Issue 37 Alloa Sites and Proposals

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Transcript of Issue 37 Alloa Sites and Proposals

  • 8/11/2019 Issue 37 Alloa Sites and Proposals


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    Contents Page - Issue 37 - Alloa Sites and Proposals

    1. Schedule 4

    2. Representations

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163h, CLDP163g, CLDP163l,CLDP163i, CLDP163j, CLDP163k, CLDP163n)Randolph Richards (CLDP039)GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e, CLDP061f,CLDP061g)SEPA (CLDP104, CLDP105, CLDP126, CLDP127, CLDP088)Colliers for Mactaggart and Mickel Homes Ltd. (CLDP079j)Mrs Syme (CLDP175)Marjory Watson (CLDP012)Simon Karner (CLDP060)Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070n, CLDP070o)Ewan Murray (CLDP075)

    Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144h)Mrs Margaret Docherty (CLDP050)Network Rail (CLDP063e)

    3. Supporting Documents

    CD012 Planning Advice Note 2/2010 - Affordable Housing andHousing Land Audits (August 2010)

    CD065 Redwell Primary School Travel Plan (March 2013) [attached]CD083 The river basin management plan for the Scotland river basin

    district 20092015 - SummarySD18 GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e,

    CLDP061f, CLDP061g) - Supporting StatementSD19 GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e,

    CLDP061f, CLDP061g) - Supporting Documentation

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    Issue 37 Alloa Sites and Proposals

    Development Planreference:

    H01 - Sunnyside, Alloa (Page 104)H02 - Ashley Terrace, Alloa (Page105)H03 - Carsebridge Road North,Alloa (Page 105)

    H04 - Carsebridge, Alloa (Page106)H11 - St John's Primary School,Alloa (Page 110)H13 - Claremont Primary School,Alloa (Page 111)H14 - Paton's Bowling Club,Tullibody Road, Alloa (Page 111)M02 - The Shore, Alloa (Page 113)M03 - Greenfield, Alloa (Page 114)S01 - Redwell - New primary school

    (Page 114)B02 - Alloa West Business Park(Page 117)B03 - Carsebridge South (Page118)T03 - Alloa Station Car Park (Page115)


    Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue(including reference number):

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163h, CLDP163g, CLDP163l, CLDP163i,CLDP163j, CLDP163k, CLDP163n)

    Randolph Richards (CLDP039)GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e, CLDP061f,CLDP061g)SEPA (CLDP104, CLDP105, CLDP126, CLDP127, CLDP088)Colliers for Mactaggart and Mickel Homes Ltd. (CLDP079j)Mrs Syme (CLDP175)Marjory Watson (CLDP012)Simon Karner (CLDP060)Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070n, CLDP070o)Ewan Murray (CLDP075)Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144h)Mrs Margaret Docherty (CLDP050)

    Network Rail (CLDP063e)

    Provision of the developmentplan to which the issue relates:

    Alloa Proposals and Opportunities

    Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):

    H01 - Sunnyside, AlloaH02 - Ashley Terrace, Alloa

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    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163h)There have been complaints aboutthe noise from the railway especially the coal trains at night will this be anissue on these sites?

    H03 - Carsebridge Road North, Alloa

    H04 - Carsebridge, Alloa

    Randolph Richards (CLDP039)Lives and owns land and property adjacentto the boundary of site H03, and moved to the area to live in a rural setting.The field and stables are used to livery a horse which requires a peacefulsetting and is stressed and panicked by sudden loud noises or movement. Itwould be impossible to continue to use the field and stables should housingdevelopment take place immediately adjacent to the field. This would alsoparticularly apply should play areas or pitches be provided adjacent to theproperty. There are no details in the plan of the type of housing proposed orwhether development would take place up to the perimeter.

    Should the proposed development take place such that equestrian activitywas not possible, Mr Richards states he would be forced to move elsewhere.He would also need to move should inappropriate high density housing occuradjacent to his property - he did not move to Jellyholm Road to be in themiddle of a housing estate and very much appreciates his current green fieldsetting. The development of social housing adjacent to his property would alsocause a substantial loss in the value. Should development take place, it wouldonly be suitable for him to continue living on Jellyholm Road should asubstantial clear area be present adjacent to his property - the size of theexisting field is suggested as being suitable.

    GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e, CLDP061f)Supports the allocations.

