ITB2016 -BDD testing and automation from the trenches

BDD Testing & Automation from the Trenches Into the Box 2016 Gavin Pickin

Transcript of ITB2016 -BDD testing and automation from the trenches

BDD Testing & Automation from the Trenches Into the Box 2016

Gavin Pickin

★Who Am I?★Gavin Pickin – developing Web Apps since late 90s

○Ortus Solutions Software Consultant

○ContentBox Evangelist

★What else do you need to know?


○Blog -

○Twitter –

○Github -

★Lets get on with the show.

★State of the Room

★ A few questions for you guys★ If you have arms, use them.

★State of the RoomTesting? What’s testing?

★State of the Room


I’ve heard of it.

Why do you

think I’m here?

★State of the RoomYes I know I should be testing, but I’m not sure how to do it

★State of the RoomMy Boss and my Customers wouldn’t let me

★State of the Room

I’m a tester

★State of the RoomI’m a test writing ninja

Call me Majano,

Luis Majano

★Ways to Test your Code★Click around in

the browser yourself

★Setup Selenium / Web Driver to click around for you

★Structured Programmatic Tests

★Types of Testing

★Types of Testing

★Black/White Box

★Unit Testing

★Integration Testing

★Functional Tests

★System Tests

★End to End Tests

★Sanity Testing

★Regression Test

★Acceptance Tests

★Load Testing

★Stress Test

★Performance Tests

★Usability Tests

★+ More

★Levels of Testing

★Cost of a Bug

The bug will cost one way or another

★Integration Testing

★Integration Testing

★Integration Tests several of the pieces


★Most of the types of tests are variations of an Integration Test

★Can include mocks but can full end to end tests including DB / APIs

★Unit Testing

★Unit Testing

“unit testing is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if individual units of source code are fit for use. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application”- wikipedia

★Unit Testing★Can improve code quality -> quick error


★Code confidence via immediate verification

★Can expose high coupling

★Will encourage refactoring to produce > testable code

★Remember: Testing is all about behavior and expectations

★Styles – TDD vs BDD

★TDD = Test Driven Development

○Write Tests

○Run them and they Fail

○Write Functions to Fulfill the Tests

○Tests should pass

○Refactor in confidence

★Test focus on Functionality

★Styles – TDD vs BDD★BDD = Behavior Driven Development

Actually similar to TDD except:

○Focuses on Behavior and Specifications

○Specs (tests) are fluent and readable

○Readability makes them great for all levels of testing in the organization

★Hard to find TDD examples in JS that are not using BDD describe and it blocks

★TDD Example

Test( ‘Email address must not be blank’, function(){

notEqual(email, “”, "failed");


★BDD ExampleDescribe( ‘Email Address’, function(){

It(‘should not be blank’, function(){















★Matcher Samples









★CF Testing Tools

★MxUnit was the standard

★TestBox is the new standard

★Other options

★TestBoxTestBox is a next generation testing framework for ColdFusion (CFML) that is based on BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for providing a clean obvious syntax for writing tests.

It contains not only a testing framework, runner, assertions and expectations library but also ships with MockBox, A Mocking & Stubbing Framework,.

It also supports xUnit style of testing and MXUnit compatibilities.

★TestBox TDD Examplefunction testHelloWorld(){

          $assert.includes( helloWorld(), ”world" );


★TestBox BDD Exampledescribe("Hello world function", function() {

it(”contains the word world", function() {




★TestBox New BDD Examplefeature( "Box Size", function(){

    describe( "In order to know what size box I need

              As a distribution manager

              I want to know the volume of the box", function(){

        scenario( "Get box volume", function(){

            given( "I have entered a width of 20

                And a height of 30

                And a depth of 40", function(){

                when( "I run the calculation", function(){

                      then( "the result should be 24000", function(){

                          // call the method with the arguments and test the outcome

                          expect( myObject.myFunction(20,30,40) ).toBe( 24000 );







