Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance

Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance Dr. Frank Boyer


Prof Frank BoyerSUNY Ulster31 May 2011

Transcript of Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance

Page 1: Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance

Italian Art and Architecture 

of the  Renaissance

Dr. Frank Boyer

Page 2: Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance

map of Europe

pilgrimage routes remind us that there are more interest in trade through Italy than to fight

Page 3: Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance

Holy Roman EmpireByzantine and northern Europe hitting one another using the classical remnants for uses of churches like coliseum

Manufacturing centers and trading centers

one pope was a scientist and mathematicianPapal state separate from ItalyJulius 2 attempts to make Rome as center of the Italian State

Term Gothic art is created by Vasari who blasts Gothic art. all classic painting were destroyed done in fresco and encaustic(wax and pigment on wood) different entities manufacturing different capitals Venice state of trade, Bologna- state of Law, Florence- Bankingmoved away from faring and agrarian to these arenas of trade, law, banking. Credit established and double entry booking

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•Mary and Jesusexpressiondistortionmade out of wood with gold

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map of interior of the church

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Notre Dame with flying Buttress


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Interior of Notre Dame


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another interior


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church exterior


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close up on people on columns


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Byzantine God

mosaicclassic use was for floor covering byzantine was for

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Book cover of Jesus


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Adult Jesus with dinner plate halo people  

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Jesus not resting with cookie cutter people 

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sculptural example


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working class sculpture


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Jesus entering Jerusalem stone


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Pisano early roman empire


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Giovanni Pisano, the younger Pisano


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Innovation of Art and Architecture in Italian Rennaisance 

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Betrayal of Jesus by Giotto


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the emotions

the convention of looking at people straight ahead versus side views

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Raising of Lazarus

look at how are the figures are dressed? what colors? what is happening in the painting.

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use of color is deliberateseeing the back of someone would never be seen in Gothic artLooking through window of something happening now

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Mary with infant versus dead son

Page 30: Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance



Page 31: Italian Art and Architecture of the Renaissance

Masaccio  The Holy Trinity


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Florence Cathedral

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Galleria degli Uffizi   Vasari

hall of columns

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Milan Cathedral

frontal side roof

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