It had been such an awful night as I felt that it would ...ptc29/pages/writings/shortstory.…  ·...

Prince Titus Codjoe The Time Kings go to Battle THE TIME KINGS GO TO BATTLE Page 1 of 59

Transcript of It had been such an awful night as I felt that it would ...ptc29/pages/writings/shortstory.…  ·...

Page 1: It had been such an awful night as I felt that it would ...ptc29/pages/writings/shortstory.…  · Web viewThe sheep and the bear. It had been such an awful night as I felt that

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Prince Titus Codjoe The Time Kings go to Battle

The sheep and the bear

It had been such an awful night as I felt that it would probably be my last. The

whole cell smelled of a mixture of death and aloes. The writings on the wall didn’t help

my fate. “quel sera sera” was on one of the walls written with blood. The blood looked

like that of the bear I killed. I remembered it so well.

It happened on the morning when I had put the sheep out to pasture. I heard a

growl behind me as a bear emerged from no where. I could see hunger written all over its

face. It was the same smell that hour; a mixture of death and aloes. It intended to snatch

one of my dear sheep. It first took a glance at me and I realized it assumed I was no

match for it because it darted fearlessly towards the direction of where the sheep were

grazing. I started to run also throwing my stick at it in utter confusion. It stopped for a

second as it stared at me being the obstacle between my food and me. This time it

charged towards me not knowing that I was ready to fight for my friends. I grasped a long

knife from my bag and stood still praying in my heart and relying on my instincts to lead

me to victory. As the bear jumped on me I stretched my knife to meet the bear. On the

ground we both went with the bear on top of me but with time the tide turned and I came

on top. After some minutes of fighting, the bear gave out a loud cry of help and fell

motionless. The long knife had pierced the heart and it had fallen dead. I got up and

looked at the sheep and gave a sigh of relief to make sure that none was lost. The bear

was on the ground as blood was oozing out of the heart. It gushed out like a fountain

since it looked like the heart had not given up pumping the blood yet. That blood was

brownish red and so different from what I was used to seeing. It also seemed to propitiate

that smell the first time I saw it.

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My eyes fell on the bloody writing again on the prison walls. The writings on the

wall definitely were that from the blood of a bear. From the cell, I could even see a bear

skin on one of the walls adding beauty to a prison. “What irony,” I thought. There was

nothing good to write home about a prison anyway. This time I felt I would be at the

losing end as I continued to smell death and aloes all around me. I started to feel itches on

my bare feet when I realized that the prison floor had worms all over the place climbing

onto me. Then I began to reminisce, “light has evaded me this hour and I feel for the first

time darkness will win. “Does the king want to see me dead or want to kill me himself?”

What lied ahead of me I had no clue but I definitely knew it wasn’t going to be a good

one. Suddenly a beam swept across the prison room. “What was that?” My life started to

appear to me in flashes in my mind. If there was a turning point, it was the desert to

Apollonius. I could remember it so well…

On the Road to Apollonius

I had been sent by my father to deliver a message to my brothers. It was definitely

going to take me some days to get to the battle grounds of Apollonius, I envisioned as I

walked through the desert. How would Eldad react to this news? How would I have

reacted had it been me?” I kept thinking as I counted my last bread left in my bag. I

didn’t want to assume it would finish before reaching Apollonius. The thought of being

afraid of dying out of scarcity was something my father had always taught against;

negativity. “What I feared most would happen to me,” he used to say. Job endured crisis

not because God allowed it but because he has given us the choice. It is because he

allowed his fear to win. He sowed a seed of fear of losing all what he had and it

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happened. I couldn’t afford to think about hunger and death. It was left with barely a

bottle of water and I had a day more journey to deliver the good news to my eldest

brother. I could see little insects flying across my face as I saw a scorpion scuttle right in

front of me. My strength was waning but I knew it was going to be tough from the

beginning moving from Likki. After about half a day walk, I heard war cries and shouts.

That was strange because they were not shouts of my people. “Long live the King! Long

Live Chikata! Long live the Asantes! Those words kept echoing to and fro as I got closer

to the battle field. I had started crawling but thank God it was dark and I had less energy

to lose. Who in the world is Chikata? Is that another name for Gyro, the king of the

Fantes? Had my people lost this battle? That would be the first time in our 100 year

history of such a thing. Once again, I refused to let my mind ponder over defeat. I didn’t

want my fear to override my destiny like Job did. At that moment my thoughts were on

my survival.

I felt the lightning flash my eyes again and I realized I was at the verge of death in

prison. That was definitely the turning point. Oh, how I wished I had died that day; I

wouldn’t have to feel worms climbing all around me. M-e N-y-a-m-e! M-e N-y-a-m-e! I

shouted as I looked up to heaven. My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me? Why

have you brought me this far to leave me? I felt in my spirit I was paying for past sins I

had committed. My experiences had been a mixture of good and bad. I had learned many

things the hard way and I felt it was time to repay, there was no hope. Bible says that

whatever a man sows, that shall he reap; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together,

running over will be meted out to the one.

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Maybe memories of Apollonius were actually good ones but after crossing the

Osaka desert and seeing the battlefields for the first time, I knew I had a future there.

After seeming defeat, I got to Apollonius and I realized the war had not even started. The

grasses were still green and the sky didn’t smell of blood. This was my first time on a

battle field and it was indeed noisy. My next mission was to find Eldad and give him the

news, pack my baggage with fresh food and leave as early as possible to send a reply to

my father. I started to ask around for my brothers when I was directed to the stations of

one of them. I told him the news and with all eagerness and excitement, we left to find

Eldad since he knew where he was. I began to ask how things were going when he began

to tell me the story of a weapon the Asantes had built that seemed undefeatable.

That two headed beast is even hideous to look at and it really takes so much guts

to stare at it to make a decision to even fight it, my brother said.

