ISRM-EUROCK-1996-036_The Strength of Rock Masses With Finite Sized Joints

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  • 8/12/2019 ISRM-EUROCK-1996-036_The Strength of Rock Masses With Finite Sized Joints


    Eurock '96, Barla (ed.) 1996 Ba lkema, Rotterdam. ISBN 905410843 6

    The strength of rock masses with finite sized joints

    La resistance de masses rocheuses a fractures lirniteesDie Festigkeit von Gesteinsmassen mit Verbindungen begrenzter Grobe

    Mohammad H. Bagheripour & Ga.ITyMostyn - The School of Civil Engineering. University of New SouthWales, Sydney. N S .w ., Australia

    ABSTRACT: The strength of rock masses containing finite sized joints is discussed. Using Linear Elastic

    Fracture Mechanics the authors developed a criterion to predict the brittle failure of rock specimens containing

    finae sized joints. This criterion is very similar to that developed by J aeger for throughgoing joints but

    unfortunately fails to predict the strengths observed in an extensive laboratory investigation. An empirical

    relauonship is introduced which accurately predicts the experimental data. The paper concludes that t hecontinuity of joints has a major impact on the strength of the rock mass containing them and that the models that

    have generally been applied are overly conservative. The proposed relationship provides a much better model

    for uniaxial strength test results and its extension to triaxial compression is discussed.

    RESUME: la resistance de massese rocheuses contenant des fractures limitees est presentee. A I aide de la LEFM,

    les auteurs ont developpe un critere permeuant de c alculer Ie point de c assure netre de specimens rocheuxContenant des fractures limitees. Ce critere est tres proche de celui relatif aux fractures continues developpe par

    Jaeger rnais, malheuresement, ne calcule pas les resistances observees lors d 'une recherche approfondie en

    laboratoire. Une relation empirique calculant avec j usresse les donnees experimentales est i nrroduire. La

    presentation conclue que la conrinuite des fractures joue un role primordial sur la resistance des masses rocheuses

    qui continnent ees fractures, et que les rnodeles generalement appliques son: excessivernent prudents. La relation

    proposee fournit un modele beaucoup plus approprie aux resullats des essaix uniaxes de la resistance, et son

    application a la compression a trois axes est presen tee.

    ZUSAMMENFASUNG : Es wird die Festigkeit von Gesteinsrnassen mit Verbindungen begrenzter Grofsebesprochen. Unter Anwendung derLinearen Elastischen Bruchrnechanik entwickelten die Autoren ein Kriteriurn

    fUr die Voraussage von Sprodigkeitsbruchen von Gesteinsproben mit Verbindungen begrenzter Grobe. Dieses

    Kriterium ist dem von Jaeger fur durchgehende Verbindungen entwickelren sehr ahnlich, ist jedoch leider nicht

    In der Lage die in ausfuhrlichen Laborversuchen beobachteten Festigkeiten vorauszusagen. Ein empirisches

    Verhiiltnis, das die experimentellen Daten genaus voraussagt wird eingefuhrt. Del' Beitrag kornmt zu dem SchluB,

    daB die Durchgangigkeit der Verbindungen einen groben Einfluf auf die Festigkeit der sie eruhaltenden

    Gesteinsmasse hat und d aB die allgemein angewandten Erklarungsrnodelle zu konservativ sind. Das

    Vorgeschlagene Verhaltnis bietet eine viel besseres Modell fiir einachsige Versuchsergebnisse und eine

    Erweiterung auf dreiachsige Kompression wird besprochen.


