftor Trinity, July 3. 7:00Holy Communion; 11:00 morningprayer and sermon; 3:30 pulo alii- -

ahi; 7:30 ovoning prayer and sermon.

St. Clement's Chapel July 3,Holy Communion, 11:05 a. in.;ovocing prayer with sermon, 7:05p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.for all other Sundays this month:Holy Communion 7 a. m morn-ing prayer and sermon 11:05 a.m., evening prayor and sormon7:05 p. in., and Sunday school 10a. m.

Wanted.Immediately, Good Walsthnnils, Skirt-liand-

ant MacblnlBtsi. Apply Kirs. N. H.Zouvo at Sachx Dry Ooodx Co. 949-t- f

Card of Thanks.Mr. llnim C.iitwrlRiit and family do-M- ro

to iixprc-- tliolr grateful apprecia-tion of tlio ninny kind atUintlonn of tliolrfriondt during tliolr l.ito borcnvomoiiL

051-l- w

PIONEEBBuilding Hfd Loan iociafcion

The Regular Monthly Mooting willho held at the Chamber of Commerceon TUESDAY KVKNINO, July 5,180S, nt 7:30 o'clock.

BSf Payments are required In GoltlCoin. A. V. QKAlt,

0ol-- 2t Secretary.AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON,

Notice of Closing

Tito iiiuldrolpnctl glvo no'tlce to thoirI'lintoinors nml tbo public in gunornltbnttlicy will bo closed nil day, July 4, 1808,

IndoiondciK'o Day:II. MAY ,fc CO,

LEWIS A CO,11. K. MiINTYlti: A into.



day ui;riui:i) from ouh firm.K. A. NCHAEFEK & CO.

Honolulu, 11. 1., July 1, 1808. 051-3- 1

Notice.A quarterly dividend 1h mm duo unit

juynblo to HtockholdoiH of Wildor'sSteamship Co., Ltd.

S. 11. HOSH,Secretary.

Honolulu, Juno noth.,1808. 52--

"Wanted.Young onorgollo man to act an repre-

sentative for a largo Pacific Coast Dryfloods and floods House.Address O. tills ollico. inS--

"WantedIly an exierlencoil young Anioiican

man, a situation ns a Bookkeeper orSalosmnn. Address A. B., KvonlngBulletin, 210 King streot. 050-5- t


A Harness maker for llllo. Inquireof E. E. IUCHABDS, at tho Ar-lington Hotel. 051-t- f.


Fine City Residence De-

sirably Located.

House ok



Nearly sin aero in area, taste-

fully laid out and well plant-ed with ornamental and fruittrees.

Servants' Quarters, Car-

riage Houso and Stables.

Apply to

Gear, Lansing & Co.,

210 KI3STC3- - ST.

ht;WW'1Wtit$W! ""- - t 'V'1


To a boyis finding himselfunable torip his clothes.

Provoto a motherthat you sellsuoh clothes, andyou havo alasting customer.

"The Kash,'9 Hotel Street : : WaTBPlCy BlOCl

Agents for Dr. Dehuel'e Llueti-Mrs- liUnderwear. Bond for Catalogues

We Make Shirts to Order.

Raise the Flag!17761898!

Everybody should Decorate for

Next Monday, July 4th!Thoso who are short on DecorativeMaterial will ilml BVKBYTHINOTHEY NEED at the

Golden Rule Bazaar

60 Different Styles or Badges 1

Flags by tho Thousand!

Stars and Stripes hsIn HUNTING, SILK and MUSLIN!Diluting and Decorative Papers InRed, "White and Bluo I Silk Flagsfrom IB cents to $4.

J. M. WEBB316 Fort Street,

Till Tire TM Gnu

is the



What you need before and

after niarriago :

A Jewell Stove,

A Gurney Cleanable Refrigerator

Kitchen Utensils,






.You can got

them all at tho PEOPLE'SSTORE and save money for

othor necessities.

W. W. Dimond & Co.,


The People's Store,

Lichee Nut TreesFOR. SALE !

Just received, the llnest lot over Im-

ported. A choice variety.

Over Two Years OldJSR-W- lll bcur In from 18 to 24

mouths. Inquire at

Kwong Hip Lung Co.,035 401 Hotel Street. lm

A. R. ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street.


Orders left at Club or PantheonStaules will bo received and promptlyattended. Diseases of dogs a specialty.

"TM Tirei Feeling."



This JuSBt. Snnrifissfnl

HBia in Place Uy Two Electrically Weiaefl Wires

45000! Sets"XJseciIN THE

UNITED -:-- STATESWo invito Inspection Goods on Exhibition

AT theHawaiian Carriage Manufacturing Co.'s Factory

Wilson & Wiiitehonse' Solo Licensees for Hawaiian Islands.

TO THE BUYING PUBLIO ! kDry Goods Department Closed!

. . ,,.,: . . rjjrQ assort stock. We will make the announcement ofopening before Kemoval Don't buy any Dry Goods until you hear from us. We have aSURPRISE in store for you.


nr Azh&J i &?'j. & Ut JM tstoiKMt&.jEfl







Page 5: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and



,,',Vjj a

-- k

1 V



Next Monday being the Fourth of

July, and a legal holiday, no paper

will be issued from this office.

Dnnto at tho thentro this even-ing.

A cricket match is on at thehomo of tho Brilish Commissioner,Mr. Kenny, this aftornoon.

Mrs. J. H. Coupy came fromKauai this morning for a visitwith hor relatives hero.

Tho closing exorcises of Iolanischool will take place at 2 o'clockTuesday. All fiiends oro invited.

A house of eight roomB andbath, corner Alapai and QuarryBtrcots, for rent by Gear, LansingfcCo.

Captain Oottmnu of the collierBiutns is a brother-i- o law of Mrs.H. E. Brown, a sohool tenchor onHawaii.

Invitnlions are out for tin mar-riage of Eleau Roberta Onruoud toMr. Albion Fisher Clark, at St.Andrew's Cathedrul the oveniugof July 9.

Tho rpgulor meeting of thePioneer Building and Loan Asso-ciation will tako plnce on TueKlsyinstead of Monday evoniug, asMonday is the Fourth.

G. L. EdwardB by his counsol,Geo. A. Davis, has sued out a writof habeas corpus, returnable at 10o'clookWednosday, on the groundsof excessive bail and dofectivomittimus.

The groat bullet catching featwill bo performed by Danto at thetheatre tonight. Other featureswill be presented, tho whole mak-ing the strongest bill of the season.

Tho coffeo mon of the city saythat, from present prospects, theKona coffeo yield of this seasonwill be very large. Everythinghas worked to tho advantago of- -

the growers.Wilder Wight will leave for tho

States on a sailing vessel goingfrom this port durinc the earlypart of next week. MrB. Wightwill leave on tho next steamer forthe 0 )ast.

Among the arrivals on tho Mi-kah- ala

this mining were the fol-

lowing: Hon G N Wil"-ox- , Mrand Mrs H Ieonbora, Mr andMrs J F Scott, F W Glade, Mrand Mrs 0 M Cooke, Dr French.

Tho next news from the Stateswill probably bo brought fromVictoria by tho Miowera whicharrives here July 8. That is, un-

less the Poru rnoy not have beon.chartered or bought for a trans-port.

Owing to tho gospel meeting attho Young Men's Christian Asso-ciation last Sunday being post-poned, Oapt. Isaiah Bray willepeak tomorrow at 4 o'clock.Subject: "Things That AroTied." All men welcome.

The ten minute cars will run onBeretania street on Monday uptill noon.

For Boveral days pooplo livingin Kalihi uka had been complain-ing about the lack of water in thatplace. J. D. Tucker of theWater Works Bureau was calledout Thursday and made a promisethat water would bo forthcomingat 11 b. m. Promptly at that time,tho water appeared.

Greon Turtle Steak and Soupat the H. B. Restaurant, tomor-row.

There is plen'y "f honoy intown ii'w. The Moknlii brongh3J tm- - from Mnloki this morn-ing Th's was H'nt down by thoMevr B os. to locil irncorn Thehoney i of t'le vorv first qualityTho Mev r Bros have had ereatBiico'fl with their bees and aredoing good basiijest.

Flags, bunting, fireworks, etc.,at tho I. X L. Store open till 10o'clock tonight, and also Monday.