    SEPA (CLDP104, CLDP105)Request modification to reduce the number ofunits due to flood risk and amend the developer requirements text (H03).Recommend the number of units at this allocation be reduced in light ofconcerns regarding flood risk (H04).

    Colliers for Mactaggart and Mickel Homes Ltd. (CLDP079j)Object to theallocation of site H04 as there is no developer in place and significantremediation/infrastructure costs.

    H11 - St John's Primary School, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163g)Concerns about access to the site.The capacity for a lot of traffic is not great. When firming up the proposalallowing the number of units to be 15 would make more sense.

    Residents have concerns about knocking the current gym down and takingaccess through this area, as this would impact on their properties greatly.

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    Residents in both Grange Road and Dirleton Gardens who have propertiesthat are adjacent to the back lane would like any to see the road made up andthe drains repaired. Years of use by Clackmannanshire Council's dustcarthave resulted in heavy wear on this road. When St John's is developed thereis a likelihood that the dustcart could use the back lane to pick up bins fromthe development.

    The current developer contributions of improving West End park andcontributing to public art do not benefit the residents directly. Residents arekeen not to see further decline of the back lane.

    Mrs Syme (CLDP175) Careful consideration needs to be given to newbuildings and access to the site in relation to existing properties.

    H13 - Claremont Primary School, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163l) he development of this site with aproposed 40 units will add to the traffic problem in Redwell Place relating to

    school access as it appears that all traffic is to exit the development via CarseTerrace/Redwell Place. Couple this to the existing development on the oldAlloa Academy site (H12) and the increase in traffic volume will channel downRedwell Place to exit onto the A907. Has any consideration been made tocreating an exit from Claremont /Braehead onto Tullibody Road?

    H14 - Paton's Bowling Club, Tullibody Road, Alloa

    Marjory Watson (CLDP012) Objects to the development of the site as itwould result in the removal of more green belt from Alloa, cause disruptionand an invasion of privacy and adversely affect the value of her property.

    Simon Karner (CLDP060)Requests refusal to develop, especially flats andmaybe houses. Require clarity as to what the actual plans are, but shouldpreserve the area as a Green Space.

    Have had problems with invasion of privacy, and occasionally his garden fromthe Paton and Baldwin side of his back fence. Is therefore keen that anydevelopment on the land maintains the privacy of himself and his neighbours.Has good views to the Ochils and Dumyat. At this stage the development isvague and so it is difficult to comment in detail.

    Issues that occur is the need to keep traffic and general noise down as when

    the club was active several neighbours complained about the volume of themusic played.

    There are two larger holly trees on each side beyond his back garden and itwould be a shame to lose these. But in general the land is a mess and it is ashame that this has been allowed to happen instead of becoming an asset toAlloa.

    Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070n) Development

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    should respect the listed building and its setting.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163i)There is uncertainty locally as to whoowns the land and what conditions were place on the land. There is a generalfeeling that the land was gifted to the people of Alloa and so it appears wrongto build houses on it. Do not the conditions placed on the gifting of the land

    prevent it from being sold from Housing?

    If the land is sold who benefits from the sale, the owners of the factory or thelocal community of Alloa? If houses were to be built on the land they shouldbe in keeping with the existing houses on Victoria Street and the other housesaround the site. Local residents are most concerned if the houses were higherthan one/two stories and to close to the existing houses.

    As there is only a general plan to build houses it is difficult for local residentsto comment, until fuller proposals are made. Access roads, moving theexisting Bowling Green etc. are all issues.

    Could the land not be used for sporting activities again and the privacy of thelocal residents maintained. There is a shortage of allotments so this might bea good option as would some sort of community orchard or garden withallotments.

    It would be good if the B listed Pavilion was kept, and indeed looked after. It isa shame that the land (and the now closed Pavilion) is not looked after betterthan it is at present.

    We would encourage that alternatives to housing be considered for this land.Something that would enhance the local area which in its current state it is notdoing.

    M02 - The Shore, Alloa

    SEPA (CLDP126) Modification to developer requirements to reduce thenumber of units due to flood risk.

    Modification to developer requirements to secure improvements to modifiedhabitat and ensure that site drainage does not contribute to point sourcepollution. Recommended that the number of houses be reduced and newFlood Risk Assessment be undertaken to determine the location of BrothieBurn culvert and protect and identify extent of other sources of flood risk.

