Is Earth Overpopulated

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  • 7/30/2019 Is Earth Overpopulated


    Is Earth Overpopulated? Lets Look at Facts

    Instead Of Recycled Green Propaganda!

    There are too many people in the world.

    This is a common statement I see on forums and comment pages, hear in conversions andpseudo-debates in bars and with friends. When I actually ask them to explain their position theirlogic reveals itself to be circular. That is, its just obvious, isnt it?

    Now I happen to know the majority of people do not actually think. They react to stimuli, likelab rats. In fact, Id go so far as to say that the majority of the positions the unwashed masses

    have are actually imprinted by the State and Corporate Media, and at no point actually reflect

    conclusions brought by their own investigation and research.

    Again, excuses spill forth. I dont have time for that, Ive got better things to do, Im not


    (And people wonder why I am a misanthropist.)

    So, in this little article I want to touch briefly on the subject of overpopulation. Ive seen this

    come up on articles talking about the biofuels scam contributing to mass starvation in developing

    countries, and increasing wealth stripping from developed ones. But no matter, reducing C02(that pesky gas responsible for enabling photosynthesis, and which constitutes about 35 parts in

    100,000 of the atmosphere) is more important than millions of lives. Why? Because that box in

    your living room said so.

    Yeah well there are too many people in the world anyway.

    The conversations Ive experienced regarding population are generallybased on emotions and

    imprinted statements, not logic, research and critical thinking. But television use destroys critical

    thinking, so I expect nothing less.

    Why do people subscribe to the overpopulation position so easily? Apart from the issue of

    imprinting, there is the issue of location. Increasingly, more and more people are living in urbancentres, which by definition are built up, densely populated areas.
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    These people look out of their windows and see nothing but flats, houses and more people. So

    they assume they are too many people. Because right in front of them, are a lot of people. Just

    look at thismap of London.

    Again, it shows lack of thinking. If they livedhere, their initial opinion may be a bit different.

    The final issue is based on the television again, and the images of poverty stricken third world

    nations. No food, no clean water, abject desolation. Somehow people assume that it is because of

    population. Third world birthrates are the highest in the world, but there is a reason for that Illget to later (and Neo-Malthusians ignore.)

    Anyway, lets look at the statement the world is overpopulated. First we need to get somenumbers.

    The current population is approx. 6.5 billion. The Earths land mass is approx. 148,940,000 sqkm of which an estimate ofone eighthis comfortably habitable, according to Wikipedia. I think

    that is a bit conservative, but whatever, lets go with it.

    This leaves 18,617,500 sq km (148,940,000 / that us horrible peasants can burden Gaia with.

    We now need to come up with a general area which is comfortable, per home. We can start with

    average areas for urban living. That would be, in flats. Not quite likethese, lets pick something

    bigger. How aboutthis place? Two bedrooms, two bathrooms. (660,000 by the way) and about

    896 sq ft (lets say 900 sq ft, Im feeling generous.) No garden or anything, so no growing yourown produce. Leave that to the centralised corporations. Cant have people independent of the

    Corporate State now can we.

    Current avg. living space = 900 sq ft (for two people.) We should reduce it for an individual. Solets say 650 sq ft per serf.

    Now lets look at anacreand connect it to a square kilometer. (Youll see why in a minute.)

    1 sq km = 247 acres.1 acre = 43, 560 sq ft.

    43, 650 / 650 = approx. 66 people per acre. We of course, are not considering multi-level

    complexes. In which case 650 sq ft could accommodate more. Two floors would of course,

    double the number of people per plot. But lets keep this simple for now.

    But seeing as Im a nice Master of the World, lets give people more space. 66 per acre is stingy.

    Lets say 16 homes per acre. No, lets make it 12. (More room to grow food, have cute little

    streets and the like.)

    1 acre = 43, 560 sq ft / 12 = 3, 630 sq ft per person. Pretty generous Id say. Less would enablemore other spaces, parks, communal fields and whatnot.,-0.109692&spn=0.037496,0.10952&t=k&z=14,-0.109692&spn=0.037496,0.10952&t=k&z=14,-0.109692&spn=0.037496,0.10952&t=k&z=14,-0.109692&spn=0.037496,0.10952&t=k&z=14
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    So, 12 people per acre. 247 acres per sq km. 12 * 247 = 2,964 homes per sq km.

