iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J....

photographed by J. Scott photographed by C. Ashley photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino i TAC STUDENT FINALISTS IN NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST Thirteen iTAC students were recently named finalists in Photographer’s Forum magazine’s 27 th Annual Student Pho- tography Contest, sponsored by Nikon, USA. Contest entries were submitted by Wilmington College students en- rolled in either Basic Photographic Techniques (TEC215) taught by Susan Gregg or Nature Photography (TEC315) taught by Mickey Turnbo in Fall 2006 or pursuing the iTAC Photography Minor. This year’s judges selected finalists from over 28,000 photographic entries submitted by student photographers representing 1,000 schools. To be named as a “finalist” is a significant honor, representing the top 5% of all photos entered. Photographs by Robert Aiken, Catherine Ashley, Kathleen Bocchino, Matthew Bullock, Molly Fouracre, Chris- tine Healey, Melissa Masten, Jacob Pitman, LaNette Rainey, Katie Reynolds, Jeff Scott, Jamie Varsalona, and Amy Weber will appear in the Best of College Photography Annual 2007.

Transcript of iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J....

Page 1: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

photographed by J. Scottphotographed by C. Ashley

photographed by K. Bocchinophotographed by K. Bocchino

iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeST

Thirteen iTAC students were recently named finalists in Photographer’s Forum magazine’s 27th Annual Student Pho-tography Contest, sponsored by Nikon, USA. Contest entries were submitted by Wilmington College students en-rolled in either Basic Photographic Techniques (TEC215) taught by Susan Gregg or Nature Photography (TEC315) taught by Mickey Turnbo in Fall 2006 or pursuing the iTAC Photography Minor.

This year’s judges selected finalists from over 28,000 photographic entries submitted by student photographers representing 1,000 schools. To be named as a “finalist” is a significant honor, representing the top 5% of all photos entered. Photographs by Robert Aiken, Catherine Ashley, Kathleen Bocchino, Matthew Bullock, Molly Fouracre, Chris-tine Healey, Melissa Masten, Jacob Pitman, LaNette Rainey, Katie Reynolds, Jeff Scott, Jamie Varsalona, and Amy Weber will appear in the Best of College Photography Annual 2007.

Page 2: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

photographed by J. Pitman

photographed by K. Reynoldsphotographed by A. Weber

photographed by R. Aiken

photographed by C. Healey

photographed by J. Varsalonaphotographed by M. Fouracre

photographed by M. Masten


Page 3: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

Monday 10am-10:30pm

Tuesday 5pm-10:30pm

Wednesday 10am-10:30pm

Thursday 5pm-10:30pm

Friday 10am-5pm

Saturday & Sunday 9am-3pm

Design Suite P026 & IRM Suite P035

Subject To Availability - Schedule Subject To Change

Award Recipient Michele Strum

Award Recipient Elden “Wes” Thomas, Jr.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), by way of the Bartol Research Center acting as administrator of the NASA-sponsored Delaware Space Grant College Program, recently announced its list of ten 2006 scholarship award recipients. Among the awardees were two iTAC students: Ms. Michele Strum and Mr. Elden “Wes” Thomas, Jr.

Michele Strum is a May graduate of the iTAC Associate Degree program in Media Design and Technology, who has opted to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in the Internet and Network Design program at Wilmington Col-lege. Michele is interested in investigating the “communicative multimedia” aspects of NASA’s mission as they relate to her field of study within iTAC, and of possible combinations involving space exploration and the creative worlds of multimedia.

Wes Thomas is an Interactive Multimedia Design student in the iTAC Divi-sion, who also received his Associate of Science degree in Media Design and Technology last May. Wes’ interest in animation techniques, and the possibilities of leveraging that interest to further the NASA mission to edu-cate and inform, contributed to the Bartol Research Center’s positive reac-tion to his application.

In addition to the NASA Delaware Space Grant College Undergraduate Tuition Award, both students are also recipients of an iTAC Scholarship which partially underwrote classes taken during the Spring 2006 term. The iTAC Scholarship award is based on academic merit.

