Ischemic heart disease

Coronary heart disease Impaired cardiac function due to inadequate coronary circulation

Transcript of Ischemic heart disease

Coronary heart disease

Impaired cardiac function due to inadequate

coronary circulation

Commonest cause- CAD

End result of accumulation of atheromatous plaques in

coronary arteries

Non-atherosclerotic causes Coronary vasospasm- Prinzmetal angina Cardiac syndrome X- common in women Severe LV hypertrophy Severe aortic stenosis or regurgitation Congenital coronary artery anomaly Coronary artery emboli/dissection Increased cardiac demand- tachycardia,

anemia, hyperthyroidism

Risk factors for atherosclerosis Non-modifiable- age, sex, family history Modifiable- Smoking Hypercholesterolemia- LDL, lipoprotein a Hypertension- systolic > diastolic Hyperglycemia- diabetes mellitus Type A behaviour- stress High fibrinogen, factor VII Hyperhomocysteinemia Obesity, sedentary lifestyle CRI

Pathophysiology Atherosclerosis is nearly universal & starts before

adulthood, leading to plaque formation Plaques cause narrowing of coronary arteries Stable plaque causes predictable angina Unstable plaque ruptures, activating clotting system &

thrombus formation, that impairs coronary blood flow causing unstable angina or MI

MI heals with scarring, causing impairing contractility & increasing stiffness, leading to HF- acute/chronic

Ischemic areas & scars are prone to cause ventricular arrythmias, leading to sudden death

Manifestations Asymptomatic Angina- Acute- unstable- unpredictable Chronic- stable- predictable Myocardial infarction- Non ST elevated- NSTEMI ST elevated- STEMI Acute LVF Ischemic cardiomyopathy- CHF Sudden cardiac death

Clinical presentation Angina pectoris- Precordial/retrosternal/epigastric pain Described as tightness, squeezing, choking, indigestion Duration- <20 mins Radiation to left arm, shoulder, jaw Precipitated by exertion, stress, meal, cold, sex Relieved by rest or sublingual nitroglycerin Associated SOB, sweating, nausea, dizziness/syncope Unstable angina- Angina at rest, new-onset, more severe, increased frequency Myocardial infarction- Duration- >20 mins, not relieved by NTG

Evaluation Examination- HR, BP,

±S3/S4, murmur of MR Ix- Disease- ECG-ST elevation/depression, CxR,

Stress test- TMT/radionuclide/ECHO, ECHO- regional wall-motion abnormality, Coronary angiography- CT or conventional, ±IVUS

Risk factors- FBS, lipid profile, creatinine Precipitating factors- Hb, TSH

TMT- Treadmill test Bruce protocol- Increases treadmill speed & elevation every 3 minutes Indication- To confirm diagnosis of angina & determine severity To assess prognosis in patients with known CAD Screen those at high risk of CAD Interpretation- >1 mm flat or downsloping ST depression Severe disease- >2 mm depression, <6 mins. of exercise,

HR <70% predicted for age & hyper/hypotension

Coronary angiography For definitive diagnosis of CAD Indication- if PTCA/CABG an option- Limiting stable angina on adequate medical Rx High-risk disease- ACS or high-risk TMT Concomitant aortic valve disease Older patients undergoing valve surgery Recurrence of angina after PTCA/CABG Cardiac failure with surgically correctable lesion Survivors of SCD or VT Chest-pain or cardiomyopathy of unknown etiology

Treatment Medical- Aspirin- anti-thrombotic-1° & 2° prevention β-blockers- decrease cardiac workload- 2° prevention Statins- plaque stabilization & reduction- 2° prevention ACEI- cardiac remodelling- MI/HF Percutaneous- PTCA ± stent placement Bypass- CABG Experimental- Angiogenic growth factors- FGF-1, VEGF Stem-cell therapy Risk factor modification

Risk factor modification Quit smoking Control HT Control DM Control LDL Reduce stress Reduce weight Active lifestyle

Complication Recurrent ischemia- more after NSTEMI than STEMI Arrythmia- bradycardia, AV block, VT Shock- urgent PCI, ± IABP support Acute MR/VSD- supportsurgical correction Myocardial rupture- kills Heart failure- diuretics, nitrates, dobutamine Aneurysm- surgery, if required Mural thrombus ± embolization-


Chronic stable angina Angina occuring predictably on exertion &

relieved by rest or sublingual NTG Normal troponin & CK-MB ECG- Resting ECG- normal During anginal episode-

>1 mm ST depression ± T wave flattening/inversion (ST elevation seen in Prinzmetal angina)

ECHO- for RWMA & LVEF Exercise testing- TMT Coronary angiography, if indicated

Treatment Sublingual NTG- for acute pain Prevention of attacks- Treat/avoid aggravating factors Aspirin (alternative- clopidogrel) Statins β-blockers ± long-acting nitrates ± CCB Risk factor modification

Revascularization Indication- Symptomatic despite adequate medical Rx Left main coronary artery stenosis Triple vessel disease with LVEF <50% Unstable angina Post-MI angina or +ve TMT Modalities- PCI- with stent- bare metal/drug eluting- placement CABG- preferred for L main/TVD with low


Acute coronary syndrome- ACS Unstable angina & myocardial infarction Unstable angina- cardiac markers- normal Angina at rest, new-onset, more severe, increased frequency With ST depression on ECG & normal Trop-T/I or CK-MB Myocardial infarction- cardiac markers- high Angina- lasts longer & not responsive to S/L NTG Rise of cardiac biomarkers- Trop-T/I & CK-MB With ECG changes- new Q waves/LBBB,

non-ST elevated-NSTEMI or ST elevated-STEMI

ECHO- new loss of viable myocardium or new RWMA

Recoverable myocardium

Hibernating- chronic ischemiaStunned- post-MI

Evaluation- ECHO

Treatment of NSTE ACS Admit- rest, monitoring, ?oxygen Aspirin- 325 mg Clopidogrel- 300 mg stat75 mg OD Anticoagulation- UFH/LMWH Nitrates- for symptomatic relief β-blockers- as tolerated CCB- as add-on to nitrates & β-blockers Statins GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors- for intended early cath/PCI or

for high-risk patients- eptifibatide, tirofiban, abciximab

Indication for early angiography

All patients with ACS, except those with normal stress test-


STEMI Common in early morning ~1/2 have preceding angina- ignored 1/3rd without chest-pain,

specially diabetics e/o HF- poor prognosis Trop T/I- early MI, CK-MB- reinfarction

Treatment Admit- rest, morphine, ?oxygen, monitoring Aspirin + Clopidogrel β- blockers- early, if no contraindications ACEI- early, if no hypotension Statins Reperfusion-

within 12 hours of onset, sooner the better Options- for reperfusion 1° angioplasty- with stenting & GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors Thrombolyt ic therapy- streptokinase, alteplase, tenecteplase-

followed by anticoagulation x 7 days

Post-infarction- no angiography

No complicationsPreserved LVEF >50%

No exercise induced ischemia

Major differences Unstable angina- Trop T/I & CK-MB- normal Rx- Asp + Clopidogrel + UFH/LMWH ± GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors Early coronary angiography- Dx & Rx NSTEMI- Trop T/I & CK-MB- raised Rx- as for unstable angina Early coronary angiography STEMI- Trop T/I & CK-MB- raised Rx- Asp ± Clopidogrel + 1° PCI/Thrombolysis No angiography- post-MI normal LVEF & normal stress test