Reluctant to tell me, he kept asking about home and I was excited to tell him about home:

the sheep, grandpa, grandma, father and what was going on in the towns. It had been

months since they had come home and I was happy being his only source of information

to this. As we got to Eldad’s station, there was a loud gong as a beast, ten feet tall, two

faced, hairy chest with hard breasts stood at the middle of the field. “What in the world is

that?” I stared. It smelled ridiculous like the smell of death and aloes…


Death and aloes! That smell was getting too strong in the cell and I knew that

didn’t mean my good. I wished it would leave me. That smell had never brought fortune

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my way. I held the bars of the prison doors as my mind resurfaced towards Lois and

Monique. I had learned a lot out of love. I had learned a lot just knowing them. My early

years of life had been an experiment which had produced devastating results. These

memories kept creeping up into mind. Lois had died and Monique had been taken away

to a far country. At this point in time, it all didn’t matter as my death was near.

Lois was one of the most brilliant girls I had ever known. Born from a rich family

and mild at heart, she had everything at her disposal. She was the first among many

children. Her plump face brought out the beauty in her resembling her mother so much. I

first saw her at the town square. Her beauty dazzled me. Her smile excited my spirit and I

knew I wanted to know more about who she was. I hid myself the first day because I was

shy but I mastered courage the second time to approach her.

“Hello, my name is Melchiot and who are you?”

“I am Lois”, she replied.

The voice sounded like smooth waters rushing over a cliff. The voice was able to dazzle

and melt even the hardest of hearts. Definitely that voice was different from the gruff

growl that seemed to haunt me anywhere I went…grrrr! I could hear the cheetah’s voice

again. As a young man, with animal killing exploits, the same memories that haunted

mighty men of war haunted me too. Sometimes, I could hear and see the wild animals in

my dreams. The sound of this cheetah would never leave me after I had killed it for a


It happened in the meadows one day with the sheep when I heard a growl behind

me. I turned and didn’t see anything even though I knew I had heard something. Then, I

turned to make sure none of the sheep had gone astray. I counted and realized I couldn’t

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find one of them. Immediately, I guided them all to a safe place under the care of another

shepherd and went in search for the lost sheep. I could hear its bleating grow fainter so I

doubled my pace till I met a cheetah grasping the neck of the lamb. Melchiot threw a

stone at the cheetah. From nowhere, two other cheetahs arrived to aid the first cheetah. I

looked around and grabbed a long rod on the ground and dashed towards the cheetah with

the lamb. As I dashed towards it, one of the cheetahs pounced on me but I hit it to the

ground with the stick and it started howling hurt on the ground. I attacked the second

cheetah the same way as it also pounced on me next till it also fell down. The cheetah

with the lamb let go and dashed into the forest. “You, lazy bones; come let’s fight, you

vagabond!” I was used to talking to animals then. It looked stupid but I knew they

understood me. The other two cheetahs trotted sorrowfully to whine about their hunger

and wait in search for another prey. I returned the wounded lamb back to the flock to take

care of it till it got better.

Amidst Lois mentioning her name, I could hear grrr!” I could hear it again. “I am

Lois.” I could hear that too. I was ready to hear the voice over and over again. Maybe that

would help me get rid of that haunting voice in my ears, I thought. I engaged in

conversation with her as her beauty and voice was so tantalizing to let go of. What was

beauty to me at that young age? I may not have known but I had come to the conclusion

that it was worth exploring. Her idea of being and presence motivated me to come to the

town square every time. I used the town square debates as an excuse to leave for town as

I enjoyed my times with her learning to know her more. I got to know about her plan to

go to girls’ school, about her brothers, her rich father and most of all about what she liked

and didn’t like. Each day, I knew I was feeling something within me which I didn’t know

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what it was? I could stare up in the skies just smiling to myself when I was alone? Is that

what they called love? I had started day dreaming a lot till I met another angel, Monique.


On one of those days strolling around in the town center, I met Monique. Maybe

both Lois and Monique were angels but the exquisiteness, gorgeousness and

magnificence of Monique broke all my defenses the first time I saw her. I actually knelt

down the first time I saw her thinking she was a goddess in human form. “What are you

doing?” “My queen” I responded. She began to giggle as she asked me if I was alright.

Oh maybe I fooled and humiliated myself that day but what I saw I knew Lois didn’t

have. I gathered courage to say hello, introduce myself and start a conversation with her.

She was on her way running errands for her mum who used to sell mutton at the market

place. That alone was a byline to maintain a conversation with this queen if she really

wasn’t one like she claimed she wasn’t. Fortunately that was after I had gone to see Lois

so I knew there was no way I would meet Lois on the way. Like a routine, I would go

around with her also to help her with errands so that I could get to know her more.

Monique wasn’t from a rich family like Lois was but she sure was more responsible and

more beautiful. I wouldn’t get her to spend so much time with me but those few times I

spent with her on her errands made me like her a lot. I learned to be focused and

responsible from her. To her, family came first because that was all that she had. She

knew her part to play in establishing peace at home; she had to be obedient at all times.

Then I heard the sound of thunder behind the prison bar, boogam! What a sound?

It made my hairs stand on my head and for a second, it made me forget I was in the

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prison room. Such thunders can cause havoc. I had had a fair share of them in my life. As

a matter of fact, they had started all the trouble for me; thunders and lightning. One

shows you the way and one confuses you of the way. Sometimes I would wonder why

God created both. He seemed to have a purpose for everything but these two actually

seemed meaningless to me. They brought back sad memories. It made me remember that

night when chaos either struck my life of that of my two beloveds.

When my love grew

Lois would ask us to go out into the fields to spend sometime alone away from

everybody. I agreed and I could tell that as young people, we were feeling something

inexplicable even though I was feeling it with Monique also. On the first day she asked, I

waited for her after market day and we darted into the woods happily to explore the night.

As we stood together in our secret place, with the sound of the crowd so far away, I

would take her hand and it always felt like home. It seemed like we both understood that

we belonged to each other. It seemed we both had dreams to fly together. I would look in

her eyes and she would look in mine. Her words seemed to mean never to leave her and

make her unhappy “Let’s take tonight to carry us through the lonely times when we go

home,” I would tell her. We would start singing slowly to ourselves as we started to

dance and kiss, dancing and kissing like there was no tomorrow. I knew we would

treasure such moments anytime till we had them again. “Just close your eyes and I will be

in your dreams.” Her eyes were closed and she hummed and danced with me all night.

That was a night of many nights to come I spent with her all by ourselves. Our love for

one another grew.