    An opportunity exits to ensure that the development of this site contributes toachieving the objectives of the river basin management plan for the Scotlandriver basin district 20092015 - Summary(CD083). To address the pressuresassociated with this site the plan could assist in securing improvements tomodified habitats and reduce diffuse source inputs. We therefore recommendthat the developer requirements associated with this site be modified toinclude the following: Any shoreline development should not add any further morphological

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    pressures to this water body. Any opportunities to improve modified habitatshould be harnessed. Site drainage should not contribute to point and diffuse source pressureswithin these water bodies. Appropriate SUDS should be incorporated.

    Finally, we would request that the text "SEPA have identified potential

    flooding issues associated with this site" be removed from the developerrequirements.

    M03 - Greenfield, Alloa

    Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070o)Future developmentshould respect the listed building and its setting.

    Ewan Murray (CLDP075) Concerned over potential uses being unsuitabledue to noise disturbance to existing residents.

    SEPA (CLDP127) A flood risk assessment should be included as a site

    specific developer requirement. Developers should be encouraged toundertake a feasibility study to assess the potential for channel restoration byremoving the culvert. We recommend that this is included as a site specificdeveloper requirement.

    The plan is not specific in what is proposed at this site or the extent of the siteallocation boundary. If housing is proposed then an Flood Risk Assessment(FRA) will be required. This would consider the risk of flooding to the existingbuilding but would also need to look at the grounds if proposals includebuilding there. If new housing is proposed in the grounds the areas fordevelopment may be constrained due to the risk from the Fairy Burn.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163j)Nearby residents do not want to seethe property redeveloped into a hotel or other facility, which might result innoisy functions.

    What is the status of the house and surrounding parkland. We understand thatthe building was bought by the Alloa Burgh Council but the surroundingparkland was gifted to the people of Alloa.

    We know through local usage that the paths are heavily used. Are not someof the paths de facto Rights of Way through common usage.

    S01 - Redwell - New primary school

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163k)What consideration has been givento parents dropping of children before school and picking them up after schoolby car?

    In Redwell Place the access to the new footpath is the lane between 20 & 22Redwell Place. Apart from the impact on local residents in the vicinity, there isa very real danger with the geographical layout of this area. The lane exits

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    onto Redwell Place near the crest of the hill on a bend making visibilityrestricted for both pedestrian and motorist. When parents stop here,particularly when parked, this increases the risks significantly to all users ascars will be forced onto the wrong side of the road on a blind crest. To makematters worse, there is a significant planting of bushes and tall trees furtherreducing visibility on the inside of the bend. These also obscure pedestrians

    coming down the steps on the north side of the path preparing to cross at thatpoint.

    B02 - Alloa West Business Park

    Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144h)Request additional wording.

    B03 - Carsebridge South

    Mrs Margaret Docherty (CLDP050)Requests removal of site from LDP forbusiness or recreation uses.

    GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061g) Supports theallocation.

    SEPA (CLDP088) Modification requested to the number of units due to floodrisk.

    T03 - Alloa Station Car Park

    Network Rail (CLDP063f) Support the inclusion of this Proposal.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163n) On the whole the CommunityCouncil welcomes the increased parking space for the railway line as by directexperience we know that it fills up fairly quickly. Although increased use ofpublic transport is welcome, the proposed car parking space will increasetraffic around these sites. Is there more details about how the site will beaccessed by car and how the train users will access the railway station. Weassume the existing footbridge will be used but then the site is no further thanthe car park on the other side of the inner ring road. Will the site needlandscaped to maximise the parking space. Would planting trees around thearea improve the environment.

    There was in the past talk of a Park and Ride near Cambus to allowcommuters from the Hillfoots to join the train. Would this help to reduce the

    traffic into Alloa and increase the use of public transport?

    Modifications sought by those submitting representations:

    H01 - Sunnyside, AlloaH02 - Ashley Terrace, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163h)No modifications have been sought,only reassurance that rail freight noise would not be an issue.

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    H03 - Carsebridge Road North, AlloaH04 - Carsebridge, Alloa

    Randolph Richards (CLDP039) In order to maintain his current use of theland he requests that there would need to be a substantial area clear of

    housing or active use next to his land/property.

    GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e, CLDP061f) Nomodifications sought, supports the allocations.

    SEPA (CLDP104, CLDP105)Request modification to reduce the number ofunits due to flood risk and amend the developer requirements text (H03).Recommend the number of units at this allocation be reduced in light ofconcerns regarding flood risk (H04).

