ISTORY - · sistema politico-istituzionale: l’esperienza italiana al confronto con altre...

1 TANIA GROPPI University of Siena Department of Business and Law Piazza San Francesco, 7 53100 Siena tel. +390577/232671 email: [email protected] EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 2001 - Present Full Professor of Public Law Department of Business and Law, University of Siena Teaching Subjects: Constitutional Law, Public Law, Regional Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional Justice 2005-2012 Professor Faculty of Law, University S.Orsola Benincasa, Naples Teaching Subjects: Constitutional Law, Constitutional Justice 1999 2001 Associate Professor Faculty of Economics, University of Siena Teaching Subjects: Public Law, Regional Law 1993-2001 Legal Adviser Italian Constitutional Court, Rome 1992 1999 Senior Lecturer Faculty of Economics, University of Siena Researching Subjects: Public Law, Regional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law Visiting Professor January 2013 Faculty of Law Université de Montréal August 2012 Max-Plank Institut, Heidelberg, Germany March 2012 Faculty of Law, Université La Sorbonne, Paris I, Paris February 2012 Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal December 2011 Faculty of Law, Université de Toulouse April 2011 Faculty of Law, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV

Transcript of ISTORY - · sistema politico-istituzionale: l’esperienza italiana al confronto con altre...



University of Siena

Department of Business and Law

Piazza San Francesco, 7

53100 Siena

tel. +390577/232671

email: [email protected]


2001 - Present Full Professor of Public Law

Department of Business and Law, University of Siena

Teaching Subjects: Constitutional Law, Public Law, Regional Law,

Comparative Law, Constitutional Justice

2005-2012 Professor

Faculty of Law, University S.Orsola Benincasa, Naples

Teaching Subjects: Constitutional Law, Constitutional Justice

1999 – 2001 Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics, University of Siena

Teaching Subjects: Public Law, Regional Law

1993-2001 Legal Adviser

Italian Constitutional Court, Rome

1992 – 1999 Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Economics, University of Siena

Researching Subjects: Public Law, Regional Law, Comparative

Constitutional Law

Visiting Professor

January 2013 Faculty of Law Université de Montréal

August 2012 Max-Plank Institut, Heidelberg, Germany

March 2012 Faculty of Law, Université La Sorbonne, Paris I, Paris

February 2012 Faculty of Law, Université de Montréal

December 2011 Faculty of Law, Université de Toulouse

April 2011 Faculty of Law, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV


February 2011 Faculty of Law, Université La Sorbonne, Paris I, Paris

February 2010 Faculty of Law, Université La Sorbonne, Paris I, Paris

January 2010 Faculty of Law, Université de Poitiers

March 2009 Faculty of Law, Université Paris VI Descartes

January 2009 Faculty of Law, Université de Toulouse

March 2008 Faculty of Law, Université La Sorbonne, Paris I, Paris

January 2008 Faculty of Law, University of Aix-en-Provence

January 2007 Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, within the Siena-Jerusalem

exchange agreement.

July-August 2006 Faculty o Law, University of Victoria; Faculty of Law, University of Alberta

February 2006 School for Oriental and African Studies, London

April 2005 Faculty of Law, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV

July 2004 Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Edmonton

August 2001 Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh

January 2000 Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

October 2000 University Karlov, Prague

July-August 1998 Université de Montréal and Osgoode Hall Law School of the York University

August-September 1996 Faculty of Law, University of Toronto; Osgoode Hall Law School



- 2007-present: alternate member, representing Italy, of the Group of independent experts on the

European Charter of local self-government of the Council of Europe (monitoring of Greece and

Iceland; post-monitoring of Moldova; advising on decentralization in Tunisia)

- 2016-present, adviser to the Regional Government of Toscana on the support to the process of

decentralization in Tunisia (Project on “Femmes et jeunes : décentralisation et participation”)

- 2014-2015, consultant, Democracy Reporting International, Tunisia (constitutional justice,

decentralization, participation)

- 2011- 2015, adviser to the Regional Government of Toscana on the support to the process of

decentralization in Tunisia (Project on “Activités de support au processus constitutionnel et à

l’affirmation de la décentralisation en Tunisie”:


- 2008- 2010: Expert of Venice Commission of the Council of Europe for the programs on

Constitutional Justice and on Rule of Law in Central Asia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan,


- 2008: Expert of the European Commission on the “Independence of the Judiciary and Status of

Judges” in the project on “European Union-Kazakhstan-Civil Society Seminar on Human


- September 2007- 2010: adviser to the Regional Government of Toscana on the support to the

process of decentralization of Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa)

- August 2006-September 2008: expert, appointed by the Minister for Regional Affairs, in the

Technical Consultative Committee on Linguistic Minorities

- 2006-2008: adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Task Force Iraq, for the organization of a

course for Iraqi lawyers (Nassirya, Iraq)


September 1994 Course on Judicial Review of Legislation at Aix-en-Provence University

(France), directed by Prof. Luis Favoreu

September 1990-November 1992 PhD in Public Law (University of Perugia, Italy)

January - June 1990 Master in Parliamentary Law, University of Florence (Italy)

October 1989 - January 1990 Research Fellow at the Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, in

Madrid (Spain). Research Subjects: regional and local electoral systems;

study subjects: courses in Constitutional law and Political science

November 1984-July 1989 Degree in Political Science, University of Siena (Italy)


Final dissertation in Public Law: “Il dibattito sulle istituzioni e il problema

della forma di governo italiana (1944-1968)” [The Debate on the Institution

and the Problem of the Italian Form of Government (1944-1968)], under the

supervision of Prof. Paolo De Caterini (the dissertation was considered

appropriate for publication); final evaluation: 110/110 cum laude

Average exams evaluation: 30/30


- 1995: participation to the CNR [Italian Research Council] research program on the process of

regionalisation in Italy and Spain, coordinated by Prof. G. Rolla, at the Department of Economic

Law of the University of Siena, with the Universities of Barcellona (Pompeu Fabra) and Toledo

- 1996: participation to the CNR research program on the allocation of competences between the

different levels of government, coordinated by Prof. Silvio Gambino (Calabria University)

- 1997: participation to the CNR research program on the public services, coordinated by Prof.

Nicoletta Marzona

- 1998: participation to the research program on “La tutela dei diritti fondamentali tra giustizia

costituzionale e altre forme di garanzia” [The Protection of Fundamental Rights beteen

Constitutional Justice and Other Ways of Protection] (scientific director of the research unit:

Prof. G. Rolla), within the national interest’s research program “Giustizia costituzionale e

sistema politico-istituzionale: l’esperienza italiana al confronto con altre esperienze europee”

[Constitutional Justice and Political-Institutional System: Comparing the Italian Experience

with Other European Experiences] (scientific coordinator: Prof. R. Romboli)

- 1998: participation to the research program “Nuove forme di tutela dei diritti fondamentali in

Italia e nella prospettiva comparata” [New Ways of Protection of Fundamental Rights in Italy

and in a Comparative Perspective] (Prof. Giancarlo Rolla)

- In 1999, participation to the research program on “Le sfide dei diritti umani nel

costituzionalismo contemporaneo” [The Challenges of Human Rights in Contemporary

Constitutionalism] (coordinator and scientific director: Prof. G.Rolla), University of Siena

- In 1999, participation to the research program on “L’autonomia dei comuni e delle Province”

[Municipalities and Provinces’ Autonomy] (scientific director of the research unit: prof.

Giancarlo Rolla), within the CNR research program on “Lo sviluppo delle autonomie nelle

trasformazioni dello Stato costituzionale” [Autonomies’ Development in the Transformation of

Constitutional State] (coordinator: prof. Giancarlo Rolla)

- In 2000, participation to the MURST [Ministery for Research] research program (national

coordinator Prof. A. Ruggeri) on “Sistema delle fonti, giurisprudenza costituzionale, riflessi di

ordine istituzionale” [System of the Sources of Law, Constitutional Jurisprudence, Institutional


- In 2001, Director of the research unit on “Corti costituzionali nazionali e Corte europea dei

diritti dell’uomo” [National Constitutional Courts and European Court of Human Rights],

within the MIUR [Ministery for Research] research program on “Corte costituzionale e Corte


europea dei diritti dell’uomo” [Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights],

coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Pizzorusso

- In 2002, participartion to the MIUR research program on “Integrazione europea e fonti

normative degli enti locali” [European Integration and Sources of Law of Local Governments]

(national coordinator Prof. Antonio Ruggeri)

- In 2001, coordinator of a PAR [University Research Program] research program on Canadian

federalism, founded by the University of Siena

- In 2002, coordinator of a PAR research program on the European Court of Human Rights and

the national Constitutional Courts, founded by the University of Siena

- In 2003, Director of the research unit on “Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo e Corti

costituzionali nazionali nella prospettiva della Costituzione europea” [European Court of

Human Rights and National Constitutional Court in the Perspective of the European

Convention], within the MIUR research program coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Pizzorusso

(University of Pisa), on “La tutela dei diritti fondamentali tra ordinamenti nazionali e

sovranazionali, nella prospettiva di una "Costituzione" europea” [The Protection of

Fundamental Rights between National and Supra-National Legal Systems, in the Perspective of

a European ‘Constitution’]

- Coordinator (with Alessandro Torre, University of Bari) of the research program “Devoluzione

e mutamento costituzionale nel Regno unito: un’analisi italiana” [Devolution and Constitutional

Change in the United Kingdom. An Italian Survey] and a section of research program on

“Devolution and Constitutional Change”, coordinated by Charlie Jeffrey, University of

Birmingham. The program was founded by the University of Siena within the 2003 PAR

research program and by the MIUR, Cofin 2004 (national coordinator Prof. L. Volpe)

- In 2005, director of the research unit on “Corti costituzionali nazionali, primauté del diritto

europeo sul diritto costituzionale nazionale e teoria dei "controlimiti” dopo la Costituzione

europea” [National Constitutional Courts, primauté of European Law on National Constitutional

Law and Theory of ‘Counter-Limits’ after the European Constitution], within the MIUR-Cofin

research program on “La tutela dei diritti fondamentali tra ordinamenti nazionali e

sovranazionali, nella prospettiva della Costituzione europea” [The Protection of Fundamental

Rights between National and Supra-National Legal Systems, in the Perspective of European

Constitution], coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Pizzorusso (University of Pisa)

- In 2005-2007, coordinator of the research program on “Democrazia e terrorismo: diritti

fondamentali e sicurezza dopo l’11 settembre 2001” [Democracy and Terrorism: Fundamental

Rights and Security after September, 11 2001], funded by the Institute of Political Studies San

Pio V

- In 2005-2006, coordinator of the PAR research program on “Diritto europeo e diritto

costituzionale nazionale: primauté vs. controlimiti” [European Law and National Constitutional

Law: Primauté vs Counter-Limits], funded by the University of Siena

- In 2006, director of the section of Comparative Law in the FORMEZ research program on

“Unione europea-recepimento legge 11/2005 per le regioni egli enti locali” [European Union-

Implementation of Law 11/2005 for Regions and Local Governments]


- February 2007-30 September 2008: director of the section of Comparative Law, in the

FORMEZ research program on “Azioni volte ad assicurare piena attuazione agli impegni

assunti nella conferenza di Kyoto con particolare riferimento allo scambio delle Best Practices

sulla Governance in campo ambientale” [Actions for the Implementation of the Duties Adopted

in the Kyoto Conference, with Special Referenceto the Eschange of Best Practices on

Governance in the Environmental Sector]

- 2007- 2010: director of the research unit on “La circolazione dei precedenti stranieri in materia

di limitazione dei diritti fondamentali nell'area di common law: un dialogo tra (alcune)

giurisdizioni” [The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Courts on the Limitation of Rights and

Freedom in the Common Law Countries: a Dialogue Between (Some) Jurisdictions], within the

COFIN research National program coordinated by Prof. G. de Vergottini

- June 2007-2013: coordinator, with Prof. Marie-Claire Ponthoreau (University of Bordeaux), of

the group on “The Use of Foreign Case-Law by the Courts”, within the International

Association of Constitutional Law

- 2010-2014: participation at the research program, coordinated by Antonio Torres del Moral

(UNAM, Madrid), on “La prehistoria del Derecho Constitucional”, funded by the Spanish

Minister for University.