    In general, failure analysis of jointed rocks has been

    aSSumed to occur along a throughgoing dominant

    Single joint, or set of joints, such as that for a rock

    slope. Further, in such jointed rocks, the designer is

    essentially interested in the strength parameters of the

    discontinuities. This assumption is generally quite

    conservative. Stimpson (1978) discusses the

    dIffiCUlties in designing ultimate open pit slopes

    Where joints dip into the pit at greater than the angle of

    friCtion. Most analysis would predict that such a slope

    was unstable, but in fact such slopes are often observed

    to be stable. Generally, this stability is attributed to the

    fact that the discontinuities are not continuous but are

    of finite size. Thus, as well asjoint orientation and the

    confining pressure, the persistence of a joint has a

    significant impact on the the strength of rocks.

    Limited progress has been reponed on theoretical and

    experimental approaches to strength of jointed rocks

    containing finite sized joints. McClintock & Walsh(1962), Jaeger & Cook (1979) and Hoek (1968)discussed the compressive strength of rocks

    containing very small finite sized joints (sometimes

    called rnicrofractures). The Linear Elastic Fracture

    Mechanics (LEFM) approach has been investigated

    by other researchers (eg Atkinson, 1987, Erdogan

    1974, Hung & Lee 1990). Others have attempted to

    apply this approach to discontinuously jointed rock

    slope stability problems (eg Tharp 1984, Tharp &Coffin 1985). In this approach, finite size joints are

    commonly treated as friction free cracks which

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    extend, or propagate, due to the stress concentration at

    their tips.In this paper the concept of LEFM is reviewed and acriterion for brittle failure of rocks containing finitesized JOints subjected to compressive loads is derived.It is assumed that friction is mobilized on finite sized

    joint surfaces when shear is induced under

    compressive loads.Model materials were used to develop jointed rockspecimens containing finite sized joints. The modelmaterial development and characteristics aredescribed in Mostyn & Bagheripour (1995). Thespecimens were tested under uniaxial and triaxialconditions. The results were compared to the criteriondeveloped but agreement was poor. The study thenfocused on predicting the strength using empiricaln?ethods. The empirical criterion developed is verysimilar to that described for throughgoing jointedrocks (Bagheripour & Mostyn 1996). .


    The original concept of fracture mechanics is based onconsidering materials containing ideal flat, perfectlysharp cracks of negligible thickness, undergoing three

    possible modes of crack tip displacement, oftenreferred to as modes of loading. Mode I is for normalloading, II for in-plane shear loading and III foranti-:-plane, sometimes referred as tearing, shearloading .. In problems concerning crack loading thesuperposiuon of these three basic modes is sufficientto describe the most general combination of crack tipdeformation and stress field.

    Modes l and II are the most commonly used loadingmodes in engineenng problems. It is recognized thatmode III loading is involved in special engineering

    problems which are beyond the scope of the currentstudy. Following is a brief description of mode 1andII loadings. These are then further extended to rockmechanics problems where compression and shear arethe most common loading systems.If a single isolated joint is subject to a uniaxial tensilestress, the stress intensity factor, K " is:

    A list of symb?ls is given at the end of this paper. Thecondition for incipient crack propagation is obtainedby equating K, toK,c, the critical stress intensity factoror fracture toughness, and a to atj, the tensile strencihof jointed rock: '"

    K,c =at/.nc)i (2)

    The stress intensity factor in pure shear, Kif , is alsorelated to shear stress:


    KII =r(.nc)2 (3)

    For incipient crack propagation due to shear we have:


    where rc is the critical shear stress. The solutions 10problems of linear elasticity relating the near crack tipstresses to the stress intensity factors are givenelsewhere (eg Atkinson 1987, Ingraffea 1987) and are

    not presented here. Here it suffices to describe nearcrack tip stresses in mixed mode loading.The extension of LEFM principles from a solid brittlematerial problem to rock mechanics problemsdemands special consideration. Classic LEFMproblems generally involve open cracks with frictionfree surfaces under shear and/or tensile stresses.Problems in rock mechanics, however, commonlyInvolve finite Sized joints under compressive andshear loads. The most common theories of mixedmode loading which resolve the near crack tip stresses

    are a((j)lIlfU' S((j)lIli" and C(j)lIlax theories. In thefollowing section, the. a((j)",[U theory is brieflydescribed first and then simplified forthecondition ofcompressive loading of a single inclined finite sizedJOInt. Thereafter, the theory is used to derive thefracture stren?th criterion of rock specimenscontaining finite sized joints in terms of jointonentuuon, con filling pressure and joint persistence.The criterion is similar to the Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger& Cook (1979) cruenon for strength variation ofthroughgoing jointed rocks.