★Using Testing in your Workflow

★Using HTML Test Runners○Keep a Browser open

○F5 refresh tests

★Command Line Tests

★Run testbox – manual

○Run tests at the end of each section of work

★Run Grunt-Watch – automatic

○Runs testbox on every file change

○Grunt can run other tasks as well,

minification etc

★Testing in your IDE

★Browser Views

○Eclipse allows you to open files in web view – uses HTML Runner

★Run testbox/ Grunt / in IDE Console

○Fairly Easy to setup

○See Demo– Sublime Text 3 (if we have time)

★Installing Testbox★Install Testbox – Thanks to Commandbox

○box install testbox

★Decide how you want to run Testbox

★Create a runner.cfm<cfsetting showDebugOutput="false"><!--- Executes all tests in the 'specs' folder with simple reporter by default ---><cfparam name="url.reporter" default="simple"><cfparam name="" default="tests.specs"><cfparam name="url.recurse" default="true" type="boolean"><cfparam name="url.bundles" default=""><cfparam name="url.labels" default="">

<!--- Include the TestBox HTML Runner ---><cfinclude template="/testbox/system/runners/HTMLRunner.cfm" >

★Create a Test Suite// tests/specs/CFCTest.cfc

component extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" {

function run() {

it( "will error with incorrect login", function(){

var oTest = new cfcs.userServiceRemote();

expect( oTest.login( '[email protected]', 'topsecret').result ).toBe('400');




★Create a 2nd Test Suite// tests/specs/APITest.cfccomponent extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec" { function run() { describe("userService API Login", function(){ it( "will error with incorrect login", function(){ var email = "[email protected]"; var password = "topsecret”; var result = ""; http url="" result="result”;

expect( DeserializeJSON(result.filecontent).result ).toBe('400'); }); }); }}

★ Running Testbox with runner.cfm

*Install Testbox Runner – Thanks Sean Coyne

*npm install testbox-runner

*Install Grunt Shell

*npm install grunt-shell

*Add Grunt Configuration

★Running Testbox with Grunt Watch

★Install Testbox Runner – Thanks Sean Coyne

○npm install testbox-runner

★Install Grunt Shell

○npm install grunt-shell

★Add Grunt Configuration

★Adding TextBox Config 1

module.exports = function (grunt) {


grunt.initConfig({ … })


★Adding TextBox Config 2

Watch: {

cfml: {

files: [ "tests/*.cfc"],

tasks: [ "testbox" ]



★Adding TextBox Config 3

shell: {

testbox: {

command: "./node_modules/testbox-runner/index.js --colors --runner --directory /tests/specs --recurse true”



★Adding TextBox Config 4

grunt.registerTask("testbox", [ "shell:testbox" ]);



★GruntFile.js Gists

Simple Jasmine + Testbox Example

★Testbox output with Grunt

★Testbox Runner JSON

★Testbox has several runners, you have seen the

HTML one, this Runner uses the JSON runner and then formats it.