- 2010-2014: participation to the research program, coordinated by Tommaso Edoardo Frosini on

“La tutela giuridica della biodiversità”, funded by the Italian Minister for Environment.

- 2011-2015: coordinator of the section on “Language, integration, citizenship in contexts of

migration” on the national research program PRIN 2011 lead by Prof. Paolo Caretti

- 2012-2016: participation to the research program CONREASON, on Constitutional Reasoning,

coordinated by Prof. Andras Jakab, Max-Plank Institute Heidelberg

- On March 20th

, 2014 she was awarded of “Master ad vitam” by the Facultad de Jurisprudencia,

Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (Mexico)

- Responsible of the Jean Monnet Module (call 2016) “EUCOLAW. The Europeanization of

Constitutional Law. The Impact of EU Law on national sources of law, form of government,

rights and freedoms”.

- 2015-present, member of the research team of the project: “Constitutional Courts under

Pressure. Financial crisis, terrorism, migration and other challenges in constitutional

adjudication”, Institute of Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Centre for

Social Sciences and the National University of Public Service (Budapest).

- From November 2016, coordinator (with professor Xavier Philippe, Université Aix-Marseille)

of the project “Il processo di attuazione della nuova Costituzione tunisina: le sfide per

l’affermazione della democrazia”, in the framework of the Università italo-francese, progetti

Galileo 2016-1017.




- Currently: member of the executive committee of the Research Centre for European and

Comparative Public Law (DIPEC), University of Siena: visit the website

- Currently: member of the board of the PhD program in Law, University of Siena

- From 2010 to 2016, delegate of the Rector of the University of Siena on the Project on


- From 2005 to 2008, director of the DIPEC

- 1989-1995: research activities and organization of conferences director within the Italy-Spain

research center (University of Siena and Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, Madrid)


- Member of the Italian Association of Constitutional Law, of the Italian Association on

Comparative and European Public Law, of the Italian Association of Canadian Studies, of the

Council of the International Association of Constitutional Studies, of the “Gruppo di Pisa” on

constitutional justice, of the ISLE (Institute for the documentation and the legislative studies), of

the International Association of Constitutional Law.

- Member of the scientific committees of ASTRID (Association for Studies and Researches on

the Reform of the Democratic Institutions and the Innovation of Public Administration),

EURAC (European Academy, Bolzano), Devolution Club, Centro de derechos políticos

(CEDEPOL) of the Universidad autónoma de Coahuila (Mexico), of the Conseil scientifique de

l’Academie Internationale de droit constitutionnel (AIDC, Tunis).

- From December 2011 to July 2013, Member of the National Agency for the Evaluation of

Universities and Research Institutes (VQR 2004-2010).

- From April 2012 to October 2013, Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank Monte dei

Paschi di Siena Group.


- Member of the Consejo assesor della Coleccion de derecho pùblico del Bolletin Oficial del

Estado (BOE), Spain.

- Co-director (with Alessandro Torre) of the Series “Nuovi studi di diritto estero e comparato”,

published by Maggioli.

- Member of the scientific committee of the journals “Italian Journal of Public Law”, “Diritto

pubblico comparato ed europeo”, “Amministrare”, “Il Filangieri”, “Revista de Estudios

Federales y Autonómicos”, “Journal of Comparative Law”, “Revista de derecho político”,

“Revista de derecho constitucional europeo”, “Revue française de droit constitutionnel”, “Law

and Justice Review” and “Human Rights Review” (Türkiye Adalet Akademisi).


- 2003-2010 Editor of the section on Italian reviews on I-CON (International Journal of

Constitutional Law), Oxford University Press

- 2001-2006: member of the directive committee of the Commentary to the Constitution,

publisher UTET, Torino, 2006

- 1996-1999: member of the editorial board of the weekly “Gazzetta giuridica Giuffrè”


Constitutional justice, federalism, local government, constitution building, judiciary, EU

constitutional law


She lectured in Universities or Constitutional Courts in in Portugal, France, Belgium, the

Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Israel, Canada, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Andorra, Bosnia-Herzegovina,

Thailand, USA, India, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Armenia, Germany,

Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Turkey, Hungary, United Kingdom, Brazil,

Colombia, Cuba.

Conference Papers (only at International Level)

- “Privatizaciòn del empleo pùblico y autonomìas territoriales: algunas notas sobre el caso

italiano despuès del décreto n.29 del 1993” [Privatization of Publice Service and Territorial

Autonomies: Remarks on the Italian Case after decree n . 29/1993], Seminar on the Reform of

the Civil Service, University of Paìs Vasco - San Sebastiàn (Spain), January 1994

- “Brevi note sul giudizio di legittimità costituzionale e sui conflitti di attribuzione tra Stato e

Regioni” [Brief Remarks on the Constitutional Review of Legislation and the Conflict of

Competences between State and Regions], workshop with the assistant to the German

Constitutional Tribunal, organized by the Italian Constitutional Court, 22 April 1997

- “Recenti tendenze della giustizia costituzionale in Italia” [Recent Trends of the Constitutional

Justice in Italy], Conference, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona (Spain), June 1999

- “Le régionalisme italien à la fin des années ‘90: un Etat régional à tendence municipal?” [Italian

Regionalism at the End of the Nineties : a Regional State with a Municipal Trend ?], Workshop

on “Le role des collectivités régionales, leur rapport avec l’Etat central et leur contribution au

développement de la démocratie: le cas de l’Italie et de l’Espagne” [The Role of Regions, their

Relations with the State and their Contribution to the Development of Democracy : Italy and

Spain], Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (France), 2 July, 1999

- “Between Politics and the Law: The Development of Constitutional Review in Italy”, 5th


Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Rotterdam (The Netherlands),

12-17 July 1999


- “La forma di governo italiana nella giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale: la Corte a difesa

del ‘monismo parlamentare’?” [Italian Form of Government in the Constitutional Court Case-

Law: is the Court Defending ‘Parliamentary Monism’?], Workshop on “Problemi e tendenze

della funzione di governo” [Problems and Trends of the Government’s Function], Universidad

Autónoma, Madrid (Spain), 2 November 1999

- “La giustizia costituzionale in Italia” [Constitutional Justice in Italy], Constitutional Tribunal of

Peru, 7 August 2000 and Faculty of Law, University San Martín de Porres, Lima (Peru), 8

August 2000

- “L’incidenza del diritto comunitario sui rapporti Stato-regioni in Italia” [The Effects of

European Law on State-Regions Relations in Italy], University of Granada (Spain), 20 October


- Presentation on the Regional statutes and form of government, within the workshop on the

Italian regional system reform, organized by the Department of Public Law of the University of

Barcelona, 16 March 2001

- “La protection des droits fondamentaux au niveau provincial et fédéral au Canada” [The

Protection of Fundamental Rights at Provincial and Federal Level in Canada], Conference on

“The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe: Lessons from Canada”, Law Department of

the University of Trento (Italy), 24 April 2001

- “La revisione costituzionale negli stati federali tra pluralismo territoriale e aterritoriale”

[Constitutional Revision in Federal States between Territorial and Non-Territorial Pluralism],

7th Iberian-American Congress on Constitutional law, UNAM University, Mexico City

(Mexico), 13 February 2002

- “Autonomia statutaria e forma di governo delle regioni italiane” [Statute Autonomy and Form

of Government of the Italian Regions], Conference at the Facultad de derecho de la Universidad

Autonoma, Madrid (Spain), 27 November 2002

- “Modelli di giustizia costituzionale” [Models of Constitutional Justice] and “La giustizia

costituzionale in Italia e in Spagna” [Constitutional Justice in Italy and Spain], Seminar on “La

justicia constitucional en Europa” [Constituional Justice in Europe], Instituto de Investigaciones

Jurìdicas de la UNAM (Mexico), 25-26 February 2003

- “Freedom of thought and expression”, Congress on “Political Structure and Human Rights-

European Union Meeting”, organized by the Union of Turkish Bar, Ankara 16-18 april 2003

- “Recenti tendenze nei rapporti tra Corte costituzionale e giudici comuni in Italia” [Recent

Trends in the Relations between Constitutional Court and Judges in Italy], VIII Congreso

iberoamericano de derecho constitucional, Faculty of Law, University of Seville, 3 December


- Presentation at the workshop on “Un ordre jurisprudentiel en Europe? L’effet des principes

fondamentaux dégagés par les Cours suprêmes” [A Case-Law System in Europe? The Effect of

Fundamental Principes developed by the Supreme Courts], organized by the Cercop, Faculty of

Law, University of Montpellier (France)


- “Constitutional reform in federal system”, 6th

World Congress on Constitutional Law on

“Concepts anciens, nouveaux mondes” [Old Concepts, New Worlds], Santiago de Chile, 15

January 2004

- “La garantie des droits et libertés au Canada en comparaison avec la Charte européenne des

droits” [The Protection of Rights and Freedoms in Canada in Comparison with the European

Charter of Rights], Congress on “Constitutionalism and Cultural Pluralism : a Lesson from

Canada”, Center for Canadian Studies, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom), 29 April


- “Naturalezza de la Constitución europea: la reforma” [Naturalness od the European

Constitution: the Reform], Corse on “La Constitución europea” [The European Constitution],

organized in Las Palmas by the Gobierno de Canarias and the Instituto canario de

administración pública, 18 May 2004

- “Diritto UE e diritto nazionale: primauté vs. controlimiti” [European Law and National Law:

primauté vs. Counter-Limits], Seminar on “The National Constitutional Reflection of European

Constitutional Reform”, organized by the University Carlos III°, Madrid (Spain), 6 September


- “Droits linguistiques et autonomies territoriales en Italie” [Linguistic Rights and Territorial

Autonomies in Italy], “Colloque langues, constitutionnalisme et minorités” [Workshop on

Languages, Constitutionalism and Minorities], Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa (Canada),

