ISTQB Yazilim Testi Terimler Sozlugu

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Yazilim Testi Terimler Sozlugu

Transcript of ISTQB Yazilim Testi Terimler Sozlugu

  • Kaynak gsterildii takdirde kopyalanmas ve kullanm serbesttir.

    2014 Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei. Tm haklar sakldr.

    ISTQB Yazlm Testi Terimler Szl

    Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei Terimler Szl alma

    Grubu Tarafndan Trkeletirilmitir

    Versiyon 1.0

  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63



    ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board yazlm testi terimler szlnn

    Trkeletirme almasna katkda bulunan Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei terimler szl alma grubu yelerine

    burada tekrar teekkr etmek isteriz. Terimler szl alma grubu yeleri (alfabetik sraya gre):

    Bar Saraliolu

    Can zmztoprak

    Emrah Yayc

    Fatma Molu

    Fulya engil

    Hatice Hasolu

    Il zkan Budakolu

    brahim Keeli

    Koray Yitmen

    Merve z

    zgr Ksr

    Pnar Dut

    Sera Seren

    enay Varnal

    Vehbi Kksal

    Vilma Oranc[email protected]://
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63



    1. nsz ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

    2. Hakkmzda ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

    3. Ticari Markalar .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

    4. Terimler ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

    5. Referanslar ve Standartlar ..................................................................................................................................................... 87

    6. Kitap ve Yaynlar ...................................................................................................................................................................... 88[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    1. nsz

    Gnmzn en gzde mesleklerinden olan yazlm test mhendisliinin hem kendi arasnda iletiiminin salkl bir

    ekilde salanmas hem de dier disiplinlerle olan verimli etkileimi iin yazlm testi terimler szlnn

    Trkeletirilmesi almalarna balanmtr. Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei ( terimler

    szl alma grubu yelerinin katklaryla 'ISTQB Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing Versiyon 2.2'

    referans alnarak pratik hayatta kullanlan Trke yazlm testi terimleriyle szlk hazrlanmaya allmtr.

    Trkeletirme almas yaplrken test disiplinin i ie alt i analistlii, kullanlabilirlik, kullanc deneyimi tasarm,

    yazlm gelitirme ve proje ynetimi gibi disiplinlerde kullanlan terimlere de dikkat edilmi, bunlarla da uyumlu olmasna

    allmtr. Bu zene ramen dilin yaayan bir varlk olduu, srekli deitii ve ngilizcedeki baz kelimelerin

    Trkemizde tam karlnn olmad gzard edilmemelidir. Bu kstlar nda Trke terimler szlnn yaanan

    gelimeler nda her zaman gncel olabilmesi iin yeni gelimeleri ve nerilerinizi [email protected] e-posta

    adresine gnderebilirsiniz.

    Terimler szlnn Trkiye biliim sektrne faydal olmas dileiyle.

    Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei

    Nisan, 2014[email protected]://[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    2. Hakkmzda

    Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei Turkish Testing Board (TTB)

    Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei kar amac gtmeyen ve Trkiye'deki biliim profesyonellerinin yazlm testi alannda ISTQB

    standartlarnda eitilmesi ve sertifikalanmasn hedefleyen bir dernektir. Temel faaliyetleri:

    Trkiye biliim sektrnn uluslararas pazarlarda rekabet edebilmesi iin sektrn yazlm testi ve kalitesi

    konusunda bilgilendirilmesi,

    Trkeletirme almalaryla uluslararas bilgi birikiminin Trkiye biliim sektrne kazandrlmas,

    Konferanslar dzenlenmesi,

    Sektr raporlarnn hazrlanmasdr.

    TestIstanbul Konferanslar

    Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei tarafndan 2010 ylndan itibaren her yl Mays aynda dzenlenen TestIstanbul

    Konferanslar, yazlm testi ve kalitesi alannda Dou Avrupa, Ortadou ve Kuzey Afrika blgesinin en byk

    etkinliklerinden biri olup yerli ve yabanc bine yakn profesyoneli bir araya getirmektedir.

    Test Panelleri


    Bankaclk ve finans sektrnn st dzey yneticilerinin katlmyla dzenli aralklarla dernek tarafndan gerekletirilen

    finans sektrnde yazlm testinin neminin ve geleceinin tartld paneller serisidir.

    TestInsurance Paneli

    Sigortaclk sektrnn st dzey yneticilerinin katlmyla dzenli aralklarla dernek tarafndan gerekletirilen

    sigortaclk sektrnde yazlm testinin neminin ve geleceinin tartld paneller serisidir.

    TestTelco Paneli

    Telekom sektrnn st dzey yneticilerinin katlmyla dzenli aralklarla dernek tarafndan gerekletirilen telekom

    sektrnde yazlm testinin neminin ve geleceinin tartld paneller serisidir.

    TestDefense Paneli

    Savunma sanayi sektrnn st dzey yneticilerinin katlmyla dzenli aralklarla dernek tarafndan gerekletirilen

    savunma sanayi sektrnde yazlm testinin neminin ve geleceinin tartld paneller serisidir.

    TestAnkara Paneli

    Ankara ve evre blgede alan ve yazlm gelitirme yaam dngsnde yer alan tm paydalarn (i birimleri, test

    mhendisleri, yazlmclar, i analistleri, proje yneticileri, veritaban yneticileri ve tasarmclarn) katlmnn hedeflendii

    yazlm testinin neminin ve geleceinin tartld paneller serisidir.[email protected]://
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    Turkey Software Quality Report Trkiye Yazlm Kalite Raporu

    Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei tarafndan 2011 ylndan itibaren yzlerce biliim profesyoneli ve akademisyeninin

    katlmyla dzenlenen anket sonularnn deerlendirilmesiyle hazrlanan, biliim sektrne yn verir nitelikte

    karmlarn olduu rapordur. ngilizce yaynlanan rapor tm ISTQB ye dernekleri araclyla 70'den fazla lkedeki

    biliim profesyoneline ulamaktadr.

    International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB)

    Merkezi Belika'da bulunan uluslararas, kar amac gtmeyen bir dernek olan ISTQB, yazlm test sektrnn geliimi,

    standartlamas iin mfredatlar oluturup bu mfredatlar dorultusunda sertifika snavlar dzenlemektedir. Eyll 2013

    itibariyle 100'den fazla lkede 320,000'den fazla profesyonel ISTQB sertifikas almtr. ISTQB, lkelerde bamsz

    dernekler eklinde temsil edilmektedir. Trkiye'de ISTQB'nin temsilciliini 2006 ylndan beri Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei

    stlenmektedir.[email protected]://
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    3. Ticari Markalar

    CMMI ve IDEAL, Carnegie Mellon University tescilli markasdr.

    EFQM, EFQM Foundation tescilli markasdr.

    Rational Unified Process, Rational Software Corporation tescilli markasdr.

    STEP, Software Quality Engineering tescilli markasdr.

    TMap, TPA ve TPI Next Sogeti Nederland BV tescilli markasdr.

    TMMi, TMMi Foundation tescilli markasdr.[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    4. Terimler

    A ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

    B ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

    C ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

    D ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24

    E ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

    F ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34

    G ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38

    H ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39

    I .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40

    K ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44

    L ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

    M ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47

    N ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51

    O ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52

    P ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54

    Q ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 59

    R ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60

    S ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65

    T ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 73

    U ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 83

    V ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85

    W ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63



    Term Definition Terim Tanm

    abstract test case See high level test case soyut test senaryosu Baknz st seviye test senaryosu

    acceptance See acceptance testing kabul Baknz kabul testi

    acceptance criteria The exit criteria that a component or system

    must satisfy in order to be accepted by a user,

    customer, or other authorized entity. [IEEE


    Kabul Kriteri Bir sistemin veya bileenin; kullanc, mteri

    veya yetkili birimin ihtiyalarn karlamas

    iin sahip olmas beklenen k kriteri. [IEEE


    acceptance testing Formal testing with respect to user needs,

    requirements, and business processes

    conducted to determine whether or not a

    system satisfies the acceptance criteria and to

    enable the user, customers or other

    authorized entity to determine whether or not

    to accept the system. [After IEEE 610]

    Kabul Testi Sistemin kabul edilmesine karar vermek iin

    yaplan; kullanc ihtiyalar, gereksinimleri ve

    i srecine gre yrtlen, sistemin kabul

    kriterine uygunluunu, kullancy, mteriyi

    veya yetkili birimi etkin klarak denetleyen

    resmi test aktivitesi.[IEEE 610 sonras]

    accessibility testing Testing to determine the ease by which users

    with disabilities can use a component or

    system. [Gerrard]

    Eriilebilirlik Testi Engelli kullanclarn yazlm ne kadar kolay

    kullanabildiini lmleyen test.[Gerard]

    accuracy The capability of the software product to

    provide the right or agreed results or effects

    with the needed degree of precision. [ISO

    9126] See also functionality

    Doruluk Yazlm rnnn doru veya kabul edilen

    sonular ya da etkilerini istenen hassasiyet

    derecesinde salayabilme yetenei. [ISO

    9126]. Ayrca baknz fonksiyonalite.

    accuracy testing The process of testing to determine the

    accuracy of a software product

    Doruluk Testi Yazlm rnnn doruluuna karar vermek

    iin yrtlen test aktivitesi.

    acting (IDEAL) The phase within the IDEAL model where the

    improvements are developed, put into

    practice, and deployed across the

    organization. The acting phase consists of the

    activities: create solution, pilot/test solution,

    refine solution and implement solution. See

    also IDEAL.