    2.1 Development of a compressive fracture strength[or rocks

    If a single isolated joint under general biaxial loadingIS considered, as shown in Figure I, then the normaland shear stresses on the plane of the joint arecalculated as:

    (J\+(J3 (J1-(J3

    a ,,= -2---7-cos(2(J) ( 5 )



    Generally for a natural joint, the surfaces will be incontact. The frictional resistance of these surfaces isassumed to be constant and equal to a" tan(1)j)'



    (l~ 7' --:=(J1l.tan(jJ)

    } ! ' O ,; 0 0

    Figure 1 Cracked body subjected to biaxial

    compressive loads.


  • 8/12/2019 ISRM-EUROCK-1996-036_The Strength of Rock Masses With Finite Sized Joints


    1 .2

    S(())min1.0 r:

    u 0.8

    ~'a32: O . It will be seen that this assumption resultsIn equations that are simple and comparable with

    other criteria. Thus, in applying fracture mechanics to

    the problem, the only stress component which will

    Contribute to the behaviour of the stress state around

    the joint ends is the effective shear stress defined by

    the following equation:

    Te==T (J-G II tan()

    From equations 5 and 6, it follows that:

    In the terminology of Figure I, and without loss of

    generality, it will be assumed that Te >O . The solutionof the related elasticity problem gives the stress

    tntensity factors and the stress Slate in the close

    neighbourhood of the joint lip as:


    The stress components near the crack tip for the

    Conditions given in Equation 9 are defined by are ) II II 1X

    theory as follows:

    _ K" o [ o 3. ]ar-_-cos(-) 2 tan(-)--S11l(e). { i . . ; r ; - 2 2 2

    au = = K" Cos(ft)[lsin(e)]. { i . . ; r ; - 2 2

    K" earO = = r.:;-cos("2)[1-3 cos(()J[Zstr

    ( 10)

    ( 1 1 )

    ( 1 2 )

    The theory assumes that crack extension occurs:

    at the crack tip and in a radial direction,

    when a re ) max reaches a crit ical value that isthe material constant, ie Krc. in a plane normal to the direction of greatest

    tension, ie at e o that (JrfI =0,The mathematical expression equivalent for the above

    conditions is:

    ( 13)


    and if (Jr()==0 then:

    ( 15)

    Equations 14 and 15 are the parametric equations of

    a general fracture criterion locus in the K"K" plane

    as shown in Figure 2. The plot in the figure shows afracture surface for mixed mode cracking of the form:



    The procedure for the development of such a fracture

    locus isdescribed elsewhere (eg Tharp 1984, lngraffea1987). The significance of Equation 15 is that the

    direction of crack extension e o can be predicted. Thisgives:


    ( 17)

    If the condition for pure mode II is considered then

    K,==() which gives:

    ( 18)

    ( 9 )

    This indicates that the crack, ie finite sized joint, will

    nOI extend initially in its own plane. This quite

    different to pure mode I loading. Combining Equation

    II and 18 gives:

    (Ju== ~(~) (19)

    On the other hand, if (Jlj is the uniaxial tensile strength

    of the rock containing a crack of the same size as that

    considered in Figure I ,( iea , = = -(Jlj and (J3==0, f3=90)from the conditions of fracture assumed in a(e)IIII1X

    theory, the following can be defined:



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    Combining Equations 19 and 20:

    Equation 21 can also be directly taken as the fracture

    strength locus, shown previously in Figure 2 for t heassumed condition. Combining Equations 8,9 and 21


    2 [ ~ ; r +a3 tan()]a =a +----------

    1 3 [1-cot(,8) tan()J sin(2,B)

    Equation 22 i s very similar to the Jaeger (1960) and

    Jaeger & Cook (1979) model for the compressivestrength of rock containing through going joints.