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However I still felt that same love for Monique. I would go with Monique to the

same spot in the woods and spend time intimately with her also. Maybe I knew what I

was doing was unfair to both of them and intentionally wanted to enjoy my youth as

much as possible. I would always quote from the Bible which said “Rejoice, young man,

during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood.

And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes…” I tried to enjoy my

youth as much as possible but I had forgotten the last words of that verse which said “…

Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things.” We would talk about

the things we wanted to do to each other when we grew up and married. We would talk

about our fantasies and our dreams and we will dance and kiss all night. Sexual

intercourse was forbidden and if found out was tantamount to ostracism. Many times we

had been tempted to go on that front but Monique would always bring me back to reality.

The tree came tumbling down

Hardly did it occur to me that Lois was actually going to our secret place with

someone else. One day I had planned to go with Monique and from far away, I could see

people holding each other in their arms right where we liked to stand hidden from

everyone. When I got closer, the girl looked so much like Lois to me. They turned

towards our direction kissing and that made me hide. I told Monique we had to leave. She

didn’t understand why because we could definitely go somewhere else there but I insisted

we had to leave.

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“This is a large place; we can definitely find somewhere else. I can’t come all this

far to go back just because of two other lovers?” She said.

I had already made my route to the house as she began to follow. I didn’t care so much

about me finding out she was cheating as she finding out that I was cheating. I had a

reputation to keep. I left the place with a mixed feeling of rage and fortune as I held

Monique’s hand back to our houses.

It started raining so heavily that fateful day as we walked home. The thunders

began to roar and it looked like we had found ourselves in a very great storm. Being

already night didn’t help us at all as it seemed darker and more difficult to hear anything

or beating the wind’s force felt insurmountable. We had to seek shelter somewhere

because the ground was so muddy that walking or running in it could make you slip.

There seemed to be no shelter anywhere as we seemed to be quite far from the town. My

mind started to wonder about what Lois and the other boy were probably hiding now. On

looking around and moving closer to town, we saw a building that looked deserted to us

and seemed our only choice for shelter. It was a hut built with mud. It didn’t have a door

and it looked risky of stray wild animals but that was our only choice. The lightning and

thunder kept roaring and we heard a tree fall behind the heart. It was so noisy and I could

sense that Monique was so much afraid. I looked at her and I knew I didn’t want her to

get hurt. I was hopeful that we would get home safely. My Bible said “the eyes of the

Lord ranged throughout the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts were committed

to him.” I needed strength at that point in time and I knew he would give it me. The wind

began to take over as the rains subsided and it uprooted another tree that came tumbling

upon the hut we had sought shelter in.

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Boom! We felt the roof coming down towards us. At that point in time, all what I

could remember was God and Monique. I grabbed her to run out quickly out of the hut

but the roof fell on her feet and she broke her feet. I was out first so unharmed but I

couldn’t leave her there. I started to shed tears as I heard her shout for help. The leg was

stuck under the roof with the tree on top and I had to come up with something. At that

point, all what I could remember was the God I worshipped. The roof was made of

kreketu, a mixture of bamboo, palm leaves and a metallic substance that could prevent

anything from invisible smell and physical rain from entering a room. Kreketu could

actually cut through flesh due to its metallic nature. That frightened me more as I

comforted her and asked her not to worry. She was crying and moaning out of pain.

“Why did this not happen to me instead, not this beautiful one?” She seemed too perfect

for something like this to happen to her. I took away the first kreketu plate on her and my

fingers were drenched in blood. It had cut through her flesh and that made me frightened.

I was weak but all of a sudden I felt strong. I pulled out the second kreketu on top of her

with all the strength I had amidst the wailing. The wind was still blowing so hard and

another tree falling was imminent. Monique was more important to me at that time than

me dying myself. I knew it was going to be fine because my Bible said so but we had to

go through it. If God had taken me to it, then he would definitely take me through it; that

was my encouragement.

I was able to free her leg and lifted her up in my arms. The wind was blowing

more than ever and our only shelter had been destroyed by the wind. Lightning struck and

I saw where I was heading to as it was so dark. In some few minutes, Boogam! I heard

the thunder again. I nearly dropped Monique to run. That seemed like right behind me. It

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was usually a ten minute walk to the closest house but in this wind it would take three

times that. I was not ready to make her lose any more blood. This was so much for me to

bear. I prayed and asked God to save her as I continued crying too. Little by little I got

closer to the town. My mind was so overcrowded that there was no room even to think

about what happened to Lois and the other person. That would come later.

Krrrk! The thunder struck again and I realized I had been lost in thoughts and

memories for the last half hour. Damn it, the worms were still crawling higher up my legs

and I didn’t even have the urge to clean them off. I would die in the hands of animals

than in the eyes of someone I had helped. My memories were what were keeping me

alive. I was taking solace in the ones who made my heart tick throughout my whole life

till that point. The thunder certainly brought bad memories. Hearing it again in prison had

cemented by beliefs in thunders. They shall never be any good to me. There in prison

about to die, with worms climbing all over me, the last thing I was expecting to hear was

thunder so large a camel would seek shelter in the eye of a needle. With such things

around, I would always be reminded of bad luck. Why couldn’t my last days be one to

remember? Remember? I was about to die. What was there to remember? There I

understood why it was said that the richest places in the world were the cemeteries, my

father used to say. Many ideas that could make people rich have been buried forever;

mines of gold lay buried never to be excavated. Boogam! I heard it again.

The fate of the ones I loved

Boogam! I got to the first house in sight carrying Monique and knocked on the

door. When they opened and saw Monique in my hands with blood all over her feet, they

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took her from my hands and took her into the cozy room. They immediately started

working on the leg as I stared and watched. Then did it occur to me that I wouldn’t have a

good answer if they had asked me where I found her. I had to run away some way. It was

highly unacceptable for teenagers to be doing what we were doing. It would be a disgrace

to our families. I could only think of absconding at that point in time. “Where did you

find her?”

I was gone. I had taken off and running towards home. I was not ready to answer

any questions. I could smell the sand that had been blown up by the wind. That was the

smell of the bear I killed in the meadows once. It smelled like death and aloes. I was

afraid because it made me think someone was going to die but I was hopeful Monique

was going to be safe. It was dark all around me and it seemed even the clouds were

succumbing to the wind. I had not experienced such a pitfall in my life before and it made

me wonder if this was what life was all about. Monique had fainted and I knew there

were people who would probably come and search for me if something bad should

happen to her.

