It is Better to Be a Widow of a Hero Than a Wife of a Coward

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  • 7/28/2019 It is Better to Be a Widow of a Hero Than a Wife of a Coward


    It is better to be a widow of a hero than a wife of a coward.I agree.But,to be

    precise,what is being define as hero?For me,a hero is a person who is honourable for

    his courageous or selfless deeds.You have no need to save the universe from aliens or

    even monsters to deserve the hero tittle.Even a small good deed will be enough.In

    fact,there is a saying by E.W.Howe that A boy doesnt have to go to war to be a hero

    ;he can say he doesnt like pie when he sees there isnt enough to go around.

    Unsung heroes,does it sounds familliar? Have you ever heard of an ordinary soldier

    who died fighting for his mother land or an ordinary citizen who did a courageous act

    declared as a hero? Maybe, for a day or two, after that they are totally forgotten. Did

    they put up a single monument for them? These unsung heroes who actually fought and

    died face to face with the enemies were easily forgotten. On the contrary, recognitions,

    tributes and venerations for leaders whom they declared heroes are never ending.I am

    not suggesting that it is a bad idea for having recognitions to those famous heroes,but

    we must not forget those unsung heroes who actually contribute a lot too.

    Wu Bin.Does the name rings a bell?He was a bus driver who being strucked by a 2.5kg piece of metal that came crashing through his windshield and eventually tragicallydied of his injuries.Despite of suffering severe injuries,Wu successfully managed tobring the vehicle to a halt,opened the door and even reminded the passengers to becareful as they were still on the highway.But then,he passed out.However,owing to Wussacrifice,the passengers escaped injury.Will one able to do the same if he or shehappened to be in his shoes?He is indeed an one in a million noble person.

    Aris Canoy Espinosa was a 13-year-old Boy Scout from the Lanao del Norte (the

    Philippines) Council.At around 1440 hours on January 30, 1994, a hand grenade was

    being played like a toy by some boys. When it was accidentally dropped near young

    children playing rubber bands, he jumped and covered the grenade with his body to

    protect those innocent children. When the hand grenade exploded, it caused his

    untimely death.Truly, Aris was a young boy, but not an ordinary one he has a big

    heart. At his very young age, he exemplified a deed not everyone can do. Because of

    this gallantry, he was awarded th Gold Medal of Honour by the National Court of Honour

    of the Boy Scout of the Philippines.

    You can your very own way to be a hero,it doesnt matter who you are.A real hero is a

    person who gladly to do good deeds because you do belive that it is the best and the

    right thing to be done.A real hero does not looking forward for any rewards or even

    fame.A real hero does not expecting anything in return.

  • 7/28/2019 It is Better to Be a Widow of a Hero Than a Wife of a Coward