Michele and Wes attended the fall meeting of the Delaware Space Grant Consortium at the University of Delaware in October, where they were hon-ored for their academic accomplishments and officially acknowledged as scholarship recipients.

Scholarships Awarded for the 2006-07 School year

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iTAC STudenTS honored by nASA

Page 4: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

iTAC Adjunct instructor Creates “Angel Quest” Cards

Angel Quest is a set of “Random Acts of Kindness Cards” that encourage indi-viduals to “perform the work of angels here on Earth.” Complete each angel’s quest and she joins your collection in the form of her individual card. One hun-dred angels! One hundred acts of kindness!! And one hundred chances to build a community and bring a measure of comfort and happiness to its people!!!

Angel Quest is a set of collectible art cards that challenge card holders to perform acts of kindness both great and small. Each card depicts an angel who assigns

a quest to perform on her behalf, such as “Donate supplies to a women’s shelter,” or “Compliment a child to raise his or her self-esteem.” Once the quest is completed, the card is officially a part of the owner’s collec-tion, entitling that owner to then pass it on to a friend.

Angel Quest is a Seattle, Washington based company. Children’s book illustrator and Wilmington College adjunct instructor from the iTAC Division, Gail Piazza ( was chosen as one of the illustrators for this project. She used Wilmington College students, Kimberly Conwell (Angel of Perspective card 59) and Serene Hunter (Angel of Honesty card 36) as models for her pastel and colored pencil angel illustrations. Gail Piazza teaches Visual Communications and Digital Drawing for the Division of Information Technology and Advanced Communications at Wilmington College.

An invitation to explore

Creativity and innovation are key ingredients for success in the careers of tomorrow. Today’s emerging technologies are becoming everyday tools. In an ideal situ-ation, and under the guidance of skillful professionals from the fields of art, film, photography and technology, students learn to use these emerging digital technologies while developing their talents. For the first time, the Division of Information Technology and Advanced Communications (iTAC) is extending an invitation to junior high and high school students to participate in any or all of a series of summer workshops designed to provide students opportunities to explore their creative genius.

A series of four workshops will be offered throughout the Summer 2007 semester. Students will learn to use the integrated applications of the iLife Suite (such as podcasts) in our Maximizing iLife workshop. Participants will develop their photographic eye in Seeing Beyond Your Eyes – A Photographic Adven-ture. Music Videos, commercials, newscasts and more are possible projects in Make Your Own Video. Finally, in Drawing and Painting, students will develop an aesthetic eye through interactions with a variety of media and subject matter.

each one-week workshop will take place at the new Castle site. For more information or an application, please email [email protected]

Angel of Perspective (card 59)

Angel of Honesty (card 36)

Page 5: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

The Division of Information Technology and Advanced Communications honored the following students at its second annual award ceremony in May, 2006. Award winners were selected by faculty and the student body for exemplary work in Multimedia, Television and Video, Photography, Information Resource Management, and more.