    However, it can be seen from a comparison of the two

    equations that the term /3 KJC/2 k in Equation 22replaces the term C j in the Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger &Cook (1979) model.

    Equation 22 i s based on mode I loading being zero.

    Thus, mode II indicates the severity of applied loads

    and the geometry of the cracked body.

    The orientation ,8=,80, which corresponds to the

    maximum value of K" for a given a,,u3 and c, andhence to t he j oint from which the fracture would

    extend, may be obtained by maximizing KII. This

    condition yields:

    are =0 and a2re - < 0 (23)a ,8 a2 , 8


    1tan(2,80)= -;--(A. ) (24)

    t0, it is clear that Equations24 and 25 are subject to the following constraint:

    ( 0 '; 0 ' sin(2{3) )tanPJ) - < - - - -- - - (26)


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    jo inted sp ec im en s, th e el lip tic al jo int ca nn ot be

    c ha ra cte riz ed so le ly b y a pa ra me te r suc h a s c ra ck l en gt h. T he d e sc rip ti on o f t he co rr ec ti on fa ct ors fo r ell ip tical f lat cracks is rather lengthy and is beyond thes co pe o f th is p ap er. H ow ev er , th e co rre ct io n f ac to rsh ave b een u sed to amen d the s tr ess inten si ty f ac to r o f the loaded samp les u sed in the cu rr en t s tu dy .

    -x - p =1 .0

    -0- p=0.2 5

    -+-p=0.7 5


    -6- p=0.5




    o 30 60 90

    Joint orientatiomjl)

    Fig ure 5 U nia xia l c om pre ss ive stre ng th v ersus

    jo int or ientat io n an d pe rsi sten ce .

    A p lo t o f Eq ua ti on 2 8 is s ho wn in F ig ur e 3 . T h e p lo tIS li mi te d to t he u n ia xia l c om pre ss iv e s tre ng th a ndcon siders the ro ck and jo in t s tr en gth p ar ameters to b eth ose sh ow n in Fig ure 6.


    An experimental program was completed onspecimen s made f ro m an art if ic ia l intac t r ock and jo in t

    mater ials descr ibed in Mostyn & Bagheripour (1995).T he o bjec tive o f comp ress iv e s tr en gth tes ting o n suchspecimen s w as to s tu dy the eff ec t o f the p er si sten ce o f f rictional joints on the f racture s trength of a rock mass.T h e exp er imental p ro g ram inc lu ded b oth un iaxial andtrIa xia l c om pre ssive stre ng th te sts o n spe cim en sC on ta in in g fin ite siz ed jo in ts w ith va rio us jo in to~lentations and persistence.FIgure 4 shows schem atically the first type of cYltnd rica l specimen s tha t w er e tested . T h ese joint swere not ful ly contained within the sample. Specimensw ere cas t w i th 1 /4 , 1 /2 , 3 /4 con tinu ity r at io s, p, an dJ Oint o rien ta tion s v ar ying in 1 5 in terv als f ro m 0 to90.

    3.1 Test procedure

    T h e p ro ced ur e f ol lo w ed f or the comp ress io n tes ts w asIn aCco rd an ce w ith the IS RM (1 98 1, 1 98 3) sug g es tedmethOd.

    - - E q. 28, p=O.75- - - - E g. 2 8, p = O.2 5

    + p=O.75 p=O.25

    . - - - - . Eg . 28 . p=05-- Intact rock

    6 p=O.5

    1 6

    1 4 " ,1 / ( ?, ' / I I" \ ,'0I

    \"\, 0/,' I

    , .' / t/.