A luau for the raerabors of theHouse of R4'nroonttivtB wasgivn hv RuDroontativo W. C.Ach' t th homo of K.Hnknnui,WaikiWi V'B o liy hMo won. BpBid-- the uiitive members nf theHo'ns", fiorp wero prppnt RepreBpntftHves G ar and R'ohjds,Eveyo o preont had an njoy-tlil- n

time a' d rptnrned heartvthai k- - lo Rep. Arh'. In all,ther wre ah iit tiny pre cut.

Vnr n. nicp clean shavo or nBriBiohaircntdroi in to the EliteBurlier Shop, Kiug ntroot, nearAlakea.

ifr't ?'Httfc

i,i:aiNi,ATUiin khioay.

Another Opium Hill Tallied New Portof Kntry.

There was nothing of great im-

portance in tho Senate yesterdaymorning.

Tho olauso in tho opium billproviding for informors' shareswas killed and then tho bill itsolfwas laid on tho table.

Tho members refused to concurin tho amendment to the loan billproposed by tho house.

A bill introduced by MinisterCooper, making tho now plantation landing on Molokai a port ofentry, passed first reading and wasreferral to Committee on Commerce.

Adjourned.In the Houso a substitute to

YVailiiKu Water Works bill pass-ed third reading and was sent upto tho Senate.

Tho eminent domain bill, mtroduced by Rep. Gear, was indefi-nitely postponed, tho vote stand-ing seven for passago and six ontho other side. The Speaker doclared that it was necessary tohavo eight votes on third reading.Au appeal from the decision oftho Chair was mado, with tho ro-s- ult

of a tio vote. Tho Speakervoted to sustain and that settledmatters.

The Week Death.Following is a list of deaths

from Juno 25th to tho presentday, as furnished by the Board ofHealth:

Manuel da Costa, m., Portu-guese 15 days; inanition.

C. H. Robinson, m., American,48 years; apoplexy.

Mariana Moniz, f., Portugese,55 years; cancer.

H. 0. Fiske, ra., American, 22years; typhoid fover.

Hugh Leonard, m., Irishman,48 years; typhoid fever.

M. Kameishi, m., Japaneso, 47years; moningitis.

Infant of Otaba, m,, Japanese, 1day; atelictasis.

Isabel Phillips, f., Hawaiian, 7days; inanition.

Kelou, f,, Hawaiian, 30 years;heait disease.

Aipunini,f., Hawaiian, 40 years.Juario lionise (Jartwright, f.,

Ameiican, 37 vears.



Large Entries! Fast Races

Close Competition I

Bkst Bicyclk Meet Yet Held I

Doors open at 7 p. in.Races at H p. m. sharp.SeaUi on safe at Wall, Nichols Co.'

053-t- d

10 OF Memorial Service

Tho Annual Memorial Sorvlco In com-

memoration of tho deceased members oftho Ordor will Ik held In Harmony Hall,King stroot, on Sunday, July 3, 1898, at3 p. m. Members of Harmony LodgoNo. 3, Kxeelslor Lodgo No. 1. Paclflollobolcah Lodge No. 1 , and all sojourningmembers and friends aro fraternally In-

vited to atlond. llussoH will bo providedto convoy mombors to tho cemetery.Tho hull will lie open In tho foronoon torocolvo Upral offorings from momborsand friends.


Fourth of- - July-- aSiiiiBTT 19J&


ExcursionOver the New Road to



Train will lcavo Honolulu at 0:15 a.m. Returning will arrive In Hotiolulu at 6:20 p. in., giving 2J hours InWalalua.


Coaohhr ..8i.00.Open Oakh., ..fl.75.

Ah thuro are no restaurant accoin-modatioi- w

In Walalua at present,piiaenc r b!iou! ' p"vll H'-ii- ih Ivhwith lunches heforo leaving Honolulu.

P. 0. SMITH,

Oen. Pass, and Ticket Agent,

tet&wV-i- ;




Saturday, July 2nd.

(Scats on salo lit Wall, Nleliols Co.'s)


I'AltT 1'IIIST.L'Kntrauco Mystorleuso. Xoptuno's

Ottering to Ixivo's Aquarium, ThoCriekot Hat's Krollo with Cards. TlioOrigin of Plant Llfo. Tlio Chronometer'sKHIita. Cleveland's Pastime Comedyof Krrors.

Intormlsslon of Ono Mlmito only.The Hypnotic Wonder Trilby

Svengnli DantoTrilby Mile. Kdmunda


Maliatnm Mlraelcs.(Tho nemo of tho magician's art.)

I'AltT TIIKEliTho Marvelous Hlcycllst (by request).Tho famous llullct Catching Foal.(Four metnttrj ol Co. F. armcJ with regulation

rifles and cartridges, will stand In a line, anJ at aKlven slfpial will fire upon Dante, who, holding anordinary dinner plate over his heart, catches the lourbullets and hands the missiles to the audience hotfrom the exploded shells.)

Hatidkorclilefs vs. China. Tho Ubiq-uitous Cago and Canary. Wlno andWater a Ulbllcal logond. Tlio Flightof Birds. Tho Kings Lost and Found.Mine. Suns Geno (by request).


"The Boys in Blue"


Souvenir Posial Card

A series of six views

produced from half-ton- o

plates of tho "Boys in Blue."

flSOnly 10 ets. a sot.-aj- T

Got a sot at once everybodywill want them.

Published and for salo by


Island orders will receive

prompt attontion.

Dint from England

We have received Brush,Double and Single Frame andSkeleton DOOR MATS.

Razors,Pruning and BuddingKnives,Pocket Knives,Farriers' Knives.

Open and TwistedLink Trace Chains.

Winsor & Newton's Colors,Color Boxes,Artists' Canvas,Academy Board,Palettes,Vouga's Studies.

Pacific Hardware Co., Lid.,

Fort Streot.


California Horses!

Xatchod Teams,Pamily, Hack and

Siul'llo HorapM.

tST Ordors" takon for all classes oHorses.

btablcs: King St., oppo. Singer's Bakery

j.a. McdonaldF. O. Box 42S

851 tf

RightatYourDoor !

Every summer many of our pooplovisit at tho various springs throughouttho United States in search of lost health.Owing to tho heavy oxjionso lneurrod bytlmo consumed in making tnesojour-noy- s,

many aro compelled to romaln atnomo in conscquonco.

BartlettAfter careful study and thorough In-

vestigation as to tho most oll'octlvowaters for tho ailments most common toour peoplo, wo llnd that IIAUTI.ETTSPIUNOS WATKU Isby far superior toall others. Many prominent residentsof Hawaii havo visited tho springs andall altko agrco that It has no equal Incurative qualities.

SpringsTho loading physicians of California

prescrlbo It, many consider It linlls-ponslbl- o.

For stomach and kidneytroubles It Is especially recommended.

Call ami reeolvo a circular containingtestimonials of peoplo who aro wall nndfavorably known.

WaterWo aro carrying In stock tliln valu-abl- o

wator In quantities to suit at thofollowing prices:

1'or Caso of 50 Quarts ? 9.51)

Per Caso of 50 Pints 0.MI

PorDoz Quarts 2.50Per Dor. Pints 1.0(1

Hollister Drug Go.

Sole AgentsFor the Hawaiian Islands.


A largo





"Prepare for, the Fourth."

Everybody will make a


We bave tlio PL AGS and BUNTING.- -

American Elags from 7 feet' to 30 feet.Thousands of yards of Decorative "Bunting

Buy now !! Do no put it off!!

The assortment is complete.

N. S. Sachs Dry520 Port Street, Honolulu.

Telephone 755. P. O. Box 4.

Opening Announcement.

Palama Grocery Co.


The Company Store is Now Open for

the Transaction of Business.

Ami wo shall bo pleased to waitupon our old customers who so generously paironizeu mo iormer rauuno,Grocery. New patrons will also booffered every Inducement to placetheir orders with us. Orders by tele-pho-

or through tlio nmlls will re-

ceive prompt attention. Don't for--

lrct our motto was aim aivay win oethai "A nimble si pence Is hotterthan n lazy half crown.

H. CANNON,Manager I'ulamn. Oro

eery, Ltd., Opposite Itiillwny De-

pot, King street.Honolulu, May 1G, lb'JS. 016-- tf



Office: 208 Merchant street. Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's office.P. O. Box 101.