12 November 2004

- “Il caso italiano” [The Italian Case], Congress on “Modelo de Estado y reforma de los

estatutos” [Model of State and Statutes’ Reform], organized by the Fundaciòn Manuel Broseta

and the Universitat de Valencia, 30 November 2004

- “Las garantías de los derechos fundamentales en Europa, después de la Constitución” [The

Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe, After the Constitution], Seminar on “La

Constituciòn europea” [The European Constitution], organized by the UNAM Instituto de

Investigaciones Jurìdicas, Mexico City, 17 February 2005

- “Primauté e diritto costituzionale nazionale” [Primauté and National Constitutional Law],

Conference at the Faculty of Law, University of Grenada (Spain), 13 June 2005

- “Il seguito delle sentenze della Corte costituzionale” [The Follow-Up of the Constitutional

Court Decisions], 1st Congress organized by the Constitutional Tribunal of Andorra on “La mis

en oeuvre des décisions des Cours constitutionnelles” [The Implementation of Contitutional

Court Decisions], 17 October 2005

- “La primauté del diritto europeo sul diritto costituzionale nazionale: un punto di vista

comparato” [European Law Primauté on National Constitutional Law: a Comparative

Perspective], International Congress on Constitutional law on “Culturas y sistemas jurìdicos

comparados” [Cultures and Comparative Judicial Systems], UNAM University, Mexico City, 9

February 2006

- “Titularidad y legitimación ante la jurisdicción constitucional” [Title and Legitimation before

Constitutional Tribunals], Seminar on “Los tribunales constitucionales y acceso a la justicia”


[Constitutional Tribunals and Access to the Justice], organized by the Corte de

constitucionalidad de Guatemala and Eurosocial-Justicia, Antigua, Guatemala, 10 July 2006

- “Judicial Review in Europe. Structural Features and Recent Developments”, Seminar at the

Alberta Law Faculty, Edmonton (Canada), 29 August 2006

- “L’evoluzione della forma di Stato”, Congress on “Le dinamiche della forma di stato e della

forma di governo negli stati membri dell’Unione europea: Italia e Polonia a confronto”

[Dynamics od Form of State and Form of Government in the European Union Member States:

Comparino Italy and Poland], University LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (Italy) and University of

Torùn, 25 October 2006

- “The codification of rights in the Thailand Constitution. A comparative point of view”,

Congress on “Constitutional Reform: Comparative Perspectives”, organized by the KPI (King

Prajadhipok’s Institute), Bangkok (India), 5 November 2006

- “L’evoluzione della forma di Stato in Italia: uno Stato regionale senz’anima?” [The Evolution

of Italian Form of State: a regional State without Soul?], Congress on “El futuro del modelo de

Estado” [The Future of the Model of State], University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spain), 15

December 2006

- Presentation on the Israeli Constitution, Seminar on “Israele: Stato senza legge?” [Israel: a State

without Law?], organized by the Italian Institute of Culture in Tel Aviv, 8 January 2007

- “Judicial Review in Europe. Structural Features and Recent Developments”, Management

College of Rishon Letzion, Faculty of Law, 11 January 2007

- “El principio de no discriminación en Canada” [The Principle of Non-Discrimination in

Canada], Congress on “Segundas Jornadas sobre el Derecho a la no discriminación” [Second

Day on the Right to Non-Discrimination], organized by the Instituto de Investigaciones

Jurídicas de la UNAM and FLACSO-México, 21 February 2007

- “La justicía constitucional en Europa” [Constitutional Justice in Europe], course on “Magister in

Derecho Pùblico”, Facultad de Derecho de la Univeridad Catòlica de Chile, 27 March 2007

- “La justicía constitucional en Europa” [Constitutional Justice in Europe], Conference at the la

Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Central de Santiago, 28 March 2007

- “Il modello multiculturale canadese” [The Canadiam Multicultural Model], Congress on

“Società multiculturali e Stato democratico” [Multicultural Societies and Democratic State],

organized by the Italian Association of Comparative Public and European Law, Paestum – SA

(Italy), 18 May 2007

- “A User-friendly Court. The Influence of Supreme Court of Canada Decisions Since 1982 on

Court Decisions in Other Liberal Democracies”, Congress on “A Living Tree. The Legacy of

1982 in Canada’s Political Evolution”, organized by the SIPP, Regina (Saskatchewan), 24 May


- “The Bill of Rights in the European Constitution and the New World Constitutionalism”, 7th

World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), Athens

(Greece), 12 June 2007


- “L’influenza delle decisioni della Corte Suprema del Canada relative alla Carta dei diritti e

delle libertà sulla giurisprudenza delle altre democrazie liberali” [The Influence of the Supreme

Court of Canada Decisions on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the Case-Law of Others

Liberal Democracies], Congress on “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982-

2007)”, organized by the Italian Association of Canadian Studies, University of Genova (Italy),

28 September 2007

- “Le régionalisme italien dans une perspective comparée” [Italian Regionalism in a Comparative

Perspective], Seminar organized by the Tuscany Region and the Indipendent Electoral

Commission of the RDC, Kinshasa (RDC), 2 October 2007

- “Présentation des expériences de décentralisation” [Presentation of Decentralisation

Experiences], “Forum national sur la décentralisation” [National Forum on Decentralisation],

organized by the UNDP and the Government of the Republique Démocratique du Congo,

Kinshasa (RDC), 3 October 2007

- Discussant to the presentation “Introduzione generale sul processo di riforma statutaria”

[General Introduction on the Process of Statute Reform], by prof. Miguel Aparicio, Seminar “La

riforma degli statuti delle comunità autonome e le riforme del regionalismo italiano” [The

Reform of the Statutes of the Autonomous Communities and the Reforms of Italian

Regionalism], organized by the University of Foggia (Italy) and the University of Barcelona

(Spain), Faculty of Law, LUMSA University, Rome (Italy), 12 October 2007

- Delegate at the International Conference on Federalism, organized by the Forum of Federations,

New Delhi (India), 5-7 November 2007

- “La codificación de los derechos en la Unión europea y el nuevo constitucionalismo mundial”

[The Codification of Rights in the European Union and the New World Constitutionalism],

Congress on “La Europa de los derechos” [Europe of Rights], Universidad Miguel Hérandez,

Elche, 13 November 2007

- “The codification of rights in the EU and the new world constitutionalism”, Congress on

“Constitutional Rights and International Human Rights: Separate but Equal? A Conference

Honoring Prof. David Kretzmer”, Minerva Center for Human Rights, Hebrew University,

Jerusalem, 19 November 2007

- “El presidencialismo desde fuera: la experiencia de la forma de gobierno parlamentaria en Italia

y la búsqueda de la governabilidad”, Congress on “Making Presidentialism Work”, organized

by IDEA International, Instituto e Investigaciones Jurìdicas de la UNAM (Ciudad de México), 7

February 2008

- “Le principe de laïcité comme création jurisprudentielle en Italie” [Secularism as a Case-Law

Creation in Italy], Congress on “Constitution et laïcité. Le 80ème

anniversaire de la laïcité

constitutionnelle en Turquie” [Constitution and Secularism. The 80th Adniversary of

Constitutional Secularism in Turkey], Université de Marmara, Haydarpaşa (Turkey), 10 April


- Presentation at the 1st International Congress on Procedural Constitutional Law, organized by

the Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naciòn, Mexico, 15 May 2008


- Presentation of the Report on Italy, XX Table ronde sur la justice constitutionnelle on

“Constitution et famille(s)” [Constitution and Family(ies)], organized by the GERJC-Intitut

Louis Favoreu ad Aix-en-Provence, 12-13 September 2008

- Presentation on “The Role of the constitutional court in the development of democracy in Italy”,

as an Expert of the Venice Commission, 13th

Yerevan International Conference on

“Fundamental constitutional values and public practice” organized by the Constitutional Court

of Armenia and the Venice Commission, 4 October 2008.

- Coordinator, Meeting of Interest Group on “Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional

Judges”, IACL, London, 15 november 2008.

- Presentation on « Identification des modules de formation nécessaires en vue de renforcer les

compétences des Députés et du Personnel Administratif des Assemblées Provinciales ainsi que

ceux du Ministère de la Décentralisation et Aménagement du Territoire de la RDC », Kinshasa,

Commission Electoral Indépendant, 24 november 2008.

- Presentation on “The Principle of Secularism as Product of Constitutional Interpretation in

Italy”in the Conference on “The Constitutional Framework Governing the Relationship between

State and Religion in the Italian and Israeli Constitutional Systems. Bilateral Meeting on the

occasion of 60 years of the Italian Constitution and 60 years of relations between Italy and

Israel”, Haifa University, 8 december 2008.

- Participation, as delagte at the First World Conference on Constitutional Justice, on “Influential

Constitutional Justice: its influence on society and on developing a global human rights

jurisprudence”, Venice Commission, Capetown, 23 and 24 January 2009.

- Presentation on “Constitutional adjudication of laws in Europe: main features and recent

tendencies”, Widener Law School, Wilmington, Delaware, 15 april 2009.

- Presentation on “Business as usual. Le dialogue judiciaire sur les affaires antiterroristes”,

Annual Meeting of SIPE on “Etat de droit, liberté et sécurité en Europe”, Budapest, 5 june 2009.

- Presentation, as expert of EU Commission, on “Independence of the Judiciary and Status of

Judges”, Almaty (Kazakhstan), “Uuropean Union-Kazakhstan-Civil Society Seminar on Human

Rights”, 29 and 30 june 2009 .

- Presentation, as expert of Venice Commission, on “The Jury Trial in Italy”, in the Conference

on “Court proceedings with participation of juries”, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 8 september 2009.

- Presentation on “Les droits sociaux en Italie” at the Conference on «Les droits sociaux

constitutionnels et la charte sociale européenne », Marmara University, Istanbul, 16 october


- Presentation on “Los organos de participacion local en las regiones” at the seminar on “Los

gobiernos locales hoy: proyectos e interrogantes”, Barcelona,“Consorci Universitat Menéndez

Pelayo”, 23 november 2009.

- Presentation on «Les Cours constitutionnelles et la primauté du droit européen sur le droit

constitutionnel national », Colloque sur « L’Europe et ses constitutions : 20 ans après »,

Regensburg, 5 december 2009.


- Presentation, as expert of Venice Commission, on “The Relationship between Constitutional

Courts, Legislator and Judicial Power in the European System of Judicial Review” at the

conference on “Judicial Activism and Restraint”, Batumi, Georgia, 14 july 2010.

- Presentation on “La democracia directa. El caso italiano”, III° Seminario del Observatorio

Judicial Electoral, Mexico City, Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial Federal de Mexico, 6

october 2010.

- Presentation, as expert of Venice Commission, on “Protection of human rights and models of

constitutional justice”, at the Conference celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Azerbaijan

Constitution, Baku, 12 november 2010.

- Presentation on “El uso de precedentes extranjeros por los tribunales constitucionales”, Casa de

la cultura juridical, Zacatecas, Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naciòn del Messico, 3 december


- Chair of the workshop on “Cross-judicial fertilisation”, IX World Congress of International

Association of Constitutional Law, Mexico City, 8 december 2010.