    \ '., .- 6./ /

    \ '......... / +

    " /......._--+'


    1 2


    '"0-2 8~

    3 < 6b




    Rock and joint strength data:

    K /C=O.4Nmm,j, ,;, =32"

    o 30 60 90




    60 90

    o 30Joint or ientation (13)

    Figure 6 (a) Experim ental data and plot

    o f E qu ati on 28 , (b ) R es id ua ls .

    3.2 Results

    Th e uniaxial c om pressive stre ngth ve rsus joint

    orientat ion for various joint continuity rat ios is shownin F ig ur e 5 .

    3.3 Comparison with theory

    E qu at io n 2 8 is o ve rl ain o n F ig ure 6 a. I t c an b e s ee nth at th e m od el pro vid es a v ery p oo r fit t o t he d ataexcept for 13=90 and 13=30. Plots of residuals result ingf ro m f it ting Equ at io n 2 8 to the ex perimen ta l d ata a res ho wn in F ig ure 6 b a nd i t is o bv io us th at t he m o de lgreatly over esurnares the s trength.It s ho ul d b e no te d t ha t t h e L EF M p ri nc ip le s u se d tod eri ve t he E qu ati on 2 8 as su me p la ne s tre ss o r pla nes tr ain co nd it io ns and th us may int ro du ce some err or sinto the results. Fracture tough ness m ay not beconstant but m ay change as the norm al stress

    i nc re as es . T his e ffe ct h as n ot b e en i nc lu de d i n th isw o rk b ut has been d iscu ssed b y some inv es tiga to rs ( eg

    Hung & Lee 1990).


  • 8/12/2019 ISRM-EUROCK-1996-036_The Strength of Rock Masses With Finite Sized Joints


    x p=I.O

    + p=0.75

    6 p=0.5

    0 p=0.25

    -- Eq. 31. p=I.O

    - -Eg.31,p=0.75

    - Eq. 31, p=0.50

    Eq 31, p=0.25

    -- Eg. 31, p=O.O

    1 6


    1 2 !- ;:; 1 0

    t~c, ~6 8 f' "

    ~ j




    '"c, e~en 0

    '" -I:: J"0

    'u;v -2~





    + x




    30 60 90


    l! ;

    +~xo4 >

    o o


    30 60 90

    Joint orientation (13)

    Figure 7 (a) Experimental data and plots o f

    Equation 3], (b) Residuals.


    4.1 General

    Bagheripour & Mostyn (1996) modified Singh et al(1989) relationship for uniaxial compressive strength

    of throughgoing joints to:



    A=B. cos 3/2(j3min-(1)

    4.2 Unconfined compressive strength

    Equation 29 can be modified to allow for joint

    persistence. The following relation is proposed:

    (31 )


    B.p. cos 3/2(j3min-(1)Ap=1---------


    and B is a constant. It can be seen that when p-> IEquation 31 reduces to Equation 29 for throughgoing

    jointed rocks. On the other hand, whenp->O, Equation

    31 reduces to uei which is the strength of intact rock .

    A regression analysis of the experimental data about

    Equation 31 has been completed and the results are

    given in Table I. It should be noted that Oei and Bvalues obtained are the same as those obtained for

    testing throughgoing jointed rocks (Bagheripour &Mostyn 1996). The experimental data and Equation

    31 are shown in Figure 7a. It can also be seen that the

    effect of joint orientation decreases as the continuityratio decreases. Figure 7b shows a plot of the residuals

    which, although showing a small trend, indicate that

    the model provides a reasonable Iit ro the data. Furtherit can be seen that the empirical relation of Equation 31

    provides a better estimation of strength than the

    theoretical criterion of Equation 28.

    A contour plot of Equation 31 is presented in Figure 8.

    Table I Summary of the regression results using

    Equation 31.