    Aksiyon(IDEAL) IDEAL Model iindeki fazlardan iyiletirme

    noktalarnn belirlendii, pratie dkld ve

    organizasyona yayld aama. Aksiyon

    aamas u aktiviteleri ierir: zm retme,

    pilot/test zm, zm gelitirme ve

    uygulama. Ayrca baknz IDEAL

    action word driven testing See keyword-driven testing Aksiyon kelimesi gdml


    Baknz anahtar kelime gdml test

    actor User or any other person or system that

    interacts with the system under test in a

    specific way.

    Aktr Test edilmekte olan sistemle etkileim halinde

    olan kullanc veya kii veya baka bir sistem.

    actual outcome See actual result. Gerekleen kt Baknz gerekleen sonu

    actual result The behavior produced/observed when a

    component or system is tested.

    Gerekleen Sonu Bileen veya sistem test edilirken ortaya

    kan/gzlemlenen davran.[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    ad hoc review See informal review. Kurgusuz gzden geirme Baknz resmi olmayan gzden geirme

    ad hoc testing Testing carried out informally; no formal test

    preparation takes place, no recognized test

    design technique is used, there are no

    expectations for results and

    arbitrariness guides the test execution


    Kurgusuz Test Resmi olmadan yrtlen test; resmi test

    hazrl yaplmadan, test tasarm teknii

    kullanlmadan, beklenen sonucun tam net

    olmad ve test koumunun geliigzel

    yapld testler.

    adaptability The capability of the software product to be

    adapted for different specified environments

    without applying actions or means other than

    those provided for this purpose

    for the software considered. [ISO 9126] See

    also portability.

    Uyarlanabilirlik Yazlm rnnn, farkl zellikteki ortamlara

    ekstra bir aksiyon gerektirmeden adapte

    edilebilme yetenei. [ISO9126] Ayrca baknz


    agile manifesto A statement on the values that underpin agile

    software development. The values are:

    - individuals and interactions over processes

    and tools

    - working software over comprehensive


    - customer collaboration over contract


    - responding to change over following a plan.

    evik Manifesto evik yazlm gelitirmenin temellerini

    oluturan deerler listesi. Bu deerler:

    -Sreler ve aralardan ziyade bireyler ve


    -Kapsaml dkmantasyondan ziyade alan


    -Szleme pazarlklarndan ziyade mteri ile


    -Bir plana bal kalmaktan ziyade deiime

    karlk vermeye

    agile software development A group of software development

    methodologies based on

    iterative incremental development, where

    requirements and solutions evolve through

    collaboration between self-organizing cross-

    functional teams.

    evik Yazlm Gelitirme Gereksinimlerin ve zmlerin insiyatif

    alabilen farkl takmlar aras ibirlii ile ortaya

    kt, artarak evrimletii, bir grup dngsel

    yazlm gelitirme metodolojisi.

    agile testing Testing practice for a project using agile

    software development methodologies,

    incorporating techniques and methods, such

    as extreme programming (XP), treating

    development as the customer of testing and

    emphasizing the test-first design paradigm.

    See also test driven development.

    evik Test evik yazlm gelitirme metodolojilerinin test

    aya. Ar programlama (XP) gibi metodlarn

    kullanld; yazlm gelitirme srecinin test

    srecinin mterisi gibi davranld ve nce

    testi hazrla yaklamnn benimsendii

    sretir. Ayrca baknz test gdml yazlm


    algorithm test [TMap] See branch testing. Algoritma Testi Baknz Dal Testi [TMap]

    alpha testing Simulated or actual operational testing by

    potential users/customers or an independent

    test team at the developers site, but outside

    the development organization. Alpha testing

    is often employed for off-the-shelf software as

    a form of internal acceptance testing.

    Alfa Testi Potansiyel kullanc/mteri veya bamsz test

    ekibi tarafndan yazlm gelitiricinin kendi

    ortamnda fakat yazlm gelitirme ekibinin

    kontrol dnda yaplan operasyonel test. Alfa

    testi genellikle i kabul testleri eklinde paket

    yazlmlar iin yaplmaktadr.

    analytical testing Testing based on a systematic analysis of e.g.,

    product risks or


    Analitik Test Sistematik analize dayal olan testlerdir.

    rnein rn riskleri veya gereksinimler

    analyzability The capability of the software product to be

    diagnosed for deficiencies or causes of

    failures in the software, or for the parts to be

    modified to be identified. [ISO 9126] See also


    zmlenebilirlik Yazlm rnndeki eksikliklere veya hata

    nedenlerine ya da deitirilmesi gereken

    paralara tan konulabilmesi yetenei.[ISO

    9126].Ayrca baknz srdrlebilirlik[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    analyzer See static analyzer zmleyici Baknz statik zmleyici

    anomaly Any condition that deviates from expectation

    based on requirements specifications, design

    documents, user documents, standards, etc.

    or from someones perception or

    experience. Anomalies may be found during,

    but not limited to, reviewing, testing, analysis,

    compilation, or use of software products or

    applicable documentation. [IEEE

    1044] See also bug/defect, deviation, error,

    fault, failure, incident, problem.

    Anomali Gereksinimden, tasarmdan, kullanc

    dkmanndan, standartlardan, beklenti,

    tecrbe veya algdan sapma durumu.

    Anormallikler gzden geirme, test, analiz,

    derleme veya rnn kullanm srasnda

    ortaya kabilir. [IEEE 1044] Ayrca baknz;

    hata, sapma, insan hatas/hata, kusur, arza,

    olay, problem

    anti-pattern Repeated action, process, structure or

    reusable solution that initially appears to be

    beneficial and is commonly used but is

    ineffective and/or counterproductive in


    Faydasz-desen Balangta faydal gzken ve sklkla

    kullanlan, ancak pratikte etkisiz ve/veya

    verimsiz olduu ortaya kan tekrarlanan

    aksiyon, sre, yap veya yeniden kullanlabilir


    API (Application

    Programming Interface)


    Testing the code which enables

    communication between different processes,

    programs and/or systems. API testing often

    involves negative testing, e.g., to validate the

    robustness of error handling. See also

    interface testing.

    API (Uygulama

    Programlama Arayz) Testi

    Farkl sreler, programlar ve/veya sistemler

    aras iletiime olanak salayan kodlarn

    testi.API testi genellikle negatif testlerden

    oluur rnein hata ele alma algoritmasnn

    salamlnn test edilmesi. Ayrca baknz

    arayz testi.

    arc testing See branch testing. Yay Testi Baknz dal testi.

    assessment report A document summarizing the assessment

    results, e.g. conclusions, recommendations

    and findings. See also process assessment.

    Deerlendirme Raporu Deerlendirme sonularn zetleyen

    rapordur, rnein sonular, neriler ve

    bulgular. Ayrca baknz sre


    assessor A person who conducts an assessment; any

    member of an assessment team.

    Deneti Denetlemeyi gerekletiren kii, denetleme

    ekibinin yesi.

    atomic condition A condition that cannot be decomposed, i.e., a

    condition that does not contain two or more

    single conditions joined by a logical operator

    (AND, OR, XOR).

    Atomik koul Paralara blnemeyen durum. rnein 'VE',

    'VEYA', 'DILAMALI VEYA' gibi mantksal

    operatrlerle birletirilmi iki veya daha fazla

    tek koulu barndrmayan bir durumdur.

    attack Directed and focused attempt to evaluate the

    quality, especially reliability, of a test object by

    attempting to force specific failures to occur.

    See also negative testing.

    Saldr Bir test objesinin kalitesinin, zellikle

    gvenilirliinin; hatalarn olumasna

    zorlanarak dorudan ve odakl bir ekilde

    denenmesi. Ayrca baknz negatif test

    attack-based testing An experience-based testing technique that

    uses software attacks to induce failures,

    particularly security related failures. See also


    Saldr-Bazl Test Yazlma saldrarak, zellikle gvenlik ile ilgili

    hatalarn olumasn hedefleyen tecrbeye

    dayal test teknii. Ayrca baknz saldr.

    attractiveness The capability of the software product to be

    attractive to the user. [ISO 9126] See also


    ekicilik Yazlm rnnn kullancnn ilgisini ekme

    yetenei.[ISO 9126] Ayrca baknz

    kullanlabilirlik.[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    audit An independent evaluation of software

    products or processes to ascertain

    compliance to standards, guidelines,

    specifications, and/or procedures based on

    objective criteria,

    including documents that specify:

    (1) the form or content of the products to be


    (2) the process by which the products shall be


    (3) how compliance to standards or guidelines

    shall be measured. [IEEE 1028]

    Denetim Yazlm rnlerinin ya da srelerinin

    standartlara, ynergelere, zelliklere ve/veya

    prosedrlere uyumluluunu nesnel kriterler

    baz alarak ortaya karan bamsz bir

    deerlendirme. Denetim iin aadaki

    dkmanlar belirlenmelidir.