★Testbox Runner JSON{"totalSuites":3,"startTime":1465879026042,"bundleStats":[{"TOTALSUITES":1,"STARTTIME":1465879026042,"TOTALPASS":0,"TOTALDURATION":60,"TOTALSKIPPED":0,"TOTALFAIL":0,"TOTALSPECS":0,"PATH":"tests.specs.integration.api.BaseAPITest","ENDTIME":1465879026102,"DEBUGBUFFER":[],"TOTALERROR":0,"NAME":"tests.specs.integration.api.BaseAPITest","ID":"1DDCA037-FF86-4E9B-B62231A290304E9F","SUITESTATS":[{"STARTTIME":1465879026102,"TOTALPASS":0,"TOTALDURATION":0,"TOTALSKIPPED":0,"TOTALFAIL":0,"TOTALSPECS":0,"BUNDLEID":"1DDCA037-FF86-4E9B-B62231A290304E9F","STATUS":"Skipped","PARENTID":"","SPECSTATS":[],"ENDTIME":1465879026102,"TOTALERROR":0,"NAME":"tests.specs.integration.api.BaseAPITest","ID":"231E5335-408A-41A4-AFC0A1199989F05E","SUITESTATS":[]}],"GLOBALEXCEPTION":""},{"TOTALSUITES":2,"STARTTIME":1465879026102,"TOTALPASS":4,"TOTALDURATION":2395,"TOTALSKIPPED":0,"TOTALFAIL":0,"TOTALSPECS":4,"PATH":"tests.specs.integration.api.UsersAPITest","ENDTIME":1465879028497,"DEBUGBUFFER":[],"TOTALERROR":0,"NAME":"tests.specs.integration.api.UsersAPITest","ID":"8B3B6F5D-C7F2-4E77-B701A9F646061CB3","SUITESTATS":[{"STARTTIME":1465879026571,"TOTALPASS":1,"TOTALDURATION":472,"TOTALSKIPPED":0,"TOTALFAIL":0,"TOTALSPECS":1,"BUNDLEID":"8B3B6F5D-C7F2-4E77-B701A9F646061CB3","STATUS":"Passed","PARENTID":"","SPECSTATS":[{"ERROR":{},"STARTTIME":1465879026571,"TOTALDURATION":472,"FAILORIGIN":{},"STATUS":"Passed","SUITEID":"60F5FB8B-3E97-46C0-9165FDD893DF08B4","ENDTIME":1465879027043,"NAME":"Tests the ability to create a user","ID":"EBF1E06B-80A9-476E-9AA4889200FD48DC","FAILMESSAGE":""}],"ENDTIME":1465879027043,"TOTALERROR":0,"NAME":"CRUD API Methods and Retrieval","ID":"60F5FB8B-3E97-46C0-9165FDD893DF08B4","SUITESTATS":[]},{"STARTTIME":1465879027043,"TOTALPASS":3,"TOTALDURATION":1354,"TOTALSKIPPED":0,"TOTALFAIL":0,"TOTALSPECS":3,"BUNDLEID":"8B3B6F5D-C7F2-4E77-B701A9F646061CB3","STATUS":"Passed","PARENTID":"","SPECSTATS":[{"ERROR":{},"STARTTIME":1465879027043,"TOTALDURATION":501,"FAILORIGIN":{},"STATUS":"Passed","SUITEID":"4CBC4C98-BD18-4C0D-BE187715F5C1BFAB","ENDTIME":1465879027544,"NAME":"Tests list methods","ID":"0503EA96-88EA-4D5B-AF96773612180709","FAILMESSAGE":""},{"ERROR":{},"STARTTIME":1465879027544,"TOTALDURATION":392,"FAILORIGIN":{},"STATUS":"Passed","SUITEID":"4CBC4C98-BD18-4C0D-BE187715F5C1BFAB","ENDTIME":1465879027936,"NAME":"Tests the ability to retrieve the created user record","ID":"C96F286C-09F4-4082-A8083A594B0EA277","FAILMESSAGE":""},{"ERROR":{},"STARTTIME":1465879027936,"TOTALDURATION":461,"FAILORIGIN":{},"STATUS":"Passed","SUITEID":"4CBC4C98-BD18-4C0D-BE187715F5C1BFAB","ENDTIME":1465879028397,"NAME":"Tests the ability to update a user record","ID":"28DDD96E-24E5-4081-BF77E11444F8067F","FAILMESSAGE":""}],"ENDTIME":1465879028397,"TOTALERROR":0,"NAME":"Runs tests against created user","ID":"4CBC4C98-BD18-4C0D-BE187715F5C1BFAB","SUITESTATS":[]}],"GLOBALEXCEPTION":""}],"totalPass":4,"totalDuration":2455,"totalSkipped":0,"totalFail":0,"totalSpecs":4,"labels":[],"endTime":1465879028497,"totalError":0,"totalBundles":2}

★Running in Sublime Text 2

★Install PackageControl into Sublime Text

★Install Grunt from PackageControl


★Update Grunt Sublime Settings for paths


"exec_args": { "path": "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin” }


★Then Ctrl / Command Shift P – grunt

★Running in Sublime Text 2

★Continuous Integration

Travis CI

Travis CI




★Any questions?