- Presentation on “L’argument de droit étranger dans les décisions constitutionnelles”, Ecole

doctorale de droit constitutionnel et de droit fiscal dell’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,

16 february 2011.

- Presentation on “Le recours aux précédents étrangers par les juges constitutionnels” at the

conference on “La motivation des décisions des Cours supremes”, CERCCLE, Université

Bordeaux IV-Montesquieu, 24 march 2011.

- Presentation on “Metropolitan Regions in Italy: Implementing Constitutional Reform”,

Brusselles, Forum of Federations, 20 june 2011.

- Presentation on “Italy” at the workshop on “Constitutional Revision: a Comparative

Perspective”, Aegina (Greece), Centre for European Constitutional Law, 5 september 2011.

- Presentation on “The Italian Constitutional Court: an Overview”, Law Faculty, University of

Oslo, 26 september 2011.

- Presentation on “Cuestiones sobre ciudadania. El caso italiano”, IV Observatorio Judicial

Electoral, Sala superior del Tribunal electoral Federal de Mexico, Mexico City, 6 october 2011.

- Presentation on “Le recours au précédents étrangères par les Cours constitutionnelles”,

Université de Montreal, 3 february 2012.

- Presentation on “La légitimité de la justice constituionnelle: une perspective comparée”, Ecole

doctorale en droit constitutionnel et en droit fiscal, Université Paris 1-La Sorbonne, 29 february


- Presentation on «Les references mutuelles entre la Cour européenne et la Cour Intermericaine

des droits de l’homme: de l’influence au dialogue?”, Roundtable on « Main developments in

Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law between 1981 and 2011 », International Association

of Constitutional Law, Belgrad, 5 may 2012.


- Presentation on « Constitution et décentralisation : une perspective comparée », Conference on

« La décentralisation : instrument fort pour la démocratie et le développement local », Tunis,

Fédération Nationale des Villes Tunisiennes, 28 may 2012.

- Presentation on “Las autonomias en tiempo de crisis en Italia”, Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis

Autonomics de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 15 november 2012.

- Presentation on “Citoyen et controle de la constitutionnalité de lois: l’experience italienne”, at

the conference on « Contrôle et democratie », Sousse (Tunisia), Faculté de droit, Universitè de

Sousse and Hanns Seidel Stiftung, 30 november 2012.

- Discussant on “Constitutional Review in Europe”, Closing Conference of the project on

“European National and Constitutional Law”, Maastrich University, 21 february 2013.

- Presentation on “Cross-fertilisation” at the conference on “Diálogo entre tribunales en Europa:

una visión teórico-práctica”, Barcelona, Facultat de dret, 21 march 2013.

- Discussant, Symposium on “Constitutionalism in Eastern and Center European countries”,

Boston College, Boston, 18 and 19 october 2013.

- Presentation on “Constitucionalismo global: ¿qué desafíos plantea al juez estatal?”, at the

conference on "El diálogo entre jurisdicciones, el desarrollo del derecho público y una nueva

forma de razonar", Santiago de Chile, Universidad Andres Bello, 23 october 2013.

- Presentation on “Constitutional Reasoning in the Italian Constitutional Court”, Budapest,

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 7 february 2014.

- Lectio Magistralis on “El derecho comparado en la jurisprudencia constitucional”, Facultad de

Jurisprudencia, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Saltillo (Mexico), 20 march 2014.

- Presentation on “La décentralisation dans la nouvelle Constitution tunisienne », Municipalité of

Kasserine (Tunisia), 1 april 2014.

- Discussant at the conference on « The New Constitution of Tunisia », Tunis, Comitato

Dante Alighieri, 5 april 2014.

- Presentation on « Les effets des décisions de la Cour constitutionnelle italienne » within the

workshop on « Atelier d’experts en vue de la formulation de recommandations pour la

création de la Cour Constitutionnelle », Democracy Reporting International (DRI) and

Association Tunisienne de Droit Constitutionnel (ATDC), Tunis, 6 and 7 february 2015.

- Discussant at the workshop, on “Constitutions: How They Change and Evolve Through

Institutional Practice”, Florence, European Institute, 8 may 2015.

- Presentation on “Retos y perspectivas del dialogo entre Europa y América” within the First

“Observatorio Interamericano de Derechos Humanos”, Saltillo (Cohauila, Mexico), May 13,


- Presentation on “Retos y perspectivas de la democracia en el siglo XXI”, Alves Farias

University (Goiania, Brasil), May 22, 2015.


- Presentation on “La procédure et les critères retenus pour le renvoi de la question

préjudicielle de constitutionnalité devant la Cour Constitutionnelle: le modèle italien », in

the workshop on “Séminaire sur le contrôle de la constitutionnalité des textes juridiques »,

organized by Democracy Reporting International, Tunis, June 16th, 2015.

- Presentation on « El uso de precedentes extrasistémicos por el Tribunal europeo de derechos

humanos y por la Corte africana de derechos humanos y de los pueblos» in the VIII

“Congreso internacional de derecho procesal” organized by the University of Medellin in

Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), August 29th, 2015.

- Presentation on “The interaction of international, EU courts and State’s constitutional

adjudication in crises management” nel convegno su “Constitutional courts under pressure.

New challenges to constitutional adjudication”, organized in Budapest by the Faculty of

Public Administration, National University of Public Service, The Institute for Legal Studies

of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, October 29th

, 2015.

- Presentation on “La loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle au regard des standards

internationaux”, Faculté de sciences juridiques et politiques, Tunis, January 11th, 2016.

- Concluding remarks in the Conference: « La Costituzione tunisina del 2014 : un ponte sul

Mediterraneo », organized by the “Istituto italiano di cultura”, Tunis, January 12th, 2016.

- Presentation on “Los derechos de las personas migrantes”, in the “II Observatorio

Internacional de Derechos Humanos”, organized by the University Carlos III°, Madrid,

March 7th, 2016.

- Presentation on “Relations entre les différents échelons de gouvernement (État, régions,

collectivités locales): coopération et contrôles» within the Conference : “L’Etat et le pouvoir

local”, organized by the Institut Tunisien des Elus, Tunis, April 29th, 2016.

- Presentation on « Quel dialogue entre la Cour constitutionnelle italienne et la Cour

européenne des droits de l’homme? » in the Conference organised in Andorra La Vella by

the Constitutional Court of Andorra on « Les défis de l’interpretation et de l’application des

droits. De L’ouverture au dialogue », July 8th, 2016.

- Presentation on “La constitution tunisienne de 2014 dans le cadre du ‘constitutionalisme

globale’” in the Conference organised by the Unité de recherché en Droit international,

Juridictions Internationales et Droit Constitutionnel Comparé, University of Carthage, and

by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Tunis, January 27th, 2017.


- 16 February 2002, II Diplomado de Defensa Constitucional, Fundap, Santiago de Querétaro:

seminar on the constitutional justice in Italy

- 1-3-4 March 2003, Instituto de Administraciòn Pùblica di Queretaro (Mexico), Facultad de

derecho della Università di San Luis Potosì (Mexico), Facultad de derecho della Università di


Guanajuato (Mexixo): course on “La justicia constitucional en Europa” [Constitutional Justice

in Europe]

- 16, 17, 18 20 February 2004, course on “Nuevos rasgos de la administraciòn local en Europa”,

Universitad autonoma de Coahuila, Instituto de Administraciòn Pùblica,Queretaro (Mexico),

Facultad de derecho,University of Guanajuato (Mexico), Instituto de Administraciòn Pùblica del

Estado de Quintana Roo, Chetumal: lesson on “Autonomìa local y justicia constitucional local”

[Local Autonomy and Local Constitutional Justice]

- 9 September 2004, University Carlos III, Madrid, School on Constitutional Justice for the

Letrados of the Constitutional Tribunal in South America: lesson on “Origini e caratteri della

giustizia costituzionale in Europa” [Origins and Features of Constitutional Justice in Europe]

- 19 February 2005, course on “La Constitución europea” [The European Constitution], Instituto

de Administración Pùblica del Estado de Querétaro (Mexico): lessons on “Los derechos

fundamentales en la Constitución Europea” [Fundamental Rights in the European Constitution]

- 23 February 2005, course on “La Constitución europea” [The European Constitution], Instituto

Latinoamericano de Posgrado, Puebla (Mexico): lessons on “Los derechos fundamentales en la

Constitución Europea” [Fundamental Rights in the European Constitution]

- 1-25 April 2005 : “enseignante invitée” at the University Bordeaux IV, Montesquieu, lessons

on the DEA in Public law and in European law

- 13 April 2006, course in Constitutional Law, University of Marmara (Istanbul): lesson on the

Italian political system

- 9, 10, 11 October 2006, School organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Task Force Iraq:

lesson on “Federalismo negli Stati pluralisti e ruolo delle donne per la coesione sociale”

[Federalism in Pluralist States and Women Role for Social Cohesion]

- 8 January 2007, Hebrew University, Law Faculty: lesson on “The Israeli Constitutional Law

from a Comparative perspective”

- 10 January 2007, Law Faculty, Università di Haifa: lesson on “The Israeli Constitutional Law

from a Comparative perspective”

- 23 February 2007, Master on Human Rights, FLACSO-México: lesson on “Justicia

constitucional y derechos fundamentales” [Constitutional Justice and Fundamental Rights]

- 10 April 2007, Faculty of Law, University of Marmara (Istanbul), course in Constitutional Law:

lesson on regionalism in Italy

- 11 April 2007, PhD program in Public Law, University of Marmara (Istanbul): seminar on “The

Constitutional State as a Source of constitutional Patriotism . The case of Israel”

- 13 September 2007, XIX Cours internationelle de justice constitutionnelle on “Famille et

Constitution” [Family and Constitution], organized by GREJC, Université Paul Cezanne Aix-

Marseille III : lesson on “La nouvelle famille” [The New Family]


- 29 January 2008, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Aix-en-Provence: lesson on “Forme de

gouvernement et systéme politique en Italie” [Form of Government and Political System in


- 30 January 2008, Master II en Droit constitutionnel de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université de

Aix-en-Provence : lesson on “Le régionalisme en Italie” [Regionalism in Italy]

- 18-22 February 2008, Diploma en Derecho constitucional, Centro de Estudios Politicos y

Constitutionales, Madrid: lessons on “La revisiòn contitucional en los Estados federales”

[Constitutional Revision in Federal States]

- 29 February-7 March 2008, lessons at the Master II Récherche en Droit comparé européen,

Université Paris I

- 11 April 2008, course in Political Science, University of Marmara (Istanbul): lesson on “The

European Model of Constitutional Review”

- 8 May 2008: participation at the presentation of the PhD thesis at the European University

Institute (Florence)

- 2-5 June 2008, project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Institution Building in the

province of DiQuar (Iraq): lessons on the rule of Law, at the Tallil Air Base (Nassirya, Irak)

- 17 June 2008, course on “La funciòn y los poderes del juez en una sociedad democratica”

[Function and Powers of the Judge in a Democratic Society] organized by the Consejo Genral

del Poder Judicial a Madrid (Spain): lesson on “La justicia constitucional en Italia”

[Constitutional Justice in Italy]

- 22-25 September 2008 project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the Institution Building in

the province of DiQuar (Iraq): lessons on federalism

- 9-11 february 2009, 12h lessons on « Le Régionalisme italien » and « Contentieux

constitutionnel : justice constitutionnelle et droit comparé », Master 2 Droit public fondamental

and Master 2 Droit public comparé des pays francophones, Université de Toulouse.