In a time where the weather was unpredictable, things like this were bound to

happen. Boogam! I heard one right in from of me as I ran home. I think it was telling me

to stop and return to her. I halted for a while, looked behind me. “Melchiot, you are doing

the right thing. She is in good hands.” I began to run again. It would take me a while to

get home as I fought with the wind. Bible talks about the signs of the end of age but it

seemed to me that these were always signs that accompanied something terrible was

going to happen. I had developed these superstitions concerning my whole life so far.

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The killing of the gigantic beast

I felt so miserable as I looked all around me in prison and on my legs. With my

hand, I eventually cleared the worms of me. I could do myself a favor of prolonging my

death a little bit. Once you have breath, you have hope of living, my Bible would say. I

had believed it till now and I would do myself some favor still believing it though I knew

there was no chance of survival. How could I be brought so low as this? Two months

before, I was basking in glory with the King himself. What happened, O God? Memories

of the hours before glory stared at me right in my eyes. It looked like the prison had for a

reason suddenly turned to light and I realized I was on the grounds at Apollonius.

I stared at the hideous beast once more as I asked once again why it seemed the

battle had not started. “No one can fight it, Melchiot. He is said to wound ten warriors at

a strike. No one stands a chance. This is the eighth day and neither Gyro nor Caiaphas

has a clue what to do but to concede defeat without fighting.” Caiaphas was the great

commander of the armed forces of the whole Fante tribe. It is said that he alone was able

to kill three lions with his bare hands. Never had the Fantes conceded defeat in his regime

as the commander. If he and a great warrior as the king were out of ideas, then it meant

our freedom lied in jeopardy.

At that moment, some questions started stirring up in my head: when the Hittu

walls came down, everyone attributed it to God. When our people conquered the great

indomitable Gonja army, everyone attributed it to God. What made them afraid this time?

If what my father sat down to tell me always about our history and our God was true,

what was happening? Whether in battle or as a civilian, I was bound to die if these

Asantes won anyway. Known for their cruelty and thirst for blood, they would kill rather

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than make slaves. I decided to give it a try. I had the belief that I would come out

victorious. I told my brother my intentions and he scolded me for demeaning them.

“I was just trying to offer help. What is there to prove?” I said.

I had irritated him as he told my other brothers of my intentions. They stared at me as if I

had just emerged from the womb of a woman for the first time.

“Have you considered what will happen to father if he hears we made you kill

yourself?” They said.

I think father will be wondering why none of his children on a day like this will

deny the God he had talked to us so much about? Don’t you remember the day the

Hittu walls went down? Don’t you remember the indomitable Gonja army? Don’t

tell me you have forgotten? I want you to allow me to go and fight this beast who

the Lord will toast anyway, I retorted.

I talked with so much importunity but that made them ponder on their smallest brother’s

cryptic talk and they finally agreed to let me see the king.

That was how I got to meet the king; the one who craves my heart’s destruction

right now, the one who can’t even stare at me out of jealousy and guilt. He laughed when

I told him I wanted to fight the beast. To me, he was laughing at God because he didn’t

believe even God could kill this beast. I was persistent as I cajoled him to my impending

death. I didn’t believe that I could kill the beast that I was sure of but I believed God

could kill the beast and he was still with his people. That was what the king didn’t

understand. It was Caiaphas who talked the king into accepting. He was huge seven feet

high as he turned his head low to look at me: the great commander of the hosts of the

Fantes. He whispered something to the king and then they left into the secret room. It is

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said that only two groups of people ever went into that room: kings and commanders. The

king came back smiling and told me I could go. Now I knew I didn’t want to go. His

smile sounded fishy and I wondered what they had planned to do.

I grabbed my lucky knife; the one I slay the bear with, wore the soldier’s apparel I

was given and set off to battle. I heard the gong again as there was going to be an

announcement that a warrior was going to take on the beast. Word had already spread in

the Fante camp that a young man from, Likki, one of the Fante villages was ready to fight

the beast. I smelled aloes and death again and then I knew there was trouble.

I heard a loud roar as the gates to the cage was opened and something jumped out.

It looked happy to be out and then I saw water drip out of its mouth. It looked at me and

looked around it to probably see how full it would be after its meal. It took a step forward

and I could hear the ground shake. It took three more steps and the whole ground shook

as if there was an earthquake. It carried it’s sword in its mouth and it wore a helmet on its

horns. It had such a hideous sight like it was a beast filled with legion. It started running

towards me and swung its sword in my direction but I jumped quickly from its direction.

I opened my legs, bent my body, held my long knife, stared at it and poised ready for my

next move. It swung again and I dived farther from it. The sound of the sword hitting the

ground could rip any flying bird of its feathers; the air around that sword could cut in

itself. For the next hour, it was a war of swing and dodge and getting to the one hour

mark, I had gained more confidence and knew I could win this.

On the other hand, the last two battalions in the Fante army were sneaking behind

the Asantes as they enjoyed the battle between the beast and I. It wasn’t even a battle. I

would definitely be toast in a while. Never did I know what the king and the commander

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had planned to do was to outsmart the Asantes by attacking them on both frontiers in

their time of distraction. It was definitely a good plan. Krrrgh! The sound of his sword hit

a stone. I knew for sure this beast wasn’t smart. That was only what it could and had been

taught to fight. After an hour, it was getting tired and I was now regaining confidence and

strength. There I remembered what Bible said that those that waited on God would renew

their strength and that they would walk and not faint; run and not go weary and soar like

eagle. I felt in my spirit I was ready to soar like one over this beast. Krrgh! And this time

I somersaulted to a point in between its legs and then I swung my knife and cut both legs

till something liquid started coming out. I jumped to a safer place as I met another swung.

Uuugh! That’s not blood? It was a black smelly thick liquid. I had no clue of what this

beast was made and fed on but it looked more hideous now that it had ever. It seemed to

be losing grasp of itself. I felt like an eagle already. We had gone two hours before

striking first and the beast was so frustrated I could see. Krrgh! I jumped again and

somersaulted and cut the same two places to deepen the wounds. There and then it lost

control of its legs and fell on its knees. Krrgh! This time I was cut. I had missed the

sword but the air around me had cut me. I had lost focus because I was rejoicing inward

already of victory. It then occurred to me that I was taking victory from God and giving it

to myself already before the fight was over. I fell down and got up quickly from another

blow; all this while the beast was swinging on its knees.

