Itemscript, a specification for RESTful JSON integration

Itemscript A declarative language based on JSON


a briefing on the Itemscript project and a demonstration of the Item Lens proof of concept.

Transcript of Itemscript, a specification for RESTful JSON integration

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A declarative languagebased on JSON

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Simple schema 

data storeapplication markup

Applications from componentsDe-couple technical details

Lean developmentBusiness agility

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Itemscript is Declarative

• Separates design (what) from construction  (how)o Simple APIo Lends itself to iterative developmento Technical details are hiddeno Controls are exposedo Swap components without breaking the API

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Itemscript Philosophy

Applications are multi-layered• Core is compiled code• Wrapped around that are configuration files• Wrapped around that are user settings    • Compiled settings are the hardest to change• Configuration files help,

but only offer limited access• User settings are usually very limited

Applications should expose all useful settings



User settings

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Itemscript is JSON

• JSON is simple• JSON has widespread support• JSON is an ideal data-interchange language

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JSON easily maps to native objects

JSON Objects• Native objects & packages• Nested object graphs• Maps/hashes/dictionaries• Databases• Key-value stores• Cloud databases

      JSON Arrays• Lists/arrays/sets• Query results

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Extending JSON

• Deal with more data than fits in memoryo Databaseso Queries

• Handle references• Manage local and remote data• Handle identifiers• Support schemas• Manage persistence• Handle events

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• Itemscript Schema    JSON Schema language 

      • Itemscript JAM 

JSON Application Markup

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Itemscript schemaDog Type"com.example.petstore.SCHEMA" :{"Dog" : {"ID name" : "","weight" : 0,"REQUIRED owner" : "","breed" : "","isFixed" : true,}}item of type Dog:"com.example.petstore.dogs.Bella" : {"TYPE" : "com.example.petstore.SCHEMA.Dog","name" : "Bella","weight" : 9.2,"owner" : "Vera","breed" : "Cavalier King Charles","isFixed" : true}

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Itemscript JAM

{          "widget" : "GWT.Image",          "title" : "Itemscript Logo",          "width" : "100px",          "height" : "100px",          "url" : "./itemscript-logo.jpg"        }

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Business agility

• Lean development using declarationso Developer & user iterate togethero Discover needs as you develop solutions

• Iterate applications as requirements developo Add elements & event handlers as you need themo Trade up as better options arrive

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Proof of Concept

• Item Lens (JAM animator)o rich web UI based on Google GWT

• Item Store (Column store)o persistence based on Apache Derby 

         • Item Hash (Model application)

o item tracker built using Itemscript JAM

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Itemscript execution


Item Lens Item Store


Item StoreProtocol





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Itemscript Applications

“Small pieces loosely joined” a collection of Lego bricks

Compiled objects are managed in libraries, by type

All "wiring-up" is done using JSON declarations

No sharp distinction between application-building, configuration, or user settings

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How we built it

• Build objects that can be configured using JSON.• Use semantics that describe the domain 

           widget, handler, page ticket, priority, status

white  • For each object type,

build a factory that trades JSON for an object instance.• For each class of object (e.g. widget),

combine the factories into a foundry.• Factor out common code.

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Itemscript System

• Each system has one "root" JSON objecto Acts as shared in-memory database for your application.o Application configurationo Application state

• You can load additional Items - hold as long as needed, natively-garbage-collected.o Load system and initial configurationo Load Item from remote datastoreo Copy part of Item to current application stateo Discard Item

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The Item

The smallest unit of transferrable data.• Guaranteed to be transmitted as a whole.• Guaranteed to be fully navigable locally/synchronously.      

Consists of a JSON Object, including nested other objects.

Metadata and data live together in the JSON Object. _ prefix denotes metadata.

_CONNECTION key tells you where this Item came from._ID key gives you the GUID key for an Item.

_PARENT_ID key gives you the GUID key for a parent

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Item Lens applications

• Application o a set of nested Widgets.o usually includes a PagePanel.

• PagePanel shows the Pages that have been defined.• Each Page is a set of nested Widgets.

• Popups are also a set of nested Widgets.• Dialog boxes• Error boxes 

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Item Lens bootstrap

• Item Lens starts an application: o loads modules (using GWT module system), o modules register Foundries containing Factories, or register

additional Factories in existing Foundries. e.g. WidgetFoundry 

• Item Lens loads and stores the script file.o Reads script file for more definitions - widgets, pages, popupso stores them in the corresponding Foundry.