    Colliers for Mactaggart and Mickel Homes Ltd. (CLDP079j)Object to theallocation of the site in the LDP.

    H11 - St John's Primary School, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163g) When firming up the proposalallowing the number of units to be 15 would make more sense.

    Residents have concerns about knocking the current gym down and takingaccess through this area, as this would impact on their properties greatly.They would like to see if there are any other ways access to the site could begained.

    Residents in both Grange Road and Dirleton Gardens who have propertiesthat are adjacent to the back lane would like any to see the road made up andthe drains repaired.

    Seeking a change to the Developer Contributions. The current developercontributions of improving West End park and contributing to public art do notbenefit the residents directly. Residents are keen not to see further decline ofthe back lane. Repairing the drains and making up the back lane would be amore beneficial for the local area and could be added to the developercontributions.

    Mrs Syme (CLDP175)Request addition to developer contributions to include

    improvements to Dirleton Lane to bring it up to adoptable standard andensure the number of units is restricted to 15 with careful consideration givento new buildings and access to the site in relation to existing properties.

    H13 - Claremont Primary School, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163l)The development of this site will addto the traffic problem in Redwell Place relating to school access. Couple thisto the existing development on the old Alloa Academy site [H12] and the

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    increase in traffic volume will channel down Redwell Place to exit onto theA907. Has any consideration been made to creating an exit from Claremont/Braehead onto Tullibody Road?

    H14 - Paton's Bowling Club, Tullibody Road, Alloa

    Marjory Watson (CLDP012)Requests removal of site from LDP.

    Simon Karner (CLDP060)Requests removal of site from LDP but suggestsissues to be addressed if the site is to remain in the LDP. Would want tomaintain privacy and have some sort of buffer zone between back gardensand any houses or flats.

    Who will the sale of land benefit as the Pavilion appears to be abandonedapart from the Bowlers. Will it ever be restored to it former glory? Is there nota need for more green spaces within Alloa and was the land not given tobenefit the people of Alloa not to build more houses on it.

    If buildings of any sort were to be approved for this land, every effort shouldbe made to enhance the area rather than trying to fit in as many units aspossible, as builders try and do now a days. This holds for all sides of thedevelopment.

    It would be useful to point out to any future developer that the fence is thejoint responsibility of Paton and Baldwin club and each of the house ownerson Victoria Street.

    Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070n) Developmentshould respect the listed building and its setting.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163i) Question whether conditions whichthey believe were placed on the gifting of the land prevent it from being soldfor housing.

    If houses were to be built on the land they should be in keeping with theexisting houses on Victoria Street and the other houses around the site. Localresidents are most concerned if the houses were higher than one/two storiesand to close to the existing houses.

    As there is only a general plan to build houses it is difficult for local residentsto comment, until fuller proposals are made. Access roads, moving the

    existing bowling green etc. are all issues.

    Could the land not be used for sporting activities again and the privacy of thelocal residents maintained. Some folk have mentioned that there is a shortageof allotments so this might be a good option as would some sort of communityOrchard or garden with Allotments.

    As for the Pavilion being B listed it would be good that this was kept, andindeed looked after.

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    We would encourage that alternatives to housing be considered for this land.Something that would enhance the local area which in its current state it is notdoing.

    M02 - The Shore, Alloa

    SEPA (CLDP126) Modification to developer requirements to reduce thenumber of units due to flood risk.

    Modification to developer requirements to secure improvements to modifiedhabitat and ensure that site drainage does not contribute to point sourcepollution. Recommended that the number of houses be reduced and newFlood Risk Assessment be undertaken to determine the location of BrothieBurn culvert and protect and identify extent of other sources of flood risk.

    An opportunity exits to ensure that the development of this site contributes toachieving the objectives of the river basin management plan for the Scotland

    river basin district 20092015 - Summary (CD083). To address the pressuresassociated with this site the plan could assist in securing improvements tomodified habitats and reduce diffuse source inputs. We therefore recommendthat the developer requirements associated with this site be modified toinclude the following: Any shoreline development should not add any further morphologicalpressures to this water body. Any opportunities to improve modified habitatshould be harnessed. Site drainage should not contribute to point and diffuse source pressureswithin these water bodies. Appropriate SUDS should be incorporated.

    Finally, we would request that the text "SEPA have identified potentialflooding issues associated with this site" be removed from the developerrequirements.