2006 iTAC Student Awards

iTAC diviSion logo deSign ConTeST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margaret Kirby-YoderouTSTAnding Senior ProjeCT – iMd&C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle PriceouTSTAnding Senior ProjeCT – i&nd&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark LehmouTSTAnding Senior ProjeCT – T&v Pd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Bradley IVouTSTAnding PorTFolio PreSenTATion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amanda CookSTudenT ChoiCe For beST CoMPuTer grAPhiC ArT — grAPhiC deSign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brandon BakerSTudenT ChoiCe For beST CoMPuTer grAPhiC ArT — digiTAl iMAging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie VarsalonaSTudenT ChoiCe For beST CoMPuTer grAPhiC ArT — MediA PubliCATion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethan RussellSTudenT ChoiCe For beST inTerACTive deSign oF A Web SiTe . . . . . . . . Verlin AlexanderSTudenT ChoiCe For beST MediA ArT — non-digiTAl MediA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geraldin Pena RuizSTudenT ChoiCe For beST Audio PieCe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margaret Kirby-YoderSTudenT ChoiCe For beST AniMATion ShorT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brandon BakerSTudenT ChoiCe For beST bASiC Color PhoTogrAPhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lindsay BarclaySTudenT ChoiCe For beST AdvAnCe Color PhoTogrAPhy . . . . . . . . . . Jamie VarsalonaSTudenT ChoiCe For beST bASiC blACk & WhiTe PhoTogrAPhy . . . . . . . . . . Roland BalikSTudenT ChoiCe For beST AdvAnCe blACk & WhiTe PhoTogrAPhy . . . . . . . Roland BalikSTudenT ChoiCe For beST PhoTogrAPh lighTing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie VarsalonaSTudenT ChoiCe For beST WriTTen induSTriAl SCriPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie VarsalonaSTudenT ChoiCe For beST non-lineAr ediTing enTerTAinMenT PieCe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa RobertsonSTudenT ChoiCe For beST non-lineAr ediTing doCuMenTAry / induSTriAl PieCe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keitha DavisirM Above And beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan SteinbergirM PreSenTATion exCellenCe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen MuirheadirM TeAM exCellenCe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Bumpus, Karen Danish, Benson NjngairM ouTSTAnding CAPSTone ProjeCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan SteinbergirM inSPirATion AWArd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William BumpusirM innovATion AWArd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James HutchinsonirM leAderShiP And MAnAgeMenT AWArd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris ShanahaniTAC diviSion AChieveMenT AWArd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie ChristmanniTAC diviSion leAderShiP AWArd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Margaret Kirby-YoderiTAC diviSion AluMnuS AWArd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James HutchinsoniTAk ServiCe And dediCATion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Camino







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Page 6: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

Periodically throughout the academic year, the Division of Information Technology and Advanced Communications sponsors collo-quia featuring topics of interest to technology students and design majors within the iTAC Division. The talks are open to all interested persons, however, and routinely the audience will include not only Wilmington College stu-dents, but also students from nearby colleges, Wilmington College faculty, and citizens from throughout the region. Past topics have includ-ed: “The Art of Andrew and Jamie Wyeth,” as presented by Andrew Wyeth’s granddaughter Victoria Wyeth; “Linux in the Marketplace,” presented by representatives from IBM; “Trav-els with Robert Kennedy – the Photo Experi-ences of Bill Eppridge,” presented by William Eppridge; “The Renovation of the Statue of Liberty – A Chronicle,” presented by noted Life

Photographer and Wilmington College adjunct faculty member Peter B. Kaplan; “Programming for the Web Using Flash MX,” presented by Brandon J. Hall; “Journey Across America – The Photography of Kevin Fleming,” presented by local author and photographer Kevin Fleming; “Introduction to Productivity and the Distribution of High Def Video,” presented by Chad Fahs; “Indie Film Fans – the Independent Film Process,” presented by Gordon DelGiorno; “The Data Provider – the Hidden Object,” presented by David Vogeleer; and “The Astronomical and Sports Photography of Jerry Lodriguss,” presented by Philadelphia Inquirer photographer Jerry Lodriguss.

Most recently, Victoria Wyeth again spoke on the artistic works of the Wyeth Family during iTAC Colloquium #13, held on February 28th in the ACC Building’s Odium at the New Castle Campus. Colloquium #1� on April �th featured a presentation covering the philanthropic and artistic endeavors of the Philadelphia-based Barnes Foundation.

Soon-to-be-scheduled is Colloquium #15, con-ducted by nationally recognized technology expert Joseph Melloy, regarding the somewhat controversial but rapidly expanding use of Radio Frequency Identi-fication Techniques. Watch for event announcements posted on the web ( and within the various academic buildings around campus.

iTAC’S ColloQuiA SerieS

iTAC Colloquium #13, featuring Victoria Wyeth

Victoria Wyeth


Page 7: iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS in nATionAl PhoTogrAPhy ConTeSTphotographed by C. Ashley photographed by J. Scott photographed by K. Bocchino photographed by K. Bocchino iTAC STudenT FinAliSTS

eye on iTAC is produced by the Division of Information Technol-ogy and Advanced Communi-cations, Wilmington College. We reserve the right to edit all con-tent for style, clarity, and length. Submissions are welcomed.

division ChairJohn J. Nold, Ed.D

[email protected]

editor/Writer/layoutSusan L. Gregg, Design Program [email protected]

ProofreaderMaria Bannon

[email protected]

Photo CreditsSusan L. Gregg

graphic designersDesign & Production

Technical AssistantMaria Bannon

To Contact eye on iTAC, write:

eye on iTAC, c/o Susan L. GreggiTAC Division Wilmington College,

320 N. DuPont Highway,New Castle, DE 19720

Or email: [email protected]

CreditsMy first day working as an intern with the Disney Design Group was one of the most overwhelming days ever. To be one thousand miles away from home is one thing, but walking in the footsteps of giants is something that frightens me even more. As if wearing a Disney nametag isn’t cool enough, to actually work inside the building where Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, and Broth-er Bear were animated is an amazing feeling. It is the Feature Animation building, located at the Disney MGM Studios. The Disney Design Group creates virtually everything that is sold in Disney World, Disneyland, and Hong Kong Disney, from pins to clothing to toys to works of original art. DDG (as we are called) consists of about 60 designers divided into six teams, all working on different aspects of merchandise and design. I began my internship in June of 2006. I am assigned to the Affinity team, which is responsible for creating products for all four Disney World Theme Parks, two water parks, all special events, Disney Cruise Line, sports, and ESPN. We are a large team with diverse responsibilities.

From the beginning of my internship much was expected of me. One of my first projects was to create a personal-ized “Backstage Pass” for the Rock’n Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith. This was a huge project because the band had to actually look at my art and make approvals, which took a couple of months. That was pretty exciting.

Another significant program that I was in charge of was revamping the Jedi Training Academy logo, which is incorporated in many products. My logo had to be approved by Lucas-film, which was a six month process. They liked my logo and actually trade-marked it, which means they can use it internationally on anything!

I have had the opportunity to work on so many awesome projects. My initial internship ended in January, but by resubmitting my portfolio, I was chosen for an extension until June of this year.

Working with the Disney Design Group the past nine months has been such a great experience. There are so many talented artists that work here, and some of these people could actually be “Disney Legends” someday. I am so happy to be able to take creative guidance from them. I never thought I could be a “Disney Artist,” but with some hard work, I guess a lot is possible.

iTAC STudenT inTernS AT diSney

in May 2007, kyle Price graduated with a bachelor’s degree in interactive Multimedia design and Communication. he was hired as a disney Artist in june.

Disney Intern Kyle Price

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institutional valuesvision Statement

Wilmington College Mission

Division of iTAC 320 N. DuPont Highway

New Castle, Delaware 19720

w i l m c o l l . e d u

Wilmington College is committed to ex-cellence in teaching, relevancy of the curriculum, and individual attention to students. As an institution with admis-sions policies that provide access for all, it offers opportunity for higher education to students of varying ages, interests, and aspirations.

The College provides a range of exem-plary career-oriented undergraduate and graduate degree programs for a growing and diverse student population. It delivers these programs at locations and times convenient to students and at an affordable price. A highly qualified full-time faculty works closely with part-time faculty drawn from the workplace to ensure that the College’s programs pre-pare students to begin or continue their career, improve their competitiveness in the job market, and engage in lifelong learning.

We are committed to being a college where respect for each other is para-mount, integrity guides all of our choices, providing educational opportunities is our primary purpose, and responsive-ness to community needs is key.

In designing academic programs and student services, we support innovation and actively seek faculty with experience in their fields who can provide students with an education focused on practical application.

We are especially committed to caring for our students as customers and partners.

Wilmington College will distinguish itself as an open-access educational institution by building exemplary and innovative ac-ademic programs and student-centered services while anticipating the career and personal needs of those it serves.