    With 18,617,500 sq km of habitable area on this beautiful planet, multiplied by 2,964 (homes persquare kilometer) = 55,182,270,000

    Whats that? 55.1 billion homes? 55.1 billion big homes that is, not dingy little flats that theelites like to give us serfs in thepanopticons urban centres. If we were going to use those hive

    holes, the capacity would be more like:

    50 flats per acre * 247 = 16,302 per sq km. * (again by lets say, 5 floors) = 81,510 flats. Lets

    reduce that to 70,000 flats because Im a nice guy.

    We then multiply 70,000 by 18,617,500 to get the max capacity of flats on Earth.

    That number is 1,303,225,000,000 flats. 1.3 trillion. Approximately 200 times the current level.

    In reality of course, that would be impossible to sustain (or even reach). So lets go back to themuch lower capacity of 55.1 billion homes.

    Remember, 55.1 billion plots of land at approx 3,000 sq ft each. Quite nice. Building smaller,

    (and upwards) results in more land to cultivate. It can also increase the capacity of people per

    household, something to be expected, considering the majority of homes are occupied by

    families. To say 70% of homes contain families is fair I think, considering data fromUKNational Statistics. Family would be three or four people. Lets say three.

    While we are at it, lets reduce the number of available homes 75%. More space for the childrento play in, play football, have picnics and stuff.)

    55,100,000,00041,325,000,000 = 13,775,000,000 homes.

    Still twice the current population. Now lets factor in families. 70% ofthe homes would contain

    families of three or four, as birthrates in developed nations drop as they industrialise, hence thecurrentreplacement of Western populationswith immigrants by the State.

    Underestimating again, well stick with families of three. 70% of 13,7 billion is 9,642,500,000.Multiply that by three people per home and you arrive at 28,927,500,000 people in 70%. Add the

    singles (mostly feminists, probably) in;

    28,927,500,000 + 4,132,500,000 = 33,060,000,000 people.

    You can halve that again and still be at about twice current levels. Another way of looking at it


    Thus, only about one eighth of each imaginary plot of land distributed to each person is land

    which is under cultivation. In effect, each person has a piece of land about 26,000 square feet (a
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    square 161 feet on each side or just a bit more than an acre) at his or her disposal on which to

    grow all that he or she needs.Surface Area of the Earth


    The reality is that there is plenty of space and the biosphere is more than capable of providingfood for the worlds current population. The distribution of the worlds wealth and power is the

    real problem.

    The report found the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total of global assets.

    Half the worlds adult population, however, owned barely 1% of global wealth. The Guardian

    It is in the interests of the global elite to keep the third world destitute. Allowing them to develop

    (to industrialise) would present competition to their global hegemony. Wiping out the negro

    race is also part of their eugenics agenda, as stated by the founder of Planned Parenthood,Margaret Sanger;

    On blacks, immigrants and indigents:human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning human beings who never should have been

    born. Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor peopleQuotes

    fromMargaret Sanger.

    While Planned Parenthoods current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics

    and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figuredprominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such

    articles as Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics (June 1920), The Eugenic Conscience

    (February 1921), The purpose of Eugenics (December 1924), Birth Control and Positive

    Eugenics (July 1925), Birth Control: The True Eugenics (August 1928), and many others.The Truth About Margaret Sanger.

    Planned Parenthood of both Idaho and Ohio accepts money from a donor who openly shares his

    racist agenda to lower the number of Blacks in America.

    Henry Kissingers NSSM 200 (1974) also had a fair bit to say about population control, thethreat of developing nations and the need to control them;

    NSSM 200 similarly concluded that the United States was threatened by population growth inthe former colonial sector. It paid special attention to 13 key countries in which the United

    States had a special political and strategic interest: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia,

    Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. Itclaimed that population growth in those states was especially worrisome, since it would quickly

    increase their relative political, economic, and military strength.
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    A second measure was curtailing food supplies to targetted states, in part to force compliance

    with birth control policies: There is also some established precedent for taking account of

    family planning performance in appraisal of assistance requirements by AID [U.S. Agency forInternational Development] and consultative groups. Since population growth is a major

    determinant of increases in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take

    account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. Inthese sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid theappearance of coercion.NSSM 200SCHILLER INSTITUTE

    Neo-Malthusians are an adjunct, a limb of the elites agenda for control over the human race.

    Population, like any chaotic system cannot be accurately modelled without using differential

    equations (as far as I know.) There are a huge number of variables that affect the outcome. As

    the initial values change (as a sum of the previous iteration of equations) all of the variableschange again. That is why they use simplified computer models. (Difference equations, which

    use a quantised input.) These models which can be distorted with the greatest of ease.

    Still, they churn out graphs and pie charts to convince the masses of whatever they want them tobelieve.