- 8-25 march 2009, 12h lessons on Droit public comparé, Faculté de droit, Université Paris 5,

René Descartes.

- 6-13 december 2009, coordinator and teacher at the course on “Renforcement des capacités des

membres des institutions provinciales”, Kinshasa, RDC, Ministére pour la decentralisation


- 24-29 january 2010, professeur invité, Université de Poitiers, 12h lessons on Comparative

public law.

- 15-19 febbruary 2010, professeur invitée, Université Paris 1, La Sorbonne, 12h lessons on

Constitutional Justice and Federalism, Master 2 Droit public comparé européen.

- 29 may 2010, “The Jury Trial in Italy”, Summer Program “Florence-Rome-Siena” Penn State

University, Dickinson School of Law.


- 24 january 2011, lessons on “L’argument de droit comparé: quelle importance pour les étudiants

en droit”, Master 2 en droit constitutionnel, Université Aix-Marseille III.

- 12- 19 february 2011, 12 h lessons « Le droit constitutionnel italien aujourd’hui », Master 2 en

droit comparé, Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

- 28 march-2 april 2011, 12 h lessons on “La justice constituionnelle comparée”, Master 2 en

droit public, Université Bordeaux IV-Montesquieu.

- 25 november 2011, lessons on “Fédéralisme et régionalisme dans la perspective comparée”,

Master 2, Droit Public, Université Catholique de Louvain.

- 4-11 december 2011, 12 h lessons on “Le régionalisme italien dans la perspective comparé”,

Ecole doctorale, Université de Toulouse-1 Capitole.

- 27 february-3 march 2012, 12 h lessons on « Le droit constitutionnel italien aujourd’hui »,

Master 2 en droit comparé, Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

- 9-23 january 2013, 12 h lessons on “Droit comparé”, Faculté de droit, Université de Montreal.

- 21-22 march, 6 h lessons on “La justicia constitucional en la perspectiva comparada”,

Especialidad “Justicia constitucional”, Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad Autónoma

de Coahuila (Mexico).

- 31 march 2014, lesson on “La décentralisation: une perspective comparée”, in the course on “La

décentralisation et la participation en Tunisie”, organised in Sousse by the University of Siena

in the framework of the program of the Tuscany Region on “Activités de support au processus

constitutionnel et à l’affirmation de la décentralisation en Tunisie ».

- 3 april 2014, lesson on “La décentralisation: une perspective comparée”, in the course on “La

décentralisation et la participation en Tunisie” organised in Tunis (Faculté des Sciences la

Faculté de sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales de Carthage) in the framework of the

above mentioned project.

- 16-20 march, lessons on “Formulating local public policies”, Sousse- Djerba (Tunisie), in the

program organized by the Ecole d’Etudes politiques de Tunis for local government politicians.

- 26 august 2015, 8 hours course for Colombian judges on: “La justicia constitucional: una

perspectiva comparada y europea”, Escuela Judicial “Rodrigo Lara”, Bogotà (Colombia).

- 7-9 september 2015, 6 hours course on “Elections et référendum”, Tunis, Accademie

internationale de droit constitutionnel.

- 1-2 october 2015, 8 hours course on “Derecho constitucional europeo bajo la perspectiva de

Italia”, within the program on « Derecho constitucional comparado”, Universidad Sergio

Arboleda (Bogotà, Colombia).

- 9-10 dicembre 2015, 6 hours course on “La giustizia costituzionale in prospettiva comparata” e

“Il decentramento territoriale in prospettiva comparata” within the program on “Sostegno al

processo di transizione democratica in Tunisia” organized by the University of Roma La

Sapienza and the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.


- 15 february 2016, lesson on “Medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible”, within the “Maestria en

derecho constitucional y administrativo organizzata”, Departamento de Estudios Jurìdicos

Bàsicos de la Facultad de Derecho, University of La Habana (Cuba).

- 27 may 2016, lesson on “El uso de precedentes extranjeros en asuntos electorales”, Sala

Superior del Tribunal Electoral del poder judicial de la Federaciòn(Ciudad de México, México).


Books (author):

- “Autonomia costituzionale e potestà regolamentare degli enti locali” [Local Governments’

Constitutional Autonomy and Ruling Power], Milano, Giuffrè, 1994

- “I poteri istruttori della Corte costituzionale nel giudizio sulle leggi” [The Constitutional Court’s

Investigative Powers in the Review of Legislation], Milano, Giuffrè, 1997

- “Federalismo e costituzione. La revisione costituzionale negli stati federali” [Federalism and

Constitution. Constitutional Reform in Federal States], Milano, Giuffré, 2001

- “La revisiòn constitucional en los Estados federales” [Constitutional Reform in Federal States],

FundaP, Querétaro, México, 2003

- “Il federalismo” [Federalism], Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2004

- “Canada”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006

- “Las grandes decisiones de la Corte constitucional italiana” [The Great Cases of Italian

Constiutional Court], Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Naciòn, Mexico, 2008

- “Le grandi decisioni della Corte costituzionale italiana”, [The Great Cases of Italian

Constiutional Court] Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2010

- “Introduzione al diritto pubblico e alle sue fonti”, [Introduction to Public Law and its sources]

Giappichelli, Torino, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 (with Andrea Simoncini)

Books (editor):

- “Il sistema di distribuzione delle competenze tra lo Stato e le Comunità Autonome nella

Costituzione spagnola del 1978” [The System of Allocation of Competences between State and

Autonomous Communities in the 1978 Spanish Constitution], Torino, Giappichelli, 1992

- “L'ordinamento dei comuni e delle province (1990-1993)” [Municipalities and Provinces’ Legal

System (1990-1993)], Milano, Giuffrè, 1993 (with G. Rolla and L. Luatti)

- “L’ordinamento dei comuni e delle province (Aggiornamento 1993-1995)” [Municipalities and

Provinces’ Legal System (updating 1993-1995)], Milano, Giuffrè, 1996 (with G. Rolla and



- “Principio di autonomia e forma dello Stato. La partecipazione delle collettività territoriali alle

funzioni dello Stato centrale nella prospettiva comparata” [Principle of Autonomy and Form of

State. Local Governments’ Participation to the State’s Functions in a Comparative Perspective],

Torino, Giappichelli, 1998

- “Annuario di giustizia costituzionale -1998” [Yearbook on Constitutional Justice - 1998],

Milano, Giuffré, 1999 (with G. Amoroso and G. Parodi)

- “L’ordinamento dei comuni e delle province” [Municipalities and Provinces’ Legal System],

2nd ed., Milano, Giuffrè, 2000 (with G. Rolla)

- “Annuario di giustizia costituzionale-1999” [Yearbook on Constitutional Justice - 1999],

Milano, Giuffrè, 2000 (with G. Amoroso and G. Parodi)

- “La Repubblica delle autonomie. Regioni ed enti locali nel nuovo Titolo V” [Republic and

Autonomies. Regions and Local Governments in the New Fifth Title of the Constitution] (with

M. Olivetti), Giappichelli, Torino, 2001

- “Il federalismo canadese” [Canadian Federalism], Amministrare n.1-2/2002, special issue

- “Idee e proposte per il nuovo Statuto della Toscana” [Ideas and Proposal for the New Statute of

Tuscany Region] (with E. Rossi and R. Tarchi), Giappichelli, Torino, 2002

- “La Repubblica delle autonomie. Regioni ed enti locali nel nuovo Titolo V” [Republic and

Autonomies. Regions and Local Governments in the New Fifth Title of the Constitution] (with

M. Olivetti), 2nd edition, Giappichelli, Torino, 2003

- “La potestà legislativa tra Stato e regioni” [The Legislative Power between State and Regions]

(with L. Ammannati), Giuffré, Milano, 2003

- “La giustizia costituzionale in Europa” [Constitutional Justice in Europe] (with M. Olivetti),

Giuffrè, Milano, 2003

- “La justicia constitucional en Europa” [Constitutional Justice in Europe] (with A. Celotto and

M. Olivetti), FundaP, Querétaro, México, 2004

- “Cittadini, governo, autonomie. Quali riforme per la Costituzione?” [Citizens, Government,

Autonomies. Which Constitutional Reforms?] (with P. Petrillo), Milano, Giuffré, 2005

- “Diritto pubblico del turismo” [Public Law of Tourism] (with M. Gola), Rimini, Maggioli, 2005

- “Il sistema costituzionale dello Stato di Israele” [Israeli Constitutional System] (with E.

Ottolenghi and A.M. Rabello), Torino, Giappichelli, 2006

- “Democrazia e terrorismo. Diritti fondamentali e sicurezza dopo l’11 settembre 2001”

[Democracy and Terrorism. Fundamental Rights and Security after September, 11 2001], 2006,

Napoli, ES, 2006


- “Le regioni italiane nei processi normativi comunitari dopo la legge n. 11/2005” [The Italian

Regions in the European legislative process after Law n. 11/2005], Il mulino, Bologna, 2007

(with G. Carpani, M. Olivetti, A. Siniscalchi)

- “Dizionario dei diritti umani” [Human Rights Dictionary] (with M. Flores and R. Pisillo

Mazzeschi), UTET, Torino, 2007

- “Asian Constitutionalism in Transition”, Milano, Giuffré, 2008 (with V. Piergigli and A.