W I I -- km-

Goods Co., Ltd

W. JORDANNo. IO Fort Street.


O. R. -- & L.TItAINS.


STATIONS. isW? I(Outwaid).

A, M. A. M.

Honolulu : io 911 3 10 51 tvPearl City. 8 :o7 9 148 )Hwa Mill.. 8iJ7 10 108 A .Oj 6 ! wWalanat. .. 9 117 lot jiWalalua . . 13 00


Unwaid) ins


A M. A. M. p n. !. M.

Walalua 6.Walanae 1 u 10109 J ISI'wa Mill 1 10:59 4: 1 13 145Ll'rarl City 8 ;oi 11 1H 4 V 1 IOiionuiuiu 8140I 3 ' 15I S! :j

1' C. Smith, Ocn'l Pom. A 'llrkfitAgent.

G. P. IiKNim,

Nicely furnished roomo Bt theHouse, 154 Fort afreet,

from $1.00 per week up. e

f V..'


-i '

' 1'' '' "V V" v. '- -


assortment ofCenter lings, Art Squares, Rovorsibles, -

Sofa Rugs, and Pibro Door Mat!,Hall and Stair Carpets, Hassocks, etc.Japanoso Hugs and Straw Mats,Floor Linoleum, Oil Cloth,Hall and Bath Mats.

Spreads.Marcolla, Toilet and Honeycomb,(for Doublo Bod, Three-quart- er andjSmgle), f

Cheapest to Best.DAMASK AND NAPKINS,

A splendid Assortment in all qualities, ,

widths and sizes.

Turkish in Linen and Cotton.Turkish Blanket,Damask and Huckaback,fringed and hemstitched.All especially good value.








. .' A big choice in Nottingham Laco.' n ' Also Oroton by tlio yard.

''i w. 13F Oomo early and got 'first olioico at

. E. W. JORDAN'S,No.uLO b'ort fcJu'oot.

- . V -




V' V 3

&m&m I'liil Ht mmimmmu mrmrwmmmifmKmwminfrtmr'r' r ' "r1 "' " 'mgm'fmmajtmmimmmmmmfmmmmmmesmkm wmini

r it


' 1


Page 6: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and




X ''


f iy, jr'' ' IV jr'-'--""HHfff'f,'"'1' HfeWf-fWV- ,""


udeubbSmgo.OF -:- - CANADA.

Summary of the Annual Report tor 1897.

Now Life Application ro- -colved during 1807.... 311,292,751 02

Increase ovor 189D 0,182, 102 73Cashlncouioforycarciid- -

lug :11st Dec-.- , 18U7.... 2,2:t8,Si)l 74

Inereaooor 18W1 352,010 4

i's'lii 78Increase mor 1)34,220

Roservo for Security ofPolicyholders 0,850,. 52 03

(Accnrdlnir to Itn. Vaurper cent. Table )

Increase ocr IVirt 021,552 50

Surplus ocr all Llablll- -

tlisexiopt Capital... 311,220 13

(Accordlnif to Hin. fourporcont. Table.)Surplii-o- er nil Llablll- -

ties ami Capital Stock 683,2,1 03

(According to CanadianGov't Standard, Uni. 4Hpercent.)Surplus mer nil Llablll- -

ties except Capital... OSS,-- 1- ou

(According to CanadianGov't blandiird, 4'i lor

Claims Paid Paring li07 403,074 37

Jishop & Co, Banters,


J. H. FORTEOTJ3,920-l- Inspector.

flffillLM III' DO.


O.J.Wallbb - Manaokb.



Naw Contractors

Refrigerated Poultry--AND

Fresh Salmon


fflefoopolifan Bjeti do.

Telephone 45.

Fine Tailoring !

I have a new cutter of great skillami experience, and can guaranteegood Ills at very w lrIccsM. riM?

latest suitings are kept In stock,a beautiful liluo serge for

summer wear.

New s !

Finest and freshest Dry Goods con-

stantly iu stock. Have just receivedtine Grass Cloth. Pongee Silk, em-

broidered Silk Handkerchiefs etc.Also, best of White and Colored Mat-

ting.Fancy Things !

The latest S. S. Gaelic broughtBamboo Chairs and Lounges Cam-

phor Trunks with alarm bell locks,to., also New Crop Tea.

My prices In all lines meet thofiercest competition.

GOO TXVT,Merchant Tailor and General Dealer,

fin Xuuanu, near Hotel street.

Beaver - Lunch

ROOMS.H. J. NOLTE, Proprietoi

The Best Lunch inTowr

Tea and OoffeT ALL U00H8.


Ciga rs and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


.E'UJse, - - 3?xojs

Per Day... T 8 2.00

Special ULonXtoXy RtlThoBoet of Attendanoo, tho Best Sitna-Ho- n

and the Finest Meala in Hub Oitj



No. V Queeo Street.

Expert Appraisement of Real

lEetato and Furniture.


Tenders for Supplies.

Olllco of Hoard of Health,Honolulu, July 1, 1803.

Tenders will bo recolxeJ at this olllco

until 12 o'clock noon, Wodnosd.iy, July0, 180S, for furnishing tho Ijpor Scttlo- -

tuoiit with tlio following aitlelesiortltoperiod of six nionths ending Doconilwr31, 1S9S.

The articles to lie dellvorcil In iptan- -

titles ordered liy Agouti of tho Hon id of"Health f. o. 1). Island steainors.

llacon, No. 1 sugar Hired, up to 10

sides of S lts. each, per H. (give bland).

Hour No. 1, up to 000 barrels, brand

and prlco to lie speclllcd.Tho Hoard does not bind ltsolf to ac-

cept tho lowet or any bid.WILLIAM O.SMITH,

0'1-3- t Prosldont Hruril of llcnltli.

Notice of Summer School,

The Minister and Commissioners of

Public Instruction announce that theSumnicr School will be In session atHonolulu from tho 11th to tho 29th of

Julv. 1S9S,

As there will be no examinations for

teachers' certificates at the end of thistorm the time will bo" given chlelly to

tho study of Practical Pedagogy. Col

Parker will be the principal teacherIn this line. He will be assisted byMrs. Parker. Miss Annie E. Allen,kindergarten training teacher In Chi

cago Normal School, will teach kindergarteners and primary teacners.Special work will bo done by a num-

ber of Island teachers.A practical courso In agriculture

will bo one of the features of thl'session. In this work the Commis-

sioner of Agriculture ami others willIt Is hoped that this will

prove mi Important step In the deve-

lopment of Island education."WtU In tho common branches will

be a minor feature.The Minister and Commissioners

Invite the attendance of all teachersof public and private schools, of allpersons desirous of becoming teachers,and of all other persons interested In

any lino of work to bo pursued.HENRY E. COOPER,

Minister of Public Instruction.053

Water Notice.

In accordance with Section 1 ofChapter XXVI of tho Laws of 1880:

All persons holding water privilegesor those paying water rates, are here-by notified that the water rates forthe term ei.dlng December 31, 1898,

will be duo and payable at tho olllcoof the Honolulu Water Works, on the1st day of July, 1S9S.

All such rates remaining unpaid for15 days after they are duo will be subject to an additional 10 per cent.

All privileges upon which rates re-

main unpaid August 15, 1898, (30 daysafter becoming delinquent) are liableto suspension without further notice.

Rates are payable at the olllco of theWuter Works In tho Kapualwa lluild-

lng. ANDREW DROWN,Stip't. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, H. I., June 20, lb9S.043 lOt


lloxholdors Now Lotter Boxes PostOlllco will pleavo call hninodlatoly andsocuro koys for tho now boxes, and RE-

TURN tho oldisoys. JOS. M. OAT,

Postniastor Juno 29. 1898. 053--

COFFEE LiDS lii Oil,

Near Honolulu.

Short Distanco from tho Itail-roa- d


Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40

years can bo obtained In tracts of unynumber of acres desired, on the mostfavorable conditions.

The special attention la called of

those with small capital wishing togo into tills very profitable industry.

For particulars, apply to

Clear, Lansing & Co.,


Order of Court.