After two and a half hours, the Fante soldiers had secretively aligned themselves

waiting for signal to attack with or without the death of the beast. It then occurred to me

that I had been used as bait for the plan. They knew I was going to die but if I could while

away time for them to assemble themselves for bloodshed. I moved farther away from the

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beast as it was losing control of the legs. I took my long knife and with a good aim, I

threw it towards the beast. It pierced right at the forehead as it penetrated into the

dividing asunder of the brain and cranium and out at the back. It fell down dead. God had

won this battle for us. I ran towards it, pulled out the sword and cut his head at a swing. It

was huge. I lifted it towards the people which signified victory.

I then lifted my hands and held a prison bar for support. I wished I could have the

spirit to soar again like an eagle as I said to myself in the prison. I didn’t know where that

strength came from but it had left me. I was fainting and I wasn’t even walking. I was

wearied already and I wasn’t even running. I felt deserted and miserable. Definitely not

like that day I killed the beast. That day was one of joy and not one of sorrow. What is

the king really planning against me? How is he planning to kill me? Is he planning to kill

a hero like me before the people or he shall secretly do it? Why was he keeping me here

to have all these strange nightmares of death? And that smell, it keeps coming. It’s so

acute. Oh God, let aloes prevail this time over death I prayed. What could I do anyway? It

was the same God who I knew had brought me this far. Many questions clouded my mind

like the first day I stepped on the ground to face the beast.


The Asantes Vanquished

My joy of victory as I lifted the head up high on the battlefield brightened the sky

immediately. The odor of defeat was gone. The Asantes turned back and started to run for

their lives including the king when they met the rear guard of Fantes ready to fight. The

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order was given and then it was war time. From all four sides, they had been trapped

none of them ever to live to tell their story. It reminded me of the time in the Bible when

God vanquished the whole Egyptian army by drowning them all in the red sea. That day

was victory for God and I thought it would be the beginning of forever happy days to


It didn’t look like it as my life seemed over already from this king I knew deeply

in me I had not offended in anyway. The prison door opened and then I was asked to

come out by one of the guards. These guards had all sang my name one time or the other.

Today, they looked at me in hate. He pushed me out of the prison. I sighed to myself,

“They had once sung my name. What treachery?” At that point in time I had learned not

to ever dwell on the praises of men. How much one could exude pride when everyone

sings your name? It then dawned on me why Bible championed humility as the reason for

success in life. God could only work with such people.

I was carried on their shoulders after the victory at Apollonius as the battle songs

began. “Long live the God of the Fantes! Long Live the King! Long Live the Commander

and Long Live Melchiot!” They sang their songs and jubilated throughout. The Asantes

had been woefully conquered by the master class of a brave young man, a warrior at

heart. I was brought before the king who looked at me in awe. I was happy but I hated

them not giving God credit for my victory. I was just a vessel he used to show his glory,

the same way He used Moses, Joshua, David and Gideon in the Bible as warriors to save

his people. The king placed his sword upon me and on that day pronounced me a member

of his army. Not only that but he placed me in charge of a battalion and to be trained by

Commander Caiaphas himself. I was also granted the honor to live in the palace with the

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king. That was the highest position anyone could receive in the kingdom, an opportunity

to dine with the king each night.

I thought that day would be the beginning of greatness to come. Unlike being

pushed reluctantly out of prison and walking through the dungeon to be slaughtered if

even that would befit a death of a once sang hero. Words couldn’t describe what I

thought was going to be the way I died. It was too gross for me to even think about. The

prison guard pushed me again and I stumbled upon something and fell down. Thump! I

could feel myself on top of these worms. I couldn’t fight back out of shock that I was

really ending up like this. I then questioned what Bible meant when it said that no eye

had seen, nor had ear heard, nor had it entered the heart of man what God had planned for

those who loved him. I began to shed tears as strong as I was. God had planned my death

this way. I thought that they were plans always for my good and not to harm me but this

seemed that it was meant for my harm. I got up and looked at the guard again. I was filled

with anger and pity. Anger because there was nothing I had done to be treated by one of

such low caliber and secondly his eyes told me they were things he didn’t want to do.

Those eyes…

Many of such eyes stared at me when we got back to town after the victory at

Apollonius. The women began to sing my name. “Gyro killed humans; Melchiot killed

giants” These words were resounded almost everywhere I went. They had been written

on walls wherever people got a chance to see me. I had turned into a celebrity because I

had faith in God. That was unbelievable. We were all as Fantes entreated by the priest to

uphold God first and trust him in all our doings. That was my secret and I had tried to

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propagate it as much as possible that it didn’t seem a secret to me anymore. Everywhere I

went I saw happy eyes; eyes that stared at me and ones that turned away.

The King planned to throw a party to commemorate the thrashing of the great

Asante army. I had been invited as the special guest of honor for the occasion. Many

things had gone into the organization of the party as it seemed that it represented the

greatest victory of King Gyro. It was to be held in the great gardens of Kalamusa.

Kalamusa was the first king of the Fantes. The garden was filled with flowers of diverse

assortments. The fragrance the flowers produced could fill the whole palace with awe.

The best cooks of the land were called to put their heads together in celebration of this

event. The head of the giant I killed was fixed to the top of the tree where I was going to

sit. I could see three big chairs. I assumed the king, queen and the commander would sit

on them. These men were described as mighty men of war and valor. I had been ascribed

that title also. The long awaited party began as servers walked the place serving assorted

dishes. I got the grilled monkey eye which was my best hors d’oeuvres served that night

though I tried the others. It was a night of singing and dancing as the palace choir sang

and various popular musicians sang to entertain the king in his highest honor. It was the

time of the formal declaration of the special honor. After the pronunciation of the honor,

the shouts were unbelievable as the song started “the king killed humans; Melchiot killed

giants.” That was the first time the king had heard it and he didn’t seem to have taken it

lightly. People danced as the musicians sang the song. I enjoyed the whole evening of

merry making.