- “Diccionario bàsico de derechos humanos”, [Human Rights Dictionary] (editor of the Mexican

Edition, with Karina Ansolabehere), FLACSO, Mexico, 2009

- “Bioetica” [Bioethics] (editor, with E.Ceccherini), Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2010

- “The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges” (editor, with M.-C. Ponthoreau),

Oxford Hart Publisher 2013

- “Tunisia. La primavera della Costituzione” [Tunisia. The Spring of the Constitution] (editor,

with Irene Spigno), Carocci, Roma, 2015

Articles and essays:

1) “Brevi considerazioni sulla competenza regionale in tema di ordinamento comunale e

provinciale” [Brief Remarks on the Regional Competence on the Municipal and Provincial legal

systems], Il foro italiano, I, 1990

2) “L'istituto delle “leggi finanziarie” nel quadro della normativa di contabilità regionale” [Fiscal

Laws in the Framework of the Legislation on Regional Accounting], Associazione per gli studi e le

ricerche parlamentari, Quaderno n. 1, Milano, Giuffrè, 1991

3) “Elasticità della Costituzione e limiti al legislatore statale nella determinazione delle materie

regionali” [Elasticity of the Constitution and limits to the National Legislator in establishing

Regional Matters], Il foro amministrativo, 1991

4) “I sistemi elettorali a livello locale e autonomico in Spagna” [Local and Autonomic Elelctoral

Systems in Spain], Silvio Gambino (ed.), “Sistemi elettorali e governo locale” [Electoral Systems

and Local Government], Roma, Edizioni delle autonomie, 1991 and Giancarlo Rolla (ed.), “Le

forme di governo nei moderni ordinamenti policentrici” [Form of Governments in Modern

Polycentric Legal Systems], Milano, Giuffrè, 1991

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10) “Il ricorso per “mancato adeguamento” della legislazione del Trentino-Alto Adige e delle

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of Trento and Bolzano in the First Decisions of the Constitutional Court], Giur. it., 1995, I, n.5

11) “Sistemi elettorali e forma di governo: il caso spagnolo” [Electoral Systems and Form of

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12) “La caccia al fringuello e alla peppola: la Corte costituzionale risolve una questione di

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16) “ I controlli sui consorzi di bonifica: la Corte costituzionale ritorna sulla nozione di ‘altri enti

locali’ (dopo la legge n.142 del 1990)” [The Controls on drainage consortium: the Constitutional

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17) “Dalla legge n.142 del 1990 al d.lgs. n.29 del 1993: le fonti di autonomia in materia di

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Senate Reform”, Rassegna sulla attuazione della riforma delle autonomie, Centro V. Bachelet,

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19) “Le fonti comunali e provinciali in materia di organizzazione degli uffici” [Municipal and

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enti locali” [Local Governments’ Staff], Torino, UTET, 1996

20) “La quantificazione degli oneri finanziari derivanti dalle decisioni della Corte costituzionale:

profili organizzativi e conseguenze sul processo costituzionale” [The Quantification of Financial

Costs of the Constitutional Court Decisions: Organizational Issues and Consequences on the

Constitutional Process], P. Costanzo (ed.), “Organizzazione e funzionamento della Corte

costituzionale” [The Constitutional Court Organization and Working], Torino, Giappichelli, 1996

21) “Corte costituzionale e decreti di esproprio per riforma fondiaria: l’acquisizione dei fatti nel

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the Facts in the Constitutional Review of Legislation],’ambiente, 1996, n.3-4

22) “La Corte costituzionale come giudice del rinvio ai sensi dell’art.177 del Trattato CE” [The

Constitutional Court as Referring Judge on the basis of Art. 177 TEC], P. Ciarlo, G. Pitruzzella, R.

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23) “Circolare interpretativa, competenze regionali delegate e abrogazione degli atti incompatibili

con la nuova disciplina delle risorse idriche in un conflitto Stato-regioni” [Interpretative

Memorandum, Delegated Regional Competences and Repeal of the Acts in Conflict with the New

Legislation on Water in a Conflict between State and Regions], Riv.giur. dell’ambiente, 1997, n. 2

24) “Nota informativa su Spagna e Portogallo” [Informative Notes on Spain and Portugal], “Diritto

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25) “La Corte suprema del Canada, ‘custode della Costituzione’: brevi considerazioni sulla sua

composizione e sulla procedura del controllo di costituzionalità” [The Supreme Court of Canada,

‘Guardian of the Constitution’: Brief Comments on its Composition and the Procedure for

Constitutional Review of Legislation], (with L. Luatti), Politica del diritto, 1997, n. 2

26) “Principio costituzionale di autonomia locale e regioni a statuto speciale: la Corte individua dei

limiti al legislatore regionale validi anche per le leggi statali ?” [Constitutional Principle of Local

Autonomy and Special Statute Regions: Does the Constitutional Courts identify Limits to the

Regional Legislator Compelling also for National Laws?], Giur. cost., 1997, n. 2

27) “ Il conferimento alle regioni delle funzioni amministrative in materia di agricoltura e pesca: la

prima attuazione della legge Bassanini sotto la spinta delle richieste referendarie” [Conferring

Administrative Functions to the Regions in Matters concerning Agriculture and Fishing: the First

Implementation of Bassanini Law Pressed by the Referendum Requests], Le regioni, 1997, n.5

28) “Le pronunce di manifesta infondatezza e di manifesta inammissibilità” [The decisions of

‘manifesta infondatezza’ and ‘manifesta inammissibilità’], Foro it., 1998, IV, n.3.

29) “Il contraddittorio nel giudizio di legittimità costituzionale in via incidentale. L’istruttoria e

l’udienza” [Cross-Examination in the Indirect Constitutional Review of Legislation. The

Investigation and the Hearing], V. Angiolini (ed.), “Il contraddittorio nel giudizio sulle leggi”

[Cross-Examination in the Constitutional Review of Legislation], Giappichelli, Torino, 1998, and

Giust. civ., 1998, n. 5


30) “La garantìa de la distribuciòn de competencias entre el Estado y la regiones ante la Corte

constitucional italiana” [The Protection of the Allocation of Competences between State and

Regions before the Italian Constitutional Court], Revista vasca de administraciòn pùblica, 1997, n.


31) “Il ricorso di ‘amparo’ costituzionale in Spagna: caratteri, problemi e prospettive” [The

‘amparo’ in Spain: Feaures, Problems and Perspectives], Giur. cost., 1997, n.6

32) “Limiti alla immediata applicabilità delle leggi statali nel territorio del Trentino-Alto Adige e

ricorso per ‘mancato adeguamento’” [Limits to the Immediate Application of National Laws in the

Territory of Trentino-Alto Adige Region and Challenge for ‘non-adaptation’], Giur. cost., 1997, n.


33) “La partecipazione degli Stati membri alla revisione delle Costituzioni federali: dai modelli alla

prassi” [The Participation of Member States to the Federal Constitutions Reform: from Models to

Practice], T. Groppi (ed.), “Principio di autonomia e forma dello Stato” [Principle of Autonomy and

Form of State], Torino, Giappichelli, 1998

34) “La garanzia dell’autonomia costituzionale degli enti locali: una prospettiva comparata” [The

Protection of Constitutional Autonomy of Local Governments: a Comparative Perspective], S.

Gambino (ed.), “Stati nazionali e poteri locali” [National States and Local Powers], Maggioli,

Rimini, 1998 and in Le regioni, 1998, n.5.

35) “La Corte costituzionale tra fatto legislativo e fatto sociale” [The Constitutional Court between

Legislative and Social Fact], Giur. cost., 1998, n. 5

36) “Concezioni della democrazia e della Costituzione nella decisione della Corte suprema del

Canada sulla secessione del Quebec” [Ideas on Democracy and Constitution in the Reference of the

Canadian Supreme Court on the Secession of Quebec], Giur.cost., n. 5, 1998

37) “Between Politics and the Law: The Development of Constitutional Review in Italy”, (with G.

Rolla), paper presented at the 5th world conference of the International Association of Comparative

Law, Rotterdam, 12-17 July 1999, in W. Sadurski (ed.), Constitutional Justice, East and West,

Kluwer Law International, 2002

38) “ ‘We the People. Transformations’: considerazioni su un libro di Bruce Ackerman” [‘We the

People. Transformations’: Remarks on a Book by Bruce Ackerman], Politica del diritto, 1999, n. 2

39) “Forma di governo e forma di Stato nella giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale: analisi della

motivazione di alcune decisioni” [Form of Government and Form of State in the Constitutional

Court Case-Law: Analysis of the Reasoning of some Decisions], M. Bessone (ed.), “Interpretazione

e diritto giudiziale” [Interpretation and Case Law], vol. II “Questioni di giurisprudenza

costituzionale, civile e processuale” [Issues on Constitutional, Private and Procedural Case-Law],

Giappichelli, Torino, 1999

40) “La crisi del Kosovo e il diritto costituzionale: tre spunti per una riflessione” [Kosovo Crisis

and Constitutional Law: Three Points for Consideration], in Gazzetta giuridica, 1999, n. 21, and

S.Gambino (ed.), “Europa e Balcani. Stati, culture, nazioni” [Europe and Balkans: States, Cultures,

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41) “Disciplina comunitaria degli aiuti alle imprese e leggi regionali” [European Legislation on

Support to Firms and Regional Laws], Le regioni, 1999, n. 3

42) “La Corte suprema del Canada come giudice dei diritti” [The Supreme Court of Canada as

Rights’ Judge], G. Rolla (ed.), “Lo sviluppo dei diritti fondamentali in Canada” [The Development

of Human Rights in Canada], Milano, Giuffrè, 2000, 63 ss.

43) “Il Canada tra riforma della Costituzione e secessione” [Canada between Constitutional Reform

and Secession], in G. Rolla (ed.), “Lo sviluppo dei diritti fondamentali in Canada” [The

Development of Human Rights in Canada], Milano, Giuffrè, 2000

44) “Lo scioglimento dei consigli comunali e provinciali per collegamenti mafiosi” [The

Dissolution of Municipal and Provincial Councils due to Mafia Connections], Giorn.dir. amm., n.


45) “Tra politica e giurisdizione: evoluzione e sviluppo della giustizia costituzionale in Italia”

[Between Politics and Jursdiction: Evolution and Development of Constitutional Review of

Legislation in Italy], with G. Rolla, Cuestiones constitucionales, Mexico, 1999-2000, n. 2

46) “L’autonomia statutaria e la forma di governo delle regioni ordinarie dopo la legge

costituzionale n. 1 del 1999” [Statute Autonomy and Form of Government of Ordinary Regions

after Constitutional Law n. 1/1999], Giornale di diritto amministrativo, n.5/2000

47) Il “conflitto a difesa dell’autonomia locale in Spagna” [The Conflict for the Protection of Local

Automy in Spain], Le regioni, 2000, n.1

48) “La forma di governo italiana nella giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale: la Corte a difesa

del ‘monismo parlamentare’?” [Italian Form of Government in the Constitutional Court Case-Law:

Is the Constitutional Court Defending the ‘Parliamentary Monism’?], Politica del diritto, 3/2000

49) “I rapporti finanziari Federazione-Province in Canada tra decostituzionalizzazione e accordi

intergovernativi” [Federation-Provinces Financial Relations in Canada between De-

Constitutionalization and Inter-Governments Agreements], V. Atripaldi-R. Bifulco (eds.),

Costituzioni e federalismo fiscale [Constitutions and Fiscal Federalism], Giappichelli, Torino, 2000

50) “Alle origini della rigidità costituzionale: le ‘costituzioni dei moderni’ di fronte al fluire del

tempo” [The Origins of Constitutional Rigidity: the ‘Constitutions of Moderns’ in front of the

Time], Revista peruana de derecho constitucional, 2000, n. 2

51) “Profili costituzionali del conferimento di funzioni alle regioni e agli enti locali” [Constitutional

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52) “Autonomie territoriali e uguaglianza nei diritti: tra decentramento delle competenze e garanzia

del principio unitario” [Territorial Autonomy and Equality: between Decentralization of

competences and protection of Unitary Principle], L. Ammannati, M.A. Cabiddu, P. De Carli (eds.),

Servizi pubblici, concorrenza, diritti [Public Services, Competition, Rights], Giuffré, Milano, 2001

53) “La Corte suprema di Israele: la legittimazione della giustizia costituzionale in una democrazia

conflittuale” [Israeli Supreme Court: Legitimacy of Constitutional Justice in a Conflicting

Democracy], Giur.cost. n. 5/2000


54) “La incidencia del derecho comunitario sobre las relaciones Estado-regiones en Italia” [The

Influence of European Law on the Relations between State and Regions in Italy], Revista de

derecho polìtico, n. 60, 2001; updated version: Revista de derecho constitucional europeo, 2004,

n.1, pp. 173-196

55) “Assemblee regionali e autonomie locali: verso una camera regionale delle autonomie?”

