Is AngularJS good for building a CMS platform?

Is AngularJS good for building a CMS Platform?

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Is AngularJS good for building a

CMS Platform?

Angular JS is a framework especially designed to meet the Front End Development.

It can be used to build the front end of the CMS and its data models, application logic and data layer logic.

It has lately become the most preferred framework to build web applications.

It is fast and highly scalable and very object oriented. And because it is JavaScriptbased, it is easier to extend capabilities later when applications are developed with Angular JS.

It makes your front end smarter and reduces the load on the back end functionality.

But I would suggest a blend for the back end purpose like  Node.JS for the backend and Angular JS for the front end.

No doubt Angular JS is very popular among web developers for creating applications, but an entire CMS platform will require a little more.

It cannot handle the raw data resource and web requests, so I suggest using Angular JS with GIT CMS.

What are the benefits of Angular JS for CMS


Angular JS Directives

They are very handy and offers convenience in the development process.

This, creating a CMS with Angular JS is easier for web developers.

 You could blend it with REST API for high quality results and integration of desired functionality.

his way you can drive the data storage to the RESTful backend.

It is very good for templating CMS systems.

Good for Administration InterfaceIt is works wonders for admin interface.

It is actual user facing side is best suited for a traditional server rendered model.

It offers functionalities that include two way binding and thus it is really suitable for administration interface.

Whatever changes you make in the backend will automatically take place in the code.

This makes the process of user admins also very convenient.Offers Appealing Front End

When you are using Angular JS as a server side framework for building a CMS platform, you can be sure that you have a very interactive front end.

It offers absolutely contemporary functionalities for web application development.

Advantages of Angular JS

Avails TemplatesUser Friendly InterfaceCross Platform TechnologySuitable for Single Page Application DevelopmentSupported by Google & Great Developer CommunitySupported by IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio .NET IDEs

What are the drawbacks?

SEO is the biggest drawback in development with Angular JS technology.

But the core problem lies in usage of the standard in the URL versus the Angular HTML5mode.

If you install the HTML5 code, then the pages will have indexing without using any tools.

But you can use tools like Pretender for integrating better SEO features in Angular built front end.Originally Published on -