There was so much noise in the gardens. I tripped on something and it became so

quiet and dark. That was when I realized I was still in prison ready to face my death. That

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was indeed a happy day. I started singing to myself but out of my mouth came songs of

sorrow. “Silence”, the guard commanded. “You will need the last energy you have left.”

Energy! I had lost so much energy. It had been a whole day since I had eaten and my

strength was waning. I looked at what I was wearing and it reminded me of the king’s

pursuit of me.

The Day I Fled

The king had pursued me for almost two weeks now to kill me and my garments

looked tattered. He had not taken it lightly with me and feared I would overthrow him as

king as it seemed the people liked me more than him. A week after the party had been

held for me, he was diagnosed of the palace herbalist of demon attacks and he

recommended rest and music particularly the xylophone to be played for him to help cure

him. I was picked to play for him in his room. I was called in there one day and with an

innocent conscience I knocked on the door. The door suddenly opened by itself and I

went in. I realized the king was in bed and that there was a spear by his side.

Unknowingly, I took my place behind the xylophone with my back facing the king. I

started to play and with the king in bed I started to hear sighs of relief from his bed

behind me. I realized it was working. I kept playing just to make the king happy and

serve him also. As I played, the book I was looking into dropped onto the floor and I

bended to pick it up. Kling! I looked up and a spear had penetrated into the xylophone. I

turned and the king was about to grab another one. I darted out of the room and straight

into mine. I grabbed a cloak and run out.

Where was I heading to I had no idea? Many thoughts began to flood my mind

like a waterfall overflowing its bank. Did the king intend to kill me? I thought he was my

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friend. I decided to go home to Likki and hide and tell my father the whole story. I

needed someone to guide me in this instance and my father would be the best person to

do that for me. It started to rain as I kept running towards home. These were fine showers

that anybody would like to just lie in to dissolve all their problems away. I wanted to do

that also but I was afraid the king was probably riding behind me to kill me. I got home

and went straight to see my father.

Father how are you doing?

“I am fine my son. I have missed you so much. What brings you to Likki?” my

father asked.

I just came to visit my father because I have missed him so much. I am missing

food at home. The food in the palace is too exotic for my liking. How are my


“They should all be fine this afternoon. I haven’t seen Eldad today and I presume

he is with his wife. He has grown so much fond of the baby,” my father said.

We lived in a big round fenced compound with eight buildings each with about four

rooms. All my brothers lived together and I was the only one not at home because I had

relocated to the king’s palace.

That baby looks so much like him. He was definitely going to get fond of him, I


“I know, my son. It reminds me when your mother had you. You looked so much

like me and I took deep liking in you,” my father said.

I love you too father and I will always love you.

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“My son, you seem to be shaking. Is it the rain? You should be dried up by now.

What is wrong?” my father asked.

Nothing father. I just came here on a normal visit.

“Hmm, are you sure? You came here last week and it usually takes you a while

before I see you again. You will never visit me in rain. I know you this long to

know that you want my advice on something,” my father bellowed.

Have they been treating you well? I hope they get the time for you like I used to.

“They do and I’m fine but you have still not answered my question,” said my


The king wants to kill me. He is after my life and I don’t know what I have done.

“How can you not know what you have done? To every action, there is an equal

and opposite reaction. You should definitely have an idea,” my father startled.

I think he has grown jealous of me. I think it is because people have started

praising me more than him and he is afraid they will make me king.

My father stared at me and couldn’t fathom the thought that the king was after his most

beloved son.

“Have you talked to Caiaphas about it? Do you think he also wants your life?

I don’t think Caiaphas should have a problem with that. I am just afraid that the

king will pollute him before I talk to him also.

“Why don’t you quickly talk to him then and give your version of the story and

let us pray that God helps you. Send one of your men with this message that you

want to meet with him privately,” said my father.

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Immediately I sent one of my messengers to send the message. We would meet in

Appollonius. That seemed the only place the king wouldn’t probably go around this time.

In my father’s house, I was shaking all over.

I was still shaking as I went through the long dungeon with my hands and legs

fettered; I walked slowly. With two guards behind me and the order not to sing, I moved

silently. I couldn’t afford to not shake because I had lost control of my nerves. For the

first time I could see that God had left me. Suddenly, I felt peace in my heart and I didn’t

worry any more. I couldn’t even think about my impending doom. I was just thinking

about my father in heaven. The dark alley couldn’t explain that peace that had suddenly

filled me but it was like the days after I had returned Monique into good hands.

The end of Lois and Monique

Two days after leaving Monique to be catered for, I felt the urge to go and see her

again. Those were times of peace in spirit knowing she was fine. The brightness of the

sky and a glimpse of hope brightened those days. She had lost blood but there was the

possibility that she would survive and that made me so happy. I told my father what had

happened after two days of mind debates and in his wisdom, he told me it was alright.

The next day we went to see her at where I left her and I wasn’t afraid because I knew my

father was with me. I saw Monique’s parents there as they had come to take her home.

“There is the boy who brought her.” The father stared at me with suspicion and anger but

the mother looked at me in gratitude. “What were you planning to do?” the father asked. I

was scared but my father took him to the side and talked to him. Apparently, Monique

had told them everything and how much I was a help to her but the father thought my

intentions were really not angelic like the daughter thought. I was happy to hear she was

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awake and she was ok. My father talked on my behalf. He would never let anyone touch

his beloved son if even he was in the wrong. I got to speak to her and I was so happy. I

was filled with so much peace and joy. My strength had not fainted that night. Bible said

we should call unto him and he would answer and show us great and unsearchable things

we would never think of. I called unto him that night and he did answer. I was grateful to

him for everything. Her smile mesmerized me even though she looked weak. Apparently

she had not said we were lovers and for the first time, I knew I loved her more than Lois.

It then occurred to me that I didn’t know the whereabouts of Lois. What had happened to

her? I had never been to the town center after the incident so I had not seen her.

The brightness in my life was about to shatter when I heard the story of Lois’ fate.

