Islam A Misunderstood Religion “One who submits”.

Islam A Misunderstood Religion “One who submits”

Transcript of Islam A Misunderstood Religion “One who submits”.

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A Misunderstood Religion

“One who submits”

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Monotheistic ReligionGod is referred to Allah- “elah” ‘a god‘Used 17 times in one page of Old TestamentCurrently has 1.2 Billion followersFastest Growing Religion--#1 soonFounder is the Prophet MuhammadScripture: Qur’an or KoranThree foundations:

Qu’ranMuhammadMuslim Community/Umma

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Muhammad and Qu’ran

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Qu’ran is comparable to Jesus for Christianity

Both are sacred

Foundational Source of Religion

Qu’ran—Almost the size of New Testament—114 suras/Chapters

Arabic ONLY-Direct words of Allah

Qu’ran means reading/recitation

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Prophet Muhammad

Born 570 AD—leading Mecca Tribe

Most perfect of all humans

NOT a god. Not son of God, etc.

Shepherd boy, orphaned, uncle

Married 40 yr old widow at age 25

6 children, long marriage

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Meditated, Spiritual Person610-Angel Gabriel appearedAsked to recite—Called Night of Power and ExcellenceWife was first to convert10 yrs—several hundred families360 shrines to many gods---Only ONEAdvocated for Social Justice and economic justiceHostility- Had to move to Yathrib (Medina)—Hijra—Eventually moved back to Mecca

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Abraham, Moses, Jesus—revealed truth—but not all. Muhammad revealed the rest. He was the final seal.

Christ=holy presence, Muhammad=delivered holy presence

Teachings called the Sunna (2nd)

Ascended heaven with Gabriel, saw Jesus, Moses, Abraham—in Allah’s presence.

Finally received Qu’ran brought it down to earth

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One God-AllahProphets are Messengers of AllahWe are good, but we forgetThere is a hell. You do wrong, you go there.Day of Judgment

Savior figure similar to Jewish MessiahThen Jesus will return to usher this Judgment

Science is embraced as way to know Allah’s world

Umma, Muslim communityIdeal, not always realizedDivine law, Shari’a


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Five Pillars of Islam

Confession of Faith—Shahada

Prayer- Five times a day, Prostration

Fasting-Ramadan(9th month)

NO eating, drinking, sex, or smoking


Pilgrimage (Hajj)Ka’ba-built by Abraham

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Personal/Social Life

Care of the bodyClean, washing, not overly seductive or luxurious. Attractive/fashinable clothes Ok

Three joys: prayer, company of women, perfume(reminder of paradise)

Regulation of Diet—No pork, alcohol

Sex only in marriage

Marry early, no dating, traditional arranged marriages—Legal first then love grows

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Bothered by accusation of male chauvinism

Men and woman as equal, but different roles

Most central institution: family

Divorce-3 times (detested but allowed)

Polygamy—limited, but allowed

Veil- Hijab

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Imam-one who has special spiritual insight