[Regional Assembly ad Local Autonomies: Towards a Regional Chamber of Autonomies?],

Consiglio regionale dell’Umbria, “Il ruolo e le funzioni del consiglio nella nuova forma di governo

regionale. Atti del convegno del 24 novembre 2000” [Role and Functions of the Council in the New

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Perugia, 2001 and V. Angiolini, L. Violini, N. Zanon (eds.), “Le trasformazioni dello stato

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State. Celebrating Gianfranco Mor], Giuffrè, Milano, 2002, pp.115-137

56) “Le régionalisme italien à la fin des années ‘90: un Etat régional à tendence municipal?” [Italian

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française de droit constitutionnel, 2000, n. 43

57) “Riforma federale e revisione costituzionale” [Federal Reform and Constitutional Revision],

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61) “La forma de gobierno italiana en la jurisprudencia constitucional: la Corte en defensa del

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the Constitutional Court Defending the ‘Parliamentary Monism’?], Revista da estudios polìticos,

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Issues and Comparative Features], CNR-Regioni, Milano, Giuffré, 2001 and in Le regioni, n.


63) “La garantie des droits et des libertés au niveau fédéral et provincial au Canada” [The

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65) “Regioni, Unione europea, obblighi internazionali” [Regions, European Unions, International

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Autonomies], Torino, 2001

66) “La legge costituzionale n.3/2001 tra attuazione e autoapplicazione” [Constitutional Law n.

3/2001 between Implementation and Self-Application], T.Groppi, M.Olivetti (eds.), “La Repubblica

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in E. Ferrer McGregor (ed.), Derecho procesal constitucional, Mexico, Porrua, 2002, pp. 239-258

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[The British Constitution], Giappichelli, Torino, 2005, pp.451-473

80) “The involvement of EC Regions in the EU decision making process: the case of the

Constitutional Regions (Italy and Spain)”, in R.Toniatti (ed.), “An Ever More Complex Union. The

Regional Variable as Missing Link in the EU Constitution”, Nomos Verlag, 2004, pp.143-157

81) “Attuazione o revisione del Titolo V? ” [Implementation or Revision of 5th Title?], Le

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Europa” [Constitutional Justice in Europe], Giuffré, Milano, 2003, pp. 1-22

83) “Corte costituzionale e principio di effettività” [Constitutional Court and Principle of

Effectiveness], Rassegna parlamentare, 2004, n.1, pp.189-221 and A.Catania (ed.), “Dimensioni

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84) “Corte costituzionale e legislazione” [Constitutional Court and Legislation], “Il Parlamento:

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European Constitution], Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2004, pp.219-245

87) “Diritto UE e diritto nazionale: primauté vs. controlimiti” [European Law and National Law:

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88) “Resolving Conflicts: The Role of the Constitutional Court”, Regional and Federal Studies,



89) “La ‘Consulta’ dell’Emilia-Romagna nel quadro dei nuovi organi regionali di garanzia

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92) “Art.12” in R. Bifulco, A. Celotto, M. Olivetti (eds.), “Commentario della Costituzione”

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93) “Dopo l’11 settembre 2001: la “via canadese” per conciliare sicurezza e diritti” [After

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and Values of the Republic], Laterza, Bari, 2005, 455-478.

97) “Primauté e controlimiti nel progetto di Trattato costituzionale” [Primauté and counter-limits

within the Draft Constitutional Treaty] (with A.Celotto), Quaderni costituzionali, 2004, n.4, 868-


98) “I diritti umani in Asia” [Human Rights in Asia], C. Amato and G. Ponzanelli (eds.), “Global

Law v. Local Law. Problemi della globalizzazione giuridica” [Global Law v. Local Law. Problems

of the Globalization of Law], Giappichelli, Torino, 2006, pp.186-211

99) “Il collegio di garanzia nell’art.57 dello statuto della Toscana” [The Garanty Committee in Art.

57 of the Statute of Tuscany Region], Rivista amministrativa della Regione Toscana, 2004, n.4,


100) “Existe un modelo europeo de justicia constitucional? [Is There an European Model of

Constitutional Justice?], Revista de derecho político, 2005, n. 62, pp.35-54

101) “Italy Developments: Subsidiarity”, I-Con, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 1,

2006 (with N. Scattone), pp. 131-137


102) “Bandiera” [Flag], S. Cassese (ed.), Dizionario di diritto pubblico [Dictionary of Public Law],

Giuffré, Milano, 2006

103) “Giustizia costituzionale. Diritto comparato” [Constitutional Justice. Comparative Law], S.

Cassese (ed.), Dizionario di diritto pubblico [Dictionary of Public Law], Giuffré, Milano, 2006

104) “La “primauté” del derecho europeo sobre el derecho constitucional nacional: un punto de

vista comparado” [The primauté of European Law on National Constitutional Law: A Comparative

Perspective], “Revista de derecho constitucional europeo”, n. 5/2006

105) “La primauté del diritto europeo sul diritto costituzionale nazionale: un punto di vista

comparato” [The primauté of European Law on National Constitutional Law: A Comparative

Perspective], in “Le fonti del diritto oggi. Giornate di studio in onore di Alessandro Pizzorusso”

[The Sources of Law Today. Study Days in Honour of Alessandro Pizzorusso], Pisa, Edizioni Plus,

2006, pp.427-437.

106) “La codificación de los derechos fundamentales en la Constitución europea” [The Codification

of Fundamental Rights in the European Constitution], “Revista de derecho político”, 2006, n.65, 27


107) “Il sistema delle autonomie. Introduzione” [The System of Autonomies. Introduction], Paolo Caretti, Massimo Carli, Emanuele Rossi (eds.), “Statuto della Regione Toscana. Commentario” [Statute of Tusacany Region. Commentary], Giappichelli, Torino, 2005 pp. 297-299 108) “Conflitti devolutivi tra Londra e Edinburgo: nuovi percorsi per il judicial review of legislation”? [Conflicts on Devolution between London and Edinburgh: Ne Paths for Judicial Review of Leislation?], C. Decaro (ed.), “Parlamenti e devolution in Gran Bretagna” [Parliaments and devolution in Great Britain], Luiss University Press, 2005, pp. 61-81 109) “Droits linguistiques et autonomies territoriale en Italie” [Linguistic Rights and Territorial Autonomies in Italy], Supreme Court Law Review, 2005, n. 27, pp.297-310 and “Languages, Constitutionalism and Minorities”, Lexis Nexis-Butterworths, 2006, pp.83-96 110) “Art. 138”, R. Bifulco, A. Celotto, M. Olivetti (eds.), “Commentario della Costituzione”

[Commentary to the Constitution], UTET, Torino, 2006, vol. III, pp. 2701-2730

111) “Costituzioni senza costituzionalismo. La codificazione dei diritti in Asia agli inizi del XXI

secolo” [Constitutions without Constitutionalism. The Codification of Rights in Asia at yhe

Beginning of XXI Century], Politica del diritto, n. 2 del 2006, pp. 187-221

112) “La codificazione dei diritti nella Costituzione europea” [The Codification of Rights in the

European Constitution], “Scritti in onore di Giovanni Grottanelli de’ Santi” [Essays in Honour of

Giovanni Grottanelli de’ Santi]

113) “L’evoluzione della forma di Stato in Italia: uno Stato regionale senz’anima?” [The Evolution

of the Form of State in Italy: A Regional State without Soul?], available at (21

February 2007) and G.C. De Martin, Z. Witkowski, P. Gambale (eds.), “Riforme costituzionali e

itinerari della democrazia in Europa: Italia e Polonia a confronto” [Constitutional Reforms and

Itineraries of Democracy in Europe: Comparing Italy and Poland], Cedam, padova, 2007, pp. 17-



114) “Art. I-6”, Olivier Dubos (ed.) “Commentaire du traité établissant une Constitution pour l'Europe” [Commentary to the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe], Litec (Paris), 2007, forthcoming 115) “Forma di governo e sistemi elettorali in Italia” [Form of Government and Electoral Systems in Italy], [in Polish], « Przegląd Sejmowy », 2007, n. 200 116) “Titularidad y legitimación ante la jurisdicción constitucional. Una perspectiva comparada” [Title and Legitimation before the Constitutional Jurisdiction. A Comparative Perspective], E. Ferrer Mac-Gregor (ed.), « Derecho Procesal Constitucional. 50 años de desarrollo cientifíco : 1956-2006. Estudios en homenaje a Héctor Fix-Zamudio » [Procedural Constitutional Law. 50 years of Scientific Development. Studies in Honour of Héctor Fix-Zamudio], Editorial Porrúa, Mexico, 2007 117) “Il Titolo V, 5 anni dopo : ovvero, la Costituzione di carta” [The 5th Title, 5 Years Later, that is the Paper Constitution], Le regioni, n. 3-4/2007, pp. 421-432 118) “Unione europea e regioni : una prospettiva comparata” [European Union and Regions: A

Comparative Perspective], G. Carpani, T. Groppi, M. Olivetti (eds.), “Le regioni italiane nei

processi normativi comunitari dopo la legge n.11/2005” [Italian Regions in the European

Legislative process after Law n. 11/2005], Il mulino, Bologna, 2007, pp. 176-210. 119) “Forma de gobierno y sistemas electorales en Italia” [Form of Government and Electoral Systems in Italy], Revista española de derecho constitucional, n.80, 2008 120) “La revisione della Costituzione europea tra ordinamento sopranazionale e stato federale” [The

Revision of European Constitution between Suprnational Legal System and Federal State], Scritti in

memoria di Giuseppe G. Floridia [Essays in Honour of Giuseppe G. Floridia]

121) “A User-friendly Court. The Influence of Supreme Court of Canada Decisions Since 1982 on

Court Decisions in Other Liberal Democracies”, 2007 Supreme Court Law Review 36, pp. 337-364

122) “Justicia constitucional y Estados descentralizados: la experiencia de la Corte constitucional

italiana” [Constitutional Justice and Decentralized States: the Experience of the Italian

Constitutional Court], V. Garrido Mayol (ed.), Modelo de Estado y Reforma de los Estatutos [Form

of State and Statutes Reform], Valencia, Fundaciòn Profesor Mauel Broseta, 2007, pp. 465-481

123) “The Constitutional Court of Italy”, Journal of Comparative Law, 2008

124) “Les grandes décisions de la Cour constitutionnelle italienne” [The Most Relevant Decisions

of the Italian Constitutional Court], Pierre Bon e Didier Maus (eds.), “Les grandes décisions des

Cours constitutionnelles européennes” [The Most Relevant Decisions of the European

