Isolation and Mass Cultivation of Pigment Producing Bacteria

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Transcript of Isolation and Mass Cultivation of Pigment Producing Bacteria


INTENT:y To Isolate the Organism from the Source y To Purify and Obtain Axenic Culture y Maintenance of Axenic Culture y Characterization of the Organism(Physiological&

Biochemical) y Mass Multiplication of the Organism y Pigment Extraction(Solvent Extraction)

ISOLATION:y Source(Rhizosphere-Soil-1gm) y Serial Dilution y 10 -5 and 10-6

Kings B base Medium y Streak and Pour Plate y RESULT: Orange Coloured Colonies(Round, Raised, Mucoid )

PURIFICATION:y Single Colony Transferred in to Nutrient Agar y Quadrant Streaking y Single Colony to NA Slant

MAINTENANCE:y Colonies were Transferred to New NA Slants Every Two

Weeks and Maintained

CHARACTERIZATION:y PHYSIOLOGICAL(Gram ve, Rod, Non Motile) y BIOCHEMICAL(Catalase ve, Oxidase ve,

TSI test-Pink Colonies, Citrate ve, Indole Test +ve)

MASS CULTIVATION:y Pure Colonies From NA Slant y Inoculated in 250 ml of Nutrient Broth y Incubated in Rotary Shaker for Five Days at 37 degree