    M03 - Greenfield, Alloa

    Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070o)Future developmentshould respect the listed building and its setting.

    Ewan Murray (CLDP075) Concerned over potential uses being unsuitabledue to noise disturbance to existing residents.

    SEPA (CLDP127) A flood risk assessment should be included as a sitespecific developer requirement. Developers should be encouraged toundertake a feasibility study to assess the potential for channel restoration byremoving the culvert. We recommend that this is included as a site specificdeveloper requirement.

    The plan is not specific in what is proposed at this site or the extent of the siteallocation boundary. If housing is proposed then an Flood Risk Assessment(FRA) will be required. This would consider the risk of flooding to the existing

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    building but would also need to look at the grounds if proposals includebuilding there. If new housing is proposed in the grounds the areas fordevelopment may be constrained due to the risk from the Fairy Burn.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163j)Nearby residents do not want to seethe property redeveloped into a hotel or other facility, which might result in

    noisy functions.

    We understand that the building was bought by the Alloa Burgh Council butthe surrounding parkland was gifted to the people of Alloa.

    We know through local usage that the paths are heavily used. Are not someof the paths de facto Rights of Way through common usage.

    S01 - Redwell - New primary school

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163k)What consideration has been givento parents dropping of children before school and picking them up after school

    by car?

    In Redwell Place the access to the new footpath is the lane between 20 & 22Redwell Place. Apart from the impact on local residents in the vicinity, there isa very real danger with the geographical layout of this area. The lane exitsonto Redwell Place near the crest of the hill on a bend making visibilityrestricted for both pedestrian and motorist. When parents stop here,particularly when parked, this increases the risks significantly to all users ascars will be forced onto the wrong side of the road on a blind crest. To makematters worse, there is a significant planting of bushes and tall trees furtherreducing visibility on the inside of the bend. These also obscure pedestrianscoming down the steps on the north side of the path preparing to cross at thatpoint.

    B02 - Alloa West Business Park

    Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144h)The following wording is required forthis proposal: "Proposals will be subject to a Habitats Regulations Appraisal.The application will need to demonstrate that the proposals will not have anadverse effect upon the integrity of the River Teith SAC either alone or incombination with other proposals in this plan (including, but not necessarilylimited to B02 and B13) or other projects. Developers will be required toprovide information to enable this appropriate assessment to be undertaken.

    This may include (but not be limited to): providing details of how impacts on qualifying interests of the River TeithSAC will be avoided."

    B03 - Carsebridge South

    Mrs Margaret Docherty (CLDP050)Requests removal of site from LDP forbusiness or recreation uses. Concerns over noise and pollution from businessuses affecting the amenity of neighbouring residential properties and reducing

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    the value of house properties. Concerns over noise and disruption from anyadjacent recreational uses, including intrusive floodlighting. Asks whether theCouncil would erect fencing, trees, bushes etc. to screen the properties fromdevelopment. Concern over the impact of any development on wildlife on thesite.

    GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061g) Supports theallocation.

    SEPA (CLDP088) Modification requested to the number of units due to floodrisk.

    T03 - Alloa Station Car Park

    Network Rail (CLDP063e) Support the inclusion of this Proposal.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163n) On the whole the CommunityCouncil welcomes the increased parking space for the railway line. Although

    increased use of public transport is welcome, the proposed car parking spacewill increase traffic around these sites. Are there more details about how thesite will be accessed by car and how the train users will access the railwaystation. We assume the existing footbridge will be used but then the site is nofurther than the car park on the other side of the inner ring road. Will the siteneed landscaped to maximise the parking space. Would planting trees aroundthe area improve the environment.

    There was in the past talk of a Park and Ride near Cambus to allowcommuters from the Hillfoots to join the train. Would this help to reduce thetraffic into Alloa? And increase the use of public transport.

    Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:

    H01 - Sunnyside, AlloaH02 - Ashley Terrace, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163h) The closest part of the site to therailway line is around 40 metres from it, with housing in between. It istherefore unlikely that noise will be an issue, however Environmental Healthwould be consulted at the planning application stage if it was considered itmay be an issue. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    H03 - Carsebridge Road North, AlloaH04 - Carsebridge, Alloa

    Randolph Richards (CLDP039)The proposals require the preparation of aDevelopment Brief and Masterplan for this, and the adjoining sites, which willconsider layout and land use in greater detail. The proposals also require atree survey to inform a landscaping and planting strategy including "significantlandscape and buffer planting, particularly to the eastern edge of thedevelopment.". There will therefore be the opportunity to comment further at

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    the planning application stage, with particular reference to this requirement.No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061e, CLDP061f)Support noted. No changes are sought to the LDP.