    (1) retilecek rnlerin biimi ve ierii

    (2) retim sreleri (3)Standartlara ve

    ynergelere uyumluluun lm ekli.[IEEE


    audit trail A path by which the original input to a process

    (e.g. data) can be traced back through the

    process, taking the process output as a

    starting point. This facilitates defect analysis

    and allows a process audit to be carried out.

    [After TMap]

    Denetim izlemesi Bir girdinin (rnek veri) sistemde balatt

    srecin kts balang noktas olarak ele

    alnarak, srecin geriye dnk izlenmesi. Bu

    yaklam hata analizine ve ilgili srecin

    denetlenmesine olanak salar.[TMap Sonras]

    automated testware Testware used in automated testing, such as

    tool scripts.

    otomatize test yazlm Test otomasyonunda kullanlan, yazlm test

    etmek iin kodlanm yazlmdr. rn. Test

    ara betikleri

    availability The degree to which a component or system

    is operational and accessible when required

    for use. Often expressed as a percentage.

    [IEEE 610]

    Elverililik Bir bileen veya sistemin kullanlmas

    gerektiinde, operasyonel ve eriilebilir olma

    derecesi. Genellikle yzdesel olarak gsterilir.

    [IEEE 610][email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63



    Term Definition Terim Tanm

    back-to-back testing Testing in which two or more variants of a

    component or system are executed with the

    same inputs, the outputs compared, and

    analyzed in cases of discrepancies. [IEEE 610]

    Arka-Arkaya Test Etme Bir bileenin veya sistemin iki veya daha fazla

    varyansnn ayn girdilerle test edilmesi,

    ktlarnn karlatrlmas ve tutarszlk

    durumunda analiz edilmesi.

    balanced scorecard A strategic tool for measuring whether the

    operational activities of a company are

    aligned with its objectives in terms of business

    vision and strategy. See also corporate

    dashboard, scorecard.

    Kurumsal karne irketin operasyonel aktivitelerinin; i vizyonu

    ve stratejik hedefleri ile uyumunu lmleyen

    bir ara. Ayrca baknz kurumsal gsterge

    tablosu, puan kart.

    baseline A specification or software product that has

    been formally reviewed or agreed upon, that

    thereafter serves as the basis for further

    development, and that can be changed only

    through a formal change control process.

    [After IEEE 610]

    Temel izgi Resmi olarak gzden geirilmi veya zerinde

    anlalm; ileriki gelitirmeler iin baz tekil

    edecek ve sadece resmi bir deiiklik kontrol

    sreci ile deitirilebilen zellik veya yazlm

    rn.[IEEE 610 sonras]

    basic block A sequence of one or more consecutive

    executable statements containing no

    branches. Note: A node in a control flow

    graph represents a basic block.

    Temel bek Dallanma iermeyen, bir veya birden fazla

    sayda, ardk olarak yrtlebilen komut

    dizisi. Not: Kontrol ak grafiinde bulunan

    dm noktas bir temel bektir.

    basis test set A set of test cases derived from the internal

    structure of a component or specification to

    ensure that 100% of a specified coverage

    criterion will be achieved.

    Esas Test Kmesi Bir bileenin veya gereksinimin i yaps

    gznne alnarak oluturulan, belirlenen

    kapsama %100 ulamak iin kullanlan bir

    grup test senaryosu.

    bebugging [Abbott] See fault seeding. Hata Ekimi [Abbott] Baknz Kusur Ekimi.

    behavior The response of a component or system to a

    set of input values and preconditions.

    Davran Bir bileen veya sistemin bir grup girdi

    deerlerine ve n koullara gre verdii tepki.

    benchmark test (1) A standard against which measurements

    or comparisons can be made.

    (2) A test that is be used to compare

    components or systems to each other or to a

    standard as in (1). [After IEEE 610]

    Karlatrma testi (1) lm veya karlatrma yapmaya yarayan

    bir standart

    (2) Bileen veya sistemleri birbirleri arasnda

    veya bir standarta gre [(1)'deki gibi]

    karlatran test. [IEEE 610 sonras]

    bespoke software Software developed specifically for a set of

    users or customers. The opposite is off-the-

    shelf software.

    Ismarlama/Sipari Yazlm Bir grup kullanc veya mteri iin zel olarak

    gelitirilen yazlm. Tersi paket yazlmdr

    best practice A superior method or innovative practice that

    contributes to the improved performance of

    an organization under given context, usually

    recognized as best by other peer


    En yi Uygulama Bir kurumun bulunduu balamda daha iyi

    performansa sahip olmasna katk salayan ,

    stn metod veya yeniliki uygulama.

    Genellikle dier edeer kurulular tarafndan

    'en iyi' olarak tanmlanr.[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    beta testing Operational testing by potential and/or

    existing users/customers at an external site

    not otherwise involved with the developers, to

    determine whether or not a component or

    system satisfies the user/customer needs and

    fits within the business processes. Beta

    testing is often employed as a form of

    external acceptance testing for off-the-shelf

    software in order to acquire feedback from

    the market.

    Beta Testi Potansiyel ve/veya varolan, harici konumda

    bulup, gelitiricilere dahil olmayan

    kullanc/mterinin; bir bileenin veya

    sistemin, kullanc/mteri ihtiyalarna ve i

    srelerine uygunluuna karar vermesi iin

    yrtlen iletimsel test. Beta testi genel

    olarak harici kabul testi olarak paket yazlm

    rnnn zerinde pazardan geri bildirim

    almak amac ile gerekletirilir.

    big-bang testing An integration testing approach in which

    software elements, hardware elements, or

    both are combined all at once into a

    component or an overall system, rather than

    in stages. [After IEEE 610] See also integration


    Big-Bang Testi Yazlm elerinin, donanm elerinin veya

    her ikisinin ayn anda birletirilerek baka bir

    bileene veya genel sisteme tek seferde

    dntrlerek test edilmesini salayan bir

    entegrasyon test yaklam. [IEEE 610 sonras]

    Ayrca baknz entegrasyon testi

    black box technique See black box test design technique Kara Kutu Teknii Kara kutu test tasarm teknii

    black box test design


    Procedure to derive and/or select test cases

    based on an analysis of the specification,

    either functional or non-functional, of a

    component or system without reference to its

    internal structure.

    Kara Kutu Test Tasarm


    Test senaryolarnn test edilecek sistemin

    fonksiyonel veya fonksiyonel olmayan

    gereksinimleri baz alnarak oluturulduu,

    sistemin i alma mantnn dikkate

    alnmad test tasarm teknii.

    black box testing Testing, either functional or non-functional,

    without reference to the internal structure of

    the component or system

    Kara Kutu Testi Test edilecek sistemin i alma mant

    dikkate alnmadan fonksiyonel veya

    fonksiyonel olmayan ekillerde test edilmesi


    blocked test case A test case that cannot be executed because

    the preconditions for its execution are not


    Bloke Test Senaryosu Koturulmas iin gerekli olan nkoullar

    yerine getirilmedii iin koturulamayan test


    bottom-up testing An incremental approach to integration

    testing where the lowest level components

    are tested first, and then used to facilitate the

    testing of higher level components. This

    process is repeated until the component at

    the top of the hierarchy is

    tested. See also integration testing.

    Aadan-yukarya test etme Entegrasyon testinde en dk seviyedeki

    bileenlerin ilk olarak test edildii ve bu test

    edilen bileenlerin daha stteki bileenlerin

    testleri iin kullanld artmsal test yaklam.

    Bu sre en st seviyedeki bileenler test

    edilene kadar tekrarlanr. Ayrca baknz

    entegrasyon testi.

    boundary value An input value or output value which is on the

    edge of an equivalence partition or at the

    smallest incremental distance on either side

    of an edge, for example the minimum or

    maximum value of a range.

    Snr Deeri Denklik snfnn kenarnda veya kenar

    deerlerin hemen yaknnda bulunan girdi

    veya ktlar. rnein bir araln minimum

    veya maximum deeri.

    boundary value analysis A black box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed based on boundary

    values. See also boundary value.

    Snr Deer Analizi Test senaryolarnn, snr deerlerine gre

    tasarland kara kutu test tasarm teknii.

    Ayrca baknz snr deeri.

    boundary value coverage The percentage of boundary values that have

    been exercised by a test suite.