That night, they couldn’t make it back to the village before they were swept away by the

villainous wind that took us also. The muddy ground had not helped her too. A search

was proclaimed for her and the other boy I found them with as they had not been seen for

two days. Their bodies were found at the confluence of River Abanga, the main river

used by my town. The storm had caused havoc in my town which would take days to

recover. My heart throbbed at the news of their funeral as I began to weep within me

because I felt guilty. I could have saved them had I confronted her that night. Maybe she

would have returned with me. I could also have died also since in anger we left earlier.

That saved Monique and I. Tears dropped from my eyes as I read her obituary. I could

have saved her I kept saying to myself. At least I was able to save Monique; I kept

encouraging myself with that even though I felt guilty. It was going to be a hole that

would be created in my life forever because I had feelings for her too though I knew now

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that I loved Monique. The thought of doing something like this and dying without

knowing made me feel guilty. My mood became dark and gloomy.

All of a sudden, I could feel pains in my neck so I rotated it. Then I realized I was

still walking in the dungeon which felt like forever. It was as dark and gloomy as the day

I heard about her death. I had learned my lesson on faithfulness and guilt and I vowed to

stay faithful to Monique. A door came into view as we continued walking. My heart

throbbed once more as I felt in me that my heart wanted to beat for a last time before it

gave up my ghost. One guard moved in front of me and opened the door and beckoned

me to follow as I did. I was taken into a room. I was pushed into the room and

blindfolded. I could hear whisperings in the other room as I was left there blindfolded and

tied. Were they trying to figure out a way to kill me more or less painfully? These were

people who had once praised my name. The darkness brought so much uncertainty to me

like when the king started to pursue me.

I was so uncertain about what the king wanted to do next. That evening when the

cockerels had gone to sleep in Likki, I left for Apollonius to meet Caiaphas who I was

sure would be on my side. When I got there, he had already tied his horse and had started

a fire waiting for me. I had built my friendship with Caiaphas who kept telling me that I

was the one who was to replace him when he couldn’t go to war anymore. He loved me

with the love of a father and I poured out my woes to him.

“I have never been disloyal to the king. I have always stood by him and that is

how I have made myself a mighty man,” Caiaphas said. “This thing you have told

me is indeed hard.”

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I wished I had not fought the giant the first place. All this wouldn’t have


“Stop saying that. That was victory the Lord gave the Fantes through you. The

period of war and the period after war are two different things and I have learned

that over many years,” Caiaphas said.

So what should I do?

“What you are asking me is indeed hard because he will send me after you,” said

Caiaphas. “I can’t let you kill my king but I will always give you a step ahead of

his plans to kill you. I would definitely know someway somehow. He told me he

would set off to Likki tomorrow. I had no idea he was in pursuit of you,” He


He suggested I moved two towns from Likki and wait there with some of my men

for a signal to move on. We held hands and hit each other’s chest as a way of greeting

and friendship. I left with that uncertainty as I am blindfolded now. Oh the heart of man

is desperately wicked and will never be grateful.

Back in the dark room, blindfolded I began to smell something burning. That was

when it occurred to me that it had been planned for them to burn me alive. A man of such

achievement it was unfair to die such a treacherous and cruel death. My head was worth

beheading and not suffer to die. I was being killed like a criminal who had murdered

many in the time of peace. My heart began to cry out for my beloved who because I was

running never got to see her again, Monique.

The thought of Monique changed the beating rhythm of my heart. On that bright

sunny day, on her bed, I told her what I was doing at her back with Lois. Later I told her

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what had happened to her and it made me feel so bad. She stared at me in a way I had

never seen.

I hate you. If anybody not that beast!

She turned her face to the wall and wouldn’t talk to me again.

“What we went through together has made me see you in a different way now. I

love you and I am willing to repay all the hurt I have made you feel now.”

Repay me by leaving me alone, you cheat and scumbag.

I kept apologizing for my selfish behavior but all to no avail. I had no choice than

to leave her and give her time to assimilate the news. Maybe that was when my woes

started because I never got to see her again. The next time I went, I had been told that her

sickness had aggravated for a reason they didn’t know and she had been sent to see an

acupuncture doctor in a far away land. I knew I had caused this deterioration. I was now

going to be the cause of the death of these two most beautiful ladies I had ever known.

Tears rolled down my eyes all day when I knew I would probably not see her again and

that news would come of her death too. My heart began to fear. I told my father what had

happened and he watched me as his son hurt in heart.

Fear! That is one thing you don’t want to develop. Do you know why Job in the

Bible went through all those troubles and trials in his day?

No, father.

Bible says when Job got stricken with leprosy and had lost all, these were his

words, “what I feared most has happened to me.” My son, Job allowed all this

into his life because he sowed a seed of fear which the devil used in his favor. Do

you want her to die?

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No father.

Do you want to see her again?

Yes father.

Then my son, do not sow that seed of fear of not seeing her again. You might not

see her again. Believe you would see her again and in due season, you shall reap

if you faint not.

Even though I understood what he was saying quite well, it was so difficult, thinking that

I would probably not see her again for the rest of my life.

Conquered by the King

I began to cough in the dark as I struggled to set myself free. If there was one

thing, I prayed to God for it was to see my love again, that is, if she truly wasn’t dead.

From there, I would tell her I loved her and die but memories of my capture began to

flood my mind. I was totally outsmarted by the king. Caiaphas never knew the king

would send spies that fast to neighboring villages even before he left his palace. Word

had come to him that I had moved and when Caiaphas got to know he had already asked

men to prevent anyone from entering or leaving the town till he got there. I stayed there

thinking I was safe even though I was cautious. That was the day; I met the priest of our

tribe. He was the only one the king could not do anything to and could not be ordered by.

As God’s medium for us, he did what God told him to and not what any person would tell

him to. He took me to a room and anointed me saying: “Today, you have been anointed

to be the next king of the Fantes. The dynasty of Gyro has come to an end because he

disobeyed the Lord his God. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you, because he has anointed

you to preach good news to the poor. He has sent you to fight for freedom for the

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prisoners and release for the oppressed” As he poured the oil on me, I was rejuvenated

and felt the peace of God in me that surpassed anything I ever understood. I wasn’t afraid

anymore. “Go my son; your way shall be crooked but pass through, pass through the

gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones

and raise a banner for the nations. The Lord shall make straight the path for you”

I could hear the fire burning as I stood on the chair I was sitting on and started to

scream. I knew I would definitely not be king. It was hard for me to believe I would

escape death but for the first time, I knew a man who had beaten God. Don’t sow a seed

of fear, it will happen, my father’s words re-echoed in my head as I continued to place

faith in my God that something would happen. Blindfolded, tied and burning, where was

my hope? I couldn’t lose hope; the greatest disease anyone could ever have was to lose


The sun was still up when I understood why the king was actually pursuing me.