The Republic of Hawaii, to the Marshal

of the Hawaiian Islands, or His


Whereas n llliol has this day been filedIn the Circuit Court of the First Circuit,In Admiralty by Henry Robinson of saidHonolulu against tho Hawaiian Schoonor

Mokihaua," and her tackls, apparoland furniture, tho said vessel now beingat North Kona, Island of Hawaii, andwithin tho jurisdiction of this HntiorubloCourt, and ugalnst all persons Interven-ing for their interest therein In a causeof contract civil and uiarltluio for cor-tai- n

ropalrs mado on tho said vessel, andpraying for an attachment to Issue, andthat a docroo bo made fur tho sum ofTwo Hundred Dollars and costs for saidwork ami labor so dono and porformod,ami wnorens a lion lias also boon ilulyMoil, and also that process lssuo according to tho practlco of this Court In ca-0-

of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction.Now, therefore, you aro horoby com-

manded to attach tho said proporty, andto detain the sanio In your custody untiltho furthor order of this Court respect-ing the same, and to give uotlco to all

orsons in gouoral w ho havo or pretondto hmo any right, tltlo or Into rest In thosaid property to bo and appear beforotho said Court on Monday, tho 27th dayof Juno, A. 1). lbOS, at 10 o'clock In thoforenoon at tho Judiciary lluildlng atsaid Honolulu, thou and thoro to showiii u so, If any thoy havo, why tho prayorof tho said llbol or tho procoss as prayodfor should not bo granted, and what youshall do In tho premises do you then andthero make return thereof togcthor withthis Writ.

Witness tho Honorablo W. L. Stanloy,Second .1 lid go of the Circuit Court of thoFlist Circuit, at Honolulu, II. I., this7th day of Juno, A. I). 189S.

llv tho Court,GEORGE LUCAS,



In pursuance of tho within Ordor ofCourt, tho Schoonor " Mokihaua," to- -gothor with her tackle, apparol andfurnlturo, has boon attached, and nilporsons Intorosted In tho abovo proceed-ings aio notltled to be and appear boforotho Circuit Court of tho First Circuit,Judiciary lluildlng, on tho 7th day ofJuly, A. J). 1803, at 10 o'clock in thoforenoon of said day, to show causo, Ifany thoy havo, why tho piayor of thoabovo stated llbol should not bo grantedaccording to tho Law and Statute In suchcase made and piovldcd.

CHARLES F. CHILLINGWORTH,Doputv Marshal, Republic of Hawaii.

Honolulu, O.ilui, Juno 30, 1898.953-- 5t

Jt, 9 ft yVH" --XBK -Jt AX

D.uulnilV will not euro Itself. Tobo free of It you must treat yourhalrand scalp with somo roinedy

Our Dandruff Killerproparod and sold only by us Is

Warranted to Onve !

Pacheco & Fernandes,Arlington Illock, Hotel Street.

"The Hawaiian"

j&. "WeelclyISTe-wspape- r

Devoted to tho Agriculturaland Horticultural De-velopment of the Ha-waiian Islands.

Issued Saturdays.


One Year f2 00Ono Year (Foroigu postago paid)... 2 6081x Months " " " 1 26Six Mouths (Domestic) 1 00Slnglo Copies 05

Advertising Rates on ap-

plication to Business Office.

"The Hawaiian,"210 King Street,

Honolulu, H. I.

Evening Bulletin 75c per month.


Now to rebuke unrighteous peiceGoi doth the storm of r release,

AnJ In Its JreJ(ul lightning gleams

Oil Glory at the mastheii streams.

The voice that woo J where tephyrs floatNow fills the flaming cannon's throat;

The voice that hlrereJ In the trees.Now thunJers o'er the startled seas:

The voice trilled In the linnet's note,

The hosts ol hardened Pharaoh smote;Hurling the

Upon a pride like that of Spain,

Which braved Ills wrath to cross the sea,

In the foul name of slavery.

God's voice, heard In the lisping prayer,

Now echoes In the trumpet's blareWhen e, to t) rant wrong redress,

Gird on the mall of righteousness,And In Ills name, on land and sea,

Press fearless on to victory;Hinging the cabbard to the wind.

Drawing the sword for all mankind;Loosing the bonds which hell hath wrought.

To bring the light the world has sought.

Thus God from quaking Slnal spoke,And graved his law with thunder-strok-

"There Is no other God than me;Jehovah, I, on land and sea.

Woe, woe, unto tho blaphemyWhich claims, by my divine decree,

The right to raven my domain;My helpless children starved and slain,

That despots may the latter grow.Reaping In blood what others sow."

He sent his servants to proclaim,At once In God and Freedom's name.

That all are equal In Ills sight,And liberty their common rlghj.

ThatmandatehlKhto-da- ) InspiresThe patriot sons of patriot ilres.

No lust for conquest fires their brain.No frantic greed for more domain;

They but affirm, this side the sea,Alen must not starve and shall be free.



"Let our cry come unto Thee.' Litany.

God of our fathers' unto TheWe come with minds trene

No passions base bum In our hearts,Our outstretched hands are clean.

We, latest born of nations. Lord,

Kneel down before Th throne:O, God of Battle! hear our praer

And make our cause Thine own.

Defore our hosts, dread sovereign Lord,

Lead onward to the fight

Arraed InallTh) panoplyOf majesty and might'

Avenge. O Lord, our murdered onesFor vengence. Thou doth svy

Is not for human hands but Thou,

Thine Oon Self, will repay.

And those two hundred thousand, deadBy famine, fire and sword.

Their blood for vengence cries to Thee,Most lust and gracious Lord

Those victims of foul lust and hatelThose men by treacher slain!

Tather and Lord, their Cause we plead,AnJ shall we plead In vain?

Yea, bitter shame would ours be,Who are so greatly blest

If we should harden our heartsTo brother man oppressed.

Emblaioned on Thy heavens, Lord,Let blessed truth clear shine"

"The cause of truth and JusticeIs Ours, and It Is thine."

O, rend the heavens. Lord, come downOn earth Thy w 111 to show,

That freedom Is the right ot man-I- lls

heritage below,O, God of Battle, hear our prajer;

Help us on land and sea,Sheathe not Thy righteous, mighty sword.

Till Cuba shall be free,nvivu tJ.SDkts,

Impure Illooit lit Spring.

This is tho almost universal ex-

perience. Diminished perspira-tion tlurinp winter, rich foods andclose coulinptnont indoors aresome of the causes. A goodSpring MpcIi ine, liko Hood'sSarsaparilln. i absolutely neces-sary to purif the blood and putthe"' system in a healthy conditionat this season.

Hood's Fills are the best familycathartic and liver tonic. Gentle,reliable, sure.

Pntrlotlc Hoiiffs.Wo have just received a limited

number of Special War Recordsmado by the famous Dan W.Qninn and Geo. J. Gaktn whosoreputations are world wido asPhonograph and Graphaphonevocalists. Cnmo and hear themsing"Bravo crew of Maine,""Arouse, Columbia, arouse,""Marching through Cuba,""Tho wreck of tho Maine""Uncle Sam, why aroyou waiting?"

Price of any ot tho abovo onlyS2.00.

Up-to-da- te records and allkinds of Graphaphono suppliesconstantly ou hand.

Oceanic GaB & Electric Co., 112Hotel street, sole agents Colum-bia Phonograph Co., N. Y. andParis.

m m

"There Are Oilier Peblilei."But do not for n moment think

that tho Anchor Saloon is justliko them. Liquid refreshments,to be refreshing, roquiro a certaindash of skill and experience in themixing. (Jarlylo and Andrewsmako a great success iu this de-

partment and stand ready to satis-fy patrons in tho mattor of Seattlebeer on draught, as well as all thobest brands of whisky, viz: JohnDowar's Scotch, O. P. S., etc, andfrom a full lino of other liquorsand wines cannot fail to fill eventho most exacting and varieddemand.


, v wwytrpw W';W 'UST K.V VI VV' I ;




Tho ontlro stock will bo sold rogardlossof cost to closo tholil out ULTORE RE-



No. 11 Hotel Street.

We Have It!




The Old Government


Bottled Under Supervision

or THE

U.S. Government


W..C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited,

Solo Agents.

Tel 46 Merchant Street.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND nEPAIlttUl.

SlacVsmitliiDg in All Hs Branches,

W. W. WHIUU'i Proprietor.(Sucoeasor to Q. Wit.)

The Club StablesLimited.

O. Bellixa, : Manager.FORT STREET,

Telephone 477LiYery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo aro especially equipped to cater toyour trade, ritlr iloallng ami good sorvlro Is what wo iloponu upon to get It.