    SEPA (CLDP104, CLDP105) The proposals require the preparation of theDevelopment Brief and Masterplan for these sites which will be informed bythe required Flood Risk and Drainage Assessments. The unit numbers for thesites are indicative with exact numbers being informed by the Masterplananalysis of the development requirements. The developer requirements donot state "SEPA have identified potential flooding issues associated with thissite", however, the site is located within an area identified in the SEPA FloodMaps as an area which may flood. No changes are therefore sought to theLDP.

    Colliers for Mactaggart and Mickel Homes Ltd. (CLDP079j) Havingpromoted the site, GVA James Barr for Diageo have provided evidence

    regarding the effectiveness of the site (CLDP061). It is considered that thesemeet the principles of effectiveness in PAN 2/2010 (CD012), with furtherdetails to be determined through the planning application process, led by thecontent of the LDP. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    H11 - St John's Primary School, Alloa

    Both Alloa Community Council (CLDP163g) and Mrs Syme (CLDP175)have made similar comments in relation to the redevelopment of St John'sPrimary School. There are clearly sensitivities associated with theredevelopment of a listed building. Detailed proposals have yet to beconsidered, however, as the current use will definitely cease, the LDP hasincluded as much detail as possible without having undertaken further work.The required Development Brief and Design Statement will be of particularimportance. Input from the community will be welcomed as more detailemerges about the design solution options. Advice from Historic Scotland willalso help to inform proposals. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    Until the relationship between the site and Dirleton Lane to the west isestablished through a detailed design, it is unclear whether there would beany continued or additional impact from the new development which may beappropriately alleviated through developer contributions. Similarly,contributions towards improvements at West End Park and for public art will

    be considered in detail as the planning process progresses. No changes aretherefore sought to the LDP.

    H13 - Claremont Primary School, Alloa

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163l)There are no proposals to create anew vehicular access route from Claremont/Braehead onto Tullibody Road.Traffic impacts will be considered in greater detail at the planning applicationstage and any improvements required to the road network will be identified at

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    that point. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    H14 - Paton's Bowling Club, Tullibody Road, Alloa

    Marjory Watson (CLDP012),Simon Karner (CLDP060), Alloa CommunityCouncil (CLDP163i). The part of the site to the south west was previously

    tennis courts, which have now been abandoned for some time. The bowlinggreens and newer pavilion building to the north of the site remain in use,however the B Listed pavilion is now vacant. There is little prospect of thetennis courts being reinstated, or any other recreational use being found forthe underused part of the site. Enabling development in the form of someresidential development would allow the listed pavilion to be retained,maintained and eventually brought back into a productive community or clubuse. It is acknowledged that this would be a difficult site to develop, and it mayinvolve relocation the bowling greens to another part of the site, however,values from residential development may allow this.

    If nothing is done it is likely the majority of the site will continue to be poorly

    maintained and may be used for anti-social and disruptive behaviour. Thefuture of the listed pavilion would also be less certain and, if it remainsunused, would be at risk of vandalism and may ultimately fall into a state suchthat it would not be able to be retained. There is no evidence of the land beinggifted to the people of Alloa, or that there are any legal impediments tobuilding on the site.

    Any proposals would require to take into account the amenity of the existingneighbouring properties. The community, and Community Council would havethe opportunity to comment on more detailed plans at a later stage in theplanning process.

    While there is a shortage of allotments in the Council area, properties in thisarea, in general, have significant areas of garden ground which individualscan use. People should not have to travel far to an allotment as they shouldbe located close to demand wherever possible. The use of the land forallotments would also be unlikely to generate sufficient finance to address theissues facing the listed pavilion. No changes are therefore sought to theLDP.

    Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070n). Under 'CreatingSustainable Communities', development proposals, should the Reporter beminded to agree with Historic Scotland that the wording should be changed

    from "...will require to be sensitive to the 'B' Listed Building..." to"Development should respect the listed building and its setting.", this would beacceptable to the Council, although it is considered that the current wording isadequate.