He knew I was going to be king and he wanted his son to be. The chants of the people

had just insinuated him to embark on this trail. The priest had made everything clear to

me. The priest left as I awaited the next message from Caiapahas as to what to do. As I

waited in my room, I was caught unawares when the king’s men forced themselves into

my room and arrested me. I was tied at the back as I was taken out of my hiding. I was

taken to the king. He stared at me and said, “Take this imbecile to the Afram prisons.” As

I was about to be taken word came that a remnant of a resurgent Asante army had

attacked the capital city unawares. The king knew he would need my services but he

decided to do it with his commander and other leaders of the various battalions.

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Free from Prison

As I struggled for life in the burning room almost at the verge of suffocation, I

heard the door open and I was lifted up as they ran out of the room. I was laid in the grass

still blindfolded and tied. I could hear familiar voices especially that of the priest who

was giving orders for my release. I felt so weak as I laid on the grass. The sun shone so

brightly in my eyes after the blindfold was removed and I was untied. I sat straight and

the first thing I did was to take a look at the effect of the worms on my leg back in the

prison. It was not that bad after all. It took me about 5 minutes to be able to see the

people around me as it took a while for my eyes to accept the new light. I had been in the

darkness for goodness knows how long. King Gyro was not there I realized and so was

Caiaphas. The priest looked at me and told me it was time. The king and his commander

had been killed in battle and I was the only one who could lead them to victory.

I stood up and some food was brought to me to enable me gain strength. It was

my favorite. I gobbled it up quickly and at the sound of the voices I was able to decipher

the two soldiers who led me into the burning room. I grabbed a knife and went straight to

the first one and pierced him with the knife. I rolled it to one side as his intestines came

out and blood gushed out of him. He held his belly and knelt down staring at me. “Sorry,

my king,” were his last words before he fell down and died. I knew I would definitely

meet the second voice one day as I wore my armor and prepared for battle. “Take him

away and give him to the vultures,” I commanded one of my soldiers who came to carry

him away. I jumped on my horse and setoff for Apollonius with my battalion to lead the

armies of the Fantes. There was bloodshed all over the place. Most of our people were

dead and it was left with about three hundred men against about thousand Asante men we

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had no clue where they had come from. It was then I understood their emblem: if you kill

a thousand, thousand shall come.

I mounted my horse and galloped in front of the assembled three hundred as I saw

fear of death in their faces. I told them, “A time is coming when your courage shall fail in

battle and you shall feel that God has deserted you but let it not be this day. A time is

coming when you shall have to leave your families and friends and be with our Father in

heaven but let it not be this day. I see in your eyes the love and fear of God that will take

my breath away. They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall soar

with wings as eagles. They shall ran and not go weary. They shall walk and not faint.

Even the young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that fight for him shall not lack

any good thing, which is what Bible says.

Are we the Lord’s?


Are we his people?


Are we going to walk, run and fight till we go weary?


Our God shall send angels with flaming swords to mount guard upon us today.

Holding all what you cherish on this good earth right in your hand, I proffer you to stand,

mighty men of Apollonius.


Spears were lifted high up. Swords were lifted high up. Shields were lifted high

up and I could see in the eyes of the people the desire to not accept retreat, not when our

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God was still with us. The three hundred started running outwards to face the Asante

army one last time.

Kling! Kling! Kling! Kling! Swords met in battle. There was bloodshed that day

as the people fought for what they felt was good. This was the hour they needed each

other most and the miraculous God did something great for the Fante people in those

three hours left for the day to fall. By night time, there were Asante heads all over the

place. There were spears all over the place. I was covered in blood; blood of warriors.

This was definitely a time that kings went to battle. My three hundred had been spared in

a time of battle. This was definitely the doing of God. I ordered the people to assemble

and gather the bodies of our enemies to be burned.

Early the next morning as we were still celebrating victory in the city, the priest

appeared with his horn. Everyone knew a new king was about to be instituted and they all

began to look at me. I heard someone whisper to someone behind me. I recognized that

voice; the second guard who wanted to kill me. I pulled out my knife, turned around saw

him and dug my knife into his belly. I rotated it in there till blood gushed out onto my

face and his intestines came out. He also knelt down and said “sorry, my king” before

dying. I left my knife in him as I went forward to meet the priest. “I have something to

say,” the priest said. “Always remember why King Gyro and Commander Caiaphas and

all the other thousand warriors died today? They died for being what a Fante stands for:

hope, love and faith. They wouldn’t wish tribute or song or poems of war or valor. This is

what they would wish that you remember. They died for these three greatest statutes and

we won for the same battle. We have not just conquered the Asantes again but we have

conquered heresies that shall one day infiltrate our camps and break the unity of our

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people. In all the countless years ahead of us, teach your children this day, when our

beliefs fought and won.

Today a king is born. Today a son has been given. The Lord has placed the

government upon his shoulders and he shall be the counselor of our people, the father of

our people and the propagator of what God stands for. He shall be a ruler of God’s

people. All spears be lifted up to the newly anointed king of the Fantes, MELCHIOT.

There and then, many memories came into my head. All the things I had gone through

were for this day: my sheep, my father, my brothers, my arrest, my friendships, Lois,

Monique. I understood what Bible now meant when it said that all things worked together

for good for them that loved him. I had done some wrong things here and there. I have

made wrong decisions. I have broken hearts but it was all for my good. As my thoughts

were overshadowed by the noise all around me, a tear dropped from my eyes. I had to

control it in front of my people. I lifted my hands up in agreement to the verdict proposed

by the priest. How, I wished Monique would see this.

The Return of the New King

We left Apollonius as the news spread of the new king; the giant killer. There was

great merry in the capital city as everyone welcomed the warriors who had fought for the

people came back with another victory in a short time against these barbarians. This

would be once and for all. As the people partied all day, I just thought about where my

heart was. Monique had taken my heart away.

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