Wo have for Milo Family Carriage andDriving Ilories, Mngle or'doublo teams.Thoy are in good condition and will bosold on favorable tonus.

Dr. Ilowat is always In attondanco atthe .Stables.

Ciub Stables Hack StandCor. Union A Hotel Sts.



or Doublo Teams at a momont's uotlco.Hack Xos. 128, 183, 100, 70, 77.



AEOHITEOT223 MBruhant St., Honolulu,

Between Fort and Alakea,Telephone : : : 784



18-- 14 Progress Illock, cornor Ilerotauinana lort btrouts, Honolulu.

Home Decorating 1

Gold Paint:

Which 1h n milistltulo for goldleaf, ami will LAST.


For imparting a liunl and glasnysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel;

For porcelain AiiIhIi on tubs,Mower pot, etc. Not affectedly eoltl or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

KijrFulldlrcctloiiHforusc. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.

John Stfott,Importers aud Denlors In

Steel ana Iron Ranges,STOVES. AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Struct.

tIR UNM J.UilllrJXilU U



Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought'and

Sold on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

Real EstateAND

Insurance AgentsRents collected. Complete charge

of Proporty for absentees.SfiyFinancIal Agents In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignee-,- , Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency of1 Til

mitt l'


Monuments and Headstones,

Tho uudorslgnod Is proparod to doCEMETERY WORK OF ALE KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HEAD-STONES of which ho has a groat va-

riety of tho Latost and Most ArtisticDesigns, and will also supply Stono Cop- -'

ing fcoparatoly for suriouudtng como-tor- y

lots.tST Estlmatos given iu Marble, Ora-nlt- o,

Hawaiian Stono, etc.000 tf FRED. HARRISON.


By last steamer from the Coast


At my store, where the


Is dou" repairing and new workbofj? Plus, rings, bracelet, wutch-maswi- g,


H. G. B1ART, - 404FortSt.

tf8htto& itfaifiM,iiii'ftA''' Wi.

S 1 '


r- - BN- -







Page 7: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and

I- -


W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

forWestern Sngnr lloflnery Co. of San

Francisco,Baldwin Locomotive Works ot Phila-

delphia, Pcnn.. U. 8. A.Nowoll Universal Mill Co. (National

Cane Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.N.Ohlandt & Go's Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Cross & Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Cane and Coffoo.jHeeds Steam I'ipo Covering


Offer for SaleFarafflno Faint Go's P & 11 Faints and

Foporsj Lucol and Linseed oils, rawana bollod.

Indnrine. (n cold water paint) in whileand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks,

?v fftif3LHPK and FIRE


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

.Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - Preaidont and ManagerOlauu Spreckels, - - -W. M. Giffard, - Seoretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THB




Queen tre$ Honolulu, H.l.


- ?? W.b Sur Compwr. Mk

P ..Packets, Unas. Brewer ;'.. T.Packets' Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Acents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

uss o oiriOEitatP 0 Jones, President; George H Bobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and y

Col. W F Allen, Auditor 0 M Cooke,H Waterhouse, A W Carter, Direotors.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and pn PA

LAMA ROAD near JfertilkingPlant.

These lots are Very Cheap and Bold

on Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city and

other Properties for sale,

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lota and Lands,

312 Fort Street, nearP.O.Box82L

w. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers1H- -

REAL ESTATEty We will Buy or Bell Beal Estate In

all parte ot the group.KT Wo will Sell Properties on Benson-abl- e

Commissions i

OFFICE. 10 West King Street



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu,


Ohia, Algerola and Pine Firewood

Out and Split (ready for the Store).Also,



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ofthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Btreet,

Jusfc Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of the ingredients that an-te r into the manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is p rfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all' painfulaffections, a fow doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to be without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

WS" The now 35c. size con-tains over double the quantityof the 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands,

p&to&ii&n Fertilizing

is preparod to furnishNitrate of Soda, Bono Meal, raw or

dissolved jFlorhla and Lady Elliot IslandGuano, Sulphate of Ammonia, Murlntoand Sulphato of Potash and Kalnito, Co-

ral Lime Stone and Manures. In quanti-ties to suit.

A. P. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merohant Street.

FOB SALE.12 Chinese Granite Hltchlna Posts: Si

each.1 Surrey in fine order; price $200.Uouso and Lot, 76x155 ft., on No, 71

Young street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-roo- etc.

Real Estate Transactions.

Bubsoribers are furnished with from liveto six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord ot all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers ef attorney, etc, etc, whichare placed on record.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month,

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt, Honolulu.




The Elite Ic: Gream Parlors.108 HOTEL STREET. 027-t- f

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agenoy.

Houses for Ront.Real Estate Agents.

Brokers In Japanese Goods,Employment Agents.

Collections Made.

Legal nnd other documents trans-lated Into auy language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


Also Seaman & Co., Manchurian orChinese litborers,

Room No. 1, Spreckels Block. Tele-phone 017. 921-- tf

Tlie Evening Bulletin, 76 eta. permonth.



" A Jingle Tree."Colonel George A. Nolan of Los

ngeles, formerly Public Administrator of Kansas City, a manufac-turer and man of extensive travel,tells an interesting story of theHawaiian papaya plant or tree. He

has just made investigations thatlead him to believe that it embodiesmany of the virtues heretoforesupposed to dwell in the fabledfountain of immortal youth. Speak-ing of the marvelous tree thatproduces papaya fruit Colonel Nolansaid: "This tree brings forth astrange-lookin- g melon fruit, not un-

like a muskmelon. The juice of thetruit possesses the quality of dissolv-ing meat, having a strange effect onmuscular fibers, apparently disinte-grating them completely. ColonelJohn Browler of Honolulu showedme a tough chicken which becameas tender as a young broiler whenboiled for a few minutes in water towhich a few drops of the papayajuice had been added. If the na-

tives are to be believed the sameeffect is obtained by hanging atough fowl or the meat of a bullockunder the tree in such a way thatthe exhalations of papaine permeatethe meat. Great surprises havebeen perpetrated on visitors by na-

tives inclined to be wags by makinga tough piece of meat tender in afew minutes by passing it throughwater made strong with papaine,pretending, however, to achieve thepurpose by an incantation to theGoddess Pele.

'"'It is a marvelous fact that onesoon becomes accustomed to eatingthe fruit, which cures dyspepsiaand adds to one's general health."

The newest wonderLiquid Air. of science is liquid

air, which has prop-erties of so wonderful a nature as toborder upon the miraculous. Com-

pressed air is no novelty, butair com-

pressed by thousands of pounds pres-sure per squre inch, into a liquidoccupying only one eight-hundre- th

of its former bulk, and which doesnot immediately try to resume itsoriginal form with explosive violenceas might be expected, which has atemperature of 310 below zero,which boils in an open tea-kett- le if

you keep it away from the fire, butwhich causes icycles to form on thebottom of the tea-kett- le if placedover a fire, these things areparalyzing to the faculties of acredulous people. Santa PaulaChronicle.

The Sick I.lit.There wore many reports flying

nround yesterday regardingsioknoss in town, but there isnothing much in tbem. MissCarrio Afong is confined to thohou80 with n bad cold. Craig, theRod Cross patient, reported dyingis already on tno roaa to rapidrecovery. Antono Seaburvhas boen sick with the grip forBovoral days.

Hon. 0. B. Bush, president oftho Gilmer County (W. Vn)Court, says that ho has had threecases of ilux in his family, duringtbo past summer, which ho curedin less than a week with Chnm-borlai- n's

Colic, Cholera nndDiarrhoea Bemedy. Mr. BubIialso states, that in somo instancesthere were twenty hemorrhages aday. Glouville, W. Va. Patli-findo- r.

This romedy has beonused in nino epidomics of fluxand ono of cholera, with perfectsuccess. It can always bo dopond-e- d

upon for bowel complaint, evenin its moat sovoro forms. Everyfamily should keop it at hand.Tho 25 and 50 cent bottles for saloby Bonson, Smith Co., GeneralAgents.

Pianos.Chickering, Kimball and

Kroeger pianos for sale, forcash or on the instalmentplan. Old instruments oxebaugedfor now ones. Pianos rented,tuned and repaired. Telophone821. Bergstrom Musio Co., Ltd.,Progress Blook, Fort street.