    Snr Deeri Kapsam Koturulan testlerin snr deerlerini kapsama


    boundary value testing See boundary value analysis. Snr Deer Testi Baknz Snr Deer Analizi

    branch A basic block that can be selected for

    execution based on a program construct in

    which one of two or more alternative program

    paths is available, e.g. case, jump, go to, if-


    Dal Case, jump, go to, if-then-else gibi karar

    eleriyle iki veya daha fazla yola ayrlm

    programn altrlabilir bir blou.[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    branch condition See condition. Dal Koulu Baknz Koul.

    branch condition

    combination coverage

    See multiple condition coverage. Dal Koulu Kombinasyon


    Baknz oklu Koul Kapsam

    branch condition

    combination testing

    See multiple condition testing. Dal Koulu Kombinasyon


    Baknz oklu Koul Testi.

    branch condition coverage See condition coverage. Dal Koulu Kapsam Baknz Koul Kapsam.

    branch coverage The percentage of branches that have been

    exercised by a test suite. 100% branch

    coverage implies both 100% decision

    coverage and 100% statement coverage.

    Dal Kapsam Koturulan testlerin dallar kapsama yzdesi.

    Testlerde %100 dal kapsam saland zaman

    hem %100 karar hem de %100 komut

    kapsam da salanm olur.

    branch testing A white box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed to execute branches.

    Dal Testi Test senaryolarnn programdaki dallar

    yrtmek iin dizayn edildii beyaz kutu test

    tasarm teknii.

    buffer A device or storage area used to store data

    temporarily for differences in rates of data

    flow, time or occurrence of events, or

    amounts of data that can be handled by the


    or processes involved in the transfer or use of

    the data. [IEEE 610]

    Arabellek Veri transferi veya kullanmnda, verileri geici

    olarak; veri ak oranndaki farkllklara,

    olaylarn meydana geli zamanna veya

    cihazlar/sreler tarafndan ilenen veri

    miktarna gre kayt altna alan cihaz ya da

    depolama alan. [IEEE 610]

    buffer overflow A memory access failure due to the attempt

    by a process to store data beyond the

    boundaries of a fixed length buffer, resulting

    in overwriting of adjacent memory areas or

    the raising of an overflow exception. See also


    Arabellek Am Sabit byklkteki arabellek alannn dnda

    veri kaydetmeye allmas sonucu oluan,

    bitiik bellek alanlarnn zerine yeniden

    yazma veya kural d tama ile sonulanan

    bellek eriim hatas. Ayrca baknz arabellek.

    bug A flaw in a component or system that can

    cause the component or system to fail to

    perform its required function, e.g. an

    incorrect statement or data definition. A bug,


    encountered during execution, may cause a

    failure of the component or system.

    hata Bir bileen ya da sistemin gerekli ilevini

    gerekletirmesini engelleyen kusur. (rn.

    Doru olmayan komut veya veri tanmlamas).

    Hata, bileen ya da sistem alrken ortaya

    ckarsa arzaya neden olabilir.

    bug report A document reporting on any flaw in a

    component or system that can cause the

    component or system to fail to perform its

    required function. [After IEEE 829]

    hata raporu Bir bileen veya sistemin gereken

    fonksiyonlarn yerine getirmesini engelleyen

    kusurun raporland dokman.[IEEE 829]

    bug taxonomy A system of (hierarchical) categories

    designed to be a useful aid for

    reproducibly classifying bugs.

    hata snflandrmas Hatalarn hiyerarik kategorilere ayrlarak

    zellikle hata bazl testlerde tekrar

    kullanlmasn salayan yntem

    bug tracking tool A tool that facilitates the recording and status

    tracking of bugs and changes. They often

    have workflow-oriented facilities to track

    and control the allocation, correction and

    re-testing of bugs and provide reporting

    facilities. See also incident management


    hata ynetim arac Hatalarn ve deiikliklerin kaydedilmesini ve

    durumlarnn izlenmesini salayan bir ara.

    Hatalarn atanmasn, dzeltilmesini ve tekrar

    test edilmesini izlemek ve kontrol etmek iin i

    ak zellikleri vardr ve raporlama imkan

    salar. Ayrca baknz olay ynetim arac

    business process-based


    An approach to testing in which test cases are

    designed based on descriptions and/or

    knowledge of business processes.

    i srecine dayal test Test senaryolarnn i sreleri baz alnarak

    oluturulduu test yaklam.[email protected]
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    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63



    Term Definition Terim Tanm

    call graph An abstract representation of calling

    relationships between subroutines in a


    ar grafii Bir programn program paracklar aras

    birbirlerini arma ilikisinin soyut gsterimi.

    Capability Maturity Model


    A framework that describes the key elements

    of an effective product development and

    maintenance process. The Capability Maturity

    Model Integration covers best-practices for

    planning, engineering and managing product

    development and maintenance. [CMMI]

    Entegre Yetenek Olgunluk


    Etkili yazlm gelitirme ve bakm sreleri

    oluturmak iin anahtar eleri tanmlayan bir

    ereve model. Yazlm gelitirme ynetim ve

    bakm srelerinin planlama, mhendislik ve

    ynetimine ait en iyi uygulamalar


    capture/playback tool A type of test execution tool where inputs are

    recorded during manual testing in order to

    generate automated test scripts that can be

    executed later (i.e. replayed). These tools are

    often used to support automated regression


    Kaydet/oynat arac Manuel testler srasnda gerekletirilen test

    admlarnn kaydedilmesi amacyla kullanlan

    bir tr test yrtme arac. Kaydedilen

    senaryolar daha sonra koturulmak zere

    otomatik test senaryolar iin kullanlr.

    Kaydet/oynat aralar genelde regresyon

    testlerinin otomasyonunda kullanlr.

    capture/replay tool See capture/playback tool. kaydet/tekrar oynat arac Baknz kaydet/oynat arac.

    CASE Acronym for Computer Aided Software


    CASE Bilgisayar Destekli Yazlm Mhendislii

    ksaltmas. (Acronym for Computer Aided

    Software Engineering)

    CAST Acronym for Computer Aided Software

    Testing. See also test automation.

    CAST Bilgisayar Destekli Yazlm Testi ksaltmas.

    Ayrca baknz test otomasyonu. (Acronym for

    Computer Aided Software Engineering)

    causal analysis The analysis of defects to determine their

    root cause. [CMMI]

    nedensel analiz Hatalarn kk nedenini saptamaya ynelik

    analizdir. [CMMI]

    cause-effect analysis See cause-effect graphing. neden-sonu analizi Baknz neden-sonu grafii

    cause-effect decision table See decision table. neden-sonu karar tablosu Baknz karar tablosu.

    cause-effect diagram A graphical representation used to organize

    and display the interrelationships of various

    possible root causes of a problem. Possible

    causes of a real or potential defect or failure

    are organized in categories and subcategories

    in a horizontal tree-structure, with the

    (potential) defect or failure as the root node.

    [After Juran]

    neden-sonu diyagram Bir problemin esitli olas kk sebepleri

    arasndaki ilikileri dzenleme ve sergileme

    amacyla kullanlan grafik gsterim ekli. Yatay

    bir aa yapsnda bir hatann veya arzann

    gerek veya olas nedenleri kategoriler ve alt

    kategoriler halinde gsterilerek hata veya

    arzay temsil eden dm noktalaryla

    ilikilendirilir. [Juran sonras]

    cause-effect graph A graphical representation of inputs and/or

    stimuli (causes) with their associated outputs

    (effects), which can be used to design test


    neden-sonu grafii Girdiler ve/veya tetikleyiciler (nedenler) ile ilgili

    ktlarn (etkilerin) grafik gsterimi. Test

    senaryolarnn tasarmnda kullanlabilir.[email protected]
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    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    cause-effect graphing A black box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed from cause-effect

    graphs. [BS 7925/2]

    neden-sonu grafii Test senaryolarnn neden-sonu grafii

    kullanlarak tasarland bir kara-kutu test

    tasarm teknii.

    certification The process of confirming that a component,

    system or person complies with its specified

    requirements, e.g. by passing an exam.

    sertifikasyon Bir bileenin, sistemin ya da kiinin belirli

    gereksinimleri karladnn, rnegin bir

    snavdan geer not alarak, onaylanmas


    change control See configuration control. deiiklik kontrol Baknz yaplandrma kontrol.

    change control board See configuration control board. Deiiklik kontrol kurulu Baknz yaplandrma kontrol kurulu.

    change management (1) A structured approach to transitioning

    individuals, and organizations from a current

    state to a desired future state. (2) Controlled

    way to effect a change, or a proposed change,

    to a product or service. See also configuration


    Deiim ynetimi (1)bireyleri veya organizasyonlar mevcut

    durumlarndan gelecekteki arzulanan hedef

    yaplarna geirmek icin kullanlan yapsal

    yaklam (2) Bir rn ya da servisin deiimini

    ya da nerilen deiimini kontroll biimde

    yrtmek. Ayrca baknz yaplandrma


    changeability The capability of the software product to

    enable specified modifications to be

    implemented. [ISO 9126] See also


    Deitirilebilirlik Bir yazlmn zerinde deiikliklerin

    gerekletirilmesine izin verme yetenei[ISO

    9126] Ayrca baknz srdrlebilirlik

    charter See test charter. balatma belgesi Baknz test balatma belgesi

    checker See reviewer. Kontrol edici Baknz gzden geirici.

    checklist-based testing An experience-based test design technique

    whereby the experienced tester uses a high-

    level list of items to be noted, checked, or

    remembered, or a set of rules or criteria

    against which a product has to be verified.

    kontrol listesine dayal test


    Tecrbeye dayal bir test tasarm teknii. Bu

    teknikte tecrbeli test uzman, yazlm

    dorulamak iin kural veya kriterlerden oluan

    genel bir liste kullanr.

