Iso Quant and Iso Cost

Isocost/Isoquant Analysis Prof. Anirban

Transcript of Iso Quant and Iso Cost

Page 1: Iso Quant and Iso Cost

Isocost/Isoquant Analysis

Prof. Anirban

Page 2: Iso Quant and Iso Cost

The Isocost/Isoquant Graph

The analyst creates a graph showing

various combinations of factors of

production that can produce a certain

amount of output.

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The Isocost/Isoquant Graph

More than 3 units of

machinery and more

than 4 units of labor

Less than 3 units of machinery and less than 4 units of labor

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The Isoquant Curve

Isoquant curve – a curve that represents

combinations of factors of production that

results in equal amounts of output.

A point on the isoquant curve is technically


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The Isoquant Curve

Labor Machines Pairs of Earrings

A 3 20 60

B 4 15 60

C 6 10 60

D 10 6 60

E 15 4 60

F 20 3 60

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The Isoquant Curve

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The Isoquant Curve

The isoquant curve is bowed inward

because of the law of diminishing marginal


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The Isoquant Curve

Marginal rate of substitution – the rate at

which one factor must be added to

compensate for the loss of another factor,

to keep output constant.

It is the slope of the isoquant curve.

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The Isoquant Curve

The absolute value of the slope at a point on the isoquant curve equals the ratio of the marginal productivity of labor to the marginal productivity of machines.

onsubstituti of rate Marginal





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The Isoquant Curve

Isoquant map – a set of isoquant curves

that show technically efficient combinations

of inputs that can produce different levels

of output.

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An Isoquant Map

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The Isocost Line

Isocost line – a line that represents

alternative combinations of factors of

production that have the same costs.

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The Isocost Line

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Choosing the Economically Efficient Point of Production

The least cost combination of inputs for a

given output occurs where the isocost

curve is tangent to the isoquant curve for

that output.

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Choosing the Economically Efficient Point of Production












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The slopes of the two curves are equal at

that point of tangency.

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Choosing the Economically Efficient Point of Production

The firm is operating efficiently when an

additional output per dollar spent on labor

equals the additional output per dollar

spent on machines.

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Combining Isoquant and Isocost Curves

Page 18: Iso Quant and Iso Cost

Isocost/Isoquant Analysis