Pearson & Hobron are agontsfrir Hi a SAnrnli Liffllt BiovalflLamp which is gonerally concodod10 uu luu uuui uiuyuiu iuiuj iu ox--istonce.

A dollar saved is a dollar earn-ed. You can save a good manydollars by buying your groceriesof J. Hutohings, 627 Fort streot.P.O. box 402. Telephone 358.

New .Inllnr,

Tbo employees of. tho Onlmprison presented tho retiring yuvernor, Jns. A. Low, with a goldbended cane as n testimonial oftheir esteem. Tho presentationaddress was made by Deputy K11

niano. llio cano is made from 11

spenr staff said to lmvo onco belonged to Jiamobanieba I.

I ho L'overnorsbin of Oahuprison was yesterday transferredby Jas.A.Low to Wm. Henry. Thonew governor is an old resident.Ho has tho good will and esteemof all who know him und in thomany official positions which hohas held, has always yivon com-plete satisfaction.

A man in Virginia, rode fortymiles, to Fairfax Station, for thooxpress purposo of getting Chamborlain's Cough ltemedy, nndtook homo with himt a dozonbottles of tho medicine. Thodruggist who rolatos tho incident,adds: "Your remedy seems to bea general favorite whoreverknown." Its effects are iudeedwonderful in all lung and throattroubles. Procure n bottle atBonson, Smith & Co., drug store.


A yachting party of ladies andL'ontlomeu, under tho direction ofi)rs. Day and Cooper, will leavefor the shark pen at the mouth ofrearl Harbor on the ynout. Hawaiitoday. They will camp atruulon and return to Honolulutomorrow.

The Moneythat you save by buyingSchilling's Best baking pow-

der and using only one heap,ing teaspoonful to a quart offlour

Spend it for the circus, ifyou choose, but not forwaste. jjj,


JULY 4, 1898.

Official Program.(SUBJECT TO CHANGES.)

riRST RACE-PUR- SH $100.

Trotting and Pacing to Harness; mile heats, besttwo In three; t 20 class.


Running race; hall mile dash; Iree for all.


Running race; mile dash, for Hawaiianbred horses.


Trotting and Pacing to Harness; mile heats; bestthree In five; free tor 11.


Running race; one mile dash; free for all,


Running race; one mile dash; for Hawaiian bredhorses.


Running race; mile dash; free for all,


Trotting and Pacing to Harness; mile heats; besttwo in tnree; a. 30 cms.


Running race; one and mile dash; freefor all,

All entries are to be made with the Secretary beforea o'clock, Friday, July 1, 1898. Entrance fees to be10 per cent of purse, unless otherwise specified. Alldrivers and riders to appear In colors.

All races to be run or trotted under the rules of theCalifornia Jockey Club and the National TrottingAssociation,

All horses are expected to start unless withdrawnby 9 o'clock a. m., on July 9, 1898.

At least three to enter and two to start.

General Admission jocentsGrand Stand (extra) 50 cents and IiCarriages (InslJe course) Ji.joeachQuarter Stretch Badges Is

Per Order Committee.


Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club.

Mules For Sale.

A choice lot of Missouri and Califor-nia Mules

Just .Arriv&ci

Now for sale at low terras. Enquire of

O. SCIIUMAN,005-- tf Club Stables.



Tlio following linos woro gotton up ospoclnlly for tho Inland trade, and anotalilo fenturo on which wo lmvo testimonials Is thulr Good Scouring qualitiesund light draught.

.SI oh 0, 8 and

Sixes 12 and 14 Inches.

Wo carry also a comploto lino of extras for tho nlxno.Wo cm furnish you also with IIOAD SCRAPERS, UPRIGHT DRILLS,


And in tho Household Dopartmont n now lot, Just received, of

OOCO-A.3STXJ- T DOOR MATS,And nnothor car load of

Garland Stoves and Ranges.


The City Furniture StoreAnother lot

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

Just received In time forthoHolldayaat the CITY FURNITURE STORE,Lovo BulldlDp, 531 and 536 Fort Street.

Call anu inspect tnem oeiore


Offices and up andEstimates on

tar find Bhop: No. 619 Fortadjoining.


inand o!


of those

it is 100 late.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOB STRBBTB,

Cakes and Gaudies,


Oar Establishment is the FinestIn the City. Call and bob ns. Open till 11Vclook r aft.


Wholesale and Jobbers (

European American Dry Goods.

Fort and Streets.

II. H. WIlL.JTaIA.IVIS, Manager.846 : : TELEPHONES' : : Residence 84&.

Honolulu Undertaking Co.

ED. A. WILLIAMS, F. D : : : hunt1.Tho Only Fully Eouipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on' the Islands. Every-thing New and of the Latest Most Improved Styles.

A Speoialty ! Bungling! No Failures!

NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williams is a Graduate Glark'B Sohool olPerfeot Embalming by which process the body retains its naturalappoaranco for years.

Office and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort St., near Hotel,Telephone 179. Residence and Night Telephone 815.


Contractor and Builder.Stores fitted



Office itroet,W. W. Wright'. Carriage Shop.


Doalora Lnmbor and CoalBuilding Materials nil

kinds i

Qnoon Btroot, Honolnla.




Ice Cream.










v k j-- k .. 'A fa b




'fflB .?m







Page 8: itMffi .,.- Evening BIII J I IFTT I IL S · 2015-06-01 · saying3 that havo been repeated time aud agaiu. Now then, there are tho mem-bers from tho Rainy City, Loobeu-atei-u and


BociuihO we thouglil gcntlo roador that youworo going to Yo don't udvortiso for fun. Wo

want to oinpluisizo tho fact thst avo luivo now tlioMont Oomi'mvlm: Kki'Aik Shop ix Town L'ivo vour wheel tho best .lieolianiestl attention, whichS a - i

W.J mnhiiww1 wifli tlin rnmlitv of........... ...... .. ... . -y--


w,Pi i





sco it.

uro to ride.

E. O. HALL & SON, .Limirea.

Corner Fort and Kino- - Streets.

A Thing of Beauty

r - a Joy to its Owner.

And in tho matter of Eoot-wea- r, when beauty and

comfort, combined with that pleasing feoling of a good

bargain made, can so easily be obtained of us, why look

jurthor 't


Pleasing to the oyo, easy to tho tendorcst feet, and

very light on the purse.


A. E. JVIURPHY & CO.205 Hotel St.,

LATE ARRIVALSKx S. S, "Belo-ic-"

1776 FOR

'JMio SI,. T - has

largo and

Torpedoes, AmericanUuntliur. Silk tun I American KingsallCSture anil Stripes Decoration Duiit- -

ttipr. colors that will not run).itcri, White IJlue Fes-

tooning.Small ami largo AmericanBtnisanil silk Ribbons, ull

widths.American Ilutton-hol- e Buttons, all

for the

....m' WllOUl llliUCCS it Jl IHttilS- -,, -- -

Arlington Block.

4TH OF JULY 11898

received, ex. Hark Mohican, a

MoKInley, Dewey,nun nuuipsou lithographs, etc.,etc.

Assorted fJases Flrn Wnrlra SIR Vi' 'UIHIS25.

These goods are now und fresh, oftho best quality, and will be sold attho lowest cash prices.

I. X. It., corner Nuuanu and Kingst recto.

S. W. LEDERER.Telephone 478. 1 O. Rox 635.

Republic of Hawaii i89S

Manila CigarsItocoiving Kegularly by Every Steamer

Havana, American and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobaooos,

Pipes and Smokors' Articles.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Port & Merchant Streets.




.... well selected stock of assorted

FIRE WORKS!..Unlloonw,


(Solidunci Paper



18)4 Hurrah


Well Madeand

Makes WellHood's SarstpulIU 1 prepared by

pharmacliU of today, who havebrought to the production of this greatmedlelno the beat results of medical re- -search. Hood's Oaraaparllla la a modernmedicine, containing Just those vegetableIngredients which were seemingly in-

tended by Nature herself for the allevia-tion of human Ilia. It purifies and en-

riches the blood, tones the stomach anddigestive organs and creates an appetite;It absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions,boils, pimples, sores, salt rheum, andorory form of skin dlncase; cures livercomplaint, kidney troubles, strengthensand builds up the norvous Bystem. It en-tirely overcomes that tired feeling, givingBtrength and energy in place of weaknessand languor. It wards off malaria, ty-phoid fever, and by purifying tho blood itkeeps tho whole system healthy.