    The myth of overpopulation represents merely another Dialectical Framework to convince the

    masses of greater State control over their lives, another myth would be anthropogenic global

    warming. In fact the two tie together quite nicely. The overpopulation scam being a foundationalposition for the C02 scam.

    Carbon Cult sickos are under fire for an interactive website that tells children they should diebecause they emit CO2The Register.

    Two birds with one stone, as they say. Remember, this article is not some peer-reviewedmasterpiece, just a bit of simple maths exploring the subject of population.

    For more information regarding the elites depopulation agenda (too big a subject for this article)

    I suggest watching Alex Jones Endgame. You can view ithere.

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  • 7/30/2019 Is Earth Overpopulated


    7 Responses toIs Earth Overpopulated? Lets Look at Facts Instead Of Recycled

    Green Propaganda!


    February 28, 2011 at 18:02

    This is a crazy, over-simplified argument. Even if we can physically fit 50 billion people,

    they will all want food, cars, consumer goods, freedom to be individuals etc. If we cant

    manage the planet effectively on current population levels how on earth do you expect usto cope with a huge rise? The world is home to more than just humans and you seem to

    have forgotten that, without biodiversity the planet will be a sterile and increasingly sick

    place. Human population control is necessary for any quality of life for all earths

    organisms, if we were not destructive, greedy and short-sighted then it might be ok, butthe truth is that most of us take no responsibility for our actions.

    oNeil F

    February 28, 2011 at 18:20

    Shill alert!

    oFresh Air From Afar

    March 1, 2011 at 02:54

    While I agree with the article insomuch as the over-population line seems verymuch to be repeated by unthinking, uncritical people doing no research, as well as

    thinking people, doing little research, and that it is used by the eugenicists to

    brainwash us into accepting eugenics and self-loathing to a degree, I also agree

    with your point about over-simplification and the Earth being home to otheranimals and life/biodiversity also.

    The main problems with the over-population/population control measures arethus: firstly medical advances and the propagation of fighting aging as if it were

    some unnatural enemy and millenia of dogma and indoctrination from the Church,

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    for example, causing a profound fear of death, coupled with current laws against

    euthanasia, keeping aged or sick people alive unnaturally long, oft times against

    their will, seem to be counter to a more natural death to birth rate(just my opinion,others will disagree). I agree with the right for someone to say(with relative sound

    mind), thats it, Im done, pull the plug, whereas in other cases, there should be a

    consensus from family and/or state intervention/court case where circumstancesare conspicuous, say in an instance of a fat will or other motives for next of kinwanting to pull the plug.

    Aside from that, the other main problem is this, mass-genocide, direct or

    indirect if such a thing exists, is an obvious (final) solution to population-

    control. Would you do it? Volunteer you, your family and loved ones as a lead-

    by-example? That is what the elitists want, and they are the very ones who are thereal problem in the nothing short of psychopathic, sick distribution of wealth on

    this planet that is the real problem as the article mentions, coupled with

    suppression of beneficial technologies that would stabilize human existence on

    this fair Earth, such as the water-powered car for instance.

    In short, the hypocritical elitist eugenicists are the ones causing the problems, andpropagating the solutions at the same time.

    Solution: Expose and strip the power from Gods Chosen People the eliteunstable element of the human race, zionist/eugenicist/elitist etcetera and route

    out corruption from human society such as medical/pharmaceutical and

    educational institutions as well as the entertainment industry and mass media

    that warps true beauty/human relationships and our sexual natures to the point ofperversion and downright immorality, and I include the Churches truly warped

    teachings of the human body and sexual attitudes in that also.

    Educate people/children in areas of self respect and self-control(not indoctrination

    but genuine self-discipline for individual benefit, coupled with natural self-

    expression in the pursuit of harmony/balance.) This would with great effort and

    time, as all worthwhile things require, greatly help to right the imbalance, or helpbetter human life and development here on Earth. Finally, some form of

    philosophical/spiritual teaching would be helpful in freeing people as best is

    possible from the often prevalent stereotypically western fear ofdeath/unknown.(Not so easily done I admit).

    For examplePeace


    February 28, 2011 at 23:52

  • 7/30/2019 Is Earth Overpopulated


    Ive always figured overpopulation to be the biggest lie next to Global Warming!


    March 1, 2011 at 00:06

    I think the point was that it is not so critical if better managed . Not sure how accuratethis is but remember hearing somewhere , national geographic maybe , that the worlds

    population would fit standing, but not touching each other into the state of Texas, or

    layed together would fit into loche nesse ??? enjoy this site keep up the good work

    dave in ozz