    Chow's coverage metrics See N-switch coverage. [Chow] Chow kapsam metrikleri Baknz N-anahtar kapsam [Chow].

    classification tree A tree showing equivalence partitions

    hierarchically ordered, which is used to design

    test cases in the classification tree method.

    See also classification tree method.

    snflandrma aac Denklik snflarn hiyerarik sralanm sekilde

    gsteren aa. Bu aa gsterimi

    snflandrma aac ynteminde test

    senaryolarn tasarlamakta kullanlr. Ayrca

    baknz snflandrma aac teknii

    classification tree method A black box test design technique in which

    test cases, described by means of a

    classification tree, are designed to execute

    combinations of representatives of input

    and/or output domains. [Grochtmann]

    snflandrma aac yntemi Bir kara-kutu test tasarm teknii. Test

    senaryolar, snflandrma aacnda yer alan

    girdi ve/veya ktlarn kombinasyonlar

    kullanlarak oluturulur. [Grochtmann]

    clear-box testing See white-box testing. ak-kutu testi Baknz beyaz-kutu testi.

    CMMI See Capability Maturity Model Integration. CMMI Entegre Yetenek Olgunluk Modeli ksaltmas.

    (Capability Maturity Model Integration)

    code Computer instructions and data definitions

    expressed in a programming language or in a

    form output by an assembler, compiler or

    other translator. [IEEE 610]

    kod Bir programlama dilini oluturan veya makine

    dili evirici, derleyici ya da baka bir eviricinin

    kts olarak retilen bilgisayar komutlar ve

    veri tanmlar.[IEEE 610][email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    code analyzer See static code analyzer. kod zmleyici Baknz statik kod zmleyici.

    code coverage An analysis method that determines which

    parts of the software have been executed

    (covered) by the test suite and which parts

    have not been executed, e.g. statement

    coverage, decision coverage or condition


    kod kapsam Test senaryolarnn, yazlm oluturan kodun

    hangi blmlerini altrp (kapsayp), hangi

    blmlerini henz altrmadn saptayan

    bir analiz yntemi. rnein komut kapsam,

    karar kapsam ya da koul kapsam gibi

    code-based testing See white box testing. kod bazl test Baknz beyaz-kutu testi.

    codependent behavior Excessive emotional or psychological

    dependence on another person, specifically in

    trying to change that persons current

    (undesirable) behavior while supporting them

    in continuing that behavior. For example, in

    software testing, complaining about late

    delivery to test and yet enjoying the necessary

    heroism working additional hours to make

    up time when delivery is running late,

    therefore reinforcing the lateness.

    baml davran Bir baka kiiye duygusal ve fiziksel olarak

    ar ballk durumudur, zellikle bu kiinin

    imdiki, istenmeyen davrann deitirmeye

    alrken bu davrann devam etmesini

    desteklemek olarak grlr. Yazlm testinde

    bir yandan yazlmn teste ge teslim

    edilmesinden ikayet ederken bir yandan da

    teslimin ge olmasndan kaynaklanan

    gecikmeyi telafi edecek biimde kahramanca

    ek mesai yapmaktan holanmak bu davrana


    co-existence The capability of the software product to co-

    exist with other independent software in a

    common environment sharing common

    resources. [ISO 9126] See also portability.

    bir arada varolma Bir yazlmn baka bamsz yazlmlar ile

    birlikte ortak kaynaklar paylat bir ortamda

    ayn anda varolabilmes.[ISO 9126] Ayrca

    baknz tanabilirlik.

    combinatorial testing A means to identify a suitable subset of test

    combinations to achieve a predetermined

    level of coverage when testing an object with

    multiple parameters and where those

    parameters themselves each have several

    values, which gives rise to more combinations

    than are feasible to test in the time allowed.

    See also classification tree method, pairwise

    testing, orthogonal array testing.

    Kombinasyonlu test etme Parametrelerinin herbirinin farkl deerler

    alabilecei oklu parametreye sahip objede

    istenilen test kapsamna en makul ekilde

    ulamak iin test kombinasyonlarndan en

    uygun alt kmenin seilmesi. Ayrca baknz

    snflandrma aac, ikili test, dikey sralar

    Commercial Off-The-Shelf


    See off-the-shelf software. Ticari paket yazlm Baknz paket yazlm.

    comparator See test comparator. Karlatrc Baknz test karlatrcs.

    compatibility testing See interoperability testing. uygunluk testi Baknz birlikte alabilirlik testi.

    compiler A software tool that translates programs

    expressed in a high order language into their

    machine language equivalents. [IEEE 610]

    derleyici Programlama dilini makine diline eviren

    yazlm arac [IEEE 610]

    complete testing See exhaustive testing. tamamn test etmek Baknz tam kapsaml test etmek

    completion criteria See exit criteria. Tamamlama kriteri Baknz k kriteri

    complexity The degree to which a component or system

    has a design and/or internal structure that is

    difficult to understand, maintain and verify.

    See also cyclomatic complexity.

    karmaklk Bir bileen ya da sistemin tasarm ve/veya i

    yapsnn anlalmasnn, bakmnn ve

    dorulanmasnn zorluunu gsteren derece.

    Ayrca baknz dngsel karmaklk

    compliance The capability of the software product to

    adhere to standards, conventions or

    regulations in laws and similar prescriptions.

    [ISO 9126]

    uyumluluk Yazlmn standartlara, szleme hkmlerine

    veya kanun ve benzeri ynergelerdeki

    dzenlemelere uygunluu [ISO 9126][email protected]
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    compliance testing The process of testing to determine the

    compliance of the component or system.

    uyumluluk testi Bir bileen ya da sistemin uyumluluunu

    saptamaya yarayan test sreci.

    component A minimal software item that can be tested in


    bileen Tek bana test edilebilen en kk yazlm


    component integration


    Testing performed to expose defects in the

    interfaces and interaction between integrated


    bileen entegrasyon testi Entegre bileenlerin arayzlerinde ve

    etkileimlerindeki hatalar bulmaya ynelik

    yaplan test

    component specification A description of a components function in

    terms of its output values for specified input

    values under specified conditions, and

    required non-functional behavior (e.g.


    bileen zellii Bileenin fonksiyonel ve/veya fonksiyonel

    olmayan zelliklerinin anlatld tanmlamalar

    component testing The testing of individual software

    components. [After IEEE 610]

    bileen testi Bileenlerinin tek bana test edilmesi [IEEE

    610 sonras]

    compound condition Two or more single conditions joined by

    means of a logical operator (AND, OR or XOR),

    e.g. A>B AND C>1000.

    bileik koul iki ya da daha fazla tekil koulun bir mantksal

    e (VE, VEYA, DILAMALI VEYA) araclyla

    birletirilmesi, rnein 'A>B VE C>100'.

    concrete test case See low level test case. somut test senaryosu Baknz alt seviye test senaryosu

    concurrency testing Testing to determine how the occurrence of

    two or more activities within the same interval

    of time, achieved either by interleaving the

    activities or by simultaneous execution, is

    handled by the component or system. [After

    IEEE 610]

    ezamanllk testi Sistem zerinde iki veya daha fazla aktivitenin

    ayn zaman aralnda birlikte veya dnml

    olarak altrlp test edilmesi [IEEE 610


    condition A logical expression that can be evaluated as

    True or False, e.g. A>B. See also condition


    koul "Dogru" ya da "Yanl" olarak

    deerlendirilebilecek mantksal ifaded.

    rnein A>B. Ayrca baknz koul testi

    condition combination


    See multiple condition coverage. koul kombinasyon kapsam Baknz oklu koul kapsam.

    condition combination


    See multiple condition testing. koul kombinasyon testi Baknz oklu koul testi

    condition coverage The percentage of condition outcomes that

    have been exercised by a test suite. 100%

    condition coverage requires each single

    condition in every decision statement to be

    tested as True and False.

    koul kapsam Koturulan testlerin koullar kapsam yzdesi.

    %100 koul kapsamna ulaabilmek iin her

    bir kararn iindeki koullarn tek tek 'Doru'

    ve 'Yanl' deerlerini almas gerekmektedir.

    condition determination


    See modified condition decision coverage. koul belirleme kapsam Baknz deitirilmi koul karar kapsam.

    condition determination


    See modified condition decision testing. koul belirleme testi Baknz deitirilmi koul karar testi.

    condition outcome The evaluation of a condition to True or False. koul kts Koulun "Doru" ya da "Yanl" olarak


    condition testing A white box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed to execute condition


    koul testi Test senaryolarnn koul sonularn

    koturacak biimde tasarland bir beyaz-

    kutu test tasarm teknii[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    confidence interval In managing project risks, the period of time

    within which a contingency action must be

    implemented in order to be effective in

    reducing the impact of the risk.

    gven aral Ortaya kmas muhtemel risklerin etkilerini

    azaltmak iin hayata geirilmesi planlanan

    beklenmedik durum aksiyonlarna gereken


    confidence test See smoke test. gven testi Baknz duman testi.

    configuration The composition of a component or system

    as defined by the number, nature, and

    interconnections of its constituent parts.

    yaplandrma Sistemi meydana getiren paralarn says,

    durumu ve birbirleriyle balantlar gibi

    zelliklerinin kullanlarak sistemin


    configuration auditing The function to check on the contents of

    libraries of configuration items, e.g. for

    standards compliance. [IEEE 610]

    yaplandrma denetimi Yaplandrma elerinin ktphanelerinin

    ieriklerinin kontrol edilmesi. rnein

    standartlara uyumluluk .[IEEE 610]

    configuration control An element of configuration management,

    consisting of the evaluation, co-ordination,

    approval or disapproval, and implementation

    of changes to configuration items after formal

    establishment of their configuration

    identification. [IEEE 610]

    yaplandrma kontrol Yaplandrma ynetiminin bir parasdr.

    Yaplandrma elerinin deerlendirilmesini,

    kordinasyonunu, onaylanmasn veya

    reddedilmesini ierir.[IEEE 610]

    configuration control board


    A group of people responsible for evaluating

    and approving or disapproving proposed

    changes to configuration items, and for

    ensuring implementation of approved

    changes. [IEEE 610]

    yaplandrma kontrol kurulu Yaplandrma eleri iin nerilen deiiklikleri

    deerlendiren, onaylayan veya reddeden;

    deiikliklerin hayata geirilmesinden sorumlu

    olan kiilerden oluan gruptur.[IEEE 610]

    configuration identification An element of configuration management,

    consisting of selecting the configuration items

    for a system and recording their functional

    and physical characteristics in technical

    documentation. [IEEE 610]

    yaplandrma tanmlama Yaplandrma ynetiminin bir paras.

    Yaplandrma elerinin seimini, fonksiyonel

    ve fiziksel zelliklerinin teknik

    dkumantasyonda kaydedilmesini

    kapsar.[IEEE 610]

    configuration item An aggregation of hardware, software or

    both, that is designated for configuration

    management and treated as a single entity in

    the configuration management process. [IEEE


    yaplandrma esi Yaplandrma ynetiminde tek bir varlk olarak

    ele alnan donanm, yazlm veya her ikisinden

    oluan kme .[IEEE 610]

    configuration management A discipline applying technical and

    administrative direction and surveillance to:

    identify and document the functional and

    physical characteristics of a configuration

    item, control changes to those characteristics,

    record and report change processing and

    implementation status, and verify compliance

    with specified requirements. [IEEE 610]

    yaplandrma ynetimi Bir yaplandrma esinin fonksiyonel ve

    fiziksel zelliklerinin tanmlanmas,

    dkmantasyonu, bu zellikler zerinde

    yaplacak deiikliklerin kontrol,

    deiikliklerin yaplmasnn ve hayata

    geirilmesinin kayt altna alnmas ve

    raporlanmas, gereksinimlere uyumluluunu

    kapsayan disiplin [IEEE 610]

    configuration management


    A tool that provides support for the

    identification and

    control of configuration items, their status

    over changes and versions, and the release of

    baselines consisting of configuration items.

    yaplandrma ynetim arac Yaplandrma ynetimi yaplacak elerin

    belirlenmesi ve kontrol, versiyonlama,

    deiiklik sonras durum takibi ve srm

    ynetimi konusunda destek salayan bir ara.

    configuration testing See portability testing yaplandrma testi baknz tanabilirlik testi

    confirmation testing See compliance testing onaylama testi baknz uyumluluk testi[email protected]
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    consistency The degree of uniformity, standardization,

    and freedom from contradiction

    among the documents or parts of a

    component or system. [IEEE 610]

    tutarllk Bir bileen ya da sistemin dokmanlar ve

    paralar arasndaki standardizasyon, tutarllk

    ve elikiden uzaklk derecesi [IEEE 610]

    consultative testing Testing driven by the advice and guidance of

    appropriate experts from

    outside the test team (e.g., technology experts

    and/or business domain experts).

    Danlarak yaplan testler Test ekibi dndaki bilirkiilerin/uzmanlarn (i

    alanndaki konu uzmanlar, teknoloji

    uzmanlar) tavsiye, yardm ve

    ynlendirmesiyle yaplan testler

    content-based model A process model providing a detailed

    description of good engineering

    practices, e.g. test practices.

    ierik bazl model yi mhendislik uygulamalarnn (rnek test

    uygulamalar) detayl aklamasn ieren sre


    continuous representation A capability maturity model structure wherein

    capability levels

    provide a recommended order for

    approaching process improvement within


    process areas. [CMMI]

    srekli gsterim Sre iyiletirmesi iin nerilen yetenek

    seviyelerinin sral bir ekilde gsterildii

    yetenek olgunluk modeli yaps (CMMI)

    control chart A statistical process control tool used to

    monitor a process and determine

    whether it is statistically controlled. It

    graphically depicts the average value and the


    and lower control limits (the highest and

    lowest values) of a process

    kontrol grafii Bir srecin izlenmesini, istatistiksel olarak

    kontrol edilip edilmediinin belirlenmesini

    salayan bir istatistiksel sre kontrol arac.

    Grafiksel olarak bir srecin ortalama, alt ve st

    limit deerlerini gsterir.

    control flow A sequence of events (paths) in the execution

    through a component or system

    kontrol ak Bir sistem ierisinde gerekleen olaylar dizisi


    control flow analysis A form of static analysis based on a

    representation of unique paths

    (sequences of events) in the execution

    through a component or system. Control flow

    analysis evaluates the integrity of control flow

    structures, looking for possible control flow

    anomalies such as closed loops or logically

    unreachable process steps.

    kontrol ak analizi Bir sistemin ileyii iindeki tekil yollarn (

    olaylarn sralamasnn) gsterimine dayanan

    bir statik analiz ekli. Kontrol ak analizleri,

    kontrol aklarnn btnlnn incelenip hi

    bitmeyen dngler ve ulalamayan sre

    admlar gibi olas hatalarn tespitini salar.

    control flow graph An abstract representation of all possible

    sequences of events (paths) in the execution

    through a component or system

    kontrol ak grafii Bir sistem iindeki olas tm olaylar dizisinin

    (yol) soyut temsili gsterimi

    control flow path See path. kontrol ak yolu Baknz yol

    control flow testing An approach to structure-based testing in

    which test cases are designed

    to execute specific sequences of events.

    Various techniques exist for control flow


    e.g., decision testing, condition testing, and

    path testing, that each have their specific

    approach and level of control flow coverage.

    See also decision testing, condition testing,

    path testing.

    kontrol ak testi Test senaryolarnn, olaylarn belli srada

    yrtlmesine gre tasarland yapsal bir

    test yaklam. Kontrol ak testleri iin eitli

    teknikler vardr, rnein karar testi, koul testi

    ve yol testi , her birinin kendini zg

    yaklamlar ve kontrol ak kapsama derecesi

    vardr. Ayrca baknz karar testi, koul testi,

    yol testi.

    convergence metric A metric that shows progress toward a

    defined criterion, e.g.,

    convergence of the total number of test

    executed to the total number of tests planned



    yaknsama metrii Belirli bir kritere ulama konusundaki

    ilerlemeyi gsteren metrik, rnein koulan

    toplam test saysnn, koulmas planlanan

    toplam test saysna oran[email protected]
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    conversion testing Testing of software used to convert data from

    existing systems for use in

    replacement systems

    dnm testi Varolan sistemdeki verileri yerine geecek

    sistemde kullanlacak ekilde dntren

    yazlmn testi

    corporate dashboard A dashboard-style representation of the

    status of corporate

    performance data. See also balanced

    scorecard, dashboard.

    kurumsal gsterge paneli Gsterge paneli eklinde kurumsal

    performans verilerinin gsterimi. Baknz

    kurum karnesi, gsterge paneli

    cost of quality The total costs incurred on quality activities

    and issues and often split into

    prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal

    failure costs and external failure costs.

    kalitenin maliyeti Kaliteli bir rn elde etme yolunda karlalan

    toplam maliyet. Toplam maliyet hatay

    nleme maliyeti, deerlendirme maliyeti,

    arzann olumas durumunda i ve d

    kaynakl maliyetleri gibi krlmlara ayrlr.

    COTS Acronym for Commercial Off-The-Shelf

    software. See off-the-shelf software

    COTS Ticari kullanma hazr yazlm. Baknz paket


    coverage The degree, expressed as a percentage, to

    which a specified coverage item has been

    exercised by a test suite

    kapsam Bir test senaryo grubu ile salanan kapsama

    derecesi, yzde olarak gsterilir.

    coverage analysis Measurement of achieved coverage to a

    specified coverage item during

    test execution referring to predetermined

    criteria to determine whether additional

    testing is

    required and if so, which test cases are


    kapsam analizi Hedeflenen kapsama yzdesine ulalp

    ulalamad ve eer ulalmadysa hangi

    testlerin yrtlmesi ve hangi test

    senaryolarnn koturulmas gerektiinin


    coverage item An entity or property used as a basis for test

    coverage, e.g. equivalence

    partitions or code statements.

    kapsam esi Test kapsam iin temel alnan bir e veya

    tanm, rn. denklik snflar veya kod komutlar

    coverage measurement tool See coverage tool kapsam lm arac baknz kapsam arac

    coverage tool A tool that provides objective measures of

    what structural elements, e.g.

    statements, branches have been exercised by

    a test suite.

    kapsam arac Test senaryo grubu ile yaplan testler

    neticesinde komut, dal gibi yapsal elerin ne

    kadar test edildiine ynelik nesnel lmler

    yaplmasn salayan ara

    critical success factor An element necessary for an organization or

    project to achieve its

    mission. Critical success factors are the critical

    factors or activities required for ensuring

    the success.

    kritik baar faktr Bir organizasyon ya da projenin hedefine

    ulamas iin gerekli eler. Kritik baar

    faktrleri baarya ulamay salayan kritik


    Critical Testing Processes A content-based model for test process

    improvement built

    around twelve critical processes. These

    include highly visible processes, by which


    and management judge competence and

    mission-critical processes in which


    affects the company's profits and reputation.

    See also content-based model

    Kritik test sreleri Oniki kritik sre etrafnda test sre

    iyiletirmesi iin yaplm ierik bazl model.

    irketin itibar ve karlln etkileyen sreleri

    ierir. Baknz ierik bazl model.

    CTP See Critical Testing Processes CTP Baknz Kritik test sreleri[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    custom software See bespoke software. zel yazlm Baknz smarlama yazlm

    custom tool A software tool developed specifically for a set

    of users or customers

    zel ara Belli bir mteri ya da kullanc grubu iin zel

    olarak gelitirilmi yazlm arac

    cyclomatic complexity The maximum number of linear, independent

    paths through a

    program. Cyclomatic complexity may be

    computed as: L N + 2P, where

    - L = the number of edges/links in a graph

    - N = the number of nodes in a graph

    - P = the number of disconnected parts of the

    graph (e.g. a called graph or subroutine)

    [After McCabe]

    dngsel karmaa Bir programdaki dorusal, bamsz yollarn

    maksimum says. u ekilde hesaplanr: L N

    + 2P,

    - L = bir grafikteki kenar/balant says

    - N = bir grafikteki dm says - P = bir

    grafikteki balantsz paralarn says (rnek:

    arlan bir grafik veya alt program)

    [McCabe sonras]

    cyclomatic number See cyclomatic complexity dngsel say baknz dngsel karmaa[email protected]
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    Term Definition Terim Tanm

    daily build A development activity whereby a complete

    system is compiled and linked every

    day (often overnight), so that a consistent

    system is available at any time including all

    latest changes.

    gnlk srm Kodlarn gnlk olarak derlenerek son yaplan

    deiiklikleri de ierecek ekilde tutarl bir

    sistem eklinde hazr hale getirilmesi

    dashboard A representation of dynamic measurements

    of operational performance for some

    organization or activity, using metrics

    represented via metaphores such as visual


    counters, and other devices resembling those

    on the dashboard of an automobile, so that

    the effects of events or activities can be easily

    understood and related to operational goals.

    See also corporate dashboard, scorecard.

    gsterge paneli Bir organizasyon ya da aktiviteyle ilgili

    operasyonel performansn saya, araba kokpit

    gstergesi gibi benzetmeler kullanlarak

    gsterilmesi. Bu ekilde bir akitivitenin etkileri

    operasyonel hedeflerle ilikilendirilmektedir.

    Baknz kurumsal gsterge paneli, kurum


    data definition An executable statement where a variable is

    assigned a value.

    veri tanmlamas Bir deikene deer atayan yrtlebilir bir


    data-driven testing A scripting technique that stores test input

    and expected results in a

    table or spreadsheet, so that a single control

    script can execute all of the tests in the table.

    Data-driven testing is often used to support

    the application of test execution tools such as

    capture/playback tools. [Fewster and Graham]

    See also keyword-driven testing.

    veri gdml test Test girdi ve beklenen sonularn bir tabloda

    saklayan, bu sayede tek bir test betiinin

    tablodaki tm testleri altrabildii bir test

    teknii. Kaydet/oynat tarzndaki test

    otomasyon aralarnda sk kullanlan bir

    tekniktir (Fewster ve Graham). Ayrca baknz

    anahtar kelime gdml testler

    data flow An abstract representation of the sequence

    and possible changes of the state of

    data objects, where the state of an object is

    any of: creation, usage, or destruction.


    veri ak Veri objelerinin sralamas ve durumlarndaki

    olas deiikliklerin soyut bir gsterimi.

    Nesnenin durumu: yaratlma, kullanm,

    silinme (Beizer)

    data flow analysis A form of static analysis based on the

    definition and usage of variables.

    veri ak analizi Deikenlerin tanm ve kullanmlarna

    dayanan bir statik analiz eidi.

    data flow coverage The percentage of definition-use pairs that

    have been exercised by a test


    veri ak kapsam Bir test grubu tarafndan altrlan "tanm-

    kullanm" iftlerinin yzdesi.

    data flow testing A white box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed to

    execute definition-use pairs of variables.

    veri ak testi "tanm-kullanm" iftlerinin altrlarak test

    edilmesine ynelik test senaryolar ieren

    beyaz kutu test tasarm teknii

    data integrity testing See database integrity testing veri btnlk testleri baknz veritaban btnlk testleri[email protected]
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    data quality An attribute of data that indicates correctness

    with respect to some pre-defined

    criteria, e.g., business expectations,

    requirements on data integrity, data


    veri kalitesi Verinin nceden belirlenmi kriterlere gre

    doruluunu gsteren bir zellik. rnek: i ile

    ilgili beklentiler, veri btnlne ilikin

    gereksinimler ve veri tutarll

    database integrity testing Testing the methods and processes used to

    access and manage the

    data(base), to ensure access methods,

    processes and data rules function as expected


    that during access to the database, data is not

    corrupted or unexpectedly deleted, updated



    veritaban btnlk testleri Veritabanna ulamak ve ynetmek iin gerekli

    metod ve srelerin test edilmesi. Ama

    eriim metodlarnn, srelerinin ve veri

    kurallarnn beklendii gibi altnn

    kontroldr. Ayrca veritabannn kp

    kmedii, verilerin beklenmeyen ekilde

    silinip, yaratlp, gncellenmediinin


    dd-path A path between two decisions of an algorithm,

    or two decision nodes of a

    corresponding graph, that includes no other

    decisions. See also path.

    dd-yolu Bir algoritmann iki karar ya da bir grafiin iki

    karar dm arasnda yer alan ve baka

    karar iermeyen yol.

    dead code See unreachable code l kod Baknz ulalamayan kod

    debugger See debugging tool. hata ayklayc Baknz hata ayklama arac

    debugging The process of finding, analyzing and

    removing the causes of failures in


    hata ayklama Yazlmdaki hatalarn sebeplerinin bulunup,

    analiz edilip, ortadan kaldrlmasna ynelik


    debugging tool A tool used by programmers to reproduce

    failures, investigate the state of programs and

    find the corresponding defect. Debuggers

    enable programmers to execute

    programs step by step, to halt a program at

    any program statement and to set and


    program variables.

    hata ayklama arac Arzann tekrar oluturularak programn

    durumunun incelenmesi ve ilgili hatann

    bulunmas iin yazlmclar tarafndan

    kullanlan bir ara. Hata ayklama arac,

    programclarn yazlm adm adm

    yrtmesine, herhangi bir komutta

    durdurmasna, deikenlere deer atamasna

    ve ne deer aldn gzlemesine olanak


    decision A program point at which the control flow has

    two or more alternative routes. A

    node with two or more links to separate


    karar Bir kontrol aknn iki ya da daha fazla

    alternatif rotasnn olduu program noktas.