Hood's Sarsa-paril- la

Is the best In fact tho Ono True Blood Purifier.Sold by all druggists, f I ; six for 5.

M,w!.. nil!., cure nil I.lrrr Ills andiiuuu o rina Hick llpnilaflin. 25C.


AltUIVED AT HONOLULU.StinrjJJnines Mnkee, Tnllett, from

Kupim J

Stmr Kaena, Moiher, from Wnl- -ahm.

Stmr Mlknhnln, Thompson, fromMnkiuvcll.

Sjtmr MokollI, Hennctt, Ifrom Mo-lok- ni

anil Iuml.Am bk R IMUthet, Thompson, from

S:m Francisco.Sehr Ku Mol, from Hnmuknn.


The Mutflclnii Will Ilo IUb Kunmuillnllct Catcliliii; Act.

Tonight Dante, tho clever magi-cian, wll giv his fnrewell

Not c ntent with as-

tonishing his umliouces ho is thistime going t ) do something thatfor boldness outtdiines everythingever done heie before iu themagio lino. Ho is going to beallot at by four members of theN. G. H. Four mombors of Com-pany F, armed with regulationrifles and cartridge, will stand iuline, and at a givon signal willfire upou Dauto, who, holding onordinary dinner plate over bisluart, catches the four bullets andhaudh tho missiles to the andieucoh i from tho exploded shells.

He will not dodge the mistlesbut will catch them.

Tho rest of the program will beentirely new, excepting tho bicy-cle net of Mile. Edmundu whichwill be repeatod by request.

At Kuimu Hqunre.

At 4:30 this aftornoou, the bandwill play thf following programof music in Emma square:Overture. French Comedy UelaWalt. Southern Hreezo..... WelslerSelection. Eruui 1 VerdiJJallud. Fare Time Well AdumsMa.urka. Nana RogottlGaloy, Velocity Coregglo

Hawaii I'onol.

At Makee Iilnnil.The following program has ar

ranged for Sunday nftornoon at 3o'clock:

PART I.The Old Hundred.

Overture. Ivan ConternoLargo. Xerxes HundelMinuet. The Famous PuderewskyOruuil Selection. Faust Gounod

PART II.Cornet Solo. Hawaii Nel (new)..

HowlerMr. Charles Kreuter.

Parting. Lenoro Symphony (new)Hair

Gavotte. Tho Flowers TturahlOverture. Knmim Herald

Hawaii I'onol.

lUontrn y iiml Ilrutui (lone,Tho U S Monterey and th col

lior Brutus sniltd for Manila atabout 7 o'clock laet evening. TheBiutus nmdo a trial trip at a highrate of speed and, tbensinnaled tothe Monterey that nil was well.

An niiKworinK signal was madennd tho two vessels proceeded , ontheir wny.

Morlunry Il"iort.There wore o'J deaths during

tho month of Juno this yeai nsfti.'nii)8t57 for tho same month inthe three pn'cerding years.

The death rate for the mouthwas 27 GO por 1000 inhabitants.Typhoid fever was tho cause ofolfvun deaths and eight personssuicumbed to consumption. Thegreatoat number of deiithaocaurredamong Huwaimns. Tho rate per1000 mhabit'ints as Cm tired hv tlmHoard of Iloallh j Hawuiiaus,28.17: Asiatics, 3120: all others22.58.

The opiom capo of Quong Chonghas boon sot for July Gth.


Island Steamers Come in With Cargoes

of Sugar.

N. Castle to Sail Tuesday No Boats Out

After the Fourth-O- ther

Shjpplng Notes.

The Eureka sailed for her homopoit yesleiday.

Tho Kauai will bo in from Kauai ports tomorrow.

No island steatnors will leavethis port until 1'ueeday.

Two days before arrival in thisport, tho itntithet passed a threetnaslod echoouor bouud north.

Tho schooner Ka Moi arrivedfrom Hatnakua this forenoon witha cargo of 3300 bngs of sugar.

Tho Kinau will spoud tho Fourthin Hilo. Tho boy of tho populatstuumer will be trontod to a goodtime on that day.

The Mikahala's freight list baho following: 5250 bgs of sugar

for W G Irwin &. Co, 305 bags ofof rice, 100 bags of pia and 2horses.

Tho Knena came in from Oahuports this morning with a cargoof280 bags of paddy, 200 bBgs ofrice nnd G8 bags of sugar. Sheioport8 fine weather ou tho wind-ward side of this island.

1 nst night tho captain of thoAryan called nt police henclqunr-tpr- a

and handed iu the namos offour sailors who had desortedduriug tho day.

Tho James Makee came iu fionjKauai ports this forenoon with nenrao of 2G50 bags of sugar for OBreucr & Co and 50 bags of ricefor Kwoug Lee Yuen.

The Mokofii cauio in from Mo-lnk-

and Launi ports this morning briugiug n enrgo of 101 bagof taro together with 20 head ofcattle and 75 shoep for tho Metro-politan Meat Market from theMolokai ranch.

Tho S N Castle will sail orSan Francisco on Tuesday, takinga full cargo sugnr and rico. Shetook her last instalment of sugarfrom the solionuor Ka Moi thismorning and will take hor lattrce Tuesday morning.

Tho Mlknhala brought thoreport of sugar left on

Kauai up to Friday nftornoon at4 o'clock: K S M 2100, V K1300, Mk 15 'J5 , O & It 2000, JJ8 Co 5500, H M 720. Total of27,170 bags Good weather allover Knuiii, is reported.

The Hawaiian bark R P Rithot,Thompson master, arrived iu portand haulul alongside the Oceanicwhnrf to dixchurue at 7:30 o'clockthis morning. She was about1G dnys coining from San FranCisco, this slow voyage being dueto n succession f light winds andcalms. The Knhot brought 2100inns of gen" ul merchandise for0 Hrewor & Oo.

PASSENOEItS ARRIVED.From San Francisco, per bk R

P Rithet, July 2 Edgar E Greenand F A Sevorin.

From Molokai and Linui, perstmr Mokolii, July 2 Mrs Laumanu, M Kane, Mrs Peter Pasehal, Mrs Sam Pedro and 9 ondeok.

From Knuai ports, por stmrMikalmla, July 3 --Hon G N Wllcox, Mr nnd Mrs H Ieouberg, Mrand Mrs J F Soott, F W Glnde,Miss Mnkon, Miss Winnie, RMueller, Mr and Mrs J B Alex-ander, Miss Ward, Mr and Mrs 0M Cooke, Mispos McOorriston,Dr French, O Christian, Miss BGray, Mrs Oxley, Dr Nokazawa,11 E Maynard, Mrs J H Couoyand children and 32 on deck.

PASSENQEltB DEPART."For Maui and Hawaii, per stmrKiuau, July 1 Volcano: Hans LaRoche, Miss Clara Lowrio, LTiffany, Miss Flora Perry, G STiffany. For Hilo: Miss EllenPerce, Miss Maby, Rev R K linp-tis- te

nud wife, Miss Tannor,RovSL Desha and i children, MisHUrockio, Miss T Henry, F MWakefield, V H Beers, Mies PJones, Mrs Oarson, Mrs Lucasand 3 children, Mrs Nawnhi, ABlacksted, Rov W M Mnseey, J TFogarty, Harry Rycroft, Mr Callahan, Miss Lillian Barnes, AloxBuchanan, Yee Kui, R Lyman, OLyman. For Lahaiua: MiesSearle, Mrs Searle, Win Soarle,Misa Decotn. For Mnnlaoa: MrsWolfenden, Miss Paulding, JudgeJ W Kalua, Ah Young. ForKn-naiha- u:

Miss AVabineaukai, TMcTigbo, Mies H Williams, AMoore, Ohns nnd E W Williams,0 A Doyle. For Hakalau: Mrs

Oreighton, Mies Creightou,Lishmnn, Mis-- t Alico Li-- h

man. For Lnupnboehoo: 0 McLonnan. For Kihei: Mrs DMorton nnd 2 children, mastoiAke Wallace, vrn K Morton and4 children. For Mahukonn: RHind, Jr, Miss Sraithios, H LHoUteion, Mm-tot- Perry (2); alsoW F Pogue, Mr Scrimgeour nud0 McGuire.

I'Olt Till: FOUKTII.

Hacci aniiothrr Jolly I'.vcnU ArrnnunlI'er Slondnr.

Although there is no organizedcelebrntion far tho Fourth, thodny will bo gouornlly obsorved nsa holiday. All the down townstores will reinnin closed fromtoday until Tuesday morning.

A grent raauy parties have Deenmade uo to co into the oouutry.Ou Monday there will bo the excursion over the Unliu Knilway toWainlun, leaving at 0:15 n. m. andreturning hero at 5:20 p iu.

Baseball between thnllounliiliisnnd Regiments at 10 a. m. Tilixenmo will bo for blood and shouldhave a good attondnuco.

In tho nficruo.u Kapiolunipark will bo the plnco to go. Thehorse races will bo ou. In theovoning thore will be bicycleraces at Oyclomere.

Tho crickoters will have an nilday meetiug at Makiki recreationgrounds. The lady friends of theplayers are making arrangementsfor a luncheon to bo served onthe grounds.

There will bo nothing in theboating lino. Sevoral of theyachts aro going to Pear! Harbornud of course, that means a racebaok.

The Jockey Club intends got-ti- ng

out a program, thoroforu illovonts with tho entries will not bepublished. Hero aro the horseethnt nro to run:

Running Fashion, Veuus.SaneSouci, J. R., Gaitaline, It NotWhy Not, Royalist, SympatheticLast, Autidoto, Amnrino.

Trotting Flora G., Violiu, Kilrij, Margaret H , Loupe, OurBoy, W. Wood, Directress, IrishLassie, Watermolou Joe, Gerster.

The entries for tho bicyolo racesnre as follows:

One and one third mile handi-cap, nmntour First hent: T. V.King, scratch; J. Cowes, 25 yards;T. Treadwny, 50 ynrds; W. Chilton, 70 ynrds; J. P. Frank, 90yards.

Second heat: H. Ludloff,scratch; M. V. Sousa, 25 ynrds;Frank Williams, 70 yards; G.Erickson, 50 yards; J. Santos, 90yards.

Two-thir- ds mile handicap, profossional Ono heat: Allan Jones,scratch; J. F. Sylva, 15 yards;George Martin, 25 yards; S. John-son, 40 yards; D. G. Sylvester, 55yards.

Milo open novice Ono hont:A. Robertson, A. Long, J. Rodri-gue- s,

W. Holoa, Akana Sylvester,M. Fernnndes, Lot Kaulukou.

Ono and one third mile handi-cap, amataur Final heat.

Exhibition Trick Riding MikoMiguol.

Two thirds mile open, amatour,paced First heat: P. Williams,J. Gowes. J. Santos, G. Erickson,H. Ludloff.

Second heat: T. V. King, W.Chilton, T. Tread wny, M.V. Sousa.

Ono and ono third milo, open,professional Ono hent: J. F.Sylva, Allan Jonos, Goo. Martin,S. Johnson, D. D. Sylvester.

Two thirds milo open, amatourFinnl heat.

Cuitomi Olllccri' Detail.The following detail of Customs

ofBcors for tho month of July isannounced by Port SurveyorStratemeyer:

District Inspector J AV Short,nssuting surveyor.

Inspector W F Storey nud 0 ORhodes, in charge of tho nightwatch.

Discharging inspectors R MMacaulay, W F Drake and W HDrummond.

First watch 7 a m to 5 p m BKauuahi, J V Mahelona, J Ko-kah- io,

J Kaloaamnikai.Second watch 5 p iu to 12 m

A Nnnea, H Kinney, J Kanuu, GKaomoa. ?

Tbird watch 12 m to 7 a mJ Makaehn, S Hanobauo, A Moss-mnnn- ,

G W Jones Jr.

The races at Kapiolani Park onthe Fourth of July begin at 1 p.m. sharp. Tho band will bo mattondancennd everything will boconducted just ns on June lltji.

"Sonny" Ounhn, of the BayCity Wheelmen of San Frnuoisoo,will inako his nppearnnco in thonovice rnco nt Cyaloinere Mondaynight.


Continued from llrst igo.

Iho throttle of tho centuries.Lhrones aro tottering and crownscrumbling. All ti.n - .1

heads of Europo nro swoop-ing down like n flock of vulturesmound that old country, Ohinn,

turn royni fPHHt, A.H"he nnhouB of tho Old World nropreparing for vvnr, nnd modornwartaro will bo the most terribluthe world haH ever kuc.wn "

She urged tho Anglo-Americ- an

alliance and the roiontiou of thePhiliimines. Slut wmiM i:i, i.seo alt tho Spanish possessionsunuor mo American ling. Pro-volitio-

instead nf rnfnrmni;,.enro of children instead of pun- -

jsumeniot criminals, tlio sister- -uoon ot wiinion ns well ns thobrothei hood of ninu, ono code ofmorals for tho world, enforcedupon all mon as well ob upon allwomon, froo nccoss to tho landcmploymont for all mon and peaconud plenty in all homes and othorhopes of a wirier, highor, spirit-ual and social lifo nro among horidenls for tho future.


Some Notra or Intrrdt Prom a Corre.Iionilrnt n Knunl,

Under dnto of July 1 a corres-pondent on Knuni writes ns fol-

lows on mnttors portnining to thoGnrdon Ielo:

"The steam launch built nndowned by Sheriff Coney waslaunched on Thursday. Sho hasbeou named the "Ululnni." Tholaunch will bo used for plonsuround woik too, whon occasion do- -

inanris.DflDUtv Sheriff PrnHK,. trim

sustained painful injurips by bo-ni- g

thrown out of a carriage afoitnieht or so nro. is aliln tn hoabout a little now.

"Miss Wnrd of Malnmaluschool, leaves tho Gordon Islo forHouolulu today, where she willho the guest of Miss Alexander ofKatnehamoha. She expects to re-turn to her home in Washingtonby tho Warrimoo.

"School is over and the teachersaro all leaving for Honolulu.

"A grand ball in colobration oftho Fourth of July ill be heldthis evening, and on Saturdaysports and a luau will follow.Lihue courthouse yard is theplace whoro tho festivities nre tobe. People nre nlroady Hookinghero from all over the l.lnnrl .

grand time will bo had."


Iiniirovrit Order of llrd Mm Meet forHocln.1 Time.

The Hawaiian Tribe of tho Iin-prov-

Order of Red Men holdthoir first annual sun danco inWavorley lmll lust evening. Thofollowing oflk-or-s elected: Sachem,S J Salter; First 8annnp, O HHarlan: Second Snimn a v u.cess Senior Sagamore, J Andrado;o uuior ongamore, ,j Ascho; Pro.phet, E Farmer; G of Wigwam, BR Campbell; G of Forest, O Graef;First Warrior, 8 Kuboy; SecondWarrior, J Santos; Third War-rior, S Lederer; Fourth Warrior,J McLain; First Bravo, G l;

Second Brave. M T Mar-shall; Third Ur-ive- , PVD Kellott,Fourth Brave, 0 Steinmnu.

Speeches wero made by variousmembers of the Tribo. Proseutsworomade to J. F. Eokardt audO, H. Hailnn fnr mirviniu i fl,Tribe. The oveninf ended wlfhdancing. Tho numbers wero namedas follows: Buffalo, Beaver, An-telope, Possum, Ghost, Eaglo,Snake, Bndger, War Dnnco.

In tho Police Court yesterdayRhoumutio Jack alias John Frenchwas found guilty of nisnult nudbnttery ou Leo Chun nnd

to pny n fiuo of 85 nudcosts.

Sebnstinn, n Portuguese, wnsarrestod yesterday for insanity.He hns just completed a throomonths term in jail. Today howas found about tho prison Hctiucpeculiarly.

The Old Cominerelul, "1This well-know- plnco has been

plaoed under tho mnnagsment ofl.l). Ryan than whom no ono is'better known aB a disponsor ofliquid refreshment. Tho Com-mercial is the olde-- t drinkingpUce in tho oity. It has been en-tire-

ronovntod nnd is the coolestfind mm comfortnble saloon intown. The celebrated John Wie-Ia- nd

boer on draught ns wol! asnil brands of the best wines nudliquors. Corner of Berotnnia andNuuanu streets. Telephone 323.

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