Constitutional Courts], Dalloz, Paris, 2008

125) “La evolución de la forma de estado en Italia: un estado regional sin alma?” [The Evolution of

the Form of State in Italy: A Regional State without Soul?], in E. Alvarez Conde (ed.), “El futuro

del modelo de estado” [The Futur of the Model of State], Madrid, 2007

126) “L’évolution de la forme de l’Etat en Italie: un état régional sans âme?” [The Evolution of the

Form of State in Italy: A Regional State without Soul?], Revue belge de droit constitutionnel, 2007

pp. 85-108


127) “L’évolution de la forme d’Etat en Italie” [The Evolution of the Form of State in Italy],

Politeia, Revue semestrielle de Droit constitutionnel comparé, 2007, n. 12, pp.115-130

128) “La nouvelle famille” [The New Family], Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle

vol. XXIII 2007, Economica, Paris, 2008, pp.549-565

129) “L’evoluzione della forma di Stato in Italia : uno stato regionale senz’anima?” [The Evolution

of the Form of State in Italy: A Regional State without Soul?], Accademia dei Lincei, “La

Costituzione ieri ed oggi” [The Constitution in the Past and in the Present], Roma, 2008

130) “C’è il federalismo in Italia?” [There is the Federalism in Italy?] in “Quaderni di

ItalianiEuropei”, n. 1 del 2009, pp.35-47

131) “L’esclusione delle autonomie nella revisione costituzionale” [The Absence of Regions in the

Constitutional Amendment Procedure], in “Quaderni di ItalianiEuropei”, n. 1 del 2009, pp. 81-93

132) “Il ‘modello europeo’: un approccio nuovo alla questione antica della riforma istituzionale”

[The “European Mode”: a new approach to the old issue of the Costitutional Reform], in

F.Bassanini, R.Gualtieri, a cura di, “Per una moderna democrazia europea. L’Italia e la sfida delle

riforme istituzionali”, Passigli editore, Firenze, 2009, pp.131-135

133) “Il caso Englaro: viaggio alle origini dello Stato di diritto e ritorno” [The Englaro case: a travel

to the origin of the Rule of Law and return], in Politica del diritto 2009, n.3, 149-170

134) « ‘Business as usual’. Le dialogue judiciaire sur les affaires antiterroristes après le 11

septembre 2001 », in corso di pubblicazione in « Etat de droit, Sécurité et Liberté en Europe »,

Editions Ant. N. Sakkoulas (Athènes), Bruylant (Bruxelles) et NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft

(Baden-Baden), 2009

135) “Riformare la giustizia costituzionale: dal caso francese indicazioni per l’Italia?” [The Reform

of the Constitutional Justice: from France some suggestions for Italy?], in Astrid Rassegna, 12

giugno 2009, n. 94 e in Rassegna Parlamentare 1/2010, pp. 37-56

136) “El presidencialismo desde fuera: la experiencia de la forma de gobierno parlamentaria en

Italia y la búsqueda de la governabilidad”, in “Como hacer que funcione el sistema presidencial”, a

cura di Andrew Ellis, J.Jesùs Orozco Henrìquez e Daniel Zovatto, UNAM, Mexico, 2009, pp. 191-


137) “Constitution et famille (s). Italie”, in Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle vol.

XXIV, Economica, Paris, 2009

138) “Il ruolo delle corti nel controllo delle misure contro il terrorismo internazionale: Strategia

giurisprudenziale o convergenza culturale?”, [The role of the Courts n reviewing the Anti-terrorism

legisltation: judicial strategy or cultural convergence?] in Politica del diritto, 2011

139) “Commentaries to art.7, art.9, art.52”, in “Human Rights in Europe. Commentary on the

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union”, edited by W.B.T.Mock e G.Demuro,

Carolina Academic Press, Durham, 2010, pp.45-52, 59-63, 323-336


140) “La reforma constitucional en los estados federales entre pluralismo territorial y no territorial”,

in W.Carnota, P.Maraniello (a cura di) “Derechos fundamentals. Derecho constitucional y procesal

constitucional”, San Marcos, Lima, 2008, pp.252-262

141) “La legittimazione della giustizia costituzionale. Una prospettiva comparata” [Legitimacy of

constitutional review: a comparative approach], in Percorsi costituzionali, 2010, n. 2, pp.121-133

142) “Bottom up globalization? Il ricorso a precedenti stranieri da parte delle Corti costituzionali”

[The use of foreign case-law by Constitutional Courts], in Quaderni costituzionali, 1/2011

143) “La representación de género en Italia”, in Justicia electoral, n. 8, 2011, pp.149-184 (with

Irene Spigno) [Gender Representation in Italy]

144) “Derechos electorales y ciudadanìa: el caso italiano”, in IV Observatorio judicial electoral,

Mexico, 2011 [Electoral Rights and Democracy in Italy]

145) “La difficile nascita della nazione in Canada: l’integrazione (o la disgregazione?) attraverso i

diritti” in Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed europeo, n.3/2011, pp. 1130-1149 [The difficult

foundation of the Nation in Canada: integration (or disintegration?) throughout rights]

146) “Fondata sul lavoro. Origini, significato, attualità della scelta dei costituenti”, in Astrid

Rassegna, n. 149 (n.22/2011) [“Founded on Work”: Origin, Meaning, Actuality of the Choice of the

Founding Fathers]

147) “Constitutional Revision in Italy. A Marginal Instrument for Constitutional Change”, in corso

di pubblicazione in X. Kontiades (ed.), “Engineering Constitutional Change: A Comparative

Perspective on Europe, Canada and USA”, Routledge, 2012, pp. 203-227

148) “Il multiculturalismo come strumento di costruzione dell’identità nazionale: l’esperienza del

Canada”, in “Stato democratico e società multiculturale”, a cura di D.Amirante e V.Pepe,

Giappichelli, Torino, 2011, pp. 17-30 [Multiculturalism as a tool for the Nation-building: the

Canadian experience]

149) “İtalya'da Sosyal Haklar” [Social Rights in Italy] in I. Kaboglu (ed.), Anayasal Sosyal

Haklar(Avrupa Sosyal Şartı, Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk ve Türkiye), Legal, Istanbul, 2012

150) “The Constitutional Consequences of the Financial Crisis in Italy” (with I.Spigno anfde

N.Vizioli), in publication in X.Contiades, ed., Global Financial Crisis and the Constitution, 2012

151) “The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Italian written Constitution”, in Italian Journal of

Public Law, 2012, n. 2

152) “Le recours aux precedents étrangers par les juges constitutionnels”, in F.Hourquebie, M.C.

Ponthoreau (eds.), La motivation des decisions des Cours suprêmes et des Cours constituionnelles,

Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2012, pp. 47-61

153) “Italian Constitutional and Cassation Courts: When The Right To Die of An Unconscious

Patient Raises Serious Institutional Conflicts Between State Powers” (with Gianluca Gentili) in

ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol.18:1 (2011), pp. 73-88


154) “El papel de los Tribunales en el control de las medidas contra el terrorismo internacional:

hacia un dialogo jurisprudencial?”, in Revista de estudios politicos, 2013, n. 86, pp.309-356

155) “Les références mutuelles entre la Cour Européenne et la Cour Interaméricaine des droits de

l’homme: de l’influence au dialogue? » (with Anna Lecis), in process of publication in L. R.

BASTA FLEINER, T. MARINKOVIC (eds.), Key Developments in Constitutionalism and Constitutional

Law - on the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the IACL, Eleven International Publishing, The

Hague, 2014

156) « Les droits sociaux dans la jurisprudence de la Cour constitutionnelle italienne », in C.

Grellois, « Les droits constitutionnels et la Charte sociale européenne », Poitiers 2014

157) « Rule of law e Costituzione», in Institution Building. Italy for Iraq, F.Amarelli, F.De Sanctis,

F.Fichera (eds.) Napoli, ES, 2013, 9-20

158) « Federalismo e regionalismo», in Institution Building. Italy for Iraq, F.Amarelli, F.De

Sanctis, F.Fichera (eds.), Napoli, ES, 2013, 47-76

159) « Cour Européenne et Cour Interaméricaine des droits de l’homme: de l’influence au

dialogue? » (with Anna Lecis), RFDC, n.100, 2014, pp. 971-980

160) « Le ‘dialogue’ des juges constitutionnels: entre déclin des exceptionnalismes et légitimation

de la justice constitutionnelle », in « Libertés et exceptionnalismes nationaux » M. Fatin-Rouge

Stefanini, G .Scoffoni, Bruylant eds.), Bruxelles, 2015, pp.295-310

161) “Las referencias recíprocas entre el Tribunal Europeo y la Corte Interamericana de Derechos

Humanos: ¿de la influencia al diálogo?” (with Anna Lecis), in Revista de Derecho Polìtico, 2014


162) “Constitutional Reasoning in the Italian Constitutional Court” (with Irene Spigno), in Rivista

A.I.C., n. 4/2014 del 21/11/2014, and in process of publication in András Jakab, Arthur Dyevre and

Giulio Itzcovich (eds), “Comparative Constitutional Reasoning”, Cambridge University Press, 2017

163) “Lo Stato regionale italiano nel XXI secolo, tra globalizzazione e crisi economica”, in

Federalismi, n. 21/2014, 12/11/2014, and in Revista d’Estudis Autonòmics i Federals, 1/2015,


164) “Il perimetro dei diritti e delle libertà nel sistema costituzionale cinese” in “Sulla via del

Catai”, special issue on “Diritti, cittadini e potere in Cina”, R. Cavalieri (ed), 1/2015

165) “Tra costituzionalismo globale ed eccezionalismo: diritti e libertà nel sistema

costituzionale cinese nel XXI secolo”, in Federalismi, 14 gennaio 2015, n. 1

166) “La Corte costituzionale e la storia profetica. Considerazioni a margine della sentenza n.

238/2014 della Corte costituzionale italiana”, in Consultaonline, n.1/2015

167) “La Costituzione tunisina del 2014 nel quadro del ‘costituzionalismo globale’”, in DPCE,

1/2015, pp. 199-230


168) “El uso de precedentes extranjeros por parte de los Tribunales constitucionales” in “Diàlogo

entre jurisdicciones”, a cura di Gonzalo Aguilar Cavallo, Librotecnia, Santiago de Chile, 2014,


169) “Sostenibilità e costituzioni. Lo Stato costituzionale alla prova del futuro”, in Diritto pubblico

comparato ed Europeo, n. 1/2016, pp. 43-78

170) “La Constitution tunisienne de 2014 dans le cadre du ‘constitutionalisme globale’” in

Constitutions, janvier-mars 2016, pp. 7-25

171) « La jurisprudence de Strasbourg dans les décisions de la Cour constitutionnelle italienne. Une

recherche empirique in Federaslimi, n. 21/2016, 2 november 2016

172) Book review of “V.Barsotti, P. Carozza, M. Cartabia, A. Simoncini, Italian Constitutional

Justice in Global Context”, in DPCEonline, n. 2/2016


Italian: mother tongue

English: very good

French: excellent

Spanish: excellent


Date of Birth: 21/11/1965

Place of Birth: Piombino (Italy)

Citizenship: Italian


March 5th, 2017