    Ayr iki ya da daha fazla dala sahip nokta.

    decision condition coverage The percentage of all condition outcomes and


    outcomes that have been exercised by a test

    suite. 100% decision condition coverage

    implies both 100% condition coverage and

    100% decision coverage

    karar koul kapsam Bir test grubu tarafndan test edilen tm koul

    ve karar ktlarnn yzdesi. %100 karar koul

    kapsam, %100 koul kapsam ve %100 karar

    kapsam anlamna gelir.

    decision condition testing A white box test design technique in which

    test cases are

    designed to execute condition outcomes and

    decision outcomes.

    karar koul testi Test senaryolarnn,koul ve karar ktlarn

    yrtecek ekilde tasarland beyaz kutu test

    tasarm teknii

    decision coverage The percentage of decision outcomes that

    have been exercised by a test

    suite. 100% decision coverage implies both

    100% branch coverage and 100% statement


    karar kapsam Bir test grubunun koulmas sonucunda elde

    edilen karar ktlarnn yzdesi. %100 karar

    kapsam, %100 dal kapsam ve %100 komut

    kapsamn ifade eder.[email protected]
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    decision outcome The result of a decision (which therefore

    determines the branches to be taken).

    karar kts Bir kararn sonucu (ilerlenmesi gereken dallar


    decision table A table showing combinations of inputs

    and/or stimuli (causes) with their

    associated outputs and/or actions (effects),

    which can be used to design test cases.

    karar tablosu testi Test senaryosu tasarm iin kullanlan, girdi

    ve/veya tetikleyici (neden) kombinasyonlar ve

    bunlara bal kt ve/veya

    aksiyonlar(sonular) gsteren tablo

    decision table testing A black box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed to

    execute the combinations of inputs and/or

    stimuli (causes) shown in a decision table.

    [Veenendaal04] See also decision table.

    karar tablosu testi Test senaryolarnn bir karar tablosundaki

    girdi ve/veya tetikleyici (neden)

    kombinasyonlarn ierecek ekilde

    tasarland kara kutu test teknii

    (Veenendaal04). Baknz karar tablosu

    decision testing A white box test design technique in which

    test cases are designed to

    execute decision outcomes.

    karar testi Karar ktlarnn yrtlmesi iin tasarlanan

    test senaryolarn ieren beyaz kutu test

    tasarm teknii

    defect A flaw in a component or system that can

    cause the component or system to fail to

    perform its required function, e.g. an

    incorrect statement or data definition. A

    defect, if

    encountered during execution, may cause a

    failure of the component or system.

    hata Bir bileen ya da sistemin gerekli ilevini

    gerekletirmesini engelleyen kusur. (rn.

    Doru olmayan komut veya veri tanmlamas).

    Hata, bileen ya da sistem alrken ortaya

    ckarsa arzaya neden olabilir.

    defect-based technique See defect-based test design technique. hata bazl teknik Baknz hata bazl test tasarm teknii

    defect-based test design


    A procedure to derive and/or select test cases

    targeted at

    one or more defect categories, with tests

    being developed from what is known about


    specific defect category. See also defect


    hata bazl test tasarm


    Bir veya daha fazla hata kategorisinden hata

    bulmay hedefleyen test senaryolarn

    belirleme / seme prosedr. Ayrca baknz

    hata snflandrmas

    defect category See defect type hata kategorisi Baknz hata eidi

    defect density The number of defects identified in a

    component or system divided by the

    size of the component or system (expressed

    in standard measurement terms, e.g. lines-


    number of classes or function points).

    hata younluu Bir sistem ya da bileende bulunan hata

    saysnn sistemin byklne oran (rn.

    kod satr says, snf says, fonksiyon puanlar)

    Defect Detection Percentage


    The number of defects found by a test phase,


    by the number found by that test phase and

    any other means afterwards

    hata tespit yzdesi Bir test faznda bulunan hatalarn saysnn,

    ayn fazda ve daha sonraki fazlarda bulunan

    hatalarn saysna oran

    defect management The process of recognizing, investigating,

    taking action and disposing

    of defects. It involves recording defects,

    classifying them and identifying the impact.

    [After IEEE 1044]

    hata ynetimi Hatalarn farkna varlmas, aratrlmas,

    aksiyon alnmas ve zmne ynelik sre.

    Hatalarn kayt edilmesini, snflandrlmasn

    ve etkilerinin tanmlanmasn ierir.[email protected]
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    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    defect management


    A cross-functional team of stakeholders who

    manage reported defects from initial

    detection to ultimate resolution (defect

    removal, defect

    deferral, or report cancellation). In some

    cases, the same team as the configuration


    board. See also configuration control board.

    hata ynetim komitesi Hatalarn bulunmasndan zmne (hata

    giderme, erteleme, rapor iptali) kadar hata

    ynetimini gerekletiren farkl gruplardan

    yetkililerin olduu ekip. Baz durumlarda

    yaplandrma kontrol kurulu olarak da faaliyet

    gsteririr. Baknz yaplandrma kontrol kurulu

    defect management tool A tool that facilitates the recording and status

    tracking of defects and changes. They

    often have workflow-oriented facilities to

    track and control the allocation,

    correction and re-testing of defects and

    provide reporting facilities. See also

    incident management tool.

    hata ynetim arac Hatalarn ve deiikliklerin kaydedilmesini ve

    durumlarnn izlenmesini salayan bir ara.

    Hatalarn atanmasn, dzeltilmesini ve tekrar

    test edilmesini izlemek ve kontrol etmek iin i

    ak zellikleri vardr ve raporlama imkan

    salar. Ayrca baknz olay ynetim arac

    defect masking An occurrence in which one defect prevents

    the detection of another. [After

    IEEE 610]

    hata maskeleme Bir hatann baka bir hatann bulunmasn

    engelledii durum.[IEEE 610 sonras]

    defect report A document reporting on any flaw in a

    component or system that can cause the

    component or system to fail to perform its

    required function. [After IEEE 829]

    hata raporu Bir bileen veya sistemin gereken

    fonksiyonlarn yerine getirmesini engelleyen

    kusurun raporland dokman.[IEEE 829]

    defect taxonomy A system of (hierarchical) categories

    designed to be a useful aid for

    reproducibly classifying defects.

    hata snflandrmas Hatalarn hiyerarik kategorilere ayrlarak

    zellikle hata bazl testlerde tekrar

    kullanlmasn salayan yntem

    defect tracking tool See defect management tool. hata takip arac Baknz hata ynetim arac

    defect triage committee See defect management committee. hata nceliklendirme


    Baknz hata ynetim komitesi

    defect type An element in a taxonomy of defects. Defect

    taxonomies can be identified with

    respect to a variety of considerations,

    including, but not limited to:

    Phase or development activity in which the

    defect is created, e.g., a specification error or

    a coding error

    Characterization of defects, e.g., an off-by-

    one defect

    Incorrectness, e.g., an incorrect relational

    operator, a programming language syntax

    error, or an invalid assumption

    Performance issues, e.g., excessive

    execution time, insufficient availability.

    hata eidi Hata snflandrmasnn bir esidir. Hata

    snflandrmalar eitli etkenlere gre

    belirlenebilir. Bu etkenlerden bazlar

    unlardr: Hatann olutuu faz veya ilgili

    yazlm gelitirme aktivitesi. rnein,

    gereksinim yanll veya kodlama yanll.

    Hata zellii: rnein; mantksal kusur.

    Doru olmayan. rnein; doru olmayan

    ilikisel ile, programlama dili yazm hatas

    veya geersiz varsaym.

    Performans konular.rnein; ar yrtme

    sresi, yetersiz elverililik dzeyi.

    definition-use pair The association of a definition of a variable

    with the subsequent use of

    that variable. Variable uses include

    computational (e.g. multiplication) or to

    direct the execution of a path (predicate


    tanm-kullanm ifti Bir deiken tanmnn bu deikenin

    kullanmyla eletirilmesi

    deliverable Any (work) product that must be delivered

    to someone other than the (work)

    products author.

    kt Yapan kii dnda baka bir paydaa teslim

    edilmesi gereken i/rn.[email protected]
  • Yazlm Test ve Kalite Dernei | | [email protected]

    Tel: +90 212 290 76 62 | Faks: +90 212 290 76 63


    Deming cycle An iterative four-step problem-solving

    process, (plan-do-check-act), typically

    used in process improvement. [After Deming]

    Deming dngs Dngsel drt adml problem zme sreci,

    (planla, uygula, kontrol et, nlem al).

    Genellikle sre iyiletirme almalarnda

    kullanlr.[Deming sonras]

    design-based testing An approach to testing in which test cases

    are designed based on the

    architecture and/or detailed design of a

    component or system (e.g. tests of

    interfaces between components or system