Ises 2013 day 3 - janet swim (professor of psychology, penn state) - the psychology of climate...

Teaching the Choir to Sing: Encouraging discourse about climate change Janet Swim Pennsylvania State University Done in collaboration with John Fraser New Knowledge Network Funded through NSF CCEP II John Anderson and William Spitzer PIs


Can We Change Our Minds To Think More Sustainably? Climate change challenges our world in many ways, yet we have barely started to address this problem. Why are we not doing more about this? Climate change is a psychological challenge, psychological barriers limit individual and collective action on climate change. Can we be nudged into acting differently?

Transcript of Ises 2013 day 3 - janet swim (professor of psychology, penn state) - the psychology of climate...

  • 1. Teaching the Choir to Sing: Encouraging discourse about climate change Janet Swim Pennsylvania State University Done in collaboration with John Fraser New Knowledge Network Funded through NSF CCEP II John Anderson and William Spitzer PIs

2. Richard Alley: Even Pugh Professor of Geosciences at Penn State Its RealIts Real Its Real Its Real! 3. Conversations are Important 4. Why isnt the public talking about it? Literal denial? No, most believe in climate change and have for over a decade Denial of human responsibility? No, most perceive humans or humans and nature cause climate change Denial of importance? No, most are at least cautious, if not concerned or alarmed 5. Climate change is not perceived as the most important problem. 1/2 6. Psychological explanations l Uncertainty and unsophisticated knowledge about climate change l Status quo bias l Lack of perceived self and personal self-efficacy l Avoidance of disturbing emotions 7. Social factors 8. Conversational Norms Few social spaces where climate change is considered relevant or appropriate 9. Spiral of silence: Underestimate public concern 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Own belief Meta-perceptions Swim, Fraser, & Rank (2013) 10. Our Research on Spiral of silence Public unconcerned Hope about ability to discuss Willingness to talk (Geiger & Swim, 2013) Told High vs. low concern among others Concerned Appear incompetent Willingness to talk 11. Breaking silence at Informal Science learning centers 12. ISLs Ideal location to talk about climate change 13. Yet educators are not fully talking Never Occasionally Somewhat often Very Often Always 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent frequency of saying all wanted to say about climate change Swim & Fraser, 2013 14. Professional norms Two possible pictures 15. Self-presentation concerns Looking stupid Afraid of hostility Afraid of disinterest 16. Teaching Choir to Sing 17. Teach interpreters how to frame messages resulting in Increase knowledge of strategic framing Increase communications skills Increase Hope (agency and a plan) Provide continual support Build a community of practice Increase climate literacy among Interpreters Those connected to Interpreters Aquarium Visitors Climate Change Communication Goals 18. Study circles building to a community of Practice Work Dyad 1 Work Dyad 2 Work Dyad 3 Work Dyad 4 Bi-Annual training of interpreters 19. Focus on shared values & strengths at local level q Responsible management, Innovation, Future legacy Use organizing principles q Interdependence of life Metaphors that communicate core physical processes Strategic framework: Training by 20. Larger Choir Russian Choir of 4,335 in Saint Petersburg 21. Visitors/ Guests Community of Practice Work Dyad 1 Work Dyad 2 Work Dyad 3 Work Dyad 4 Social Radiation 22. Trainees Visitors/ Guests Community of Practice Work Dyad 1 Work Dyad 2 Work Dyad 3 Work Dyad 4 Social Radiation 23. Friends Conservation Colleagues Trainees Visitors/ Guests Community of Practice Work Dyad 1 Work Dyad 2 Work Dyad 3 Work Dyad 4 Social Radiation 24. Friends Conservation Colleagues Trainees Visitors/ Guests Community of Practice Community at Large Work Dyad 1 Work Dyad 2 Work Dyad 3 Work Dyad 4 Social Radiation 25. Phase 1: Effects of training Certain Knowledge Personal hope 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Peer means Recalled pre-training emotions Post training emotions 26. Friends Peers 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 Correlations Certainty knowledge r = .001 r = .52** Post-training Hope r = .16 r = .62** t(28) = 3.96, p < .001 Post-training discussions