IT Governance Introduction

IT Governance from the – Organisational Imperative Collection An Introduction Contents CIO Challenges Governance Definition IT Governance Challenge Symptoms of Ineffective Governance Measuring Effectiveness Governance Processes Designing Governance Next Steps


This is a brief overview of IT Governance issues and how to approach improving IT governance.

Transcript of IT Governance Introduction

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IT Governancefrom the

– Organisational Imperative Collection –

An Introduction

Contents CIO Challenges Governance Definition IT Governance Challenge Symptoms of Ineffective Governance Measuring Effectiveness Governance Processes Designing Governance Next Steps

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CIO Challenges

Revenue Increases






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What keeps the CIO up at night?

- It may not be what you think.Stories of phone calls at 3 a.m. that the network is down or that a critical customer interface has gone awry are part of the CIO’s daily grind. But in the changing world of today’s CIO where ‘keeping the lights on’ has become the price of admission, increasing focus on delivering business value drives new challenges in IT Governance.

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Governance – What is it?

In their highly regarded book “IT Governance” Peter Weill and Jeanne W. Ross define IT governance as:

“specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behaviour in

using IT”

This definition establishes a few key dimensions in which IT governance is understood, refined, and evolved.

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What is IT Governance?

IT Governance addresses three key management decisions:

Source: MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (CITR).

Management Decisions Governance Trade-Offs

What decisions need to be made?

Who has decision and input rights?

How are the decisions formed and enacted?

Enterprise scope vs. LOB scope

IT involvement vs. business involvement

All LOBs vs. some LOBs

Mix of required bodies, roles and processes (e.g. chargeback, service level management)

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The Challenge of IT Governance

Organisational Behaviour Current Desired

Governance Archetypes Business R&R IT R&R

Governance Mechanisms Decision making structures Alignment processes Communication Approaches

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Symptoms of Governance Ineffectiveness

Executives perceive lower than expected value fromIT investments

IT is a barrier rather than an enabler for New Strategies IT decisions are inconsistent and/or protracted. Management does not know how IT decisions are made. IT Projects are challenged to meet expected schedule,

budget, and/or functional requirements. Outsourcing is perceived as an alternative to in-house

IT delivery. IT Governance is fluid.

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Measuring Governance Effectiveness

Measuring performance of existing governance is often a prerequisite to understanding where the problem lies and should help identify suitable strategies for enhancing performance.Typical means of measuring effectiveness are through interviews and surveys to determine the organisational capability in the areas of: Governance Outcomes Success Measures Identify effective and ineffective areas of governance

Source: “IT Governance” by Peter Weill and Jeanne W. Ross

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IT Governance Processes

Original Framework Sourced from Gartner 9

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Designing Effective andEfficient IT Governance

“A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action.”

A basic or essential quality or element determining intrinsic nature or characteristic behavior…”

A rule or law concerning the functioning of natural phenomena or mechanical processes…”

The Guiding Principles are used in conjunction with the IT architecture, IT infrastructure, business application needs, and IT investment prioritisation to support the business to evaluate governance design alternatives and develop an overall design for the IT function.

Strategy Articulation RoadmapStrategy Articulation Roadmap

Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles

Design RequirementsDesign Requirements

Organizational StructureOrganizational Structure

Scope E2E ProcessesScope E2E Processes

Functional StructureFunctional Structure

Operational StructureOperational Structure

Conceptual ModelConceptual Model

Alternative DesignsAlternative Designs

Current State Organization BaselineCurrent State Organization Baseline

Enterprise IT Design

Functional and Operational Design

Basic ProcessesBasic Processes

E2E Process ModelE2E Process Model


Leading Practices

The guiding principles should directly reflect the strategic intent of the organization

The guiding principles should define the role of the organization design in supporting the strategy

Guiding principles should ideally be used to generate, evaluate and select design alternatives

Guiding PrinciplesGuiding Principles

Definitions are from

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Next Steps

Establish a Business Case for IT Governance IT Governance Maturity and Performance Assessment Establish the “Desired” State Define the IT Governance Improvement Plan Execute!