    Parameters in Equa-tion 31

    43 Triaxial strength

    Hoek (1994) proposed the following modified relation

    for confined compressive strength of rock:

    UI-a3=(7r:i(m~3 + S ) { 1 (34)ct

    The authors have fitted this relationship to our datausing:


    s= 1 _ Bp(((1)Fp

    where F((1) is:t c,.a,

    f({J)=(cos 3/2((1l11in-(1)) +a;;- (36)


    (30)Regression analysis indicated that a is very close to

    unity, perhaps because the range of confining stresses

    in the lest program was too small 10 demonstrate a

    clearly curved failure envelope. Equation 34 has the

    following properties:

    when (73->0, it reduces to the already discussed

    Equation 31, defined for uniaxial strength.

    when p-.O, it reduces to the strength criterion forintact rock,

    28 8

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    Parameters in Equation 34

    Table 2 Summary of the regression results using Equation 34 .

    when a3--+0 and p--+O, it reduces to the uniaxial

    Compressive strength of intact rock, when p-eland a3--+0, it reduces to Equation 29for uniaxial compressive strength of throughgoing

    jointed rock.A regression analysis of the data about Equation 34was completed and resulted in the parameters given inTable 2.Equation 34 for a persistence equal 0.5 is plotted onFigure Figure 9a. Residuals are plotted on Figure 9b.It can be seen that the emprical relation of Equation 34reasonably defines the variation of the confinedstrength of the finite sized jointed rock samplesdeveloped and tested. The same good agreement was

    observed for persistences equal to 0.25,0.75.


    The strength of jointed rocks containing finite sizedJOtnts was investigated. The stress intensity factor and

    a(8)max theory of mixed mode loading were used toderive an equation to predict the fracture strengthvariation of a rock containing finite sized joints intenns of persistence and confining pressure. Therelation was shown to very similar to that introducedby Jaeger (1960) and Jaeger& Cook (1979) for thestrength prediction of thoughgoing jointed rocks.Unfortunately it did not predict the results of theexperimental program at all well. An empiricalrelation, that has been used to predict the strength of


    '"' ~6 :~

    ~ :b' ' C i~.;

    ' i I l 'i l I l


    JOin 15.eeto . Q,,~

    Denta' 'V>QtJOn 1/1)

    Figure 8 Contour of Equation 31 showing the

    effect of joint orientation and persistence.

    throughgoing jointed rocks was modified to account

    for joint persistence. The resulting relationshippredicted the results of uniaxial and triaxialcompression tests on the specimens containing singleinclined finite size joints far better than theory. The

    parameters are easily understood and determined.

    00.0 MPa

    x 3.0 MPa

    61.0 MPa 02.0 MPa

    :I: 4.0 MPa

    0 30 60 90

    - ; : ; -1.5 T

    c, I S ~ 0 x


    O~t x e 6Vl lL-eeli e ::J

    "U -0.5 II ; ; r ;'iji ~(l) _ I x

    c ::: 6 X 0-1.5

    0 30 60 90

    Joint orientation W )

    Figure 9 (a) Experimental data and plot of

    Equation 34 for p=0.5, (b) Residuals.




    A I '


    parameter of Equat ion 30

    constant of equation 31,33,36

    parameter of Equation 32

    persistence function

    persistenceconstants of Hoek & Brown criterion

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    C 1 constant of Equation 37

    C half the length of joint

    a , major principal stressa3 minor principal stress

    e p j joint friction angle

    Cj joint cohesion

    aci uniaxial compressive strength of intact rockacj uniaxial compressive strength of jointed rock

    f 3 joint orientation

    f3 m in value of particular orientation angle, f3 ,where the strength is a minimum

    K, stress intensity factor for mode I

    Ki f stress intensity factor for mode 1/

    e p j friction angle of joint (crack)

    () the angle between the crack extension and

    original crack direction.

    an normal compressive stressalj tensile strength of jointed rock

    T shear stress

    Te critical shear stress


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