 • Item Lens reads script file to build the application.  

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Item Store

The Item Store is a key-value store of Items.   Any Item can be the root of another key-value store.

o May map to: database-table-row.o Or to: database-table-row-subTable-rowset.

  Easily replaced with SQL tables, key/value stores   Maps Item Store namespace locations to connect to

remote locations and services.

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Item Store

• Item Store RPCo Simple data store

Get Put Remove

o Simple proxy for the service provider Connect services when your application is ready Swap out services without changing applications

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Developing Itemscript applications

• Client sideo Wrap widgets and components in Itemscripto Wire up components to build interfaces

• Server sideo Declare Itemscript data types o Assign types to locationso Connect locations to services

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Item Hash

• Building the model application  o item hash use caseo item hash design processo pulldown list exampleo date picker exampleo event exampleo adding a new fieldo adding a new event handler

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Item Hash Page Nesting

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New Case Page Nesting

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Editing the Form

                  {                                "widget" : "GWT.VerticalPanel",                                    "contents" : [                        {                          "widget" : "GWT.Html",                          "html" : "<small>Priority</small>"                          "id" : "Priority"                        },                        {                         "widget" : "GWT.ListBox",                         "width" : "200px",                         "height" : "20px"                         "data" : "ItemHash.db/priorities"                        }                     ]                  }

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Item Lens

"Can I set the date picker to tomorrow?"

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Changing the Date Picker

What would the JSON look like?

{    "widget" : "ItemLens.DatePickerTextBox"    "width" : "200px",    "height" : "25px",   "date" : "tomorrow"}

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Changing the Date Picker

When the "date" declaration says "tomorrow", what logic do we need to add?

if (params.hasOptionalString("date")) {    String dateStr = params.getString("date");    if (dateStr.equalsIgnoreCase("tomorrow")) {        Date tomorrow = new Date(new            Date().getTime()+DAY_AS_MILLISECONDS);        box.setValue(tomorrow);    }}

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Event Handling

"Let's make the login box pop up."

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Event Handling

What would the JSON look like?

{    "widget" : "GWT.Html"       "cellHorizontalAlignment" : "right"      "html" : "<small><b>login</b></small>"       "clickHandlers" : {        "clickHandler" : "ItemLens.PopupPanelShowClickHandler",         "popup" : "loginPrompt"  }}

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Event Handling

Implementing a "clickHandler"

Register a factory to create an action.

Animating "popup" : "loginPrompt"

• Read the "loginPrompt" object in "popups" section.• Parse loginPrompt for the parameter needed.• Build a popup widget.

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Event Handling"popups": {    "loginPrompt" : {      "widget" : "GWT.DialogBox",      "id" : "Login",      "title" : "user login",      "showRelativeTo" : "searchbox",      "width" : "100px",      "cellHorizontalAlignment" : "center",      "cellVerticalAlignment" : "bottom",      "html" : "<strong>User Login</strong>",      "autohide" : false,      "contents" : {      "widget" : "GWT.VerticalPanel",      "cellSpacing" : 5      "contents" : [              ...

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Adding Widget Libraries

GChart{  "widget" : "GChart.Chart",  "canvas" : true,  "chartHeight" : 200,  "chartWidth" : 300,  "chartTitle" : "&lt;h3&gt;2008 Sales by Pie  Flavor&lt;br&gt;(Puny Pies, Inc.) &lt;/h3&gt;",  "legendVisible" : false,  "initialPieSliceOrientation" : 0.425,  "curves" : [     {      "symbol" : "pieSliceOptimalShading",      "modelWidth" : 6,      "backgroundColor" : "green",      "borderColor" : "white",      "height" : 0,      "fillSpacing" : 0,      "fillThickness" : 3,      "hoverText" : "Apple, 65%",      "pieSliceSize" : 0.65,      "points" : [        {          "point" : "5,5",          "annotationText" : "Apple",          "annotationLocation" : "outsidePieArc"        }        ...

• Designers learn a few new declarations, not a new API

• Full demo at

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• Item Lens         AJAX using Google GWT        Components from Google Maps, Gchart, GWT Widget library

• Itemscript Core Libraries        Convenient JSON library for Java & GWT applications

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What's Next?

• Item Store

• Itemscript schema validator

• Declarative security model  

• Hosted Service

• Application exchange

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Working with Itemscript

Project pageshttp://itemscript.org

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