    M02 - The Shore, Alloa

    SEPA (CLDP126) The unit numbers are indicative with the exact numbersbeing informed by the Flood Risk and Drainage Assessments along with the

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    analysis of the issues highlighted in the Development Requirements. Theenvironmental assets section of the Development Requirements clearlyoutline the issues regarding SUDS and the protection of the SPA and SACand these will be detailed in the Development Brief for the site. The site islocated within an area identified in the SEPA Flood Maps as an area whichmay flood and, if the Reporter is so minded, a statement to this effect could be

    used in place of "SEPA have identified potential flooding issues associatedwith this site.".

    M03 - Greenfield, Alloa

    Scottish Government (Historic Scotland) (CLDP070o)It is recognised thatthere is no reference to the listed building under 'Creating SustainableCommunities', and, if the Reporter is so minded, the wording suggested"Future development should respect the listed building and its setting.", couldbe included as a bullet point under this heading.

    Ewan Murray (CLDP075), Alloa Community Council (CLDP163j)Issues of

    noise, disturbance and protection of amenity will be considered once theproposed future use for the site is known. It is considered the developerrequirements address the issue of protecting the surrounding parkland andmaintaining access adequately. Similarly there is a requirement to protect thecore path running through the site. No changes are therefore sought to theLDP.

    SEPA (CLDP127)The proposal relates to the existing building and its reuse.The LDP is not promoting a wider development which would utilise thesurrounding parkland. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    S01 - Redwell - New primary school

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163k) Clackmannanshire Council Roadsand Highways Department have undertaken a design exercise to reduce thespeed limit on Stirling Road and have introduced a series of pedestriancrossings and vehicle drop-off areas along the northern boundary of theplaying fields site. As part of the planning application for the new school aTravel Plan (CD065) was prepared and this will be monitored and updated asnecessary. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.B02 - Alloa West Business Park

    Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144h) It is assumed that the proposed

    wording is also to include reference to the Firth of Forth SPA and addreference to the River Teith SAC at the first bullet point under 'EnvironmentalAssets', rather than replace reference to the River Forth SPA with the RiverTeith SAC. It is also assumed that reference to "B12 & B13" should remain inthe plan, rather than being replaced with "B02 & B13". As the suggestedwording will ensure the LDP will have no adverse effects on the integrity of theRiver Teith SAC, and should the Reporter be minded, the proposed additionscould be incorporated into the current text.

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    B03 - Carsebridge South

    Mrs Margaret Docherty (CLDP050)The Development Framework submittedwith Diageo's representations in support of the allocation of this site showbusiness units, with green areas and landscaping between them and theresidential areas on Hilton Road, see below.

    While this does not form part of any planning application it does show that theimportance of a buffer zone, and the protection of the amenity of neighbouringresidential properties has been considered when preparing initial layouts forthe site. This should be replicated as part of any formal application for

    planning permission.

    Under 'Environmental Assets', Development Requirements include a batsurvey and an ecological appraisal of the existing wetland and adjacentwoodland, followed by the incorporation of any necessary steps to protect andenhance biodiversity within these areas of the site. No changes aretherefore sought to the LDP.

    GVA James Barr for Diageo Scotland Ltd. (CLDP061g)Support noted. Nochanges are sought to the LDP.

    SEPA (CLDP088) The units are indicative with the exact numbers beinginformed by the Flood Risk and Drainage Assessment with the other issueshighlighted in the Development Requirements. The site is located within anarea identified in the SEPA Flood Maps as an area which may be subject tosurface water flooding and, if the Reporter is so minded, a statement to thiseffect could be used in place of 'SEPA have identified potential floodingissues associated with this site'.

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    T03 - Alloa Station Car Park

    Network Rail (CLDP063e) Support noted. No changes are sought to theLDP.

    Alloa Community Council (CLDP163n) No detailed designs have been

    considered yet, although it is most likely the site would be entered fromParkway/Erskine Street. While the car park may be a similar distance to theparking on the inner side of the ring road, it would serve traffic coming fromthe north and avoid the need for that traffic to come down Whins Road andthrough Shillinghill roundabout, which can both become congested at peaktimes. A car park to the north would therefore help to relieve some congestioncloser to the town centre. Landscaping and tree planting would be consideredat the detailed design stage. The LDP contains a proposal for a Park and Rideat Cambus with the aim of reducing traffic in Alloa and to Stirling and beyondand making public transport more attractive. This is considered under Issue39. No changes are therefore sought to the LDP.

    Reporters conclusions:

    Reporters recommendations: