Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children?

European Urology European Urology 42 (2002) 607±613 Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children? $ Paul Sauvage * , Franc Ëois Becmeur, Raphae Èl Moog, Isabelle Kauffmann Service de Chirurgie Infantile, CHU Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France Accepted 30 April 2002 Abstract Aim: To determine the long-term results of ureterocele repair, bearing in mind the relative rarity of the malformation, its very polymorphic appearance and the diversity of treatments. Materials and Methods: Long-term results were assessed by postoperative follow-up of 126 children with 131 ureteroceles between 1970±2000. Results: With a mean follow-up of 72 months, only 64.2% of children were cured after a one-stage procedure. According to the anatomical type, favourable results were obtained in 81.6% of cases with a single ureter and 57.9% of cases with a duplicated ureter. Treatment success rates for single or duplicated ureters were 73% in the case of intravesical implantation and only 53.9% (34/63 children) in ectopic forms. According to the technique, cure rates were 67.6% after distal incision in 34 children, 61.9% after total nephrectomy or upper pole nephrectomy in 42 children, 50% after ureterocele repair and ureterovesical reimplantation in 20 patients, 75% after total resection of the pathological ureter, parietal reconstruction and ipsilateral and/or contralateral reimplantation in another 20 patients. Conclusions: A one-stage procedure is only able to cure 2/3 of patients. In view of the tendency to progressive regression of often monstrous distensions during the neonatal period, ®rst-line treatment should consist of a distal incision, followed, in the case of recurrent infections, by partial or total nephrectomy, while reserving the intravesical approach to cases with recurrent pyelonephritis. When this surgery is performed on older children or adolescents, the ureteroceles will be smaller with a lower risk of sphincter damage. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ureterocele; Uropathy; Treatments; Results; Neonate; Child 1. Introduction Ureterocele is an abnormal dilatation of the terminal portion of a single ureter or, more frequently, the upper- pole ureter of a duplicated ureter with ectopic or normal implantation. The site and dimensions of the vesical or vesicourethral implantation of the ureterocele determine the abnormalities of anastomosis of the homologous and contralateral tracts responsible for dilatation and/or massive re¯ux. The degree of urinary tract distension appears to be totally independent of the functional capacities of the corresponding kidney or renal segment and the presence or absence of renal dysgenesis. A large range of treatment options have been pro- posed in view of the extreme variety of urological lesions observed. Total or partial resections have been replaced by minimally invasive surgery, and more conservative endoscopic procedures, often modulated according to the type of lesion, the child's age and general state at the time of the diagnosis and current practices. Although the principles of treatment remain simple: more or less complete resection of the pathological urinary tract, treatment of re¯ux, possibly associated with resection of the ureterocele, conservative surgery or watchful waiting, the practical modalities and opera- tive timing appear to be very variable and need to be more clearly de®ned and validated. The treatment and long-term follow-up of this highly polymorphous uropathy by or under the super- vision of the same surgeon has led to the question: can $ French version of this paper is published in Progre Ás en Urologie 2002;12:443±9. * Corresponding author. Tel. 33-3-88-12-72-93; Fax: 33-3-88-12-72-95. E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Sauvage). 0302-2838/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0302-2838(02)00436-0

Transcript of Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children?

Page 1: Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children?

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Page 2: Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children?

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Page 3: Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children?

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Page 6: Is One-Stage Ureterocele Repair Possible in Children?

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